Utility Relief Grant Scheme (mains) fact sheet

|Utility Relief Grant Scheme (mains) |

|Fact sheet |

Utility Relief Grant Scheme (mains)

|What is the grant? |The grant provides help to pay a mains electricity, gas or water bill that is overdue due to a temporary |

| |financial crisis. |

|Who can apply for the grant?|An account holder who has one of the following eligible concession cards: |

| |Pensioner Concession Card |

| |Health Care Card |

| |Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card. |

| |If you don’t have one of these cards but are part of a low-income household, you may also be able to apply. |

| |Your retailer will ask you some questions to check if you are eligible before issuing a form. |

| |The grant is available to renters and homeowners. |

|What are the criteria for |You must show that you have no way of paying the account without assistance, and |

|the grant? |You must meet one of the following criteria: |

| |You or someone in your house has experienced family violence. |

| |You have had a recent decrease in income, for example, lost your job. |

| |You have had high unexpected costs for essential items. |

| |The cost of shelter is more than 30% of your household income. |

|How much is the grant? |The amount of the grant is based on the amount you owe at the time of application. It is also based on the |

| |reasons you have given for applying in your application form. |

| |You can receive a maximum of $650 on each utility type in a two-year period (or $1,300 for households with a |

| |single source of energy (e.g. electricity only). |

| |You can apply for separate grants for each utility (electricity, gas and water). |

|How do I apply for the |Phone your electricity, gas or water retailer to request an application. |

|grant? |Your retailer will ask you some preliminary questions before starting your application. |

| |The application can be completed online, or your retailer will post you a paper form to complete. A friend, |

| |support worker or financial counsellor can help you complete the application. |

|More information |Phone your electricity, gas or water retailer or the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521. |

Further information

|How is the grant paid? |The grant is paid to your electricity, gas or water retailer. Your retailer will credit the grant against your|

| |outstanding debt. |

|How long will my application|Applications take approximately four to six weeks to process, from the time that a completed form is received |

|take? |by the department. |

| |We will write to you once your application has been considered. |

|What information do I need |Depending on your circumstances, you may need to include supporting documents with your application. |

|to include with my |Check your application carefully to make sure you have included everything needed. |

|application? |For example, you may need to include copies of your payslips, receipts or a statutory declaration. |

|Why do I have to request |When you request an application for the grant from your utility retailer, they will put a hold on your account|

|this form from my utility |so that no disconnection action is taken by them while your grant is being considered. |

|company? |Your retailer will provide the Department of Health and Human Services with your billing information and the |

| |current amount owing on your account. |

|I received a grant for my |Yes. |

|electricity bill – can I |You can receive a separate grant on each utility - electricity, gas and water. |

|apply for help on my gas or |You need to complete a separate application form for each utility – contact the relevant retailer to get each |

|water bill? |form. |

| |You can receive a maximum of $650 on each utility type in a two-year period ($1,300 for households with a |

| |single source of energy (e.g. electricity only)). |

|I received a grant of less |You are not guaranteed to receive a grant of $650. |

|than $650 – can I receive |The amount of the grant is based on the amount you owe at the time of application and the reasons you have |

|more? |given for applying in your application form. |

| |You can receive a maximum of $650 on each utility type in a two-year period (or $1,300 for households with a |

| |single source of energy (e.g. electricity only). If you received less than the maximum, you are eligible to |

| |apply again for another grant without waiting for two years. |

| |If you wish to discuss the amount of your grant, call the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521. |

|What does it mean when a |Some households use both gas and electric appliances, and others have all electric appliances. |

|household has a single |Houses that only have electric appliances and are not connected to gas at all are considered to have a single |

|source of energy? |source of energy. |

|To receive this publication in an accessible format phone 1800 658 521 using the National Relay Service 13 36 77 if required, or email |

|concessions@dhhs..au |

|Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne. |

|© State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services June 2020 |

|Available at services.dhhs..au/concessions-and-benefits |


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