A.1 QUESTIONS/ANSWERS - Veterans Affairs

5. PROJECT NO.CODE7. ADMINISTERED BY2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO.CODE6. ISSUED BY8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQ. NO.3. EFFECTIVE DATE9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO.9B. DATEDPAGEOF PAGES10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/ORDER NO.10B. DATEDBPA NO.1. CONTRACT ID CODEFACILITY CODECODE Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods:The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of OffersE. IMPORTANT:is extended, (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning __________ copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR AC- KNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAYis not extended.12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA(REV. 10-83)is required to sign this document and return ___________ copies to the issuing office.is not,A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A.15C. DATE SIGNEDB. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGESSET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified.C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF:D. OTHERBYContractor16C. DATE SIGNED14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICAExcept as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect.15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFERORSTANDARD FORM 30NSN 7540-01-152-8070PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLEPrescribed by GSA - FAR (48 CFR) 53.243(Type or print)(Type or print)(Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.)(No., street, county, State and ZIP Code)(If other than Item 6)(Specify type of modification and authority)(such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.)(If required)(If applicable)(SEE ITEM 11)(SEE ITEM 13)(X)(X)13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS,IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14.11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONSAMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT(Signature of person authorized to sign)(Signature of Contracting Officer) 1 16A0000111/26/2014Strategic Acquisition Center - FrederickDepartment of Veterans Affairs321 Ballenger Center Drive, Suite 125Frederick MD 21703Strategic Acquisition Center - FrederickDepartment of Veterans Affairs321 Ballenger Center Drive, Suite 125Frederick MD 21703To all Offerors/BiddersVA119A-15-R-0024X 11/14/2014X1The purpose of this amendment is to answer questions received and update the RFP accordingly. CONTINUATION PAGEA.1 QUESTIONS/ANSWERSWill the government please extend the due date for the proposal until December 19?RESPONSE: We are unable to grant an extension at this time.2. How are these services currently being performed? Under contract? In-house?RESPONSE: Some of the services are currently being performed. The services that are in place are being performed through a combination of in-house services and contractor support. About 80% is performed through contract services and 20% performed using internal resources.3. If these requirements are currently being performed under a contract? Who is the Contractor? What is the contract number? RESPONSE: This is a new requirement; therefore some of the proposed services are not currently in place. The services that are in place were procured under contract VA798-13-C-0005. The contractor is BNL, Inc.In order to detail a better approach for required Tasks, please clarify if Government Furnished Equipment (GFEs) will be provided to include laptops, and access to the tools and databases mentioned throughout the PWS.RESPONSE: The contractor will perform work at its own facility. Limited work such as attending meetings might be performed at the Government facility. When the contractor is required to perform limited work at the Government facility, the Government may provide a desk, telephone, internet and desktop computer at the Government facility. A Government laptop will not be provided. Contractors who complete required security clearance and training will be provided access a VA user account to access appropriate VA systems, databases, and SharePoint as required to perform work. In reference to tools and databases mentioned under Task 1.3 in the PWS, the contractor is expected to develop and/or revise analytical tools such as a database so as clarification yes the contractor will have access as the contractor will be involved in development.Does the scope of work involve performing any information technology services, or is that work all being handled by the selected shared service center?RESPONSE: The scope of work only involves business support services for the nine tasks listed in the PWS. This includes functional and technical support. Examples of technical support include supporting testing activities, developing reports, and operations and maintenance to include the functional helpdesk. The contractor will not be expected to oversee or perform system administration of the HRIS. Required information technology support will be handled by appropriate internal and/or external organizations. Can you tell us what project management challenges have been experienced so far on this program?RESPONSE: The Government has faced typical challenges that are associated with a large systems migration project such as managing multiple stakeholders, maintaining an integrated master schedule that reflects various activity levels, and a heavy meeting calendar.How many VA employees will already have transitioned to the Shared Service Center by the time of the award of the subject contract?RESPONSE: VA anticipates the HRIS will be deployed in January 2015. No VA employees