|Behavioral Objectives |Content Outline |Clinical Objectives |Learning Opportunities |

|Define the terms listed in the content column |Terms |Compare expected and achieved outcomes |READINGS: |

|appropriate to the patient situations. |Amenorrhea |of nursing care. |McKinney |

| |Bacteriuria | |Adams |

| |Calculus/calculi |Interpret verbal and non-verbal |Berman & Snyder |

| |Cellulitis |communication. |Lewis |

| |Cryosurgery | | |

| |Cystocele/rectocele | | |

| |Dysuria | | |

| |Exudate | | |

| |Frequency | | |

| |Hematuria | | |

| |Hyperplasia | | |

| |Laser surgery | | |

| |Macule | | |

| |Menorrhagia | | |

| |Metaplasia theory | | |

| |Metrorrhagia | | |

| |Nephrolithiasis | | |

| |Nocturia | | |

| |Oligomenorrhea | | |

| |Ovarian cyst | | |

| |Papule | | |

| |Parenchyma | | |

| |Pessary | | |

| |Purulent | | |

| |Pustule | | |

| |Pyuria | | |

| |Retrograde menstruation | | |

| |Retroversion/retroflexion | | |

| |Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) | | |

| |Toxin | | |

| |Transplantation theory | | |

| |Urge incontinence | | |

| |Urolithiasis | | |

| |Uterine prolapse | | |

| |Venereal Disease (VD) | | |

| |Vesicle | | |

| |Vesicoureteral reflux | | |

|Compare and contrast the normal anatomy and |Anatomy & Physiology of selected systems | | |

|physiology to the pathophysiology of the disease |Genitourinary | | |

|processes in the content column. |Developmental considerations | | |

| |Infant | | |

| |Child | | |

| |Adolescent | | |

| |Adult | | |

| |Older adult | | |

|Identify factors included in the assessment of the |Initial physical assessment. | | |

|patient experiencing commonly occurring problems of |Interview | | |

|the genitourinary system, including the developmental|Chief complaint | | |

|and cultural considerations. |Precipitating factors | | |

| |Medical history | | |

| |OB/Gyn history | | |

| |Family/social/occupational history | | |

| |Medication history (prescription/nonprescription) | | |

| |Knowledge of health maintenance/prevention | | |

| |Risk factors | | |

| |Physical exam – Genitourinary System | | |

| |Intake & Output | | |

| |Pain/itching | | |

| |Discharge | | |

| |Urethral | | |

| |Cervical | | |

| |Rectal | | |

| |Change in urinary pattern | | |

| |Frequency | | |

| |Dysuria | | |

| |Retention | | |

| |Erythema | | |

| |Diagnostic test | | |

| |Laboratory | | |

| |Urine culture & sensitivity | | |

| |BUN/creatinine | | |

| |PSA (acid phosphatase & prostate – specific antigen) | | |

| |Tissue culture | | |

| |Thyroid function | | |

| |Endocrine workup | | |

| |Serum progesterone | | |

| |Serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) | | |

| |WBC | | |

| |Pregnancy test | | |

| |Urine calcium/uric acid | | |

| |Urine oxalate excretion | | |

| |Serum calcium, phosphorus, uric acid | | |

| |Gram stain of urine | | |

| |VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) | | |

| |RPR (Rapid plasma Reagin) | | |

| |FTA-ABS (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption) | | |

| |Immunofluorescent staining | | |

| |Darkfield microscopy | | |

| |Discharge smears | | |

| |Pap smear | | |

| |EIA (Enzyme Immunoassay, Chlamydiazyme or test patch) | | |

| |Direct immunofluorescence (Micro Trak) | | |

| |PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay) | | |

| |Urine test using PCR & LCR (Ligase Chain Reaction) | | |

| |Biopsy (if lesions bleed) | | |

| |Radiology studies | | |

| |Uroflowmetry (cystometry & pressure flow studies) | | |

| |Ultrasonography | | |

| |KUB (kidneys, ureters & bladder) | | |

| |IVP (Intravenous pyelogram) retrograde pyelography | | |

| |CT (Computer Tomography) MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) | | |

| |Voiding cystourethrography | | |

| |Other | | |

| |Cystoscopy | | |

| |Laproscopy | | |

| |Cultural influences | | |

| |Heredity | | |

| |Environmental | | |

| |Health beliefs/practices | | |

| |Spiritual/religious | | |

| |Language | | |

| |Developmental | | |

| |Age specific assessment data | | |

| |Vital signs | | |

| |Fluid/electrolytes | | |

| |Nutritional | | |

| |Physical changes | | |

| |Behavioral/emotional response | | |

| |To health care providers | | |

| |Family/significant others | | |

|Differentiate between the etiology, pathophysiology, |Common occurring problems | | |

