Mississippi Software Implementation TimeLine

Mississippi Software Implementation TimeLine | |

| |Key Tasks |Lead Organization |Timeline (from contract signature date) |

|Major Objectives | | | |

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60 days

|90 days |120 days |150 days |180 days |240 days | |Contract with software vendor completed |Negotiate contractor functions, deliverables and costs. |MDHS/DAAS, MDHS/MIS, MITS |n/a |

| | | | | |Launch Core Site. |Establish URL. Launch core site with Background information on the project and educational service descriptions. |Software Vendor, MS ADRC. Vendor will obtain URL and MS ADRC will provide state-specific content for core site. |X | | | | | | |Implement the web-based Service Directory statewide.

|Establish Resource Center policies and procedures for keeping the directory accurate and complete. The ADRC site will be responsible for maintaining the directory.

1. Conduct follow-up calls to ensure entry of information; Resource Center staff enter information for providers without Internet access in the 7-county area. Additional providers can have access to add and update listings.

2. Online Service Directory and I&R go live.

|1. Software Vendor and DAAS



4. Software Vendor |X





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| | |Modify and implement the Software

|In consultation with ADRC and DAAS plan and implement minor Software modifications necessary for use in Mississippi.

1. Establish policies and procedures for use of the Software system.

2. Transfer existing client records to Software from SAMS database. (if applicable)

3. Train employees on use of Software system

4. Begin using the Software to assess, refer, and enroll elderly clients in services. |1, 2, 3, & 4. . Software Vendor




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| | | | | |Implement Software for phase 2 (3 AAA sites) |Develop Resource Center procedure manual, and train all employees using the manual. There will be different sections for the various functions so the same manual can be used across all sites.

1. Train employees on use of Software |1, 2, &3. . Software Vendor |





X | | | | |Implement Software for phase 3 (3 AAA sites) |Optional training.

1. Implementation of Software at additional AAA sites.

|Software Vendor DAAS and AAAs | | | | |X

X | | |Software phase 4 (3 AAA sites) |Optional training.

1. Implementation of Software at additional AAA sites. |1. Software Vendor

2. Software Vendor DAAS and AAAs | | | | | |X

X | |Suggested: Develop and implement social marketing campaign in preparation for opening the Aging and Disability Resource Center

|Convene the Advisory Committee to provide input in planning the campaign

2. Locate community resources to assist with the campaign, including provider organizations, individuals, local TV, radio, newspapers, etc.

3. Launch the statewide campaign at least two weeks before official opening and continue components of the campaign for at least two months after the opening.

|1, 2, & 3 MS ADRC, DAAS and AAAs




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