El Dorado High School International Baccalaureate Program

879475104775002082800889000EL DORADO HIGH SCHOOL International Baccalaureate ProgrammeGrades 8-10 Student Application2020-2021 School YearValid one school year onlyStudent Name: COMMENTS \* Upper \* MERGEFORMAT COMMENTS \* Upper \* MERGEFORMAT (First)(Last)(MI)Present school:Grade: SISD School ID #:Please complete the following information: Must turn in copy of official report.Indicate most recent EOC scores (if resident of Texas).EnglishMathScienceHistoryIf you have taken the PSAT, please list the most current scores:Critical ReadingMath41275031559500Give an example of how you will contribute to the overall success of this school and the IB program.right175831500Give an example of being self-motivatedGive an example of how you demonstrate your advanced academic right29718000ability or talent.6. What are your areas of talent? Check all that apply.MathEnglishSocial StudiesScienceForeign LangMusicArtTheatreTechnologyAthletics7. Writing sample – The IB Programme firmly believes that all scholars learn through their abilities of thinking, caring, reflecting, inquiring, and risk-taking, as well as being open-minded, balanced, knowledgeable, and principled. Select one of the following topics and write a well-developed paper explaining your experience(s) that shows your use of any of the above learning traits. The paper must be typed. (250-500 word)TopicsA Time I Showed Leadership in My School or Community (traits you may have used but not limited to…Principled, Balanced, Knowledgeable)A Time I Took a Risk and Tried Something New: Taking a Risk (Risk-taker, Reflective, Inquirer)A Time I Provided Volunteer Work in My School or Community (Caring, Thinking, Balanced, Open-minded)A Time a Made a Commitment in My School or Community (Principled, Reflective, Caring, Risk-taking)A Time I Used My Talents in My School or Community (Risk-taking, Balanced, Open-minded, Caring)Heading for Your Writing Sample Cover Sheet should include the followingStudent Name_________________________________________Topic________________________________________________School_______________________________________________Grade Level___________________________________________ School Counselor________________________________Parent Information Form (To be completed by parent)Personal Information (Please print)Student Name: COMMENTS \* Upper \* MERGEFORMAT COMMENTS \* Upper \* MERGEFORMAT (First)(Last)(Middle)Home Address:(Street)(City) (State) (Zip Code)Student’s Date of Birth:(MM/DD/YYYY)Parents/Guardians Names (please fill out below.)Mother:Mobile #:Father:Mobile #:OR Primary Guardian:Mobile #:Email Addresses (please provide at least 1 parent/guardian email and 1 student email.)Parent/Guardian email:Student email:Educational BackgroundPlease list the names and locations of all the schools attended by your student.Elementary LevelSchoolCity/StateMiddle School LevelSchoolCity/StateHigh School LevelSchoolCity/StateAwards, Honors and ActivitiesPlease list all the awards/honors your student has received beginning with the most recent. (Example: district science fair – topic, year, award) specify other activities your student has participated in, volunteer/charity works he/she has done, publications, special programs of which he/she has been a part, etc. to be completed by parentsParents, this section is to be filled out by you, not your student. Please answer as honestly as you can. Circle the number that represents your opinion with “1” being not likely to “4” being very likely. Thank You.Can your student handle an accelerated program?1 2 3 4Can he/she accept not being the smartest in class?1 2 3 4Will you accept less than an “A” from him/her if he/she is enjoying the class, working hard and using his/her abilities?1 2 3 4Are you willing to support your student and to give this program at least one semester if at first it seems too difficult?1 2 3 4Does he/she usually finish what he/she starts?1 2 3 434925032004000Please elaborate:Are his/her study skills adequate for an accelerated program?1 2 3 4Does he/she handle stress well?1 2 3 432385029464000How (specifically) does your child react to stress?Are you willing to support your student’s commitment to the program if he/she has 3 hours of homework some nights?1 2 3 4Realizing that all the students need a healthy balance of activities are you willing to encourage your student to prioritize academics over extra-curricular activities within reason?1 2 3 4Even though he/she may not participate in them all, in whatcenter28829000extra-curricular activities/areas do your student’s interests lie?center29464000Is there anything else you want to tell us about your student?This application must be completed and turned in to your Middle School Counselor by January __, 2020. Should you have any questions about the application or the IB Programme at El Dorado HS, please contact the IB Coordinator at:Paulina Hernandez- (915) 937-3432 or (915) 937-3430 pherna07@ IB Programme CoordinatorEl Dorado High School12401 Edgemere Blvd.El Paso, TX 79938Fax: 915-851-3535Check list: the following must be included to complete the application.All of the items indicated on the check list must be turned into the IB Office (c/o IB Programme Coordinator) no later than TBA. Applications that are incomplete will not be processed. Applications that are late will be processed pleted application Letters of recommendation (will not be accepted if not in sealed envelope)Student agreement/Honor pledge (signed by parent and student)Most recent STARR scores (unofficial copy)Most recent report card (unofficial copy) 5974080-22098000EDHS IB Scholarly Honor and Commitment Form To be signed by both a parent/guardian and IB studentEach undersigned family member has read and understood the expectations for participation in the IB Diploma Program at El Dorado High School. Each person commits his or her support to this educational experience for the student with sufficient time, energy, and priority, knowing that the privilege of attending and remaining in the IB Program at El Dorado High school rests upon the support of