have been transitioned to the Shared Service Center to date, nor is this anticipated by the date of contract award. Does the scope of work include development of requirements for non-core services that might be procured from the shared service center?RESPONSE: The scope of work is outlined in the PWS see page #6 section B.2-Scope.Is there a VA team that will work closely with the contractor awarded this procurement, and if so, how many FTE are associated with that government team?RESPONSE: HR LOB has approximately 18 FTEs supporting the HRIS migration project. Government resources are assigned to complete specific work separate from the scope of work in the PWS. The contractor is expected to complete the full scope of work cited in the PWS with contractor resources, expertise and knowledge with limited support from the Government. Government personnel will be available to support the contractor’s transition to the HRIS migration project upon contract kickoff. Upon completion of the transition period, Government will be available on an ad hoc basis to handle issues and questions about scope of work. The contractor is expected to address the majority of their work related questions during established project meetings. Can you tell us what organizational change and communication activities have taken place so far?RESPONSE: The current OCM approach consists of collaboration across the migration project team and user community to develop capabilities to implement new business processes, roles, and service delivery. This includes identifying and analyzing the change effort, developing and implementing processes, stakeholder engagement, communications and messaging, training, and program alignment across technical and functional areas. HR LOB established a Transition Point of Contact Network comprised of employees from the various Administrations and Staff Offices to assist with the transition of their perspective organizations. HR LOB conducts regular outreach (via meetings, demonstrations, and focus groups) to VA Human Resources Offices to include communications, engagement activities (demo campaigns and focus groups) and training and knowledge transfer prior to their participation in pilot and deployment activities. Are staff from VBA, VHA, and NCA dedicated full-time to the transition to the shared service center?RESPONSE: No, there are no dedicated full-time resources from the Administrations or Staff Offices assigned to support the HRIS Migration Project. HR LOB is collaborating with VA Administrations and Staff Offices to plan their transition. Can you tell us how the human resource departments within VA have been working with you up to now and what are the biggest communication challenges that you face currently?RESPONSE: HR LOB established a Transition Point of Contact Network comprised of employees from the various Administrations and Staff Offices to assist with the transition of their perspective organizations. HR LOB conducts regular outreach (via meetings, demonstrations, and focus groups) to VA Human Resources Offices to include communications, engagement and training prior to their participation in pilot and deployment activities. The biggest communication challenge is staying ahead of messaging and keeping the HR community engaged when schedule changes occur. Will previously developed program management documents be reused and built upon or will documents need to be created from scratch?RESPONSE: The Government expects the contractor to make recommendations about tools and techniques that can improve the program and project management process. Existing program management documents may be used, if appropriate, based on contractor recommendation. When not appropriate, based on current program needs, the contractor will be expected to develop new documents, tools and solutions to address program needs.Can you tell us how availability of government staff has impacted this project and how many VA internal resources will be allocated for this project?RESPONSE: HR LOB has approximately 18 FTEs supporting the HRIS migration project. Additional resources from the Office Information Technology are assigned to complete technical work separate from the scope of work cited in the PWS. Government resources are assigned to complete specific work separate from the scope of work in the PWS. The contractor is expected to complete the full scope of work cited in the PWS with contractor resources, expertise and knowledge with limited support from the Government. Government personnel will be available to support the contractor’s transition to the HRIS migration project upon contract kickoff. Upon completion of the transition period, Government will be available on an adhoc basis to issues and questions about scope of work. The contractor is expected to address the majority of their work related questions during established project meetings. The Government has multiple reoccurring weekly, monthly and quarterly meetings as appropriate to ensure all required activities associated with the HRIS Migration Project are tracked, monitored and completed. This current structure has been conducive to meet VA project needs.Can you tell us when HR smart will be rolled out and will there be a pilot prior to full implementation?RESPONSE: Two Pilots have been conducted and completed: Title 5 and Title 38. A phased deployment (6) cycles are scheduled to begin starting January 2015 through January 2016. Is there a transition task under the current contract?RESPONSE: NoWhat existing process improvement methodologies are being used?RESPONSE: HR LOB performs an annual evaluation and audit to review current program performance and existing processes, and