Sale Title Spring argentum Auction

Including: Ancient Coins, British Coins, Latin American and other Foreign Coins

and Commemorative Medals

Date of Sale Saturday 6 February 2010 at 2.30pm

Time of Sale 2.30pm precisely

Venue Diploma Room


Holiday Inn London Bloomsbury

Coram Street

London WC1

Public View Saturday 6 February 2010

Nobel Room


Holiday Inn London Bloomsbury

Coram Street

London WC1

10.00 am – 1.30 pm

Viewing at all other times is strictly by appointment at

11 Adelphi Terrace during the preceding one week

9.30 am - 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.

Order of Sale

Ancient Coins Lots 1 - 64

British Coins Lots 65 - 138

Latin American Coins Lots 139 - 168

Other World Coins Lots 169 - 381

British Commemorative Medals Lots 382 - 414

World Commemorative Medals Lots 415 - 490

Medals by Subject Lots 491 - 523

Buyer’s Premium is 17.625% (inc. VAT)

1 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Pamphilia, Aspendus, late 5th - 3rd Centuries BC, Silver Stater, 10.86g, two wrestlers, MF, rev slinger, triskeles to left in right field, ΕΣΤFEΔΙΙΥΣ (SNH Cop 232, these dies). Minor corrosion, good very fine. £200-250

2 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Lycian Dynasts, Kherei, Silver Stater, helmeted head of Athena right, bowl decorated with spiral and three olive-leaves, Lycian character behind, rev Lycian legend, head of Herakles right, wearing lion’s skin, 8.50g (SNG Von Aulock 4198; Mørkholm-Zahle 52). Slight double-striking on obverse, good very fine to nearly extremely fine. £700-900

3 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Lucania, Metapontum, Silver Stater, head of Demeter left, rev barley-ear. Minor corrosion, very fine. £250-300

4 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Lucania, Thurium (4th Century BC), Silver Diobol, helmeted head of Athena right, rev bull to left (SNG Cop 1478-8). Some marks, fine. £40-60

5 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Lucania, Velia (c.350-281 BC), Silver Didrachm, helmeted head of Athena right, rev lion to left (SNG ANS 1313). The obverse a little off-centre and a test-cut at 6 o’clock, otherwise toned, fine. £150-200

6 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Siculo-Punic (c.345-315 BC), Silver Tetradrachm, wreathed head of Arethusa left, dolphins around, rev horse standing right, before palm-tree (SNG Cop 966). A little off-centre, light porosity, about very fine. £800-1000

7 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Thrace, Chersonesos (c.350-300 BC), Silver Hemidrachm, forepart of lion, rev quadripartite incuse square (SNG Cop 824). Extremely fine. £250-300

8 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Macedonia, Neapolis (c.530-450 BC), Silver Stater, Gorgoneion, rev incuse punch, 9.54g (SNG Cop 222ff; SNG ANS 400ff); Antiochus VII (138-123 BC), Silver Tetradrachm (BMC 4, 71, 25); Ptolemy II (285-246 or later), Ae 40mm (SNG Cop 144ff). First with old tone and a little tooling, all very fine. (3) £500-700

9 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Macedon, Acanthus (c.424-380 BC), Silver 1/8-Stater, forepart of bull, rev quadripartite incuse square. Fine. £100-120

10 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Kings of Macedon, Philip II (359-336 BC), Small Bronze, diademed head of Apollo right, rev jockey on horse right. About very fine. £50-60

11 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Kings of Macedon, Alexander III (336-323 BC), Silver Tetradrachm, Pella mint, c.325-315 BC, head of Herakles right, rev Zeus enthroned left (Price 233A). Some surface erosion on the reverse, otherwise good very fine with a nice portrait. £300-350

12 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Kings of Macedon, Alexander III (336-323 BC), Small Bronze, Macedonian shield, rev helmet (SNG Alpha Bank 835). Very fine. £60-80

