
DISTRICT COURT, WATER DIVISION 6, COLORADOTO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN WATER APPLICATIONSIN WATER DIVISION 6Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, you are hereby notified that the following pages comprise a resume of Applications and Amended Applications filed in the office of Water Division 6, during the month of December 2020.2020CW22 Routt County Application for Absolute Water Rights (Surface) Applicant: Neko Enterprises, LLC, HC 66 Box 63, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487-9804, ronaldnormann926@, 970.870.8820. Structure: Cas Spring. Legal Description in UTMs: E323654 N4487855 Zone 13. Source: Unnamed Trib to Cas Spring Trib to Tow Creek Trib to Yampa River. Date of Appropriation: June 12, 1941. How Appropriation was Initiated: Initiated by purchase of property and putting water to beneficial use. Date water applied to beneficial use: June 12, 1941. Amount Claimed: 0.0044 cfs Absolute. List All Uses or Proposed Uses: Livestock water, wildlife water, wildlife habitat. Does the Applicant intend to use this water right to supplement irrigation on an area of land already irrigated under another water right? NO. If non-irrigation, describe purpose fully: Natural spring flows which maintain freshening flows into Tow Creek for livestock watering, wildlife watering and wildlife habitat. Owner: Colorado State University Research Foundation; 2537 Research Blvd. Ste. 200, Fort Collins, CO 80526. Remarks or other pertinent information: Neko Enterprises, LLC donated property to CSU Research Foundation. Neko Enterprises, LLC is filing on water right on behalf of CSU Research Foundation.2020CW23 Routt County Application for Absolute Water Rights (Surface) Applicant: Neko Enterprises, LLC, HC 66 Box 63, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487-9804, ronaldnormann926@, 970.870.8820. Structure: Momee Spring. Legal Description in UTMs: E323635 N4487773 Zone 13. Source: Unnamed Trib to Momee Spring Trib to Tow Creek Trib to Yampa River. Date of Appropriation: June 12, 1941. How Appropriation was Initiated: Initiated by purchase of property and putting water to beneficial use. Date water applied to beneficial use: June 12, 1941. Amount Claimed: 0.0022 cfs Absolute. List All Uses or Proposed Uses: Livestock water, wildlife water, wildlife habitat. Does the Applicant intend to use this water right to supplement irrigation on an area of land already irrigated under another water right? NO. If non-irrigation, describe purpose fully: Natural spring flows which maintain freshening flows into Tow Creek for livestock watering, wildlife watering and wildlife habitat. Owner: Colorado State University Research Foundation; 2537 Research Blvd. Ste. 200, Fort Collins, CO 80526. Remarks or other pertinent information: Neko Enterprises, LLC donated property to CSU Research Foundation. Neko Enterprises, LLC is filing on water right on behalf of CSU Research Foundation.2020CW3054 Routt County. Application to Make Absolute In Whole. Name, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number of Applicant: Harry R. Jones, III c/o Sherri Sweers, Steamboat Lawyers Group, PLLC, PO Box 775565, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477, (970)879-7611. Name of Structure: Jones Spring #1, Legal Description: : NE1/4 SW1/4 Section 23, Township 7 North, Range 86 West, 6th P.M., Routt County, Colorado, Colorado Source: Trull Creek tributary to Yampa River. Date of Appropriation: November 12, 2020. How approp. was initiated: Application for Surface Water Rights filed on November 12, 2020. Date water applied to beneficial use: November 12, 2020 Amount: 0.802718 gpm. Use: This is an underground spring where the water shall be collected at the surface to create a natura pond for the watering of livestock. Remarks: The conditional water right in the amount of 0.802718 cfs should be a conditional water right to allow the Applicant to demonstrate completion of the use and appropriation. Description of place of use where water is applied to beneficial use: See survey and map. 20CW3055 Routt County, Colorado Water Conservation Board (“CWCB”), 1313 Sherman Street, Suite 718, Denver, CO 80203. Telephone (303) 866-3441. Please direct communications regarding this case to Jennifer Mele, First Assistant Attorney General, and Andrew Nicewicz, Assistant Attorney General, Natural Resources and Environment Section, Colorado Department of Law, MERGEFIELD AttInfo \* MERGEFORMAT 1300 Broadway, 7th FloorDenver, CO, 80203. Telephone: (720) 508-6282 (Mele);720-508-6259 (Nicewicz)Email: jennifer.mele@; andy.nicewicz@. APPLICATION FOR WATER RIGHTS IN TROUT CREEK TO PRESERVE THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TO A REASONABLE DEGREE IN MERGEFIELD WBName \* MERGEFORMAT Trout Creek, A NATURAL STREAM; IN THE MERGEFIELD Watersheds \* MERGEFORMAT Upper Yampa WATERSHED, IN MERGEFIELD Counties \* MERGEFORMAT Routt COUNTY, COLORADO 2. Name of water right: Trout Creek Instream Flow Water Right. 3. Legal description: The Trout Creek Instream Flow (ISF) Water Right is located in the natural stream channel of Trout Creek from the confluence with an unnamed tributary to the Koll Ditch headgate, a distance of approximately 6.64 miles. A map depicting the approximate location of the Trout Creek ISF Water Right reach is attached as Exhibit 1. A. Upstream Terminus: Confluence unnamed tributary at: 1. UTM: Northing: 4457645.23; Easting: 323578.92 (NAD 1983 Zone 13 North) 2. Lat/Long: Latitude 40° 15' 2.46"N; Longitude 107° 4' 27.57"W B. Downstream Terminus: Koll Ditch headgate at: 1. UTM: Northing: 4464276.41; Easting: 329133.88 (NAD 1983 Zone 13 North) 2. Lat/Long: Latitude 40° 18' 41.55"N; Longitude 107° 0' 38.94"W C. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) of the upstream and downstream termini will be used as the legal description for the decree in this matter. The Lat/Long coordinates are provided as cross-reference locations only. The UTM and Lat/Long locations for the upstream and downstream termini were derived from CWCB GIS using the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). 4. Source: Trout Creek, tributary to the Yampa River, tributary to the Green River. 5. A. Date of initiation of appropriation: January 29, 2019. B. How appropriation was initiated: Appropriation and beneficial use occurred on January 29, 2019, by the action of the CWCB pursuant to sections 37-92-102(3) and (4) and 37-92-103(3), (4), and (10), C.R.S. C. Date applied to beneficial use: January 29, 2019. 6. Amount of water claimed: Instream flow of 1.1 cfs (11/01–03/31), 5.7 cfs (04/01–06/30), and 5.0 cfs (07/01–10/31), absolute. 7. Proposed uses: Instream flow to preserve the natural environment to a reasonable degree. 1. The CWCB has an existing ISF water right on Trout Creek from the outlet of Sherriff Reservoir to the confluence with Middle Creek, in the amount of 5.0 cfs (01/01–12/31), decreed in Case No. W-1338-77 with a priority date of September 23, 1977. The flow rates sought herein are in addition to the amount of the existing instream flow water right. The terms and conditions described in paragraph 9, below, apply only to the Trout Creek ISF that is the subject of this application, referred to below as the “Trout Creek ISF”, and not the existing ISF on Trout Creek decreed in Case No. W1338-77. 8. Terms and conditions – Twentymile Coal, LLC (“Twentymile”) A. The CWCB acknowledges that the following water rights are senior to the Trout Creek ISF and not subject to a call by the Trout Creek ISF:Water Structure/Water FeatureAmountTwentymile AmountAdjudication DateAppropriation DateSourceCase No.Last Chance Ditch4.5 cfs1.5 cfs6/9/19138/7/1906Trout Creek--Last Chance Ditch Enlargement9.0 cfs1.0 cfs11/15/196210/1/1954Trout CreekW-3081B. The CWCB acknowledges that, pursuant to Twentymile’s decree in Case No. W-1502-78, as amended in Case No. 90CW99, Water Division 6, Twentymile’s Last Chance Ditch water rights may be used for irrigation, or may be converted for use for mining, reclamation, irrigation, electric generation, fish propagation, and all other beneficial uses, either directly, or by exchange and/or after storage. The CWCB agrees that the instream flow water right decreed herein is subject to the uses made or authorized pursuant to these decrees. C. The CWCB shall install, operate, and maintain such measuring devices and keep such records as the Division Engineer may require for administration of the Trout Creek ISF. D. Any calls placed by the CWCB for the Trout Creek ISF will be based on measurements by a stream gage or other physical/mechanical measurement consistent with the Division Engineer’s practices that demonstrates that the flow of the stream within the decreed instream flow reach has fallen below the instream flow rates confirmed in any decree for the Trout Creek ISF. E. Any releases from Sheriff Reservoir in Trout Creek at the point of measurement for the Trout Creek ISF shall be included in the streamflow for determination of whether the streamflow has fallen below the flow rates confirmed in any decree for the Trout Creek ISF. 9. Terms and conditions – Knott Land and Livestock Company, Inc. Operation of the Trout Creek ISF and any decree entered in this matter will be consistent with the October 19, 2020 Stipulation and Agreement between the Staff of the Colorado Water Conservation Board and Knott Land and Livestock Company, Inc., as approved by the CWCB on November 19, 2020. 