2005 Coaches Notebook

Burnsville Traveling BaseballCoaches Manual2014 Season2014 Coaches NotebookCONTENTS:TimelineTraveling Baseball Contact InformationAge Level DirectorsTraveling Baseball Program Rules and GuidelinesTraveling Baseball Web Site GuidelinesField SchedulingUse of Baseball Fields – BHS (14-15 yr. old teams)Practice/Pregame ProceduresBat Rules/ Equipment & Uniforms Metro Baseball League MeetingsTraveling Baseball State Tournament Entry FeesMisc. Coach Info: radar gun, equipment, fieldsCoach Forms Medical History, Injury Report FormBurnsville Teams Registered TournamentsBTB TimelineAge Directors meetingSmall sideMonday March 3rd6-9 pmEvaluator clinicSmall side?Monday March 3rd6-9 pm????Uniform SizingLower Level BCHMonday, March 3rd6-9 pm????Parents pre-tryout meetingLower level BCHTuesday March 4th6-9 pm????Minor's Hitting Try-outsTriple Play SportsMarch 13th5-10 pmTryoutsSavage DomeMarch 15, 16th6:30 am – 5:00 pm????Re-assignment to in house?Tuesday March 18thOnline????Player posting?Tuesday March 18thonline????Team Selection DraftBAC OfficeMonday-Wed March 17-206-9 pm????Teams posted on BTB website?March 20th?Spring Break?Wed March 19-Sunday, March 30th?????Team MeetingsLower Level BCHWednesday April 2nd 6-9 pm????Equipment Distribution???????Uniform Distribution and PaymentChamber Hall upstairsApril 26th, 201412-4 pm????Metro League Region Alignment Meeting?April 3rd ?Metro League Scheduling Meeting?Saturday, April 12th9:00- 12:00 pmMBL Coach's Meeting?Richfield LegionTuesday April 22nd ?6 PMMBL Coach's Meeting?Richfield LegionWednesday April 23rd ?6 PMMBL Coach's Meeting?Richfield LegionThursday April 24th?6 PMLeague Play starts 10-14?April 28th?League Play starts 15's?May 12th?Burnsville Tournament?June 6-8th?Team Pictures?TBD?MBT State Tournament?July 11-13th10AAA-15AAA, 12A-12A, 14AAMBT State Tournament?July 18-20th10AA-13AA, 15AA, 13A, 14/15AEquipment Return???Contact InformationPositionContactCell PhoneE-MailE-mail 2Board Members????PresidentChad Scherr612-810-0199c.scherr@?Vice PresidentScott O'Toole952-913-2220 scott.otoole@?TreasurerScott Brunner612-708-1290srbrunner5@SecretaryMonica Carlson612-751-2772burnsvilletb@mcarlson@Tournament DirectorMike Lindstrom612-968-0894Snownut1@Minors DirectorJeff Kieffer952-237-2278Jeffrey.Kieffer@Majors Director Dan Schliemann612-965-3838dan.schliemann@?? ???Equipment CoordinatorDan Kirchkoffner651-755-3444kirchoffner@Field CoordinatorJason Day612-309-0516fieldcoordinator_btb@?Sponsorship CoordinatorCheryl Bardwell612-816-2590kbcb7@?Uniform CoordinatorMonica Carlson612-751-2772burnsvilletb@Uniform CoordinatorAmy Scherr952-913-5669c.scherr@?Uniform CoordinatorBeth Prendi?952-239-3532?beth.prendi@?Uniform CoordinatorColey Ristvedt952-894-1003hhmcristvedt@Uniform CoordinatorAmy Urlaub612-518-1982jurlaub@Website AdministratorBecky Hanson612-327-6605hansonhome@?Web Page CoordinatorKersten Thellin612-205-2126kthellin@?Concessions CoordinatorRob Egan(952) 221-0675rwegan@?? ???Age Level Directors ???Age 10Nikki Saf-Sanders612-296-9574nsaf_sanders@Age 11Larry Marko612-581-2262ljmarko@Age 12Matt Remarcik312-833-4128remarcikm@?Age 13Tom Shepley612-889-6212tshep@Age 14Charlie Kohler952-221-6029ckohler@coca-chakoh@Age 15Scott Hanson612-419-6296shanson@shanson14802@Age Level Directors.Coach’s go to your age level director on all issues first.10 year old Nikki Saf-Sanders11 year old Larry Marko12 year old Matt Remarcik13 year old Tom Shepley14 year old Charlie Kohler15 year old Scott HansonIf the supply of chalk at the field is low or there are other field maintenance concerns, please communicate this to your Age Level DirectorThe field and the equipment are the coach’s responsibility. Please be sure to return all equipment to the lock box at the field and rake the field when your practice is overTraveling Baseball Rules & Guide Lines:PUBLIC INPUT All members of Burnsville Traveling Baseball shall have the right to be heard with respect to any By-law or Rule which the Board has under consideration for adoption or which the Board has already adopted. Members are invited to Board meetings and may be heard on any such matter during the open forum portion of the meeting.DUAL SERVICEThe BAC Traveling Baseball Board positions of President, Majors Director and Minors Director may not serve as a head coach during the period in which he or she serves on the Board. A Major’s director cannot be a head coach at major’s level, and a Minor’s director cannot be a head coach at minor’s level. In addition no other Board member may serve as head coach during their period of serviceCOACH SERVICEHead coaches are NOT limited to a maximum of 3 years of service on the