Hidden Lake Association

HLA President’s Message

Dean Carr

Well, we had our first full Board of Director’s meeting June 5th. The board assigned committee chairs, welcomed our new Secretary, Marla Holman, and addressed agenda items.

The committee assignments as listed in order in the by-laws are as follows:

Public Safety- Troy Carr who will also continue to administer the website; Social & Recreation - Lynn Horrocks, our own master chef; Roads and Right-of-Way- Rob Meiers, who has done a magnificent job; Water- Bob Kooyman. Bob appointed Garl Fink to be the Water Master and Verl Moyar the Assistant Water Master. Bob and four others in Riverside formed a sub-committee to manage water issues there last year. That committee will continue to manage Riverside water issues assisted by Garl and Verl; General Maintenance- Jim Cavin, who has also done a magnificent job especially managing Work Day and the Electronic Gates. Jim has trained Betsey Frazier who agreed to manage the Riverside gate. She will issue temporary codes as requested by Riverside members and report gate issues to Jim; Special Projects - Clark Hill, who planned and managed the construction of the Pavilion at the Pump House Park; Ways & Means and Membership - Royce MacKay, who will oversee the budget with the Treasurer; Fire Mitigation- Steve Pollard, who will work closely with Terry Keddington and Fred Farmer. Terry and Fred will manage Fire Mitigation issues in Riverside while Steve manages fire issues in Mountainside along with Garl, who had been managing the chipping and tree removal.

Tony Hassell, is the Special Projects Co- Chair and will manage obtaining assessments from those in arrears (and there are several), some for several years. Tony, a Justice Court judge, has the background necessary to begin legal action such as small claims court and filing leans on such member’s property.

Our new Treasurer, Diane Duncan was unable to attend but is acquainting herself with the budget process, working with her Ways & Means Chair, Royce MacKay. Diane and Royce are now determining how much, if any, funds are left over from 2008. Some bills from 2008 are yet unpaid. Also, some members are late in paying their 2009 assessment. Those members were assessed a $50 late fee and notified by letter.

Some changes to the by-laws were approved by the board. Some changes were merely housekeeping but one, in Article XII, Delinquency, Suspension and Forfeiture, added an additional status, vacated, which permanently terminates a delinquent member’s status at the end of a specified time frame. Should you desire to inspect the change, go to the website to read the updated by-laws.

An important item was the approval of the proposed electronic automated water system pump management. What that proposal means is that through system sensors the pump will be automatically managed. In the summer months, the sensors will monitor the water level in the upper tanks and turn the pump on at certain levels ensuring that the system will remain charged especially in high-use times. In the winter months the sensors will monitor the temperatures in the pump pipeline and turn the pump on to keep the line from freezing. The board responded to the mandate we received from the members at the Annual Meeting and approved the project. It will cost about $20,000. When the final figures are in the board will decide how to fund the project. Additional benefits should be avoiding pump line repairs and extending the life of the pump by turning it on only when necessary.

On a professional note, most of our members know I am a member of the Summit County Sheriff’s Office. I am a Bureau Chief for Sheriff David Edmunds responsible for the Communication Center, the Search & Rescue division and the Animal Care and Control department. I gave a presentation at the Annual Meeting on behalf of Sheriff Edmunds and I want to repeat it here.

First, the sheriff wants to ensure the members of HLA that he provides the same high level of service to all citizens of Summit County, even those who are non-voting citizens such as most HLA members are.

Next, we want all HLA members to know that our Communications Center Director, Lieutenant Melanie Crittenden has implemented a new reverse 911 system called Code Red. What that system does is call all registered phones in an affected and designated area in the event of an emergency or hazardous condition. The system has all the landlines registered in the county. What we need now is for HLA members to register their cell phones. Most of us are not on-property to answer our cabin phones to receive those messages. However, we can receive those messages on our cell phones when they are registered on the system. We should go the Sheriff’s Office website, and click on the Code Red icon. By following the prompts we can register our cell phones. In the event of a fire or hazmat condition in Weber Canyon, your phone will receive the message. Don’t delay, sign up now.

Next, Sheriff Edmunds wants us to know that the Office is now Phase Two compliant. That means that if you have an emergency and your cell phone can hit a cell-site, we can locate you within as little as 3 feet depending on signal strength. The Sheriff’s Office Search & Rescue Division is very, very good at what we do. We have many highly skilled volunteers commanded by a very competent full-time deputy, Lieutenant Steve Stokes, and a volunteer command board. By-the-way, our Vice President, Bryan Christensen, is a new member of Search & Rescue.

Next, our Animal Care and Control Department is a full member of the Sheriff’s Office. It’s Director, Lieutenant Bob Bates, and his staff are quite active in enforcing the animal control ordinances. You can find those ordinances on the Animal Control Department’s website, summitcountysheriff/animalcontrol. Important to HLA members is the containment and leash law ordinance. It will tell you that dog owners must keep their dogs under control at all times even within a private association such as ours. Violators can be reported to Animal Care and Control and its officers will take an action with the cooperation of the complainant.

Finally, I want to advise our members that Sheriff Edmunds has an aggressive, committed four-officer Traffic Enforcement Unit commanded by Sergeant Mike Bergin under the supervision of Patrol Bureau Captain Andrew Leatham. The unit has had a significant impact on the accident rate in Summit County. That unit will regularly patrol Weber Canyon.

We will keep you posted.


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