10. Names and addresses of owners or reputed owners of the land upon which any new or existing diversion structure will be located: The notice required by section 37-92-302(2)(b), C.R.S., to the owners or reputed owners of the land upon which any new or existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed is not applicable in this case. This Application is for ISF water rights, exclusive to the CWCB under the provisions of section 37-92-102(3), C.R.S. As an instream flow water right, the CWCB’s appropriation does not require diversion structures or storage. See Colo. River Water Conservation Dist. V. Colo. Water Conservation Bd., 594 P.2d 570, 574 (Colo. 1979); § 37-92-103(4)(c), C.R.S. As a surface water right, the CWCB’s appropriation of instream flow water rights does not involve construction of a well. 11. Remarks: This appropriation by the CWCB, on behalf of the people of the State of Colorado, is made pursuant to sections 37-92-102(3) and (4) and 37-92-103(3), (4), and (10), C.R.S. The purpose of the CWCB’s appropriation is to preserve the natural environment to a reasonable degree. At its regular meeting on November 19, 2020 MERGEFIELD FinalDate \* MERGEFORMAT , the CWCB determined, pursuant to section 37-92-102(3)(c), C.R.S., that the natural environment of MERGEFIELD WBName \* MERGEFORMAT Trout Creek will be preserved to a reasonable degree by the water available for the appropriations to be made; that there is a natural environment that can be preserved to a reasonable degree with the CWCB’s water rights herein, if granted; and that such environment can exist without material injury to water rights.2020CW3056 Routt and Rio Blanco Counties IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR WATER RIGHTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN ROUTT AND RIO BLANCO COUNTIES, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S APPLICATION FOR ABSOLUTE SURFACE AND STORAGE WATER RIGHTS. 1. Name, address, telephone number of applicant: United States of America, c/o U.S.D.A Forest Service, Regional Hydrologist, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Lakewood, Colorado 80401. 2. Introduction: this Application seeks confirmation of storage and surface water rights within the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest. 3. The beneficial uses claimed for the water rights below are stock watering and wildlife. 4. The priority date claimed for the water rights below is 2020. The claimed appropriation dates are set forth below. STORAGE WATER RIGHTS. 5. Legal descriptions and data for each storage water right: All Legal descriptions refer to N.M.P.M. All UTM coordinates are in UTM, NAD83, Zone 13N. All amounts are ABSOLUTE. Maps showing the locations of the structures are attached hereto as Exhibit 1 (structures in Water District 44), Exhibit 2 (Water District 54), and Exhibit 3 (Water District 58). A. WATER DISTRICT 44. 1) Name: California Park Exclosure Pit. Legal description: 4510997N, 320422E; NE ? NE ? Sec. 22, T.9N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Second Creek, tributary to First Creek, tributary to Elkhead Creek, tributary to Elkhead Reservoir, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: June 16, 1967. Date of first beneficial use: September 19, 1970. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 135 feet, Height: 6 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.05 acres. Amount claimed: 0.05 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 2) Name: California Park Guard Station Pit #1. Legal description: 4515454N, 319066E; SW ? NW ? Sec. 3, T.9N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Circle Creek, tributary to Elkhead Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: August 12, 1992. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1993. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 45 feet, Height: 20 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.04 acres. Amount claimed: 0.09 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 3) Name: Hole in the Wall Pit #5. Legal description: 4512747N, 316929E; NW ? NE ? Sec. 17 T.9N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Hinman Creek, tributary to Elk River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: August 12, 1992. Date of first beneficial use: July 6, 1993. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 37 feet, Height: 6 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.05 acres. Amount claimed: 0.23 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 4) Name: Meaden Peak Reservoir #1. Legal description: 4517417N, 321383E, NE ? NW ? Sec. 35 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Elkhead Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: July 18, 1961. Date of first beneficial use: July 6, 1962. Means of initial appropriation: Maintenance document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 30 feet, Height: 10 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.07 acres. Amount claimed: 0.17 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 5) Name: Meaden Peak Pit #2. Legal description: 4518440N, 321583E; SW ? NE ? Sec. 26 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Elkhead Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 12, 1990. Date of first beneficial use: July 6, 1991. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 80 feet, Height: 28 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.09 acres. Amount claimed: 0.23 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 6) Name: Saddle Mountain Pit #1. Legal description: 4518334N, 320180E; NW ? SE ? Sec. 27 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Elkhead Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: December 31, 1989. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1990. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 65 feet, Height: 25 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.03 acres. Amount claimed: 0.15 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 7) Name: Saddle Mountain Pit #8. Legal description: 4517514N, 319514E; NE ? NW ? Sec. 34 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Circle Creek, tributary to Elkhead Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: December 31, 1991. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1992. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 30 feet, Height: 4 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.06 acres. Amount claimed: 0.09 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 8) Name: Saddle Mountain Pit #11. Legal description: 4517695N, 319779E, NE ? NW ? Sec. 34 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Circle Creek, tributary to Elkhead Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: August 12, 1992. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1993. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 40 feet, Height: 6 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.03 acres. Amount claimed: 0.08 acre-feet. 9) Name: Saddle Mountain Pit #12. Legal description: 4516232N, 319065E; SW ? SW ? Sec. 34 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Circle Creek, tributary to Elkhead Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: December 31, 1990. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1991. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 30 feet, Height: 3 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.05 acres. Amount claimed: 0.05 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. B. WATER DISTRICT 54. 10) Name: Crane Park Pit #1. Legal description: 4533249N, 336369E; NW ? NE ? Sec. 8 T.11N R.85W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Middle Fork Little Snake River, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: June 12, 1984. Date of first beneficial use: July 2, 1985. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 100 feet, Height: 5 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.08 acres. Amount claimed: 0.32 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 11) Name: Crawford Creek Pit #1. Legal description: 4525536N, 318113E; NW ? NW ? Sec. 4 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 30, 1979. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1980. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 50 feet, Height: 2 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.12 acres. Amount claimed: 0.12 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 12) Name: Crawford Creek Pit #2. Legal description: 4525158N, 318081E; SW ? NW ? Sec. 4 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 30, 1979. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1980. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 60 feet, Height: 15 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.12 acres. Amount claimed: 0.25 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 13) Name: Crawford Creek Pit #3. Legal description: 4523967N, 317917E, NW ? NW ? Sec. 9 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 9, 1983. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1984. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 60 feet, Height: 30 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.04 acres. Amount claimed: 0.07 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 14) Name: Crawford Creek Pit #4. Legal description: 4523511N, 318829E; SE ? NE ? Sec. 9 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 8, 1983. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1984. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 30 feet, Height: 3 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.04 acres. Amount claimed: 0.08 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 15) Name: Crawford Creek Pit #5. Legal description: 4522365N, 318572E; NE ? NW ? Sec. 16 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Adams Creek, tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: June 16, 1987. Date of first beneficial use: September 7, 1988. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 0.7 feet, Height: 8 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.02 acres. Amount claimed: 0.04 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 16) Name: Crawford Creek Pit #6. Legal description: 4522486N, 317781E; NE ? NE ? Sec. 17 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Crawford Creek, tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 7, 1983. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1984. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 45 feet, Height: 10 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.02 acres. Amount claimed: 0.02 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 17) Name: Johnson Creek Pit #4. Legal description: 4530783N, 323999E; SW ? SW ? Sec. 18 T.11N R.86W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Johnson Creek, tributary to South Fork Little Snake River, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 30, 1991. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1992. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 153 feet, Height: 26 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.07 acres. Amount claimed: 0.30 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 18) Name: King Solomon Pit #2. Legal description: 4532466N, 335481E; NW ? SW ? Sec. 8 T. 11N, R85 W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to King Solomon Creek, tributary to Middle Fork Little Snake River, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 1, 1993. Date of first beneficial use: September 1, 1993. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 95 feet, Height: 16 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.05 acres. Amount claimed: 0.15 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 19) Name: Sawtooth Pit #3. Legal description: 4519848N, 310224E; SW? SW? Sec. 22 T.10N R.88W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Sawtooth Creek, tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: October 31, 1993. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1994. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 126 feet, Height: 10 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.07 acres. Amount claimed: 0.05 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 20) Name: Sawtooth Pit #4. Legal description: 4520027N, 309745E; NW? SW? Sec. 22 T.10N R.88W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Sawtooth Creek, tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: October 31, 1993. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1994. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 85 feet, Height: 7 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.08 acres. Amount claimed: 0.19 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 21) Name: Sawtooth Pit #5. Legal description: 4520443N, 309428E; SE? NE? Sec. 21 T.10N R.88W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Sawtooth Creek, tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: October 31, 1993. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1994. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 131 feet, Height: 5.5 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.06 acres. Amount claimed: 0.09 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 22) Name: Sawtooth Pit #7. Legal description: 4523440N, 307502E; NW? SE? Sec. 8 T.10N R.88W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to South Fork Slater Creek, tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 13, 1993. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1994. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 90 feet, Height: 7 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.04 acres. Amount claimed: 0.03 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 23) Name: South Fork Snake Pit #1. Legal description: 4524396N, 320002E; SE ? SW ? Sec. 3 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 30, 1985. Date of first beneficial use: September 30, 1985. Means of initial appropriation: First documented field visit. Stock dam length, height: Length: 100 feet, Height: 20 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.04 acres. Amount claimed: 0.04 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 24) Name: Sugarloaf Grizzly Pit #1. Legal description: 4519264N, 311626E; NE? NW? Sec. 26 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Grizzly Creek, tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 12, 1983. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1984. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 84 feet, Height: 5 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.03 acres. Amount claimed: 0.08 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 25) Name: Sugarloaf Grizzly Pit #2. Legal description: 4159553N, 311430E; SW? SW? Sec. 23 T.10N R.87W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Grizzly Creek, tributary to Slater Creek, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 12, 1983. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1984. Means of initial appropriation: Construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 90 feet, Height: 13 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.04 acres. Amount claimed: 0.06 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 26) Name: Wildlife Pit #2. Legal description: 4528850N, 336388E; SW ? SE ? Sec. 20 T.11N R.85W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Independence Creek, tributary to King Solomon Creek, tributary to Middle Fork Little Snake River, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: June 12, 1984. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1985. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed and construction of development. Stock dam length, height: Length: 60 feet, Height: 4 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.04 acres. Amount claimed: 0.04 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 27) Name: Wildlife Pit #3. Legal description: 4526174N, 342521E, SW ? NE ? Sec.36 T.11N R.85W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Silver City Creek, tributary to Middle Fork Little Snake River, tributary to Little Snake River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: October 14, 1999. Date of first beneficial use: October 14, 1999. Means of initial appropriation: Aerial imagery of documented use. Stock dam length, height: Length: 40 feet, Height: 4 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.02 acres. Amount claimed: 0.02 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. C. WATER DISTRICT 58: 28) Name: Bee Stockpit. Legal description: 4453633N, 326175E; NW ? SE ? Sec. 21 T.3 N, R86 W, Rio Blanco County. Source: Tributary to Oak Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: March 19, 1975. Date of first beneficial use: July 6, 1975. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 20 feet, Height: 12.5 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.05 acres. Amount claimed: 0.16 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 29) Name: Broken Dam Stockpit. Legal description: 4450283N, 323710E; SE ? SW ? Sec.32 T.3N R.86W, Rio Blanco County. Source: Tributary to South Spronks Creek, tributary to Spronks Creek, tributary to North Hunt Creek, tributary to Hunt Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: October 5, 1999. Date of first beneficial use: October 5, 1999. Means of initial appropriation: Aerial imagery of documented use. Stock dam length, height: Length: 100 feet, Height: 12 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.03 acres. Amount claimed: 0.03 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 30) Name: Coal Creek Stockpit. Legal description 4436948N, 326321E; SW? SW? Sec. 10 T.1N R.86W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Coal Creek, tributary to Bear River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: August 28, 1990. Date of first beneficial use: August 28, 1990. Means of initial appropriation: Aerial imagery of documented use. Stock dam length, height: Length: 100 feet, Height: 6 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.37 acres. Amount claimed: 1.5 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 31) Name: Egeria Stockpit #4. Legal description: 4434063N, 327583E; SE ? NE ? Sec. 22 T.1N, R.86 W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Gardner Creek, tributary to Bear River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: August 14, 1987. Date of first beneficial use: July 16, 1988. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 60 feet, Height: 4 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.02 acres. Amount claimed: 0.02 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 32) Name: Fenceline Stockpit. Legal description: 4453939N, 325531E; NE ? SW ? Sec. 21 T.3N, R.86 W, Rio Blanco County. Source: Tributary to Oak Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: March 19, 1975. Date of first beneficial use: July 6, 1975. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 15 feet, Height: 5 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.03 acres. Amount claimed: 0.12 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 33) Name: Morrison Stock Pit #2. Legal description: 4444342N, 354701E; SE ? SW ? Sec.16 T.2N R.83W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: May 1, 1991. Date of first beneficial use: July 6, 1992. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 20 feet, Height: 4 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.02 acres. Amount claimed: 0.01 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 34) Name: Oak Creek Stockpit. Legal description: 4454061N, 327361E; SE? NW? Sec. 22 T.3N R.86W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Oak Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: September 7, 1999. Date of first beneficial use: September 7, 1999. Means of initial appropriation: Aerial imagery of documented use. Stock dam length, height: Length: 52 feet, Height: 6 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.01 acres. Amount claimed: 0.02 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 35) Name: South Hunt Stockpit. Legal description: 4446444N, 326799E; SW? SW? Sec. 15 T.2N R.86W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Mill Creek Ditch (Yankee Creek), tributary to Bull Creek, tributary to South Hunt Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: July 15, 2009. Date of first beneficial use: July 15, 2009. Means of initial appropriation: Date of first documented field visit. Stock dam length, height: Length: 30 feet, Height: 20 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.01 acres. Amount claimed: 0.01 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. 36) Name: Trout Creek Stockpit. Legal description: 4453401N, 324533E; SE ? SE ? Sec. 20 T.3N R.86W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Oak Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: March 19, 1975. Date of first beneficial use: July 6, 1976. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Stock dam length, height: Length: 52 feet, Height: 3 feet. Surface area of high water line: 0.08 acres. Amount claimed: 0.11 acre-feet ABSOLUTE. SURFACE WATER RIGHTS. 6. Legal descriptions and data for each surface water right: All Legal descriptions refer to N.M.P.M. All UTM coordinates are in UTM, NAD83, Zone 13N. All amounts are ABSOLUTE. The locations of these structures are depicted in Exhibits 1 and 3. 7. A. WATER DISTRICT 44. 37) Name: Wet Park Spring #4. Legal description: 4446902N, 293883E; NW ? NE ? Sec. 18 T.2N R.89W, NMPM, Rio Blanco County. Source: Tributary to South Fork Williams Fork, tributary to Williams Fork, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: December 31, 1983. Date of first beneficial use: July 1, 1984. Means of initial appropriation: Management plan signed. Amount claimed: 0.01 cfs ABSOLUTE. B. WATER DISTRICT 58. 38) Name: Crystal Spring. Legal description: 4511386N, 343817E, NW ? SE ? Sec.18 T.9N R.84W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Elk River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of first beneficial use and initial appropriation: September 10, 2000. Means of initial appropriation: First documented field visit. Amount claimed: 0.01 cfs ABSOLUTE. 39) Name: Long Draw Spring Development. Legal description: 4505299N, 341146E; SW ? NW ? Sec. 1 T.8N R.85W, Routt County. Source: Tributary to Greenville Creek, tributary to Elk River, tributary to Yampa River. Date of initial appropriation: May 2, 1979. Date of first beneficial use: July 16, 1979. Means of initial appropriation: Decision document signed. Amount claimed: 0.01 cfs ABSOLUTE. 8. Name(s) and address(es) of owner(s) or reputed owner(s) of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: United States of America. 9. Remarks. The Applicant shall install and maintain such measuring devices and keep such records as the Division Engineer for Water Division 6 may require for administration of the above water rights.2020CW3058, Springs in unnamed tributary, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River, and unnamed tributary, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River, and Scott Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River in ROUTT COUNTY, COLORADO, Application for Absolute and Conditional Water Rights (Surface and Storage). 1. Name, mailing address, email address, telephone number of applicant: MaKi Properties, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, P.O. Box 771146, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. All pleadings and court-related documents are to be sent to Claire E. Sollars, Esq., P.O. Box 881302, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488, Claire@, 970.875.3370. 2. Names of Structures: a. Surface Structures: Bouton Ditch No. 1, Bouton Ditch No. 2, Scott Spring No. 1, and Scott Spring No. 2. b. Storage Structures: MaKi Pond No. 1, MaKi Pond No. 2, Hideaway Pond. 3. Legal Descriptions (PLSS and Zone 13 UTM Coordinates (not averaged)): All structures are located in Township 2 North, Range 83 West, of the 6th Prime Meridian, in Routt County, Colorado and are depicted on the filed map (see Ex. 1, Structure Locations and Approximate Property Boundary). The following PLSS legal descriptions and UTM coordinates (Zone 13, NAD83) were obtained by surveys or use of “Map Viewer” database maintained by the Colorado Division of Water Resources. a. Surface Structures Points of Diversions: Bouton Ditch No. 1 - NE4 NE4 of Section 18, UTM coordinates 352419 mE and 4445467 mN. Bouton Ditch No. 2 - SE4 SE4 of Section 7, UTM coordinates 352218 mE and 4446035 mN. Scott Spring No. 1 - NE4 NE4 of Section 18, UTM coordinates 352257 mE and 4445856 mN. Scott Spring No. 2 - SE4 SE4 of Section 7, UTM coordinates 352322 mE and 4445925 mN. b. Storage Structures: MaKi Pond No. 1 NE4 SE4 of Section 7, UTM coordinates 352472 mE and 4446399 mN. MaKi Pond No. 2 SE4 SE4 of Section 7, UTM coordinates 352361 mE and 4446110 mN. Hideaway Pond SW4 SW4 of Section 8, UTM coordinates 352709 mE and 4446172 mN. 4. Source of Water: a. Surface Structures: i. Bouton Ditch No. 1: Scott Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River. ii. Bouton Ditch No. 2: unnamed tributary of Scott Creek, tributary to Scott Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River. iii. Scott Spring No. 1 and Scott Spring No. 2: springs tributary to unnamed tributary of Scott Creek, tributary to Scott Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River. b. Storage Structures: i. MaKi Pond No. 1: unnamed tributary of Scott Creek, tributary to Scott Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River, and MaKi Pond No. 1 Feeder Ditch, Scott Spring No. 1, Scott Spring No. 2. ii. MaKi Pond No. 2: unnamed tributary of Scott Creek, tributary to Scott Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River, and Bouton Ditch No. 2, Scott Spring No. 1, Scott Spring No. 2. iii. Hideaway Pond: Scott Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River, and Hideaway Pond Feeder Ditch.5. If Reservoirs are filled from a Ditch, Name, Capacity, Legal Description of Point of Diversion: a. MaKi Pond No. 1 Feeder Ditch is used to fill MaKi Pond No. 1, has a capacity of 1.0 cfs, and the point of diversion is located in the SE4 SE4 of Section 7, Township 2 North, Range 83 West of the 6th P.M., UTM coordinates (Zone 13, NAD83) 352366 mE, 4446202 mN. b. Bouton Ditch No. 2 will be used to fill MaKi Pond No. 2, has a capacity of 1.65 cfs, and the point of diversion is as stated in this application. c. Scott Spring No. 1 and Scott Spring No. 2 will be used to fill both MaKi Pond No. 1 and MaKi Pond No. 2, each will have a flow rate of 0.033 cfs, and the points of diversion are as stated in this application. d. Hideaway Pond Feeder Ditch will be used to fill Hideaway Pond, will have a capacity of 1.0 cfs, and the point of diversion will be located in the SW4 SW4 of Section 8, Township 2 North, Range 83 West of the 6th P.M., UTM coordinates (Zone 13, NAD83) 352582 mE, 4446053 mN. 6. Appropriation and Beneficial Use: a. Dates and Methodologies of Appropriation: i. Maki Pond No. 1, Scott Spring No. 1, and Scott Spring No. 2: May 12, 2004 by locating springs, surveying locations, determining location for pond. ii. Bouton Ditch No. 1 and Bouton Ditch No. 2: May 4, 2004 by purchasing property and using water in ditches for stock and water being used by wildlife. iii. Maki Pond No. 2 and Hideaway Pond: December 30, 2019 by hiring legal counsel to discuss water supply and use plans for the Hideaway Ranch. b. Date Water Applied to Beneficial Use: i. Surface Structures: Bouton Ditch No. 1 and Bouton Ditch No. 2 - May 4, 2004; by using water in ditches for stock and water being used by wildlife. ii. Storage Structure: Maki Pond No. 1: April 4, 2006 with completion of pond construction and storage of water. 