same team, unless a qualified replacement has applied. (Rule change 9-10-13)PLAYER GUIDELINESTraveling Baseball, to stay consistent with league and state rules, uses the age of the child and not their school year. The registration form lists the cut-off dates for each age level. The only exception that is made is for a child with a birthday in the May 1 – Sept. 1 period, to be consistent with ISD 191 school start cut-off. A child with a birthday in this time period may choose to “play up” so he/she may play with current grade level, if currently in fourth grade or above. Once this option is taken, and if the player is selected for a traveling baseball team, the player must continue with this age level in his/her future years in Traveling Baseball. 1.9 year old rule: “As noted in our registration form from 2012 and the parent meeting agenda 2012, all 9 year olds accepted into the 10 year old Burnsville Traveling Baseball program, will remain as a 10 year old the following season unless they are following their School Grade level.” 2.10-13 year old.a)Coaches shall develop players at two or more defensive positions.b)Coaches shall afford an opportunity at practice to develop all players who show a desire and the ability to pitch. Those that show they are capable should be given an opportunity to pitch during games.c)All teams are required to meet for practice at least once a week.d)Coaches are encouraged to vary the line-up sufficiently to ensure that no player remains in the same batting spot throughout the season.e)Coaches are required to provide equal defensive playing time to all players throughout the season. (Equal means within 5% of available innings throughout the entire season.) Barring injury, disciplinary action, vacation or illness no player should be denied the opportunity to participate in each game. The only exceptions shall be for tournaments played under 9-man rules. Head Coaches will record innings played by each player.3.14-15 year old.a)Players will play an average of at least three innings per game over the course of the season (excluding state and national tournaments). Head Coaches will record innings played by each player.b)Coaches are encouraged to vary the line-up sufficiently to ensure that no player remains in the same batting spot throughout the season.c)Coaches are encouraged to develop players at two or more defensive positions over the course of the season.d)All teams are required to meet for practice at least once a week.USE OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIESAll equipment owned by Burnsville Traveling Baseball shall be maintained by Burnsville Traveling Baseball, shall be labeled as belonging to Burnsville Traveling Baseball and shall be listed on a master inventory.No later than September 1 of each year an inventory shall be taken of all such equipment. The inventory shall be conducted by the equipment manager and the Major and Minor Directors, or by such other three persons as shall be appointed by the President. Those who conduct the inventory shall report any discrepancies to the President, who shall bring such matter to the Board’s attention.GRIEVANCE PROCESSGrievances raised by parents or players shall be resolved through the following process:1.Grievances should be raised initially with the head coach in a private and constructive fashion.2.If a conference with the coach does not lead to the resolution of the grievance, or if the parent/player is uncomfortable discussing the matter directly with the coach, the parent/player may raise the grievance with the Minor/Major Director, who will also involve the age director.3.If after discussion with the Minor/Major Director the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved, the parent may raise the grievance with the chair of the Grievance Committee who shall bring it before the Committee.4.The decision of the Committee shall be final.Grievances raised by coaches shall be resolved through the following process:1.Grievances should be raised initially with the parent in a private and constructive fashion.2.If a conference with the parent does not lead to the resolution of the grievance, or if the coach is uncomfortable discussing the matter directly with the parent/player, the coach may raise the grievance with the Minor/Major Director.3.If after the discussion with the Minor/Major Director the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved, the coach may raise the grievance with the chair of the Grievance Committee who shall bring it before the Committee.4.The decision of the Committee shall be final.TOURNAMENT PARTICIPATION AND COSTSThe following rules shall govern the