13 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Aetolia (c.238-228 BC), Silver Tetradrachm, head of Herakles right, rev Aetolia seated on pile of shields, holding sword and spear (De Laix 71, 3). Some scratches and an edge knock, toned, fine £450-550

14 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Aegina (c.510-485 BC), Silver Stater, turtle, rev incuse square (Dewing 1661). Slightly granular surface, almost very fine. £150-180

15 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Aegina (c.550-456 BC), Silver Stater, turtle bearing a countermark, rev incuse square (cf SNG Cop 507). Somewhat short of flan, fair. £80-100

16 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Mysia, Kyzikos (c.500-450 BC), Electrum Hecte, 2.64g, bull to right, rev quadripartite incuse square (SNG BN 224). The obverse off-centre, otherwise good very fine. £200-250

17 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Mysia, Kyzikos (c.300 BC), Silver Tetradrachm, female head left, rev Apollo seated on omphalos (BMC 2-3). Minor corrosion, otherwise toned, about very fine. £200-250

18 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Indo-Greek, Menander (165-130 BC), Silver Drachm, helmeted bust right, rev Athena to left (SNG ANS 868). About extremely fine. £50-70

19 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Indo-Greek, Menander, Silver Drachm (c.160-145 BC), diademed bust right, rev Athena to left. Good very fine. £40-60

20 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Indo-Scythians, Azes II (BC 35 - 5 AD), Silver Tetradrachm, King on a horseback right, rev Athena (cf Mitch 2347ff). Very fine. £50-70

21 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy II, Tetradrachm, diademed head, rev eagle. Fine. £40-60

22 ANCIENT COINS. Greek. Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy XII (80-51 BC), Silver Tetradrachm, Alexandria mint, diademed head right, rev eagle to left (SNG Cop 390 var). Somewhat short of flan, otherwise very fine/good very fine. £100-120

23 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Roman Republic, Denarius, M Carbo, 122 BC, helmeted head of Roma with border of dots, rev Jupiter in quadriga holding reins and sceptre in left hand and hurling thunderbolt with right, line border (Cr 276/1). Toned, fine. £30-50

24 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Roman Republic, Denarius, M Sergi Silvs Q, 115 or 116 BC, helmeted head of Roma right, border of dots, rev horseman holding sword in right hand and severed head in left, border of dots (Cr 286/1). Toned, fine. £30-50

25 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Roman Republic, Denarius, Q Therm M.F, 103 BC, helmeted head of Mars, helmet has long crest and plume each side, rev Roman soldier fighting barbarian soldier in protection of fallen comrade, border of dots (Cr 319/1). Fine. £30-50

26 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Roman Republic, Denarius, Palikanvs 45 BC, laureate head of Honos with border of dots, rev curule chair, corn-ear on either side, wreath, border of dots (Cr 473/2b). Fine. £30-50

27 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Roman Republic, Denarius, C Postvmi AT or TA, 74 BC, draped bust of Diana with bow and quiver over shoulder, border of dots, rev hound running, above spear, border of dots (Cr 394/1a). Fine. £30-50

28 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Roman Republic, Denarius, M.Fovri L.F Phili, 119 BC, laureate head of Janus, border of dots, rev Roma, wearing Corinthian helmet, crowning trophy, ROMA (Cr 281/1). Fine. £30-50

29 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. A. Postumius Albinus (96 BC), Silver Denarius, bust of Artemis right, rev three soldiers on horses to left (Cr 335/9; Syd 613). A light scratch on the reverse, otherwise very fine and lightly toned. £120-150

30 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. T. Carisius (46 BC), Silver Denarius, head of Roma right, rev sceptre, cornucopiae on globe and rudder (Cr 464/3a). Toned, very fine. £120-150

31 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Tiberius (AD 14-37), Gold Aureus, Indian imitation, TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head right, rev PONTIF M[A]XIM, female seated right, holding sceptre and branch, 7.41g (cf RIC 29). Twice pierced, cut on obverse and wavy flan, fair. £400-600

32 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Tiberius, Silver Denarius, Lugdunum mint, laureate head right, rev female figure seated right (RIC 30). About extremely fine . £400-450

