CONFIRMED MINUTESFEBRUARY, 18-21, 2013westin Park Central hotel dallas, texas, USAThese minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency. MONDAY, 18-FEB-13 to THURSDAY, 21-FEB-131.0OPENING COMMENTS – CLOSEDThe CHEMICAL PROCESSING (CP) Task Group was called to order at 8:00a.m., 18-FEB-13.Code of Ethics/Antitrust and Meeting Conduct presentations were reviewed.It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)*HalAbelRaytheon Co*CaryBakerThe Boeing Company*MalikBoutobaEurocopter*DavidBurkeBAE Systems - E & IManuelCabreraThe Boeing CompanyJudithCamachoGoodrich (UTAS)*Michael ColemanThe Boeing CompanyTerry CurtlandBall Aerospace & Technologies*KarynDemingGoodrich (UTAS)Vice Chairperson*BobDenneyHoneywell Aerospace*PeterDrosteAirbus*RobertFaticantiTextron Systems*AleckFeatherstonBell Helicopter Textron*AlanGilbertCessna Aircraft CompanyFrederickGirardPratt & Whitney Canada*GregHaatajaBell Helicopter TextronTommyHowlandSpirit AeroSystems Inc.RobertKnicelyThe Boeing Company*JohnKoenigThe Boeing CompanyMartinKolinkoEaton Aerospace*SergeLabbeHeroux Devtek Inc.*Marc-Andre LefebvreHeroux Devtek Inc.EricLeFortSONACA*SusanLewisLockheed Martin Corporation*NickMagnaperaBAE Systems - E & I*VeroniqueMarcelSAFRAN GroupBibianaMarquezGoodrich (UTAS)JoelMohnackyHamilton Sundstrand*TomMorelandBombardier Inc.WintonMullenSpirit AeroSystems Inc.Micheal NarowitzLockheed Martin Corporation*JimO'SheaGE AviationFabrizioQuadriniAgustaWestlandMinhQuanTriumph GroupJesseReeves309th Maintenance Wing-Hill AFBCarlRocheGoodrich (UTAS)*JerrySatchwellRolls-Royce PLCChairpersonJohnSattlerHawker Beechcraft CorporationRalphSekkelLockheed Martin CorporationRichard ShainGulfstream Aerospace*PaulSlaterRockwell Collins Inc.*SteveStarrHoneywell Aerospace*MikeStolzeNorthrop Grumman Corporation*YuhuiSunCOMAC*ZiaUsmaniBAE Systems Air & Information (MAI)*ShawnVierthalerSpirit AeroSystems Inc.*DebbieVogelTriumph Aerostructures - VAD *MichaelVosatkaRockwell Collins*GeneWallaceTriumph Aerostructures - VAD *MiaoWangCOMAC*WeiWangCOMAC*SergeyYesilevichHamilton SundstrandOther Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)AliBakrNico Products, Inc.MartinBelangerSonaca MontrealFredBindaOzark Mountain Technologies LLC*LeeBruceRobert Stuart Ltd.EricCarlsonHytek Finishes Company*Stephane ChaumeilGalionCharlesCostelloSun-Glo Plating Company*SteveCrestStabile PlatingMarkCrevierMorton Manufacturing*JimCummingsMetal Finishing Co.*RobertCusterAAA Plating & Inspection Inc.*WarrenDeCuirLisi Aerospace Torrance*JimDentonB-D Industries Inc.BruceDobbinsAetna Plating CompanyGregExcellCoast Plating Inc*WilliamFerrisTechMetals Inc.*BenFloresApplied Aerospace Structures Corp*GaryFoxAnodyne, Inc.AnnGillLord CorporationMelanyGuzmanCentro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, S. C.TimothyHamlettCertified Metal FinishingHirohikoHattoriMitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd*JonathanHebbenDucommun AeroStructures Gardena*BillHeeterSkills Inc.*EricJacklinF.M. Callahan & Son Inc.Jeff JonesAlloy Processing*RichardKlineX-R-I Testing*KevenKudelkaWestfield Electroplating Co.DeanKuxHar-Conn AerospaceRandyLaytonHytek Finishes CompanyDustyLittleDucommun AeroStructuresSharonMackPM Testing Laboratory Inc.DenisMaillouxSonaca MontrealMaria SeleneMaruBombardier Transportation MexicoHughMaxwellRobert Stuart LTDSilviaMirandaCentro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, S. C.*AbdillahMohamedLord CorporationCharles MorganTriple Cities Metal Finishing Corp*LauraMoyerHowmet Castings and Services, Inc. Dover Casting (AHDC)*Simone Murphy-FickenworthChrome Plus International*AbdulNathaniHi-Tech Metal FinishingThomasNewtonAircraft X-Ray Laboratories Inc.DinhNgoGKN Aerospace Chem-tronics Inc.*MichaelNoettlMagnetic Inspection Laboratory Inc.*JerkerNordhGKN Aerospace Sweden ABMante MahlogonoloPahakathiTurbomeca AfricaHectorPichardoCurtiss Wright Controls Inc Eng Systems*KimPorterPoly-Metal Finishing*DennisReidyCIL Metal FinishingKen RettgerLord Corporation*Jim RingerTech MetWilliam RomanMagnetic Inspection Laboratory*CynthiaRothTeam Industrial ServicesFrankSaenzHi Tech Metal FinishingColinSchieweMagnetic Inspection Laboratory*TammiSchubertLMI Finishing Inc.Tony SchmaltzProtective Coatings, Inc.David SextonCertified Metal Finishing Inc.KenShouseLord Corporation*GregSmotherman JrOzark Mountain Technologies LLC*VittorioStanaAvcorp Industries Inc.JohnStevensWeatherford Aerospace Ronald StewartEllison Surface TechnologiesDawnStokesPTI Industries Inc*SteveStoneSaporito Finishing Company*Yoshiomi SukesadaAsahi Kinzoku Kogyo Inc.LeviTalamantesMetal Finishing CoDavidThompsonDCI Aerotech Div. of Detroit Chrome Inc.