Love and Valentine’s Day Thematic Unit

February 7- 11

By: Kasey Ayers, Maggie Filloon, Laura Holt, and Jessica McCarter

Science Lesson Plan for Thematic Unit

Introduction Lesson Plan to Thematic Unit


Love for the Earth

Pictures for Promethean Board:







For Closure:

[pic] [pic]

Classifying Lesson Plans


Love of the Earth

Classifying Materials Around the School Name:

1. Material:





Sort Classifying Lesson Plan


Love for the Earth

Conservation Lesson Plan


Love of the Earth

Rubric for Projects

Day #4:

Check if they completed

Check minus if not exactly right

No check if student did not do it


1. Students completed the projects according to the directions given ________

2. Students cleaned up each station before moving on to next. ________

3. Students completed each of the 4 projects. ________

Cooperation/ Behavior:

1. Student did not misbehave while completing projects. ________

2. Students showed use of their best work. ________

3. Students used their materials effectively and efficiently ________

Closure Lesson Plan


Love of the Earth

Social Studies Lesson Plans for Thematic Unit

Valentine's Day Lesson Plan: Day 1

Kasey Ayers

Grade Level: First grade

Unit Topic: Love & Valentine's Day

Lesson Topic: The Origins of Valentine's Day & St. Valentine

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes


1.1.03 Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, and SES groups to the development of civilizations.


paper, crayons, markers, computer, projection screen, poster boards

Lesson Objectives

TSWBAT explain the origins of Valentine's Day both verbally and on a poster board

TSWBAT discuss some contributions or characteristics of St. Valentine verbally

TSWBAT create a song or poem of what Valentine's Day means to him/her

TSWBAT work with others in a group to complete a brainstorming task

Anticipatory Set/Focus

ABK/ RRL/IAS: Ask students to think about everything they already know about Valentine's Day and share it with a neighbor. Now, each pair will share their ideas to the rest of the class. Now, ask all students if they know where Valentine's Day comes from.

Label Learning: Today, we will discuss where Valentine's Day comes from and who is it named after.


Begin instruction by watching a film on the origins of Valentine’s Day and St. Valentine and do a short discussion of the film.

Activity: Graffiti Model on the Origins of Valentine's Day

Directions: Have students respond to questions in groups that are already posted on large poster sheets. Each group will receive a poster board with one question posted at the top. Students will then have five minutes to brainstorm as many answers as possible. Groups will then rotate the poster boards clockwise to the next group. This will continue until all groups have had a chance to answer all questions. Groups will then get back their original questions and each group will discuss the responses.

Activity: Self- Meaning Poems

Directions: create a poem or song about what Valentine’s Day means to you


Learning Verbalized (by students): Have students tell me one thing they learned about the origin of Valentine's Day or about St. Valentine verbally.

Objectives Assessed: Students will turn in their Graffiti charts and their poems or songs. Their ability to work in a group will be assessed through monitoring.

Independent Practice

Homework: Have students be thinking about how we celebrate Valentine's Day in the United States for our class tomorrow.

Graffiti Questions:

How is Saint Valentine related to Valentine’s Day?

What was Saint Valentine like?

Why and how did Valentine get in trouble?

Why is Valentine’s Day in February?

Why do we send gifts on Valentine’s Day?

Self-Meaning Poem or Song Name:________________________

Directions: Write a poem or song that explains what Valentine’s Day means to you


Valentine’s Day Lesson Plan: Day 2

Kasey Ayers

Grade Level: First grade

Unit Topic: Love & Valentine's Day

Lesson Topic: Valentine's Day in North America, Europe, and Asia

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes


1.1.03 Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, and SES groups to the development of civilizations.

a. Understand individual differences in languages, beliefs, and customs that may be unique to one's culture.


jot charts, colored pencils, computer, projection screen, various class props and costumes

Lesson Objectives

TSWBAT utilize background knowledge and contexts to give an educated guess on what customs fit in various countries

TSWBAT discuss his/her rationale on why they thought a particular custom is practiced in a particular country on their jot chart

TSWBAT demonstrate various practices on Valentine's Day in different countries in a dramatization

Anticipatory Set/Focus

ABK/RRL/IAS: Ask students how Valentine's Day is celebrated in their home cultures, if at all. Use this question to introduce or reinforce the compare/contrast formula. Also have students share the songs/poems they wrote from yesterday.

Label Learning: Today, we will learn how Valentine's day is celebrated in other countries compared to the United States.


Activity: Country Jot Chart

Directions: Pass out jot charts to all students broken up by United States, Europe, and Asia. Use the computer to post a description or image of a custom individuals participate in relation to Valentine's Day or a similar “Love” Day. Have students then decide which country this custom is usually practiced in and discuss. Students will use a different colored pencil for each country.

Activity: Country Theater

Directions: Randomly assign students to groups representing different traditions from places we have studied (U.S., Europe, and Asia) and have them act out the customs to the class.


Learning Verbalized (by students): This will be assessed by the students' drama performance of what customs they act out according the appropriate country.

Objectives Assessed: Collect jot charts and evaluate dramatization based on accuracy of custom-country.

|Country Study Jot Chart #1 |

|Name:_________________________ |

| | | |

|United States |Europe |Asia |

|Major Custom 1: |Major Custom 1: |Major Custom 1: |

|Major Custom 2: |Major Custom 2: |Major Custom 2: |

Valentine's Day Lesson Plan: Day 3

Kasey Ayers

Grade Level: First grade

Unit Topic: Love & Valentine's Day

Lesson Topic: Valentine's Day in Central/South America, Middle East & Japan

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes


Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, and socioeconomic groups to the development of civilizations

a. Understand individual differences in languages, beliefs, and customs that may be unique to one's culture

b. Retell stories from diversely selected folktales, myths, and legends


jot charts, colored pencils, tape recorders, computer, and projection screen

Lesson Objectives

TSWBAT utilize background knowledge and contexts to give an educated guess on what customs fit in various countries

TSWBAT discuss his/her rationale on why they thought a particular custom is practiced in a particular country on their jot chart

TSWBAT work in a group to complete a task

TSWBAT create a story based on his/her knowledge of customs and what region he/she is representing

Anticipatory Set/Focus

ABK/RRL/IAS: As a class, we will review our jot charts that we worked on yesterday and discuss the information we have gathered so far. Ask why they think it is important for us to learn about other parts of the world and the cultures represented there. Introduce think, pair, and share with this question.

