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IL#SubjectEffective DateExpirationComments90-91-3Evaluation of Surety Bonds3/4/1991ObsoleteThe guidance in this IL has been incorporated into FAR Part 28 and VAAR Part 828; therefore, this IL is obsolete. Additional guidance was also provided in Acquisition Flash 13-03, dated December 7, 2012.90-91-4Field Advisory Council5/29/1991ObsoleteThe Field Advisory Council is now defunct. This IL is obsolete. 90-92-2Support of Javits-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD) Program4/16/1992ObsoleteWith the issuance of further guidance (e.g., IL 001AL-10-06, Providing Guidance on Placing Items on Ability One’s Procurement List), and more recent policy - in addition to the former JWOD organization now being known as Ability One - this IL is obsolete. 90-92-3Preparation of proposed VAAR Changes6/11/1992SupersededSuperseded by IL 90-97-10, dated April 24, 1997.90-92-5Deviations from the FAR and VAAR9/8/1992ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by more recent policy. Therefore, it has been deemed obsolete. 90-92-6Use of Multiple Award Federal Supply Schedules11/12/1992ObsoleteThis IL promoted/reminded the acquisition community of the use of Multiple Award Federal Supply Schedules. As policy on this topic is established in the FAR, this IL is obsolete.90-92-7Executive Order 1280011/30/1992 RescindedThis IL was rescinded and is covered in FAR Clause between an Economy Act Interagency Agreement and a VA/DOD Sharing Agreement2/17/1993SupersededThis IL was superseded by more recent, VA Regulations and Policy Memoranda; i.e., IL 001AL-09-04, Managing Interagency Acquisitions, dated March 23, 2009, and VA PPM (2013-06) Interagency Acquisitions (IAs) Guidance and Procedures (Revised), dated December 31, 2013. 90-93-4VA Purchasing Agent Positions4/23/1993Obsolete90-93-6Contractor Compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.222-35, Affirmative Action for Special Disabled Veterans, and FAR 52.222-37, Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era7/6/1993Rescinded and ReplacedSuperseded by IL 90-96-3, dated 6/3/96.90-94-5Charter - VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) Advisory Board5/16/1994ObsoleteThe Advisory Board is defunct. This IL is obsolete. 90-94-6New Format for Service Contract Act (SCA) Wage Determinations8/10/1994ObsoleteThis IL announced a new format for Service Contract Act Wage determinations and is now obsolete.90-94-7Receipt of Overages8/18/1994 RescindedRescinded by IL 90-95-7 dated 7/6/1995. 90-94-8Application of the Davis Bacon Act (DBA) to Buildings and Works Constructed and/or Altered for Lease by the Federal Government8/29/1994Obsolete90-94-14Acquisitions from the Veterans Canteen Service (VCS)12/2/1994Obsolete90-95-2Baxter Healthcare Corporation Federal Government Customer Service Center2/1/1995ObsoleteVHA concurs that it is obsolete. 90-95-3Donations of Surplus Property to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)3/28/95LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.90-95-4Government-wide Commercial Purchase Card Program Implementation3/1/1995ObsoleteSuperseded by ILs 90-97-7 and 049-08-06, and VA Government Purchase Card, VA Financial Procedures, Volume XVI, dated December 2014.90-95-5Solicitation of Nominations for the VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) Advisory Board for 19952/27/1995ObsoleteThis IL is obsolete. It was only open for nominations for four weeks, and nomination forms were to be kept on file for one year. 90-95-6VA Transportation and Logistics Center (VATLC)< General Freight Management Program for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA)3/31/95LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.90-95-7Receipt of Overages7/6/95LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.90-95-8Replacement Community Nursing Home (CNH) Uniform Contract Formats6/15/1995Rescinded and ReplacedRescinded by IL 049-02-15, Replacement Community Nursing Home (CNH) Uniform Contract Formats, dated September 19, 2002.90-95-10Receipt and Distribution of Recycling Revenues8/23/95LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.90-95-13Accounting for Supply Fund Property Located at Field Facilities10/5/1995ObsoleteAs per the CFO VA Supply Fund, this IL is now obsolete.90-96-1Required Sources of Supplies and Services4/16/1996ObsoleteUpdates to FAR Part 8 and VAAR Part 808 made this IL obsolete.90-96-2Contracting Under the Javits-Wagner-O'Day (JWOD) Program5/13/1996ObsoleteThis IL was for awareness and is obsolete. 90-96-3Contractor Compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.222-35, Affirmative Action for Special Disabled Veterans, and FAR 52.222-37, Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era6/3/1996SupersededThis IL was superseded by ILs 001AL-10-14, dated 9/13/10, and IL 001AL-09-10, dated 8/7/09.90-96-5Oracle Queries for VA Medical Centers6/24/1996ObsoleteNo available longer on Government Website; deemed obsolete. 