recommend improvements. HR LOB uses business process reengineering strategies to assess and recommend program improvements. In order to identify the right staff, with the adequate VA background investigation, please indicate what is the minimum position sensitivity and level of background investigation required for contractors supporting this effort?RESPONSE: Non Critical Sensitive Minimum Background Investigation In order to estimate pricing, can the Government clarify Contracting Schedule that should be used? IT70? MOBIS? Other?RESPONSE: This is an open market small business set-aside procurement.Does a risk management program currently exist?Response: NoPlease confirm the type of contract for this solicitation. RESPONSE: Any resultant contract will be Firm-Fixed PriceWill the contractor provide log-on access to the Functional Helpdesk?RESPONSE: Yes. Note this is a separate ticking tool from the HR Smart system.Will the contractor have access to historical performance data for HRLOB (processes as well as HRIS systems)?RESPONSE: Although it is not clear what type of performance data is being referenced, the contractor will have access to information relevant to complete the scope of work of the PWS. The contractor will receive information on HR Smart business processes and access as needed to the HR System based on relevant tasks areas as determined by the Government. Will the contractor have access to current training materials offered, and any analyses on what has proven to be successful for HRLOB stakeholders?RESPONSE: Yes, this will be provided after award.Task 1: Page 6-7, Section 1.1.1, states “The contractor shall provide a Contractor Project Management Plan (CPMP) for the entire project award, including technical approaches, management approaches, schedule, work breakdown structure, and identification of roles and responsibilities for the Office of Human Resource Management (OHRM) and contractor program managers to be reviewed and approved by OHRM prior to start of work of remaining tasks.” Please clarify the difference between the CPMP that is to be submitted and approved by the Government and the draft CPMP that is due no later than 20 days after the kick-off meeting.RESPONSE: This is the same document. There is only one CPMP. The draft is due 20 calendar days after kickoff. The final is due 30 calendar days after submission of the draft.Task 2: Under OCM support activities, 1d: How many outreach activities are anticipated in a year as part of the OCM program, include road shows, town halls, webinars, brown bag sessions, and meetings, virtual and onsite? RESPONSE: Outreach activities will be performed in support of all deployments. VA has 36 Regional Offices comprised of (7) Staff Offices and (3) Administrations – National Cemetery Administration, Veterans Benefits Administration, and Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Under VHA, there are 23 Veterans Services Integrated Network (VISN). Under each VISN there are 5 – 7 HR sites that we will have to target. Based on our organizational size and scale of outreach we must complete, we anticipate there will be about 70 – 80 total outreach sessions via the types of examples described in the PWS and the types of forums described in the PWS. Task 2: Under training support activities, 3g: Can the government clarify what level of evaluation they would like to achieve through the evaluation program? RESPONSE: We expect the program to be established based on the Kirk Patrick Model. The level of evaluation must include all four levels. The evaluation program should be designed to include activities that will support the defined methodology, criteria, evaluation process, improvement process, and implementation plan. Task 2: Under training support activities, 3g: Will the contractor be responsible for creating evaluation data collection tools, or are these the responsibility of the training providers?RESPONSE: Yes, the contractor will be responsible for creating evaluation data collections tools necessary for them to execute the evaluation support. Task 2: Under Task 2 deliverables: What is the difference in establishing OCM program (1.2.1) and Updated OCM Plan (1.2.2)?RESPONSE: The contractor shall first establish the OCM Program. This will include developing the defined methodology, criteria, improvement processes, and implementation plan (See activity #1a in the PWS). The contractor shall provide solutions for establishing the program. The contractor shall also review any existing plans and update the OCM plan (See activity #1b in the PWS). Updates will be annual and/or as needed based on project conditions. These are two different activities as establishing program is separate from maintaining the plan. Task 2: The solicitation mentions existing OCM Plans. What OCM methodology is currently being used at VA?RESPONSE: The current OCM approach consists of collaboration across the migration project team and user community to develop capabilities to implement new business processes, roles, and service delivery. This includes identifying and analyzing the change effort, developing and implementing processes, stakeholder engagement, communications and messaging, training, and program alignment across technical and functional areas. Task 2: OCM Support Activities: Will plan and execute outreach include contractor engaging outreach/face-to-face with stakeholders? Or execution means behind the scenes execution while a VA federal rep engages face-to-face with stakeholders and other groups?RESPONSE: It will be a combination. There are some activities that the contractor will support the Government with behind the scene work needed to prepare for outreach sessions that will