Label Learning: State that today, we will continue our study on Valentine's Day customs by learning about how Central America, Middle East, and Japan celebrate Valentine's Day.


Activity: Continue jot chart

Directions: Have students continue our activity with the jot charts now studying Central America, Middle East, and Japan.

Activity: Storytelling by Region

Directions: Assign students to one of the five regions we have studied thus far (U.S. will not be included) and put them into groups. Have each group imagine that they are children living in these regions and together, they will create a story based on their celebration of Valentine's Day. Each student in the group thinks of one sentence to go in the story and the next person in that group adds the second sentence. All students must participate. Students use the tape recorders to record their stories. Team members are also responsible for one another's ability to tell an accurate description between the custom(s) and the region.


Learning Verbalized (by students): Students will name one difference they saw between the customs in the U.S. and the regions studied today.

Objectives Assessed: Tape recorders will be taken up and checked for accuracy and used as a participation grade and jot charts will be turned in for grading.

|Country Study Jot Chart #2 |

|Name:_________________________ |

| | | |

|Central America |Middle East |Japan |

|Major Custom 1: |Major Custom 1: |Major Custom 1: |

|Major Custom 2: |Major Custom 2: |Major Custom 2: |

Valentine’s Day Tradition Story Name:___________________

Directions: Pretend you are living in a different part of the world. With your group, write a short story about Valentine’s Day where you live. Each person in the group must think of a sentence to go in the story.




Valentine's Day Lesson Plan: Day 4

Kasey Ayers

Grade Level: First grade

Unit Topic: Love & Valentine's Day

Lesson Topic: Similar Asian Traditions

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes


Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, and socioeconomic groups to the development of civilizations

a. Understand individual differences in languages, beliefs, and customs that may be unique to one's culture


jot charts, colored pencils, poster boards, magazines, scissors, glue, markers, computer, and projection screen

Lesson Objectives

TSWBAT utilize background knowledge and contexts to give an educated guess on what customs fit in various countries

TSWBAT discuss his/her rationale on why they thought a particular custom is practiced in a particular country on their jot chart

TSWBAT apply knowledge of customs from various regions on a poster board

TSWBAT work with a group in creating a collage

Anticipatory Set/Focus

ABK/RRL/IAS: Split the students into two teams and have a contest on which team can correctly identify the region that is associated with the custom on the projection screen the fastest. One point will be given each time a team correctly answers the question. The team with the most points wins. After game, ask students to think of any other customs that we might practice in the U.S. that are similar to Valentine's Day.

Label Learning: Today, we will learn about regions in Asia that have holidays that are based on love and friendship, but are not Valentine's Day.


Activity: Finish up jot charts

Directions: Have students continue our activity with the jot charts now studying similar holidays of Valentine's Day that are celebrated in parts of Asia. This region concludes our jot chart activity.

Activity: Poster collages

Directions: Students will then use their completed jot charts to work in small groups to make poster collages. The collages will depict different cultures celebrating Valentine’s Day or the holidays similar to Valentine's Day. Students will use magazines to find picture/word representations of the customs that we have studies. Students will finish their collages and present them tomorrow in class.


Learning Verbalized: Have students split into two teams as earlier and have a rematch on the game played in the set. However, this time the game will be based on the Asian holidays we learned earlier today.

Objectives Assessed: Students will turn in jot charts for an overall grade and collages will be graded on participation. Students will also be assessed on their ability to work in a group by monitoring students during group time.

Independent Practice

Have students read over their jot charts with a parent/guardian and be ready to discuss their group collage to the rest of the class. Make sure every student is aware that all students will discuss their poster board in some way.

|Country Study Jot Chart #2 |

|Name:_________________________ |

| | |

|China: The Night of Sevens |Japan: Tanabata |

|What it means: |What it means: |

|Customs: |Customs: |

Valentine’s Day Lesson Plan: Day 5

Kasey Ayers

Grade Level: First grade

Unit Topic: Love & Valentine's Day

Lesson Topic: Closure on Unit

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes


Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, and socioeconomic groups to the development of civilizations

a. Understand individual differences in languages, beliefs, and customs that may be unique to one's culture


poster collages, magazines, scissors, glue, markers, numbered sticks, evaluation sheets, and quizzes

Lesson Objectives

TSWBAT discuss the different customs he/she found for his/her collage to the class

TSWBAT explain the differences and similarities between the regions we studied this week and the customs practiced there in association with Valentine's Day on a quiz

Anticipatory Set/Focus

ABK/RRL/IAS: Put students into groups of four and have them discuss one custom that seemed confusing or unclear. Each group will then share with the class and the class as a whole will work together to figure out the solution.

Label Learning: Today, we will be reviewing everything that we have studied this week to get ready for a quiz that will be given later on.


Activity: Poster Collages

Directions: Allow groups time to finish their poster collages and prepare to present to the class.

Activity: Presentations

Directions: Have groups draw numbered sticks to see which order they will be presenting in. Allow groups five minutes to report their material and have any questions presented at the end. Evaluate students while they present their material based on the rubric provided below.

Activity: Discussion and Review

Directions: Have a brief discussion on the history of Valentine's Day, St. Valentine, and the regions we studied this week and the customs they practice.

Activity: Short Quiz

Directions: Give a short quiz on where Valentine’s Day comes from and who St. Valentine was. Students will give one Valentine’s Day tradition from three regions we studied this week. For extra credit, students name one thing we studied this week that they were most surprised about. The quiz will be read verbally by the teacher.


Learning Verbalized: Have students tell what their favorite thing we learned this week was and their least favorite and why.

