1 For your safety


Instruction manual


ER 2000/5


1 For your safety 4

1.1 General dangers 4

1.2 Definition 4

1.3 Use as directed 4

1.4 Protective Measures 5

1.4.1 Safety obligations on the part of the operator 5

1.4.2 Specific safety information and symbols used 5

1.4.3 General safety information 6

1.4.4 Basic safety information during normal operation 7

1.4.5 Basic safety measures for maintenance and repairs 8

1.4.6 Working on electrical equipment 10

1.4.7 Working on hyERaulic and pneumatic equipment 10

1.4.8 Working on the locking pressure system 11

1.4.9 Observing environmental protection guidelines 12

1.5 Remaining dangers 12

2 Description 13

2.1 Construction of the DISPAX-REACTOR( 14

2.1.1 Sealing cartridge 14

2.1.2 Mixing tools 14

2.2 ERive 15

2.2.1 Frame 15

3 Technical data sheet 15

3.1 Electrical system 15

3.1.1 motor ( delivery without motor ) 15

3.1.2 Cables/Switches 15

3.2 Locking pressure system 16

3.3 Measurements and weight: 16

4 Installation 16

4.1 Securing the machine 16

4.2 Connecting product lines 16

4.3 Locking pressure system 17

4.3.1 Description 17

4.3.2 Connecting the hoses 17

4.3.3 Locking liquid and filling quantities 18

4.3.4 Pressure in the locking circulation 19

4.3.5 Cooling 19

4.4 Power supply 20

5 Operating mechanisms on the machine 21

6 Placing the DISPAX-REACTOR( in operation 21

6.1 Connecting the machine 21

6.2 Short test 22

6.3 Information for working with product 22

6.3.1 Periphery 22

6.3.2 Possible adjustments of the DISPAX-REACTOR( for a process 23

6.4 Starting the machine 23

6.4.1 Adjusting the output quantity 24

7 Servicing 24

7.1 The mechanical seal 24

7.2 The mixing tools 25

7.3 Locking pressure system 25

8 Assembly and disassembly 26

8.1 Tools for assembly 26

8.2 Mixing tools 26

8.2.1 Removing the mixing tools 26

8.2.2 Assembly of the mixing tools 27

8.3 Mechanical seal cartridge 27

8.3.1 Disassembly of the mechanical seal cartridge 27

8.3.2 Assembly of the mechanical seal cartridge 28

8.4 Motor shaft 28

8.4.1 Removing the shaft 28

8.4.2 Assembly of the shaft 28

8.5 Adjusting tension of the V-belt 29

9 Ordering spare parts 32

10 Parts list DISPAX-REACTOR( 33

11 Seal materials and alternative 36

12 Assembly ERawing Picture 3 37

13 Detail of Picture 3 38

14 Lubricating chart Picture 39

15 Manufacturer-Declaration 40

For your safety

1 General dangers

The machine itself is not dangerous if directions for its use are followed. However, if this machine is modified or combined with other machines dangers may arise that could not be foreseen by the manufacturer. We must point out that the user must follow the guidelines for the given workplace when using this machine.

2 Definition

The terms used in the operator’s manual correspond to EN 292-1 / 2. The internal technical documentation also corresponds to EN 292-1 / 2.

3 Use as directed

To prevent injury to personnel and damage to the machine, the machine is only to be operated as directed.

The machine is designed for the production of mixtures in a fluid phase. The mixtures produced are emulsions (fluid/fluid) and suspensions (fluid/solid).

The machine is also suited for homogenization as well as for producing colloidal solutions with viscosities up to approx.50 Pas.

To protect against damage from foreign objects, such as, screws, stones, pieces of wood etc. to the mixing tools, it is recommended that appropriate measures be taken to prevent such objects from entering the machine.

4 Protective Measures

1 Safety obligations on the part of the operator

The machine (including the subassemblies) has been designed and built in accordance with a tolerance analysis and careful selection of the harmonized standards to be observed as well as other technical specifications. It thus corresponds to the state of the art and provides maximum safety during operation.

The machine's safety can however only be guaranteed in practice if all of the measures required are fulfilled. The machine operator is obliged to plan these measures and control implementation thereof.

In particular, the operator must ensure that:

the machine is only used for its intended purpose,

the machine is only operated when it is in a perfect and functional condition, and the functions of the safety equipment in particular are examined regularly,

the necessary personal protection equipment for operating, maintenance and repair personnel is available and worn,

the operating instructions are always legible and available in full wherever the machine is used,

the machine is only operated, maintained and repaired by appropriately qualified and authorized personnel,

this personnel receives regular instruction regarding all of the relevant issues governing work safety and environmental protection, as well as being familiar with the operating instructions and the safety information contained herein in particular

all safety and warning information attached to the machine remain in place and are legible.

2 Specific safety information and symbols used

The following operating instructions contain specific safety information referring to the unavoidable remaining risks when operating and maintaining the machine. These risks involve dangers for


the product and machine

the environment.

The symbols used in the operating instructions are primarily intended to ERaw attention to the safety information.

|[pic] |This symbol indicates dangers relating to persons in particular (hazardous, danger of injury). |

|Danger | |

|[pic] |This symbol indicates dangers relating to the machine, material and environment in particular. |

|Caution | |

The most important objective of safety information is to prevent danger to persons.

If safety information is preceded by a warning triangle marked "Danger", this does not necessarily eliminate dangers for the machine, material and environment.