be performed by the Government. There is other outreach that the contractor will be expected to perform as stated in section 1.2. Task 2 Organizational Change Management Support: such as “Support shall include road shows, town halls, webinars, brown bag sessions, and meetings, virtual and onsite.”Task 2: The solicitation mentions that the contractor will recommend an OCM program.? We are assuming none exist. But if a nascent program exists, what methodology is used?RESPONSE: The current OCM approach consists of collaboration across the migration project team and user community to develop capabilities to implement new business processes, roles, and service delivery. This includes identifying and analyzing the change effort, developing and implementing processes, stakeholder engagement, communications and messaging, training, and program alignment across technical and functional areas. Task 2: Bullet D, indicates that the contractor shall provide support in planning and executing outreach events (i.e. include road shows, town halls, webinars, brown bag sessions, and meetings, virtual and onsite) to various stakeholder groups at the Government’s direction. Section Travel indicates there will be a maximum of 5 travel events to support testing and training). Can the Government confirm only 5 trips will be enough to satisfy the outreach requirements, testing and training? In order to estimate Travel cost, can the Government provide a list of sites where travel will be required, the estimated # staff that will be expected to travel and the duration of the travel (#days)?RESPONSE: The Government estimates there will be 5 trips needed in the base year. We do not have specific details such as a current list of sites, estimated number of staff, and duration that can be provided to the contractor at this time. Upon planning of the CPMP, this information will be discussed with the contractor.Task 2: Bullet C, indicates that the contractor shall develop no more than 30 individually customized development plans, to include training schedules for Administrations and Staff Offices, and update these training plans with the latest requirements as they occur. In order to better understand the required level of effort, please clarify the scope of these Development Plans, as well as the estimated frequency with which they will need to be updated.RESPONSE: The development plans shall outline training needs, strategy, approach, logistics, schedule, required resources, target audience, etc. specific to each organization in preparation for and prior to their deployment. Updates will be required as needed such as a when a schedule change occurs or to support planning for additional training requirements for that specific organization. Additional training requirements might occur during new releases. Task 2: Will meeting facilitation be required to be done on site or virtual or a combination of both?RESPONSE: Facilitation services will be a combination of virtual and onsite as referenced under Task 1.2. “Meetings will most often occur virtual and on occasion face-to-face.” Task 2: Will level II (Testing for before training and after training knowledge) in Kirkpatrick’s Training Evaluation methodology be required??RESPONSE: Yes, the contractor will be expected to perform all four levels of Kirkpatrick training evaluation in their entirety. Task 3: Page 10, bullet 7, states “the contractor shall migrate relevant information into the new Government approved analytical tool(s)…” To properly assess the knowledge base required for this effort, will VA please indicate what analytical tools the contractor will be required to use? As well as validate that the contractor will be provided access to those tools? Can the Government provide details on the volume of information to be migrated and the specific data entities/elements?RESPONSE: As specified in the PWS 1.3 Task – 3 Program Management Planning Support, “The contractor shall support the Government with planning, developing, revising, coordinating, managing, and implementing new program and project management processes, analytical tools, and procedures. The contractor shall ensure the recommended approach is achievable and realistic. The contractor shall ensure that each work product is completed by providing analytical tools and techniques that facilitate visibility into all program/project activities.” The contractor is expected to make recommendations not seek guidance from the Government. Planning shall occur upon contractor kickoff and the contractor’s program assessment. The contractor shall support recommendation and development of those tools, as well as execution as cited in the PWS1.3 Task – 3 Program Management Planning Support , “The contractor shall integrate new and existing methodologies and analytical tools (such as a tracking data base, worksheets, matrices, etc.) to develop an integrated Program Management Plan that facilitates accountability and oversight.” The Government expects the contractor to make recommendations to the Government based on expertise in this area regarding the type of existing or new information and data that should be migrated. The Government is unable to estimate a volume at this time until required recommendations are made. Task 4 Will the government provide more clarity on the purpose of the 20 travel packages in Task 4? How does the government foresee these being used?RESPONSE: In accordance with VA conference/travel policies, an approved conference travel package is required prior to any travel occurring, despite associated cost. As part of the HRIS Migration project, travel will be required to execute project meetings and sessions for