90-96-6Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) for Office Supplies Made and Sold by People Who Are Blind or Have Severe Disabilities9/30/1996ObsoleteThis IL is over 19 years old with all mentioned contracts expired; the clarification provided in the attachment was of informational nature. This IL is no longer applicable and is deemed obsolete. 90-97-1Interim Acquisition Guidance for Health Care Resources Sharing Authority (Public Law 104-262)11/13/1996ObsoleteThese procedures were incorporated into the 2008 VAAR. Additional guidance is provided via VA Directive 1663, dated August 10, 2006.90-97-2Supply, Processing, and Distribution (SPD) Self Evaluation Guide12/11/1996LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.90-97-38(a) Program12/30/1997ObsoleteThis IL provided clarification letter until the Department of Justice was able to complete its review. The issue has long been resolved and the IL is obsolete.90-97-4Biological Monitoring of Sterilizers12/13/1996LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.90-97-5Reprint of the VAAR2/16/1997ObsoleteThis IL announced the reprinting of the VAAR. It is now obsolete.90-97-6Purchase of Recycled Paper2/20/1997ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by numerous, more recent VA policy and Executive Orders (EOs), including EO 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade, dated March 19, 2015, and is deemed obsolete. 90-97-7Use of Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange (EC/EDI) and Purchase Card2/21/1997ObsoleteThis IL is over 18 years old and has been superseded by subsequent guidance.90-97-8Office of Acquisition and Materiel Management (OA&MM) Web Site Management Responsibility2/25/1997ObsoleteOA&MM was reorganized and the OA&MM website is no longer accessible; therefore, this IL is obsolete. 90-97-9Contract Coverage for Field Standardization Projects3/26/1997 RescindedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-02-6, dated 4/16/02.90-97-10Preparation of Proposed VAAR Changes4/24/1997ObsoleteUpdated procedures for proposed VAAR changes were incorporated into the 2008 VAAR in subparts 801.403 and 801.404.90-97-11Javits-Wagner-O'Day Program Accomplishments, Handbook, and Catalog4/29/1997ObsoleteWith the issuance of further guidance, (e.g., IL 001AL-10-06, Providing Guidance on Placing Items on Ability One’s Procurement List), this IL is obsolete.90-97-12Welfare to Work Program8/18/1997ObsoleteThis guidance is obsolete, as it has been overcome by events. 90-97-13Copier Paper From General Services Administration (GSA)9/13/1997ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by more recent VA policy and Executive Orders (EOs), including EO 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade, dated March 19, 2015, and is deemed obsolete. 90-98-1Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Request for Quotation Provisions and Clauses11/5/1997ObsoleteThis IL is outdated and has been overcome by events. It is therefore obsolete.90-98-2Bar Code Scanners and Personal Computers for Electronic Commerce3/9/1998LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.90-98-3Earth Day 19983/31/1998ObsoleteThis IL announced Earth Day 1998. It is obsolete.90-98-4Multiple Award Task and Delivery Order Contracts6/10/1998ObsoleteIL 90-98-4, Competition under Multiple Award Task and Delivery Order Contracts, dated June 10, 1998, is obsolete since:(1) FAR 16.505(b)(1) and FAR 16.505(b)(2) cover the information included in IL 90-98-4;(2) VA PPM 2016 and its attached Class Deviation address compliance with Veterans First Contracting Program, 38 U.S.C. 8127 & 8128 for competitive acquisitions; and(3) No current audit addresses the issue identified in IL 90-98-4 regarding non-compliance with FAR 16.505(b)(1) and FAR 16.595(b)(2).90-98-5Use of Appropriations to Purchase Employee Business Cards6/10/1998ObsoleteThis IL is no longer active.90-98-6Procurement of Uniforms7/16/1998SupersededUpdated guidance provided in VHA Handbook 1850.04, dated 11/4/2011. 90-98-7General Freight Management Program for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Transportation and Logistics Center (VATLC)9/2/1998LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.90-98-8Year 2000 (Y2K) Contracting Issues12/1/1998ObsoleteFederal Register 79, No. 227 FR 70344, dated November 28, 2014, amended FAR Part 39 by deleting Y2K language. Therefore, this IL is obsolete.90-99-1Procurement Marketing and Access Network (PRO-Net) 2/1/1999ObsoletePRO Net was integrated as part of CCR beginning in January 2004. Therefore, PRO Net is no longer applicable and is obsolete.90-99-2Operator and Biomedical Maintenance Training Including Lodging and Travel2/11/1999LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.90-99-3Small Disadvantaged Business (8(a)) Program Direct Contracting6/15/1999SupersededSuperseded by IL 90-01-3.90-99-4Use of the Test Program for Certain Commercial Items, Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 13.57/26/1999SupersededSuperseded based on several more recent policy updates, which include: Public Law 119-291, CCAC Letter 2012-01, and VA Class Deviation issued January 16, 2015.90-99-5Acquisition Training11/24/1999ObsoleteThis IL is obsolete as several new documents providing guidance have been produced since the time of its issuance; i.e., IL 049-05-2 Contracting Personnel Competencies, dated 10/14/2004; and OMB Policy letter 05-01 dated April 15, 2005. 