023812500Division of Business Services2020 EID SURVEY ACTION PLAN November 5, 2020INTRODUCTION/SUMMARYThis Division of Business Services 2020 Engagement, Inclusion and Diversity (EID) Survey Action Plan has been developed to provide divisional employees and other campus units a report on Business Services EID accomplishments and current activities. The plan builds on the Division’s prior plans by continuing to reinforce supporting a positive work environment and identifying related priorities.PROGRESS UPDATE (SINCE 2018 SURVEY ACTION PLAN) To work toward achieving the four divisional goals identified in the 2018 EID Survey Action Plan, Business Services engaged in activities that included, but were not limited to the following:Goal 1: Create and Implement a Clear Process for Staff Promotion or ProgressionPromoted numerous staff members into vacated positions and newly created positions.Offered special project positions (with ATP and P2P) to several staff members.Utilized cross-training extensively as well as work-share opportunities.Participated in the VCFA Finance and Human Resources Rotation Program.Goal 2: Provide Sufficient Resources to Support One’s JobDeveloped and launched a comprehensive onboarding program (January 2019).Onboarded 30 new FTEs and 29 new student employees in CY2019 using the new onboarding program with positive feedback from new employees and supervisors.Goal 3: Support Professional Development by Allowing Time and Providing ResourcesUtilized a new training/conference request and tracking process. Requests were approved by supervisors, directors and Asst Vice Chancellor with few exceptions until March 2020 when pandemic spending controls were introduced.Provided employees with a list of upcoming campus trainings each month, highlighting leadership/management and EID-related topics.Distributed the monthly EID newsletter to all Business Services personnel.Goal 4: Provide Effective Ways to Recognize ContributionsDeveloped the divisional employee recognition program, FAN Mail; launched in September 2019.Publicly recognized 418 employee contributions through FAN Mail between September 2019 and September 2020.Since 2018, members of the Division, including the Leadership Team and the EID Committee, also engaged in many activities and efforts more generally in support of overall EID goals and principles. These activities and efforts included, but were not limited to the following:Launched the new Division of Business Services website in July 2019, . This complex project, coordinated by Bradley Thomas, involved extensive division-wide collaboration.Hosted an EID open house for divisional employees in Feb 2020, showcasing UW Employee Assistance Program, the 2020 VCFA EID Survey, Office of Human Resources training opportunities, EID Committee and Business Services Community. Committee (BSCC) activities and the divisional onboarding program.Piloted the viewing/discussions of the PBS Documentary, Race: The Power of an Illusion with EID Committee members, Spring 2020.Continued to offer step challenges, tours, potlucks, payday snack mixers, etc., planned and hosted by BSCC.Hosted three sessions facilitated by Gabe Javier, Assoc Vice Chancellor, Division of Student Life, to discuss race and equity. All divisional employees were invited to participate. The Leadership Team also participated in a follow-up conversation with Gabe.Engaged in discussions about systemic racism and social injustice (ongoing Justice in June for the Leadership Team).Participated in 2019 Go Big Read – The Poison Squad.Updated the Division EID Committee Charter, Aug 2020. Hosted PEOPLE Program interns, Summer 2019; offered a virtual business professionals forum for PEOPLE Program students, Summer 2020.Adapted to working remotely using MS Teams, Webex, BlackBoard, etc. to stay well-connected.For efforts going forward, the five EID Priorities listed below are based on common themes identified in the results of the 2020 VCFA EID Survey and further refined based on the results of the 2020 follow-up Business Services EID survey.OBJECTIVE(S)/OUTCOME(S): What are measurable targets to address this priority?What outcomes would you like to achieve? ACTIVITIES: What action steps can be taken to achieve this objective/outcome?What is the expected timeline to complete this activity?MEASURE(S): How will this objective/outcome be measured? How will progress be measured?What impact are you having? EID PRIORITY 1: Cultivate a culture of open communication where information and updates are delivered on a regular basis and employees readily share their ideas, suggestions and concernsOBJECTIVE(S)/OUTCOME(S): Develop a process and schedule for regular division-wide briefings. Encourage expanded use of the Division of Business Services intranet for sharing information.Foster communication