Objectives Assessed: Students will turn in quizzes for a grade and poster collages will be graded.

Grading Rubric for Social Studies Collage Reports

|Requirements |Excellent |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement |Comments |

|Presentation | | | | |

|(worth 20 points) | | | | |

|Accurate Information | | | | |

|(worth 35 points) | | | | |

|Organized & Neat | | | | |

|(worth 20 points) | | | | |

|Group Participation | | | | |

|(worth 25 points) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Overall Grade: | | | | |

Valentine’s Day Quiz


Directions: Answer the following questions

1.Where does Valentine’s Day come from? _______________________________


2.Who was Saint Valentine? ___________________________________________


Directions: Give one Valentine’s Day tradition from three regions we studied this week.

1. Region:______________________________________________________




2. Region:_______________________________________________________




3. Region:________________________________________________________




* Bonus:

Name one thing we studied this week that you are most surprised about:___________



Reading Lesson Plans for Thematic Unit

Name: Maggie Filloon

Date: Monday, February 7th

Subject: Reading/Language Arts

Theme: Love and Valentine’s Day

Length of Lesson: 45 min. Morning Reading (Set & Story);

45 min. Language Arts/Spelling (Instruction); 45 min. Afternoon Reading Journals (Closure)


1st Grade Language Arts – Standard 7 – Media

0101.7.1 – Experience and respond to a variety of media (e.g., books, audio, video, computer, illustrations).


TSWBAT recall story details or parts of story.

TSWBAT write a reflective journal about the story and about a time they were kind to someone.

TSWBAT emotionally relate to concept of kindness from heart-to-heart session and the Clifford story.

TSWBAT create at least one kind message, using art or writing, for other students in the class.


Clifford's First Valentine Day, Norman Bridwell, Scholastic Inc., 1997.

Pink and red construction paper


Box of “Sweethearts” (small candy hearts with words) for each student


ABK- Have children bring a stuffed animal from home. Have children sit on carpet in circle with stuffed animals. Explain to children that it is normal to feel sad when we are afraid, hurt, or touched by events that "pull at our heartstrings."

IA- Ask questions for each child in class to respond to one at a time in large carpet circle. Ask children to talk about times that they have felt sad for themselves or someone else. Ask what they did to help someone else cheer up or what someone else did to help them feel better.

RRL- Discuss what kindness is and the importance of it. How can we be kind to family, friends, animals, and the environment? Set aside enough time for children to share thoughts and experiences. Pin small cut out hearts on every stuffed animal to end this heart-to-heart session about kindness.

LL- Explain to students that Valentine’s Day is coming up, so today you will read a story about Valentine’s Day, each student will make kind messages to give to people, and students will write in journals about the story and about specific ways to be kind to other people.

Story Time:

Read Clifford’s First Valentine Day in front of class. Then, call on students to stand in front of other students and retell parts of story in a creative way, such as using hand movements.


General Steps:

1. Review previously learned material – See Set/Focus

2. State objectives for the lesson – See Set/Focus

3. Present new material-

• I Do It – Show children how to cut out various sizes and shapes of hearts by folding paper and tracing ½ of heart, cut on fold. Write a kind message on the heart to another teacher.

• I Do It, You Help – Model this again, but ask students to tell you where to fold and cut paper.

• You Do It, I Help – Give children their own small box of "Sweethearts" for an "eat and be sweet" fun time making Valentine's Day messages. Instruct children to make their own hearts and write kind messages to other students, friends, parents, or teachers. Help them to cut out first hearts and think of messages to write people.

4. You Do It –Guide practice by having them continue to work on heart messages. Assess performance by marking each student that completes a heart message and provide corrective feedback by being available for questions and watching progress.

5. Assign independent practice of making more kind messages on own. Continue to assess performance and provide corrective feedback for students, especially those that are having trouble.

6. Ask students questions periodically during activity (about kind words and the Clifford story). Give feedback on responses to questions.


Ask students to recall story (Clifford’s First Valentine Day). Instruct them to write a reflective journal on their own about what they remember from the story. Wait until they finish, then ask them to recall a time that they were kind to someone. Tell them to try to think of a certain kind action they did involving someone else. Instruct them to write about it in their journal, including how it made them feel and how the other person reacted. Collect and grade journals when finished.


• Give students with special needs extra time (perhaps during a free time or at home) to complete activities.

Name: Maggie Filloon

Date: Tuesday, February 8th

Subject: Reading/Language Arts

Theme: Love and Valentine’s Day

Length of Lesson: 45 min. Morning Reading (Set & Instruction Part I);

45 min. Language Arts/Spelling (Instruction Part II); 45 min. Afternoon Reading Journals (Closure)


1st Grade Language Arts – Standard 7 – Media

0101.7.1 – Experience and respond to a variety of media (e.g., books, audio, video, computer, illustrations).


TSWBAT actively listen to the Valentine’s Day songs.

TSWBAT spell the word “valentine” from the song.

TSWBAT cooperate with students during the Musical Game.

TSWBAT write their own lyrics to a love or friendship song in their journals.


Intelli-tunes’ All Year CD, Song Selection: “V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E” by Ron Brown

“Valentine, Valentine” Song (A Musical Game) by Denise Gagne

Valentine Spelling Worksheets (one for each student)


ABK- Ask students if they listen to music at home. If so, ask them if they sing or dance along with the music.

IA- Have students pick face-down popsicle sticks with numbers on the bottom side. Pair up students by numbers (e.g. 1 & 2, 3 & 4, etc.). Instruct pairs to talk about the music they have heard and answer questions posed by teacher, such as where, why, and how they listen to it and whether or not they sing or dance along with it.

RRL- Explain that there are lots of different kinds of music and that we use it for many different purposes (i.e. to entertain, learn, or move). State that music is so widespread and important and that it helps cheer people up, calm them down, and accompanies people in their daily lives. Depending on the lyrics of songs it could also teach or inform them or have special relevance to their lives.

