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Backlinking: Article Marketing

Posted by Ashton Pereira

Mar 2

[pic]As mentioned in the previous post about backlinking, it is an important part of the off page SEO process. It will effectively help you to rise your rankings in Google.

This article is about gaining free backlinks using article marketing.

What is article marketing?

Firstly, for those who don’t know, article marketing refers to a type of advertising or promotion where a business (or a website) writes short articles and publishes it around the web to:

1) Gain more exposure about their brand/product. It acts like a flashy graphic ad, but is more effective because it has quality content.

2) It also has a link back to the main website of the business at the bottom, gaining a backlinking, as well as directing traffic back through to the website hoping to convert that into sales.

Who can do article marketing?

Anyone can do article marketing.

Where can I do article marketing?

As your goal is to publish short articles around the web, the prime objective for you is to look for article directories. An article directory is a website that allows anyone to come along and become an author on the site. Once they are an author it allows them to publish articles on their directory. They can now gain backlinks to their website.

How can I do article marketing?

Firstly, here is a big list of free article directories that I’ve tried to approximately rank from “best” to “least best”, click here to download the list of article directories. Credit does go out to a few other sites on the web for some of those directories, but then I mixed and matches a couple of lists around to make a more complete one. Keep in mind that some of those directories may be a lot easier to submit to, and some are more tougher (restrictions). But I have included that max amount of links you can put in your article there as well, so please be aware.

Now what you have to do is go to those directory sites and sign up for an account. Then start publishing your articles. Keep in mind that you CANNOT use the same article from your own website on the directory.  There is absolutely no point using duplicate content because it will eliminate the directory page from ranking anywhere in Google, and may also harm your normal site. It’s best to either get a person to rewrite your article, you rewrite it, or just write a totally different but relevant article on the same topic.

If the directory allows links in the article body, then put a few links back to your website, otherwise it should allow links in the “author signature” or “resource box” which also displays on the same page, but at the bottom of the article. This means you still get your backlinks and can still pass on traffic to your website.

Here’s a very important thing to remember. When linking back to your website, ensure that you hyperlink the same text that is your keyword for the page, and also what you want to rank for. This is what I mean:

Do NOT link like this: Click here to go to Google.

Rather you should be doing this: To find out more, go to Google.

The reason is because, it helps the “relevancy” of the link when Google scans through. They will see that you’re getting backlinked for the term “Google” and so when people search “Google”, you will start rising up the ranks. So use that same concept but swap the hyperlinked text where the keyword you want to rank for! If you’re still unsure about this, please comment below and I’ll help you guys out.

Why should I do article marketing?

As I’ve said before, it’s imporant for gaining backlinks. It’s not the only way, over the next few days I’ll be showing you guys other methods. But, it’s an effective method that is also free. It shouldn’t be done solely rather, combine this with the methods I will be teaching you over the next few days, and you will have an overall effective off page SEO strategy working for your website.

Before I finish, you will realise that submitting unique articles over and over again to different directories can be time consuming and pretty tough. A solution that is available is Article Marketing Robot. I’m only recommending it here because I personally am using it now for all my websites. The way I use it is like this:

- I have an outsourced worker who takes my articles from my website and spins them using syntax that is compatible with AMR.

- Then I take them and load up AMR, and put those articles straight in.

- I click a button, and I get signed up to the list of about 1500+ article directories on AMR, obviously not all are successful to signup on, so I only end up on about 70-80% of them.

- Then I select the spin formatted article, and click Submit, and it will automatically submit that one article uniquely to all the different directories. Along with the article, I have to also add a spun version of the “authors resource box”, which has all my backlinks.

- After that, there are again some more errors, but I usually successfully get about 600+ articles published out on directories within about 15min. (Takes 15min because I have to actually type the “security” codes for some of the sites – they will just pop up and you type em in).

So I recommend this product, but if you’re on a budget, start off doing it manually. You can also get a Free 5 Day Trial of Article Marketing Robot which is currently available, just go to that link and there will be a DOWNLOAD link for a free 5 day trial.

