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XCVI Edition July 2007

Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida

214 Stevenage Drive Longwood, Florida 32779

e mail pat@

407-774-9700 Fax 407-788-3860 SSDA / NCPR-AT

Pat Moricca President Member Service Station Dealers of America




Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida is a non-profit association representing Independent Gasoline Retailers, Convenience Stores, Gasoline Service Stations, Repair Shops, Tire Retailers, Truck Stops and Associates throughout Florida. Our goal is to improve the interests of these independent businesses and the motoring public. Cooperation with insurance companies provides benefits for our members. These benefits include money-saving programs for group health, workers' compensation, casualty and property and gasoline tank liability insurance. Benefits also include financing to purchase your gasoline station property and much more.

The problems facing our industry today affect every dealer, no matter how large or small. And, since no one individual could possibly begin to solve these problems alone. Every gasoline retailer should join in a collective effort to protect their business investment.

Join the Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida and help in the fight to keep the

Motor Fuel Marketing Practices Act of Florida (Below Cost) law.

Make an important investment in your business future for less than $1 a day.

Generator law confusion

On June 1, 2007, the generator law (bill HB 7121) went into effect. The law is being reported by the media with confusion on who is obligated to have a transfer switch to operate a generator. Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida () has a link to the Florida Statute.

Notices of non-compliance

There is a portion of the law that may need clarification for some of you.

Pat Moricca The issue is the ½ mile proximity of your facility to an interstate or evacuation route. Those are

the only facilities that need to comply with the pre-wiring requirement tied to county population.

If you have the requisite number of fueling positions but are not within that ½ mile area, then you do not come under the laws compliance guidelines. I am sure that there will be many more issues that will arise as the Department of Agriculture completes their assigned inspection obligations.

Every one of you must remember that it is very important that you don’t ignore your obligation to respond in the 10-day period provided in a non-compliance notice even if your station is not required to meet the compliance guidelines. I realize that simply receiving a non-compliance notice carries a significant negative stigma, but it is the process and you must comply. The frustration of being issued notices of non-compliance when you never had to comply with the law does not exempt you from your obligation to respond in the 10-day period provided after receiving a non-compliance notice.

The gasoline stations that were not in compliance should explain that they are correcting their obligation in their answer to the non-compliance notice. The gasoline stations that received a non-compliance notice should explain why they do not have to comply according to the generator law.

If any of you did not receive our e-mail of the law explaining who is obligated according to population and fueling positions contact Pat Moricca at 407-774-9700.

The Cost of Non Involvement

One of the worst possible assumptions you can make, assuming that you have interests in issues before the legislature, is that someone else is effectively representing your issues to legislators. A close corollary to this is the assumption that it's all right for you to not get involved with the legislative process because those who have opposing views probably aren't involved either. Add either or both of these assumptions to a lack of understanding of how legislators make decisions and you have one good recipe for legislative disaster.

Legislators understand involvement above most other concepts. The people they see or hear from most often have the greatest impact; be one of them, and success may be yours; slack off and you're likely to fail.

Legislators need and appreciate lobbyists for what they can do, but legislators and lobbyists know that lobbyists (as well as legislators) have their limitations. You cannot expect legislators to know all the facts on all the issues. Even good lobbyists take a back seat to informed industry members when it comes to presenting convincing arguments to legislators, lawmakers simply must hear from the industry members the people in the trenches. Those who have opinions on issues continually barrage legislators. If your opponents are among them and you aren't, you lose.

Zone Pricing Suit Against Shell Dropped

Santa Ana, Calif. -- A federal judge here dismissed a lawsuit filed by California gas station owners against Shell Oil Co., alleging the company overcharged operators for gasoline, in an effort to push customers to local stations owned by Shell, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Attorneys for both sides were prepared to give closing remarks to the jury, when U.S. District Judge James V. Selna's decided to throw out key expert testimony and end the case.

Earlier this week, the jury heard testimony from Robert Michaels, an economics professor at Cal State Fullerton, hired by the Shell dealers to quantify the damage caused by the alleged pricing policies. While the jury was taking a break, Selna removed Michaels' testimony and dismissed the case, the report stated.

"I find that the methodology used by Dr. Michaels does not meet the standard," Selna told the attorneys. Without Michaels' evidence, "the jury cannot compute a reasonable estimate of lost profit for these defendants," he added.