LL- Tell the students that today they will listen to a song and play a game, practice spelling words in groups, and write their own songs about love or friendship in their journals.

Instruction Part I:

Jigsaw Planning Steps:

1. Design objectives – See Third Objective

2. Plan size/composition of groups – Pair Groups plus Groups of 6 students

3. Plan for key elements of cooperative learning

• positive interdependence

• individual accountability

• face-to-face interaction

• social skills

• group processing

Jigsaw Implementation Steps:

1. Teacher will explain process and rules of Valentine song game.

Play game with partners, but can’t leave until all six individuals in group can play game

Accountable for all peers’ understanding of rules and participation

Refer to peers before asking teacher

2. Identify critical social skills, such as teamwork and listening and responding correctly.

3. Monitor and provide feedback during musical game.

4. Ask one child (spokesperson) from each group of 6 to give summary and opinion of game.

5. Evaluate on group participation.

6. Assess group processes- ask students questions about having to account for each group member.

Instruction Part II:

Academic Controversy Steps:

1. Prepare Positions- First, play “V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E” song and encourage students to get up and dance and sing along. Those who don’t feel comfortable may just sit and listen. Put a piece of tape on the floor in a long line and ask students to rate how much they enjoyed the song from not at all to very much. Tell students to stand on one end it they liked it a lot, the other if they didn’t like it, and the middle if they thought it was okay. Pick out four students with the strongest opposing opinions and make them group leaders of opposing groups. Equally divide and assign the rest of the students to groups. There should be two groups who have the position of really enjoying the song and two groups who have taken the position of not liking the song at all.

2. Present and advocate positions- Tell four groups to meet separately and talk about why they like song. Group leader will talk first and each student will go around in circle and add something.

3. Open discussion- Groups with opposing positions will get together and discuss why they like or dislike the song. A student other than the leader will be appointed by the teacher to be spokesperson for the group and state position.

4. Reverse positions- Students will discuss with their group why they could agree with the opposing group. The spokesperson from each group will state reverse opinion to opposing group.

5. Create joint position- Teacher will pick four students from different groups that were neither the spokesperson nor the leader to decide one thing they liked and one thing they didn’t like about song.

6. Present group synthesis- These four students will present what they liked and didn’t like and teacher will summarize and form a statement about students’ opinions as a whole.

7. Process- Teacher will review how students worked together to agree on something. Assess students on participation.


Now that the students have been exposed to some Valentine’s Day music, challenge them to write their own song that has to do with love or friendship. Sing an example of a made up song to students (ex. “I love friends. Friends are cool. I am so glad I get to go to school.”). Encourage students to be creative and write both tentative and final lyrics to song in journals. Voluntary students will present songs in front of class. Afterward, teacher will recap day’s activities and assign homework. Journals will be taken up and graded.


• Switch up groups in cooperative learning models if students are unable to work well together.

• In Academic Controversy Instruction, skip rebuttals, simplify steps, and give students ideas (otherwise, this model will be too difficult for first graders).


• Complete Valentine Spelling Worksheets.

Name: Maggie Filloon

Date: Wednesday, February 9th

Subject: Reading/Language Arts

Theme: Love and Valentine’s Day

Length of Lesson: 45 min. Morning Reading (Set & Online Story);

45 min. Language Arts/Spelling (Instruction); 45 min. Afternoon Reading Journals (Closure)


1st Grade Language Arts – Standard 7 – Media

0101.7.1 – Experience and respond to a variety of media (e.g., books, audio, video, computer, illustrations).


TSWBAT categorize key words from story.

TSWBAT define similarities among the words.

TSWBAT make a sentence having to do with the story’s composition and word groups.


Online Goodie Twoshoes Story (Visit: )

Headphones for Computers (at least half the number of students)


ABK- Ask students about whether or not they separate their clothes in their closet or drawers. If not, ask them if they organize other things.

IA- Make “yes” and “no” columns on the board. Ask them to make a tally mark in the “yes” column if they organize and to make a tally mark in the “no” column if they don’t organize.

RRL- Describe how we can not only put our things in groups, but how we can also put words into groups. Write the words “bark,” “woof,” “ruff,” and “arph” on the board. Ask what is similar about the words or how you can group them. Make sure kids understand that they are all sounds a dog makes.

LL- Say that today students will listen to online story (unless they are in second group that already read story) and will use the key words from that story to find similarities, make groups, and make a sentences about the groups.

Online Story Time:

Students will alternate reading and listening to story on computer and listening to teacher talk about set (class will be split in half). Students need to use headphones and may need to share computers to listen to Goodie Twoshoes Story.


General Steps of Concept Development (Modified):

1. Have students brainstorm key words from online story (See Materials Above).

2. Put in small groups (3-4 students) and have them categorize key words in whatever way they choose.

3. Groups label by defining reasons for grouping.

4. Ask students to analyze grouping and see if any words fit in a different group or two groups.

5. Summarize and generalize by filling in this sentence: The story is made up of _____________. Have students write sentence on piece of paper (write beginning of sentence on board).

6. Evaluate by noting participation and collecting sentences.


Prompt students to write journals about the Goodie Twoshoes story, such as why it had that title. Direct them to use sentence they made up with their small group. Have them write about connections they made and similarities they found among key words from story. Additionally, tell them to write about why those words were important in the story or why the story itself was a good story. Collect and grade journals when they are finished.


• Give students ideas for labeling words.


• If student has Internet access at home, choose, read and listen to another story from the “Ziggity Zoom” website. Think about importance of words in story. Practice writing words from story.

Key Words from Goodie Twoshoes Online Story

• Nice

• Morning

• Breakfast

• Bed

• Brushed

• Combed

• Bus

• Classmate

• Shared

• Cookies

• Outside

• Played

• Smiled

• Tomorrow

Name: Maggie Filloon

Date: Thursday, February 10th

Subject: Reading/Language Arts

Theme: Love and Valentine’s Day

Length of Lesson: 45 min. Morning Reading (Set & Video & Drawing);

45 min. Language Arts/Spelling (Instruction); 45 min. Afternoon Reading Journals (Closure)


1st Grade Language Arts – Standard 7 – Media

0101.7.1 – Experience and respond to a variety of media (e.g., books, audio, video, computer, illustrations).


