Grade : X

Semester : 1

|No |Material |Speaking Skills |Activity |Vocabulary/ Sentence Forms |

| | |Affective |Cognitive |Psychomotor | | |

|1 |How to Know Others |Students are motivated to have |Students are able to acquire |Students are able to response to |Group discussion of formal an informal |Hi my name is.. |

| | |some new friends |some utterances of introduction |some utterances dealing with knowing|introduction |Good morning I’m John Campbell |

| | |Students are confident to speak| |others |Role play: grouping the students to |How do you do? |

| | | | | |perform in front of the class |Nice to meet you! |

| | | | | | |Addressing: Mrs/Mr/Ms |

| | | | | | |Good morning Mr. Tim |

| | | | | | |Hi Ronald! |

| | | | | | |What’s your name again? |

|2 |Personal Identification |Students are ready to fill CV |Students are able to give the |Students are able to response |writing down the Curriculum Vitae of each |What’s your complete name? |

| | |correctly |correct answer dealing with |correctly to the questions about |student |How do you spell your name? |

| | |Students are confident to |their personal identity |personal identity |Group discussion |Where are you from? |

| | |answer some question about | | |Making question and answer |What’s your address? |

| | |themselves | | | |Where do you go to school? |

| | | | | | |When/where were you born? |

| | | | | | |How old are you? |

| | | | | | |Are you married or single? |

| | | | | | |What is your nationality? |

| | | | | | |What is your favorite food? |

| | | | | | |Etc |

|3 |How to Introduce Others |Students are motivated to |Students are able to understand |Students are able to perform and |Group discussion |Let me introduce you with my friend Lisa |

| | |introduce their friends to the |some questions about introducing|response some questions about |Role Play: Performing some situations |I want to introduce you with my friend, Lisa |

| | |others |others |introducing others | |This is my brother |

| | | | | | |That is my sister |

|4 |Meeting Friends |Students are confident to speak|Students are able to give answer|Students are able to practice and |Role play: performing asking about |Hi how are you? |

| | |if they meet their friend in |and greet their friends |perform some greetings to their |condition |How are you doing? |

| | |anywhere | |friends correctly | |How’s life? |

| | | | | | |How’s it going? |

| | | | | | |How have you been? |

| | | | | | |How’s everything? |

|5 |Asking and Giving Opinion |Students are aware to express |Students are able to use the |Students are able to response to |Discussing some topics |How do you think about Tawangmangu? |

| | |their opinion. |form of sentences correctly |some statements spontaneously |Expressing each student’s idea by using |What do you think about the president? |

| | |Students are confident to speak|Students are able to use some |Students are able to response to |cards |What do you say about the president |

| | |up their opinion |particular vocabulary to express|some statements correctly | |What’s your opinion about our president? |

| | | |their opinion | | | |

|6 |How does She Look Like? |Students are confident to show |Students are able to describe |a. Students are able to make a brief|a. Group discussion about appearance |a. How does she/he look like/ |

| | |their characteristics |their own characteristics |description about themselves |b. Describing other friends’ appearance by|b. Is he beautiful? |

| | | | |b. Students are able to make a brief|making guessing |c. Is he handsome? |

| | | | |description about others |c. Drawing someone’s appearance |d. Lola is young, beautiful and she has long hair. |

| | | | | | |e. Betty has round face and short wavy hair |

| | | | | | |f. Sandra has an oval face |

| | | | | | |g. Tom is young and cute |

|7 |How is She Like? |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to tell some |a. Students are able to use the form|a. Making questions and answers about |How is she/he like? |

| | |about some personality traits |personality traits |of sentences correctly |personality |She is good girl |

| | | | |b.Students are able to tell others’ |b. Making a guest about personality trait |Some adjectives; fussy,stingy, calm, friendly, flirt, handsome,|

| | | | |personality | |tall, big,..and so on |

|8 |Comparison and Superlative |Students feel confident to make|Students are able to use the |Students are able to make comparison|Finding the similarities and differences |Yulia is taller than Dewi |