participation in and payment of costs for tournaments/state tournaments:1.Each team may add up to one additional tournament that is funded by someone other than Burnsville Traveling Baseball (team parents, corporate sponsor’s etc.), and must be approved by the Board in advance of registration. Individual teams may not engage in fund raising. An exception may be made for a team that has qualified for a national tournament if a fund raising proposal is developed according to Traveling Baseball procedures, and then presented to the BAC Board for their consideration and approval. Approval must be given by the BAC Board prior to any fund raising activity.2.Burnsville Traveling Baseball will pay for a maximum of two state tournament entry fees, one of which may be an At-Large Bid. Two state tournament entry fees will be paid if the team qualifies for the tournaments in accordance with the following methods;a.Qualifies by finishing 4th or higher in a qualifying tournament and a bid is offered. b.Qualifies by league standing and a bid is offered.c.When the team is a state tournament host team and the tournament is hosted by Burnsville Traveling Baseball.3.If a team does not qualify for a state tournament by the previously listed methods, Burnsville Traveling Baseball will pay for 1 entry fee that is received as an at-large state tournament bid.4.If Burnsville Traveling Baseball is the host organization, the team at that age/level must play in the tournament. MEDICAL AND FAMILY EMERGENCY TRYOUT POLICYPlayers with a minimum of two previous consecutive years in the program who are unable to participate in the tryout process because of either a medical condition or a family illness or death may be placed on a team (A or B) under the following conditions:1.A specific written request by the player’s potential coach stating why he/she wishes the player to be placed on the team.2.A letter written by one of the player’s previous coaches stating why the placement of the player on that team is appropriate.3.The player has previously played during those past two consecutive seasons at the level (A or B) of the proposed placement.4.The Traveling Baseball Board approves of the request by a majority vote.Limitations on this policy are:1.A player may only be placed on a team under this policy once.2.A player on a ‘B’ team in either of the previous two seasons, may not be placed on an ‘A’ team under this policy, however a previous ‘A’ player may be placed at the ‘B’ level. 3.Players who miss tryouts due to family vacations or other social, family or athletic commitments are not eligible for placement under this policy.4.The Board may require documentation to confirm the medical condition or family emergency.CODE OF CONDUCTPLAYERS1.Good Sportsmanship:a) Players shall show respect for the umpire, the opposing team, their coaches and their teammates at all times. Verbal abuse, profanity, throwing equipment or similar forms of disrespect will not be tolerated at any time and may, at the discretion of the coach, result in removal from the game or other sanction. Players may never argue with the umpire: any challenge or comment should be directed to the coach, who can determine whether to raise it with the umpire.b) Players shall keep in mind that they are representatives of our community and shall conduct themselves in a manner that will enhance the reputation of the community.2.Attendance:a) Players are responsible for being on time to all practices and games. The coach may impose sanctions to ensure compliance.b) Players must give their coach reasonable advance notice if he or she will be unable to attend any practice or game.3.Substance Abuse:a) The possession, use or distribution and or sale of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal substances are prohibited by players or other minors at all B.A.C. Traveling Baseball sponsored activities. These activities include, but are not limited to, games, tournaments, practices, parties and fundraisers. b)Consequences for violating this policy include suspension and or expulsion from B.A.C. Traveling Baseball. In addition, illegal violations will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. c) Guidelines for violations are:Tobacco - One-week immediate suspension.Alcohol - One-month immediate suspension.Illegal Substances - Immediate expulsion for one-year.Repeat Offences – Expulsion of a minimum of one-year. PARENTS1. Good Sportsmanship:a) Parents shall show respect for the umpire, the opposing team, all players and the coaches. Verbal abuse, profanity, throwing equipment or similar forms of disrespect is not appropriate. Among other things, parents