TSWBAT draw a cartoon starting with the letter “V.”

TSWBAT create unique and decorative Valentine’s Day cards.

TSWBAT locate words in the online word search game.


“V is for Valentine Cartoon” Video, featuring Bruce Blitz (8 minutes)

Internet Access to play Valentine’s Day Word Search Game (Visit: )

Blanks sheets of paper (one for every student)

Colorful construction paper (mostly red or pink)


Black markers (one for every student)


ABK & IA- Instruct students to close their eyes and put their thumbs up if they have drawn or have seen cartoons at home (i.e. in the newspaper or in books). If most students put their thumbs up, tell them to open their eyes and look. If not, ask them if they have at least heard of cartoons to put their thumbs up, then have them open their eyes.

RRL- Cartoons or illustrations represent words in a way that is easier for us to understand. Describe various purposes for cartoons, like those drawn just for fun or those drawn to make people think.

LL- State that today we will watch a video about how to make a valentine cartoon, attempt to draw the cartoons ourselves on Valentine’s Day cards, and play a fun V-day word search game online.

Video & Drawing:

Show “V is for Valentine Cartoon” Video. Give students blank sheets of paper and black markers to follow the guy on video’s lead and practice making cartoons. After video, make students start with the letter “V” and design their own cartoons.


Think/Pair/Share Steps:

1. Students will pair up randomly (elbow-to-elbow scramble method). They will come up with a sort of idea for drawing a cartoon.

2. Each pair will alternate making a cartoon from the letter “V” (ex. Julie draws a face, Mark draws a neck, Julie draws a hand, and Mark draws a body).

3. When they are finished making the cartoon, the pair will put their cartoon with other classmates’ cartoons.

4. Class discussion: What it was like to work with a partner to make a cartoon? Ask if the vision was the same as the end result or if students really knew what partner wanted to make. Call on voluntary and non-voluntary students.

5. Evaluate partner work by collecting and assessing cartoons and telling students to rate their success in pairs at the bottom of the cartoon with a number from 1 to 10 (10 being the most successful and 1 being the least successful).


Students will make Valentine’s Day cards, with letters inside, after they have practiced making cartoons. Teacher will collect and grade one of the student’s cards as equivalent to a journal. The class will be split in half so half will create cards, while the other half plays a word search game on the computer. After the child does as much of the word search as they can, they will need to raise their hand for the teacher to check and evaluate word search.


• If video is too fast, pause so that students can follow along.

Name: Maggie Filloon

Date: Friday, February 11th

Subject: Reading/Language Arts

Theme: Love and Valentine’s Day

Length of Lesson: 45 min. Morning Reading (Set, Library Visit, & Story);

45 min. Language Arts/Spelling (Instruction); 45 min. Afternoon Reading Journals (Closure)


1st Grade Language Arts – Standard 7 – Media

0101.7.1 – Experience and respond to a variety of media (e.g., books, audio, video, computer, illustrations).

0101.7.2- Visit libraries/media centers and regularly check out materials.


TSWBAT define a protagonist or main character in a story.

TSWBAT identify characteristics and actions of Olive, the main character from the story.


Olive, My Love, by Vivian Walsh and J. Otto Seibold


ABK- Ask students how often they go to the public library. Have them close their eyes and raise their hands to answer “yes.” Ask them to think about a character from the last book they read, preferably outside the class.

IA- Ask them to share character from book with person sitting to their left.

RRL- A library has great resources for free. There is no limit to what knowledge can be learned at a library. Also, characters from stories often are similar to people in real life. This is really interesting to discover in a book.

LL- Tell students that today we will visit the school library, check out a book for the class, and talk about the characteristics and actions of the main character of the story we read.

Library Visit:

Visit the school library. Search for and check out Olive, My Love as a class. Allow the students to roam for 5-10 minutes with an assigned buddy.

Story Time:

Read Olive, My Love to children. Choose student, who is raising their hand, to tell about a character in story. Go through all the characters in story with students. Ask students who is main character of story.


General Steps of Concept Attainment (Modified):

1. Select and define concept – Main Character: character that story revolves around.

2. Select attributes –characteristics and actions of main character.

3. Develop positive and negative examples –good traits and actions vs. bad traits and actions (flaws).

4. Give overview of process.

5. Present examples and list attributes – Write on dry erase/chalk board.

6. Develop a concept definition about main character as a class (mostly teacher input using students’ ideas). Basic fill in the blank definition: The main character is ____________________.

7. Give additional examples – Talk more about why the definition works using examples from story.

8. Discuss process with class.

9. Evaluate during closure.


Tell students to write in journals whatever they remember about the main character’s traits and actions. Also, if they can remember the concept definition or anything else important from the discussion, they should write it down. Then, ask the students to think about if they were main characters to a story what they would be like and how they would act. Encourage creativity. Collect and grade journals at the end of lesson.


• Repeat directions multiple times for children who have harder time listening and comprehending.


Check out and read book of choice from library on weekend or within next week to read with parent. Make a visual to display in class on book about characters, setting, and actions. Do presentation of visual next Friday.

Rubric: Library Book Assignment

Due: February 18th

Used library book as a resource [10 pt.] ______

Attractive Visual (poster, mobile, diorama, etc.) [10 pt.] ______

Visual includes information on Character(s) in Story [5 pt.] ______

Visual includes information on Setting(s) in Story [5 pt.] ______

Visual includes information on Action(s) in Story [5pt.] ______

Text/Pictures on Visual are Large Enough to Read [3 pt.] ______

Information on Visual Clearly Represents Story [2 pt.] ______

Total Score [40 pt.] ______

Math Lesson Plans for Thematic Unit

Jessica McCarter

Grade Level: 1st grade

Unit Topic: Love and Valentine’s Day

Lesson Topic: Closing Algebra/ Introducing Geometry (Standards)

Type of Lesson: Direct Instruction

Duration: 45 minutes Daily


Day One

• GLE 0106.3.1 Identify, describe, and extend simple number patterns to develop strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers.

