GRADE 12 - Curriculum
Duration: 2Hrs.30min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: THE IMPACT OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE USSR IN 1989 |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR in 1989 on |
|South Africa? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 1-3; LO2: AS 2,3; LO3: AS 1,2 |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will know about… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|The world before the collapse of the USSR |Identify issues related to the world after |What the world was like in the 1980s and 1990s |
|Gorbachev’s reforms in the USSR |the Cold War |How economic wealth and political power determine |
|South Africa’s position regarding the Cold |Extract relevant information and data from |history |
|War |sources |How our world has been shaped by the collapse of |
|The impact of the collapse of the USSR on |Explain historical concepts such as |the USSR and the end of the Cold War |
|South Africa |communism, capitalism and democracy |What challenges confronted the world after the |
| |Categorise appropriate sources |collapse of the USSR |
| |Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |How the history of South Africa was influenced by |
| |and data gathered from a variety of sources |the Cold War |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
|Questions: | |
|What was the world like before 1989? |Learning activities: |
|Why did Gorbachev’s reforms lead to the collapse of the USSR? |Working in groups |
|What reforms did Gorbachev implement in the USSR? |Work individually |
|What was Soviet reaction to Gorbachev’s reforms? |Class debate |
|What were the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union? | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Writing a paragraph on Gorbachev’s reforms / reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union |
|Source-based activities |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Debate |Debating the opposing systems (Looking into the Past, p.175) |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
| |
|Content focus / Topic: THE IMPACT OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE USSR IN 1989 |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR in 1989? |
|How did the end of the Cold War impact on South Africa? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 2-4; LO2: AS 2,3; LO3: AS 2-4 |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Explain how the treat of communism was used |Identify issues related to the world after |How the history of South Africa was influenced by |
|by the apartheid government to justify its |the Cold War |the Cold War |
|policies to white voters and win the support |Extract relevant information and data from |That indoctrination is a violation of human rights|
|of Allies in the West |sources |That accurate, reliable information about the |
|Examine how white school children were |Explain historical concepts such as |world is a human right |
|indoctrinated against communism in South |communism, capitalism and democracy |That democracy is a fundamental human right |
|African schools |Categorise appropriate sources |That repressive states such as dictatorships have |
|Reflect upon how the USSR’s collapse placed |Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |to be challenged |
|pressure on both the NP and the ANC to |and data gathered from a variety of sources |That even the most powerful states need help from |
|negotiate with one another |Identify bias and point of view |other nations |
|Consider how the fall of the USSR influenced |Communicate historical knowledge and |That cultural and national symbols must be |
|the economic policies of the democratic South|understanding |protected and valued |
|Africa | | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
|Questions: | |
|What happened in 1989 that changed the course of South African |Learning activities: |
|History? |Working in groups |
|How did the fall of the Berlin Wall influenced the situation in |Work individually |
|South Africa? |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Source-based activities | |
|Debate | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration:2Hrs. 30min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: SOUTH AFRICA’S ROAD TO DEMOCRACY (1980s to 2000) |
| |
|Key Questions: How did South Africa emerge as a democracy from the crisis |
|of the 1990s? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS2-4; LO2: AS1,2; LO3: AS 1-3 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|How the collapsed of communism paved the way |Identify issues that led to the end of |The sacrifice of South Africa’s people in the |
|for negotiations in South Africa |apartheid and the birth of a new South Africa|fight for justice and equality |
|How violence and conflict nearly derailed the|Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |The importance of compromise in negotiation |
|negotiation process. |and data gathered from a variety of sources | |
| |Extract relevant evidence and data from | |
| |sources | |
| |Explain historical concepts such as | |
| |resistance, state of emergency, armed | |
| |struggle, sanctions, negotiations, democracy | |
| |etc. | |
| |Categorise sources of information | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
| | |
|Questions: |Learning activities: |
|How and why did South Africa move to a negotiated settlement? |Working in groups |
|How were the crisis of violence and conflict managed? |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Analysing an editorial (Looking into the Past, p.197) |
|Source-based activities |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Debate |Write a paragraph explaining why apartheid was in crisis |
| |Using a satire as political comment (Shuter, p.224) |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration: 4Hrs.10min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: SOUTH AFRICA’S ROAD TO DEMOCRACY (1980s to 2000) |
| |
|Key Questions: How did South Africa emerge as a democracy from the crisis |
