Visual Basic Front End Information - JMU

Visual Basic Front End Information

The front end to the database was implemented using Visual Basic, a working model version, which allowed most of the options of a full version of Visual Basic, without some of the options like compilation, and the report designer, required if the source code was ever to be transported to other computers. Seven different windows are built into the front end implementation, one window allowing access to the various forms, queries, and reports written for the database, and six windows representing the different forms required by the client to write to the database. As of right now, any of the reports and the queries written for the client has not been linked to this “options form”. The following is screenshots for the front end of the database NSQL designed:

Table 1: Options Menu: Reports and Queries are not implemented.


Table 2: Document Types


Table 3: Experts Information


Table 4: List of Issues


Table 5: Types of Objections


Table 6: List of Request Types


Table 7: Main Form-Documents Tab


Table 8: Main Form-Issues Tab


Table 9: Main Form-Expert Tab


Table 10: Main Form-Discovery Tab


Table 11: Main Form-Exhibits Tab


Table 12: Main Form-Duplicate Docs Tab


Table 13: Main Form-Comments Tab


The development environment provided in Visual Basic creates most of the coding for the user, but some modification of code was needed to customize the front end portion of the database. The following is a list of code that was written by the group:

Dim DocumentID As String

Private Sub adoDupDocs_WillMove(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)

If chkDupOrg.Value = 1 Then

lblOrgDoc2.Caption = txtDupDoc.Text

lblOrgTitle2.Caption = txtDupTitle.Text

lblOrgDate2.Caption = txtDupDate.Text

lblOrgFrom2.Caption = txtDupFrom.Text

End If

End Sub

Private Sub adoMainDocs_WillMove(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)


End Sub

Private Sub SetRecordNumber()

'Display the record number

Dim intRecordCount As Integer

Dim intCurrentRecord As Integer

With adoMainDocs.Recordset

intRecordCount = .RecordCount

intCurrentRecord = .AbsolutePosition

If .EOF Then

adoMainDocs.Caption = "End"


adoMainDocs.Caption = "Record " & intCurrentRecord & _

" of " & intRecordCount

End If

End With

End Sub

Private Sub chkNoBatesNumber_Click()

If chkNoBatesNumber.Value = 1 Then

txtBatesId.Text = "GEN"


txtBatesId.Text = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDeleteIssue_Click()

With adoMainDocs.Recordset



If .EOF Then


End If

End With

End Sub

Private Sub txtDateUpdated_GotFocus()

txtDateUpdated.Text = Now

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

chkDupOrg.Value = 0

End Sub

Private Sub txtBatesId_LostFocus()

txtBatesIDFK.Text = txtBatesId.Text

End Sub

Private Sub txtBatesStart_LostFocus()

txtBatesStartFK.Text = txtBatesStart.Text

DocumentID = txtBatesId.Text

DocumentID = DocumentID & txtBatesStart.Text

lblDocumentID.Caption = DocumentID

End Sub

Private Sub txtDateCreated_GotFocus()

txtDateCreated.Text = Now

End Sub

*Note: Comments have not been included in the code.


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