Personal and Family Record - Country Financial



Husband / Partner

|Full Name       |Social Security Number       |

|Address       |

|Phone Number (home)       |(work)       |

|Date of Birth       |U.S. Citizen? Yes No |

|Employer       |Annual Salary $       |

Wife / Partner

|Full Name       |Social Security Number       |

|Address       |

|Phone Number (home)       |(work)       |

|Date of Birth       |U.S. Citizen? Yes No |

|Employer       |Annual Salary $      |


|Maiden Name (if applicable) |Date of Marriage |Marriage Settlement Agreement |

|      |      |Yes No |

Previous Marriage(s)

|Name (include maiden name if applicable) |Date of Marriage |Date of Death/Divorce |Marriage Settlement Agreement |

|      |      |      |Yes No |

|Name (include maiden name if applicable) |Date of Marriage |Date of Death/Divorce |Marriage Settlement Agreement |

|      |      |      |Yes No |

Military Service

| |Husband / Partner |Wife / Partner |

|Service number |      |      |

|VA claim number |      |      |

|Location of discharge papers |      |      |


|Full Name       |Social Security Number       |

|Address       | |

|Date of Birth       |Birthplace       |Marital Status       |


|Full Name       |Social Security Number       |

|Address       | |

|Date of Birth       |Birthplace       |Marital Status       |


|Full Name      |Social Security Number      |

|Address      | |

|Date of Birth       |Birthplace       |Marital Status       |


|Full Name      |Social Security Number       |

|Address       |      |

|Date of Birth      |Birthplace      |Marital Status       |


|Full Name       |Social Security Number      |

|Address      |      |

|Date of Birth       |Birthplace       |Marital Status      |


|Full Name      |Social Security Number      |

|Address       |      |

|Date of Birth      |Birthplace      |Marital Status       |


|Full Name      |Social Security Number      |

|Address      | |

|Date of Birth      |Birthplace      |Marital Status      |


|Full Name      |Social Security Number      |

|Address      | |

|Date of Birth      |Birthplace      |Marital Status      |


|Full Name      |Social Security Number       |

|Address      | |

|Date of Birth      |Birthplace      |Marital Status      |


|Full Name      |Social Security Number      |

|Address      | |

|Date of Birth       |Birthplace      |Marital Status      |


|Full Name       |Social Security Number      |

|Address       | |

|Date of Birth       |Birthplace      |Marital Status      |


|Full Name      |Social Security Number      |

|Address      | |

|Date of Birth       |Birthplace       |Marital Status      |


|Full Name      |Social Security Number      |

|Address      | |

|Date of Birth      |Birthplace      |Marital Status      |


|Full Name      |Social Security Number      |

|Address      | |

|Date of Birth      |Birthplace      |Marital Status      |


Social Security Benefits

|Husband / Partner      |

|Wife / Partner      |

Religious Memberships

|Husband / Partner      |

|Wife / Partner      |

Schools Attended/Degrees

|Husband / Partner      |

|Wife / Partner      |


| |Husband / Partner |Wife / Partner |

|Name & address of organization |      |      |

|Membership number |      |      |

|Death benefits |      |      |

| | | |

|Name & address of organization |      |      |

|Membership number |      |      |

|Death benefits |      |      |

| | | |

|Name & address of organization |      |      |

|Membership number |      |      |

|Death benefits |      |      |

| | | |

|Name & address of organization |      |      |

|Membership number |      |      |

|Death benefits |      |      |

| | | |

|Name & address of organization |      |      |

|Membership number |      |      |

|Death benefits |      |      |

Tax Records

|Location of returns       |

|Name & phone number of tax preparer       |

Additional General Information

|      |


|Name & phone number of investment consultant       |

Marketable Securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds)*

| |No. of Shares/ Face |Date Purchased |Cost at Purchase |Name of Purchaser |

|Name, Cusip, Rate, Maturity |Value | | | |

|      |      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |      |

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*A copy of current investment statements may be included in lieu of listing each asset.

Checking Accounts

| | | |

|Name & Branch of Institution |Account No. |Name(s) on Account |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

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|      |      |      |

Savings Accounts

| | | |

|Name & Branch of Institution |Account No. |Name(s) on Account |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

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|      |      |      |

Safety Deposit Boxes and Safes

| | |Location of Key/Person with | |

|Location |Box No. |Combination |Box is held jointly with |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

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|      |      |      |      |

Retirement Accounts (Pension, Profit sharing, 401(k), IRA, etc.)

| | | | | | |

| | |Account Type |Year of 100% |Name on Account | |

|Name & Branch of Institution |Account No. | |Vesting | |Beneficiary |

|      |      |      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |      |      |

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Real Estate

|Location       |

|Deed book volume and page       |Gift/Inheritance/Purchase       |

|Acquisition date       |Acquisition value       |

|Name(s) on deed       |

|Current value       |Appraised? Yes No |

|If Yes, by whom, when, and appraised value       |

|Restrictions & agreements       |

|Improvements      |

|Insurance coverage (include name of agent)       |

|Mortgage (name, address, account number, balance)       |


|Location       |

|Deed book volume and page       |Gift/Inheritance/Purchase       |

|Acquisition date       |Acquisition value       |

|Name(s) on deed       |

|Current value       |Appraised? Yes No |

|If Yes, by whom, when, and appraised value       |

|Restrictions & agreements       |

|Improvements       |

|Insurance coverage (include name of agent)       |

|Mortgage (name, address, account number, balance)       |


|Location       |

|Deed book volume and page      |Gift/Inheritance/Purchase       |

|Acquisition date       |Acquisition value       |

|Name(s) on deed       |

|Current value      |Appraised? Yes No |

|If Yes, by whom, when, and appraised value       |

|Restrictions & agreements       |

|Improvements       |

|Insurance coverage (include name of agent)       |

|Mortgage (name, address, account number, balance)       |

Limited Partnerships

|Name and address       |

|Investment interest       |


|Make:       |Model:       |

|Year:       |Title owner:       |

|Make:            |Model:       |

|Year:       |Title owner:       |

|Make:       |Model:       |

|Year:       |Title owner:       |

Major Household Goods, Antiques, and Special Collections

|Item |Value Estimate |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|      |      |

