MINUTES - University of Tennessee


193 Polk Avenue – NASHVILLE TN



Members Present Affiliation

Beneke, Bonnie TN CAC

Miner, Thomas 31st Judicial District/ADA

Wyatt, Verna Parent

Aaron, Carla TDCS

Barber, Susan Department of Health

Blazer, Christy TDCS

Boshears, Marlene Boshears Attorney/Owner

Bottoms, Delaine Carl Perkins Exchange Club

Beehan, Eileen Catholic Charities

Buchanan, Irma TDCS

Carpenter, Brenda TDCS

Cobb, Dana TCCY –NW region

Cecil, Emily TN CAC

Conway, Harry Tullahoma Police Dept.

Cothron, Lisa Attorney, guardian ad litem

Covington, Judy Montgomery Co. CAC

Dickey, Pamela Childhelp Inc., TN

Diller, Michelle TDCS Resource Parent

Driver, Elizabeth TDCS

Franklin, Rebecca Attorney, guardian ad litem

Gatlin, Dr. Deborah TDCS

Hendrix, Jeana Admin. Office of Courts

Karnes, Lanis Attorney, guardian ad litem

Leach, Michael TDCS

Leverett, Bobby TDCS

Lowen, Dr. Deborah Vanderbilt Monroe Carell

Macdonald, Peter Retired Judge

Murphy, William UTHSC

Oliver, Kitty TDCS

Perales, Dr. Marymer Knoxville Children’s Hospital

Page, Jacque UTHSC

Ruffin, Delora TDCS

Seeman, Larry Volunteer Behavioral

Seay, Rae Anne Legal Aid Society of Middle TN

Seymour, Gail TDCS

Slade, Patricia TDCS

Snodgrass, Carla Prevent Child Abuse

Thompson, Jim ADA, 26th Judicial District

Turner, June Nashville Children’s Alliance

Wade, Pat TCCY

Walker, Dannelle State Board of Education

Williams, Jennifer TDCS

Williams, Nancy Memphis Child Advocacy

Alley, Rory UT SWORPS

Lawal, Toni UT SWORPS

Next Meeting: Thursday, June 20, 2013, (UT 193 Polk Avenue, Nashville)


President Bonnie Beneke called the meeting to order at 10:05 am. After introductions, Beneke acknowledged regrets from the following members: Sandra Allen, Linda O’Neal, Kristy Leach, Susan Steckel, Scott Modell (DCS and DIDD Deputy Commissioner) and June Turner. Beneke also reported that the Executive Committee met with DCS Commissioner Jim Henry and Deputy Commissioners Scott Modell and Bonnie Hommrich prior to this meeting. Beneke went on to report that Commissioner Henry approved new members per the Children’s Justice Act contract and TCA 37.1.603. Beneke also thanked Carla Aaron and Michael Leach for their help in getting the nominees appointed to the Task Force.

In addition, Bonnie Beneke told the members that Commissioner Henry was interested in speaking to the group; however he would be on vacation during the CJTF next scheduled meeting (June 6). Beneke asked the members if they would be willing to change June meeting date to accommodate Commissioner Henry’s schedule. After a brief discussion, the members agreed to change the meeting from June 6th to June 20th.

Children’s Justice Task Force Charge

Bonnie Beneke provided a historical perspective of the establishment of the Children’s Justice Task Force by citing one of the child sexual abuse cases that came to the attention of TDCS Nashville/Davidson County in 1985. Regarding the early years of child sexual abuse investigation and coordination, Beneke referenced the book, “Team Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse: The Uneasy Alliance” by Donna Pence and Charles Wilson as a good guide about the importance of having a wide of professionals involved in this work [child sexual abuse].

Beneke also talked about the state and federal requirements as it pertains to membership and focus as well as the CAPTA 2010 reauthorization act, and noted that the reauthorization added 2 new membership requirements: persons with experience working with homeless youth and former adult victim of child abuse and neglect. Beneke also talked about the Children’s Justice Act requirement regarding how states should use some of the grant monies such as for the handling of child fatality cases in which child abuse or neglect is suspected (Toni Lawal distributed copies the CJA fact sheet describing how grants are supposed to be used, typical activities and eligibility criteria).

TDCS Updates

Carla Aaron, Executive Director of Child Safety reported on the following:

• Interim Commissioner – James Henry (also DIDD Commissioner) was described as a leader who possesses the “personal touch”…heartwarming, accessible and has set a good tone for the department.

• Budget improvements – TDCS is requesting to upgrade CPS Investigators to Case Manager 3 positions. The request includes promotional opportunities for 29 CPS positions. For these promotions, the department will be assessing the skill sets of workers.

• Collaboration with TNCAC – Carla Aaron and Bonnie Beneke are working closely to strengthen CPIT training including focusing on teambuilding exercises within the CPIT teams. A planning meeting was held in the Northwest and Southwest regions with approximately 100 persons over 2 days. Participants included the following representatives: mental health, juvenile court, CACs, medical personnel, TDCS, district attorneys and law enforcement. Aaron reported the group looked at the data – what’s working well and not so well in their respective regions and that participants left with action steps. Aaron added they would like to host these events annually. Aaron also noted a representative from NCAC (Alabama) facilitated the discussion.

In addition, Carla Aaron asked Kitty Oliver (NW region), Delaine Bottoms (SW region) and Jim Thompson if they would like to share their experiences from this process. Kitty Oliver reported that all of the CPIT members expressed gratitude for the opportunity to meet; Delaine Bottoms reported having enjoyed the speakers and Jim Thompson reported he would have liked it if efforts had been made to discuss factual specific situations such as child on child sexual abuse and those cases that are difficult to classify.