the EDHS IB staff, but also on the personal motivation and responsibility of this student and the parents. We understand that this student must strive for academic excellence.We understand that this student will be given opportunities for a variety of tutorial assistance to maintain/achieve academic excellence. It is the responsibility of this student and parent to request that assistance, when/if needed.We understand that this student is expected to attend school every day, to arrive promptly, and to remain at school throughout the scheduled hours.We understand that this student is to cooperate and conduct him/herself with teachers, staff, and classmates in a manner showing respect for all persons. This student must adhere to the Code of Student Conduct and the school’s attendance policies.We understand that this student is to complete all required assignments, including homework. We understand that the assignments must be in on time and of appropriate quality to be accepted by the teacher and to receive full credit.We understand that this student is to respect and care for all personal and school supplies, property, equipment, textbooks, and fellow students.We understand that the parents must be supportive of this student and of the program by providing time and a place for this student to study at home, and by participating in school meetings, conferences, and other activities.We understand that the IB Program at El Dorado HS is comprised of a population of students who want to attend school and perform at a high level. We further understand that the program maintains high expectations for individual effort, student behavior, and citizenship. We have read the expectations and guidelines and understand that enrollment in this program constitutes our commitment to these principles. We agree to attend the IB Program for a minimum of one year. We further understand that should the student not perform according to required expectations, the student will be placed on a probationary status and/or may be recommended for immediate removal from the program. If a student enrolled on an in-district transfer and is removed, the student will be returned to his/her home campus.In addition, we would like to recognize our IB students who have completed the Diploma Program at EDHS. Students who complete the IB program as a Diploma Candidate (3 HL courses and completed submissions of the TOK, Extended Essay, and CAS requirements) will receive a graduation stole. Students who participate in the IB Program as a Course Candidate (enrolled in a couple/few classes and complete the Internal and External Assessments) will receive graduation chords.______________________________________________________ ___________________________Student NameStudent ID Number_________________________________________________________________________________Student SignatureDate______________________________________________________ ___________________________Parent/Guardian SignatureDate4993087825500El Dorado High SchoolInternational Baccalaureate ProgramTeacher Recommendation: Grades 8, 9, 10To be considered for admission to the IB Program, a student must submit three teacher recommendations. The recommendations must be from your core area teachers: English, math, science or social studies. Please ask each teacher to fill out the recommendation in private and seal the completed form in the envelope that provided. The teacher should sign their name across the sealed flap. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up the recommendation from the teachers and return them with the application, seventh grade STARR scores and the most recent report card to the EDHS IB office by the deadline.This section is to be completed by the student before being given to the teacher.Please print or type.Why do you want to be considered for admission to the IB program?Give an example of being self-motivated. Please elaborate.Give a description of your academic goals after high school. Be as specific aspossible.TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORMThis section should be completed by the teacher and returned to the student in the envelope provided. The student should not see the completed form. Confidentiality is very important to the application process.To the teacher:I am applying for admission to the IB program and would like to ask you to fill out this recommendation form that is required of all potential candidates. Do not show me the recommendation when you are finished. Seal it in the envelope, sign your name across the flap and I will pick it up within the next 3 to 4 days. Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out this recommendation.___________________________________ ____________________________________Printed Student’s Name Student Signature________________________________________________________________________Please score the following categories on a 1-5 basis, with 5 being the highest.1. Student demonstrates learning traits of bring principled and balanced through task commitment by meeting deadlines.123452. Student’s work was usually of a quality nature demonstrating their learning traits of thinking, caring and being knowledgeable.123453. Student’s study skills are adequate for advanced classes showing they have developed traits of being thinkers knowledgeable, and principled.12345 4. Student handled stress well, demonstrating good balancing traits between school, extracurriculars, family, and friends.123455. Student exhibited proper academic integrity in my class, always showing an excellent trait of being principled.123456. Student shows initiative and a genuine interest in learning, demonstrating traits on inquiry and thinking.123457. Student can handle an accelerated program.12345Do you have any concerns about this student’s ability or desire to complete the IB program?