|and clinical manifestations of elected commonly |Gender specific | | |

|occurring disease processes. |Female | | |

| |Uterine fibroids | | |

| |Ovarian cyst | | |

| |Endometriosis | | |

| |Pelvic relaxation disorders | | |

| |Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) | | |

| |Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) | | |

| |Active Bladder | | |

| |Male | | |

| |Prostatitis | | |

| |Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) | | |

| |Non-gender specific | | |

| |Toxic Shock Syndrome | | |

| |Urinary calculi | | |

| |Urinary tract infection | | |

| |Cystitis | | |

| |Pyelonephritis | | |

| |Selected surgeries | | |

| |Lithotripsy | | |

| |Pyelolithotomy (open) | | |

| |Hysterectomy | | |

| |Cystocele/Rectocele repair | | |

| |Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) | | |

| |Bladder Sling | | |

| |Sexually transmitted diseases | | |

| |Developmental Considerations | | |

| |Infant/ newborn | | |

| |Child | | |

| |Adolescent | | |

| |Adult | | |

| |Pregnant patient | | |

| |Older adult | | |

| |Disease process | | |

| |Candida | | |

| |Chlamydia | | |

| |Cytomegalovirus (CMV) | | |

| |Gonorrhea | | |

| |Herpes simplex II | | |

| |Human papilloma virus/condyloma | | |

| |Syphilis | | |

| |Trichomoniasis | | |

|Discuss analysis, planning, implementation, and |Selected nursing diagnoses/implementation | | |

|evaluation of the nursing management of patients with|Pain (chronic & acute) | | |

