USPS Board of Directors

USPS Board of Directors

Detroit, Mich.

4 Sept. 2012

Called to order at 0800


C/C John T. Alter, SN

V/C Robert A. Baldridge, SN

V/C Bob Brandenstein, SN

V/C Louie Ojeda, SN

V/C Jean L. Hamilton, SN

V/C Gary Cheney, SN

P/C/C Frank Dvorak, SN

Guests present:

Mary Catherine Berube

Tom Kemp

Ray Tsuneyoshi

Action items approved:

Ratification of electronic votes:

Upon motion to ratify the electronic votes on matters shown below made on 10 Aug. 2012, which was thereafter seconded, discussed and voted upon by the Board of Directors, United States Power Squadrons, each was approved and ratified.

1) The District 10 Council voted to recommend the dissolution of Sheboygan/10. The district commander notified the national secretary who referred it to the national executive officer. The national executive officer reported the action to the Board, which subsequently approved the dissolution of Sheboygan Power Squadron/10.


Upon motions to approve, which motions were seconded, discussed and voted upon by the Board of Directors, United States Power Squadrons, each of the following was approved:

1) A USPS Disaster Recovery Plan.

2) A motion to add a third staff commander to the Safety Committee to manage the CPR/First Aid Program.

3) A motion directing the Law Committee to manage the Conflict of Interest Policy.

4) A motion to approve the 2013 Budget.

5) A motion to add a third staff commander to the Squadron Activities Committee to manage the Squadron Emergency Response Assistance Team.


1) Tom Kemp reported that as of 31 Aug. 2012, Ship’s Store sales were ahead by 6 percent compared to the same period one year ago. He reported that the current inventory value was $85,589.

2) Kemp reported that 200 100th anniversary ensigns had been sold in less than two months. He noted that additional 100th anniversary items can purchased online at under the 100th anniversary tab.

3) Kemp reported that in Oct. 2012, members in Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia will begin receiving mailings on the Ford Member Benefits Program.

4) Kemp reported that three Garmin products are available on the Ship’s Store website at dealer pricing.

5) Kemp reported that second quarter royalties for the Affinity Member Benefits Program totaled $621.09.

6) Kemp reported that Marine Max has invited USPS to participate in a new initiative. Marine Max is opening showrooms at several shopping malls across the country starting with International Plaza in Tampa, Fla. In addition to displaying boats, these stores will include a 24-seat theater. Kemp and representatives from the Educational Department and District 22 met with Dave Witty, vice president of event marketing and retail merchandising, to discuss teaching America’s Boating Course and seminars at the Marine Max showroom in Tampa.

7) Kemp reported that he and P/R/C Ted Rankine, S, are working with Goodwill Communications to develop boating safety public service announcements.

8) Kemp reported that Hatteras Embroidery will sell 100th anniversary shirts directly to districts and squadrons at Ship’s Store prices. The 100th anniversary logo will be embroidered on the left chest, and districts and squadrons can add their burgees, flags and identification on the right chest or pocket. Details are available on the 100th anniversary website at 100 under downloads.

9) Ray Tsuneyoshi reported that he attended the District 11 USCG Auxiliary Workshop and continues to promote stronger ties with the USCG Auxiliary.

10) Tsuneyoshi reported on a potential memorandum of understanding with the American Sailing Association involving practical on the water training for paddlers.

11) Tsuneyoshi reported that he would provide input on USPS’ contribution to the USCG Strategic Plan of the National Recreational Boating Safety Program 2012-2016 as related to Strategy 3.1 Track Participation in and Effectiveness of Advanced Education and On-Water, Skills-based Boating Education Courses.


12) Mary Catherine Berube reported that all USCG grant progress reports are current.

13) Berube reported that USPS was approved for the Google for Non-profits Program. The program entitles USPS to free Google Adwords advertising that will be used to promote and increase search engine optimization for America’s Boating Course.

14) V/C Robert A. Baldridge, SN, discussed plans to celebrate USPS’ 100th Anniversary in 2013 and 2014. He noted that the 100th Anniversary Celebration Committee is planning a gala celebration starting with the 2013 Annual Meeting in Jacksonville. He encouraged districts and squadrons to coordinate events involving their local community and other boating organizations.

15) V/C Baldridge discussed the special 100th anniversary ensigns that will be given to each district at the 2013 Annual Meeting. Details can be found at 100.

16) V/C Baldridge reported that the new CCWEB is up and running. Information on the new system can be found at . The old CCWeb will be shut down on 1 Nov 2012.

17) V/C Baldridge reported that the Government and Partner Relations Committee reviewed a proposed memorandum of understanding with Sea Tow International Services and Sea Tow Foundation, which was subsequently referred to the Law Committee.

18) V/C Baldridge reported that the joint USPS and USCG Auxiliary Recreational Boating Safety Partner Visitation Program will begin on 1 Jan. 2013. The program objective is to encourage squadrons and auxiliaries to establish relationships with local businesses where they can display boating safety literature.

