2006 Office of Nursing Services Innovations ... - …


2006 Office of Nursing Services Innovations Award Recipients

Advanced Clinic Access: Redesign for Improved Patient Outcomes and/or

Health Delivery Processes beyond Primary Care

|Title of Submission |Primary Author |Contributors |VISN |Innovation |

| | | |City/Facility | |

|Implementation of ACA |Sandra Parkes |David Renfro; Anita Straley; Judith Thielen; |21 |[pic] |

|Strategies in Specialty Clinics| |Faud Freiha; Deborah Sisty |Palo Alto | |

|Implementation of ACA in an |Joyce Kron-Chalupa|William Iverson; Janice Toopes; Stephanie |23 |[pic] |

|Academic Primary Care Team | |Torres |Iowa City | |

|ACA Principles beyond Primary |Linda S. Stout |Mirza Ali; Patricia Delisle; Diane Smith; |4 |[pic] |

|Care-Patient Flow across the | |Cathy Kieczkajlo; Valerie Boytin; Elaine |Wilkes-Barre | |

|Continuum | |Hunter; Thomas Patts; Stephen Kichka | | |

|TeleCare Nurse Advice Line |Cynthia M. |Jane Montgomery; Linda Volkman; Angel Amulis |22 |[pic] |

|Tuck-In Call Program |Thompson | |GLA | |

|The ACA Process Applied to |W. Ruth Muse |Sydney Wertenberger; Yogesh Bhatt; Nannette |15 |[pic] |

|Specialty Care: One | |Gunn; Tamara Stubbs; Cathey Amyx; Shirley |John J. Pershing | |

|Example-Tele-Retinal Diabetic | |Pearman; Timothy Moore; Sandra Hicks; Ed | | |

|Eye Screening | |Sheffield; Ladonna Johnson | | |

|Using ACA Principles to Develop|Cathy Moore |Ruth Yerardi; Cathy Walker; William Goff |10 |[pic] |

|and Implement a Safe Patient | | |Chillicothe | |

|Handling and Movement Program | | | | |

|Mental Health/Homeless Primary |Susan G. |Joan Brosnan; Keith Heinzerling; Carmelita |22 |[pic] |

|Care: Expanding the Care |Rosenberg |Bernardo; Xiaowei Feng; Roman Samiley; Mary |GLA | |

|Continuum | |David; Jennifer Villaruz; Theresa Patton; | | |

| | |William Daniels | | |

|Chronic Disease Maintenance |Maria Roig |Elizabeth Marrero; Michael Cruz Lopez; Sasha |8 |[pic] |

|within Care Coordination Home |Repollet |Torres; Margarita Cartagena; Daniel Reyes; |Caribbean HCS | |

|Telehealth (CCHT) | |Ivis Monte Andujar; Wanda I. Aponte; | | |

| | |Jacqueline | | |

| | |Munoz-Forti | | |

|ACA: Integration of Business |Rosemary Ashby |William P. Boyd, Jr.; William Messina; |8 |[pic] |

|and Technology Systems and | |Patricia Mossop; Lynn Martinez; Iva Carol |James A Haley | |

|Quality Management Processes in| |Russell; Carolyn Dunigan; Brigid Morgan; | | |

|Care Management Services in a | |Deborah Millen; Omaira Serrano-Rosa; Kristi | | |

|Busy GI Practice | |Hendrix; Davion Washington; Robert Ross; | | |

| | |Sandra Willis; Shannon Gaines | | |

|Care Coordination across the |Betty Dameron |Christopher Suelzer; Donna Chasteen; Debra |11 |[pic] |

|Continuum of Chronic Illness | |Thayer; Peter Woodbridge; Sheryl Randolph; Deb|Indianapolis | |

| | |Eulin; Judy Birt; Rita Davis; Rebecca Parks; | | |

| | |Mary Alfimow | | |


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