If safety information is preceded by a warning triangle marked "Caution”, it can be assumed that there is no danger for persons.

The symbol used can not replace the text in the safety information. Therefore, the text should always be read in full.

|[pic] |This symbol does not refer to safety information, but rather information for improved understanding of |

|Info |machine processes. |

3 General safety information

|[pic] |Modifications to the system and its components are only permitted upon obtaining written |

|Danger |authorisation from IKN. Otherwise, the warranty and declaration of conformity will become null and|

| |void. |

|[pic] |When connected to the power supply, the system is live. This voltage can have fatal consequences |

|Danger |if contacted. |

|[pic] |Subject to technical modifications. |

|Info | |

4 Basic safety information during normal operation

|[pic] |Before switching on the machine, obtain information on how to behave in the event of abnormal |

|Danger |occurrences. |

|[pic] |The machine may only be operated by appropriately trained and authorised persons familiar with the|

|Danger |operating instructions (and those for the subassemblies) and capable of working according to them.|

|[pic] |Replace all pipelines regularly as a preventive precautionary measure even if there are no |

|Danger |detectable signs of damage (observe the manufacturer's guidelines). |

|[pic] |At locking media temperatures exceeding 65°C, there is a danger of burning at the locking pressure|

|Danger |container and supply pipes. In this case, the operator must apply protection against accidental |

| |contact with hot components. |

|[pic] |If water is used as a locking medium, it must be cooled when temperatures exceeding 85°C are |

|Info |reached. Otherwise, the seal may incur damage. |

|[pic] |Both the pressure (( pressure gauge) and the level (( inspection glass) of the locking medium |

|Info |should be checked daily. |

|[pic] |The machine may not be operated (even for short periods) without an intact locking circuit. |

|Info |Otherwise, the axial-face seal may be destroyed. |

|[pic] |The machine is not suitable for adding and processing purely ERy substances. This can result in |

|Info |serious damage to the device. |

|[pic] |When changing the dispersion material, check whether the materials of the axial-face seal and |

|Info |o-ring are still suitable. It may be necessary to replace these components with other materials. |

| |If in doubt, contact the supplier. |

|[pic] |Following all assembly work, free movement of the ERive shaft must be ensured by manual turning |

|Info |before switching on the ERive. Secure the ERive against unauthorised activation. |

5 Basic safety measures for maintenance and repairs

|[pic] |The machine may only be maintained by qualified and authorised personnel under observation of the |

|Danger |safety information and who are familiar with the operating instructions (and those for the |

| |subassemblies) and are capable of working according to them. |

|[pic] |Switch off the power supply at the main switch prior to maintenance or repair work and secure with|

|Danger |a padlock. The key to this lock must be held by the person conducting the maintenance or repair |

| |work. |

|[pic] |When replacing heavy machine components, use suitable and functional load suspension devices and |

|Danger |stop materials only. |

|[pic] |Prior to maintenance or repair work, ensure that all parts of the machine which may need to be |

|Danger |contacted have cooled down to ambient temperature. |

|[pic] |At locking media temperatures exceeding 65°C, there is a danger of burning at the locking pressure|

|Danger |container and supply pipes. In this case, the operator must apply protection against accidental |

| |contact with hot components. |

|[pic] |Prior to maintenance or repair work, block access to the machine work area for unauthorised |

|Danger |persons. Attach information sign indicating maintenance or repair work. |

|[pic] |Observe inspection and maintenance intervals stipulated in the operating instructions. Observe |

|Danger |maintenance and repair instructions for subassemblies contained in these operating instructions. |

|[pic] |Dispose of environmentally hazardous lubricating, cooling or cleaning agents appropriately. |

|Danger | |

|[pic] |Following all assembly work, free movement of the ERive shaft must be ensured by manual turning |

|Info |before switching on the ERive. Secure the ERive against unauthorised activation. |

|[pic] |The feeding screw (730) should be turned and then tightened (tightening moment of approx. 30 Nm). |

|Info |It is recommended to additionally secure the assembly thread with a liquid screw retention agent |

| |(which can be removed using standard tools) (e.g. LOCTITE screw retention agent). |

|[pic] |Great care should be exercised when working on the sealing cartridge. The axial-face seals are |

|Info |made from a very brittle material and are therefore very sensitive to any kind of impact which |

| |should be avoided. |

6 Working on electrical equipment

|[pic] |Check whether the motor is running in the correct direction (arrow on the ventilator unit) by |

|Info |switching it on and off briefly. |

|[pic] |The device connection must comply with VDE standards. Ensure that the motor voltage for the motor |

|Info |connection and the mains voltage are identical. The motor voltage is indicated on the motor rating|

| |plate or in the technical data sheet. |

|[pic] |Repair work on the machine's electrical equipment may only be carried out by qualified |

|Danger |electricians. Check electrical equipment on a regular basis. Secure loose connections. Replace |

| |damaged lines/cables immediately. Always keep the switching cabinet closed. Access is only |

| |permitted to authorised personnel with the appropriate keys/tools. Never clean switching cabinets |

| |or other electrical equipment enclosures by spraying with a water pipe. |

7 Working on hyERaulic and pneumatic equipment

|[pic] |Maintenance and repair work on hyERaulic and pneumatic equipment may only be carried out by |

|Danger |personnel specially trained for this purpose. |

| |Prior to maintenance and repair work, ensure that the machine's pneumatic and hyERaulic equipment |

