Library Social Work Student Learning Contract Template

Library Social Work Student Learning Contract Template Name of University:Dates of Contract: Names and Contact InformationStudentField InstructorFaculty Field LiaisonTask SupervisorAgency (Host Site) StructureMost social work internship learning contracts will include the following information:CSWE CompetenciesLearning ActivitiesLearning OutcomesDates or Timeline for CompletionStatus/Comments to assist with evaluation and progress PurposeThe field instructor and the student usually complete the learning contract within the firstfew weeks of the internship. The purpose of developing the learning contract is to promptconversation between the student and their field instructor regarding the potential learningopportunities available through the internship. Often, a signed hard copy is required the social work faculty field instructor. EvaluationThe learning contract typically is used to evaluate progress of the social work student midway through their placement and again at the end of the internship. Many programs use a scale to evaluate progress and achievement of the stated learning outcomes. For example: Evaluation Scale1 Not met*Does not meet professional expectations2LimitedDemonstrates limited understanding of the skills/practice behaviors and shows some ability to implement into practice. Is not fully proficient3CompetentDemonstrates a sufficient understanding of the skills/practice behaviors and is able to implement and integrate them into practice most of the time. Meets expectations4Excels**Demonstrates consistent and effective implementation and integration of skills/practice behaviors in practice; exceeds professional expectations.*Use if students have not had an opportunity to practice yet**Only to be used in the final semester Learning ContractMost programs require students to identify one or more outcomes for each of the 10 CSWECompetencies. Sample learning outcomes are detailed below. Competency 1: Demonstrate ethical and professional behaviorLearning Outcomes for Competency 1Mid-Placement EvaluationFinal EvaluationDevelop, manage, and maintain at least five on-going relationships with homeless patrons using the library.Understand and apply the core values of social work and its unique perspective in relation to working effectively with library staff in an interdisciplinary team.Employ strategies of ethical reasoning in a library setting, paying attention to policy and value conflicts between social work and library service delivery, personal values and biases, and social work ethics.Overall RatingComments:Learning Activities/TasksThis is where the student will list out the tasks or activities they plan to complete in order to achieve the learning outcomes listed pletion DatesComplete reflective journal for processing during supervision.MonthlyBring social work perspective to multidisciplinary interactions within the agency and community.ThroughoutComplete agency orientation and shadow supervisor for two weeks.By end of week 2When introducing self to new patrons, identify myself as a social worker and progressively take a leadership stance, with a collaborative emphasis, when making referrals.ThroughoutExpand identification as social worker by engaging in more advanced practice, direct service role throughout the semester when engaging patrons. By end of week 8Consult NASW Code of Ethics and ALA Code of Ethics: Identify/manage conflicting priorities between the two discuss during supervision.By end of week 2Ethics Paper: Reflect on ethical dilemmas in field within required ethical dilemma paper.By end of week 9Comments: The remaining competencies would each have their own table for ratings, deadlines, and comments, in the same format as the one above. For the sake of space here, example outcomes and tasks are listed for the remaining competencies outside of the separate evaluation table format. Competency 2: Engage diversity and difference in practice.Learning Outcomes for Competency 2:Research and apply knowledge of the specific populations using the library to enhance the wellbeing of patrons in a manner that recognizes the importance of culture and ethnicity in all stages of social work petency 3: Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.Learning Outcomes for Competency 3:Use knowledge of the oppression, discrimination and historical trauma on library patrons and their support networks to promote self-sufficiency, self- advocacy and empowerment. Competency 4: Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.Learning Outcomes for Competency 4:Apply knowledge from literature, and evidence-informed practice in work with library patrons and community partners. Competency 5: Engage in policy practice.Learning Outcomes for Competency 5:Manage individual (personal) and multi-stakeholder (interpersonal) processes at the local, national and international levels to inspire and leverage power and resources to optimize services and outcomes. Competencies 6-9: Competencies 6-9: Engage (6), Assess (7), Intervene (8), and Evaluate (9) with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.Learning Outcomes for Competencies 6-9:Establish a culturally-responsive therapeutic relationship which encourages service participants to be equal partners in the establishment of goals for intervention and referrals (6).Systematically gather information from multiple sources to assess service participants’ coping strategies to reinforce and improve adaptation to life situations, circumstances and events (7).Critically evaluate, select, and apply best practices and evidence informed interventions with patrons needing social work services (8).Evaluate the process and/ or outcomes to develop best practice interventions for a range of bio-psycho-social-spiritual conditions with patrons needing social work services (9). Learning Activities/TasksAligned to Outcome #Completion DatesAttend Cultural Competency Staff Training.2By end of week 4Work with Refugee and Immigrant Services Outreach Team to meet and provide services to immigrant and refugee patrons.2ThroughoutEngage in collaborative partnerships with at least six local agencies representing diverse populations to provide services for our underserved populations within the library.2By end of week 10Present information on library resources to participants of offender re-entry program and conduct focus group based on the participants’ needs. 2By end of week 8Advocate for the rights of marginalized within the library by ensuring access to resources and materials by conducting needs assessments of all # branches.3By end of internshipLeverage resources to empower the oppressed by creating programs directly serving their needs.3By midtermEngage with library patrons through “Coffee & Conversation” program.3By end of week 5Complete Voter registrar training and advocate for homeless individual’s right to vote “You Don’t Need A Home to Vote” campaign.3By end of week 10Begin attending meeting for annual “Point in Time” count of individuals experiencing homelessness.3Weeks 5-12Take part in Youth Committee in preparation for capturing an accurate youth count for the annual point in time event.3Weeks 7-12Discuss and develop research question for research project on serving the homeless.4By midtermCompile literature reviews on social work /social services programs in public libraries.4By week 10Research promising library/social work collaborations for possible replication at the library. 4By week 2Develop questions for focus group, based on research.4By week 5Conduct focus group.4By week 8Work to formulate organizational (library) policies that improve the wellbeing of underserved library patrons.5By end of semesterBased on evaluation of library policies, reformulate and propose a more current/updated policy (re: General expectations of customer behavior or Sunshine Law as it relates to incident reports--as potential topics. What research exists? What are other libraries doing?).5By end of week 11Complete voter registrar training.5By end of week 4Meet with library branch manager and reference manager to discuss ethical dilemmas and fair enforcement regarding library patron code of conduct 5to improve library policies.5By midtermResearch best practices of other urban libraries regarding code of conduct and policies that might unfairly target those experiencing poverty and/or homelessness.5By end of placementResearch policies around engagement with older adults.?5By end of week 15Research library policies and engage in policy practice regarding access to services for older adults.5By end of placement???Utilize monthly “Coffee & Conversation” events to engage with underserved patrons in order to get a sense of who they are and to deliver effective, relevant programming.6By end of week 5 Patron Strengths/Needs Assessment: during outreach events, “Coffee & Conversation.” 7By end of week 5Work with patrons experiencing homelessness to tutor them on photo taking and to curate their photo selection in preparation for art show.8By end of placementAnalyze surveys given to patrons and evaluate/implement library programming based on data.9By end of week 12 Mid-Placement Evaluation: Overall, this student has performed at the following level in their field instructionNot competentLimited competencyCompetentExcelAdditional Comments and Feedback: Signatures from:StudentField InstructorTask SupervisorFaculty Liaison Final Evaluation: Overall, this student has performed at the following level in their field instructionNot competentLimited competencyCompetentExcelAdditional Comments and Feedback: Signatures from:StudentField InstructorTask SupervisorFaculty Liaison ................

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