training, communications, strategy, O&M, etc. The contractor shall support the Government with the planning and development of travel packages to obtain required approval to travel for project meetings and sessions. Travel packages provide information to executive leadership to acquire appropriate approval. Task 4: Program Management Analyst Support, 9. The statement “The contractor shall support the Government with coordination between HRLOB contractors…” implies there are multiple vendors currently engaged in VA’s HRLOB efforts.? Would VA identify those vendors and in general outline the scope of those contracts and how each are integrated into this HRLOB effort??RESPONSE: The Government cannot provide this information at this time. All existing services have been aligned to address technical and functional areas of the migration project. This requirement addresses business support services that are needed. Upon contract kickoff, the contractor will be notified of all engaged business partners that they will need to collaborate with to ensure appropriate transition and integration of business services support. The selected vendor will be provided relevant information needed to complete their work upon signing of a non-disclosure agreement and security clearance and training. Task 4: Program Management Analyst Support, 13. ?Would VA provide more clarity around the activities associated with “plan, develop, and track twenty (20) travel packages in compliance with VA Conference/Travel requirements?” Does this include managing logistical requirements for 20 different group conferences, and if so, what would be the average size of each group?? Or is this activity related to preparing travel orders??RESPONSE: The contractor shall be required to plan, develop and track travel packages as cited in the PWS under 1.4 Task – 4 Program Management Analyst Support. The contractor shall work with Government POCs to identify travel requirements, conduct research, document research, develop estimates, and develop required documents to complete the travel package for Government review. This is not related to preparing a travel order as this is a Government function. Development of travel packages are considered to be a separate standalone activity. The contractor may be required based on identified actions in the CPMP to support the Government with coordinating logistics for project meetings that may require Government staff to travel. Examples may include meetings to complete OCM activities for training, communications, and stakeholder engagement, or other areas described in the PWS. However this will be considered a separate activity. The size and scope of project meetings that might be held to execute for example OCM activities will be determined the contractor’s participation in planning discussions with the Government. In general the average group participant group size for HR LOB’s project meetings and/or events is 25 – 50 participants. Task 4: Are there existing IPTs? If so, do they each have their own WBSs established?RESPONSE: Yes, there are existing IPTs. No, they do not have their own WBSs established at this time. Task 4: Is the program management database already set up to manage risks, issues, action items, etc.? And what type is it? Can this Database manage WBS information?RESPONSE: No, there is no existing database. Task 4: Does the program management system track costs or Level of Effort? Is an Earned Value Management System in place?RESPONSE: There is no existing program management system. No EVM system is in place. Task 4: Page 11, bullet 2, requests that the contractor conduct surveys. Please clarify if VA requires a specific tool be used to conduct these surveys. And if so, please indicate what tool, and validate that the contractor will be provided access.RESPONSE: There is not a required tool and VA is open to vendor recommendations. Task 5: Page 13. The PWS requires the Contractor to provide Budget Portfolio support to include cost estimating, budget development, drafting business cases and expenditure plans. There is a potential for an Unfair Competitive Advantage (UCA) OCI.?Is the Government amenable to the Contractor implementing OCI mitigation through the use of a firewall, Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), or an OCI Mitigation Plan?RESPONSE: Any offeror may develop an OCI Mitigation Plan in response to a solicitation. This will be reviewed by the CO and may or may not be acceptable. In this case, the contractor shall not have access to other contractor’s detailed financial information. The contractor will not be responsible for developing official Government budget documents. To avoid misinterpretation of the scope of work, the Government will clarify the activity further in the PWS. The contractor support shall include ancillary duties related to conducting research to estimating cost for program activities, developing budget templates, drafting business cases, tracking program information, and ensuring alignment of program data (such as training, travel, etc.). Task 6: Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Support, 2. Would VA provide more clarity around the skills needed to “evaluate, identify gaps, and recommend improvements for existing tools, such as standard operation procedures (SOPs), scripts, user guides, and other tools”? Would this entail skills related to understanding HRIS systems (Systems Administrator) or skills related to knowledge of Federal Human Resources transactions (HR Specialist) or skills related to knowledge of business process redesign (Business Process Improvement Analyst) or others?RESPONSE: The contractor is expected to make a determination regarding skills required of