USAID Vacancy - U.S. Embassy in Namibia




: Project Management Specialist ? Donor Coordination & Community Care Advisor (FSN ? 12)

OPENING DATE : Friday February 28, 2020

CLOSING DATE : Friday March 20, 2020


: Namibian citizens and Permanent Residents

WORK HOURS : Full-time; 40 hours/week


: N$ 752,325 ? N$ 1,053,274

I. BASIC FUNCTION OF THE POSITION USAID/Namibia is seeking the services of a locally employed staff to serve as USAID's Donor Coordination and Community Care Advisor (DCCA). This position will work in collaboration with U.S. Government (USG) agencies (State Department, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Peace Corps) and is based in the Health Office of USAID/Namibia. The DCCA will work closely with the Health Office Director. However, day-to-day supervision will be provided by the Continuum of Care HIV/AIDS Team Leader. The incumbent will have functional relationships with Senior HIV Prevention Advisor and the DREAMS Program Manager in areas related to community-based programming.

Working collaboratively with the USAID/Namibia team and the PEPFAR interagency team, the DCCA will liaise with and provide successful coordination of USAID Namibia activities with stakeholders including the GRN, UN agencies, the Global Fund, other donors and the private sector. The incumbent will engage with all donor and host country government HIV/AIDS coordination platforms at national and regional levels. These responsibilities will include regular contact and collaboration, at technical and policy levels, with counterparts in the GRN's Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, and other relevant ministries and agencies; with civil society organizations and private companies; with other donor and international organizations; and, with other USG entities working in HIV/AIDS in Namibia. The DCCA will play an important interagency role in ensuring communication and coordination with representation in regional and global meetings, fostering public-private partnerships, and increasing coordination between PEPFAR, the Global Fund, and other HIV/AIDS activities.

The DCCA will ensure the design and implementation of community-based HIV care and support activities (i.e. differentiated care model for PLHIV and key populations), are coordinated with the GRN and other donor agencies to ensure synergies and complementarity of HIV programming across the HIV programming landscape. The DCCA will lead and provide technical guidance and oversight to ensure harmonized and strategic programming of USAID's funded community-based HIV care and support related activities.


1. Donor Coordination activities (50%) a. Serve as the USAID/Namibia Donor Coordination point person for and liaise with Global Fund, UN Agencies, and other international donors. b. Liaise with the Government of Namibia at national and regional levels to ensure close coordination of HIV programming. c. Serve as the Health Office point person for engagement with the private sector. d. Participate at interagency stakeholder engagement Technical Working Group and all relevant platforms as appropriate to ensure visibility of USAID Namibia supported activities. e. Engage with external stakeholders to understand the needs, priorities, motivations and intentions of coordination platforms. f. Organize, attend and support meetings to foster host government collaboration in HIV programming.

g. Provide advice, meeting minutes and other written documents as necessary to support coordination of donor activities in GRN.

h. Provide insight and advice to the Health Office about issues associated with donor and stakeholder coordination including recommendations about how USAID Namibia may support better coordination of donors/stakeholders within the USG portfolio.

i. Provide bi-weekly reports to the Health Office Director and HIV/AIDS Continuum of Care Team Leader on activities undertaken within the coordination role; and provide ad hoc reporting to raise and discuss issues as they arise if they have significant implications for the USAID Namibia Program; and

j. Establish and manage relationships with key stakeholders i.e. government departments, community leadership, and other relevant stakeholders and sectors

2. Provide Technical Leadership and Manage Community-based HIV Care and Support activities (35%) a. Participate in the implementation of community-based HIV/AIDS care and support interventions i.e. Differentiated Care Model (DCM). b. Carry out routine monitoring and evaluation of project progress by reviewing technical documents and reports, completing site visits, completing site improvement monitoring visits, engaging in one-on-one reporting, and meeting with key counterpart officials. c. Advocate for effective roll-out of DCM in USAID Namibia's targeted Regions/Districts. d. Serve as an AOR/COR and/or activity manager for USAID-supported community-based care and support and/or key population programs. e. Review work plans and progress reports and share information with the community-based HIV care and support activities to use data for project improvement; and f. Manage daily activities of community-based HIV/AIDS activities i.e., establish routine communication, conduct site visits and inspections, maintain up-to-date information and files on the status of partner activities, resources, and work plans

3. Monitoring and Reporting (10%) a. Ensure that all coordination activities and community-based HIV activities are documented and reported to the Continuum of care team Leader on time. b. Liaise and work closely with the strategic information (SI) team to ensure that Community-based HIV/AIDS service delivery related data is collected, validated, reported and appropriately utilized to inform evidencebased program planning, decision-making and continuous quality improvement. c. Conduct site visits to community-based HIV activities to ensure a standardized approach is implemented and quality across interventions and regions monitored; and d. Contribute to PEPFAR annual Country Operational Plan related to the portfolio.