• GLE 0106.3.2 Understand that addition and subtraction are inverse operations.

• GLE 0106.3.3 Extend the strategies for basic facts to include other properties of number and operations.

Day Two

• GLE 0106.5.1 Use various representations to display and compare data.

Day Three

• GLE 0106.5.1 Use various representations to display and compare data.

• GLE 0106.1.1 Use mathematical language, symbols, and definitions while developing mathematical reasoning.

• GLE 0106.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution.

Day Four

• GLE 0106.4.1 Recognize, describe, and draw geometric figures.

• GLE 0106.4.2 Compose and decompose geometric shapes.

Day Five

• GLE 0106.1.8 Use technologies/manipulatives appropriately to develop understanding of mathematical algorithms, to facilitate problem solving, and to create accurate and reliable models of mathematical concepts.


“Mend My Broken Heart”


- Broken hearts

- Tape to mend

- Board/ markers

- Paper

- Problems and solutions



• TSWBAT correctly match a problem with a solution (“mending the heart”).

• TSWBAT review addition/subtraction facts, or whatever skill we are working on at the time.

Set/ Focus:

What have we been covering lately in math? Let students answer. After reviewing addition/subtraction (algebraic) facts, introduce this activity by asking the students if they know what it means to have a "broken heart?" After a discussion, label the learning by stating to mend a heart we have to find the answer. Today we are going to mend hearts, but not just any normal heart, it is a math heart.


First, pass out the heart pieces and tell them to "mend their broken hearts" by finding their partners. Students solve their problems if they have one and find their solution. Then they switch roles. Students will be working on scrap paper during this activity. "THE GAME": After students are "matched up," we check "each other." Then we play again, with each person starting with a different "puzzle piece." This activity is a real winner in my classroom!


Students will solve last problem and tape the two pieces of the heart together. Then they will staple the sheet of paper they were solving the problems on for assessment. To close as a group we will discuss things that we realized through mending hearts.


“You Plotted My Heart To Pieces”


- two sheets of graph (per student) - preferably labeled

- conversation hearts

- pencils

- board/ markers or chalk


• TSWBAT plot conversational hearts on a grid.

• TSWBAT follow instructions to successfully complete the game.

Set/ Focus:

Have a huge pile of board games handy. Ask students what his/her favorite board game is. Then hint around to your favorite board game “Battle Ship.” Ask the students how they think they would play battleship or what is the point? Ask them: What makes board games fun? Is it fun if we don’t follow the rules? (Set rules together for the game). Label the learning by stating today we are going to play a Valentine’s Day version of Battleship called “You plotted my heart.”


Use a 10x10 grid, labeling the lines up from the bottom starting with A, B, etc; on the horizontal axis, number from left to right starting with 1, 2, etc. on the lines. Kids then pair up, each with two grids of their own (one for plotting their hearts and one to mark their guesses) and five conversation hearts. With a folder or barrier in between, they place their heart candies on the intersections of the lines. Each player takes turn calling out a coordinate to see if they've "hit" one of the conversation hearts on the other person's chart. If they have, they take that heart. The object is to get all of your opponent's hearts. Assure the kids that they will get other candies to eat after the game that have not been handled by so many hands.


Get back together as a class and explain how this was fun. Then have students complete an exit slip (on a sheet of notebook paper) explaining how this helped with plotting and ask them to plot one more dot as well.


“Conversational Graphing”


- Conversation hearts ( one box per student)

- Paper plates

- Graphs

- Markers

- Board and writing materials for board


• TSWBAT estimate the amount of hearts within the box.

• TSWBAT compare the estimation with the actual findings by finding the difference between the two.

• TSWBAT graph the hearts in a bar graph by color.

• TSWBAT answer different problems on a worksheet.

Anticipatory Set/Focus:

How many of you all like candy? I know I love candy! What holiday is approaching? Valentine’s. What are some of your favorite types of Valentine’s Day candies? Can we guess how may there are? (THINK PAIR SHARE). Today we are going to use our estimation skills and we are going to solve some problems as well as graph conversation hearts!


Skills taught: estimation, comparing, addition, subtraction, graphing. Each student gets an individual box of heart candy. The teacher leads the lesson by giving the following oral directions.

1- Ask students to estimate the amount of candy in the box and write down the number. Ask how many tens and ones are in that number.

2- Ask students to empty box and count the actual number of candy. Students then find the difference between actual and estimated number.

3- Students sort candy by color.

4- Create a graphing sheet to graph hearts on a bar graph by color or message.

5- Create a sheet to find differences or sums using the number of colored hearts.(ex. Yellow + Pink, Orange-Yellow, etc.)-- Do this with less than or greater than also.


Graphs as well as worksheets will be taken up for assessment. Students can enjoy the candy as well.

Name: ___________________ Date: _______________


Name: _______________________ Date: __________________

Conversation Hearts Activity

• Estimate

o How many hearts are in your box _______

• Report

o How many are actually in your box _______

• Take the greatest amount that you have and subtract it from the least amount you have:

o The greatest amount of hearts is ________.

o The least amount of hearts I have is__________.

o The difference between the two is ________.

• Add up the number of purple hearts and white hearts:

o The amount of purple hearts is _________.

o The amount of white hearts is ___________.

o The sum of the two is _____________.

• Correctly feel in the following sentences (, or =):

o The amount of yellow hearts is ___ green hearts.

o The amount of orange hearts is ___ than white hearts.

o The amount of pink hearts is ___ than purple hearts.

• Make up a problem on your own and solve it.




• a photocopy of instructions in this lesson plan

• colored construction paper (red, pink, purple for Valentine’s Day)

• glue, compasses and rulers, & scissors for each student

• items to decorate with such as markers, glitter glue, paper doilies, and colored tissue paper

• pencils and erasers


• TSWBAT create a geometric figure.

