Where to get PALASM and what to get:

PALASM 4 Version 1.5 is installed on the computers in the EEL 4712 lab (CSE E113) and on the network of the Benton Hall computer lab (BEN 332). The complete distribution set on floppies requires 7 disks (720K or greater). PALASM is available for copying from two places:

1. The class web site. See handout “PALASM Installation Instructions.”

2. EEL 4712 lab through the class web site or from the computer itself. I think, all the machines have a \PALDISKS directory with a subdirectory for each disk. If this is the case, use the XCOPY command (i.e., XCOPY DISK1\*.* A:) to copy the files to your disks.

Get either the file PALFULL.EXE or the 7 files PALDISK?.EXE. (NOTE: It is quicker to get the PALFULL.EXE file, but if you want to put the PALASM installation files on floppies, use PALDISK?.EXE.)

The following two section correspond to the choice made above.


The file PALFULL.EXE is the full PALASM install tree in a self extracting archive. After getting PALFULL.EXE from our web site, do the following.

Make a directory on your system (I use C:\PAL_INST), cd into it, put PALFULL.EXE into it, and run PALFULL.EXE. Now the tricky part. The PALASM installer is pretty stupid--it needs to be fooled into thinking it is installing off of one huge floppy. Pick an unused drive letter on your system. It must be less than or equal to the LASTDRIVE statement in CONFIG.SYS. (If there isn't a LASTDRIVE statement, the default it E.) It should not be B even if you don't have 2 floppies. For example, I've extracted PALFULL.EXE into C:\PAL_INST, and I chose E as my unused drive letter. Now type the following at the DOS prompt:



CD \

INSTALL E: [see Installation section below]



Now you’re ready to run PALASM. (See the section titled “Configuring PALASM” below.)


The 7 files PALDISK?.EXE must used with 7 floppy disks of at least 720k each. These files are the self extracting archives for each of the PALASM install disks. From the directory in which the files reside, extract each one to a floppy with the following statements:




(The drive letter A may be replaced by B on some systems.) Now install the PALASM program by re-inserting disk number 1 into the floppy drive and then type

A:\INSTALL A: [see Installation section below]

(The drive letter A may be replaced by B on some systems.) Now follow the directions to insert successive disks.

Now you’re ready to run PALASM. (See the section Configuring PALASM below.)

Using Computers in Benton Hall (BEN 332)

To use PALASM in this computer lab, you must copy to your private disk. Everyone with an account there gets a 10M space on a hard disk for file storage. This is drive D: on all the PC in this lab. Type the following command from a DOS prompt:


Now to run PALASM, just go to the START menu on the bottom right of the screen, select Programs, select PALASM, then select PALASM again. That’s all you need to do to run PALASM. (Be sure see the Configuring PALASM section below.) You have just installed PALASM so you can skip the Installation and DOS Environment Information sections below.


To install PALASM from floppies, run the INSTALL program on the first floppy. To install from your hard drive, see the document “PALASM Installation Instructions.” In either case, accept all the defaults in the installation program. The bottom line on the screen contains information on the function of various keys.

Reboot your computer after installing PALASM or open a DOS window and enter the DOS Environment Information below. You might want to create a directory to hold your PALASM files. I use a directory called MY_STUFF under the PALASM main directory, i.e., c:\PALASM\MY_STUFF.

DOS Environment Information:

The following DOS environment variables must be set before PALASM can run correctly. At the DOS prompt type:


set path=%path%;c:\PALASM\EXE

Don’t forget the final backslash on the first line above. The above drive and directory information correspond to the defaults, c: and PALASM, respectively. If you can modify the autoexec.bat file you can do the following.:

1. Add the following to your present PATH statement:


2. Add the following line at the end of the file:


If running from Windows or Win95 on a machine at which autoexec.bat is not accessible, put the following three lines in a batch file PALASM.BAT on an accessible drive (A, or preferably D in the BEN Hall Computer Lab) and use the File Manager (or equivalent) to start PALASM by double clicking on this file or running it:


set path=%path%;c:\PALASM\EXE



The name of the main PALASM executable is PALASM.EXE. Run it now by typing PALASM from a DOS prompt or double clicking on PALASM from Windows or Win96. Note that the bottom line contains information on what the key functions are. PALASM has extensive on-line and context sensitive help if you get stuck. F1 will give context-sensitive help. More extensive help is available by using the Documentation menu.

Select change directory from the file menu. Switch to the directory where you files are to reside (c:\PALASM\MY_STUFF, for example). After changing the directory, select Set up... from the file menu. Select Working Environment. Move the cursor to the line that says Display execution result on each run. Type Y and then hit F10. Now select Compilation Options. Move the cursor to the line that says Minimize Boolean and type N and then hit F10. Select Logic Synthesis Options. Move the cursor to the line that says Ensure polarity after minimization. Hit F2 (for choices) and select As specified in design file. Hit F10 when done to save this setup. Hit escape to get back to file menu. PALASM is now configured and ready to go.

These configuration instructions are summarized below:

1. File | Set Up... | Working Environment | Display execution result on each run: Y [F10]

2. File | Set Up... | Compilation Options | Minimize Boolean: N [F10] [ESC]

3. File | Set Up... | Logic Synthesis Options | Ensure polarity after minimization is: [F2] As specified in design file

[F10] [ESC]

A note about “Compilation Options.” If the mode is set to "Auto", then PALASM will execute all the necessary commands to produce a .JED file, and any commands marked “Y.” In the interest of speed (especially on 386’s some of you might have at home), you can set everything to “N” and let PALASM do the minimal number of steps.