among supervisors and leaders to encourage sharing of best practices, problem-solving and providing input.Continue to refine a process and recommendations for leaders and supervisors to meet and check-in with employees within their departments (e.g. weekly status meetings). Reinvent the current feedback mechanism (intranet suggestion box) to more effectively solicit input, questions, ideas and concerns from employees.ACTIVITIES: Use a monthly newsletter or recorded message for Leadership Team to share information and announcements with the division.Continue to update the intranet and include posts of monthly briefings from Leadership Team.Provide all staff with the support and resources to develop communication and collaboration skills.Evaluate the current use of the intranet suggestion box, research alternatives for increasing participation and propose a more effective alternative. (EID Committee)Invite supervisors and leaders to discuss frequency of unit meetings and 1:1s to achieve greater consistency between departments while also respecting different circumstances/needs.MEASURE(S): Monthly divisional briefings are accessible to all employees.All employees are kept updated and informed via divisional briefings, departmental meetings, unit meetings and 1:1s.A new feedback mechanism is introduced for staff to submit concerns, ideas, questions, Submissions are addressed promptly by the most appropriate party.All supervisors and leaders are provided the time and support to get together at least twice annually to address current topics, questions and issues.Business Services EID Survey score is more favorable for this question in 2022 than in 2020:Everyone in my work unit hears about important campus information (70%)EID PRIORITY 2: Recognize employees for their contributions to the division and to UW-MadisonOBJECTIVE(S)/OUTCOME(S): Enhance FAN Mail communication to increase participation.Identify additional ways that employees want to be recognized.Promote campus-wide recognition opportunities.ACTIVITIES: Announce the recipients of FAN Mail at each monthly divisional briefing.Increase the use of FAN Mail reminders.Expand the FAN Mail program to include FAN Mail submitted by campus colleagues.Use 1:1s to personally deliver recognition (in addition to using mid-year and end-of-year reviews). (Supervisors)Develop process that allows for a different team within the division to be recognized each month.Continue to encourage nominations for UW-Madison awards and announce nominations.MEASURE(S): A 10%+ increase in the use of FAN Mail is seen compared to 2019/2020 (418 recognitions).At least one more method of employee recognition is deployed.Business Services EID Survey score is more favorable for this question in 2022 than in 2020:My work unit bases employee recognition on performance (58%)EID PRIORITY 3: Support employees through the uncertainties and challenges caused by COVID-19OBJECTIVE(S)/OUTCOME(S): Provide timely information and updates.Strive to understand the different circumstances, challenges, and concerns that employees have.Examine and respond to changes in conditions and needs for those who are working onsite.Accommodate critical needs related to health, child/elder/dependent care, etc. as best as possible in alignment with guidance from OHR.Ensure a safe and equitable return to the workplace when it is deemed appropriate.ACTIVITIES: Inform employees how divisional decisions related to COVID are being made.Allow input into return-to-work plans from units and individuals to the degree that is reasonable.Clearly communicate on-site work expectations and strictly enforce UW-Madison guidance related to training, mask-wearing, social distancing, etc.Ensure employees have a means to get their COVID/return-to-work questions answered. MEASURE(S): Monthly divisional briefings are accessible to all employees.Supervisors host regularly scheduled 1:1s and team meetings with their staff where COVID-related concerns can be discussed.Intranet updates and divisional briefings are also used to communicate developing return-to-work plans or changes to operations.A new feedback mechanism is introduced where staff can ask questions or express concerns related to COVID and work. Questions/concerns are promptly addressed.EID PRIORITY 4: Foster a work environment that feels welcoming, respectful, fair, and equitable for all.OBJECTIVE(S)/OUTCOME(S): Increase awareness and knowledge related to topics such as diversity, microaggressions and bias.Identify core EID-related competencies that are desirable for all employeesRespond to reports of exclusion, disrespect, unfairness and inequities promptly and discreetly.Utilize unbiased practices in recruiting, hiring, recognizing and promoting employees.Recognize and honor all types of diversity through divisional activities.Continue