The Official Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

The Official Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

Falfurrias Training Manual Supplement


o Print this manual, Mm CDC Primary training manual and SOP and bring to line for training purposes when your deployment time arrives.

o Keep in touch with other news by visiting tx Texas page.

Mission Statement

To send a message to our elected officials in a loud, clear and united voice that American citizens want their border secure and if the government will not do it, then American citizens will stand on the border and answer the call to observe, report and direct

Mm CDC Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Breakdown

1. Mm CDC volunteers are courteous to everyone with whom they come in contact with

a. Imperative to meet and exceed the expectations of the public

b. Gain trust and support of our fellow citizens and the nations

2. Mm CDC Volunteers do not respond to taunts or harassment from outside agitators.

a. Protect yourself with a video or still camera

b. Do not let your emotions to get the best of you

c. Walk away from controversial confrontations

3. Mm CDC volunteers only Observe, Report and Direct (ORD) the Border Patrol or other law enforcement agencies to any suspected illegal aliens or activities.

a. No physical or verbal contact and gestures toward illegals

b. Observe, Report and Direct ONLY

4. Mm CDC volunteers adhere to all federal, state and local law

5. Mm CDC volunteers understand that we cannot stop illegal traffic across the border, but we can send a message to our government concerning Homeland Security and Border problems

6. Mm CDC volunteers monitor their own behavior

a. No insubordination

b. Strict compliance with the SOP

c. Report via chain of command of SOP violations

7. Mm CDC volunteers respect the landowners rights and property

a. No trash left behind, meaning volunteers and illegals

b. Pack in Pack out rules apply

c. Remain at designated post/station until relieved

d. The landowners deserve our utmost respect, give it to them

Proper Behavior while on Landowner Premise

1. The landowner and family are what make this possible. Anyone violating the trust of the landowner or family will be immediately removed from the premise and instructed not to return.

2. Do not rummage through Landowner’s possessions or property. Remain in the immediate area of headquarters and operation center.

3. While stationed on the Line, anyone caught away from their post, other than for emergency reasons or “call of nature”, unless instructed by officer, will be immediately removed from premise and instructed not to return.

4. Anyone defacing habitat or injuring wildlife maliciously will be removed from premise and instructed not to return.

5. Volunteer will treat the landowner and his property with the utmost respect at all times.

Proper Behavior while In Public

1. Try to blend in with the South Texas Culture.

a. Dress should resemble local dress

b. Be respectful of people you meet

2. Do not discuss Mm CDC operations in public with other volunteers or the public

3. Only designated volunteers and/or officers will be allowed to converse with the media. If you feel the need to be in the news by talking with reporters, let the Sector Chief or Line Supervisor know and you will be reassigned to the media branch.

4. No drinking or “partying” in public places, such as bars, dance halls or others. Being seen in the public arena participating in the above while operations are ongoing portrays a negative image on the entire group. Please refrain

Firearm Rules and Regulations

1. All volunteers that carry a concealed handgun on premise shall have a current Concealed Handgun License (CHL,CCW) recognized by the State of Texas.

2. All volunteers shall carry their weapon in a manner consistent with the Texas Laws of Concealment, which states “out of sight of a persons normal discerning view”.

3. Only handguns carried in the above described manner shall be allowed onto the landowner’s premises either on person or in volunteer’s vehicle.

4. No long guns, meaning shotguns and rifles shall be allowed upon the landowner’s premise either on person or in any vehicle. This includes and is not limited to modified weapons by means of shortening barrel or other weapon feature.

5. All weapons shall remain holstered at all times. Any brandishing or displaying of weapons is prohibited and violation will result in immediate dismissal from the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

6. There is/are no exception(s) to any of the rules stated above

Line Operation Deployment Guidelines

1. The line operation will consist of two individual shifts. Any changes to this schedule will be communicated prior to required assembly times

a. 1600 thru 2400 and

b. 2400 thru 0900

2. The following are the assembly points for the two different “sectors” of the Falfurrias Operation. Volunteers will be asked to assemble at the command center located on ______________ property.

a. Falfurrias squads will assemble at headquarters on __________ _____property.

b. Hebbronville squads will assemble at ______________ barn and pens.

3. All volunteers need to arrive promptly at their dedicated assembly points.. Assembly times are as follows.

a. Shift 1600 thru 2400 - to arrive at assembly point no later than 1430.

b. Shift 2400 thru 0900 – to arrive at assembly point no later than 2300

4. Shift leaders will assemble their squads in such a way so that when line is caravanned out to location, the volunteers for first post are directly behind the line supervisor and shift leader. The first squad will be deployed, and the caravan will continue to the next post until all volunteers are deployed. When parking at post, pull off the road, wait for the caravan to past your position, turn vehicle around facing back out.

5. Once your post has been deployed, this is where you stay.

a. No site seeing

b. No wondering around between posts

c. FEET NAILED TO THE GROUND (we will explain)

6. When shift is complete, radio order will be given to post “shift complete” signaling the posts to pack up their gear. Remain at your post. Farthest IN post will lead the way out, followed by the line supervisor. Once the caravan proceeds past your post, the line supervisor will stop, signaling you to join the caravan. Pull into line and proceed off premise behind caravan followed by line supervisor. If another shift is to follow behind exiting shift, the new shift will wait until previous shift has vacated the line before proceeding in.