| |is unpressurised. |

| |Replace pipelines as a precautionary maintenance measure at regular intervals even if there are no|

| |detectable signs of damage (observe the manufacturer's guidelines). |

| |Screwed connections loosened for maintenance and repair work should be checked for a tight fit |

| |before putting the machine into operation. |

| |Ensure that container lids, sieves or filters which have been removed are refitted. |

| |Following maintenance and repair work and prior to recommencing production, ensure that all of the|

| |materials, tools and other equipment required for implementing maintenance or repair work are |

| |removed from the machine's work area, all liquid leaks are disposed of and that all of the |

| |machine's safety equipment is functional. |

8 Working on the locking pressure system

|[pic] |The machine may not (even for short periods) be put into operation without an intact locking |

|Info |circuit, otherwise the axial-face seal can be destroyed. |

|[pic] |Maintenance and repair work on the locking pressure system may only be carried out by personnel |

|Danger |specially trained for this purpose. |

| |Prior to maintenance and repair work, allow the locking pressure system to cool down and ensure |

| |that it is unpressurised. |

| |Replace pipelines as a precautionary maintenance measure at regular intervals even if there are no|

| |detectable signs of damage (observe the manufacturer's guidelines). |

| |Screwed connections loosened for maintenance and repair work should be checked for a tight fit |

| |before putting the machine into operation. |

| |Ensure that container lids, sieves or filters which have been removed are refitted. |

| |Following maintenance and repair work and prior to recommencing production, ensure that all of the|

| |materials, tools and other equipment required for implementing maintenance or repair work are |

| |removed from the machine's work area, all liquid leaks are disposed of and that all of the |

| |machine's safety equipment is functional. |

9 Observing environmental protection guidelines

|[pic] |The statutory obligations governing the avoidance of waste and the correct recycling/disposal of |

|Danger |materials must be observed during all work on or with the machine. |

| |In particular during installation, repair and maintenance work, water-polluting substances such as|

| |lubricating grease and oil, hyERaulic oil, cooling agents, cleaning liquids containing solvents |

| |may not contaminate the earth or penetrate the waste water system. |

| |These substances must be stored, transported, collected and disposed of in suitable containers. |

5 Remaining dangers

The machine was so designed that the machine itself and its accessories will not endanger personnel, the product or the environment. The operator’s manual is so written that if all warnings and servicing requirements are observed no danger exists.

It can, however, not be guaranteed that dangers will not arise due to human error.

If the machine is properly used and the recommendations and regulations of the accident prevention regulations (UVV) and the employers’ liability insurance association are observed no further risks are to be expected.


Check to insure the type name and the serial number, which are listed below, agree with the information on the type plate on your machine.

Type: ER 2000/5

No. 04-5049H

If these data do not agree please contact us immediately.

The DISPAX-REACTOR( is a high quality, multipurpose mixing machine particularly suited for the continual mixing of solids and liquids. The components to be mixed are fed into the machine at an appropriate rate through various filler connections. These components are then thoroughly mixed, dispersed or homogenized within in the machine and discharged from the machine through a discharge connection.

The machine does not automatically suck in the material but does have its own head with a maximum of about 20 m (approx.2 bars).

Power is standardly furnished by a three-phase motor with 3000 rpm with protection class IP54.

Optionally the motors can be supplied in all desired Ex protective classes. In addition the machine can be fitted with a variable speed ERive or a special ERive.

1 Construction of the DISPAX-REACTOR(

See also pictures 3 and 4

The machine consists of the following components:

100 ERive

200 Frame

300 V-Belt ERive

400 Lantern

500 Sealing cartridge

700 Working chamber

800-1000 Mixing tools

1200 Plate

1300 Locking pressure system

1 Sealing cartridge

Into the pump casing (710) a sealing cartridge (500) is integrated. This sealing cartridge essentially consists of a sealing casing, a double-acting mechanical seal and a ERive sleeve. The seal has following characteristics: The slip ring on the product side has few fissures or only very small fissures projecting into the product space, thus reducing product collection in fissures, and has spring elements that do not contact the product. The slip rings as well as the secondary seals can be adjusted to the planned operating conditions by choosing suitable materials. To insure proper functioning of the seal it has to have its two connections connected to a locking medium circulation. An integrated circulation mechanism insures continual circulation, which provides sufficient locking medium for lubrication and cooling of the slip rings.

2 Mixing tools

The mixing tools (804, 806, 904, 906, 1004, 1006) for this machine are located above the sealing cartridge on the motor shaft. All tools are individually removable and can be optimally adjusted to meet the goals of the process. Their purpose is to bring the components to be mixed into contact with one another, thoroughly mix them and to discharge the mixed product from the machine.

The tools to be used differ, depending upon the mix-zone. These tools are mounted on the motor shaft one after another and are fixed in place with the highest tool (804).

2 ERive

A multidimensional belt ERive transfers the power from the motor (100) to the motor shaft (426) and to the mixing tools (804, 806, 904, 906, 1004, 1006). Depending upon the size of the motor this may consist of 2 V-belts. The motor shaft is outfitted with separate bearings inside of the lantern. The motor sits on a moveable base plate (210) to allow V-belt tension adjustment.

1 Frame

The base frame allows the machine to be set up securely on the floor. To decouple the machine from the supporting surface it rests on rubber buffers. The machine can be fitted with ball bearing casters as an option.