*Jim TuminelloTech MetMikeTurbettQuality Plating Co of Tulsa Inc.GeraldWahlinAAA Plating & Inspection Inc.Wilfried WeberPFW Aerospace AGStephenWrightBrazonics Inc.Staff Present NigelCookMichaelGrahamRobertNixon2.0DELEGATION OVERSIGHT – CLOSEDThe delegation trackers for all delegated audit reviewers were reviewed. All delegated reviewers had exceeded the requirements to maintain delegation.NUCAP – CLOSEDThe status of the NUCAP scope exceptions was reviewed. One was awaiting completion of the ballot of AC7108/2 before it could be closed and there were four others that were awaiting internal corrective action.4.0PROFICIENCY EXAMS – CLOSEDThe proficiency exams for conversion coating, painting and plating were reviewed. There were a number of questions that needed further amendment.ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineers to amend the auditor proficiency exams and email them to prime voting members for comment. (Due Date: 31-Mar-13)5.0AUDITOR OVERSIGHT – CLOSEDMike Stolze and Robert Nixon gave a presentation on the go forward plans for auditor oversight. Further data analysis is still required to identify which auditors need to be observed. In addition to the auditors identified by data analysis, the sub-team proposed that new auditors should also be reviewed. The following Prime members volunteered to assist in the oversight program.On Site Observation: Mike Stolze, John Koenig, Alan Gilbert, Mike Coleman, Aleck Featherston, Karyn Deming, Serge Labbe, Zia Usmani, Hal Abel, Jerry Satchwell, Malik Boutoba, Bob Cashman, Paul Slater, Carl Roche, Jerker NordhDesk Top Observation: Mike Stolze, Alan Gilbert, Susan Lewis, Serge Labbe, Yuhui SunACTION ITEM: Observation oversight team to analyze auditor consistency data and create an observation audit schedule. (Due Date: 31-Mar-13)6.0RESOLUTION BY TASK GROUP ISSUES – CLOSEDAudit 146391: The auditor did not receive the Visa in time to complete the audit required to support their Jan 2013 expiration date. ?Another auditor is scheduled for an audit in Pakistan on 13-15th March.? Would the Task Group be agreeable to extending the current accreditation from 1/31/2013 to 4/30/2013 to allow time for this with a possible further extension to 31st July 2013 if needed? Their last audit (#139764) was conducted July 2011 and resulted in zero (0) findings as did the previous audit.? Their current accreditation expires January 31, 2013.?Task Group agreed to grant an extension to 31st July 2013 if required.Are the Task Group Subscriber members notified by automatic email if an audit accreditation is extended?ACTION ITEM: Nigel Cook to determine if Primes are automatically notified of audit accreditation extensions and report out at the June meeting. (Due Date: 3-Jun-13)Audit 151330 NCR#1: The NCR stated:Tank 2.02 & 2.03 Hot water seals- No Conductivity recordsAC7108 Rev. E paragraph ( states: Solution and/or material testing (e.g. reviewed and acceptable, if material testing (paint) what was done)Supplier does not have any records available to show the conductivity value for Tank 2.02 and 2.03 as required by specification MT-SL-1829 Issue C paragraph 7.1 which flows down specification MT-SL-4674 Issue A Table 1. Frequency of testing is defined as monthly.During review of corrective action it became apparent that the make-up water was controlled to <20uS but during use the records show the conductivity in the tank exceeded 200uS and the supplier’s self-appointed limits were 700uS. The supplier works to a customer specification and MIL-A-8625 and none of them define a water purity for the in tank de-ionized water. Task Group agreed this should not be an NCR.Audit 148472 NCR#8: The Supplier does Type III anodize to MIL-A-8625. In the audit it was identified that for the two abrasion test samples one met the abrasion requirement and the other did not. The supplier accepted the result as compliant because the average of the two tests met the requirement. MIL-A-8625 does not talk about averaging the values; however ASTM D4060 requires the test report to