4. Budget Tracking and Analysis (5%) a. Maintain community-based HIV Activities financial tracking in collaboration with the Finance and Budget Specialist. b. Assume responsibility for the financial management of assigned activities, including ensuring that obligations, expenditures, and budget pipelines conform to action plans; and c. Monitor obligations, commitments, expenditures, and results against targets and action plan.


a. Education: A Bachelor's degree in social science, or other relevant professional qualification, however, Masters' Degree in related fielded preferred.

b. Prior Work Experience: Minimum of five years of progressively responsible public health experience working for a government agency and/or a development organization, and/or implementing partner; experience spent in a developing country context supporting development programs, preferably in Namibia or a similar developing country; experience in collaborating with host governments, UN agencies, US government or other donors. The candidate will have at least three years of technical experience providing coordination of complex health and HIV related activities in development organizations or host government structures; experience in program management i.e. development, work planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER); financial management and understanding and tracking of budgets; and proven leadership and management experience of USAID, Global Fund, PEPFAR or other relevant donor funded programming experiences would be an added advantage.

a. Language Proficiency (List both English and host country language(s) proficiency requirements by level (II, III,

IV) sp/rd/wr:

Fluent (level 4) English and good working knowledge (level 3) written and oral capability is

required; English-writing ability may be tested

b. Job Knowledge: The Advisor must have Advanced public health knowledge and experience in education, social services, HIV programming and/or donor coordination is required; thorough specialist knowledge of GRN and Donor coordination platforms and community-based HIV and Health services is highly desirable; and comprehensive knowledge of the Namibian government HIV/AIDS strategic framework, health care and social welfare systems and structures including familiarity with Ministry policies, program priorities and regulations is required. In addition, the Advisor has a professional-level knowledge of development principles, concepts, and practices, especially as they relate to the devolution of the health sector and the increasing roles and responsibilities of the regional offices in Namibia is highly desirable. Furthermore, the Advisor should have good knowledge, or the potential to quickly acquire such knowledge, of USG legislation, policy, and practice relating to development assistance, of USAID programming policies, regulations, procedures, and documentation, and of the objectives, methodology, and status of assigned activities is required; and knowledge and understanding of the organization and respective roles of the different levels of the GRN, and the role of units within each level, in order to enhance effective communication, and to develop consensus on program/project strategy and implementation plans

c. Skills and Abilities: The Advisor must have demonstrated diplomatic and leadership skills with strong oral and written communication abilities, ability to lead different stakeholder meetings and workgroups to develop effective working relationships with national and international partners is required; and ability to exercise a high level of independence, ingenuity, and tact in applying guidelines to unique and different settings, as the work is highly complex. The advisor should have ability to influence and persuade others will be required to work collaboratively with organizations engaged in Health and HIV/AIDS related activities; skills in project programming, policies, and plans, and in developing strategies for implementation; and ability to analyze, understand and discuss project cycle. In addition, the Advisor should have ability to work effectively in a collaborative team environment, and to achieve consensus on policy, program/project, and administrative matters.


a. Supervision Received: The DCCA works in close collaboration with the Health Officer Director and under the day-to-day supervision of the HIV/AIDS Team Leader. Assignments are made orally and in writing. The DCCA will demonstrate self-motivation and independence. The Health Office Director and/or the direct supervisor will provide guidance on prioritization of work or quality improvement as needed. The supervisor provides a review of assignments, goals and objectives to be achieved, and the results expected. The incumbent will seek advice and assistance as needed. Completed work is accepted as technically correct, and the overall assignment is reviewed in terms of results achieved.

Donor Coordination and Community Care Advisor (DCCA) works under direct supervision of Continuum of Care Team Leader and the very general oversight from the Health Office Director

b. Supervision Exercised: No supervision of USAID staff is contemplated.

c. Available Guidelines: Available guidelines include USAID Mission Orders, Mission strategy, and other relevant reports; the Automated Directives System (ADS); and, USAID Mandatory and Standard Provisions, the FAR and AIDAR, and other published and unpublished guidelines. Guidelines are often general in nature and not specific to the situation at hand, requiring considerable interpretation.

d. Exercise of Judgment: USG program/project/activity guidance, rules, and requirements; USAID Mission Orders, Mission strategy, and other relevant reports; the Automated Directives System (ADS); USAID Mandatory and Standard Provisions, and the FAR and AIDAR; and, Emergency Plan guidelines, Country Operational Plans, the Five-Year Strategic Plan, and other published and unpublished guidelines. Guidelines are often general in nature and not specific to the situation at hand, requiring considerable interpretation.

e. Exercise of Judgment: Substantial judgment (discretion) is used daily in giving technical guidance to USG, USAID, and GRN colleagues, to IPs, and in representing USAID in multiple stakeholder fora, including the highest levels of the Embassy and GRN Management. Decisions over certain implementing partners are at the discretion of the incumbent in his/her management capacity. Independent judgment is required for developing,

implementing, and managing assigned program/project activities, for reporting, and for other assignments. The DCCA position requires a high level of diplomacy and excellent communication skills in exercising judgement.

f. Authority to Make Commitments: The Advisor exercises the authority given to activity managers and CORs/AORs, and may make administrative arrangements consistent with ADS guidance and Mission and Office policy

g. Nature, Level, and Purpose of Contacts: The Advisor has a full range of contacts within the Mission, at all levels, and maintains contact with IPs implementing USAID-funded programs/projects/activities in the sector

h. Time Expected to Reach Full Performance Level: One year


Interested applicants should scan (using Adobe Acrobat PDF format ***do not send applications in any zipped or compressed format) and submit the following by e-mail only to the attention of the HR Office, USAID/Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia:

1. a signed cover letter expressing interest in the position 2. a completed DS-174 (available at: ) 3. a current CV 4. relevant supporting documents

Send to windhoekhr@ by midnight (local Windhoek time), Friday March 20, 2020. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Please note that all vacancies within the U.S. Embassy are advertised on the following website: .

The U.S. Mission in Namibia provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. The Department of State also strives to achieve equal employment opportunity in all personnel operations through continuing diversity enhancement programs.

The EEO complaint procedure is available to individuals who believe they have been denied equal opportunity based upon the above listed EEO basis. Individuals with such complaints should avail themselves of the appropriate grievance procedures, remedies for prohibited personnel practices, and/or courts for relief.


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