The base frame also has a point for the attachment of the pressure container for the mechanical seal.

Technical data sheet

1 Electrical system

1 motor ( delivery without motor )

Operating voltage: 400/690 V

Motor output 7,5 kW

Motor revolutions per minute 3000 rpm

Frequency: 50Hz

Degree of protection: IP 55

Flame proof class: EExdeIIC-T4

2 Cables/Switches

Are not normally provided by the supplier.

2 Locking pressure system

Maximum operating pressure: 16 bars

Container volume: 3 L

Usable volume: 2.5 L

Allowable operating temperature: 200°C

Cooling surface: 0.1 m2

Cooling coil volume: 0.25 L

Weight: 7 kg

3 Measurements and weight:

See also pictures 3 and 4

This information refers to a standard machine, which has a 7,5 kW main motor.

Height: approx.1250 mm

Length: approx.930 mm

Width: approx.400 mm

Weight : approx.80 kg


1 Securing the machine

The machine can be set up using just the base frame.

Optionally it can be fitted with ball bearing casters.

2 Connecting product lines

The machine has 3 connections for products lines.

Two vertical connection (704) for the introduction of material is on the upper part of the machine.

The connection for the product discharge is located in the pump casing (710).

Connections and discharge sections:

Product in: DN 40, DIN 11851

Product out: DN 32, DIN 11851

3 Locking pressure system

1 Description

The locking pressure system, which is a part of the mechanical seal, consists of two pressure hoses and a pressure container. The hoses have screw joints on the ends and these are connected with the mechanical seal and the locking pressure container and screwed together tightly for sealing. In addition to the two connections for feed and return of the locking medium the locking pressure container also has the following components of the sealing system:

see also picture 1

-Pressure indicator Indicates system pressure of locking medium circulation

-Filling valve For pressurizing with compressed air/inert gas

-Viewing glass Allows visual check of fluid level of the locking medium

-ERain valve For ERaining the container

-Feed valve For filling of the container without relieving system pressure

-Coolant connections For cooling of the locking medium by means of cooling coil integrated into the container.

2 Connecting the hoses

In order to insure the necessary circulation of the locking medium through the mechanical seal, the hoses for the locking pressure container have to be properly connected.

The connection on the container with the arrow pointing downward (() is for inflow to the seal.

This hose must be connected to the seal connection marked "IN".

The connection on the container marked with the arrow pointing upwards (() is for the backflow from the seal to the container. This must be connected with the seal connection marked "OUT".


picture 1

3 Locking liquid and filling quantities

The locking liquid used should have the following properties:

low viscosity (similar to water, approx.1mPas)

Good lubricating qualities

Good heat conducting capabilities

Product neutral

Water with a 5% addition of glycerin or glycol is used as a standard.

The locking liquid should come to the middle of the viewing glass. The quantity required for this level is approx.2.5 L. Changing of the liquid is only required if the liquid becomes contaminated.

After filling, the circulation system and especially the sealing cartridge should be vented. To do this loosen the backflow hose of the locking liquid container and wait until some liquid appears, then retighten.

4 Pressure in the locking circulation

The pressure for the locking circulation should be approx.2 bars higher than the operating pressure in the pump chamber. Pressure is increased/decreased by filling or venting of compressed air or inert gas, for example, nitrogen, argon. This is done through the pressure valve.

|[pic] |Maintenance and repair work on the locking pressure system may only be carried out by personnel |

|Danger |specially trained for this purpose. |

| |Prior to maintenance and repair work, allow the locking pressure system to cool down and ensure |

| |that it is unpressurised. |

| |Replace pipelines as a precautionary maintenance measure at regular intervals even if there are no|

| |detectable signs of damage (observe the manufacturer's guidelines). |

| |Screwed connections loosened for maintenance and repair work should be checked for a tight fit |

| |before putting the machine into operation. |

| |Ensure that container lids, sieves or filters which have been removed are refitted. |

| |Following maintenance and repair work and prior to recommencing production, ensure that all of the|

| |materials, tools and other equipment required for implementing maintenance or repair work are |

| |removed from the machine's work area, all liquid leaks are disposed of and that all of the |

| |machine's safety equipment is functional. |

|[pic] |Both the pressure (( pressure gauge) and the level (( inspection glass) of the locking medium |

|Info |should be checked daily. |

5 Cooling

The locking pressure vessel has two 1/4" threads, which are connected to coiled tubing inside. The flow direction of the cooling liquid is as desired.

|[pic] |If water is used as a locking medium, it must be cooled when temperatures exceeding 85°C are |

|Info |reached. Otherwise, the seal may incur damage. |

|[pic] |At locking media temperatures exceeding 65°C, there is a danger of burning at the locking pressure|

|Danger |container and supply pipes. In this case, the operator must apply protection against accidental |

| |contact with hot components. |

4 Power supply

See appendix electrical description

|[pic] |The device connection must comply with VDE standards. Ensure that the motor voltage for the motor |

|Info |connection and the mains voltage are identical. The motor voltage is indicated on the motor rating|

| |plate or in the technical data sheet. |


( connection Y connection

picture 2

The connections shown in the figure above are the usual standard connections. Please compare these with those in the terminal box on the motor. Since there are also special motors, the wiring diagram in the terminal box on the motor is always the valid one.

|[pic] |Check whether the motor is running in the correct direction (arrow on the ventilator unit) by |

|Info |switching it on and off briefly. |

| | |

Operating mechanisms on the machine

The machine is delivered without any operating components, such as, switches, emergency off etc.