|of the 1990s? |
|How did apartheid collapse in South Africa? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS2,3; LO2: AS1-3; LO3: AS 2,4 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|The process of negotiations that led to the |Identify issues that led to the end of |The sacrifice of South Africa’s people in the |
|unfolding of democracy |apartheid and the birth of a new South Africa|fight for justice and equality |
|The formation of the GNU and the new |Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |The importance of compromise in negotiation |
|constitution |and data gathered from a variety of sources |Appreciate the determination and courage of the |
| |Extract relevant evidence and data from |country’s leaders to pursue the road to freedom |
| |sources |and democracy |
| |Explain historical concepts such as | |
| |resistance, state of emergency, armed | |
| |struggle, sanctions, negotiations, democracy | |
| |etc. | |
| |Categorise sources of information | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
|Questions: | |
|How did negotiations take a step forward towards democracy? |Learning activities: |
|How was democracy finally achieved with the GNU and the new |Working in groups |
|constitution? |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Design a pamphlet or poster protesting against the imposition of the state of emergency.(New |
|Source-based activities |Generation, p.231) |
|Debate |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
| |Write a paragraph explaining the role of students and workers in the struggle |
| |Learners to explain how representative of the struggle are anti-apartheid posters? (Shuters, |
| |p.229-230) |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration: 4Hrs.10min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: CIVIL SOCIETY PROTEST BETWEEN 1960 AND 1990 |
| |
|Key Questions: What forms of civil society protest emerged from the 1960s |
|up to 1990? |
|What is meant by civil society protest? |
|How did civil society protest bring about change in the 1960s? |
| |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS1-4; LO2: AS1,2; LO3: AS 2-4 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will know and be able to.. |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
| |Extract relevant information and data from |The reasons why civil society protest is necessary|
|Define civil society |sources |The impact of peace movements |
|Political and social changes that resulted |Analyse the information and data gathered |How African American overcame discrimination and |
|from protest in the 1960s |from a variety of sources |injustice |
|How Black people struggled for and won civil |Evaluate the sources of information provided | |
|rights in the USA |to assess the appropriateness of the sources | |
|Explain what Black Power was and how its aims|for the task | |
|differed from the aims of the Civil Rights |Interpret and evaluate information and data | |
|Movement |from sources | |
| | | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
| | |
|Questions: |Learning activities: |
|What are civil rights and what is civil protest? | |
|What was the civil rights movement and what did it achieve? |Working in groups |
|What was Black Power and how did its aims differ from the aims of |Work individually |
|the Civil Rights Movement? |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Analysing cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Using poetry to examine the social context of African Americans |
|Source-based activities |Analysing photographs |
|Debate |Writing an essay |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
| |
|Content focus / Topic: CIVIL SOCIETY PROTEST BETWEEN 1960 AND 1990 |
| |
|Key Questions: How did civil society protest bring about change in the 1960s? |
| |
|What was the range of tactics used by the civil rights movement and how effective were they? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS1-3; LO2: AS2,3; LO3: AS 1,3 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will know about… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|How Black people struggled for and won civil |Extract relevant information and data from |The reasons why civil society protest is necessary|
|rights in the United States of America. |sources |The impact of peace movements |
|Explain how the Black Power Movement emerged |Analyse the information and data gathered |How African American overcame discrimination and |
|in the USA |from a variety of sources |injustice |
|Comment on the relationship between Black |Evaluate the sources of information provided | |
|Power and Black Consciousness |to assess the appropriateness of the sources | |
| |for the task | |
| |Interpret and evaluate information and data | |
| |from sources | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
| | |
|Questions: |Learning activities: |
|What was the Civil Rights Movement? |Working in groups |
|What role did Rosa Parks play in the Civil Rights Movement? |Work individually |
|The struggle for equal education. |Class debate |
|What was the role of Martin Luther King in the Civil Rights | |
|Movement? | |
|Mass marches, freedom rides, voter education | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Analysing cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Using poetry to examine the social context of African Americans |
|Source-based activities |Analysing photographs |
|Debate |Writing an essay |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration: 4Hrs.10min
| |
|Content focus / Topic: CIVIL SOCIETY PROTEST BETWEEN 1960 AND 1990 |
| |
|Key Question: What was the role of Black Consciousness in South Africa during |
|the 1970s? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS1-3; LO2: AS2,3; LO3: AS 2-4 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will know about… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Understand the concept of Black Consciousness|Extract relevant information and data from |The reasons why civil society protest is necessary|