shall not harass the umpire or opposing team. The coach shall have the discretion to impose sanctions on the offending parent (or fan).b) Parents should raise all concerns, comments or complaints with the coach directly and in a private manner, rather than during the game or in front of others.2.Attendance:a) Parents should make a commitment to getting their children to practices and games on time.3.Substance Abuse:a) Parents and other adult spectators must not be under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances while attending any B.A.C. Traveling Baseball game or practice or while responsible for transportation of players or coaches. The possession, use, distribution and or sale of illegal substances are prohibited. Tobacco and alcohol products may not be used near the players’ bench area, viewing stands, or on the playing field.b) Consequences for violating this policy may include removal from the viewing area of the game or event and may include denial to attend future B.A.C. Traveling Baseball events. In addition, illegal violations will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. COACHES1.Conduct during games:a) Coaches should strive to foster their players’ self-confidence and engage in constructive rather than destructive criticism. Shouting at or berating a player (publicly or privately) is not acceptable.b) Coaches are discouraged from arguing with an umpire. Arguing judgment calls is not appropriate; discussing rule interpretations is. Any challenges should be conducted by the head coach and only in a dignified and respectful manner. Verbal abuse, profanity, throwing equipment or similar forms of disrespect will not be tolerated. Any coach who is ejected from a game for any reason other than safety concerns will, on the first such occasion, be called before the board and required to explain the circumstances; on the second such occasion, the Board shall remove the coach from his or her position. 2. Attendance:a) Coaches should make a commitment to their team and to B.A.C. Traveling Baseball to attend practices and games. When a coach is unable to be in attendance a suitable replacement should be named.3. Substance Abuse:a) Coaches must not be under the influence of alcohol or other illegal substances while attending any B.A.C. Traveling Baseball game or practice or while responsible for transportation of players. The possession, use, distribution and or sale of illegal substances are prohibited. Tobacco and alcohol products may not be used near the players’ bench area, viewing stands, or on the playing field.b) Consequences for violating this policy may include removal as coach from B.A.C. Traveling Baseball and may include denial to attend future B.A.C. Traveling Baseball events. In addition, illegal violations will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencyPLAYER PARTICIPATION1.Participation:a)The tryout process for B.A.C. Traveling Baseball requires a substantial time commitment from coaches, evaluators and players. It attempts to objectively, as is possible, measure the skills of players and place them where they will be able to most successfully compete. There is no guarantee of an 'A' or 'B' team placement.b)Once tryouts and team selections are completed, it is expected that players will participate on the team to which they are assigned. It is important that each player/parent fulfill their commitment to their assigned team. Teams which are forced to compete with fewer than a full roster are at a decided disadvantage.2.Consequences for Non-participation:a) There will be no refund of registration fees made after the tryouts completed.b) Consistent with the B.A.C. handbook regarding players who make themselves unavailable for part or all of the season, the player will not be allowed to register for Traveling Baseball for the following calendar year.c) If a player is unable to compete on the assigned team because of medical or family emergency, the B.A.C. Traveling Baseball Board shall have the authority to modify or rescind these penalties by a majority vote.Burnsville Traveling BaseballWebsite GuidelinesThe purpose of this set of guidelines is to protect the safety, well-being, and privacy of our players. Burnsville Traveling Baseball (BTB) expects all website administrators to adhere to the following website guidelines. BTB and all administrators will not post on the BTB website () the following information: Identifying information that ties player’s names to jersey numbers.Specific information that gives out player contact information such as full names, phone #’s, addresses and e-mail rmation, jokes, pictures, logos, images, sponsors