7. Amounts Claimed and Proposed Uses: Surface Structures: i. Bouton Ditch No. 1: absolute for stock water and wildlife water uses (3.3 cfs previously decreed absolute in Case CA2613 for irrigation use – no additional amount requested). ii. Bouton Ditch No. 2: absolute for stock water and wildlife water uses (1.65 cfs previously decreed absolute in Case CA2613 for irrigation use – no additional amount requested). iii. Scott Spring No. 1: 0.033 cfs conditional for stock water and wildlife water uses at the developed spring site; spring water will then be conveyed in pipelines to fill, refill, and provide freshening flow to MaKi Pond No. 1 and MaKi Pond No. 2 for end uses of aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, irrigation, stock water, and wildlife water. iv. Scott Spring No. 2: 0.033 cfs conditional for stock water and wildlife water uses at the developed spring site; spring water will then be conveyed in pipelines to fill, refill, and provide freshening flow to MaKi Pond No. 1 and MaKi Pond No. 2 for end uses of aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, irrigation, stock water, and wildlife water. In Water Division 6 Case No. 04CW36, the Water Court awarded 0.033 cfs, conditional, to Scott Spring No. 2 to be used in MaKi Pond No. 1 for the end uses of recreation, fire protection, and livestock water (due diligence application pending in Water Division 6 Case 2020CW3009). b. Storage Structures: i. MaKi Pond No. 1: 18.9 acre feet absolute for aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, stock water, and wildlife water uses, and conditional for irrigation use, and the right to refill to maintain adequate storage for all uses. ii. MaKi Pond No. 2: 12.5 acre feet conditional for aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, irrigation, stock water, and wildlife water uses, and the right to refill to maintain adequate storage for all uses. iii. Hideaway Pond: 14.5 acre feet conditional for aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, irrigation, stock water, and wildlife water uses, and the right to refill to maintain adequate storage for all uses. c. If Irrigation Use: i. Acreage Historically Irrigated: approximately 122 acres have been historically irrigated with Bouton Ditch No. 1 and Bouton Ditch No. 2. ii. Acreage Proposed to be Irrigated and Whether Supplemental Irrigation: MaKi Properties, LLC intends to use water stored in the ponds to supplement use of Bouton Ditch No. 1 and Bouton Ditch No. 2, primarily later in the growing season. MaKi Properties, LLC will use gravity, pumps, and pipelines to move water from the ponds to irrigated areas. iii. Legal Description of Acreage: The 122 irrigated acres are located within MaKi Properties, LLC’s property, in the NE4 NE4, SE4 NE4, NE4 SE4, and SE4 SE4 of Section 7, and the NW4 SW4 and SW4 SW4 of Section 8, and the NE4 NE4 and SE4 NE4 of Section 18, Township 2 North, Range 83 West of the 6th P.M., in Routt County, Colorado. d. If Non-Irrigation, Full Description of Uses: i. Bouton Ditch No. 1 and Bouton Ditch No. 2: stock water, wildlife water. Bouton Ditch No. 2 will serve as a feeder ditch to fill, refill, and provide freshening flow to MaKi Pond No. 1 for end uses of aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, irrigation, stock water, and wildlife water. ii. Scott Spring No. 1 and Scott Spring No. 2: stock water, wildlife water at the spring site, and convey flow to fill, refill, and provide freshening flow to MaKi Pond No. 1 and MaKi Pond No. 2 for end uses of aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, irrigation, stock water, and wildlife water. iii. MaKi Pond No. 1, MaKi Pond No. 2, and Hideaway Pond: aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, stock water, and wildlife water, in addition to irrigation. 8. Surface Area of High Water Line, Vertical Height of Dam from Lowest Ground Level to Crest of Emergency Spillway, Length of Dam, and Total Capacity of Reservoirs (active and dead storage): a. MaKi Pond No. 1: Surface Area 1.9 ac; Dam Height < 10 feet; Dam Length approximately 650 feet; Capacity 18.9 AF ( all active storage). b. MaKi Pond No. 2: Surface Area 1.25 ac; Dam Height < 10 feet; Dam Length approximately 460 feet; Capacity 12.5 AF (estimated at 10.5 AF active and 2.0 AF dead storage). c. Hideaway Pond: Surface Area 1.35 ac; Dam Height <10 feet; Dam Length approximately 500 feet; Capacity 14.5 AF (estimated at 11.0 AF active and 3.5 AF dead storage). 9. Name and address of owner or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: MaKi Properties, LLC owns the land where the ponds and points of diversion of the ditches and springs are located and upon which the water rights will be used. 10. Remarks or Other Pertinent Information: MaKi Properties, LLC owns and operates the Hideaway Ranch and its related facilities. The water rights described in this Application are used and will be used as the water supply system in and for Hideaway Ranch. MaKi Properties, LLC thus claims all the water rights of its water supply system are integrated, pursuant to C.R.S. § 37-92-301(4)(b).2020CW3059, Bushy Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River, in Routt County, Colorado, Application for Change of Water Right to Add Alternate Point of Diversion and for Absolute Water Right (Surface). Summary: Applicant Dequine Family, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (“Dequine Family”), owns one-half of the 2.66 cfs absolute water right decreed to the Fahey Cole Ditch. The Dequine Family requests adjudication of the alternate point of diversion located below the decreed location, which has been historically used in conjunction with water diverted at the decreed point of diversion. The Dequine Family also requests the addition of livestock use for the Fahey Cole Ditch absolute water right. 1. Applicant: Dequine Family, LLC, 22100 County Road 16, Oak Creek, CO 80467. All pleadings and court-related documents are to be sent to Claire E. Sollars, Esq., P.O. Box 881302, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488, Claire@, 970.875.3370. 2. Decreed water right for which change is sought: a. Name of Structure: Fahey Cole Ditch. b. Date of Original and Relevant Subsequent Decrees: Original Adjudication October 2, 1914, in the District Court of Routt County, Colorado. c. Legal Description as Described in Most Recent Decree: The Original Adjudication states the Fahey Cole headgate is located at a point “on the north bank of Bushey [sic] Creek, whence the South-West corner of Section 15, in Township 3 North, of Range 84 West of the 6th P.M. bears S.43° 5' W. 1448 feet.” d. Decreed Source of Water: Bushy Creek. e. Appropriation Date: April 25, 1907, Priority Number 176AA. f. Total Amount Decreed and Use: 2.66 cfs absolute for irrigation use. g. Amount Applicant Intends to Change: 1.33 cfs, which is the portion of the decreed 2.66 cfs owned by the Dequine Family. 3. Detailed Description of Proposed Change: The Dequine Family requests adjudication of the existing alternate point of diversion for the Fahey Cole Ditch water right. The Fahey Cole Alternate Point of Diversion (“Fahey Cole Ditch AP”) has been in use since its installation in the 1940’s, and the Dequine Family continued that practice after purchasing the Morrison Creek Ranch in 1967. The Fahey Cole Ditch water right is diverted at both points of diversion and is used on the same lands that have been historically irrigated by the Fahey Cole Ditch water right and used for livestock grazing. The Dequine Family uses the Fahey Cole Ditch AP in conjunction with the decreed point of diversion to best utilize the water right for irrigation and stockwater. There are no intervening water rights or inflow between the two points of diversion and there will be no change in place of use nor increase in land historically irrigated with the Fahey Cole Ditch water right. The points of diversion and irrigated areas are shown on Exhibit 1, Structure Locations, Irrigated Lands, and Approximate Property Boundary. 4. Location of New Alternate Point of Diversion: The Fahey Cole Alternate Point of Diversion is located in the NE4 SW4 of Section 15, Township 3 North Range 84 West of the 6th P.M., with UTM coordinates (Zone 13, NAD83) of 346919.2 mE and 4454762.3 mN, in Routt County, Colorado. The PLSS legal descriptions and UTM coordinates were obtained from the database maintained by the Colorado Division of Water Resources. 5. Additional Absolute Use of Fahey Cole Water Right: a. Date and Methodology of Appropriation, and Date Water Applied to Beneficial Use: October 20, 1967 by purchasing property and using water in Fahey Cole Ditch for livestock. b. Claimed Use: The Dequine Family’s request is limited to adding livestock use to the Fahey Cole Ditch absolute water right. No request is made for any additional amount of water for the Fahey Cole Ditch water right. 