• Central Intake – Carla Aaron reported abandon calls are down from this time last year. For instance, last year’s rate was approximately 27% this time, and for the past 4 months, the rate has been under 5%. Additionally, the average response time to calls is 30 seconds. Also, there’s discussion about obtaining new technology (e.g., phone systems).

• In-Home Tennessee – Jennifer Williams reported on how In-Home TN enhances the Multiple Response System (MRS) and reported that the service array assessments (involves DCS staff, private providers staff and community partners in the assessment of core in-home services and practices within the region) are going well. Williams also shared that TDCS presented findings from the service array assessments to the judicial community during their conference. Williams also told the group about the upcoming meetings in Memphis (March 28) and Knox region (April 5) and that they could obtain more information on the service array assessments by visiting TDCS website.

• Child Death Review Process – Carla Aaron reported TDCS has to provide a plan to federal court in April and added that Tom Cheatham (DIDD) is assisting with developing the plan. Aaron also added that TDCS is bringing in external stakeholders to review it. Aaron shared the new process for responding to custodial death cases: Commissioner Henry will be notified within an hour of child custodial death. Aaron also noted that some of the CJTF member will be invited to review the plan.

Dr. Deborah Lowen asked if the plan will address near fatalities. Carla Aaron said yes.

Another CJTF member asked about the guardian ad litems role as it relates to the process? Carla Aaron it will vary (referring to the team) depending on the case.

Dr. Deborah Gatlin chimed in and stated the overarching mission is to learn from the tragic events and to prevent future incidents.

It was also asked if the plan would take in consideration the wellbeing of case managers and practitioners. TDCS is in discussion regarding this issue and the department is providing services through EAP.

Committees Report Out

• CPIT – Co-Chair Emily Cecil reported the committee discussed the following:

a. CPIT “Convenings” – Jim Thompson told the group he would like to see specific case scenarios, especially for the difficult to classify cases such as “child on child abuse” during these meetings and would like CLE credits as well.

b. Jim Thompson also expressed concern as it pertains to the “rules” of classifying cases and how some appear to occur with each case. Thompson noted that some of the rules are clear but others are not (e.g., drug exposed cases).

c. TDCS CPS Policy Work Aid # 14 (14.7a, definition of severe abuse): the committee thought it might be helpful to come up with a list of case examples of more complicated cases and best practice solutions that can be referenced by teams across the state. Committee members agreed to look over policies and work aids and at their next meeting be prepared to discuss issues that seem unclear with DCS General Counsel.

d. CPIT Training: the committee would like specific information about CPS specialty training as well as what type of training is offered to law enforcement. Emily Cecil agreed to contact Gail Seymour of TDCS regarding CPS Specialty week and Harry Conway agreed to follow up on training offered to law enforcement.

e. Possibly adding mandatory basic training and regular cross-disciplinary training to local protocols/interagency agreements and brining CPIT training curriculum to next CJTF meeting.

• Court Improvement- Chair Rae Anne Seay reported the committee discussed the following:

a. Contact judges about serving on the CJTF

b. Distribute Community Advisory Board (CAB) contact information through the Administrative Office of Courts (AOC) attorney listserv and Juvenile Court staff listserv

c. Finalize edits on testimony curriculum

d. Invite Kay Overbee and Nyasha to CJTF June meeting date

e. Obtain Quality Service Review (QSR) information from TDCS

• Community Partner and Training & Education – Carla Snodgrass reported the committee discussed the following:

a. Supporting and strengthening Community Advisory Boards (CABs) and Resource Linkage staff

b. Clarifying the relationship between In Home TN and Resource Linkage staff

c. Ways the committee can support the other committees work products

d. Developing a master listserv

• Medical – This newly formed committee discussed the following:

a. Strengthening the relationship between TDCS and CPIT medical providers

b. Facilitating medical peer reviews

c. Writing a letter to all of the medical providers in the state and ask them to share their concerns

• Training & Education – Verna Wyatt reported the committee discussed the following:

a. Raising more awareness about how domestic violence affects children to the following representatives/persons: school counselors and teachers, law enforcement and the general public

b. Exploring the barriers that prevent the sharing of data and other information with community partners such as school personnel

c. Addressing the need for a policy on sexting in an effort to raise awareness of the laws in Tennessee regarding this issue

• Treatment – Chair Larry Seeman reported the committee discussed the following:

a. Addressed new concerns 11, 12 and 13 of the 2013 Child Sexual Abuse State Plan

b. Developed actions for strategy 1, 2 of the state plan for concerns 11 and 12

c. Reviewed the data collected from TDCS front line workers and family service workers and was able to draw some conclusions from the results

d. Developing a “tip sheet” for TDCS workers and community mental health providers; committee members agreed to provide feedback/information to Chair Larry Seeman regarding what should be included on the tip sheet on or before 3/28/2013

e. Researching what other groups are doing with data information from the Chadwick Trauma Informed System Project as it relates to streamlining the information for presentation

f. Follow up with Toni Lawal to have further discussion about new concern 12 from the 2013 Child Sexual Abuse State Plan

g. Follow up with Marjahna Hart of TDCS regarding the target audiences for the mental health “tip sheet”

2013 Task Force Meetings

Please mark your calendar for the following meeting dates: June 20, September 5 and December 5.

Other Business

In honor of Prevent Child Abuse Month (April), the following activities are being sponsored by Prevent Child Abuse of Tennessee:

• March 27 at 9:00 am, Pinwheels Garden and Proclamation, East Garden of the Capitol with Governor and First Lady Haslam

• April 5 – Wear Blue Day

Closing Remarks

Bonnie Beneke adjourned the meeting at 1:40 pm.


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