include the result for each sample and the average.The Task Group agreed that both test pieces should meet the requirement and that this is an NCR.AMS 2433 Plating: Nickel-Thallium-Boron or Nickel-Boron Electroless Deposition specification has a requirement for a wear test,?3.4.5 Wear Resistance: A standard test block with 0.001 inch (25 μm) plating thickness, post treated as in 3.3.1, and subjected to a 150 pound (68 kg) load with filtered mineral spirits as a lubricant, shall exhibit a wear scar with an average width not greater than 0.032 inch (0.81 mm) after 5000 test cycles, determined in accordance with ASTM D 2714.?ASTM D 2714 Standard Test Method for Calibration and Operation of the Falex Block-on-Ring Friction and Wear Testing Machine. The problem comes from the fact that Falex is the manufactures of both the testing machine and the ring and blocks used in the testing and offer testing, however, they do not have any third party certification. They are self-certified and are on “several boards”. According to AC 7108 both revisions E & F section 1.2 we still are not allowed to use them as a testing source. The Task Group agreed this would be a finding to AC7108.Note: During report out in the open meeting it was stated that AMS2433 requires the test to be done to ASTM D2714 and that this specification identifies Falex as the approved source.ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineers to verify what the MTL Group do and bring back a recommendation to the June 2013 meeting. (Due Date: 3-Jun-13)Adding Specifications to an Audit Scope: Under what circumstances can specifications be added to the scope of a supplier’s accreditation after the audit is conducted.?The current (undocumented) practice is a specification can be added if the specification was included in a job audit or the specification was in their previous scope and it was obviously an oversight. Other than these cases additional specifications are not added unless an Add Scope audit is conducted. Can NTGOP-001 App CP be amended to include the circumstances under which additional specifications can be added.ACTION ITEM: Nigel Cook, Hal Abel, Susan Lewis to amend NTGOP-001 CP to include verbiage and bring to the June meeting. (Due Date: 3-Jun-13)Prime Information on eAuditNet: Prime Specific Information currently posted in eAuditnet at Resources/Public Documents/Chemical Processing/Supplier Information/Prime Specific Information has not been updated for quite some time. Should these documents be addressed in the same manner as Prime Table1’s, i.e. remove from eAuditNet, email the document to the Prime Rep and replace when updated. The most recent posting date is 2005 with some going back to 2002. The Task Group agreed that the documents should be removed and replaced only when updated.ACTION ITEM: Robert Nixon to remove the documents and email them to the Prime representative for update. (Due Date: 31-Mar-13)Audit 146723 NCR 2: “OBSERVATION: Was lot testing in conformance with specification and/or customer requirements?Passivation Paper trail Job 169009 P/N 1159BM979-23, parts were subjected to the water immersion test as per SOP-05-8.2.4.E, AMS-STD-753 Method 100. The parts were too large to fit completely in the water immersion test tank, thus they were run twice, flipping them 180 degrees after 24 hours, so as to achieve complete testing. The spec requirement is: "Parts shall be alternately immersed in reagent grade water for one hour, removed from the tank, and allowed to dry for one hour for a minimum of 24 hours.", where the auditor interprets immersed to mean 100% immersion due to the increased possibility of a false positive due to the water/air interface. The Task Group agreed this this was not a finding and needs to be voided.Audit 146170 NCR#6: Requirement: WI DMS STD 101 sequence 16: After clean, drying is to be performed by oven air dry at 180F +/- 25F.?Identified Nonconformance: Parts with outside diameters (OD) greater than approximately 35" do not fit and oven doors are left partially open.This is a low temperature drying oven subject to AC7108 section 5.5 and the supplier is therefore permitted to define their own TUS requirement. Although the normal expectation would be to have the oven doors closed the TUS demonstrates the 180° ± 25°F internal requirement is being met. Supplier responses