Thomas Bleau, an attorney for the Shell dealers, told the Times he would appeal the ruling, and will seek a permanent injunction that would bar Shell from charging dealers different prices based on competition zones.

Anticompetitive actions

The oil company’s anticompetitive actions is a big reason why gasoline prices are outrageously high. Manipulations, refinery down time on peak driving seasons, rumors, predictions, innuendoes etc. and mergers approved by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has created a monopoly. When one group of buyer can purchase wholesale gasoline at a much lower price than a franchise buyer who is a captive buyer of wholesale gasoline from their gasoline supplier (oil company). There isn’t any competition at the wholesale level and that’s why we need legislation for ‘Divorcement and Open Supply’. Why are the oil companies against true competition where ‘Divorcement and Open Supply’ will create competition at the retail and wholesale level?

Oil companies wholesale gasoline prices rise and fall in concert. Vertically integrated companies like ExxonMobil own every step of the production process from extraction to refining to sale at the pump, enabling them to foreclose competition.

While conspiracy points to a rash of refinery closures for maintenance, the main culprit can be seen in a single statistic.

With domestic refiners unable to keep up with demand, imports of gasoline have surged and now account for 11 percent of all gasoline burned in the United States. Rising imports are a measure of domestic industry's inability to meet demand and coincide with higher prices.

With oil companies record breaking profits there isn’t any incentive to change the oil company’s policy.

The five largest oil companies reported almost $120 billion in record net profits with ExxonMobil leading the pack with

$39.5 billion last year (2006) alone but invested only $1.2 billion in renewable energy sources from 2000 to 2005, according to the American Petroleum Institute. ExxonMobil daily profit is well over $1250 a second and over $110 million a day.

The consumer can help in reducing gasoline prices by conserving and not taking unnecessary trips and expanded use of ethanol and other measures to reduce the country's reliance on foreign oil.

The convenience of picking and using an excuse to increase gasoline prices and profits (crude oil, storage capacity, refinery maintenance, weather, conflicts wherever, predictions, rumors, innuendos etc.) and no refinery has been built in the U.S. for over 30 years?

Record Profits

In the first three months of this year (2007), the five largest integrated oil companies (Chevron, BP PLC, ConocoPhillips, Shell and ExxonMobil) made $29.5 billion in net profits, up 4.5 percent from a year earlier.

That works out to $320 million a day, $13.4 million an hour, and $222,569 a minute.

According to the latest available figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, from 2000 to 2005, Americans spent $722 more on gasoline.

"Today's high gasoline prices highlight fundamental problems in the industry," said Mark Cooper, the group's director of research in a press release, "a lack of competition that enables oil companies to exploit a tight market."

Refinery Slowdowns; as an example of how the industry can do this, Cooper points to the 149 refineries in this country that process oil into gasoline. He argues that oil companies have underinvested in refining capacity and reduced stored inventories of gasoline to the point where they cannot perform any maintenance or changes without gasoline prices and company profits increasing.

"If you give them the benefit of doubt, then they have horribly mismanaged this industry," he told ABC News. "They can't switch from winter to summer fuels without driving up the price a buck and they get away with it."

Oil industry scales back refinery plans

Washington -- A push from Congress and the White House for huge increases in biofuels, such as ethanol, is prompting the oil industry to scale back its plans for refinery expansions. That could keep gasoline prices high, possibly for years to come.

A shortage of refineries frequently has been blamed by politicians for the sharp price spikes in gasoline, as was the case by Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., during debate on a Senate energy bill.

"The fact is that Americans are paying more at the pump because we do not have the domestic capacity to refine the fuels consumers demand," Consumer advocates maintain the oil industry likes it that way.

"By creating a situation of extremely tight supply, the oil companies gain control over price at the wholesale level," said Mark Cooper of the Consumer Federation of America. He argued that a wave of mergers in recent years created a refining industry that "has no interest in creating spare (refining) capacity."

Only last year, the Energy Department was told that refiners, reaping big profits and anticipating growing demand, were looking at boosting their refining capacity by more than 1.6 million barrels a day, a roughly 10 percent increase. That would be enough to produce an additional 37 million gallons of gasoline daily.