33 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Tiberius, Silver Denarius, Lugdunum mint, laureate head right, rev female figure seated right (RIC 30). About extremely fine . £400-450

34 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Vespasian (AD 69-79), Silver Denarius, Ephesus mint, laureate head right, rev Ceres seated left (RIC 1428; RPC 830). Some old scratches on the reverse and a flan crack at 7 o’clock, nearly very fine. £120-150

35 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Domitian as Caesar (AD 69-81), Silver Denarius, laureate head right, rev horseman right (RIC 957). Toned, fine. £100-120

36 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Domitian (AD 81-96), Silver Denarius, laureate head right, rev Athena (RIC 764). Toned, good very fine. £100-120

37 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Trajan (AD 98-117), Cyrenaica, Cyrene AD 100, Silver Hemidrachm, 1.72g, laureate head of Trajan right, rev head of Zeus-Ammon right (Metcalf p.83, note 1; Sydenham 178 (Caesarea in Cappadocia)). Fine and rare. £60-80

38 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Hadrian (AD 117-138), AE Sestertius, laureate head right, rev Hilaritas (RIC 970). Good fine . £150-200

39 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Commodus (AD 177-192), Gold Aureus, Indian imitation, M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT P P, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev TEMP FELIC P M TR P XV IMP VIII COS VI, winged caduceus between crossed cornucopia, 7.62g (cf RIC 214). Pierced and plugged with the excess metal protruding, and two further piercings, slightly wavy flan, fair and rare. £400-600

40 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Commodus, AE Sestertius, laureate head right, rev Victory (RIC 440). Almost fine and scarce. £120-180

41 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Septimius Severus (AD 193-211), Gold Aureus, Indian imitation, SEVER[VS] PIVS AVG P M TR P VIIII, laureate head right, rev AETERNIT IMPERI, busts of Caracalla and Geta facing one another, 7.80g (cf RIC 174). Pierced and plugged with the excess metal protruding, two further piercings, wavy flan, fair and rare. £400-600

42 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Septimius Severus, Silver Denarius, laureate head right, rev Africa (RIC 253). Good very fine. £80-100

43 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Caracalla (AD 198-217), Gold Aureus, Indian imitation, barbarised legend ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right, rev barbarised legend RESTITVTOR VRBIS, Roma seated left, holding Victory and spear, shield beside her, 7.70g (cf RIC 228). Pierced and plugged with the excess metal protruding, two further piercings, slightly wavy flan, fair to fine. £400-600

44 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Caracalla, Gold Aureus, Indian imitation, [ANT]ONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev P [M TR P] XVIII COS IIII P P, Caracalla standing left, accompanied by togate figure, sacrificing in front of temple, in which stands Aesculapius, 7.75g (cf RIC 270b). Pierced and plugged with the excess metal protruding, two further piercings, slightly wavy flan, fair and rare. £400-600

45 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Caracalla, Silver Denarius, laureate head right, rev Caracalla standing left (RIC 246). Extremely fine. £100-120

46 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Caracalla, Silver Denarius, laureate head right, rev Hercules (RIC 192). Weakly struck on Hercules’ head, extremely fine with a light tone. £80-100

47 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Geta (AD 209-212), Silver Denarius, youthful bust right, rev Securitas (RIC 20b). Toned, about extremely fine. £60-80

48 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Severus Alexander (AD 222-235), Silver Denarius, laureate bust right, rev Salus (RIC 32). Some verdigris on the reverse, almost extremely fine. £60-80

49 ANCIENT COINS. Roman. Severus Alexander, Silver Denarius, laureate bust right, rev Sol (RIC 114). About extremely fine. £80-100

50 ANCIENT COINS. Roman Alexandria. Tiberius (AD 14-37), Billon Tetradrachm, laureate head of Tiberius right, rev radiate head of Augustus right (BMC 6/41). Some corrosion on the obverse and somewhat short of flan, fine/very fine. £80-100

