Maintenance Procedures for SIRS/Resume Forms

ComNom Computer and Maintenance Procedures for RÈSUMÈ/SIRS Forms and Database

A: To Install the USPS ComNom Database Software

(Used with Windows 95 or Windows 98)

1. Check your “C” drive and make sure you have a Downloads directory. If you do no, create one.

2. Download this software over the internet from the central database using this address:

(It is a file of approximately 1450K, and can take as long as 10-12 minutes to download, depending on the efficiency of your modem etc.) (If you are not successful, check the address with ComSysCom ( on occasion the file is updated and the address changes.)

3. SAVE this file in your C Drive in a directory entitled: C:\ Downloads.

4. Go to EXPLORE and find the C :Downloads directory. It should contain a file entitled ( ) Double-click on the file.

You should get a Norton Unzip or Winzip () window showing the file listed. (Since it is a zip (compressed) file, it must be uncompressed.)

For example: If using Winzip:

Thank You, I Agree



Extract To: C:\Downloads


5. Close window with upper right corner X.

6. Return to EXPLORE ---C:\Downloads

(The myodbc - 2.50.36 file will be noticeable in this directory)

Find Setup.exe. Highlight it ( Double-click it.

Would you like to monitor installation?…NO

7. . In the My ODBC Ver. 2.5 Installation window:

a. Microsoft ODBC Setup window: ---- CONTINUE

b. Install Drivers window:

Highlight MySQL ----OK

c. In the Data Sources window:

Find ComNom (MySql) and highlight it. Click SETUP.

d. In the TDX mysql Driver Default Configuration window:

You should have the following entries:

Windows DSN Name: ComNom

MySql host:

MySql database name: WebSites (note upper and lower case)

User: member (note all lower case)

Password: usps (note all lower case)

Port: 3306

Click OK.

e. In the Data Sources (Driver) window:

Highlight ComNom(MySql). Click CLOSE.

8. In the Microsoft ODBC Setup window you should see:

Setup succeeded! ---- Click OK.

9. Close out EXPLORE. ---- Click upper right X to close.

10. At your Computer Desktop Window----Open Microsoft Access.

a. Open an Existing File.

Highlight More Files --- OK.

b. In the OPEN screen

In the Look In area: scroll down and click on “C”

Find the Downloads file and click on it to put it into the Look In window.

Go to the extreme bottom of the Open screen and click on ODBC Databases

c. Go up and click on Machine Data Source

Highlight "ComNom" ---- OK

d. In the Link Tables screen:


Highlight it. ---OK

e. ODBC Database Screen appears

Double Click SIRS

Your database should appear in usual form.

After this just open Microsoft Access and use your standard procedure for routinely downloading the database and making your reports.

B: Process for the ComNom Systems Manager to Routinely Download the ComNom Résumé/Sirs Database

(Currently downloaded twice a month on the 1st and 15th)

1. Log on to your internet server, and it leave it connected.

2. Open Microsoft Access.

a. Open Existing File --- open ComNom database

In this ComNom database, note the Sirs files that exist. Jot down their names (Sirs, Sirs1, Sirs2, Sirs3, etc. (for future reference)

1). On the top of your screen, in the application window:

Click on File/Get External Data/Import

2) In IMPORT window: C: Pat's Stuff"

Go to extreme bottom ---Files of Type. Scroll to the bottom of the listings and find ODBC Databases. Double-click on ODBC Databases.

3) In Select Data Source window: Click on Machine Data Source

4) In Machine Data Source window, highlight ComNom listing. Click OK

5) In Import Objects window: Highlight Sirs. Click OK

(There will be a delay as the database is downloaded.)

6) In ComNom Database window:

A new Sirs database appears. (Sirs, Sirs1, Sirs2, etc.)

Compare with the Sirs databases shown in (2a) above so that you will be sure you have the newest one. (The newest database is usually highlighted.)

(Older sirs databases may be deleted at any time by highlighting the one you want to delete and going to Edit/Delete in the top application window.)

Double-click on the new database, and it will appear.

C. Preparing the Report of the ComNom Systems Manager (CSM) for the Annual Meeting and Governing Board Meetings

1. Bring up the newly downloaded database. Note that it includes over 100 columns matching all input from the Sirs/Resume form, and extends far to the right of your screen. We will use only the first 10 columns for this report.