90-00-1Preparation of Proposed VAAR Changes1/30/2000ObsoleteUpdated procedures for this IL were incorporated into the VAAR, per subparts 842.102. 90-00-2Solicitation and Contract Review Procedures6/20/2000ObsoleteThe updated procedures for proposed VAAR changes were incorporated into the 2008 VAAR.90-00-3Forthcoming Policy Changes on Firearms and Motor Vehicles6/21/2000LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.90-00-4Management, Acquisition, and use of Information Technology and Capital Asset Procurements6/20/2000ObsoleteWith the issuance of VA Directive 4085 and VA Handbook 0011, the guidance contained in this IL has been superseded, therefore making this IL obsolete.90-01-1Greening the Federal Government Executive Orders Implemented in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)11/08/2000ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by more recent Executive Orders and VA policy and is deemed obsolete.90-01-2Timely Delivery and Contract Performance11/9/2000ObsoleteThis was informational guidance. It is no longer active. 90-01-3Small Disadvantaged Business (8(a)) Program Direct Contracting; View the Renewed and Reissued Partnership Agreement12/26/2000ObsoleteObsolete - There is an expiration date of 6/30/2003 on the Partnership Agreement (PA) attached to the IL. 90-01-4Class Deviation from VAAR 819.7003 and VAAR Provision 852.219-705/11/2001SupersededSuperseded, as the VAAR has since been updated. 90-01-5Implementation of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 1998 Amendments6/25/2001ObsoleteUpdated procedures for this IL were incorporated FAR Subpart 39.2. Technical guidance can be found at section508..90-01-6Contractor Personnel Security Requirements07/16/2001ObsoleteSince the issuance of this IL, numerous updates have been made to contractor personnel security requirements and to the Directives and Handbook that were utilized in conjunction with this IL, including VA Directive 0710, Personnel and National Information Security (updated June 24, 2010); VA Handbook 0710, Personnel and National Information Security (updated June 24, 2010 and May 5, 2016);and VHA Directive 6210, Automated Information Systems (AIS) Security, which was rescinded and replaced by VA Directive 6500 (dated August 4, 2006, and updated in September 2012).90-01-7VA's Business Opportunities System (BOS) and FedBizOpps7/20/2001 RescindedIL 90-01-10, which supplemented this IL, was replaced and rescinded by IL 049-07-6. 90-01-8Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Prime and Subcontracting Goals7/31/2001ObsoleteSuperseded by VA Regulations?and Policy Memoranda and therefore deemed obsolete. 90-01-9Contracting for Conference and Training Space9/5/2001ObsoleteBased on the numerous updates to the policy since 2001, it has been determined that this IL is no longer applicable and is deemed obsolete.90-01-10VA Business Opportunities System (BOS) User Training (eLearning Application)9/6/2001 RescindedILs 90-01-10 and 90-01-7 were rescinded by IL 049-07-6. 90-02-1Extension of Class Determination to Waive Synopsis Requirements When Certain Contract Conditions are Met12/18/2001ObsoleteThe IL provides an expiration date of 9/30/2004. Therefore, no further action is needed. 90-02-2Enforcement of Controls on the Acquisition of Information Technology and Telecommunications01/08/03SupersededInformation and guidance contained in this IL have been superseded by the issuance of VA Directive 4085 and VA Handbook 0011.049-02-3Existing Contracts with Arthur Andersen, LLP, and the Enron Corporation2/6/2001ObsoleteThis has been overcome by events and is obsolete.049-02-4Operator and Biomedical Maintenance Training (Including Lodging and Travel)2/7/2001LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.049-02-5Interim Guidance for VA's Energy Investments4/3/2002ObsoleteThe interim guidance in this IL has been superseded by numerous updates in the past 13 years; therefore, it is obsolete. 049-02-6Contract Language for Field Standardization Projects4/16/2002ObsoleteInformation in this IL has been superseded, rendering it obsolete. Guidance on contract language for field standardization projects was incorporated into the 2008 VAAR, under 808.002 and subsequently revised via Class Deviation—Veterans First Contracting Program (VFCP 2016). 