6. Names and address of owners or reputed owners of the land upon which the structures are located: The original and alternate points of diversion for the Fahey Cole Ditch are located on land owned by Stagecoach Property Ownership Assoc., P.O. Box 774845, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477.2020CW3060, Spring tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River; unnamed tributaries of Morrison Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River; and Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River, in ROUTT COUNTY, COLORADO, Application for Absolute Water Rights (Surface and Storage), Conditional Water Right (Surface), and for Change of Water Right to Add Alternate Point of Diversion. Applicant and Summary of Application: Dequine Family, LLC, 22100 County Road 16, Oak Creek, CO 80467. All pleadings and court-related documents are to be sent to Claire E. Sollars, Esq., P.O. Box 881302, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488, Claire@, 970.875.3370. The Dequine Family, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (“Dequine Family”), requests: (1) an absolute right of domestic use for the previously-adjudicated Dequine Spring water right, (2) an absolute water right for the Flying Horse Pond, (3) a conditional water right for Dequine Ditch #2, and (4) a change of the Dequine Ditch water right to add an alternate point of diversion. First Claim: Application for Absolute Water Rights (Surface and Storage) and Conditional Water Right (Surface) 1. Names of Structures: a. Surface Structures: Dequine Spring and Dequine Ditch #2. b. Storage Structure: Flying Horse Pond. 2. Legal Descriptions (PLSS and Zone 13 UTM Coordinates (not averaged)): All structures are located in Township 3 North, Range 84 West, of the 6th Prime Meridian, in Routt County, Colorado and are depicted on the filed map (see Ex. 1, Structure Locations, Irrigated Lands, and Approximate Property Boundary). The following PLSS legal descriptions and UTM coordinates (Zone 13, NAD83) were obtained from the database maintained by the Colorado Division of Water Resources. a. Surface Structures Points of Diversions: Dequine Spring – NE4 SE4 of Sec. 10, UTM coordinates 347985.8 mE and 4456257.2 mN. Dequine Ditch #2 – NW 4 NW4 of Sec. 14, UTM coordinates 348248.9 mE and 4455586.8 mN. b. Storage Structure Dam Centerline: Flying Horse Pond – NE4 SE4 of Sec. 10, UTM coordinates 347897.6 mE and 4456254.6 mN. 3. Sources of Water: a. Surface Structures: i. Dequine Spring: Spring tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River. ii. Dequine Ditch #2: Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River. b. Storage Structure: i. Flying Horse Pond: unnamed tributaries of Morrison Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, tributary to Yampa River, and Morrison Creek water conveyed from Dequine Ditch Alt. Point #1, Dequine Ditch, and Dequine Ditch AP by pumps and pipelines. 4. If Reservoirs are filled from a Ditch, Name, Capacity, Legal Description of Point of Diversion: a. Dequine Ditch Alt. Point #1, decreed absolute in Water Div. 6 Case No. 95CW35 in the amount of 1.25 cfs for irrigation and livestock uses, located in the NW4 SW4 Section 11, Township 3 North, Range 84 West, of the 6th Prime Meridian, UTM coordinates 348059.0 mE and 4456508.0 mN. b. Dequine Ditch, decreed absolute in Water Div. 6 Case No. 95CW35 in the amount of 1.25 cfs for irrigation and stock uses, located in the SW4 SW4 Section 11, Township 3 North, Range 84 West, of the 6th Prime Meridian, UTM coordinates 348207.0 mE and 4456063.0 mN, and diversion of the water right by using the Dequine Ditch AP at the point of diversion claimed in this Application. c. The Dequine Family intends to continue its practice of using the Dequine Ditch Alternate Point #1, Dequine Ditch, and Dequine Ditch AP to divert water from Morrison Creek to Flying Horse Pond using pumps and pipelines to provide water for the described uses, provide freshening flows, and to refill the pond to maintain adequate storage for all uses. d. The points of diversion for the feeder ditches are depicted on Exhibit 1. 5. Appropriation and Beneficial Use: a. Dates and Methodologies of Appropriation: i. Dequine Spring (addition of domestic use): June 1, 1994 by using Dequine Spring at cabin. ii. Dequine Ditch #2 (new conditional water right): May 1, 2020 by discussing water supply, irrigation practices, and Flying Horse Ranch operation plans with consultants. iii. Flying Horse Pond (new absolute water right): October 15, 1989 by completing pond construction and storing water. b. Dates Water Applied to Beneficial Use: i. Dequine Spring (addition of domestic use): June 1, 1994. ii. Flying Horse Pond (new absolute water right): October 15, 1989. 6. Amounts Claimed and Proposed Uses: a. Surface Structures: i. Dequine Spring: Dequine Spring was decreed absolute in the amount of 0.033 cfs for livestock use in Water Division 6 Case No. 95CW0035. Through this application, the Dequine Family requests the addition of domestic use to the absolute Dequine Spring water right; no additional amount is requested. ii. Dequine Ditch #2: 1.25 cfs conditional for irrigation and livestock uses. b. Storage Structure: i. Flying Horse Pond: 50.0 acre feet absolute for aesthetics, fire protection, irrigation, livestock, piscatorial, recreation, and wildlife water, and the right to refill to maintain adequate storage for all uses. c. If Irrigation Use: i. Acreage Historically Irrigated: Flying Horse Pond continues to be used for temporary storage where water pumped from the Dequine Ditch Alternate Point #1, Dequine Ditch, and Dequine Ditch AP is delivered and applied to approximately 120 acres for irrigation. The pond also stores water that is later used for irrigation of the same 120 acres and other uses as claimed in this Application. ii. Acreage Proposed to be Irrigated and Whether Supplemental Irrigation: Dequine Ditch #2 will be used to irrigate approximately 20 acres and will also provide supplemental water to irrigate another 16 acres. Flying Horse Pond will continue to be used for temporary storage as well as a storage structure to irrigate approximately 120 acres. The Dequine Family continues to use gravity, pumps, and pipelines to move water from the pond to irrigated areas. iii. Legal Description of Acreage: Dequine Ditch #2 irrigated acreage is located in the NW4 NW4 of Section 14 and the NE4 NE4 of Section 15. Flying Horse Pond irrigated acreage is located in the SE4 NE4 and SE4 of Section 10, SW4 SW4 of Section 11, and N2 NE4 of Section 15. All referenced sections are within Township 3 North, Range 84 West of the 6th P.M., in Routt County, Colorado, and all irrigated areas are depicted on Exhibit 1. d. If Non-Irrigation, Full Description of Uses: i. Dequine Spring: domestic use at the cabin, including no more than one acre of lawn and garden irrigation. ii. Dequine Ditch #2: livestock, in addition to irrigation. iii. Flying Horse Pond: aesthetics, fire protection, livestock, piscatorial, recreation, and wildlife water, in addition to irrigation. 7. Surface Area of High Water Line, Vertical Height of Dam from Lowest Ground Level to Crest of Emergency Spillway, Length of Dam, and Total Capacity of Reservoirs (active and dead storage): a. Flying Horse Pond: Surface Area 9.3 ac; Dam Height < 10 feet; Dam Length 289 feet; Capacity 50.0 AF (all active storage). Second Claim: Application for Change of Water Right to Add Alternate Point of Diversion 8. Decreed water right for which change is sought: a. Name of Structure: Dequine Ditch. b. Date of Original and Relevant Subsequent Decrees: Original adjudication July 16, 1996, Water Court of Water Div. 6, Routt County, Colorado, Case No. 95CW35. c. Legal Description as Described in Most Recent Decree: as stated in the decree, the legal description of Dequine Ditch is “SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 11 Township 3 North, Range 84 West of the 6th P.M. at a point 500 feet East of the West Section line and 1200 feet North of the South Section line of said Section.” d. Decreed Source of Water: Morrison Creek of Yampa River. e. Appropriation Date: April 31, 1991. f. Total Amount Decreed and Use: 1.25 cfs absolute for irrigation and livestock uses. g. Amount Applicant Intends to Change: 1.25 cfs, which is the amount decreed in Case 95CW35. 9. Detailed Description of Proposed Change: The Dequine Family requests adjudication of the existing alternate point of diversion for the Dequine Ditch water right (“Dequine Ditch AP”). In June 2019, the Dequine Family placed a diesel pump in Morrison Creek, upstream of the Dequine Ditch decreed point of diversion, to pump water into a pipeline for irrigation. The Dequine Family diverts water from the Dequine Ditch decreed point of diversion in conjunction with the Dequine Ditch AP to best utilize the water right for irrigation and stockwater. There are no intervening water rights between the two points of diversion and there will be no change in place of use nor increase in land historically irrigated with the Dequine Ditch water right. The points of diversion and irrigated areas are shown on Exhibit 1, Structure Locations, Irrigated Lands, and Approximate Property Boundary. 