2. Go to the this date column. Highlight it with your mouse. Go up to the top of your screen to click on the A-Z down icon on the toolbar. This will sort your database by date so that the last entries on the last page will be the latest resumes received.

3. Consult the "By Date of Submittal" section of your white ComNom Resume/Sirs/ Database notebook. Look at the very last page in this section to see where the previous download left off. Everything below the last entry of the last download will have been received since the previous download. Note the page number on this last page of the last download.

4. Back to your new download. Print the page number of the last download again. Also print the next page. (And, if there are a lot of new resumes, you may want to print even another page.) You get the succeeding page numbers by adding 13 to the page number of the previous page ( reason is we don't want the other 90 columns. (Pages 1 - 14 - 27 - 40 - 53 - 66 - 79 - 92 - 105 - 118 - 131 - 144 - 157 - 170)

HOWEVER, BEFORE YOU PRINT you must go to File/Page Setup and adjust the margins and page orientation in order to get everything you need on one page of the report you are printing.

Under File/Page Setup/ Margins, adjust all four margins (top, bottom, left, and right) to read 0.5 instead of 1.0.

Under File/Page Setup/ Page, switch the orientation to Landscape from Portrait.

5. By going to the database column entitled lname you can highlight that column and A-Z down it and your entire database will be in alpha order by last name. You can do this with any of the 100 columns at any time.

6. Preparing the Report.

a. Purpose of the report is to allow the CSM to have the readily availability to reference the data base at the National meetings.

b. From the "this date" pages you ran from the new download, find his or her resume in the database in this manner:

Go out on the Internet and using the following address (put this in as a bookmark), you will reach the Review Resume screen: .

The Review Resume screen gives you two choices" Select Committee from List" and "Select Skill from List". In this application you want to use Select Committee from List for it refers to the Preferred Assignment choices on the person's resume.

Check your "this date" report and see what Preferred Assignments the first new person on the list selected. Hit the down arrow on the Select Committee from List window and find any one of those three committees. Highlight that committee and hit Submit and you will see all the people in your database that showed an interest in that committee.

Find the person you are looking for (towards the top of the list) and double click on his or her certificate number. The resume appears. Go to the toolbar and hit Print and you will get a copy. It will always be in 2 pages that should be stapled together, or you can print back to back to save paper and will keep the resume on a single piece of paper.

Go on to printing all of the new resumes on your list. HOWEVER ( you must proceed to the next committee by hitting BACK and clicking on Search Again at the top of the list on your screen each time.

After double-checking that you have all new resumes printed, mail them to the CRFM. Since the system is new I always put a post it note on them reminding the CPRB not to send acknowledgement post cards to those who have an e-mail address listed.

If a person has submitted a resume and not given us Preferred Assignments or "Personal Skills" it will be impossible to reach his or her resume. )The resume is worthless anyway.) If they have listed no "Preferred Assignments" but have listed "Personal Skills" you can roam through the database for that name, determine the "Personal Skills" and reach the resume by using the Select Skill From List feature.

7. NOTE:

Some people without computers will still be mailing hard copy black and white resumes to headquarters. They will be either mailed to the ComNom Chairman or, preferably to the CSM.

We must be alert that HQ is sending these to us in a timely manner. Resumes must not be allowed to pile up at headquarters, if we are to reach our goal of processing these in a timely manner.

If HQ sends these to the Chairman, he should relay them CSM . If they do not get to the CSM, they will never make it into the database. (The CSM enters the hard copy resumes into the database.

How To Enter Resumes Into the Database That Are Not Received On Line

1. Log into your Internet Line.

2. Use the following Bookmarks to reach the on line resume screen:

To Enter a Resume With Automatic Acknowledgement

Enter your certificate number and enter the off line resume just as you would enter your own.

Some Pitfalls:

Before you hit Submit Form, check to insure that you have entered the person's squadron and district. It is easy to overlook, and if not entered the system puts them into Absecon Island in D1. We have requested that this default be repaired.

Also, room for personal information and current national committee assignments is lacking and very much needed. Until this is repaired, put this information in Section V ( Describe Active Membership in other Boating Organizations.