049-02-7Executive Order 13221, Energy Efficient Standby Power Devices4/16/2002No longer necessaryThe language in the IL has been deemed redundant; therefore, the IL is no longer necessary.049-02-8Special Contracting Methods Procedures for Service and Performance Based Service Contract Options Exceeding 5 Years4/30/2002 RescindedThis IL was superseded and rescinded. 049-02-9Protests, Claims, and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as Factors in Past Performance and Source Selection Decisions5/6/2002ObsoleteThis IL has been superseded by 80 FR 75906, dated Dec. 4, 2015, 52.209-11, Representation by Corporations Regarding Delinquent Tax Liability or a Felony Conviction under any Federal Law, and was incorporated into the FAR in February 2016, under FAR 52.209-11.049-02-10Revised Advisory and Assistance Services Approval6/13/2002 RescindedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-03-3, dated 12/12/02. IL 049-02-10 is not available; however, it is rescinded in the body of the language of IL 049-03-3.049-02-11Executive Order 13148, Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management7/5/2002ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, dated January 24, 2007; therefore, it is obsolete. 049-02-12Legal and Technical Review of Proposed Contracts for Conferences7/30/2002ObsoleteThis IL is obsolete, having been superseded by more recent guidance: Acquisition Policy Flash! 13-06, Contracting for Conferences, dated January 31, 2013; and VA Handbook 0632, Section 5.3.b. (Mandatory RCE Actions), dated December 23, 2013. 049-02-13Clarification of Senior Level Contracting Officers as Selling Officials8/1/2002ObsoleteThis IL has been superseded by VAAR 801.602 and is obsolete.049-02-14Socioeconomic Goals9/3/2002ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by numerous, more recent VA Regulations and Policy Memoranda; therefore, it is obsolete.049-02-15Replacement Community Nursing Home (CNH) Uniform Contract Formats9/19/2002ObsoleteWith the issuance of VA Handbook 1143.2, VHA Community Nursing Home Oversight Procedures, dated June 4, 2004, the guidance and information contained in this IL is obsolete.049-03-1Priorities for Use of Government Supply Sources11/20/2002ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by more recent VA Regulations and Policy Memoranda, and is therefore obsolete.049-03-2Change of Field Office Name11/21/2002ObsoleteThis IL announced a change of field office name. It is now obsolete. 049-03-3Revised Advisory and Assistance (A&A) Services12/12/2002 RescindedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-03-12, dated 8/5/2003.049-03-4Class Deviation from VAAR 802.100 (a) Head of Contracting Activity (HCA)1/15/2003 RescindedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-03-10, dated 4/2/2003.049-03-6Parameters of Contracting Authority3/17/2003RescindedRescinded and replaced by VA Procurement Policy Memorandum (PPM) 2017-04, Interagency Acquisitions (IAs), Guidance, and Procedures (VAIQ 7640793), dated October 27, 2016.049-03-5Center for Acquisition and Materiel Management Education Online Implementation1/16/2003ObsoleteThis initiative has been replaced by other initiatives since 2003 (i.e., ACMIS and FAITIS). Finalized 9/30/2015. 049-03-7Implementing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 19963/4/2003ObsoleteVA Directive 6066, Protected Health Information (PHI) and Business Associate Agreements Management, dated September 2, 2014, provides current, updated guidance on implementing HIPPA. Given the updates to VAAR Part 824.1, and to VA Directives and Handbooks, this IL is no longer required and, therefore, deemed to be obsolete049-03-8Abandonment and Destruction of Information Technology Equipment3/24/2003LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.049-03-9Evaluating the Contractor's Past Performance3/28/2003Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 001AL-10-03. Additionally, IL 001AL-10-03 has been rescinded by Procurement Policy Memorandum 2013-03, dated August 12, 2013. 049-03-10Revised Class Deviation from VAAR 802.100 (a) Head of Contracting Activity (HCA)4/2/2003ObsoleteThe deviation included in this IL was incorporated into the 2008 VAAR which supersedes this IL, making it obsolete. 049-03-11Using Reverse Auctions to Acquire Goods and Services6/9/2003 RescindedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by Acquisition Flash 12-14, dated 4/6/2012.049-03-12Advisory and Assistance (A&A) Services8/5/2003 RescindedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-04-8, dated 4/8/2004.049-03-13Shipping Policies When Contracting on Behalf of the Department of Defense9/11/2003LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.049-03-14Contracting With Veteran-Owned and Service- Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses9/17/2003 RescindedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-06-1.049-04-1The Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list, and Other Lists 1/5/2004Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by Procurement Policy Memorandum 2013-05 dated August 12, 2013 - see Acquisition Flash 13-11. 