7. When shift is complete, following will be what is asked of volunteers and officers.

a. 1400 – 2400 shift – Once departing from the line, you can go to your camp area and rest up. Falfurrias sector volunteers will be asked to report to assembly point at 0900 and assist in operation at the command center, if you feel so able.

b. 2400-0900 shift – Once departing from the line, proceed to your assembly point for debrief. Once debrief is complete, go get some rest

Radio Communication and Reporting

1. Radio communication between posts on line will be done using handheld FRS/GMRS radios. We will exclusively use the ______ band Channel(s) ___ for communication. This radios are your lifeline. Follow recommendations for which radio to purchase that is posted on the Texas Web page tx.

2. Following is the communication protocol:

a. Hourly Radio Check

i. Line supervisor will initiate hourly radio check by contacting each individual post.

ii. Each post, via single designated person for that hour, will respond with Post number, acknowledge radio transmission and over. Line supervisor will acknowledge that post and proceed to next post until radio check is complete.

b. Post Report of Illegal Traffic

i. Post making sighting will report up to Line Supervisor, “Line #, Post #, has spotted illegal(s) and illegal(s) is proceeding in (direction) and there are (headcount). Line Supervisor will repeat information back to reporting post and post will acknowledge correctness of information. At this time, the post will remain on post and give not pursuit or interdict with the illegal traffic.

ii. Line Supervisor will then call into Border Patrol with location coordinates, land description and other information relayed from post.

iii. When Border Patrol arrives, first post to confirm visually, without a doubt, that BP has arrived will relay message to Line, “Border Patrol on Property”.

3. Radio Etiquette

a. Use no given names or handles, Only Line number and Post number.

b. No idol chatter or chit chat between posts

c. Confirm transmissions until “out” is given

d. Limit “feedback” by volume control and spacing

4. Special Radio Codes

a. All Clear, Out-Used to reset any described code below

b. Emergency-person issuing has priority communication to transmit and no further traffic until “all clear, out signal is given by person issuing “emergency” code

c. Black-Weapons detected on illegal traffic. No light situation. DO NOT LIGHT UP. Strict sound control. Shift leader is the only one to issue “all clear, out” after verifying with reporting post. Only communication at this time is between reporting post and Shift Leader.


Laundry Line Operation

1. Basis of a Laundry Line

a. A laundry line is a 2-3 car patrol that visits “pick up points” throughout the area. The first and third vehicle is the security teams and the second vehicle is the “laundry truck”. The convoy proceeds to designated illegal “pickup points” and gathers “laundry” that is put out as signal to coyotes that illegals are present to be picked up, and hauls it away.

2. What to look for:

a. Upright beer cans or similar on side or shoulder of road

i. Signifies that there are men that need picking up

b. Women apparel (bras, panties, etc) hanging from limbs or fence.

i. Signifies that there are women that need picking up

c. Children apparel (diapers, small clothing) hanging from limbs or fence.

i. Signifies that there are children that need picking up.

d. Could be a combination of all of the above.

3. Cautions to take

a. Take surgical or one use gloves to gather “laundry”.

b. There are illegals in the area, be wary

c. Do NOT stop if there are illegals in the process of being picked up. Photograph license and vehicle if possible and safe to do so.

d. Security team watches out for “laundry team” safety.

4. Laundry lines will be run as needed and data of run will be passed along for documentation of activity.

Security on the Nueces Strip

Minutemen need to keep a low profile when off duty and in local businesses

in cities close to our sector of operation. Remember this is “Oil Patch” and Cowboy country and if you can look like you fit in it will help us all.


If you have a hard hat, place it in the rear window of vehicle or on the front dash. If someone asks what brings you to town just, tell them you work for an oil field service company. Baker Atlas is easy to remember. Be a tourist or just say you are visiting friends.

Don’t talk about Minuteman business in restaurants and bars. Coyotes are part of the community and will be trying to spot us and find out where we are working.

Will your bumper stickers cause you a problem?

Don’t wear Minutemen “T” shirts.

Keep binoculars and radios out of sight in your cars.

Keep your Minuteman Auto Pass off of your dash and out of sight when you are in public.

Keep valuable items with you at all times. Don’t leave them unattended in your camp site. We cannot provide security for personal items.

Remember: What you do affects the safety of us all.

PS When you come face to face with a stranger be the first to say good morning and you will fit right in.


Falfurrias Pilots


Falfurrias Air Wing Com

Grant Lannon

Falfurrias Line Volunteers


Falfurrias Security Team


Falfurrias Security Manager

Greg Thompson

Falfurrias Office Asst.


Falfurrias Office Manager

Susan Coates

Falfurrias Chief Line Supervisor

Kim Fromme

Falfurrias Shift Leaders

(multi 20-30)

Falfurrias Line Supervisors

Dave Summers

Greg Thompson

Pat Byrnes

Joe Kertesz (HAM team)

Bill Irwin

Falfurrias Sector Chief

Dr. Mike Vickers

State Director of Operations

Al Garza

Original Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Falfurrias Command Structure-Operations


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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