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|      |      |

|      |      |

|      |      |

Jewelry and Furs

|Item |Value Estimate |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|      |      |

Miscellaneous Personal Property

|Property       |

|Name & address of personal property insurer       |

|Does insurer have property inventory? Yes No |

|Property       |

|Name & address of personal property insurer      |

|Does insurer have property inventory? Yes No |

|Property       |

|Name & address of personal property insurer       |

|Does insurer have property inventory? Yes No |

Life Insurance, Long-Term Care Insurance, and Annuities

|Name & address of issuing company       |

|Name & address of insurance agent       |

|Policy owner       |

|Policy number       |Date issued       |

|Type of policy (whole life, term)       |Face value       |

|Policy loan? Yes No |If Yes, when and amount?       |

|Primary beneficiary       |

|Secondary beneficiary       |

|Location of policies       |


|Name & address of issuing company       |

|Name & address of insurance agent       |

|Policy owner       |

|Policy number       |Date issued       |

|Type of policy (whole life, term)       |Face value       |

|Policy loan? Yes No |If Yes, when and amount?       |

|Primary beneficiary       |

|Secondary beneficiary       |

|Location of policies       |

|Name & address of issuing company       |

|Name & address of insurance agent       |

|Policy owner       |

|Policy number       |Date issued       |

|Type of policy (whole life, term)       |Face value       |

|Policy loan? Yes No |If Yes, when and amount?       |

|Primary beneficiary       |

|Secondary beneficiary       |

|Location of policies       |


|Name & address of issuing company       |

|Name & address of insurance agent       |

|Policy owner       |

|Policy number       |Date issued       |

|Type of policy (whole life, term)       |Face value       |

|Policy loan? Yes No |If Yes, when and amount?       |

|Primary beneficiary       |

|Secondary beneficiary       |

|Location of policies       |


|Name & address of issuing company       |

|Name & address of insurance agent       |

|Policy owner       |

|Policy number       |Date issued       |

|Type of policy (whole life, term)       |Face value       |

|Policy loan? Yes No |If Yes, when and amount?       |

|Primary beneficiary       |

|Secondary beneficiary       |

|Location of policies       |

Business Interests

|Name & address of business       |

|Nature of interests       |Fiscal year       |

|Buy-Sell/Stock Purchase Agreement? Yes No |Retirement Agreement? Yes No |

|Are agreements funded? Yes No |Defined Compensation? Yes No |

Life Insurance Related to Business Interests

|Insured       |

|Face amount       |Purpose       |

|Cash value       |Location of policy       |

|Insured       |

|Face amount       |Purpose       |

|Cash value       |Location of policy       |

Debts - Personal

|Name, Address & Phone of Creditor |Account Number |Names on Account |Balance |

|      |      |      |      |

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|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

Debts - Business

|Name, Address & Phone of Creditor |Account Number |Names on Account |Balance |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

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|      |      |      |      |

Additional Notes:

|      |


Will Information – Husband / Partner

|Date of last will       |Location of will       |

|Name of executor(s)       |

|Name & address of attorney who prepared the will       |

Power of Attorney – Husband / Partner

|Name & address of person(s) appointed       |

|Location of additional copies             |

|Does agent have a copy? Yes No |Power of Attorney for healthcare property |

Will Information – Wife / Partner

|Date of last will       |Location of will       |

|Name of executor(s)       |

|Name & address of attorney who prepared the will       |

Power of Attorney – Wife / Partner

|Name & address of person(s) appointed       |

|Location of additional copies       |

|Does agent have a copy? Yes No |Power of Attorney for healthcare property |

Living Trusts

| |Husband / Partner |Wife / Partner |

|When established |      |      |

|      | | |

|Name & address of Trustee |      |      |

|Location of trust document |      |      |

|Attorney who prepared trust |      |      |

Other Trusts For Which You Are Maker, Beneficiary or Remainderman

| |Husband / Partner |Wife / Partner |

|When established |      |      |

|Name & address of Trustee |      |      |

|Beneficiaries |      |      |

| | | |

|Remaindermen |      |      |

| | | |

|Location of trust document |      |      |

|Attorney who prepared trust |      |      |

Burial and Administration Direction

|Location of cemetery or moratorium       |

|Right to or title in burial lot       |

|Name & address of preferred funeral director       |

|Special instructions for your funeral/burial       |

|Burial account       |

|Name & address of preferred attorney       |

|Name & address of preferred real estate agent       |

|Name & address of preferred auctioneer       |

Additional notes:

|      |


List all gifts valued in excess of $10,000 (or current indexed gift tax exclusion amount) that you have given within the last three years. Do not include gifts to your spouse. Update on a regular basis. Include name of custodian for UTMA accounts.

|Date of Gift |Name of Recipient |Value of Gift |

|      |      |      |

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|Have you used or claimed any portion of your Federal Unified Credit for Estate and Gift? |Yes No |

|Have you used or claimed any portion of your Federal Generation Skipping Tax Exclusion? |Yes No |

|If yes to either, provide dates, amounts, nature of transfer, and location of relevant documents. |

|      |

Additional Comments

|           |

|Date this booklet prepared |Date(s) modified or reviewed |

|      |      |



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