When installing the machine and the operating components the responsible firm must observe the VDE norm 0530 as well as the accident prevention regulations (UVV).

|[pic] |The responsible firm is solely liable for defective and malfunctioning operating components as |

|Info |well as any resulting consequences. |

Placing the DISPAX-REACTOR( in operation

See also pictures 3 and 4

1 Connecting the machine

After setting up the machine on a safe surface the machine is connected to the power supply.

Following this the locking circulation (see 4.3.2), the product lines and, if necessary, a flushing line are connected.

When connecting pipes it may be advisable to install a bellows expansion joint in the pipe.

Before placing in operation for the first time the locking circulation must be filled with a suitable medium and must be pressurized (see 4.3.3 to 4.3.5).

|[pic] |The device connection must comply with VDE standards. Ensure that the motor voltage for the motor |

|Info |connection and the mains voltage are identical. The motor voltage is indicated on the motor rating|

| |plate or in the technical data sheet. |

|[pic] |The machine may not be operated (even for short periods) without an intact locking circuit. |

|Info |Otherwise, the axial-face seal may be destroyed. |

To monitor the locking circulation a contact making pressure indicator is available as an accessory. This indicator sounds an alarm or it can shut off the machine if the pressure is lower than a permissible value. We want to point out that a minimal leakage in the vicinity of ppm occurs and is normal.

2 Short test

During a short test run check again:

24. The direction the motor is turning

25. Pressure and liquid level of the locking circulation

Listen for unusual mechanical noises

3 Information for working with product

The DISPAX-REACTOR(-machine is especially designed for the dispersing of fluids. Successful operation of the machine, however, requires observing the following:

1 Periphery

The DISPAX-REACTOR( has it own pressure head, but it does not automatically suck in the mix components. For proper functioning and a constant mix level it is necessary that the fluid as well as the solid be fed to the machine at the proper dosage rate.

Pumps that use the displacement principle, such as, the lobe pump, gear pump or the eccentric screw pump have proven themselves for feeding the fluid components and for circulating the mixed products for accumulative processes.

These pumps have a relatively stabile characteristic curve and as a rule are powered by a geared motor with adjustable speeds.

2 Possible adjustments of the DISPAX-REACTOR( for a process

The DISPAX-REACTOR( has several components, which can be adjusted for a given process.

In addition to the individual exchangeable mixing tools can be separately removed. For good predistribution it is, as a principle, advantageous to use a finely perforated mantle. Please, however, note that in general a finer generator reduces the output and the pressure head.

4 Starting the machine

In principle the DISPAX-REACTOR( is a dynamic type compressor. The high revolutions per minute (rpms) require a minimum amount of fluid in the mixed product. The percentage necessary is very dependent upon the product. Also note that with much lower solid content the level of allowable product viscosity may be exceeded.

|[pic] |The machine is not suitable for adding and processing purely ERy substances. This can result in |

|Info |serious damage to the device. |

Therefore, is recommended to equip the machine with a flow monitor, when the machine is not attended during operation. This device monitors the fluid feed and when the fluid component supply stops the feeding of the solid component is stopped immediately.

This basic rule also has an effect on the sequence for starting and turning the machine off. This should be done as follows:

Starting the machine

1. Turn on the DISPAX-REACTOR( motor

2. Turn on the pump supplying the fluid component

Turning off the machine

1. Turn off the fluid feed, if needed short flushing before turning off the fluid feed.

2. Turn off the DISPAX-REACTOR( motor

1 Adjusting the output quantity

The DISPAX-REACTOR( is designed for use with output rates of 2,5 m3/h. The real maximum output rate and therefore, the adjustment of the material flow into the machine depends upon the following factors:

Viscosity of the mix product

Swelling behaviour of the mix product

Solid concentration of the mix product

Pressure head

Dispersion level

In principle per unit of time the maximum amount of fluid and solid that can be fed is the maximum that the DISPAX-REACTOR( can mix and discharge.

Further the mix results are generally the best if the output is near the maximum. For lower outputs the results can be improved and a more even fluid flow achieved by creating an "artificial load" by, for example, reducing the product discharge rate.

In case no experience data is available, the maximum product-specific output rate that can be used must be determined by trial and error.


1 The mechanical seal

The mechanical seal can have an outstanding service life, if:

Allowable pressure conditions are maintained

Sufficient cooling and moisturizing are maintained

The proper combination of materials are used

The slip rings are subject to natural wear. The wear is dependent upon:

The pressure difference

The temperature

The abrasiveness of the dispersion material

The material of the slip ring

As a rule it is advisable to allow the machine to run about an additional 5 minutes without the mixing product but with a flushing fluid, before the machine is turned off.

Possible damages to the seal can be recognized by the following:

Sharp ERop in pressure in the locking pressure circulation, pressure indicator shows this

Locking liquid appears on the bottom side of the sealing case

Locking liquid is found in the product

Sharp ERop of the fluid level in the locking pressure container

High contamination of the locking liquid

|[pic] |When changing the dispersion material, check whether the materials of the axial-face seal and |

|Info |o-ring are still suitable. It may be necessary to replace these components with other materials. |

| |If in doubt, contact the supplier. |

2 The mixing tools

The high speed mixing tools and especially the fine toothed dispersion level are sensitive to foreign objects. Therefore absolutely avoid allowing objects such as, screws, stones and welding beads etc. to enter the machine. Be especially careful to avoid this when adding mixing components.