049-04-2Mandatory use of the Central Contractor Registration(CCR)1/6/2004RescindedRescinded by Deputy Senior Procurement Executive memo of 8/4/16: Rescission of IL 049-04-2, Mandatory Use of the CCR, dated 1/6/04; and Class Deviation from FAR Sec 32.1110, Solicitation Provision and Contract Clauses, dated 11/2/03. CCR has been replaced by SAM (System for Awards Management).049-04-3Indefinite-Delivery Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) Contract for Construction1/7/2004RescindedRescinded due to the issuance of VA Acquisition Manual (VAAM) Update 2018-06, effective January 15, 2019.049-04-4Implementing the Set-Aside Provisions of Public Law 108-183 for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Concerns2/24/2004Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-04-9, dated June 4, 2004. 049-04-5Contract Bundling and Contract Bundling Reviews3/3/2004Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and superseded by Acquisition Flash! 16-09 dated 6/22/2016.049-04-6Revised Business Clearance Review Requirements and reporting Actual and Planned Awards of $5 Million or More3/4/2004RescindedThis IL was rescinded and superseded by Acquisition Flash 15-07 dated 1/26/2015, and by PPM 2015-01, Reporting Requirements for Congressional Notification of Certain Actions, dated 1/26/2015. 049-04-7Maximizing Use of SmartBuy and Avoiding Duplication of Agency Activities with the President's E-Government Initiatives4/6/2004ObsoleteThis IL has been overcome via FAR Case 2005-014 SmartBuy049-04-8Advisory and Assistance (A&A) Services4/8/2004 Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-07-10, dated 8/13/07.049-04-9Federal Acquisition Set-Aside Provisions for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Concerns.6/4/2004Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-06-1, dated December 28, 2005. 049-04-10Preferences and Special Procedures to Enhance Veteran-Owned Small Business Participation in VA Acquisitions6/4/2004Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-06-1, dated December 28, 2005.049-04-11Incentive Contracts and Award Fees9/14/2004ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by more recent VA Regulations and Policy Memoranda; most recently, Class Deviation from VA Acquisition Regulation (VAAR) 801.602-70, 801.602-71 & 801.602-72 (VAIQ 7640793), dated December 2, 2015, (part of the EEI Initiative). 049-04-12Expiration of Statutory Authority for the Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB) (FAR 19.11) and the Very Small Business (VSB) Program (FAR 19.9)9/20/2004RescindedRescinded by IL 049-05-6. 049-05-1Advanced Procurement Planning to Increase Opportunities for Awards to Veteran-Owned and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses10/13/2004Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 049-06-1, dated December 28, 2005.049-05-2Contracting Personnel Competencies10/14/2004ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by OMB Policy Letter 05-01, dated April 15, 2005; therefore, it is obsolete. 049-05-3Notification to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) when Contract Performance is Authorized Notwithstanding a Protest10/14/2004Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by VA Procurement Policy Memorandum (PPM) 2018-02 and VA Acquisition Regulation Class Deviation from 833.102-833 and 852.233-71 dated January 16, 2018.049-05-4Revenue Generation Contracting Authority12/28/2004Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by VA Procurement Policy Memorandum (PPM) 2017-04, Interagency Acquisitions (IAs), Guidance, and Procedures (VAIQ 7640793), dated October 27, 2016.049-05-5Section 508 Micro-purchase Exception Ends April 1, 20052/11/2005ObsoleteThis IL states that when the Exception ended April 1, 2005, there would be no extensions.? This is further supported by the Final Rule in Federal Register Vol 70 No. 68?FR 18958, dated April 11, 2005.? The IL self-terminates. 