or any other information that is in poor taste or diminishes the image of youth baseball.BTB does not sponsor separate team websites, or take responsibility for their content. If a coach or parent desires to make a team website separate from , they must follow these additional guidelines:Receive written permission from the players’ parents to use information specific to the player prior to posting. Notify in writing the president of BTB, and include the website address and consent forms from the parents before the website is publishedThe official Burnsville Traveling Baseball website can be found at:Recommendations for coach’s:Use the BTB website system for communications to your teamEnter all practices and games into the scheduling systemFollow guidelines in the Hey Coach section of the websiteHow to use the scheduling systemEntering into the systemAll filed informationCheck daily the first two weeks after teams are formed Field SchedulingField Coordinator: Jason DayPractices for the weeks prior to the start of the season will be pre assigned through April 30th by Chad Scherr and Jason Day. Practices for May can be scheduled starting 1 week after scheduling day, which is 4/12 - Jason needs to verify the games on the BTB and MBL website before he can schedule any practices E-mail: FieldCoordinator_BTB@No priority will be given for “AAA” vs. “AA” vs. “A” teams. All times given on a first come/first served basis. No fields are age-group specific. We do have age preferences, but when scheduling gets tight the coordinator will assign fields as needed.Batting cages must be scheduled. Do not assume you have use of a batting cage when you have reserved the practice field. Certain fields have BC (batting cages) ?????????????Practices: Teams assigned to these fields have use of the BC; BC is always associated with the field even though it isn't marked?????????? ?Practices: If a game is scheduled, teams may reserve the BC after a game scheduled on the field starts.?????????????Games: Teams that are scheduled for a game also have the BC and field reserved for ONE hour before game time. After the game starts, the BC is available to be reserved.?The field and the equipment are the coach’s responsibility. Please be sure to return all equipment to the lock box at the field and rake the field when your practice is over.Practice Times:In order to accommodate two practices per weeknight, the following practice times are suggested: 5:00 p.m. –6:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. You may start early if you have the 5:00 p.m. time slot or stay late if you have the 6:30 p.m. slot.Practice times are available on Saturdays and Sundays and can be scheduled in two-hour increments.If your schedule changes and you will not be using your practice field, please call and cancel so that others may use the field. Make Up Games:Remember that all make-up games must also be scheduled through the Field Coordinator. Make-up games will get scheduling priority over practices. It is your responsibility to reschedule your umpire, according to league instructions, for a make-up game.Burnsville Baseball Fields Maintenance (BHS)Remember:These fields are used daily and almost every weekend for practice, games and tournaments Playing on wet fields causes divots in the grass, which last the entire season. Fill in holes on mound and home plate and pack down especially if there is moist clay on mound. Cover mound and home plate and put weights onIt is easier to wet down mound than to dry out mound Sun on tarp will help to make clay hard under tarpsKeep tarps off the grass-the fields are watered during the night, so cover even though no rain in the forecast Always rake away from grass on mound, home plate, and around bases. Always rake base paths the length of the base path, not across the base path The lips where grass meets the dirt is from raking towards the grass Never rake / push water puddles into grass Spread out water with roller or rake. Digging a hole and using a small pail to dip out water is the best way to get rid of puddles. If sun is shining it doesn’t take long to dry out areas. Haul in red rock to fill areas where water stands after rain on the baselines and infield…Not the mound and home plate area! The less diamond dry / bag clay used the better… Diamond dry and bag clay will not pack down once it is used, in order to play again all of the diamond dry used has to be removed and filled in with new clay. If weather is drying, raking lightly and letting areas dry is the best solution to wet areas.Practice/Pregame ProceduresUse a piece of Carpet to stand on when throwing hitting practice from in front