19) V/C Baldridge reported that the Marketing and Public Relations Committee is working with Tom Kemp on the USPS branding initiative.

20) V/C Baldridge stated that the National Meetings Committee is working on a proposal to make national meetings revenue positive net of travel reimbursements. He noted that USPS spends approximately $30,000 per national meeting on shipping costs, audio visual equipment charges, hotel services and guests.

21) V/C Baldridge reported receiving a resolution from District 22 seeking clarification for vessel safety check reporting related to privacy issues and vessel safety check data security.

He will assign the resolution to the national executive officer for reporting during the 2013 Annual Meeting in Jacksonville.

22) V/C Baldridge reported that the Governing Board would be asked to vote on the District 23 Resolution on selling educational materials to the public.

23) V/C Baldridge reported that he and Mary Catherine Berube are researching web-based business software to replace current accounting and inventory systems at headquarters.

24) V/C Louie Ojeda, SN, reported receiving more than $3,000 in donations to support the USPS exhibit at the 2013 Boy Scout Jamboree.

25) V/C Ojeda reported that the Squadron Activities Committee will contact squadrons with auxiliaries to update auxiliary contact information.

26) V/C Ojeda stated that name recognition and branding is critical at all levels of USPS. He encouraged districts and squadrons to display the USPS name and logo on their websites and to co-brand literature with local and national branding.

27) V/C Ojeda reported that the Membership Committee is focusing on member retention, including cyber members. He noted that cyber members transferring to a local squadron have a 68 percent retention rate, and 42 percent renew when they do not transfer to a local squadron.

28) The Leadership Development Committee reported that 636 members had completed Leadership Development training seminars to date.

29) V/C Bob Brandenstein, SN, reported that as of 31 July 2012, educational sales were $491,000 compared to $534,000 for the same period one year ago. ABC3 classroom sales were down 10 percent, or approximately $22,000.

30) V/C Brandenstein reported that P/C John Malatak, AP, is the project manager for the Brunswick Dealer Advantage Program. He reported that survey results indicated that 91 squadrons were interested in participating. These squadrons will be matched with participating Brunswick dealers in their area.

31) V/C Brandenstein reported that he would discuss a revenue sharing proposal and a plan to implement manufacturer’s retail suggested pricing for direct sales of course materials with district commanders and district educational officers.

32) V/C Brandenstein reported that USPS will begin developing the first online seminar with BoatU.S. Foundation in late Fall 2012.

33) V/C Brandenstein reported that he met with representatives from the Great Lakes Cruising Club to discuss offering USPS courses and seminars to GLCC members at USPS member prices.

34) V/C Brandenstein reported reaching an agreement with the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association to purchase electronic versions of USPS course material.

35) V/C Brandenstein reported on an initiative to teach USPS navigation courses on-board Tall Ships America vessels.

36) V/C Jean Hamilton, SN, reported receiving funding from the Endowment and Educational funds to develop a new USPS website. She reported that a contract was signed with Next Generation Web Design. She anticipated that the project would take approximately 12 to 18 months to complete. She noted that while the site will be professionally designed and developed, USPS volunteers will be an integral part of the process.

37) V/C Hamilton reported that in compliance with USPS Bylaws 10.2.2, she contacted 1,222 cyber and unattached members by e-mail in an effort to appoint delegate representation at the Detroit Governing Board Meeting.

38) V/C Hamilton reported that she would ask the Governing Board to merge the Flag and Etiquette and Historian’s committees, effective at the 2013 Annual Meeting. If approved, the merged committee will be called the Heritage and Protocol Committee.

39) V/C Hamilton reported that the Flag and Etiquette Committee approved adding the USPS ensign on a nametag in support of branding efforts.

40) V/C Hamilton reported that the Information Technology Committee will continue to support DB2000 for the foreseeable future.

41) V/C Gary P. Cheney, SN, reported an operating loss of $42,000 as of 31 July 2012.

42) V/C Cheney reported that as of 31 July 2012, the balance in the USPS Endowment Fund was $1,512,776. The balance in USPS investments was $730,722.

43) V/C Cheney reported receiving bids from the USPS auditor to perform an annual review versus a full audit. He reported that the cost difference was not significant, and the BOD agreed to continue with a full audit. He reported that USPS will complete the final year of a three-year contract with Dixon Hughes Goodman in 2012. The Finance Committee will work with headquarters to solicit bids.

44) V/C Cheney stated that the $25 new member initiation fee was eliminated 31 Dec. 2010 and the selling price of ABC3 was increased by $2 to offset the lost revenue. However, declining ABC3 sales continue have not replaced the revenue generated by the new member initiation fee.

45) V/C Cheney stated that competitive bids are required on purchases over $1,500.

Adjourned at 1540.


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