049-05-6Expiration of Statutory Authority for the Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB) (FAR 19.11) and the Very Small Business (VSB) Program (FAR 19.9)2/16/2005ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by updates to FAR Parts 19.9 and 19.11; therefore, it is obsolete.049-05-7Designation of the Task-Order and Delivery Order Contract Ombudsman2/17/2005ObsoleteIL 049-05-7 and VAAR 816.505 provide the required FAR 16.505(b)(8) designation for a VA task-order and delivery-order ombudsman. Since the VAAR is the current regulation for VA and it identifies the designated VA task-order and delivery-order ombudsman, then IL 049-05-7, which precedes the VAAR, is no longer needed.049-05-8Special Contracting Methods Procedures for Service and Performance Based Service Contract Options Exceeding 5 Years3/22/2005Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded per Acquisition Flash 16-02, OALC Employee Empowerment Initiative (EEI) - Acquisition Oversight Process Review and Approval Threshold Streamlining, dated 12/15/15.049-05-9Guidelines on the Use of Guarantee Period Services04/04/2005RescindedThis IL rescinded due to VAAR Update 2008-10, and VAAM Update 2018-04 with revisions incorporated to VAAR part 846, and part M846 into the VAAM.049-05-10Establishment of Louis P. Nangeroni Award for Excellence in Logistics8/3/2005LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.049-05-11Surety Bonds (Bid, Payment, Performance, and Payment Protection) on Construction Solicitations and ContractsNo dateObsoleteThe guidance in this IL has been incorporated into FAR Part 28 and VAAR Part 828. Therefore, this IL is obsolete. Additional guidance was also provided in Acquisition Flash 13-03, dated December 7, 2012. 049-05-12Economic Price Adjustment Clauses9/2/2005RescindedThis IL was rescinded due to amendment of VAAR Parts 816, 828, and 852.049-06-1Increasing Opportunities for Awards to Veteran-Owned and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses12/28/2005ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by numerous, more recent, VA Regulations and Policy Memoranda; therefore, it is obsolete.049-06-2New Inventory Requirements and Sensitive Items Listing2/8/2006ObsoleteThis IL transmitted information to announce policy. It is obsolete. 049-06-3Receipt of Security Items2/16/2005LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.049-06-4Joint Venture and Teaming Arrangements for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses3/9/2006ObsoleteSuperseded by VAAR 819.70 and 74 FR 64632 (Dec 8, 2009).049-06-5Earned Value Management System (EVMS)3/30/2006ObsoleteThe interim guidance in this IL has been superseded by FAR Case 2004-019, which was identified as a Final Rule in Federal Register Vol 71, No. 128, dated July 5, 2006; and as a result has since been incorporated into the FAR Subpart 34.2; therefore, this IL is obsolete. 049-06-6Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR) Training Policy6/21/2006 RescindedThis IL was replaced by 049-08-02, dated 04/10/2008.049-06-7Performance-Based Acquisition8/31/2006ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by more recent OMB OFPP Policy Memoranda; therefore, it is obsolete. 049-07-1Implementing the Requirement for National Provider Identifier and Taxonomy Codes Pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability Act10/19/2006ObsoleteVA Directive 6066, Protected Health Information (PHI) and Business Associate Agreements Management”, dated September 2, 2014, provides current, updated guidance on implementing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) of 1996. Given the updates to VAAR Part 824.1, and to VA Directives and Handbooks, the IL is no longer required and is deemed obsolete049-07-02Change of Field Office Name10/31/2006ObsoleteThis IL is obsolete. 049-07-03Cost Effective Paper Waste Reduction and Prevention Efforts11/28/2006ObsoleteThis IL was superseded by more recent VA policy and Executive Orders (EOs), including EO 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade, dated March 19, 2015. Therefore, it is obsolete. 049-07-04Green Purchasing Program Management Reviews12/5/2006Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded by PPM 2014-01, dated July 10, 2014, and Acquisition Policy! Flash 2014-06.049-07-5Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Acquisition Workforce Certification Program12/19/2006Rescinded and ReplacedRescinded by “Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C), Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer's Representative (FAC-COR), and Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) policies,” dated June 8, 2016 (VAIQ 7706257). This memo rescinds ILs 049-07-05, 049-08-02, 049-02 (Amended), 001AL-09-03, 001AL-023 (Amendment), and 001AL-11-02, and replaces them with the current OFPP policy guidance listed in paragraph 5 of the memo.049-07-06Implementation and Mandated Use of VA's Electronic Contract Management System (eCMS)6/15/2007 RescindedThis IL was rescinded by PPM 2012-02, Mandatory Usage of VA's Electronic Contract Management System (eCMS), dated June 15, 2012.049-07-07Closure of Asset Management Service, Hillsboro, NJ4/17/2007Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by IL 001AL-09-11, dated August 11, 2009. 049-07-08Veterans First Contracting Program6/19/2007Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by VA Acquisition Circular 2008-01, dated 12/8/2009. 