| | |comparison and superlative |form of comparison and | |among the students. |Anto is more diligent than Fahri |

| | |among them |superlative |Students are able to use superlative|Group discussion about comparison and |Putri is the slimmest from all the girls |

| | | | | |superlative |Rani is the most diligent of all |

|9 |Hobbies |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to recognize |Students are able to response |Asking and answering about hobbies |What’s your hobby? |

| | |about hobbies |some hobbies and the meaning of |question about hobbies |Looking for information about the variance|What do you like to do in your spare time? |

| | | |hobbies |Students are able to describe about |of hobbies in the class |What do you usually do for relaxing? |

| | | | |a hobby | |What’s your favorite thing to do? |

|10 |Family |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to describe |Students are able to give response |Drawing family tree |What’s your father’s name? |

| | |about family |about family members |to some questions and utterances |Describing the family tree |What’s your mother’s name? |

| | |Students are motivated to |Students are able to recognize |about family |Asking and answering about family |Do you have sister/brother? |

| | |introduce their family |some names of family bound |Students are able to describe about | |How many sisters/brothers do you have? |

| | | | |their family members correctly | |How many uncles do you have? |

| | | | | | |How many aunts do you have? |

| | | | | | |How many children do your parents have? |

| | | | | | |How many children do your grandparents have? |

|11 |Fashion and Clothing |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to recognize |Students are able to response the |Making description about fashion from the |What do you wear everyday? |

| | |about fashion |some clothing |questions about fashion and |pictures given. |What does she/he wear to the party? |

| | |Students are confident to |Students are able to describe |clothing. |Making guess about some famous person’s | |

| | |describe about fashion style |about fashion and clothing |Students are able to make long |style | |

| | | | |description about someone’s style | | |

|12 |Places |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to recognize |Students are able to response to the|Making questions and answers about the |Is there any hotel in Karanganyar? |

| | |about some places |some different public places |questions about places. |existence of the places. |Are there any hotels in Karanganyar? |

| | | |Students are able to describe |Students are able to describe about |Making guess about places |Places; Bus station, school, post office, Police office, |

| | | |the places |places | |shopping mall, coffee shop, and so on. |

|13 |Walk up and Drive along |Students are interested to |Students are able to recognize |Students are able to give right |Drawing map from school to houses |Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the hotel from here? |

| | |recognize their surroundings |some instructions about giving |response about giving direction |Role play; performing the dialog |Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest hotel |

| | |Students are motivated to give |direction. |Students are able to give clear | |from here? |

| | |direction |Students are able to give |instructions | | |

| | | |direction | | | |

|14 |Get off and Get in |Students are motivated to give |Students are able to give |students are able to response the |Making recommendation |Can you tell me how to get there? |

| | |explanation about going |explanation about going |questions |Role Play; Play between a tourist and a |Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to Tawangmangu? |

| | |somewhere |somewhere |Students are able to explain about |native |What bus should I take to Tawangmangu? |

| | | | |going somewhere correctly | | |

|15 |Daily Activity |Students are motivated to talk |Students are able to recognize |Students are able to give response |Group discussion; telling about activity |What do you usually do every Sunday? |

| | |about their habit |some new words |to the questions |Retelling the story about habitual |Where do you usually go on Sundays? |

| | |Students are confident to speak|Students are able to describe |Students are able to make |activity |What time do you usually get up? |

| | |about their habit |about their habitual activity |description about their habitual | |Tell me your activity! |

| | | | |activity | | |

|16 |Job/occupation |Students are motivated to have |Students are able to acquire |Students are able to response to |Finding new jobs |What do you do? |

| | |some expectations of profession|some professions |some questions about job |Making question and answer |What does your father do? |

| | | | | | |Some jobs; secretary, technician, doctor, nurse, dentist, |

| | | | | | |security guard, and so on |

|17 |Interviewing Job |Students are motivated to have |Students are able to describe |Students are able to response |Making question and answer |a. Tell me about your education background? |

| | |jobs in the future |about their ability and |correctly to the questions about |Role Play; an interviewer and job applier |b.Can you operate computer? |