of mound.THIS EQUIPMENT PLUS CLAY FOR THE HOLES IN FRONT OF THE MOUND AND AROUND HOMEPLATE IS LOCATED IN THE STORAGE SHED.Never hit in front of backstop or into fences.Never throw or hit off the grass areas around mound or home plate.Standing on the grass instead of dirt areas when hitting infield and outfield practice packs down the ground. Compacted soil is the biggest cause of poor grass growth.Warm up in the outfield and not in front of dugouts. If every team stands on the white foul line to play catch, this area will be destroyed…move 5 feet off the line .Sweep out both dugouts and pick up any plastic bottles after a game or practice.Bat RulesThe Metro Baseball League rules for the 2014 season:AgeMax. Barrel DiameterMax. Weight/Length Differential10’s 2 ? in. Unlimited11 – 13’s 2 ? in. Unlimited11 – 13’s 2 ? in. Minus 1011 – 13’s 2- 5/8 in. Minus 1011 – 13’s 2 ? in. Minus 1014’s 2 ? in. Minus 515’s 2- 5/8 in. Minus 3For the 2014 MBL/MBT season all bats in the 11 – 14 year old age group, big barrel bats must have the NEW USSSA Approved 1.15 BPF stamp on its taper, Babe Ruth Approved 1.15 BPF stamp or BBCOR stamp. For small barrel bats (2 1/4"), 10 - 13 year olds use all of the above stamps or you can also use bats that have the old approved USSSA mark. 15 year olds must use a BBCOR bat (Batted Ball Coefficient or Restitution). See link below.: Players must provide their own bat. See the above MBL rules when selecting a bat.Helmet: Each player provides their own batting helmet-preferably black. Shoes:10-12 year olds must use molded cleats. NO METAL SPIKES ALLOWED.13-15 year olds can use metal spikes.UniformsAll players will receive two jerseys this season. All players will receive one pair of pants and one hat. To expedite our uniform order once teams are selected, we will be having all players try on sample jerseys on March 3rd and recording their shirt size. Parents must accompany their player to ensure correct sizing.Players who are selected for a traveling team will get a pair of pants, and hat at the Uniform Distribution on Sunday, April 26th. Teams will be assigned a time between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Players must be present to try on uniform pieces. The balance of the participation fee must be paid before a uniform is issued. Players must provide their own black socks, and black belt, and protective gear.Players will receive their jersey before the season starts, and that may be delayed with putting a sponsorship logo on the sleeve.2014 Metro Baseball League MeetingsRegional Alignment Meeting April 3, 6:00 pm –Apple Valley LegionThis meeting is not mandatory and Chad Scherr will be attending to represent Burnsville Baseball’s interest.MBL Scheduling Meeting:One representative from each team is REQUIRED. Please check your school schedules for band concerts, field trips, class trips, and any and all potential conflicts so you can schedule around them at the meeting. Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time. Enter the school through the main doors and check in at the MBL registration table. Then please locate Chad Scherr, Scott O'Toole or Jason Day to get your home field schedule dates.April 12 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM MBL Scheduling Meeting ?The 2014 MBL scheduling meeting will be held on Saturday, April 12, 2014 at Eastview High School. 9:00 AM All 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 year old AAA teams 10:00 AM 11, 13, & 15 AA Teams 11:00 AM 10, 12, & 14 AA Teams 12:00 PM All 10, 11, 12, 13, 14/15 A teamsCoach’s Meetings:All head coaches are required to attend 1 of these meetings, all held at Richfield Legion:April 22nd – 24th 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM MBL Mandatory Coaches Meeting ?The 2014 MBL MANDATORY COACHES MEETINGS will take place on Tuesday, April 22, Wednesday April 23 & Thursday April 24 at the Richfield Legion at 6:00 PM. All head coaches are required to attend 1 of these meetings!!??Traveling Baseball State TournamentsEntry FeesIf a team qualifies for one or two state tournaments, Burnsville Traveling Baseball will pay the entrance fees. If a team qualifies for a third state tournament the team is responsible for that entry fee. Qualifies means that the team earned a bid through a tournament play. Traveling Baseball will pay entrance fees for a max of one at-large bids or invitational bids. Traveling Baseball does not pay for team admission/gate fees charged by hosting communities.When your team qualifies for a state tournament you will receive an entry form/bid from the tournament officials. It is the coach or team manager’s responsibility to read