• TSWBAT recognize a geometric figure.

• TSWBAT relate math to Valentine’s Day.

Set/ Focus:

What shapes are around us every day? Let students think pair and share. When they do write the answers they provide you with on the board. Make them give you an example of something they see around Valentine’s Day that is that shape. Then introduce geometric shapes. Label learning by saying today we are going to learn about geometric shapes.


link above has geometric figures

1. The teacher should have the materials for decorating the hearts at several stations.

2. Distribute the handouts and ensure that each student has their own construction tools.

3. Go through the instructions carefully with the students before they begin. Have them watch you do it on the board or an overhead.


• Cut out heart (already traced on paper)

• Find 5 geometric figures and paste them to your heart

• Decorate your heart

• When complete bring to teacher

• Work on writing a short poem about valentine’s day and math

• Have poem checked by teacher

• Type or re-write

• Paste onto construction paper

• Paste heart on side

• Bring to teacher

4. When their heart is complete, they cut it out, and get to work on the art and poetry part of the project. They must beautify the work, and then compose a math valentine poem. Be sure they write clearly on the side with no lines drawn.

5. When the hearts are complete we will then put them of the bulletin board “We Love Math” so that the students display their work.


Exercise graded with a rubric, and I watch for the following categories: proper use of materials, ability to follow instructions, planning, and use of time, finished product. I also note other people’s comments about the finished products and sometimes include them as feedback for the students. The comments are always positive. Hearts will be hanging up as well.


|Use of Materials/Planning: | | | |

|Ability to Follow Rules: | | | |

| | | | |

|POEM: | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|ARTWORK: | | | |

| | | | |

|Finished Project: | | | |

| | | | |



To close out the unit on Valentine’s Day, have fun and incorporate math, bingo was a great option. Along with this students can see this manipulative as another fun addition to mathematics. Prizes will be given away.

|H |H |

|E |E |

|A |A |

|R |R |

|T |T |

| | |

|8 |56 |

|57 |14 |

|22 |44 |

|23 |7 |

|45 |72 |

| | |

|32 |34 |

|14 |45 |

|20 |25 |

|72 |31 |

|38 |5 |

| | |

|39 |54 |

|3 |43 |


|1 |48 |

|65 |57 |

| | |

|29 |29 |

|43 |6 |

|48 |27 |

|19 |70 |

|28 |8 |

| | |

|36 |28 |

|51 |73 |

|11 |74 |

|17 |32 |

|58 |49 |

| | |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|H |H |

|E |E |

|A |A |

|R |R |

|T |T |

| | |

|25 |40 |

|23 |32 |

|34 |12 |

|48 |64 |

|61 |43 |

| | |

|45 |38 |

|40 |68 |

|22 |73 |

|43 |54 |

|13 |9 |

| | |

|57 |37 |

|51 |71 |


|64 |31 |

|75 |23 |

| | |

|71 |72 |

|20 |39 |

|12 |24 |

|32 |55 |

|21 |50 |

| | |

|58 |2 |

|10 |42 |

|67 |45 |

|38 |26 |

|52 |3 |

| | |



Inclusion Students

Lesson Modification Strategies


Working in pairs and reading aloud as a group.

Set/Focus (ABK, RRL, IA, LL, EQ, NNL)

What are some of the materials that we have been discussing in class? Where are these materials and organisms found on the Earth’s surface? (ABK)

Share one material and the place that it is found with your table partner. (IA)

Is this place close to your home or do you see it at some point during your day? (RRL)

LL: Today, we are going to learn how to classify some of these materials based on physical properties. We will be sticking with our theme in Science and focusing in Love for the Earth.


(Students verbalize learning)

((Assess objectives)

• Who can tell me what the physical properties of materials are?

2. Show the students 2 pictures of materials and have them describe the physical properties that we are going to use. Color, Texture, Shape, and Size. They should do this on their own paper.

3. Then, please describe what “Loving the Earth” means to you. You may draw a picture or write in words what this means and what you do to love the Earth.

Lesson (you may need to attach additional pages)

1. Show each one of the pictures on the Promethean board. (attached)

2. Have the students in pairs describe the pictures based on “physical properties” : Do not go into more detail about what this means.

3. Once all the students have something about each picture, talk about what they wrote for each one.

4. Say these are the physical properties we will be look at:

Color: what color is it? How dark is it? Do you think it changed colors?

Shape: Is it round, square, etc.

Texture: rough? Soft? Different on different sides?

Size: how large is the object? Can the object be made into smaller pieces?

5. We will be looking at materials and classifying them while we also look at where these come from and how humans changing the environment can change the materials and what they are used for.

6. Get on the carpet and read the book I Love Our Earth. Students can share things they love about the Earth while we are reading as well.

Instructional Lesson Objectives

(SoLoCO, Domain, Type)

TSWBAT recognize general physical characteristics like color, texture, shape, and size of common materials by describing the materials.

TSWBAT describe what having a love for the Earth means to them.


Book: I Love Our Earth

Pictures of common materials from the Earth

Tennessee Curriculum Standards

GLE 0107.7.2 Classify earth materials according

to their physical properties.

Tennessee Curriculum Standards

GLE 0107.7.2 Classify earth materials according

to their physical properties.

Check: 0107.7.2 Sample areas of the school

grounds to identify where different materials are found.

Instructional Lesson Objectives

(SoLoCO, Domain, Type)

TSWBAT graph where materials are found on the school property by using the graph we made last week.

TSWBAT classify the materials that we find on our hunt into the physical properties that we learned yesterday.


Bags for collections

Graphs the students made last week

Colored pencils/crayons

Set/Focus (ABK, RRL, IA, LL, EQ, NNL)

Divide the students into two groups based on what kind of shoes they are wearing. Make one group go to the left and one go to the left. (RRL, IA)

Make the students discuss and discover why the students are being classified the way that they are. (ABK)

Think about the physical/outside characteristics (ABK).