51 ANCIENT COINS. Roman Alexandria. Nero (AD 54-68), Billon Tetradrachm, radiate bust right, rev bust of Alexandria right, head covered with elephant’s skin (BMC 163). Very fine for issue. £50-70

52 ANCIENT COINS. Roman Alexandria. Hadrian (AD 117-138), Billon Tetradrachm, laureate bust right, rev bust of Sabina (S 3734 var). Some corrosion, otherwise almost very fine. £60-80

53 ANCIENT COINS. Roman Alexandria. Hadrian, Billon Tetradrachm, laureate bust right, rev clasped hands (BMC 671). Almost very fine. £60-80

54 ANCIENT COINS. Roman Alexandria. Hadrian, Billon Tetradrachm, laureate bust right, rev Zeus enthroned (S 1174). Very fine. £60-80

55 ANCIENT COINS. Byzantine. Focas (602-610), Gold Solidus, 4.47g, bust facing, rev Angel standing facing (S 620). An unobtrusive graffito on the reverse edge, very fine. £220-260

56 ANCIENT COINS. Byzantine. Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (613-641), Gold Solidus, 4.41g, facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, rev Cross potent (S 738). Some light scratches, about very fine. £220-260

57 ANCIENT COINS. Byzantine. Constantine IV (668-685), Gold Solidus, 4.43g, bust three quarter face to right, holding spear and shield, rev Cross potent between Heraclius and Tiberius (S 1156). Weakly struck in parts, very fine. £150-180

58 ANCIENT COINS. Byzantine. Tiberius III (698-705), Gold Solidus, 4.14g, Constantinople, facing bust with short beard, rev cross potent on steps, with stars in field, without officina (S1361E var; DO 2a var). Pierced and plugged thus fine, scarce and apparently unpublished. £200-300

59 ANCIENT COINS. Byzantine. Andronicus II and Michael IX (1295-1320), Gold Hyperpyron, bust of the Virgin within city walls, rev Andronicus and Michael kneeling either side of Christ (S 2396 var). Three small flan cracks, very fine. £100-150

60 ANCIENT COINS. Byzantine. Andronicus II and Michael IX, Gold Hyperpyron, bust of the Virgin within city walls, rev Andronicus and Michael kneeling either side of Christ (S 2396 var). Very fine. £120-150

61 ANCIENT COINS. Byzantine. Andronicus II and Michael IX, Gold Hyperpyron, bust of the Virgin within city walls, rev Andronicus and Michael kneeling either side of Christ (S 2396 var). Significant flan crack, about very fine. £100-150

62 ANCIENT COINS. Byzantine. Andronicus II and Andronicus III (1325-1334), Gold Hyperpyron, bust of the Virgin within city walls, rev Andronicus II and III kneeling either side of Christ (S 2461). Significant flan crack, otherwise nearly extremely fine. £100-150

63 ANCIENT COINS. Byzantine. Andronicus II and Andronicus III, Gold Hyperpyron, bust of the Virgin within city walls, rev Andronicus II and III kneeling either side of Christ (S 2461). Two flan cracks, very fine. £100-150

64 ANCIENT COINS. Empire of Trebizond. Basil (1332-1340), Silver Aspers (8), St Eugenius on horseback, rev emperor on horseback, BA (Ret i/ii; Sear 2622). Mainly good fine. (8) £80-100

65 BRITISH COINS. Edward IV, Groat, 2.65g, light coinage, Bristol, mm sun, B on breast, quatrefoils by neck (S 2004). Slightly clipped, otherwise about very fine and toned, scarce. £70-90

66 BRITISH COINS. Edward IV, Groat, 2.44g, light coinage, Coventry, mm sun/rose, C on breast, quatrefoils by neck (S 2008). Clipped, otherwise good fine, rare. £70-90

67 BRITISH COINS. Elizabeth I, third and fourth issue, Sixpence, 1565, mm rose, crowned bust left, Tudor rose behind, rev quartered shield of arms, date above, on long cross fourchée dividing legends and date, inverted As for Vs in legend (S 2561; BCW RS-2E/RS-6). Slightly creased, lightly toned and about very fine. £100-150