state the only customer requirement is a maximum drying temperature of 250°F. The Task Group agreed this is not an NCR.Incident Report 727: Audit 149298 was only in TG Review for 1 day. The ballot end date in eAuditNet was incorrect causing the audit to show as having completed the ballot process. An eAuditNet report was run and this was the only audit less than 7 days in TG review. The eAuditNet amendment log was also reviewed and there had not been any manual amendment of the ballot end date. The Task Group agreed that this was a one off incident and no further action is required.Audit 151722: The Supplier has AC7108/7 Vacuum Cadmium in their scope but the auditor was not able to conduct a job audit because the vacuum gauge failed during the audit. The previous audit also included an historic job audit. Is the Task Group happy to grant accreditation based on conducting another historic job audit? The Audit Handbook states:A supplier can retain listing a process/specification in their scope so long as:They have an internal procedure for that process that lists the specification and is compliant to its requirements.The supplier has previously processed parts, within the last 5 years, to the processing requirements and has evidence that acceptance test requirements were met.The supplier has previously processed test pieces, within the last 5 years, to the processing requirements and has evidence that the periodic testing requirements have been met.These items are not required to be part of the audit but shall be made available to the auditor if requested. If the supplier cannot provide evidence for any of the above the auditor will document in 4.1.1 of the AC7108 checklist what scope items were removed and the reason why.The Task Group agreed that accreditation can be granted based on historic job audits in the last two Nadcap audits.7.0NEW VOTING MEMBER APPROVAL & COMPLIANCE WITH VOTING REQUIREMENTS – OPENRequests to become a voting member were received from:TitleFirst NameSurnameCompanyVoting Member TypeMeetings AttendedMs.KimPorterPoly-Metal FinishingSupplier Voting Member (SVM)Feb 12Oct 12Ms.Gardiner RynneChem Processing Inc.SVMFeb 12Oct 12Mr.BobDenneyHoneywell AerospaceAlternate Subscriber Voting Member (ALT/UVM)Oct 12Feb 13Mr.MitchellTannerTriumph Processing –Embee Division Inc.SVMFeb 12Oct 12Mr.MiltStevenson JrAnoplate CorpSVMOct 11Oct 12Mr.Marc-André LefebvreHeroux Devtek Inc.ALT/UVMOct 12Feb 13Mr.SergeyYesilevichHamilton Sundstrand (UTAS)Subscriber Voting Member (UVM)Feb 12Jun 12Mr.DennisReidyCILSVMOct 12Feb 13Mr.MichaelVosatkaRockwell Collins Inc.ALT/UVMOct 12Feb 13Mr.YuhuiSunCOMACUVMOct 12Feb 13Mr.WeiWangCOMACALT/UVMOct 12Feb 13Mr.MiaoWangCOMACALT/UVMOct 12Feb 13Ms.LauraMoyerHowmet Castings and Services, Inc. Dover Casting (AHDC) SVMOct 12Feb 13Note: You must be registered on eAuditNet before you can be made a Voting Member.The Task Group agreed to grant voting privilege to all of the pliance to voting requirements was reviewed. American Tinning had failed to meet requirements for both meeting attendance and balloting and their voting privilege is to be removed. Various other Suppliers and Subscribers (3P Processing, The Boeing Company, BAE Systems, Bombardier Areospace, EADS CASA, Heroux Devtek Inc, Parker Aerospace, Harr Conn, TechMet) failed to meet one or other of the requirements, typically ballot responses.. These were allreviewed with the Task Group Chair and it was agreed that they retain their voting privileges based on the work they do for the Task Group, e.g. sub-team work, auditor observation, etc. Alenia’s voting privileges were removed as a result of actions from the last meeting. Alenia are working to identify a replacement.ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to amend voting status of the identified Subscriber Representatives. (Due Date: 15-Mar-13)8.0NEW SUPPLIER ORIENTATION – OPENMike Noettl presented the new supplier orientation presentation.9.0FRENCH TRANSLATION OF CHECKLISTS – OPENAC7108 Rev F – Translated, to be posted on eAuditNetAC7108/1 Rev B – Translated and posted on eAuditNetAC7108/2 Rev B - Translated and posted on eAuditNetAudit Handbook (Feb 2012) – Translated and on eAuditNetAudit Handbook (Oct 2012) – In progress and due this weekACTION ITEM: Nigel Cook to post AC7108 Rev F and the Audit Handbook in eAuditNet. (Due Date: 31-Mar-13)10.0NMC METRICS, REGIONAL AUDITOR CAPACITY – OPENThe NMC metrics and auditor capacity metrics were reviewed. The metrics were generally meeting requirements but the following items needed to be watched.Overall auditor capacity was green but there was lack of capacity in Asia. Because ITAR audits cannot be conducted by Asian auditors the data does not reflect the true capacity and the situation needs to be re-assessed based on non-ITAR audits.Staff cycle time was red for Initial Audits and was generally trending upwards for all audits. The Task Group questioned if there was sufficient reviewer capacity and expressed concern that the need to meet the metric may result in acceptance of corrective actions that would not normally be accepted. Would it be possible to produce an audit reviewer capacity/workload metric?ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to review the possibility of an audit reviewer capacity/workload metric. (Due Date: 3-Jun-13)11.0NOP-011 MODE B FAILURE CRITERIA – OPENThe Task Group reviewed the present Mode B failure criteria and the new 95% and 98% 2012 criteria.Initial Audit Data:MajorTotalPresent1 Day Audit2 (95%)7 (95%)2 Day Audit4 (95%)14 (95%)3+ Day Audit6(95%)21 (95%)95%Proposed1 Day Audit252 Day Audit393+ Day Audit51498%Proposed1 Day Audit262 Day Audit4123+ Day Audit619Reaccreditation Audit Data:MajorTotalPresent1 Day Audit2 (98%)4 (98%)2 Day Audit4 (98%)9 (98%)3+ Day Audit6 (98%)13 (98%)95%Proposed1 Day Audit132 Day Audit253+ Day Audit3898%Proposed1 Day Audit232 Day Audit373+ Day Audit510The Task Group agreed to retain the present failure criteria.ACTION ITEM: Nigel Cook to advise Mike Graham that the NOP-011 Mode B failure criteria will remain the same. (Due Date: 31-Mar-13)12.0CHEMICAL PROCESS AUDIT HANDBOOK APPROVAL – OPENThe Task Group reviewed and approved the amendments to the Chemical Processing Audit Handbook.ACTION ITEM: Nigel Cook to post the amended Chemical Processing Audit Handbook. (Due Date: 31-Mar-13)13.0AUDITOR CONFERENCE – OPENRobert Nixon will be responsible for overall coordination of the October Auditor Conference for the Chemical Processing (CP) Task Group. Will Calvert is part of the PRI team for the general section of the Auditor Conference.The status of the sub-team presentations were reviewed:Subjects for Next Auditor Conference:Members- Leads (L)Staff Engineer (SE)New paint systems – Have not yet met.Zia Usmani (L)Alan GilbertMike Graham (SE)Prime specific presentation – Have not yet met.John Koenig (L)Bob CashmanMike StolzeWill Calvert (SE)AC7108/6 - Cleanliness Verification – Draft presentation reviewed.Jim O'Shea (L)Jim RingerVitorio StanaDebbie VogelNigel Cook (SE)New anodize techniques, e.g. BSA, TSA. – Outline plan for content reviewed.Jerry Satchwell (L)Neil CowanJim CummingKaryn DemingMike NoettlTammy ShubertStephan SimacekWill Calvert (SE)Pyrometry (including Prime requirements) – First meeting arranged for early March.Mike Coleman (L)Jonathan HebbenVitorio StanaRobert Nixon (SE)Masking technology – First meeting arranged for early March.Hal Abel (L)Jonathon HebbenKeven KedelkaMike NoettlShawn VierthalerRobert Nixon (SE)Electroless plating including masking issues First meeting arranged for early March.Bob Cashman (L)Dan BackusKeven KedelkaSteve StarrRobert Nixon (SE)14.0REVIEW OF AUDITOR ADVISORIES – OPENThe two auditor advisories issued since the last meeting were reviewed.15.0TECHNICAL DATA SHEETS – OPENMike Stolze gave a presentation on the sub-team status for Technical Datasheets.The Task Group agreed that the requirements in AC7108 documents for compliance to technical datasheet parameters are not compliant with NOP-002 checklist criteria. In addition the Task Group agreed the sub-team is to continue and amend the relevant checklist paragraphs to remove compliance with technical datasheet parameters and replace it with compliance to technical data and to also define what constitutes technical data.Mike Stolze (Lead), Hal Abel, Karyn Deming, Susan Lewis, Nicholas Magnapera, Yohands Armando Rey, John Koenig, Steve Crest, Jim Cummings, Mike Noettl, Keven Kudelka, Jonathan Hebben, Warren De Cuir, Will Calvert.ACTION ITEM: Mike Stolze and sub-team to amend the relevant checklist paragraphs to remove compliance with technical datasheet parameters and replace it with compliance to technical data