| | |Students are interested to have|disability |interviewing | |Can you make a letter in English? |

| | |an interview | | | |Do you have driver license? |

| | | | | | |What do you expect from your work? |

Karanganyar, 8 February 2009

Headmaster Teacher

Alim Sukarno, S.Pd Hanifatul Hijriati, S.Pd


Grade : X

Semester : 2

|No |Material |Speaking Skills |Activity |Vocabulary/ Sentence Forms |

| | |Affective |Cognitive |Psychomotor | | |

|18 |Requesting and Inviting |Students are motivated to make |Students are able to understand |Students are able to perform and |Making request and invitation |a. Would you like to go with me tonight? |

| | |request and invitation |some questions about requesting |response some questions about |Making unusual invitation |b.Can you come to my home tonight? |

| | |Students are interested to |and inviting |request and invitation | | |

| | |accept or reject |b. Students are able to request | | | |

| | | |and invite | | | |

|19 |Instruction; Imperative |Students are confident to speak|Students are able to give and |Students are able to practice and |a.making instructions |a. Close the door! |

| | |if they want to make |express their condition so that |perform some instructions |b. Making procedure |b. Don’t be noisy! |

| | |instructions |they can make instructions |Students are able to tell how | |c.Pour the sugar |

| | | | |something happens or made | |d.Pour the water |

|20 |Unforgettable Memories |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to use the |Students are able to response to |Sharing some stories |a. What did you do last Sunday |

| | |about past |form of sentences correctly |some questions |Retelling the experience |b.Where were you yesterday? |

| | |b.Students are confident to |Students are able to use some |b.Students are able to response to | | |

| | |tell tehri experience |particular vocabulary to express|some statements correctly | | |

| | | |their opinion | | | |

|21 |What did You Say? |Students are confident to show |Students are able to make |Students are able to make |Making clarifcionat |I’m sorry would you like to repeat that again? |

| | |their misunderstanding |clarification |clarification spontanously | |Can you repeat again? |

| | | | | | |Did you say…? |

| | | | | | |What? |

|22 |How Much and How Many |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to acquire |Studnets are able to response |Classifying the nouns |How much sugar you need? |

| | |about count and uncounted nouns|some forms and words |correctly to some questions | |How many apples you want to buy? |

| | |Students are motivated to talk |Studnets are able to determine |Students are able to practice | | |

| | |about shopping |some partitives |correctly | | |

|23 |Asking Price |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to use the |Students are able to say the price |Making shopping list |How much is a jar of jam |

| | |about money and shopping |form to the practice |b. Students are able to make |Role Play; seller and buyer |How much does a jar of jam cost? |

| | | | |transaction spontaneously | |How much are two bottles of juice? |

| | | | | | |How much do two bottles cost? |

|24 |Good News and Bad News |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to use the |Students are able to response the |a.Making some statements |I’m glad to hear that |

| | |about the news |form of sentences |news correctly |Matching the correct responds by cards |I’m happy to hear that |

| | |Students are able to express |Students are able to recognize |b.Students are able to tell the news| |I’m sorry to hear that |

| | |their idea |some responds | | |How terrible! |

| | | | | | |What a pity! |

|25 |Telephone Call |Students are interested to talk|a.Students are able to recognize|Students are able to give response |Role play; practicing making a call |Hello Ramdan Rosyad family |

| | |about telephone call |some utterances of calling |to some questions and utterances of |Making a call in different situations |Who’s this calling? |

| | |b.Students are motivated to |b.Students are able to make a |making a call | |Shall I take a message? |

| | |make a telephone call |call |Students are able to describe about | |That’s right this is 444567 |

| | | | |their family members correctly | |Would you like him to call you back? |

| | | | | | |Please hold a moment |

| | | | | | |Is Jim there? |

| | | | | | |May I speak to Mr. rosyad please? |

|26 |In the Restaurant |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to understand |Students are able to response the |Practicing making a call for reservation |What do you wear everyday? |

| | |about ordering food in |some forms |order |b.Making guess about some famous person’s |What does she/he wear to the party? |