|Explore the impact of Black Consciousness |sources |The challenges that the majority of South Africans|
|ideas |Analyse the information and data gathered |faced in the 1970s and 1980s |
|Discuss the role of Steve Biko in the B/C |from a variety of sources |How Black Consciousness contributed to the |
|movement. |Evaluate the sources of information provided |establishment of a democratic South Africa |
|Evaluate the role of Black Consciousness in |to assess the appropriateness of the sources |The impact of the struggle against apartheid |
|the Soweto uprising of 1976 |for the task |The role of civil society protest in changing |
| |Interpret and evaluate information and data |political and economic dynamics |
| |from sources | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
| | |
|Questions: |Learning activities: |
|What was Black Consciousness? |Working in groups |
|What changes were happening in South Africa in the early 1970s? |Work individually |
|What was the role of Steve Biko in the B/C movement? |Class debate |
|What were the students of Soweto protesting about? | |
|What were the consequences of 16 June 1976? | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Learners to comparing Black Power and Black Consciousness |
|Source-based activities |Conducting an oral interview (Looking into the Past, p.157) |
|Debate |Writing an essay |
| |Evaluate cartoons as a form of civil protest (Shuter, p.141-142) |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
|Enrichment: Learners to watch the film Cry|Work to be repeated and remediate? |
|Freedom and answer the questions, (New |Needs of individual learners identified? |
|Generation, p.149) | |
| |
|Content focus / Topic: CIVIL SOCIETY PROTEST BETWEEN 1960 AND 1990 |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the role of Black Consciousness in South Africa during |
|the 1970s? |
|What was the impact of Black Consciousness on South African politics? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS1-3; LO2: AS2,3; LO3: AS 2,4 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will know about… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Evaluate the role of Black Consciousness in |Extract relevant information and data from |The reasons why civil society protest is necessary|
|the Soweto uprising of 1976 |sources |The challenges that the majority of South Africans|
|Civil protest against apartheid in South |Analyse the information and data gathered |faced in the 1970s and 1980s |
|Africa during the 1980s |from a variety of sources |How Black Consciousness contributed to the |
| |Evaluate the sources of information provided |establishment of a democratic South Africa |
| |to assess the appropriateness of the sources |The impact of the struggle against apartheid |
| |for the task |The role of civil society protest in changing |
| |Interpret and evaluate information and data |political and economic dynamics |
| |from sources | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
| | |
|Questions: |Learning activities: |
|What were the students of Soweto protesting about? |Working in groups |
|What were the consequences of 16 June 1976? |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Learners to interpret and assess political posters (In Search of History, p.156) |
|Source-based activities |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Debate |Write a paragraph to evaluate the role of community organisations |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
DATE: 20 – 24 JULY 2009 Duration:4Hrs.10min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: SOUTH AFRICA’S ROAD TO DEMOCRACY (1980s to 2000) |
| |
|Key Question: How did the new South Africa deal with the past and face the |
|future? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 1-4; LO2: AS1,2; LO3: AS 1-3 |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Empathize with the process of healing through|Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |Appreciate the determination and courage of the |
|the TRC hearings |and data gathered from a variety of sources |country’s leaders to pursue the road to freedom |
|Investigate accountability |Extract relevant evidence and data from |and democracy |
|Discuss the implications and significance of |sources |The importance of a new constitution, the idea of |
|the TRC. |Categorise sources of information |forgiving, healing and reconciliation |
|Our new flag, national anthem and coat of |Compare and contrast the various |The value of our new symbols |
|arms |interpretations and perspectives and draw | |
|Our inclusive heritage |independent conclusions | |
| |Use evidence to formulate an argument | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
|Questions: | |
|What was the TRC? |Learning activities: |
|Did the TRC succeed in dealing with the past? |Working in groups |
|What was the link between the TRC and nation-building? |Work individually |
|What were the final outcomes of the TRC? |Class debate |
|Why is it important to develop a new national identity? | |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Learners to analyse the work of the TRC.(Looking into the Past,p. 236-237) |
|Source-based activities |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Debate |Class debate (Viva History, p.252-253) |
| |Research Assignment |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
DATE: 15 – 17 APRIL 2009 Duration: 2Hrs.30min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: THE IMPACT OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE USSR IN 1989 |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR in 1989 on |
|South Africa? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 1-3; LO2: AS 2,3; LO3: AS 1,2 |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will know about… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|The world before the collapse of the USSR |Identify issues related to the world after |What the world was like in the 1980s and 1990s |
|Gorbachev’s reforms in the USSR |the Cold War |How economic wealth and political power determine |
|South Africa’s position regarding the Cold |Extract relevant information and data from |history |