and to also define what constitutes technical data. (Due Date: 3-Jun-13)16.0CHECKLIST STRATEGIC PLAN – OPENJerry Satchwell reviewed the Task Group member’s responses for the proposed new Base and Anodize Checklists and defined the next steps which were to create the remaining checklists and obtain feedback on them from Task Group members. The following members agreed to provide feedback for specific checklist. Other members are also welcome to respond.AC 7108/1: Jim Cummings, Alan Gilbert, Mike Stolze, Gene WallaceAC 7108/2: Steve Starr, Tammi Schubert, Frederic GirardAC 7108/3: Alec Featherston, John Koenig, Kim Porter, Mike Stolze, Abdillah MohamedAC 7108/4: Jim Cummings, Dennis Reidy, Alec Featherston, Jonathan Hebben, Cindy KlingerAC 7108/5: Mike Noettl, Jerker Nordh, Zia Usmani, Jonathan Hebben, Jim Ringer, Dinh NgoAC 7108/6: Jerker Nordh, Abdillah Mohamed, Jim O’SheaAC 7108/7: Mike Stolze, Warren DeCuir, Tim Hitchcock, Jerry Wahlin, AC 7108/9: Hal Abel, Dennis Reidy, Sergey Yesilevich, William FerrisAC 7108/10: Susan Lewis, Nick Magnapera, Lee BruceAC 7108/11: Hal Abel, Kim Porter or Nick Magnapera, John Koenig, Alec Featherston, Tammi Schubert, Dinh NgoAC 7108/12: Dinh Ngo, Mike Noettl, Keven Kudelka, Warren DeCuirAC 7108/13: Bob Cashman, Hal Abel, Karyn Deming, Bill FerrisAC 7108/14: Keven Kudelka, Steve Starr, Hal Abel, Alan GilbertThere were a number of concerns expressed about audit duration and how s-frm-16 and the audit scope would be amended to ensure audit durations are not increased as a result of this restructure of the checklists.ACTION ITEM: A sub-team of Mike Stolze (Lead), Alan Gilbert, Jerry Satchwell, Bill Ferris, Bill Heeter and Nigel Cook was assigned to review s-frm-16 and the electronic scope document to ensure audit durations were not increased as a result of the checklist restructure. (Due Date: 3-Jun-13)17.0NDT AC7108/2 PROPOSAL – OPENThe sub-team put their proposal to the NMC after the October 2012 meeting and a number of questions were raised by the NMC. The sub-team had a meeting to resolve these questions and have provided a response to the NMC that will be reviewed after this meeting.The main points of the present proposal are:The checklist will be split into two sections, one for pre-penetrant etch and one for etch inspection.Additional questions on qualification/certification, acceptance standards, IGA/EGP will be added.CP and NDT auditors will be trained to conduct the audits.Additional job audits will be required, a minimum of one job audit for each etch method (PPE, Nital Etch, Macro Etch, Blue Etch Anodize).The duration of etch audits, and audits that contain etch, will increase for a number of suppliers dependent on etch scope and present audit length.The etch checklist will be owned by CP but balloted to CP & NDT.The supplier can chose to have the audit done, subject to 5 day rule, as part of its CP or NDT accreditation.18.0CHEMICAL PROCESS TASK GROUP SUPPLIER SEMINAR – OPENJerry Satchwell led a discussion on selecting subject matter for a supplier seminar at the next 3 Nadcap meetings. The new Smart Checklist and Top 10 NCRS were the only topics proposed and it is unlikely that this would take much more than 1 hour to present. Dave Michaud said that the eAuditNet team has a very slick presentation for the Smart Checklist that we may be able to use or get them to present.If anybody has any suggestions then please let Jerry Satchwell, Karyn Deming or PRI Staff know.ACTION ITEM: Nigel Cook to talk to eAuditNet team about presenting their presentation at the June meeting. (Due Date: 31-Mar-13)19.0VISCOSITY TESTING – ZAHN CUPS – OPENJeff Jones gave a presentation on the issues with Zahn viscosity cups. There are two types of Zahn viscosity cups (EZ and Signature) and they are basically identical apart from the size of the orifice. The problem is that the paint specifications do not always identify which cup to use and the results can be significantly different.AC7108/1 para 3.11 only requires viscosity to be tested when it is required by the paint application specification and although this limits the problem it does not eliminate it. In some cases the Primes do not know what cup should be used because the viscosity data is provided by the paint manufacturer.20.0WATER BREAK?FREE TESTING – OPENBill Heeter gave a presentation on the sub-team’s