to acknowledge our EID-related efforts on campus and within the division.ACTIVITIES: Continue to promote learning opportunities that will help staff develop EID-related competenciesContinue to support staff in response to their requests to attend training.Provide a safe means for staff to report concerns related to bias and inequities in the workplace.Identify and provide supervisors with guidance on how to respond to behaviors/practices that do not align with the five VCFA principles. Offer a minimum of two division-wide learning opportunities annually on topics related to EID, arranged and hosted by EID Committee.Provide EID Committee representatives time at departmental meetings to offer EID information and updates.Develop a new, more engaging divisional EID webpage.Enhance transparency of EID-related efforts within the division by better utilizing the intranet EID webpage.Better communicate the level of EID commitment/support from leaders and supervisors via semiannual reporting.MEASURE(S): EID-related competencies and learning experiences are addressed in performance reviews with all employees.Employees are asked to participate in at least one training/learning event annually (hosted by campus or by the division)The new EID webpage celebrates diversity by providing resources and information relevant to the wide range of diversity represented in our division.A new feedback mechanism invites ideas, questions and concerns related to engagement, inclusion and diversity issues. Questions/concerns are promptly addressed.The Office of Human Resources and other diversity and inclusion experts on campus are consulted to help us continually improve our recruiting, hiring, and recognition practices.Leaders and supervisors talk with their staff during unit meetings and 1:1s about what they are learning and doing related to EID. They ask staff about their EID-related experiences.Business Services EID Survey scores are more favorable for these questions in 2022 than in 2020:In my work unit, employees respect and value each other (72%)My work environment is welcoming to employees of color (76%)My work unit is welcoming of all people regardless of sexual orientation (78%)EID PRIORITY 5: Offer casual forums and activities whereby employees have opportunities to build and strengthen relationships with colleaguesOBJECTIVE(S)/OUTCOME(S): Resume Business Services Community Committee (BSCC) meetings and activities.Encourage membership on BSCC.Solicit activity ideas from the division.Promote participation in BSCC activities.Offer activities that encourage participants to get to know others outside their own department.ACTIVITIES: Prepare and host an activity at the November 2020 All-Team (BSCC).Plan and offer at least one casual activity/forum per month (BSCC). Continue to promote BSCC activities via email, intranet, word-of-mouth, and posted flyers.Meet 2x/year to provide mutual support and discuss new ideas for promoting EID within the division (EID Committee and BSCC).version or alternative to the current intranet suggestion box.Continue to role model and encourage participation in BSCC activities (leaders and supervisors).Host a voluntary “meet & greet” for any interested divisional employees who want to meet colleagues in other departments and learn more about what they do. Repeat based on interest levels.MEASURE(S): Monthly activities/forums are offered for staff to opt in if interested.Past, current and future BSCC activities are posted on the intranet.Virtual platforms are used to host activities/forums until it is safe for in-person activities.Business Services EID Survey score is more favorable for this question in 2022 than in 2020:How often do you feel excluded? (58%)Biannual EID Survey Action Plan Progress Reports: The EID Committee will request feedback from supervisors and leaders for use in preparing a progress report every six months (April/October). To ensure transparency and accountability, the reports will be distributed to all divisional employees and posted on the intranet EID webpage._____________CONTACT INFORMATIONFor more information or details about the 2020 Employee Engagement, Inclusion & Diversity action plan and initiatives within the Division of Business Services, please contact:4737100135255EID Survey Coordinator Dawn Rekoske Office: 608.262.9680Email: dawn.rekoske@wisc.eduEID Survey Coordinator Dawn Rekoske Office: 608.262.9680Email: dawn.rekoske@wisc.edu2120900109855EID Committee Chair andVCFA EID Council RepresentativeMegan WilliamsOffice: 608.262.0059Email: megan.williams@wisc.eduEID Committee Chair andVCFA EID Council RepresentativeMegan WilliamsOffice: 608.262.0059Email: megan.williams@wisc.eduDivision/Unit DirectorDan LangerOffice: 608.262.4766Email: ................

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