|War |sources |How our world has been shaped by the collapse of |
|The impact of the collapse of the USSR on |Explain historical concepts such as |the USSR and the end of the Cold War |
|South Africa |communism, capitalism and democracy |What challenges confronted the world after the |
| |Categorise appropriate sources |collapse of the USSR |
| |Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |How the history of South Africa was influenced by |
| |and data gathered from a variety of sources |the Cold War |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
|Questions: | |
|What was the world like before 1989? |Learning activities: |
|Why did Gorbachev’s reforms lead to the collapse of the USSR? |Working in groups |
|What reforms did Gorbachev implement in the USSR? |Work individually |
|What was Soviet reaction to Gorbachev’s reforms? |Class debate |
|What were the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union? | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Writing a paragraph on Gorbachev’s reforms / reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union |
|Source-based activities |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Debate |Debating the opposing systems (Looking into the Past, p.175) |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
DATE: 21 JULY – 25 JULY 2008 Duration:4Hrs.10min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: THE IMPACT OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE USSR IN 1989 |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR in 1989? |
|How did the end of the Cold War impact on South Africa? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 2-4; LO2: AS 2,3; LO3: AS 2-4 |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Explain how the treat of communism was used |Identify issues related to the world after |How the history of South Africa was influenced by |
|by the apartheid government to justify its |the Cold War |the Cold War |
|policies to white voters and win the support |Extract relevant information and data from |That indoctrination is a violation of human rights|
|of Allies in the West |sources |That accurate, reliable information about the |
|Examine how white school children were |Explain historical concepts such as |world is a human right |
|indoctrinated against communism in South |communism, capitalism and democracy |That democracy is a fundamental human right |
|African schools |Categorise appropriate sources |That repressive states such as dictatorships have |
|Reflect upon how the USSR’s collapse placed |Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |to be challenged |
|pressure on both the NP and the ANC to |and data gathered from a variety of sources |That even the most powerful states need help from |
|negotiate with one another |Identify bias and point of view |other nations |
|Consider how the fall of the USSR influenced |Communicate historical knowledge and |That cultural and national symbols must be |
|the economic policies of the democratic South|understanding |protected and valued |
|Africa | | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
|Questions: | |
|How did the end of the Cold War impact on South Africa? |Learning activities: |
|What was South Africa’s position regarding the Cold War? |Working in groups |
|How real was the communist treat to South Africa? |Work individually |
|How did the National Party go about implementing reforms? |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Source-based activities | |
|Debate | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
DATE: 28 JULY – 01 AUG. 2008 Duration:4Hrs.10min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: THE IMPACT OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE USSR IN 1989 |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR in 1989? |
|How did the end of the Cold War impact on South Africa? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 2-4; LO2: AS 2,3; LO3: AS 2-4 |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Explain how the treat of communism was used |Identify issues related to the world after |How the history of South Africa was influenced by |
|by the apartheid government to justify its |the Cold War |the Cold War |
|policies to white voters and win the support |Extract relevant information and data from |That indoctrination is a violation of human rights|
|of Allies in the West |sources |That accurate, reliable information about the |
|Examine how white school children were |Explain historical concepts such as |world is a human right |
|indoctrinated against communism in South |communism, capitalism and democracy |That democracy is a fundamental human right |
|African schools |Categorise appropriate sources |That repressive states such as dictatorships have |
|Reflect upon how the USSR’s collapse placed |Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |to be challenged |
|pressure on both the NP and the ANC to |and data gathered from a variety of sources |That even the most powerful states need help from |
|negotiate with one another |Identify bias and point of view |other nations |
|Consider how the fall of the USSR influenced |Communicate historical knowledge and |That cultural and national symbols must be |
|the economic policies of the democratic South|understanding |protected and valued |
|Africa | | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
|Questions: | |
|What was the reaction of the liberation movements to government’s |Learning activities: |
|reforms? |Working in groups |
|How did foreign pressures affect the situation in South Africa? |Work individually |
|What happened in 1989 that changed the course of South African |Class debate |
|history? | |
|What was the impact of Namibian independence on South Africa? | |
|How did the fall of the Berlin Wall impact on South Africa? | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Source-based activities |Paragraph writing |
|Debate | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