proposal to replace Water Break Free Testing with Cleanliness Verification. The Task Group agreed to move forward with the concept and implement it after completion of the checklist strategic plan. There were some comments raised where it was felt the proposal needed additional work:Cleanliness verification if cleaning is the final step.Confusion of the term with the Cleanliness Verification Checklist, AC7108/6.The wording in the checklist needs to ensure the verification method is effective and carried out.ACTION ITEM: Cleanliness Verification team to review the new checklists after implementation of the checklist strategic plan and provide alternative wording for the relevant paragraphs. (Due Date: 20-Feb-14)21.0INTERNATIONAL PROCESS SPECIFICATIONS/STANDARDS – OPENAn email requesting a list of European Specifications and National Specifications for countries in Europe was sent to European prime and supplier voting members. One response was received from GKN Aerospace who stated that they used AMS and ASTM specifications, no other responses were received.This is the third time the CPTG has been approached for information and on each occasion the response has been minimal.Veronique Marcel had a list and will provide it to Nigel Cook.ACTION ITEM: Nigel Cook to review the European specification list provided by Veronique Marcel and incorporate into the Chemical Process QML. (Due Date: 30-Jun-13)22.0REACH – OPENJerry Satchwell and Zia Usmani gave presentations on how their respective companies, Rolls-Royce PLC and BAE Systems are addressing REACH.ACTION ITEM: Nigel Cook to get clearance from Rolls-Royce PLC and BAE Systems to post their presentations on eAuditNet. (Due Date: 15-Mar-13)23.0SMART CHECKLISTS – OPENThe Smart Checklist is a modification of the eAuditNet system to incorporate the modified scope audit process used by the Chemical Process Task Group. The fundamentals of the system are:The first three audits, initial audit and first two re-accreditation audits, will be full scope and will ask all questions in the checklist(s)Later (mature) audits will not be required ask the questions that have been identified as NA due to modified scope status. These questions will still be able to be answered if the auditor identifies a non-conformance against them.If a checklist is technically revised, revision letter change, a mature audit will be reset at cycle 3 for that checklist, i.e. treated as the 2nd reaccred audit.If a supplier adds additional scope the auditor will need to confirm that the additional questions have been asked.Checklist Cycle12345678910Standard Frequency (**)SSSSSSSSSSModifiedFrequencyS&ModS&ModS&ModSSS&ModSSS&ModS(**) A standard frequency audit only has standard frequency questions.The programming should be completed by the end of February and we will then need to modify the electronic checklist to identify if a question is Standard or Modified. Release is expected to be October 2013.24.0AMS2750 REV E – OPENKaryn Deming presented the sub-teams comparison between AC7108 and AMS 2750 Rev E. The results of the comparison are that all the AC7108 questions are still consistent with the new AMS 2750 revision.25.0RECORDING OF PROCESS PARAMETERS – OPENZia Usmani gave a presentation on the sub-teams methodology and recommendation for recording of process parameters. The sub-team used a risk assessment approach based on whether the parameter is a special parameter, has a significant potential to impact hardware, is for compliance or for process control.ACTION ITEM: Nigel Cook to tabulate the result in a before and after table to clearly identify what parameters would no longer be required to be recorded and send out to all voting members for comment. (Due Date: 30-Apr-13)26.0REPORT OUTS: NMC (MICHAUD), SSC (JACKLIN), P&O/CLOSED, STEERING (LEWIS), CP-SAT (CUMMINGS) – OPENReports outs were received on NMC, SSC, P&O, Closed Meeting, Steering and CP-SAT.ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to issue an auditor advisory regarding both taber wear test pieces are to meet acceptance criteria defined in Mil-A-8625. (Due Date: 31-Mar-13)27.03M TAPE - THE REAL STORY – OPENDavid Johnson from 3Ms gave a presentation to the Task Group on the changes to the 250 tape. The tape manufacture was moved a couple of times as the market for the product declined. Eventually the machinery to make it because obsolete and 3Ms set about re-formulating its manufacturing method so that it could be manufactured on available tape making machinery. Although the backing and adhesive are similar there has been an increase in the peel strength of the tape. Part of the reason for the increased peel strength was a change in the formulation to ensure all tapes exceeded to 60oz/in peel strength when pulled at 12 in/min.Although the 3Ms results show a significant increase in peel strength, the value determined by some independent tests was even higher still.David asked people who had a concern to contact him and he would try to address their concerns.David was asked if he would be prepared to give this presentation in the June meeting in Europe.ACTION ITEM: Nigel Cook to liaise with David Johnson of 3Ms to see if he can attend the June meeting and provide a similar presentation on 250 tape. (Due Date: 31-Mar-13)28.0ANY OTHER BUSINESS – OPENAre there suppliers who would be willing to host Primes on site to aid their training/knowledge of chemical processing.(F M Callahan, Robert Stuart, Metal Finishing, Aetna Plating, Sun Glo, Lisi Aerospace, DCI Aerotech, Aircraft X-Ray)Specification list: The Task Group presently requires a specification list to be attached in the AC7108 checklist at paragraph 4.1.1. The present requirement is that this list identifies all specifications done by the supplier that are applicable to their scope. Some auditors have requested if this list can contain as a minimum the specifications that are done but are not available to be selected in the eAuditNet scope, e.g. European Consensus Specifications, Prime Specifications. CP-SAT agreed to look at this.ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to issue an auditor advisory regarding the content of the specification list and amend AC7108 section 2.1 to identify the need for an editable list. (Due Date: 31-Mar-13) Subscriber Customer Identification: eAuditNet has recently been updated to allow suppliers to identify which Primes’ hardware they process. Specification list can be added to as free text so suppliers may be adding Prime names that the Primes do not want including.AC7108 Rev F: For a supplier that has achieved modified scope, does the first audit to AC7108 Rev F need to be full scope or can it be modified scope with the amended/new questions asked. Staff Engineer recommendation is that if the previous audit was to AC7108 Rev D then it should be full scope and if the previous audit was to AC7108 Rev E it should be modified scope with the amended/new questions asked. The Task Group agreed to work to the staff engineer recommendation.During the AQS Liaison meeting last night we were asked to bring the following question to our Task Groups and provide an answer back to the AQS Task Group today if at all possible:- How does your TG have confidence in initial audit results when there is no actual parts in house? We run scrap parts or test panels as if they were parts with required documentation (e.g. route card work instructions), supplier must have a least one set of acceptable periodic test results and the job need to meet lot test requirements.- Do you have guidance in your handbook or checklist for the auditors? No, was raised in October 2007 minutes, reconfirmed in June 2010 minutes, but has disappeared over time from the command media. NTGOP-001 App CP, or AC7108 checklist, to be amended to include requirements. A minimum of I set of acceptable periodic tests and lot tests. Scrap hardware is preferred for job audit processing but test pieces would be acceptable if scrap hardware not available.ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff review and amend most relevant document to capture the Task Group decision. (Due Date: 31-Jun-13)29.0DEVELOP AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 2013 TASK GROUP MEETING – OPENMinutes Prepared by: Nigel Cook nigel.cook@pri-.uk /Joyce Benkart jbenkart@ ***** For PRI Staff use only: ******Is procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one)YES* FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX *If yes, the following information is required:Documents requiring revision:Who is responsible:Due date:CP Audit HandbookNigel Cook31-Mar -13 ................

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