To Enter or Correct a Resume Without Automatic Acknowledgement:

Use the following bookmark:


To Delete or Amend Resume Records:

Use the following bookmark:: .

D. Procedures for Handling Resumes

All new resumes received either on line or from headquarters are mailed by the ComNom Systems. The goal is to get an acknowledgement of these resumes to the authors, and copies of the resumes to the involved committee chairpersons as rapidly as possible. The latter should then respond to the applicants immediately.


A newly submitted resume that contains an e-mail address is acknowledged by the system within minutes of its receipt. The e-mail acknowledgement reads:

Thank you for using the online resume system.

Your resume has been received and will be forwarded to the Rear Commanders for your selected assignments.

To amend your resume, you will need the following certificate number, first name, and last name.

The CSM acknowledges receipt of resumes that do not have an e-mail address by post card as soon as they are received and entered on to the database.

The post card acknowledgement contains text similar to the following:

The Committee on Nominations has received the resume form you recently submitted.

Your resume will be duplicated and distributed to the persons directly responsible for the areas that you have indicated as preferred assignments.

We thank you for advising us of your availability in these areas.

P/R/C _______________________

For the Committee on Nominations

Resumes to the V/Cs and RCs

The electronic system forwards each resume to the chairs of the committees selected as "Preferred Assignments" as soon as it is entered onto the database. Committee chairs should acknowledge receipt of the resumes to the originator immediately, in order to ideally complete the final step in the process of getting back to the applicants immediately.

Keeping Resumes Current

Resumes over three years old do not provide current information, and are not good resource tools for the Committee on Nominations. A sincere attempt is made to spread the word to the membership that resumes must be updated at least every three years. (In actuality, resumes over four years old are purged from the database each year.)

Resumes may be updated on line, simply by a member calling up his resume on the web site and asking for a RESUBMISSION/UPDATE, rather than a NEW resume. It is not necessary to complete the whole resume ( just to change the information that requires updating.

Those that do not have on line capability must update their resumes by submitting a new form to headquarters.

Sample Letter to Members with Outdated Resumes On File,

Requesting New Updated Resumes



Committee on Nominations ( P/R/C Charles G. Troike, N

4624 Venice Heights Boulevard ( 170

Sandusky, Ohio 44870

Tel (419(626(8880 FAX ( 419(626(8709

e-mail ( bctroi@

1 January 2001

Dear USPS Member:

The Committee on Nominations deletes resumes that are over three years old from its files each year. It is important that the committee have up to date information on all applicants for national positions.

Enclosed is a new USPS Resume/SIRS form, which you may complete and return to USPS headquarters, P.O. Box 30423, Raleigh, NC 27622. It will be forwarded to ComNom and a post card acknowledgment of the receipt of the resume will be mailed to you.

A simpler, less time consuming, way to update your resume is to use your computer on the Internet:

Go to the Committee on Nominations home page on the USPS web site:

On the ComNom home page, select "Click here to enter your résumé on-line". Enter your certificate number, first name, and last name, click "Continue", and your resume will appear, already marked "Resubmission - update your resume". Change only that information that needs updating or correcting, and click "Submit Form". You may print a copy of your updated resume.

If your resume contains an e-mail address, you will immediately receive an e-mail acknowledgement that your résumé has been received.

When updating your resume, be sure to fill in your three choices of "Preferred Assignments" and your USPS certificate number on page 1 of the form. It is also important to list your three most valuable "Personal Skills" on page 2.

An updated resume is needed, even though you are currently active on a National Committee.

Thank you in advance for your kind and prompt attention to this request.


P/R/C Charles G. Troike, N

For the Committee on Nominations

Encl.: USPS Resume/SIRS form

Sample Letter to Members Requesting a Resume

(Such as Incumbent District Commanders)



Committee on Nominations ( P/R/C Charles G. Troike, N

4624 Venice Heights Boulevard ( 170

Sandusky, Ohio 44870

Tel (419(626(8880 FAX ( 419(626(8709

e-mail ( bctroi@

1 January 2001

Dear USPS Member:

Committee on Nominations records do not include your resume form. It is important that the committee have up to date information on all members applying for or participating in national positions. Will you be kind enough to furnish us with a resume? Bear in mind that ComNom deletes resumes that are over three years old from its files each year.