their resources to perform the full scope work in the PWS based on identified tasks and recommended key personnel. Task 7: How many internal and external interfaces are these activities taking place on at once?? Is the "assisting in execution" in reference to the action plans or the interfaces themselves once developed?? Does this include the business process around the execution of interfaces?RESPONSE: There are a total of 26 identified interfaces. Interfaces have been divided into three separate phases and include a combination of internal and external. We are currently in the process of concluding Phase I Interfaces. Phase I included core interfaces that affect HR?Smart’s functionality and are needed to ensure it functions properly. Those interfaces include: MyPay, USA Staffing, EHRI, EOPF (complete) and DFAS, VATAS, PAID (pending finalization in few weeks). We are currently working on Phase II Interfaces which includes a combination of 14 additional internal and external interfaces. These interfaces are required because these systems owners require a direct feed to employee data in HR?Smart that they will need to perform work. HR?Smart will be the system of record upon deployment. Examples of Phase II interfaces are VA PAS (external) and TMS (internal). Phase II will be complete in June 2105. Any system that currently receives data from PAID will eventually need to receive their data feed from HR?Smart. Phase II Interfaces will include any system that require an interface with HR?Smart that is currently unknown, unfunded or created after the HR?Smart project was initiated. VA anticipates that a few systems will be identified in the future once HR?Smart has been fully transitioned to the entire community. These are not critical interfaces. Assist with execution includes: supporting the VA with providing technical expertise to conduct outreach and collaborate with various system owners, understand their system requirements and business processes, provide technical guidance on how the interface will impact HR?Smart, contribute to the planning process, recommend solutions, understanding risks and recommend mitigations, document technical and non-technical information as it relates to interfaces, review technical documents required to establish interfaces and provide technical support to the team. To confirm, business processes around the execution of interfaces shall be included. Task 7: Who will be gathering and documenting the requirements for these reports? Additionally is it 5 reports as well 5 queries or a total of 5 between the two?RESPONSE: The contractor will be expected to gather and document requirements for reports. It is a total of 5 between the two per quarter. Task 7: Can the government clarify if the contractor will be performing the activities of user acceptance testing, system integration testing, and independent verification and validation, or supporting others who are performing these activities?RESPONSE: Yes, the contractor will be expected to participate and perform the activities alongside the Government of user acceptance testing, system integration testing, and independent verification and validation.Task 7: Will there be over lapping tasks occurring at once in parallel and if so how many can we expect?RESPONSE: Yes, the contractor should expect that there will be ongoing overlapping activities. HR LOB has designated teams that are responsible for various technical areas such as interfaces, requirements, testing, and reports. Support will be expected in each area based on the project schedule.Task 7: Task 7 indicates 2 areas of software quality assurance, including developing test scripts, IV&V, and various forms of acceptance testing. Is there a need for a Software Quality Assurance/Engineer position or is this expected to be a very minor task?RESPONSE: We do not anticipate a need for a Software Quality Assurance Engineer position. No, this is not expected to be a minor task. This PWS will be amended to address the Quality Assurance Specialist required experience. Task 7: Page 14, bullet 3, requires the contractor to build and generate 5 reports and queries per quarter. To aide industry in detailing their approach, please define the tool that VA will use for reports/queries, and validate that the contractor will be given access. Also, can the Government describe the nature of the reports so the contractor can assign the qualified staff to support the analysis and recommendations tasking?RESPONSE: The contractor will be provided access to the HR Smart system to build queries and reports. Access will be granted upon completion of the NDA and required security clearance and training. Generated reports shall include, but not limited to, workforce data such as veterans’ disability, retirements, hiring, gains/loss reports, etc.Task 7: Page 14, bullet 6, requests that the contractor provide support with user acceptance testing, systems integration testing, and independent verification & validation. In order to propose the qualified staff, please define the extent of the support requested.RESPONSE: The contractor will be expected to participate and perform the activities alongside the Government of user acceptance testing, system integration testing, and independent verification and validation. Examples of support include providing technical expertise for developing scripts and scenarios, recommending improvements to testing approach, and participating in testing activities. Task 9: Page 15, Section 1.9.2, states “The contractor’s Transition Plan shall include data collection from the Government in the following areas:”Please clarify what is meant by “… data collection from the Government…”RESPONSE: The