049-07-09Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) Data Verification and Validation8/7/2007Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by PPM 2017-08, dated 6/16/2017.049-07-10Advisory and Assistance (A&A) Services8/13/2007 RescindedThis IL was rescinded on 8/10/10.049-07-11Use of Integrated Product Teams (IPT) for Major Acquisitions8/30/2007 RescindedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by 001AL-09-05, dated 10/09/2009.049-08-01New Alignment of Contract Legal Counsel Responsibilities12/13/2007SupersededThis is superseded by 001AL-09-02, Integrated Oversight Process (IOP), dated June 19, 2009049-08-02 Extension of Certification Date for Federal Acquisition Certification (FAC) for Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR) Program (Amendment to Information Letter (IL) 049-08-02 (Amended)4/10/2008Rescinded and ReplacedRescinded by Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C), Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer's Representative (FAC-COR), and Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) policies, dated June 8, 2016 (VAIQ 7706257). This memo rescinds ILs 049-07-05, 049-08-02, 049-02 (Amended), 001AL-09-03, 001AL-023 (Amendment), and 001AL-11-02, and replaces them with the current OFPP policy guidance listed in paragraph 5 of the memo. 049-08-02 (Amended)Extension of Certification Date for Federal Acquisition Certification (FAC) for Contracting Officer Technical Representatives (COTR) Program (Amendment to Information Letter (IL) 049-08-02 (Amended))7/14/2009Rescinded and ReplacedRescinded by Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C), Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer's Representative (FAC-COR), and Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) policies, dated June 8, 2016 (VAIQ 7706257). This memo rescinds ILs 049-07-05, 049-08-02, 049-02 (Amended), 001AL-09-03, 001AL-023 (Amendment), and 001AL-11-02, and replaces them with the current OFPP policy guidance listed in paragraph 5 of the memo.049-08-03Use of Dun and Bradstreet Reports as a means of Assisting in Determining Contractor Responsibility4/11/2008Rescinded and ReplacedThis was rescinded and replaced by Procurement Policy Memorandum 2013-05, dated August 12, 2013; see Acquisition Policy Flash! 13-11.049-08-4Processing Receiving Reports for Centralized IT Purchase Orders5/2/2008LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.049-08-5Draft Notice on Report of Survey (ROS) Timelines (Attachment included)5/16/2008LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.049-08-06 (4080)Draft Directive and Handbook 4080, Government Purchase Card Policy and Procedures7/3/2008ObsoleteMore recent policies and procedures were put into place that superseded this IL. Shortly after the issuance of the IL, VHA issued VHA Directive 1730.01, Use and Management of the Government Purchase Card in VHA, dated September 2, 2008. The most recent and department-wide update on purchase card policies and procedures went into effect in December 2014, via VA Financial Policies and Procedures Government Purchase Card, Vol XVI Chapter 1. Issuance of this most recent policy confirms this IL is obsolete. 049-08-06 (7002)Draft Directive and Handbook 7002, Logistics Management Policy and Procedures7/3/2008ObsoleteWhen the actual handbook was issued on July 19, 2009, it superseded the draft version, making the IL obsolete. 049-08-07Authority for Level 1 Contracting Officer Warrants9/17/2008ObsoleteSuperseded by VA Procurement Policy Memorandum (PPM) (2013-09) Procedures for Nominating Candidates and Obtaining a Warrant, dated August 15, 2013, which made this IL obsolete.001AL-09-02Integrated Oversight Process (IOP)6/19/2009Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded in PPM 2017-01, issued 10/6/16.001AL-09-03 Updates to Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C) Program12/18/2008Rescinded and ReplacedRescinded by “Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C), Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer's Representative (FAC-COR), and Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) policies,” dated June 8, 2016 (VAIQ 7706257). This memo rescinds ILs 049-07-05, 049-08-02, 049-02 (Amended), 001AL-09-03, 001AL-023 (Amendment), and 001AL-11-02, and replaces them with the current OFPP policy guidance listed in paragraph 5 of the memo. 001AL-09-03 (Amendment)Updates to Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting Program1/19/2010Rescinded and ReplacedRescinded by “Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C), Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer's Representative (FAC-COR), and Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) policies,” dated June 8, 2016 (VAIQ 7706257). This memo rescinds ILs 049-07-05, 049-08-02, 049-02 (Amended), 001AL-09-03, 001AL-023 (Amendment), and 001AL-11-02, and replaces them with the current OFPP policy guidance listed in paragraph 5 of the memo.001AL-09-04 Managing Interagency Acquisitions3/23/2009Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by Procurement Policy Memorandum 2013-06 dated July 11, 2013 - see Acquisition Policy Flash! 