For very sticky and hardening materials flush immediately after finishing.

Depending upon the abrasiveness of the mix product the mixing tools are subject to a certain degree of wear. Since the size of the shear slot, especially for the dispersion level, has an influence on the mixed material the tools should be checked for wear from time to time.

3 Locking pressure system

Check the pressure indicator and fluid level daily.

Occassionally check the flexible lines for leaks, especially at screw joints.

Assembly and disassembly

|[pic] |Switch off the power supply at the main switch prior to maintenance or repair work and secure with|

|Danger |a padlock. The key to this lock must be held by the person conducting the maintenance or repair |

| |work. |

|[pic] |Following all assembly work, free movement of the ERive shaft must be ensured by manual turning |

|Info |before switching on the ERive. Secure the ERive against unauthorised activation. |

1 Tools for assembly

For assembly and disassembly it is useful to have the following tools available:

1x open-end or ring wrench SW10

1x open-end or ring wrench SW13

1x open-end or ring wrench SW17

1x open-end or ring wrench SW19

1x socket wrench SW13

1x socket wrench SW22

1x Allan key SW10

1x Allan key SW8

1x manERel (7

1x flat head screw ERiver

2 Mixing tools

1 Removing the mixing tools

Loosen feed lines

4 cap nuts (722) and remove

Pull up complete inlet flange (704)

Pull up jacket (708)

Pull off the tools (806) along the shaft

Loosen the hexagon socket plug (434)

Place retaining pin (7 in the borehole of the shaft (426) by passing it through an opening in the lantern

Unscrew the fixing screw (730) with the open-end wrench by turning it counter clockwise

Pull off the chamber ring (728)

Pull off the tools (804) along the shaft

Pull off the following tools in the same way

• Pull off the last tool (1004)

To protect the surface of the tools, please cover sharp edges of the assembly tool.

2 Assembly of the mixing tools

The assembly is done in the reverse sequence of the assembly as shown in 8.2.1

To make disassembly easy coat the hubs of the tools lightly with grease

During assembly insure that the O-rings of each tool are placed in the groove correctly.

|[pic] |The fixing screw (730) should be turned and then tightened (tightening moment of approx. 40 Nm). |

|Info |It is recommended to additionally secure the assembly thread with a liquid screw retention agent |

| |(which can be removed using standard tools) (e.g. LOCTITE screw retention agent). |

3 Mechanical seal cartridge

1 Disassembly of the mechanical seal cartridge

Vent locking pressure circulation to normal atmospheric pressure. Loosen both hose screw joints on the seal cartridge

• Loosen screws (424) and replace protection plate (422)

Disassemble the mantle casing and the mixing tools as shown in 8.2.1

Loosen and remove the 4 hexagon head bolts (420)

Turn the pump casing (710) and pull upwards to remove

Mount the 4 assembly safety clamps for the sealing cartridge with hexagon head bolts SW3 (see picture 5)

Separate the sealing cartridge (500) by pushing upwards out of the louver.

2 Assembly of the mechanical seal cartridge

Assembly is done in the reverse sequence of disassembly in 8.3.1

After installing the sealing cartridge do not forget to remove the 4 safety clamps Otherwise the shaft is blocked !

|[pic] |Great care should be exercised when working on the sealing cartridge. The axial-face seals are |

|Info |made from a very brittle material and are therefore very sensitive to any kind of impact which |

| |should be avoided. |

4 Motor shaft

1 Removing the shaft

Removal of casing parts, mixing tools, sealing cartridge was described in 8.2.1 and 8.3.1

Loosen hexagon head bolts (212).

Reduce tension on by loosening screw (222) in counterclockwise direction

Remove V-belt (306)

Loosen hexagon head bolt (314) and remove disk (312) and pulley (302).

Loosen hexagon head bolt (410) and remove bearing cover (412).

Push motor shaft upwards out of the seat of the roller bearing

Remove securing ring (404)

Remove centrifugal lining (408) and bearing cap (412)

Push the roller bearing (418) from the shaft

Loosen hexagon head bolt (430)

Remove the lantern (428) and lay the lantern horizontally

Loosen hexagon socked head cap (442) and remove bearing cover (440)

Pull off the cylinERical roller bearing (438) from the lantern

Pull off the inner ring (416) from the shaft

Pull of the inner ring from the cylinERical roller bearing from the shaft

2 Assembly of the shaft

Assembly is done in the reverse sequence of disassembly.

5 Adjusting tension of the V-belt


Explanations of the terms

E = Depth of impression per 100 mm of belt length mm

Ea = Depth of impression of the end of the belt mm

f = Test load per V-belt N

k = Constant to calculate the centrifugal force

L = Distance between centres of the ERive mm

Sa = Minimum axle load in a static condition N

v = Belt speed m/s

P = Power to be transmitted by the belt ERive kW

PB = Calculation power kW

c1 = Angular factor

c2 = Operating factor

x/y = Adjustability of the difference between centres enom mm

z = Number of belts

ß = Angle of belt contact of the small pulley °

T = Minimum belt force in a static condition per belt N

PB = P x c2

Center distance 285mm

Belt deflection Ea = 7,4 mm at 18-26 N

26N on initial assembly


After a run of approximately 4 hours under full load the V-belt-ERive must be re-tensioned. Thus, the initial strech is taken up.

protection against influences of temperature, moisture and chemicals

The V-belt are unaffected by high or low ambient temperatures.