Government will provide the data as cited under 1.9 Task – 9 Transition Support in the PWS.Task 9: Page 15, bullet 4, calls for a fifteen (15) day transition period between the incumbent and the contractor. If this contract is awarded on 20 December 2014, please validate that the contractor will have a full fifteen (15) days to work with the incumbent to transfer all knowledge?RESPONSE: These transition services apply to the incoming contractor. Prior to expiration of the incoming contractor’s period of performance these transition services shall commence. This transition activity does not overlap with the incumbent contractor. The PWS will be amended to clarify.Key Personnel: Page 16 of the RFP lists the Quality Assurance Specialist and Risk Management Specialist as Key Personnel but there is no specialized experience that follows. Please clarify if the QAS and RMS are indeed Key Personnel positions, and if so, please provide the specialized experienced needed for each position.RESPONSE: Yes, the Quality Assurance Specialist and Risk Management Specialist are both considered Key Personnel. This will be amended in the PWS.Key Personnel: Page 16 calls out eight (8) specific Key Roles, but only six (6) have specialized experience defined. To ensure appropriate staffing, please clarify the number of key personnel required with the bid. If (8) then provide experience description for Quality Assurance Specialist and Risk Management Specialist.RESPONSE: See above response #56.Key Personnel: For Senior Program Manager you require they have:?Knowledge, background, and experience with VA/HRA/OHRM operating environment and organizational culture;?Also:?Knowledge of HRLOB Initiative and experience with HRIS SSC Implementations;?This appears to restrict this acquisition for response only by the current incumbent.Would you consider removing these restrictive requirements from the Sr. PM to make this a more fair competition?RESPONSE: The Government agrees to amend the PWS to include the following update:Knowledge, background, and experience managing in an operating environment and organizational culture similar in size and scope to the VAKnowledge of the Office Personnel Management’s HRLOB Initiative and experience with HRIS SSC ImplementationsPricing: The cost spreadsheet (Attachment C) calls for listing a discount by labor category. If one of these categories includes multiple vendors, should this be a blended discount or a separate line item per vendor/labor category?RESPONSE: Contractors are not required to show the discount on the spreadsheet. Attachment C has been revised.Pricing: In evaluation Factor 5, page 55, the CO will determine the reasonableness of pricing.? But, only summary price data is required to be submitted.? Is additional cost data expected to aid in that determination? RESPONSE: The data on the detailed pricing spreadsheet will be used for evaluation purposes. Pricing: The contract specifies a large number of deliverables, some with multiple copies.? No provision is made for pricing cost of production, binding and the like.? Should we incorporate that in our rates?RESPONSE:All costs should be incorporated into your Firm Fixed Price.Section B.3: On the B3. Price/Cost Schedule the Travel Line ITEM includes a NTE. Is the Government providing a “maximum” allowance for travel? If so what is the $ value?RESPONSE: The Government will provide a Not-To-Exceed (NTE) at time of award. Section B.5: Under Section B.5 Limitations on Subcontracting – Monitoring & Compliance (JUN 2011) clause of the PWS, ?all support contractors conducting this review on behalf of VA are required to sign an “Information Protection and Non-Disclosure and Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest Agreement”.? Could you provide a copy of the “Information Protection and Non-Disclosure and Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest Agreement” referenced?RESPONSE: This would be provided at the time it is required.ATTACHEMNT D: Past Performance Questionnaire (PPQ). Can VA please provide contractors with a MS Word version of the PPQ for ease of use by our past performance references?RESPONSE: Word Version AttachedSection E.1: Instructions to Offerors - Section 1 In accordance with the instructions regarding page size, may we include foldouts (11x17 sheets) when necessary to provide detailed plans as required by the solicitation?RESPONSE: No. Section E.1: Instruction s to Offerors - Volume II - Factor 2: Past Performance. Will VA consider allowing an additional page for the Reference List? The requirement requests up to 5 contracts….. and a maximum of 10 pages for the volume. By allowing vendors the extra page for the Reference List, we will be able to provide balanced details for all references, as prescribed within the Instructions.RESPONSE: The page restrictions remain the same.Section E.1: If we include a compliance matrix, will that be counted against the 20 page limit?RESPONSE: Yes.Section E.1: Instruction s to Offerors - Volume II - Factor 2: Past Performance, Section IV: Past Performance Questionnaire (PPQ). The Instructions mention a maximum of 5 Past Performance References and within this section it mentions a maximum of 4 PPQs. To provide clarity, should the contractor only submit 4 PPQ's or should we submit 5?RESPONSE: A maximum of 5 PPQ’s may be submitted.A.2 (REVISED) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALSee attached document: VA119A-15-R-0024 - Revised.A.3 (REVISED) ATTACHMENT C – DETAILED PRICING SCREADSHEETSee attached document: ATTACHMENT C_DETAILED PRICING SCHEDULE.A.4 ATTACHMENT D - PPQSee attached document: ATTACHMENT D - PPQ. ................

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