But oil companies already have scaled those expansion plans back by nearly 40 percent. More cancelations are expected if Congress passes legislation now before the Senate calling for 15 billion gallons of ethanol use annually by 2015 and more than double that by 2022, say industry and government officials.

With the anticipated growth in biofuels, "you're getting down to needing little or no additional gasoline production" above what is being made today, said Joanne Shore, an analyst for the government's Energy Information Administration.

In 2006, motorists used 143 billion gallons of gasoline, of which 136 billion was produced by U.S. refineries, and the rest imported.

Asked recently whether Chevron Corp. might build a new refinery, vice chairman Peter Robertson replied, "Why would I invest in a refinery when you're trying to make 20 percent of the gasoline supply ethanol?"

Ron Lamberty of the American Coalition for Ethanol said all the talk about biofuels threatening gasoline production is the "latest attempt to blame ethanol on Big Oil's failure to meet our energy needs."

"The ethanol industry continues to grow while oil refiners continue to make excuses for maintaining their profitable status quo," said Lamberty.

Sen. Byron Dorgan, said consolidation of the oil industry into fewer companies has left them with no incentive to expand refineries.

"It's a perverted system that does not act as a free market system would act," said Dorgan. "If you narrow the neck of refining, you actually provide a greater boost to prices which is a greater boost to profitability."

Gas Prices Cause Distress, Say Americans

(Angus Reid Global Monitor) - Many people in the United States say fuel costs have negatively affected them and their families, according to a poll by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. 73 per cent of respondents say the rising price of gasoline has been a very or somewhat serious problem.

The national average price for regular gasoline reached $3.23 U.S. a gallon in May, according to the American Automobile Association. The average price was $2.79 U.S. in mid-April and $2.54 U.S. in March.

Unfortunately, higher gas prices are a problem that has been years in the making." 43 per cent of respondents blame oil companies for the recent price increases.

On Jun. 13, a U.S. Energy Department report revealed that American refineries operated at 89.2 per cent of capacity in the second week of June the lowest usage rate in 15 years. Michael Fitzpatrick, vice-president for energy risk management at New York City’s Man Financial Inc., declared: "Refineries should be operating at 95 per cent of capacity right now as we approach July 4 and peak demand. We aren’t building a gasoline supply cushion against disruptions and glitches."


BP To Sell 22 Stations in South Florida

Chicago -- BP is selling 22 BP-branded gas stations in South Florida through NRC Realty Advisors. Of the 22 sites, 20 are currently operating locations and two are closed.

In addition, three of the sites are being offered for redevelopment for other commercial use. Sales of the locations include real estate or ground lease, buildings, fixtures and equipment.

"The BP brand is distinctive in South Florida," Hope Mineo, managing director of NRC, said in a written statement.

The BP sites will be sold through NRC's sealed bid sale process. The deadline for sealed bid submission is July 26. Prospective dealers are required to submit a completed dealer application before submitting bids. The dealer application is available for download at 716.

In addition, bidders must obtain a property specific package (PSP) for each site to be bid upon. Each PSP contains a site specific bid package, due diligence information, bid instructions, a bidding form and purchase contract.

A complimentary color portfolio brochure with site information summaries and maps can be obtained by calling (800) 747-3342, ext. 716.

If your station is one of the 22 BP’s to be sold, contact attorney Luis Konski @ 305-789-2789 for your legal rights in purchasing your location.

What Happened To The Franchise Gasoline Station Dealer?

Going back to the late 50’s and 60’s, the oil companies were looking for people to operate their gasoline stations. Their policy was very simple and we were treated like a real customer and when help was needed they were glad to help. The gasoline dealers trusted the oil companies and provided a mutual respect and loyalty for each other. Most rents were tied to gasoline volume sold and there weren’t any self service stations, Big Boxers, Hypermarketers and ‘Trial Leases’. The traditional gasoline station was a service to the neighborhood. Customers could depend on them for road services, repair their automobiles, oil changes, change a flat tire, emergency and many other services (helping the handicap, information when lost! etc.) and then something happened; Greed took over.

The oil companies’ strategy is to eliminate the gasoline dealers with confusing leases that only a lawyer can understand. If a dealer disagrees, there was retaliation and the changes to leases and policies that could not be challenged; sign or grounds for non-renewal. As the years went by, more and more restricted provisions in the leases designed to eliminate the franchise dealers.