10. Location of New Alternate Point of Diversion: The Dequine Ditch AP is located in the SW4 SW4 of Section 11, Township 3 North, Range 84 West, of the 6th P.M.in Routt County, Colorado, UTM coordinates (Zone 13, NAD83) 348186.4 mE and 4455836.3 mN. 11. Name and address of owner or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: Eugene M. Germain, et al, 21150 Miles Ranch Rd., Oak Creek, CO 80467 owns the land upon which the point of diversion for Dequine Ditch #2 is located. The Dequine Family owns the land upon which the other structures are located and where the water rights have been and will continue to be used.2020CW3061 ROUTT COUNTY, Springs in unnamed tributary and unnamed tributary, tributary to Gunn Creek, tributary to Soda Creek, tributary to Yampa River, ROUTT COUNTY, COLORADO, Application for Absolute Water Rights (Surface and Storage). 1. Name, mailing address, email address, telephone number of applicant: AJKJ Holdings, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (“AJKJ Holdings”), 42185 Fern Hill Rd., Steamboat Springs, CO 80487. All pleadings and court-related documents are to be sent to Claire E. Sollars, Esq., P.O. Box 881302, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488, Claire@, 970.875.3370. 2. Names of Structures: a. Surface Structures: Meyer Spring #1, Meyer Spring #2, Meyer Spring #3. b. Storage Structure: Fern Hill Pond. 3. Legal Descriptions (PLSS and Zone 13 UTM Coordinates (not averaged)): All structures are located in Section 29, Township 7 North, Range 84 West, of the 6th Prime Meridian, in Routt County, Colorado, and are depicted on the filed map (see Ex. 1, Structure Locations, Areas of Proposed Irrigation, and Approximate Property Boundary). The following UTM coordinates (Zone 13, NAD83) and PLSS legal descriptions were obtained by use of a hand-held Garmin (GPS) device, or Water Court decrees, or use of “Map Viewer” database maintained by the Colorado Division of Water Resources. a. Surface Structures Points of Diversions: Meyer Spring #1 as decreed, located 1400 feet north and 2400 feet west of the SE corner of Sec. 29, T. 7 N., R. 84 W., 6th P.M. (NW4 SW4 of Section 29, UTM coordinates 344836.2 mE and 4488413.0 mN. Meyer Spring #2 as decreed, located 1800 feet north and 3100 feet west of the SE corner of Sec. 29, T. 7 N., R. 84 W., 6th P.M. (NE4 SW4 of Section 29, UTM coordinates 344625.0 mE and 4488539.3 mN). Meyer Spring #3 as decreed, located 2500 feet north and 3300 feet west of the SE corner of Sec. 29, T. 7 N., R. 84 W., 6th P.M. (NE4 SW4 of Section 29, UTM coordinates 344567.8 mE and 4488754.0 mN). b. Storage Structure: Fern Hill Pond NE4 SW4 of Section 29, 344605.0 mE and 4488618.7 mN. 4. Source of Water: a. Surface Structures: Meyer Spring #1, Meyer Spring #2, and Meyer Spring #3 – springs in unnamed tributary, tributary to Gunn Creek, tributary to Soda Creek, tributary to Yampa River. b. Storage Structure: Fern Hill Pond - unnamed tributary, tributary to Gunn Creek, tributary to Soda Creek, tributary to Yampa River, and Meyer Spring #3. 5. If Reservoirs are filled from a Ditch, Name, Capacity, Legal Description of Point of Diversion: N/A. 6. Appropriation and Beneficial Use: a. Dates and Methodologies of Appropriation: Meyer Spring #1, Meyer Spring #2, and Meyer Spring #3 - Oct. 15, 1983 by development of springs. Fern Hill Pond – October 1, 2002 by commencing construction of storage structure. b. Date Water Applied to Beneficial Use: Meyer Spring #1, Meyer Spring #2, and Meyer Spring #3 - Oct. 15, 1983. Fern Hill Pond – Jan. 15, 2003. 7. Amounts Claimed and Proposed Uses: a. Surface Structures: Meyer Spring #1, Meyer Spring #2, and Meyer Spring #3 were previously decreed absolute in Water Division 6 Case 85CW61 in the amount of 0.011 cfs each for stock water use. AJKJ Holdings claims wildlife watering as an additional use for all three developed structures. The pipeline from Meyer Spring #3 conveys spring water to Fern Hill Pond to fill and refill the pond and provide freshening flows for the end uses of aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, irrigation, stock water, and wildlife watering. b. Storage Structure: Fern Hill Pond – 13.0 AF for aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, irrigation, stock water, and wildlife watering. c. If Irrigation Use: i. Acreage Historically Irrigated: approximately 3.0 acres around Fern Hill Pond and the residential area. ii. Acreage Proposed to be Irrigated and Whether Supplemental Irrigation: No additional irrigation. iii. Legal Description of Acreage: NE4 NE4 Section 29, Township 7 North, Range 84 West as depicted on the filed map (Ex. 1). d. If Non-Irrigation, Full Description of Uses: Meyer Spring #1, Meyer Spring #2, and Meyer Spring #3 - wildlife watering. Meyer Spring #3 - fill and refill Fern Hill Pond and provide freshening flows for the end uses of aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, irrigation, stock water, and wildlife watering. Fern Hill Pond - aesthetics, recreation, fire protection, piscatorial, irrigation, stock water, and wildlife watering. 8. Surface Area of High Water Line, Vertical Height of Dam from Lowest Ground Level to Crest of Emergency Spillway, Length of Dam, and Total Capacity of Reservoirs (active and dead storage): Fern Hill Pond, 1.1 ac. surface area, 8.0 ft. dam height, 370 ft. dam length, 13.0 AF (all dead storage) capacity. 9. Name and address of owner or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: AJKJ Holdings, LLC owns the land where the structures are located and upon which the water rights will be used. 10. Remarks or Other Pertinent Information: Fern Hill Pond was constructed by the previous owners of the AJKJ Holdings, LLC property.2020CW3062, Spring tributary to Hunt Creek, tributary to Yampa River, and unnamed tributary of Hunt Creek, tributary to Hunt Creek, tributary to Yampa River in Routt County, Colorado, Application for Absolute and Conditional Water Rights (Surface and Storage). 1. Name, mailing address, email address, telephone number of applicant: Beverly George P.O. Box 188, Oak Creek, CO 80467. All pleadings and court-related documents are to be sent to Claire E. Sollars, Esq., P.O. Box 881302, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488, Claire@, 970.875.3370. 2. Names of Structures: a. Surface Structure: Punch Spring. b. Storage Structure: Vera Pond. 3. Legal Descriptions (PLSS and Zone 13 UTM Coordinates): Both structures are located in the SE4 NE4 Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 85 West, of the 6th Prime Meridian, in Routt County, Colorado and are depicted on the filed map (see Ex. 1, Structure Locations and Approximate Property Boundary). PLSS legal descriptions and UTM coordinates (Zone 13, NAD83) and were obtained using the “Map Viewer” database maintained by the Colorado Division of Water Resources. Punch Spring UTM coordinates are 334533 mE and 4453792 mN. The center of Vera Pond will be located at either 334556 mE and 4453753 mN, or 334532 mE and 4453884 mN. 4. Source of Water: Punch Spring – spring tributary to Hunt Creek, tributary to Yampa River. Vera Pond - unnamed tributary of Hunt Creek, tributary to Hunt Creek, tributary to Yampa River, and Punch Spring, spring tributary to Hunt Creek, tributary to Yampa River. 5. If Reservoirs are filled from a Ditch, Name, Capacity, Legal Description of Point of Diversion: Vera Pond will also be filled, in part, with flow from Punch Spring at the rate of 0.033 cfs, located as stated in this application. 6. Appropriation and Beneficial Use: a. Dates and Methodologies of Appropriation: Punch Spring – September 1, 1997 by collecting and piping water into stock tank. Vera Pond – December 1, 2020 by hiring consultants to evaluate water development. b. Date Water Applied to Beneficial Use: Punch Spring – September 1, 1997. 7. Amounts Claimed and Proposed Uses: a. Surface Structure: Punch Spring - 0.033 cfs absolute for stock water, wildlife water. Conditional use of irrigation below the developed spring. Additionally, Punch Spring will conveyed in a pipeline to fill, refill, and provide freshening flow to Vera Pond for the end uses of aesthetics, fire protection, irrigation, piscatorial, recreation, stock water, and wildlife water. b. Storage Structure: Vera Pond - Location #1 12.5 acre feet or Location #2 3.75 acre feet, conditional. Proposed uses are aesthetics, fire protection, irrigation, piscatorial, recreation, stock water, and wildlife water, and the right to refill to maintain adequate storage for all uses. c. If Irrigation Use: i. Acreage Historically Irrigated: none. ii. Acreage Proposed to be Irrigated and Whether Supplemental Irrigation: Ms. George will use gravity, pumps, and pipelines to move water from Punch Spring and Vera Pond to irrigate approximately 15 acres. iii. Legal Description of Acreage: The area of proposed irrigation is located in the SE4 NE4 of Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 85 West of the 6th P.M., in Routt County, Colorado. d. If Non-Irrigation, Full Description of Uses: Punch Spring – stock water and wildlife water at the developed site, and to fill, refill, and provide freshening flows to Vera Pond for end uses of aesthetics, fire protection, irrigation, piscatorial, recreation, stock water, and wildlife water. Vera Pond - aesthetics, fire protection, piscatorial, recreation, stock water, and wildlife water, in addition to irrigation. 8. Surface Area of High Water Line, Vertical Height of Dam from Lowest Ground Level to Crest of Emergency Spillway, Length of Dam, and Total Capacity of Reservoirs (active and dead storage): a. Vera Pond Location #1: Surface Area 2.5 ac; Dam Height < 10 feet; Dam Length approximately 350 feet; Capacity 12.5 AF (all active storage). b. Vera Pond Location #2: Surface Area .75 ac; Dam Height < 10 feet; Dam Length approximately 185 feet; Capacity 3.75 AF (all active storage). 