LL: Today we are going to go on a hunt to see where materials come from and also how they are classified.

Inclusion Students

Lesson Modification Strategies


Draw pictures--- a lot of instruction is group activity.

Lesson (you may need to attach additional pages)

5. Hunt around the school:

Take baggies and walk around the whole school.

The students will collect different kinds of materials that they decided

7. Take the materials back to the classroom and map out where they were found

Students will use their map they made last week of the class

They will draw the material where it was found on the map

3. Once all the materials are drawn on the map they will classify each one of the materials based on the physical properties

Color, texture, shape, and size

* Attached is a the way to classify


(Students verbalize learning)

((Assess objectives)

What did we learn today?

Can you see how some materials have been manually put in the places that they are?

Did you see any materials that have been changed or affected by human involvement? Like this school building being built.

Did we find any trash? How does that not show love for the Earth….

*Take up the map and the classification of materials.


(Students verbalize learning)

((Assess objectives)

Did we learn how differently we can categorize the same material based on their different physical attributes?

Now, sort the words in a different way based on another physical characteristic this time. (I will take this up)

Lesson (you may need to attach additional pages)

1. Put on the Board:




Concrete Blocks



Wood planks

Poster board




2. The students will sort the words in any way that they see fit.

4. They will label the categories after this

5. Then, we will share our categories with the class and see how different people grouped their materials.

6. We will see if they the physical characteristics that we learned come out in the categories.

Inclusion Students

Lesson Modification Strategies


Some students can work in pairs if they need extra help.

Set/Focus (ABK, RRL, IA, LL, EQ, NNL)

Say: Get into groups based on the month you were born.

Now, get into a group with people who have the same eye color

Now, get into groups based on your hair color. (IA, RRL)

ABK: do you see all the different ways that we can group students in the classroom?

LL: today, we are going to work on grouping materials into different categories. We will be working with some of the materials that we already have explored.


List of materials to be sorted



Instructional Lesson Objectives

(SoLoCO, Domain, Type)

TSWBAT sort materials based on physical properties.

Tennessee Curriculum Standards

GLE 0107.7.2 Classify earth materials according

to their physical properties.

Tennessee Curriculum Standards

GLE 0107.7.2 Classify earth materials according

to their physical properties.

Instructional Lesson Objectives

(SoLoCO, Domain, Type)

TSWBAT set a goal that helps preserve an Earth material.

TSWBAT creatively use each of the reusable materials by making each of the projects at the stations.



Construction paper

Markers/crayons/colored pencils


Plant seeds

Old water bottles


Poster board



Set/Focus (ABK, RRL, IA, LL, EQ, NNL)

What are some of the materials that we have been working with this week?

What are some of the uses of these materials?

Can we recycle any of those materials?

Is there anything that we can use those materials for that will help the environment?(ABK,RRL, IA)

LL: Today we are going to use some used materials, manmade and natural, to create some projects.

Inclusion Students

Lesson Modification Strategies


Students can work in groups or with a partner to complete each of the projects. They may also receive each help from the TA or me if needed.

Lesson (you may need to attach additional pages)

1. Use recycled material to make projects in the classroom.

Project 1: go outside and find some trash. Like water bottles: plant a seed in the bottom to grow a plant in the classroom

Project 2: use wrappers that we find or have collected over the last few weeks to make a collage that will be displayed in the school hallway.

Project 3: Decorate old bags (plastic or other) and make them our Valentines bags for notes from other students.

Project 4: Use recycled paper to make Valentines for students in the classroom. ( Pass out at our party)

2. Each one of the activities will be at a station in the room. The students will go with their table to each one of that station and make each one of the projects. Each station will last 15 minutes.


(Students verbalize learning)

((Assess objectives)

What did we do today? From our projects what did you learn about reusing materials? Are there things that we can do to help preserve the Earth? Could you use some of the materials in another way that will help reuse the materials?

I will look at each one of the projects to make sure each student complete it and grade it according to the rubric.

Please take a minute and set a goal for yourself. These goals to be something that will help preserve a specific material of the Earth. Please write this down on a paper. You may draw this as well.

Go around and have each student share their goal with the class. We will display our goals in the classroom and work to hold each other accountable in achieving our goals.

Tennessee Curriculum Standards

GLE 0107.7.2 Classify earth materials according

to their physical properties.

Instructional Lesson Objectives

(SoLoCO, Domain, Type)

TSWBAT reflect on the weeks theme of love for the Earth by writing a short reflection paragraph.

TSWBAT construct a short song about loving the environment that we will share with other first grade classes at our Valentines party.


Words for my poem projected on the promethean board.

Set/Focus (ABK, RRL, IA, LL, EQ, NNL)

Sing this song with the students:

No job is too big.

No action is too small.

For the care of the Earth

Is the task of us all!


The students can share some of the things that they have liked learning about this week.

LL: We have been discussing materials of the earth and how we should love them all this week. Today we are going to conclude this week’s theme by reflecting on those experiences and writing some of own songs like the one above.

Inclusion Students

Lesson Modification Strategies


Provide extra help to students with the poems.

1. Lesson (you may need to attach additional pages)

2. Have the students (in the groups) write short lyrics for an environmental song. If some of the students need help these will be the preps I provide to them.

The Earth is pretty I love the Earth

_______________ I love the soil

We must keep it clean _____________

_______________ ______________

*I can provide more or less help and also provide more prompts on the spot. These poems should be no more than 4 lines and rhyme to some extent.

3. Once each of the groups is done we will share all of ours with the entire class. The whole class will stand and help sing each one of the little poems

4. Once everyone is done we will voted on one. This is the one that we will share with the other classes.

5. We might also share it at the next assembly if they are good at it!


(Students verbalize learning)

((Assess objectives)

1. Students can practice our song for the Valentines party.

2. We will also write something that we learned this week. This will be short but it should be something positive about the Earth and how we must protect the materials that we collected.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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