13-14. 001AL-09-05Use of Integrated Product Teams (IPT) for Major Acquisitions10/9/2009 RescindedThis IL was rescinded and superseded by Acquisition Policy Flash! 13-22 dated 7/31/13, and by PPM 2013-07, Use of Integrated Products Teams (IPT) for Major Acquisitions, dated 5/22/13. 001AL-09-06Applicability of 38 United States Code (U.S.C.) § 8127-8128 (Sections 502 and 503 of Public Law (P.L.) 109-461, “Veterans Benefits, Health Care, and Information Technology Act of 2006”) to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Ammunition Acquisitions8/17/2009ObsoleteThis IL is obsolete as a result of the June 16, 2016 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Kingdomware Technologies, Inc. v. United States, and the issuance of Procurement Policy memorandum 2016-05, Implementation of the Veterans First Contracting Program as a Result of the U.S. Supreme Court Decision, dated July 25, 2016, 001AL-09-07Implementing Guidance for Contracting Awards under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (RA) of 2009, Public Law 111-53/17/2009ObsoleteFunds made available under the RA, dated March 17, 2009, are expired; therefore, this IL is obsolete. 001AL-09-08Reporting Competitive Actions in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)5/4/2009Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by PPM 2017-08, dated 6/16/2017.001AL-09-10Requirements for Veterans' Employment Reporting by Federal Contractors8/7/2009Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced with IL 001AL-10-14001AL-09-11Guidance for Recycling of X-ray film and Precious Metals8/11/2009LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.001AL-10-01Guidance for the Distribution and Replenishment of Burial Flags11/6/2009LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.001AL-10-03Reporting and Managing Contractor Past Performance Information2/22/2010Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by Procurement Policy Memorandum 2013-03 dated August 12, 2013.001AL-10-04Changes in Biomedical Equipment Repair Services by the VA Service and Distribution Center1/13/2010LogisticsNo longer active with PPS; transferred to Logistics Policy.001AL-10-06New Guidelines for Placing Items and Services on the AbilityOne Procurement List4/28/2010RescindedRescinded due to issuance of Class Deviation from VAAR 808.002, Priorities for Use of Mandatory Government Sources, dated February 9, 2018.001AL-10-11Federal Acquisition Regulation case 2009-005 Final Rule - Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federal Construction Projects7/15/2010Rescinded and ReplacedRescinded and replaced by VA Procurement Policy Memorandum (PPM) 2017-06 – Federal Acquisition Regulation Case 2009-005 Final Rule – Use of Project Labor Agreements (PLA) for Federal Construction Projects, dated February 3, 2017.001AL-10-14Requirements for Veterans' Employment Reporting by Federal Contractors9/13/2010ObsoleteThis IL is obsolete as the information contained therein has been incorporated into FAR Part 22.13.001AL-11-01Guidelines for Acquiring Office SuppliesSupersededThis IL was superseded by FSSI-related memorandum, Third Generation FSSI Office Supply Solution Mandatory Use Vehicle (VAIQ 7496295), dated March 19, 2015.001AL-11-02Updates to Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting Program11/2/2010Rescinded and ReplacedRescinded by “Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C), Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer's Representative (FAC-COR), and Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) policies,” dated June 8, 2016 (VAIQ 7706257). This memo rescinds ILs 049-07-05, 049-08-02, 049-02 (Amended), 001AL-09-03, 001AL-023 (Amendment), and 001AL-11-02, and replaces them with the current OFPP policy guidance listed in paragraph 5 of the memo. 001AL-11-03Unique Procurement Instrument Identifier (PIID)9/30/2011SupersededThis IL was superseded by Acquisition Policy Flash! 12-24 Unique Procurement Instrument Identifier (PIID), dated 9/17/12, and by PPM 2012-04 Unique Procurement Instrument Identifier (PIID), dated 9/5/2014.001AL-11-15Subcontracting Compliance Review Program6/8/2011RescindedThis IL was rescinded by Class Deviation to VAAR 819.72 and 852.219-74 through 852.219-76 dated July 16, 2018.003A3-12-04Postaward Conferences2/2/2012Rescinded and ReplacedThis IL was rescinded and replaced by PPM 2019-01, Postaward Orientations dated 1/9/2019. ................

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