Control/Query Meeting Minutes (Heading 1)

Infrastructure and Messaging Meeting Minutes

March 15, 2010


|Name |Affiliation |E-mail Address |

|Cheryl Czekaj | |cheryl.czekaj@mail. |

|Nick Halsey |EMA | |

|Anthony Julian |Mayo Clinic | |

|Patrick Loyd |Gordon Point Informatics |Patrick.loyd@ |

|Vassil Peytchev |Epic |vassil@ |

|Sandy Stuart |Kaiser Permanente |Sandra.stuart@ |

I. Call to order

The meeting was called to order at 4:00pm U.S Eastern Daylight time with Tony and Tony as scribe. Quorum was attained.

II. Approval of Agenda

|Vote |

|Motion |Who |Result |

|MMS to approve Agenda as |Patrick/Sandy |5-0-0 |

III. Approval of Minutes

|Vote |

|Motion |Who |Result |

|MMS to approve Minutes of Phoenix Meeting |Sandy/Patrick |5-0-0 |

|MMS to approve minutes of the February 22, 2010 Telcon|Patrick/Sandy |4-0-1 |

IV. Announcements

V. Approval of Transmission Batch Ballot

|Vote |

|Motion |Who |Result |

|MMS to approve Transmission Batch Ballot material |Patrick/Sandy |5-0-0 |

VI. Call for Volunteers for Peer Review

• Patrick and Tony will approve. We are looking for review of non-arb members. Vassil will volunteer Epic to review.

VII. Discussion of Proposal 646 for clarifying the use of UTF-8 and removing UTF-16 and UTF-32 from table 0211

• Vassil wants to remove them since there is not technological way to use UTF-16 and UTF-32, since they cannot be used by MLLP, or the suggested separators from the ascii subset. It will make it simpler for implementers, making it backward compatible with earlier versions. There should be an errata for earlier versions.

|Vote |

|Motion |Who |Result |

|MMS to approve proposal 646 |Sandy/Vassil |5-0-0 |

VIII. Other business and Planning for next meeting

• March 29, 2010 - Final agenda for Rio

• May 10, 2010 - Ballot Recon phase 1

IX. Adjournment(1:minute)

|Vote |

|Motion |Who |Result |

|MMS to approve proposal 646 |Patrick/Sandy |5-0-0 |



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