Starting a new design:

Run PALASM and select Begin new design from the file menu. Type the new file name in the correct field and exit the form by using F10. The PDS Declaration Segment page will appear. Fill in the title and other desired header data. This will put comments with this data into the design (.pds) file. When done, use the TAB key to get to the "Device =" line. Select the appropriate device from the selection list. For a PALCE22V10 select the PAL22V10 device.

Next the pin definitions are entered. For a simple combinatorial design, hit TAB to accept "PIN" in the P/N field. Enter the pin number and name. To have a active low output, put a forward slash (/) in front of the name. The rest of the fields can be left blank for combinatorial inputs and outputs (although comments are strongly encouraged). Repeat this process for the rest of the pins needed for your design. Each pin must have a unique name. Note that these names are not case sensitive. You should define all your inputs and outputs at this step. Also include the power (name = VCC) and ground (name = GND) pins at this point. You need not define unused pins. After entering all header, chip type and pin definition information, hit the F10 key to save this data. The filename will be the name entered from the Begin new design step with the extension ".pds".

PALASM then starts up a text editor with the pds file as the input. Lines that begin with ";" are comments. Note the header information is first, then the chip type, and then the pin definitions. You can make changes to this information with the text editor. Hit the escape key (ESC) to bring up the editor menus as needed. Use the cursor, page down, page up, home, and end keys to move around the file. You can change the default editor by using the Setup menu item under file.

At this point, you need to enter the desired logic equations. Move the cursor to the line after the "EQUATIONS" statement. Enter your logic equations here. If you used a forward slash in front of the name of active-low signals in the previous step, you do not have to worry about levels in these equations. You can then specify equations in mixed-logic and let PALASM handle the low and high voltage conventions. A logic equation is of the form:


The function of input pins uses * for AND, + for OR, :+: for XOR, :*: for EQUIVALENCE, and / to COMPLEMENT the following item. Parentheses can be used in the equation as well. For example, if the output signal is called X1 and the inputs used are I0, I1, I2, I3, an equation might be as follows:

X1 = I0 + I1 * /(I2 + I3)

Enter each equation on a new line. After entering the equations, simulation parameters can be entered. These are entered after the line with SIMULATION. The first line of the simulation segment contains the TRACE_ON line. It is of the form:


The SIGNALx names are the names of the inputs and outputs you want to see in the simulation. Next the SETF command line is entered as follows:

SETF ...

The input name is as entered in the PIN lines and its state will be set to False if it is preceded by a forward slash (/). It will be true otherwise.

If you want PALASM to automatically check your equations, add a line after the SETF line of the form:


The output name is the name of an output defined in a PIN statement and the state is the same as for the SETF statement.

A succession of SETF and CHECK lines are used to verify many different input and output states. After all of these simulation lines, the following line must appear:


This completes the design file.

After the design file is complete, hit escape to bring up the menu. Select file and then save. Then bring up the menu and select Quit and quit all files. This returns you to the PALASM main menu. Select the Run menu and then Both to compile and simulate. Hit F10 once to accept the compilation form and F10 again to accept simulation defaults. Compilation and Simulation will then be started. This may take some time on a slower PC. A line at the bottom of the screen will show what is happening. Once compilation and simulation is complete, status will be shown along with errors, if any. If it looks like compilation and simulation has finished but no status is displayed then PALASM has encountered an error. If this occurs, try rebooting your PC with a “bare” config.sys and autoexec.bat to resolve the problem. The “bare” files should contain only those lines PALASM needs to run. This includes the files and buffer lines in config.sys and the path and set PALASM lines in autoexec.bat. If this does not resolve the problem, contact a TA for assistance.

If Compilation and Simulation does work, but reports errors, make a note of them. Warnings are less severe and may indicate that the CHECK line does not match what PALASM has simulated. Then hit escape and select the Edit menu and the Text file option to bring up the file again. Correct the errors and rerun the compilation and simulation. If there are no errors, a file with the same name as the .pds file, but with an extension .jed will be created. This is the file used to program a PAL. Make sure to bring a copy of this file and the .pds file (on 3.5” HD floppy) to the lab.

To see the simulation results, go to the View menu and select Simulation Results. There will be two choices presented, History and Trace. History contains all of the signals and the levels of the signals. The Trace selection shows only those signals in the TRACE_ON statement and shows logic levels. In the trace simulation, PALASM uses H for logic true and L for logic false. Each "g" at top represents one SETF statement. If there is a clash with the corresponding CHECK statement there will be an additional column without a "g". There will be a question mark (?) next to the signal that doesn't match. Once you have resolved any of the clashes, recompiled, and simulated, your design is ready to take to the lab. To exit PALASM hit escape until it asks you to confirm exiting. Reply with “Y” and you will be back in DOS (or Windows or Win95).

Since the design, compile, and simulate process may be lengthy, you might need to exit and restart PALASM. If you need to work on an already existing design, start PALASM and select Retrieve existing design. Enter the file name and hit F10. Then select the Edit menu and the Text file option to edit the file.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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