| | |restaurant |b.Students are able to use the |b.Students are able to perform in |style | |

| | |b.Students are confident in |forms |making and giving order | | |

| | |making order | | | | |

|27 |What Have You Done? |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to understand |Students are able to response to the|Group discussion; talking about |What have you done? |

| | |about what they have done and |the form of sentences |questions their experiences |experience, what has done and what hasn’t |Where have you been? |

| | |what they haven’t done |b.Students are able to retell |b.Students are able to retell about |done. |How long have you been there? |

| | |Students are confident to speak|their experiences |their story |b.Role play; situation to talk about |Have you ever been there? |

| | |up their experiences | | |experiences | |

|28 |I will Go to Bali |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to understand|Students are able to give right |Group discussion; talking about plan |Where will you go for the next holiday? |

| | |about their plan |about the form of sentences |response to the questions about |b.Planning the activity |Will you go to Bali next week? |

| | |b.Students are motivated to |b.Students are able to give |experiences | |Are you going to Bali? |

| | |talk about their plan in the |explanation about future |b.Students are able to give clear | |What are you going to do fro the next holiday? |

| | |future | |explanation about their plan in the | | |

| | | | |future | | |

|29 |Can You Help me? |Students don’t mind talking |Students are able to understand |students are able to response the |Giving help and asking help |Could you please help me? |

| | |about their difficulty |some utterances of asking help |questions | |Can you do me a favor? |

| | |Students are not feeling shy |Students are able find some ways|b.Students are able to make help to | |Please help me! |

| | |to ask help |to ask help |the others | | |

|30 |Giving Suggestion |Students are motivated to give |Students are able to understand |Students are able to give response |a.Group discussion; sharing problem |a. You should tell your parents |

| | |suggestion |about the problem of their |to the others’ problems correctly |b. Role play; giving suggestion |b. You have to consult your problem |

| | | |friends |Students are able to make good | |c. You ought to tell your parents |

| | | |Students are able to give their |suggestion | |d. You must tell your parents |

| | | |opinion | | |e. It is better for you to tell your parents |

| | | | | | |f. You’ve got to tell your parents |

|31 |Telling If (Part 1,2,3) |Students are interested to talk|students are able to make |Students are able to express their |Making statement |If I come to his party I will meet him |

| | |about their plan |difference of using sentences |idea of showing plan, regret and |Making causality sentences using if |If she comes by car he won’t pick her up |

| | |Students are interested to talk|among plan, regret and warning |warning |Group discussion; plan, regret and warning|If I came I would meet him |

| | |about their regret |Students are able to understand |Students are able to describe about | |If she hadn’t got married she would have married with me |

| | |Students are interested to give|the use of ‘if’ |their plan, regret and warning using| |If you come home late you will get trouble |

| | |warning | |if correctly | |If you drive fast you can get accident |

|32 |Ordinal and Cardinal Number |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to understand |Students are able to practice using |Practice saying numbers |October 5th 1998 |

| | |about numbers and the use of |the difference between ordinal |ordinal and cardinal number |Practice using in the dialog |2nd floor |

| | |numbers |and cardinal number |correctly | |250 people at the 3rd floor |

| | | |Students are able to mention |Students are able to tell the | | |

| | | |ordinal and cardinal number |numbers correctly | | |

|33 |English Mathematics |Students are interested to talk|Students are able to recognize |Students are able to tell the |Finding Mathematics formula |Math symbols; +,-,=, X2,[pic], and so on |

| | |about Math. |some symbols of Mathematics. |Mathematics formula in English |Math exam |Some shapes; rectangle, triangle, circle, square, cube, and so |

| | |Students are motivated to use |Students are able to understand |Students are able to apply English |Group discussion; Math subjects |on |

| | |English for Math |some Mathematics formula in |Mathematic on their subjects | | |

| | | |English. | | | |

Karanganyar, 8 February 2009

Headmaster Teacher

Alim Sukarno, S.Pd Hanifatul Hijriati, S.Pd






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