How can a businessman be successful when his/her supplier is also their competitor, landlord and sells gasoline to the public cheaper than wholesale to their franchise dealers i.e. zone pricing? Many states have ‘Below Cost’ laws that are violated and the franchise dealer does not have the financial resources to challenge the violator and eventually goes out of business!

Over the years, I couldn’t understand why the Oil Companies wanted to eliminate their franchise dealers; instead of helping the dealers who made them successful, they destroyed many of them.

When the oil companies were selling their locations; the strategy was to eliminate them by double and triple the value and deed restrict the property (no gasoline retail sales). The federal statute the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act (PMPA) says different, (the property should be fair market value and can not be deed restricted to the existing franchise dealer).

The Oil Companies violate the Act (PMPA) and the dealers do not have the financial resources to challenge them and they leave without any benefit for the many years of hard work, sacrifice and many times loosing their life savings.

There are many ways to eliminate the franchise dealer and here are some. Zone pricing, increasing rent, oil company maintenance shift to the dealer, Corporate Salary gasoline stations in competition with their own franchise dealers with lower retail prices, selling wholesale gasoline to the Big Boxers and Hypermarketers (i e. Costco, Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart, BJ’s, etc.) at a much lower price than to their franchise dealers. Vertically integrated oil companies like ExxonMobil own every step of the production process from extraction to refining to retail, enabling them to foreclose competition. The only possible reason I could think of is GREED!

There are many horror stories in the gasoline industry that have destroyed families because of the way oil companies treated their loyal franchise dealers.

In 1972 before the first OPEC crude oil embargo, Big Boxers and Hypermarketers; there were approximately 300 thousand gasoline stations in the U.S. Today there are approximately 185,000 gasoline stations in the U.S. including Big Boxers, Hypermarketers and Corporate Salary gasoline stations and less than 100 thousand are independent and franchise dealers. Every day the number of independent and franchise dealers becomes lower and lower.

Go to our web site and click Gasoline Nozzle Magazine and read some of the horror stories.

True competition is when everyone plays on the same level field.

When a corporation (oil companies) has the ability to charge their customers (franchise dealers) whatever price they want for wholesale gasoline and their customer(franchise dealers) does not have the right to shop around for the best price and buy on an open supply market; that is called a captive customer. At the same time, the corporations (oil companies) sell on the open supply market to companies (Wal-Mart, Costco, Sams, Albertson, Publix etc.) at a much lower wholesale price than their own independent branded gasoline retailers and make up the difference from their captive customers subsidizing the open supply market buyer.

If the oil companies were to compete for all their business in a true competition arena; the gasoline prices will be lower at the wholesale and retail level because of competition. The only way the oil companies know how to compete is having captive customers and control of the industry from the wellhead to the consumer (monopoly?).

When a gasoline retailer is selling gasoline at a higher price than his competitor, at times there is outrage from the consumer, media and public officials before knowing all the facts why there is a difference in gasoline prices. Many reasons why and here are some; captive retailers are forced to pay higher wholesale gasoline prices, his/her competitor is also their gasoline supplier, zone pricing designed by their supplier, different local county option tax rates from a minimum of 10.2 cents to a maximum of 18.2 cents a gallon (Florida has 67counties). When a CEO (ExxonMobil Lee Raymond) retired in 2005 with a $400 million retirement benefit, the outcry was not as loud from the consumer, media and public officials as at the small gasoline retailer who is struggling to survive when prices rise.

The misconceptions of the gasoline industry is that outrageous profits are being made by everyone in the oil and gasoline industry and the truth is that the oil companies are making record profits year after year while many of the small independent gasoline retailers are going out of business.

ExxonMobil VP Exercises Options

A vice president for ExxonMobil Corp. exercised his options for 19,092 shares of common stock, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing Monday.

In a Form 4 filed with the SEC, Gerald Kohlenberger reported he exercised options for the shares for $31.70 apiece, and then sold all of them for $84.50 to $84.53 apiece.

Insiders file Form 4s with the SEC to report transactions in their companies' shares. Open market purchases and sales must be reported within two business days of the transaction.

Is this what the oil companies call ‘market conditions’?

Isn’t it great to share in the pie! Chairman and Chief Executive Rex Tillerson, received a compensation package for 2006 valued by the oil giant at about $18.4 million!