That’s all for article marketing, hope you guys learned something. A reminder that I did include a link to a free list of article directories up at the half mark of this post, so I hope you guys make use of that. I look forward to sharing my strategies for the other backlinking processes over the next few days!

Good luck and keep taking ACTION!

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• Filed under: Affiliate Marketing, SEO

WIN an iPad 16gb with WiFi!!

Posted by Ashton Pereira

Feb 26

[pic]Hey guys!

How would you like to own your very own iPad 16gb with Wifi? Well, as part of a promotion I’m running for TheBigVenture, you have a chance to WIN one!

How do I enter?

All you have to do is visit The Big Venture Facebook Fan Page and “Like” it! Don’t worry, if your already a fan before this competition began, you are still eligible to WIN!

Entrants can be from anywhere around the world, and at any ages! (As long as you can receive a shipped iPad from the US – there shouldn’t be any issues).

How will the competition work?

At 12.00am EST on April 1, 2011, the competition will be closed. Then I will be gathering all the “Fans” of The Big Venture Facebook Fan Page and putting them in the draw to WIN an iPad 16gb with WiFi. One lucky winner will be chosen! Until then, all you have to do is simply become a FAN! If you’re already a fan, not to worry, you are still eligible to WIN!

When is the winner announced?

The winner will be announced on April 1, 2011. Their name will be posted on the The Big Venture Facebook Fan Page and also on . I will then contact them regarding their win, to attain their details and ship them their NEW iPad 16gb with Wifi!

So what are you waiting for?!? Get on The Big Venture Facebook Fan Page and become a fan NOW! Then spread the great news to all your family and friends so that one of you can WIN a NEW iPad!

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Off Page SEO: Backlinking

Posted by Ashton Pereira

Feb 25

[pic]A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about how you can Make Your On Page SEO Count. In it, I emphasised how important it is to have quality on page SEO for 2 main reasons:

1) A lot of the time the top websites for a keyword search don’t necessarily have great on page SEO. So by you adopting quality on page SEO, along with the equal amount of off page SEO as the other sites, you can not only reach the ranking they have, but even surpass them.

2) Google reads on page SEO as “relevance” to a certain keyword. If a page has the keyword “weight loss” appearing a fair bit, Google realises what it’s about and will start to push it up the weight loss rankings.

Those are just a few points, for the full post of on page SEO tips, I advise you to read Make Your On Page SEO Count.

Now to off page SEO. The main area of off page SEO is backlinking. For those who don’t know, backlinking is the process whereby your website is receiving a link from another website. So if there’s a website called “xyz” and another called “abc”, and the owner of “abc” posted a link to “xyz” on their site, then “xyz” will have a backlink from “abc”.

Why is backlinking important? Well, here is my opinion on it all. As I stated in the on page SEO post, I believe Google has two main factors in their rankings (among many other smaller factors). One is relevance, which is discussed in detail in the on page SEO post, and the other is trust.

Google is a business and their customers are the public who use their search engine. They want to give their customers good experiences and have them coming back again in the future. So Google needs to have top quality websites ranking at the top of their searches. Due to this necessity, Google has to not only put relevant websites to the top of their ranks, but also trusted websites.

Obviously, since the Internet is simply too large for Google to manually go to every website and check how trustworthy it is, they look to backlinks. They basically believe that if another website is linking to yours, then your website must be a somewhat trusted one with some quality content on it. So they are happy to push you up the rankings. Please note that one backlink really isn’t going to do much, and that when I talk about this stuff I’m talking about backlinks in the tens, hundreds and even thousands before drastic ranking changes can happen, depending on the targeted keyword.

Now there is one more important aspect of backlinking. It’s something known online as “link juice”. As you would have realised by now, backlinks can come from various sources (different websites), and each of these websites can vary in “trust” themselves. This “trust” is determind by Google’s PageRank (PR). So if a site has a high PR, they have lots of backlinks coming to their site. If a site has a low PR, they don’t have many backlinks coming to their site. For backlinks, if you can get a link from a site with a high PR (5+), which has already gained “trust” in Google, it is going to mean more than a link from a site with a low PR ( ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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