They can easily be used at temperatures from –30°C to +70°C.

The V-belt are oil resistant, heat resistant, electrically conductive ( DIN 53596 ) and dustproof.

maintenance and operational reliability

We recommend to check the V-belt regularly. The initial stretch must be checked and corrected, if necessary. V-belt require no special maintenance.

Wax or similar agents are harmful and should not be used under any circumstances.

The groove surfaces of the pulleys must be rust-free and, in the same way as the belts, must be kept free of dirt.


position of the V-belt in the groove


Ordering spare parts

To order spare parts please use the form below. This allows us to process your order quickly.

Do the following:

Enter your complete adERess and, if different, the desired delivery adERess. Enter the part information in the table below. The exact name can be found in the parts list.

Always give the position, name and the identification number.

ORDER Serial Number: 04-5049H

Send bill to:

|Item |Quantity |Order no. |Designation |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


spare part list from the machine U068946

|Item |Quantity |Order no. |Designation |

|100 |1 |S107744 |Motor 7,5kW; 3000 1/min; EExdeIIC-T4 |

|200 |1 |S095689 |base frame complete, size 132 / St. / Puffer |

|300 |1 |S095748 |V-belt komplette 50 Hz |

|400 |1 |S095691 |Lantern complete |

|500 |1 |T061376 |Mechanical seal CARTEX-DE/20-E1, |

| | | |Q1Q1V16MG-BQ1V16MG(FDA) |

|600 |1 |T055983 |Elastomere FPM, Zoll |

|700 |1 |S095750 |working chamber DN40/DN32, DIN 11851 |

|804 |1 |S093575 |Rotor 2G |

|806 |1 |S093572 |Stator 2G |

|904 |1 |S093576 |Rotor 4M |

|906 |1 |S093573 |Stator 4M |

|1004 |1 |S093577 |Rotor 6F |

|1006 |1 |S093574 |Stator 6F |

|1200 |1 |S095751 |shield |

|1300 |1 |S095695 |looking pressure vessel, St. |

|7000 |1 |T061376 |Mechanical seal CARTEX-DE/20-E1, |

| | | |Q1Q1V16MG-BQ1V16MG(FDA) |

|7010 |1 |T055983 |Elastomere FPM, Zoll |

|9990 |1 |S095741 |ER 2000/5 Assembly ERawing |

base frame complete S095689

|Item |Quantity |Order no. |Designation |

|202 |1 |S093190 |base frame, St. |

|204 |4 |T055180 |buffer A 75x25 |

|206 |4 |S100179 |hexagon head nut, DIN 934 M12-A2 |

|210 |1 |S089057 |motor adjusting plate VA- size 132 |

|212 |4 |S100718 |hexagon head bolt DIN 933 M10x40-A2 |

|214 |4 |S089233 |T- sliding block |

|216 |1 |S100708 |hexagon head bolt DIN 933 M10x20-A2 |

|218 |1 |S089232 |disk |

|220 |1 |S089383 |disk |

|222 |1 |S089229 |adjusting screw |

|224 |1 |1045595 |cover GPN 300 |

|228 |1 |S096653 |side-plate |

|230 |2 |S107022 |screw M5x10-A2 |

|232 |1 |S097494 |dand shield belt ERive |

V-belt complete S095748

|Item |Quantity |Order no. |Designation |

|302 |1 |S108371 |V-belt pulley DIN 2211 Typ: 90-2-SPZ-20 |

|306 |2 |S109030 |narrow V belt XPZ, 1000 |

|310 |1 |S108373 |taper V belt DIN2211 Typ: 180-2-SPZ- |

|312 |1 |S095562 |disk |

|314 |1 |S100699 |Hexagon head bolt DIN 933 M8x20-A2 |

Latern complete S095691

|Item |Quantity |Order no. |Designation |

|400 |1 |S097532 |assembly ERawing Pos.400 |

|402 |1 |S108363 |Feather key DIN 6885 A 4x4x60-1.4571 |

|404 |1 |S108364 |Securing ring DIN 471 30x1,5-A2 |

|408 |1 |S108387 |Centrifugal lining 25x42x6-NBR |

|410 |4 |S100695 |Hexagon head bolt DIN 933 M6x20-A2 |

|412 |1 |S093571 |Bearing cover |

|416 |1 |S108426 |Inner ring IR 30x35x16 |

|418 |1 |S109314 |Roller bearing DIN 625 6206-C3 |

|420 |4 |S108369 |Stud tap bolt DIN 939 M8x45-A2 |

|421 |4 |S100156 |Hexagon cap nut DIN 1587 M8-A4 |

|422 |2 |S093940 |Cover |

|424 |8 |S101612 |screw M4x10-A2 |

|426 |1 |S093579 |Shaft |

|428 |1 |S095438 |Latern MHD / ER / ERS 2000/5 |

|430 |4 |S100709 |Hexagon head bolt DIN 933 M10x25-A2 |

|432 |1 |S100590 |Feather key DIN 6885 A 6x6x25-1.4571 |

|434 |1 |S100934 |Hexagon socket pipe plug DIN 906 R1/4-A4 |

|436 |2 |S100632 |Grease nipple DIN 71412 A M6x16-St.verz. |

|438 |1 |S109315 |CylinERical roller bearing DIN 5412 NU1006 |

|440 |1 |S095561 |Bearing cover |

|442 |4 |S100827 |Hexagon socket head cap screw DIN 6912 M6x16-A2 |

|444 |2 |1045850 |Cap SKR, rot | |

|446 |1 |S100825 |Hexagon socket head cap screw DIN 6912 M6x10-A2 |

Elastomere complete T055983