the information and complete the required paperwork. Please pay attention to what needs to accompany the entry fee – some tournaments want the original roster mailed and some want the original hand-carried to team check-in.Forward the paperwork that needs to be sent with the entry fee check to the Traveling Baseball Treasurer, Scott Brunner.Keep a copy of all paperwork for your records. Keep any originals you need to bring to the state tournament.Scott will request a check from the BAC treasurer and mail the check with the paperwork to the appropriate tournament.Scott Brunner14523 Quentin Ave So.Savage, MN 55378612-708-1290This process helps our program’s record keeping for expenses and tracking number of teams in state tournaments. Also, coaches do not have to wait for reimbursement of entry fees. It is recommended that you take care of this as soon as possible after a qualifying tournament. Thank you for your cooperation and good luck!Miscellaneous Coach InformationRADAR GUNThe Traveling Baseball program has a radar gun available for your use. IF you want to use it, please make arrangements with Dan Kirchfoffner. The guns use 6 AA batteries. Please have a set on hand; we aren’t sure how long the batteries will last.EQUIPMENTIf you are missing any equipment or need replacement equipment throughout the season, please contact Dan Kirchkoffner. His number is 651-755-3444.FIELDSThe chalk and quick dry are stored in the BobCat shed at Alimagnet. The boxes at each field should be stocked prior to the first game, except for Sue Fisher and Alimagnet. Age-level Directors are responsible for arranging a time to get into the shed to stock the respective boxes. After school gets out, the shed is open during the day.After each practice and game, PLEASE rake out the field and pick up the trash. Train your players to do the work after practice and games. Recruit parents to rake and chalk the field before a game. BAC Youth NightBAC Youth night is TBD. We encourage coach’s to try NOT to schedule games that evening, as we like to promote youth night, in conjunction with the BHS game. We will forward the date once we know when it is.ON-SITE INJURY REPORT FORMName ________________________________________________ Date of Injury ______/_____/______(Injured Player)mo day yrAddress (Street)(City, State)(Zip) Telephone (Home)(Work)(Cell /Other)Nature and Extent of Injury: How did the injury occur? Describe first aid given, including name(s) of attendee(s): Disposition: to Hospital Home to Physician Other: Was protective equipment worn? Yes NoExplanation: Condition of the playing surface: Names and addresses of witnesses:(Name)(Address, City, State, Zip)(Telephone)(Name)(Address, City, State, Zip)(Telephone)(Name)(Address, City, State, Zip)(Telephone)Other Comments: _________________________________ ______________________ __________________________ SignedDateTitle/PositionMail to: burnsvilletb@ MEDICAL HISTORY, CONSENT & RELEASE FORMI hereby give permission for ______________________________ to participate in the BAC Traveling Baseball program during the athletic season of 2014. Furthermore, I authorize the coaching staff to seek appropriate medical treatment or attention on behalf of the above mentioned minor as may be required by the circumstances, including but not limited to, medical doctor and/or hospital visits. I also authorize medical treatment or medical procedures in an emergency situation if qualified, licensed medical personnel consider treatment necessary.This authorization is granted if I cannot be reached and a reasonable effort has been made to do so.AddressHome Phone #Work Phone #Cell Phone #PhysicianPhone #Medications Taken on an Ongoing BasisAllergies to MedicationPre-Existing Medical ConditionsDate of Last Tetanus ShotOther Emergency Contact (Name & Phone)Additional CommentsInsurance Information (Name & Policy #, etc.)BAC Insurance InformationInsurance CompanyINSURANCE PLACEMENT SERVICEIdentification NumberBURNSVILLE ATHLETIC CLUB #SPS914171My child and I are aware that participating in the game of baseball can be a potentially dangerous activity. I hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the association and any of its administrators, coaches, or other participants in the event of an injury or illness to my child that occurs during travel to or from or while at practices, games and special events.Parent’s SignatureDateUse back side of this form if additional space is required.Mail to: burnsvilletb@Tournaments*****The tournaments are subject to change****Please check with your Age Level Director for confirmation ................

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