
Teacher: Lindsay Weir (lweir@schoharie.k12.ny.us)

School: Schoharie Jr/Sr High School

LESSON TOPIC/SUBTOPIC Los lugares más bellos de Costa Rica

LESSON TITLE ¿Dónde debo visitar yo?

LESSON SKILL TARGETED Shrum & Glisan Interactive Reading Comprehension Model





|1.1 Interpersonal Communication |

|1.2 Interpretive Communication |

|1.3 Presentational Communication |

|2.2 Products and Perspectives of Culture |

|3.1 Making Connections |

|4.2 Culture Comparisons |

|5.1 School and Community |


1. SWBAT discuss the most popular tourist attractions of the United States as well as Costa Rica as a class (1.1).

2. SWBAT read an article in the target language and complete a worksheet based on what they read (1.2).

3. SWBAT present a self-created poster/brochure for a location in Costa Rica in order to “sell” the location as a vacation spot to their classmates (1.3).

4. SWBAT discuss why tourism is important in Costa Rica as a product for their economy as well as the different popular places to visit in Costa Rica (2.2).

5. SWBAT discuss what ecotourism is and its importance to Costa Rica (3.1).

6. SWBAT compare tourism in the United States to tourism in Costa Rica by holding discussions, researching popular Costa Rican destinations, and making a list of the “top tens” of each country (4.2).

7. SWBAT display their brochures/posters to the school on a bulletin board to share the information with other students in the school (5.1).


1. Article from June 30, 2008 edition of al Día entitled Los más bellos de Costa Rica (Here is a link to the digital version of the article found on the al Día website)


3. Computers with internet access

4. PowerPoint, Word, other programs

5. Maps of Costa Rica

6. Copies of the article listed above for each pair of students

7. Markers

8. Worksheet A


|Phases of Model |Sample Class Activities |

|Preparation |1. The teacher will ask the students where in the United States |

| |are the best places to visit on vacation and why. The teacher |

| |will write on the board a list of places and the reasons behind |

| |choosing them. |

| |2. The teacher will have students narrow the list to the “Top |

| |Ten Vacation Locations in the US” by erasing those not included.|

| |3. The teacher and students will discuss the importance of |

| |tourism in the United States as well as its importance in Costa |

| |Rica. |

| |4. Using the internet, the students will look for places to |

| |visit in Costa Rica and make a list of popular tourist |

| |attractions. |

| |5. As a class, the students will compile a list of the “Top Ten|

| |Vacation Locations in Costa Rica” by holding a discussion |

| |similar to that about the United States. |

|Comprehension |1. The teacher will place the article Los más bellos de Costa |

| |Rica on the ELMO for students to see. Students will look at the|

| |title and pictures to see what the article is about and give the|

| |teacher their predictions. |

| |2. After learning that the article is about the top places in |

| |Costa Rica to visit, the students will compare, as a class, |

| |their top ten list to the article and discuss why they may be |

| |similar or different. |

| |3. After dividing the students into groups of 3-4 students, the|

| |teacher will give each group a map of Costa Rica and different |

| |colored markers. The teacher will also give each group a copy |

| |of the article. The students will go through the article as a |

| |group and mark each of the vacation spots on their map of Costa |

| |Rica, making a key with the different colored markers. |

|Interpretation |1. Students will be placed in pairs to read the article. Their |

| |first job will be to skim the article to underline cognates and |

| |words they know. Students will highlight any words they do not |

| |know so that meaning can be clarified in the target language. |

| |2. Students will read the entire article in their pairs and |

| |complete a worksheet after reading. |

| |3. After completing the worksheet, the class will review the |

| |worksheet and discuss the importance of tourism in Costa Rica. |

| |The class will discuss the following questions: |

| |Is tourism more important in Costa Rica or the United States? |

| |Why? |

| |What is ecotourism? Do we have it in the US? |

| |What might happen in Costa Rica if tourism was no longer |

| |popular? |

|Application |1. The students are going to work in their pairs to create an |

| |advertisement for one of the places in the article that they |

| |would like to visit. |

| |2. Students will use the internet to research their chosen |

| |location further. |

| |3. After obtaining more information, the students will create a|

| |brochure or poster for their location using PowerPoint, Word, or|

| |another program. |

|Extension |1. The students will present the information in their brochure |

| |or on their poster to the class in the target language. The |

| |goal of the presentation will be to “sell” their location to the|

| |other students. After all of the presentations have been given,|

| |the class is going to vote on which location they would most |

| |like to visit. |

| |2. After the presentations, the brochures and posters will be |

| |displayed on a bulletin board in the hallway for other students |

| |in the school to see the beautiful places to visit in Costa |

| |Rica. |


• Tourism is one of the most important products of Costa Rica. The tropical climate and beautiful places in Costa Rica offer a variety of opportunities for all kinds of tourists. Because of this, the perspective is that tourism is extremely important for the current Costa Rican economy which thrives on business brought in by ecotourism and tourism alike. Many Ticos hold jobs which are involved with tourism and much of the economy depends on the continued success of the business in Costa Rica.



• Internet

• Powerpoint, Word, and other computer programs

Worksheet A

Nombres ______________________ Fecha ______________

Español I Los más bellos de Costa Rica

Contestan las preguntas según el artículo.

|¿Cómo se llama el lugar? |¿Qué es el lugar? (una |¿Cúales cosas interesantes|¿Es el lugar importante al|¿Quieren ustedes visitar |

| |playa, un bosque, un |tiene el lugar? |turismo de Costa Rica? |al lugar? |

| |volcán...) | | | |

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