|Item |Quantity |Order no. |Designation |

|604 |1 |T050995 |O-Ring FPM 44,12x2,62 |

|606 |5 |T050461 |O-Ring FPM 17,17x1,78 |

|608 |2 |T054392 |O-Ring FPM 126,67x2,62 |

|610 |6 |T050452 |O-Ring FPM 94,92x2,62 |

|612 |1 |T050564 |O-Ring FPM 82,22x2,62 |

|616 |1 |T052542 |O-Ring FPM 5,28x1,78 |

|618 |1 |S108402 |Clampdichtung Zoll |

|622 |1 |T049467 |O-Ring FPM 34,65x1,78 |

|624 |4 |T052151 |O-Ring FPM 10x1 |

working chamber DN32/40 DIN 11851 complete

|Item |Quantity |Order no. |Designation |

|704 |1 |S094475 |filler neck DN40 DIN 11851 |

|708 |1 |S094467 |Jacket |

|710 |1 |S093568 |Pump casing DN 32 DIN DIN 11851 |

|714 |2 |S104643 |valve screw VSTI R1/4-ED-1.4571 |

|720 |4 |S097206 |Hexagon cap nut M8 with nut for o-ring 10x1 |

|722 |4 |S108709 |Stud tap bolt DIN 939 M8x75-A2 |

|724 |1 |S093468 |obturating plug |

|726 |1 |S108403 |lock ring FL-Stabil |

|728 |2 |S094462 |distance ring |

|730 |1 |S094530 |fixing screw |

|732 |2 |S094525 |distance sleeve |

shield S095751

|Item |Quantity |Order no. |Designation |

|1202 |1 |S055888 |Arrow plate (Auf der Motorhaube) |

|1204 |1 |S055894 |Company plate DISPAX-REACTOR |

|1206 |1 |S094559 |Type plate ER 2000/5 (logo) |

|1208 |1 |S000180 |Protection plate |

Looking pressure vessel S095695

|Item |Quantity |Order no. |Designation |

|1302 |2 |S101386 |straight threaded joint GE 8 PLR GE 8-PLR-1.4571 |

|1303 |2 |S094595 |cutting ring |

|1306 |2 |S100699 |hexagon head bolt DIN 933 M8x20-A2 |

|1308 |1 |S095987 |holder |

|1310 |1 |S101538 |Looking pressure vessel,typ AR139 |

|1312 |4 |S100697 |hexagon head bolt DIN 933 M8x12-A2 |

|1314 |2 |S100303 |spring disk DIN 127 B 8-A2 |

|1316 |3 |S101727 |flat gasket 8x19x2 |

|1318 |1 |S108374 |PTFE industrial hose DN6 NL700,CR1/2,DKL M14x1,5-90° |

|1319 |1 |S108374 |PTFE industrial hose DN6 NL700,CR1/2,DKL M14x1,5-90° |

Seal materials and alternative

Double-acting mechanical seal with double pressure release with cartridge construction form. The standard material combination used is:

|stationary seal |rotating seal face |O-rings |springs |housing |stationary seal |rotating seal face |

|face | | | |parts |face | |

| |material | | | | |atmosphere |

|material | | | | |atmosphere | |

|alternative | |E | | | | |

| | |(EPDM) | | | | |

| |B |or | | | | |

| |(carbon graphite) |K | | | | |

| | |(perfluoro-caoutcho| | | | |

| | |uc/PTFE) | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |or | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |U1 | | | | |

| | |(perfluoro-caoutcho| | | | |

| | |uc/PTFE) | | | | |

Assembly ERawing Picture 3


Detail of Picture 3


Lubricating chart Picture

The bearings, which are sealed on both sides, are filled with a lithium-based grease.

|bearing |lubricant |regreasing quantity |regreasing intervall |

|ball bearing product |ISOFLEX NBU 15 - vendor Klüber Lubrication |approx. 6 g |2500 h |

|side | | | |

|ball bearing |ISOFLEX NBU 15 - vendor Klüber Lubrication |approx. 6 g |2500 h |

|ERive side | | | |

You can use equivalent lubricants from other vendors.

Two lubricating nipples (436) are provided for greasing the bearings. [pic]

|[pic] |After greasing the bearings run the unit for a short time to ensure a uniformly distribution of |

|Note |the grease. Don’t overgrease the bearings, they may overheat. |


EC-Declaration of Conformity

within the Meaning of the EC-Machine Direction 98/37/EG, Annex II A

Herewith we: IKN

declare, that the machine mentioned hereafter corresponds to the relevant safety and health requirements taken as a basis of the EC-direction, due to its conception and type of construction as well as the execution issued by us.

In case of a change on the machine which is not agreed with us, this declaration becomes unvalid.

Denomination of the machine: IKN(- DISPAX-REACTOR

Machine type: ER 2000/5

Serial No.:

construction year: 2004

EC-direction taken as a basis: 98/37/EG

Applied harmonised standards: EN 292-1

EN 292-2

EN 294

EN 349

EN 418

Date: 08/01/2011

Signature of the manufacturer:

Position of the undersigned: vice managing director




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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