68 BRITISH COINS. Elizabeth I, sixth issue, Sixpence, 1593, mm tun, bust 6C (S 2578B); Milled issue, Sixpence, 1561, mm star, obv large rose in right field (S 2593). Both fine or better, the second with a knock in the obverse field. (2) £150-200

69 BRITISH COINS. James I (1603-1625), Shilling, second coinage, mm rose, fourth crowned bust right, rev quartered shield within beaded border, 5.77g (N 2100; S 2655). Well toned, several light marks to obverse and a little short of flan in places, very fine for issue. £80-120

70 BRITISH COINS. James I, Shilling, possibly mm trefoil, fifth bust, with O of IACO struck over a D, (S 2656), fair; Charles I, Halfcrown, group IV, mm star (S 2779), uneven shaped flan, good fine, Shillings (2), group D, fourth bust, type 3.2, mm tun (S 2790), a number of pinhole digs on the obverse, fine, group F under Parliament, sixth bust, type 4.4, mm sun (S.2801), good fine. (4) £100-150

71 BRITISH COINS. Charles I (1625-1649), Halfcrown, Tower mint, group III, third style king on horseback with raised sword and flowing scarf, type 3a1, mm tun, rev oval quartered shield of arms (N 2209; S 2773). Good fine. £120-150

72 BRITISH COINS. Charles I, Shilling, group D, mm tun, type 3a, fourth bust left, value XII behind, rev round garnished quartered shield (N 2225; S 2791). Slightly ragged edge, almost very fine, the reverse better. £100-150

73 BRITISH COINS. Charles I, Shillings (2), group F, mm triangle in circle, type 44, sixth bust left, value XII behind, rev square-topped quartered shield on cross Moline (S 2799); Shilling, group F, Tower mint under Parliament, mm P in brackets, type 44 (S 2800). Generally fine, the first better. (3) £120-150

74 BRITISH COINS. Charles I, Civil War issues, Exeter (1643-1646), Shilling, 1644, mm rose, crowned bust left, mark of value behind, rev oval garnished quartered shield of arms, date to left of mintmark (N 2573; S 3085). Fair and scarce. £150-200

75 BRITISH COINS. Charles II (1660-1685), Crown, 1662, first laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, interlinked Cs in angles, edge undated (ESC 19; S 3353). Good fine, with one or two edge nicks. £200-300

76 BRITISH COINS. William and Mary, Shilling, 1693, conjoined busts right, rev crowned cruciform shields, WM monogram in angles (ESC 1076; S 3437). Lightly toned, nearly very fine. £300-400

77 BRITISH COINS. William III (1694-1702), Halfcrown, 1698 DECIMO, first laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, Lion of Nassau at centre (S 3494). Toned, very fine. £250-300

78 BRITISH COINS. William III, Shilling, 1697, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, Lion of Nassau at centre (ESC 1091; S 3497). Lightly toned, weakly struck, very fine. £200-300

79 BRITISH COINS. William III, Sixpence, 1697, third laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields, later harp and large crowns, lion of Nassau at centre, date above (ESC 1566; S 538). A little light flecking, practically as struck, in CGS UK holder graded UNC85. £300-400

80 BRITISH COINS. William III, Halfpenny, 1697, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe, date in exergue (Peck 647; S 3554). Nearly very fine. £50-80

81 BRITISH COINS. William III, Halfpenny, 1700, third type, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe, date in exergue, BRITΛN NIΛ., unbarred As, 2mm gap in TERTIVS (Peck 701; S 3556). Fine and extremely rare. £50-80

82 BRITISH COINS. Anne, Halfcrown, 1708 SEPTIMO, Edinburgh, draped bust left, E below, rev crowned cruciform shields (ESC 576; S 3605). Nearly very fine. £300-400

83 BRITISH COINS. George I (1714-1727), Shilling (2), 1723, first laureate and draped bust right, rev crowned cruciform shields of arms SSC in angles, C/SS in third quarter; and regular SSC (S 3647). Some haymarking, otherwise extremely fine and fine. (2) £200-250