Meadowbrook Insurance Group Workers’ Compensation dividend program

The Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida proudly sponsors Meadowbrook Insurance Group as its source for workers’ compensation insurance. Meadowbrook Insurance Group Workers’ Compensation is available to the Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida membership.

For more Information contact:

Cindy Winternitz 800-575-1816 or Pat Moricca 407-774-9700.

Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida-Meadowbrook Group Workers’ compensation dividend program has produced a dividend on paid premiums for eight out of the last nine years.

New Address and telephone numbers

Direct Phone 305-789-2789

Luis S. Konski Partner Direct Fax 305-537-3989

701Brickell Avenue Email Luis.Konski@

Law Firm Suite 1900 http//

Miami, FL 33131

2009 Tank System Upgrade Requirements

What Does It Mean for You and Your Business?

New Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62-761, Tank System Upgrade Requirements – What Does It Mean to You and Your Business?

Business owners in the gas retailing business could be facing exorbitant fines and potential shut down of their business come 2009 if their tank systems are not in compliance with the new Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 62-761. Call or e-mail A2L Technologies, Inc. for a FREE White Paper detailing:

• The actual regulation upgrade requirements

• What it means and how it will affect my business

• Options for upgrading tanks and monitoring systems in order to be in compliance

• Options if contamination is found

• Information on available State funding for remediation during upgrades

A2L Technologies, Inc. is a Tampa based engineering firm that for the last decade has been providing environmental planning, engineering and remediation services to national and international businesses throughout Florida. A2L is an approved assessment and remediation consultant/contractor by the Florida Department of Transportation, and is licensed, insured and bonded. A2L represents the environmental interests for commercial, industrial and governmental clients with the goal of assuring full regulatory compliance with the least economic impact to our customers.

Call or e-mail us for your FREE White Paper Today!

A2L Technologies, Inc.

10220 Harney Road NE

Thonotosassa, FL 33592

Contact: Larry G. Schmaltz, PE - President

Phone: 813.248.8558, ext. 305

Fax: 813.248.8656

E-mail: LarryS@

U.S. Department of the Treasury

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network


FenCEN’s Web site is located at:


December 4, 2006

FinCEN Announces Launch of FinCEN Updates E-mail Subscription News Service

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) today announced the launch of FinCEN Updates – a new, free

e-mail subscription management service designed to keep the financial industry, the media and the public informed of news, rulemakings, advisories and other developments at FinCEN. This new secure e-mail subscription management service permits users to customize their updates, which enables them to receive e-mails related to the topics to which they have subscribed.

FinCEN Updates allows users to choose their subscription preferences. Subscription items include advisories, guidance, news releases, rulings, enforcement actions, and current career opportunities at FinCEN. Users can add or delete subscription items themselves, and have the option to password protects their accounts for increased security. Users can opt to have FinCEN Updates sent immediately, daily, weekly, or monthly to their e-mail accounts or directly to a wireless device.

FinCEN selected the GovDelivery® E-Mail Subscription Management service to monitor designated website content and to send an e-mail to alert subscribers when there is new information posted on FinCEN’s public websites. Subscribers will receive e-mails from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network at the address fincenupdates@.

To subscribe to FinCEN Updates, visit FinCEN’s website at or subscribe directly at .


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The last minute policy renewal quote:

By waiting till the very last minute it will prevent the insured (you) from being able to shop for a lower cost policy. Below are a couple tips to help you get the best deal on insurance.

Liability: At least six weeks before your policy expires, seek out competitive quotes from at least one additional agent/company. You will need to know your current policy coverage and terms to get competitive information. Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida’s/Insurance Office of America’s money saving programs and a complete insurance package to meet your business responsibility.

Contact Glen Esbjorn from the Insurance Office of America for your insurance needs @ (800) 242-6899 (407) 788-3000 or Pat Moricca @ (407) 774-9700

For Group Health Insurance: Contact Lauren Wallace 800-243-6899 ext 5440 for information.

S. O. S.

Safehouse of Seminole Domestic violence is a social issue, which crosses all boundaries and threatens the very fabric of our society. At Safehouse of Seminole, we are dedicated to breaking this cycle of violence through our shelter and community outreach programs. Our crisis line and shelter programs provide victims and their children with the resources they need to begin healing from past and preparing for their future. Believing that education and awareness are vital tools for change, we provide educational programs in Seminole County Schools and other community organizations. 24-Hour Crisis Line 407-330-3933.