DATE: 10 AUG – 14 AUG. 2009 Duration:4Hrs.10min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: THE IMPACT OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE USSR IN 1989 |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR in 1989? |
|What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR on Africa? |
|Reflection and re-imagining in the 1990s |
|Case study: Nigeria |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 1-4; LO2: AS 1-2; LO3: AS 1,2 |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Understand the impact that the collapse of |Identify issues related to the world after |That indoctrination is a violation of human rights|
|the USSR had on the way that the nation was |the Cold War |That accurate, reliable information about the |
|re-imagined in Africa |Extract relevant information and data from |world is a human right |
|Analyse how the fall of the USSR influences |sources |That democracy is a fundamental human right |
|states such as Nigeria to reflect upon the |Explain historical concepts such as |That repressive states such as dictatorships have |
|nation in new ways, resulting in a |communism, capitalism and democracy |to be challenged |
|“re-imagination” of the nation |Categorise appropriate sources |That even the most powerful states need help from |
| |Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |other nations |
| |and data gathered from a variety of sources |That cultural and national symbols must be |
| |Identify bias and point of view |protected and valued |
| |Communicate historical knowledge and | |
| |understanding | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
|Questions: | |
|What factors shaped Nigeria’s economy and politics in the 1980s |Learning activities: |
|and 1990s? |Working in groups |
| |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Source-based activities |Paragraph writing |
|Debate | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
DATE: 17 AUG – 21 AUG. 2009 Duration:4Hrs.10min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: THE IMPACT OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE USSR IN 1989 |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR in 1989? |
|What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR on Africa? |
|Reflection and re-imagining in the 1990s |
|Case study: Nigeria |
|What is the world like today? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 1-4; LO2: AS 1-2; LO3: AS 1,2 |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Understand the impact that the collapse of |Identify issues related to the world after |That indoctrination is a violation of human rights|
|the USSR had on the way that the nation was |the Cold War |That accurate, reliable information about the |
|re-imagined in Africa |Extract relevant information and data from |world is a human right |
|Analyse how the fall of the USSR influences |sources |That democracy is a fundamental human right |
|states such as Nigeria to reflect upon the |Explain historical concepts such as |That repressive states such as dictatorships have |
|nation in new ways, resulting in a |communism, capitalism and democracy |to be challenged |
|“re-imagination” of the nation |Categorise appropriate sources |That even the most powerful states need help from |
| |Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |other nations |
| |and data gathered from a variety of sources |That cultural and national symbols must be |
| |Identify bias and point of view |protected and valued |
| |Communicate historical knowledge and | |
| |understanding | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
|Questions: | |
|What factors shaped Nigeria’s economy and politics in the 1980s |Learning activities: |
|and 1990s? |Working in groups |
|What is the world like today? |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Source-based activities |Paragraph writing |
|Debate |Test under controlled conditions (CASS) |
| | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
DATE: 24 AUG – 27 AUG. 2009 Duration: 3Hrs.20min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: THE IMPACT OF THE COLLAPSE OF THE USSR IN 1989 |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR in 1989? |
|What was the impact of the collapse of the USSR on Africa? |
|Reflection and re-imagining in the 1990s |
|Case study: Nigeria |
|What is the world like today? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 1-4; LO2: AS 1-2; LO3: AS 1,2 |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Understand the impact that the collapse of |Identify issues related to the world after |That indoctrination is a violation of human rights|
|the USSR had on the way that the nation was |the Cold War |That accurate, reliable information about the |
|re-imagined in Africa |Extract relevant information and data from |world is a human right |
|Analyse how the fall of the USSR influences |sources |That democracy is a fundamental human right |
|states such as Nigeria to reflect upon the |Explain historical concepts such as |That repressive states such as dictatorships have |
|nation in new ways, resulting in a |communism, capitalism and democracy |to be challenged |
|“re-imagination” of the nation |Categorise appropriate sources |That even the most powerful states need help from |
| |Analyse, interpret and evaluate information |other nations |
| |and data gathered from a variety of sources |That cultural and national symbols must be |
| |Identify bias and point of view |protected and valued |
| |Communicate historical knowledge and | |
| |understanding | |
| |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Economics |
|Questions: | |
|What factors shaped Nigeria’s economy and politics in the 1980s |Learning activities: |
|and 1990s? |Working in groups |
|What is the world like today? |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Learners to analyse cartoons and sources |
|Essay |Writing an essay based on source analysis |
|Source-based activities |Paragraph writing |
|Debate |Test under controlled conditions (CASS) |
| | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
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