9. Name and address of owner or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: Beverly George owns the land where Punch Spring and Vera Pond will be located and upon which the water rights will be used. 10. Remarks or Other Pertinent Information: The water rights described in this Application are used and will be used as the water supply system in and for property owned by Beverly George. Beverly George thus claims all the water rights of the water supply system are integrated, pursuant to C.R.S. § 37-92-301(4)(b).20CW3057 RIO BLANCO COUNTY, BLACK ELK RANCH, LLC, c/o Jonathan C. Swain, 36266 296th Ave, Bellevue, IA 52031. (Please address all correspondence and inquiries regarding this matter to: Curran A. Trick, Keller Law, LLC, P.O. Box 771222, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477, ctrick@, 877-529-2125). APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL WATER RIGHTS in RIO BLANCO COUNTY. 1. Name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of Applicant: BLACK ELK RANCH, LLC, c/o Jonathan C. Swain, 36266 296th Ave, Bellevue, IA 52031. 563-580-7467. Jonathan@. 2. Overview of Application: Applicant seeks conditional fill and storage water rights for four off-channel ponds located in Rio Blanco County, Colorado. The Ponds will be filled by a feeder ditch known as the Black Elk Feeder Ditch, which will be sourced from a point of diversion on an unnamed tributary to Morapos Creek, a tributary to the Williams Fork River. 3. Name of Ponds: Black Elk Pond 1; Black Elk Pond 2; Black Elk Pond 3; Black Elk Pond 4 ("Black Elk Ponds"). 4. Structure Location information (UTM Format): The Black Elk Ponds will be located in the SW/4 of Section 25, Township 3 North, Range 91 West, 6th P.M., Rio Blanco County, Colorado; and are more specifically located as listed in the below table, and as depicted on the attached Exhibit A: Structure NameUTM Zone 13 Legal Location (6th P.M.)N (meters)(Y)E (meters)(X)1/4 of 1/4Sec.TRBlack Elk 14452625282004SESW253N91WBlack Elk 24452812281827SESW253N91WBlack Elk 34452943281753E/2 of SW253N91WBlack Elk 44453048281586NWSW253N91WNote: UTMs from GIS based on a GPS site survey location +/- 15 feet. See Map Attached as Exhibit A. 5. Source: Unnamed tributary to Morapos Creek, Tributary to the Williams Fork River, Tributary to the Yampa River. 6. Point of Diversion: 6.1. Black Elk Feeder Ditch: The Black Elk Ponds will be filled from the Black Elk Feeder Ditch point of diversion, located in the SW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 25, Township 3 North, Range 91 West, 6th P.M., Rio Blanco County, Colorado; at a location more particularly described as follows:POD NameUTM Zone 13 Legal Location (6th P.M.)N (meters)(Y)E (meters)(X)1/4 of 1/4Sec.TRBlack Elk Feeder Ditch4452548282145SWSE253N91W7. Date of Initiation of Appropriation: September 3, 2020. 8. How Appropriation Was Initiated: By forming intent to appropriate and by commencement of engineering work for the Black Elk Ponds consisting of siting, surveying, and designing the proposed Black Elk Ponds. 9. Proposed Uses: Stock water, recreation, piscatorial, and fish and wildlife habitat. 10. Amounts Claimed (Conditional): 10.1. Black Elk Feeder Ditch Fill Right: 2.0 cubic feet per second (CFS), Conditional. 10.2. Total Claimed Storage Capacity of Black Elk Ponds in Acre-Feet (Conditional):Structure NameClaimedCapacityConditional or Absolute(ac-ft)Black Elk 15.5ConditionalBlack Elk 23.0Black Elk 33.0Black Elk 43.510.3. Refill Claim (Conditional): Applicant claims an initial refill right up to the amounts equaling the claimed initial storage amounts in acre-feet for the Black Elk Ponds, for all decreed uses and for the purposes of replenishing flows and for replacement of evaporation and/or seepage, at a flow rate not to exceed 2.0 cubic feet per second. 11. Surface Area of high-water Line:Structure NameHWL AreaDam HeightDam LengthTotal CapacityInactive CapacityActive Capacity(acre)(ft)(ft)(ac-ft)(ac-ft)(ac-ft)Black Elk 10.8105105.50.55.0Black Elk 20.553703.00.52.5Black Elk 30.5104003.00.52.5Black Elk 40.7104503.50.53.011. Surface Area of high-water Line: 12. Names and addresses of owner(s) or reputed owners of the land upon which any new or existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed, or upon which water is or will be stored: The Applicant is the owner of the land upon which all structures will be located and upon which the water will be stored. WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests that the Court enter a decree granting the requested appropriation for conditional water rights as described in this Application. (4 pgs, 1 map exhibit).The water right claimed by this application may affect in priority any water right claimed or heretofore adjudicated within this division and owners of affected rights must appear to object and protest within the time provided by statute, or be forever barred.You are hereby notified that you will have until the last day of February 2021 to file with the Water Court a Verified Statement of Opposition, setting forth facts as to why a certain Application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such Statement of Opposition must be served on the Applicant or the Applicant’s Attorney, with an affidavit or certificate of such service being filed with the Water Court, as prescribed by Rule 5, C.R.C.P. The filing fee for the Statement of Opposition is $192.00, and should be sent to the Clerk of the Water Court, Division 6, 1955 Shield Dr. Unit 200, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487.MARY ANN NINGERCLERK OF COURTROUTT COUNTY COMBINED COURTWATER DIVISION 6/s/ Julie A. Edwards Deputy Court ClerkSUBSTITUTE WATER SUPPLY PLAN NOTIFICATION LISTSection 37-92-308(6), C.R.S. directs the State Engineer to establish a notification list for each water division for the purpose of notifying interested parties of requests for the State Engineer’s approval of substitute water supply plans (“SWSP”) filed in that water division pursuant to section 37-92-308, C.R.S. The SWSP notification list is also used to provide notice of proposed water right loans to the Colorado Water Conservation Board for use as instream flows under section 37-83-105(2)(b)(II), C.R.S., notice of applications for the State Engineer’s approval of interruptible water supply agreements under section 37-92-309(3)(a), C.R.S., notice of applications for fallowing-leasing pilot projects under section 37-60-115(8)(e)(II), C.R.S., and notice of storm water detention and infiltration facilities under section 37-92-602(8)(d), C.R.S.This notice is an invitation to be included on the SWSP notification list. To receive this information by e-mail, provide your name, e-mail address, daytime telephone number, and the water divisions of interest. If you prefer to be noticed by first-class mail, specify that preference and provide your mailing address. Submit the information to: Substitute Water Supply Plan Notification List (c/o Laura Kalafus, Program Assistant), Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 818, Denver, Colorado 80203, Phone: (303) 866-3581, or e-mail to: Laura.kalafus@state.co.us, or sign up at: . Additional information regarding Substitute Water Supply Plans is available on the Division of Water Resources' website at: Nontributary Ground Water Notification ListPursuant to Rule 17.5(B)(2) of the Rules and Regulations for the Determination of the Nontributary Nature of Ground Water Produced Through Wells in Conjunction with the Mining of Minerals, at 2 CCR 402-17 (“Rules”), the State Engineer is publishing this invitation to persons to be included on the Produced Nontributary Ground Water Notification List. According to Rule 17.5(B)(2) of the Rules, the State Engineer must establish a Produced Nontributary Ground Water Notification List for each water division within the State of Colorado for the purposes of ensuring that water users within each water division receive adequate notice of proceedings held pursuant to the Rules. In order to establish such notification list, the State Engineer is directed, in January of each year, to cause to have published in the water court resume for each water division this invitation to be included on the Produced Nontributary Ground Water Notification List for the applicable water division.To receive this information, provide your name, daytime telephone number, the water division(s) of interest, and mailing address for first-class mail service. You may elect to receive this information by e-mail. If you would like to elect electronic service, please provide your name, daytime telephone number, water division(s) of interest, and e-mail address. Submit the information to: Produced Nontributary Ground Water Notification List (c/o Laura Kalafus, Program Assistant), Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 818, Denver, Colorado 80203, Phone: (303) 866-3581, or e-mail to: Laura.kalafus@state.co.us, or sign up at: additional information regarding the Produced Nontributary Ground Water Rules can be found on the Division of Water Resources website at: . ................

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