|commonly occurring selected disease processes. |Independent | | |

| |Chief complaint | | |

| |Pain assessment scales | | |

| |Physiological/behavioral response | | |

| |Assess social support & usual methods of coping | | |

| |Respond immediately to complaints of pain | | |

| |Encourage patients to describe pain episodes to identify factors | | |

| |associated | | |

| |Encourage patient to actively participate in planning for pain | | |

| |control | | |

| |Teach and encourage the use of alternate methods of pain relief such| | |

| |as massage, visualization, relaxation, distraction, and touching to | | |

| |alter pain perception | | |

| |Position for comfort | | |

| |Collaborative care | | |

| |Administer prescribed medication and monitor for desired | | |

| |effects/adverse effects/side effects | | |

| |Analgesics | | |

| |Narcotics | | |

| |Supplemental oxygen | | |

| |Anti-virals | | |

| |Antibacterials | | |

| |Antifungal | | |

| |Antiprotozoals | | |

| |Evaluation of outcomes: Patient will have decrease pain as evidenced| | |

| |by: | | |

| |Using prescribed analgesic medications correctly | | |

| |Using nonpharmacologic pain strategies as recommended | | |

| |Actively participating in pain management regimes | | |

| |Ability to identify factors that precipitate pain. | | |

| |Potential for infection/recurrent infection | | |

| |Dependent | | |

| |Monitor for signs of infection | | |

| |Monitor vital signs | | |

| |Monitor lab/x-ray test | | |

| |Encourage adequate fluids, and optimal nutrition | | |

| |Teach signs/symptoms/infection control measures/preventive measures | | |

| |Change dressings if applicable | | |

| |Instruct in wound care as appropriate | | |

| |Collaborative | | |

| |Administer medication and monitor for desired effects/adverse | | |

| |effects/side effects | | |

| |Medications | | |

| |Anti-infective | | |

| |Antibiotic | | |

| |Oxygen | | |

| |Antiviral | | |

| |Antibacterials | | |

| |Antifungal | | |

| |Antiprotozoals | | |

| |Evaluation of outcome: Patient will have potential for | | |

| |infection/recurrent infection as evidenced by: | | |

| |Describing signs/symptoms | | |

| |Wound care | | |

| |Monitor signs/symptoms | | |

| |Optimal nutrition, fluids | | |

| |Prevention measures | | |

| |Describing disease process and effects | | |

| |Impaired skin integrity | | |

| |Independent | | |

| |Assess and monitor skin & mucous membranes | | |

| |Encourage mobility/turn q 2 hrs | | |

| |Provide immediate care after incontinent | | |

| |Encourage adequate nutrition | | |

| |Massage bony prominences | | |

| |Keep skin clean and dry | | |

| |Linen wrinkle free/avoid friction | | |

| |Collaborative | | |

| |Medications as ordered | | |

| |Clean draining lesions and dress per physician order | | |

| |Evaluation of outcomes | | |

| |Skin integrity will remain intact | | |

| |Impaired social interaction | | |

| |Independent | | |

| |Provide a supportive environment | | |

| |Refer to counseling, support groups, community resources. | | |

| |Promote interaction between patient, significant others and family | | |

| |Assess social support and usual methods of coping | | |

| |Develop a trusting, therapeutic relationship | | |

| |Encourage the patient and significant other to discuss their fears | | |

| |and concerns with each other | | |

| |Provide the patient and significant other with factual information | | |

| |about disease and its effects | | |

| |Evaluation of outcomes: Patient will have impaired social | | |

| |interaction as evidenced by: | | |

| |Discussing feelings and alternatives with significant other | | |

| |Participating in community/support groups | | |

| |Altered health maintenance: Knowledge deficit regarding disease | | |

| |process | | |

| |Independent | | |

| |Assess readiness to learn, ability, knowledge level | | |

| |Avoid aggravating factors | | |

| |Promotion of alleviating factors | | |

| |Reportable signs/symptoms | | |

| |Medication teaching | | |

| |Rest/activity | | |

| |Risk factors | | |

| |Prevention of spread of infection | | |

| |Life style modification | | |

| |Nutrition | | |

| |Information about disease prognosis and treatment | | |

| |Community resources | | |

| |Evaluation of outcomes: Patient will have decreased knowledge | | |

| |deficit as evidenced by: | | |

| |Have counseling and support/community resources | | |

| |Have interaction with significant others and family | | |

| |Have a trusting relationship with staff, family, and significant | | |

| |others | | |

| |Discuss concerns/fears openly | | |

| |Describe accurate information about the disease process & outcomes | | |

| |of treatment. | | |

| |Verbalizes knowledge of medication | | |

| |Verbalizes understanding of infection prevention | | |

| |Verbalizes understanding of nutritional needs | | |

| |Knowledge deficit about factors related to surgical procedures | | |

| |Independent | | |

| |Assess readiness to learn, ability, and knowledge level | | |

| |Review anatomy and how they function in relation to the urinary and | | |

| |reproductive systems | | |

| |Provide information regarding diagnostic tests, surgery, and after | | |

| |care. | | |

| |Instruct about drainage systems, anesthesia, and recovery | | |

| |procedures. | | |

| |Encourage questions and provide support as needed. | | |

| |Reportable signs and symptoms | | |

| |Medication teaching | | |

| |Risk factors | | |

| |Life style changes | | |

| |Infection prevention | | |

| |Evaluation of outcomes: Patient will have decreased knowledge | | |

| |deficit as evidenced by: | | |

| |Able to describe anatomy of affected parts and how they function | | |

| |Verbalizes what to expect during test, surgery, and pre/post | | |

| |operatively | | |

| |High risk for sexual dysfunction | | |

| |Independent | | |

| |Inform patient of effects of surgery on sexual function | | |

| |Allow patient/partners to verbalize feelings | | |

| |Provide information about aftercare alternatives | | |

| |Collaborative | | |

| |Participate in intra-disciplinary planning. | | |

| |Evaluation of outcomes | | |

| |Patient and significant other verbalize understanding of risk | | |

| |factors for sexual dysfunction | | |

| |High risk for recurrent Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Renal colic, | | |

| |Pyelonephritis | | |

| |Independent | | |

| |History of signs/symptoms | | |

| |Assess knowledge deficit of preventive measures | | |

| |Instruct on strict hygienic measures | | |

| |Instruct on bathing in shower (no tubs) | | |

| |Assess and instruct on nutrition & fluid needs | | |

| |Monitor lab/test values | | |

| |Assess need of home health follow up | | |

| |Collaborative | | |

| |Administer medications as ordered | | |

| |Evaluation of outcomes: Patient will have decreased risk for | | |

| |recurrent UTI, renal colic, pyelonephritis as exhibited by: | | |

| |Verbalizing understanding of preventive measures | | |

| |Demonstrating hygiene, care of drainage etc | | |

| |Assessing nutrition | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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N:\ADN\Transition/RNSG1327/UnitV-A/Genitourinary Problems Revised 03/12

Reviewed 03/13


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