Safehouse of Seminole needs your donations

Your contribution to Safehouse may be tax deductible on your annual tax return, as Safehouse is an organization of the type described in section 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(A)(vi) under the Internal Revenue Code. Our registration number is SC-05086.

Safehouse of Seminole Wish List:

Personal Needs – Bedding Needs – Baby Food & Needs -- School Needs – Grocery/Kitchen/Cleaning Needs – Holiday Needs – Miscellaneous Items for everyday Needs!

Contact the Safehouse of Seminole @ 407-302-5220 for a copy of their Wish List.

Please make checks payable to and mail to

Safehouse of Seminole PO Box 2921, Sanford, FL, 32772




When the Government Wants Your Property You Have Rights

But You May Also Have Obligations:

You receive a letter from a governing entity (state, county, city, etc.) saying your property, or part of it, is needed for the improvement or widening of Main Street, Anytown, Florida. In a state growing at an exponential rate with, seemingly, every other road under construction, this is becoming a common occurrence. The purpose of this article is to present an outline of the process involved when the government uses its power. This process is often referred to as condemnation and owners and businesses have rights provided under Florida law.

For full information, Contact:

Barry S. Balmuth, P.A.

Centurion Tower-Eleventh Floor

1601 Forum Place, Suite 1101

West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

For complete information go to

or contact toll free 866-452-9400

Residents trying to hang onto their homes in a working-class neighborhood of New London, Conn., are waging a battle in the Supreme Court over their city government's attempt to seize property for private economic development. Susette Kelo and several other homeowners filed a lawsuit after city officials announced plans to bulldoze their residences to clear the way for a riverfront hotel, health club and offices. The residents refused to move, arguing it was an unconstitutional taking of their property.

Free Confidential U.S. Immigration & Naturalization procedures:

Free Confidential U.S. Immigration & Naturalization procedures and information that is provided by a U.S. Congress approved person

Any member in good standing of the Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida qualifies for this benefit.

For more information, contact the Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida office at 407-774-9700.


*Grogan Realty Co. Specializing in Gasoline stations & Commercial property financing available (904) 737-3493

*Meadowbrook Insurance Group Workers’ Comp. Dividend Program Contact: Cindy Winternitz (800) 575-1816

*Collect A Chek NSF Check Recovery Contact: Frank Straughn Toll Free: 1-877-874-9791 fstraughn@

*Insurance Office of America Group Health, Property & Casualty Liability Underground Storage Tank Insurance

Contact: Glen Esbjorn (800) 243-6899-1855 W.S.R. 434-Longwood, FL 32750

*Chokshi Accounting & Tax Services, Inc. 682 Maitland Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 407-332-8311

*RPM inc. Receipts-Printing-Marketing 1536 Bonair St. Clearwater, FL 33755 1-800-398-0987

* CollectAChek Almost every retail business receives bad checks: NSF check recovery company that collects face value of check and charges owner for recovery Frank Straughn @ (877) 874-9791 or e-mail fstraughn@


Hamid Ghannad

United Oil Co. Inc.

15438 North Florida Ave.

Suite 120

Tampa, FL 33619

(813) 241-4610

Bill McKnight

Automated Petroleum & Energy Co.

P.O. Box 1110

Brandon, FL 33509

(813) 681-4279

Art McKee

Lewis & Raulerson, Inc.

P.O. Box 59

Waycross, Georgia 32502

(863) 401-3937

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Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida needs ‘Donated Office/Meeting Room’

The Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida is the leading voice for individuals with Down syndrome and their families. We offer hope, encouragement and acceptance through advocacy, education and awareness so that each may realize their potential as members of our community.

For information, 407-540-1121 web site

Special Olympics Seminole County

Through successful sports training and competition, Special Olympics athletes develop physically, socially, and physiologically. The positive experiences the athletes have and ongoing Special Olympics programs builds confidence and self image, which carries over into all aspects of their lives.

Special Olympics Seminole County web site or 407-263-8043 for information

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Who was the first president to appear on a U.S. coin?

Answer: [pic]

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