___________________________________ ___________________________________Teacher’s Printed Name Teacher’s signaturePlease circle the core subject you teach.5295900698500EnglishSocial StudiesMathScience4993087825500El Dorado High SchoolInternational Baccalaureate ProgramTeacher Recommendation: Grades 8, 9, 10To be considered for admission to the IB Program, a student must submit three teacher recommendations. The recommendations must be from your core area teachers: English, math, science or social studies. Please ask each teacher to fill out the recommendation in private and seal the completed form in the envelope that provided. The teacher should sign their name across the sealed flap. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up the recommendation from the teachers and return them with the application, seventh grade STARR scores and the most recent report card to the EDHS IB office by the deadline.This section is to be completed by the student before being given to the teacher.Please print or type.Why do you want to be considered for admission to the IB program?Give an example of being self-motivated. Please elaborate.Give a description of your academic goals after high school. Be as specific aspossible.TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORMThis section should be completed by the teacher and returned to the student in the envelope provided. The student should not see the completed form. Confidentiality is very important to the application process.To the teacher:I am applying for admission to the IB program and would like to ask you to fill out this recommendation form that is required of all potential candidates. Do not show me the recommendation when you are finished. Seal it in the envelope, sign your name across the flap and I will pick it up within the next 3 to 4 days. Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out this recommendation.___________________________________ ____________________________________Printed Student’s Name Student Signature________________________________________________________________________Please score the following categories on a 1-5 basis, with 5 being the highest.1. Student demonstrates learning traits of bring principled and balanced through task commitment by meeting deadlines.123452. Student’s work was usually of a quality nature demonstrating their learning traits of thinking, caring and being knowledgeable.123453. Student’s study skills are adequate for advanced classes showing they have developed traits of being thinkers knowledgeable, and principled.12345 4. Student handled stress well, demonstrating good balancing traits between school, extracurriculars, family, and friends.123455. Student exhibited proper academic integrity in my class, always showing an excellent trait of being principled.123456. Student shows initiative and a genuine interest in learning, demonstrating traits on inquiry and thinking.123457. Student can handle an accelerated program.12345Do you have any concerns about this student’s ability or desire to complete the IB program?___________________________________ ___________________________________Teacher’s Printed Name Teacher’s signature5341620698500Please circle the core subject you teach.EnglishSocial StudiesMathScience4993087825500El Dorado High SchoolInternational Baccalaureate ProgramTeacher Recommendation: Grades 8, 9, 10To be considered for admission to the IB Program, a student must submit three teacher recommendations. The recommendations must be from your core area teachers: English, math, science or social studies. Please ask each teacher to fill out the recommendation in private and seal the completed form in the envelope that provided. The teacher should sign their name across the sealed flap. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up the recommendation from the teachers and return them with the application, seventh grade STARR scores and the most recent report card to the EDHS IB office by the deadline.This section is to be completed by the student before being given to the teacher.Please print or type.Why do you want to be considered for admission to the IB program?Give an example of being self-motivated. Please elaborate.Give a description of your academic goals after high school. Be as specific aspossible.TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORMThis section should be completed by the teacher and returned to the student in the envelope provided. The student should not see the completed form. Confidentiality is very important to the application process.To the teacher:I am applying for admission to the IB program and would like to ask you to fill out this recommendation form that is required of all potential candidates. Do not show me the recommendation when you are finished. Seal it in the envelope, sign your name across the flap and I will pick it up within the next 3 to 4 days. Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out this recommendation.___________________________________ ____________________________________Printed Student’s Name Student Signature________________________________________________________________________Please score the following categories on a 1-5 basis, with 5 being the highest.1. Student demonstrates learning traits of bring principled and balanced through task commitment by meeting deadlines.123452. Student’s work was usually of a quality nature demonstrating their learning traits of thinking, caring and being knowledgeable.123453. Student’s study skills are adequate for advanced classes showing they have developed traits of being thinkers knowledgeable, and principled.12345 4. Student handled stress well, demonstrating good balancing traits between school, extracurriculars, family, and friends.123455. Student exhibited proper academic integrity in my class, always showing an excellent trait of being principled.123456. Student shows initiative and a genuine interest in learning, demonstrating traits on inquiry and thinking.123457. Student can handle an accelerated program.12345Do you have any concerns about this student’s ability or desire to complete the IB program?___________________________________ ___________________________________Teacher’s Printed Name Teacher’s signaturePlease circle the core subject you teach.5379720381000EnglishSocial StudiesMathScience ................

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