Enclosed is a new Resume/SIRS form which you may complete and return to USPS headquarters, P.O. Box 30423, Raleigh, NC 27622. It will be forwarded to ComNom and a post card acknowledgment of the receipt of the resume will be mailed to you.

A simpler, less time consuming, way to complete your resume is to use your computer on the Internet. Go to the Committee on Nominations home page on the USPS web site:

On the ComNom home page, select "Click here to enter your résumé on-line." Enter your certificate number, first name, and last name, click "Continue" and a blank resume will appear ready for your on line completion.

When filling in your resume, be sure to fill in your three choices of "Preferred Assignments" and your USPS certificate number on page 1 of the form. It is also important to fill in your three most valuable "Personal Skills" on page 2.

When finished, click "Submit Form" and it will be delivered to the ComNom database. You will then be given an opportunity to print a copy of your updated resume. If you furnished an e-mail address, you will immediately receive an e-mail acknowledgement that your résumé has been received.

Thank you in advance for your kind and prompt attention to this request.


P/R/C Charles G. Troike, N

For the Committee on Nominations

Encl.: USPS Resume/SIRS form

Sample Letter to Members Requesting Assignment Preferences



Committee on Nominations ( P/R/C Charles G. Troike, N

4624 Venice Heights Boulevard ( 170

Sandusky, Ohio 44870

Tel (419(626(8880 FAX ( 419(626(8709

e-mail ( bctroi@

1 January 2001

Dear USPS Member:

Your resume recently received failed to disclose your "Preferred Assignments" for national committees. The committee appreciates your interest in working at the national level but is handicapped in placing you in your area of interest without this information.

Enclosed is a new USPS Resume/SIRS form, which you may complete and return to USPS headquarters, P.O. Box 30423, Raleigh, NC 27622. When it is forwarded to ComNom, a post card acknowledging the receipt of the resume will be mailed to you.

A simpler, less time consuming, way to complete your resume is to use your computer and the Internet:

Go to the Committee on Nominations home page on the USPS web site:

On the ComNom home page, select "Click here to enter your résumé on-line." Enter your certificate number, first name, and last name, click "Continue", and a blank resume will appear for you to complete.

When updating your resume, be sure to fill in your three choices of "Preferred Assignments" and your USPS certificate number on page 1 of the form. It is also important to fill in your three most valuable "Personal Skills" on page 2.

When finished, click "Submit Form", and it will be delivered to the ComNom database. You will then be given an opportunity to print a copy of your updated resume. If you furnished an e-mail address, you will immediately receive an e-mail acknowledgement that your résumé has been received.

Thank you in advance for your kind and prompt attention to this request.


P/R/C Charles G. Troike, N

For the Committee on Nominations

Encl.: USPS Resume/SIRS form

ComNom Policy Statement Relative to Response to Resume Forms by Vice Commanders and Committee Chairs.



Committee on Nominations ( Rear Commander Elmer F. Dreier, AP

3820 Arbor Green Drive

Cincinnati, OH 45255-5637


10 June 2000

SUBJECT: Recommended response to resume form by Committee Chairs and Vice


The Committee on Nominations has and will continue to acknowledge receipt of resumes from members. This is done by e-mail or postcard. If an e-mail address is indicated, an acknowledgement will be sent to anyone submitting a resume via our online systems within minutes of the resume entry into the ComNom database. Copies of resumes received are then sent by ComNom to Committee Chairs or Vice Commanders of all completed "My Preferred Assignment" boxes as listed at the top of the resume form.

The following is the requested procedure to be followed by Committee Chairs or Vice Commanders upon receipt of the resumes forms they receive from ComNom:

1. Respond directly to the member who has requested your committee assignment as his or her number one choice (box #1 on the form) within ten days. This is to advise the member if there is or is not an interest or vacancy that they can be considered for at this time. Copies of responses should be sent to the 2nd and 3rd choice chairs.

2. Those committee chairs whose committee is the second or third choice (in the Preferred Assignment boxes), shall also respond to the individual member. If they use the member, they shall acknowledge such to the other chairs.

3. Since 95% of the members sending in resumes have e-mail addresses, the response time from committee chairs should be relatively easy and timely.

The Committee on Nominations will continue to remind all Committee Chairs of this procedure when attending departmental luncheons at Governing Boards and Annual Meetings.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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