84 BRITISH COINS. George I, Maundy Set, 1727 (ESC 2401; S 3658), Cleaned, good very fine. £250-350

85 BRITISH COINS. George I, Halfpenny, second issue, 1721, second larger laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left on globe, date in exergue (Peck 797; S 3660). Good fine. £40-60

86 BRITISH COINS. George I, Halfpenny, second issue, 1723 (S 3660), Farthing 1720 (S 3662); William III, Halfpenny, date erased. Fine. (3) £30-50

87 BRITISH COINS. George I, Farthing, second issue, 1719, laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue, no linear inner circle (cf P 812; cf S 3662). About very fine. £150-200

88 BRITISH COINS. George II (1727-1760), Halfpenny, 1729, young laureate and cuirassed bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (S 3717). Lightly silver-plated, good very fine. £80-100

89 BRITISH COINS. George II, Halfpenny, 1739, young bust left, rev Britannia seated left, date in exergue (Peck 853; S 3717). Toned with underlying lustre, rim flaw, extremely fine. £150-200

90 BRITISH COINS. George III (1760-1820), Emergency issue, Dollar, oval-countermark on Potosi, Bolivia, Charles IV 8-Reales, 1792 PR (S 3765A). Crease across host coin obverse, toned unevenly, very fine and rare. £200-300

91 BRITISH COINS. George III, Emergency issue, Dollar, oval counter-mark with bust of George III on Mexico 8-Reales, Mexico mint, 1794 FM, with the portrait of Charles IV of Spain (ESC 129; S 3765A). Host coin very fine, the countermark extremely fine. £400-500

92 BRITISH COINS. George III, Emergency issue, Dollar, oval counter-mark with the bust of George III on portrait type Mexico 8-Reales, Mexico mint, 1795 FM (ESC 129; S 3765A). Very fine, the countermark about extremely fine. £300-400

93 BRITISH COINS. George III, Bank of England Dollar, 1804, laureate and draped bust right, top leaf to left side of E, no stops in CHK on truncation, rev Britannia seated left, upright K beneath in relief (ESC 148, dies B/2; S 3768). Attractively toned almost extremely fine, in CGS UK holder graded AU78. £400-500

94 BRITISH COINS. George III, Pattern Shilling, 1787, by Pingo, laureate and draped bust in armour right, rev cruciform shields, crowns in angles, garter star at centre, date below, edge plain (ESC 1226; S 3748). Dark cabinet tone, extremely fine, in CGS UK holder graded EF70, noted as a plain edge proof. £400-500

95 BRITISH COINS. George III, “Cartwheel” Twopences (20), 1797; Victoria, Young Head Shilling, 1882. Fine or better. (21) £200-250

96 BRITISH COINS. George III, Maundy Set, 1795 (ESC 2420; S 3764). Toned, generally extremely fine. £250-300

97 BRITISH COINS. George III, Halfpenny, 1770 (S 3774). Good very fine. £50-80

98 BRITISH COINS. George III, Halfpenny, third issue, 1799, laureate and draped bust right, rev Britannia seated left, date below, ship with five incuse gunports (P 1248; S 3778). Small die flaw on the reverse, uncirculated and lustrous. £120-150

99 BRITISH COINS. George IV (1820-1830), Proof Shilling, 1826, second bare head left, date below, rev crowned lion above crown, ornament below, edge milled (ESC 1258; S 3812). Toned, light blemishes in field, otherwise good extremely fine, in CGS UK holder graded UNC82. £300-400

100 BRITISH COINS. George IV, Shilling, 1826, second bare head left, date below, rev crowned lion above crown, ornament below, edge milled (ESC 1257; S 3812). A few light marks in places, pleasing extremely fine, in NGC holder graded MS64. £200-300

101 BRITISH COINS. George IV, Penny, 1825, laureate head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right (S 3823). Good very fine. £120-150

102 BRITISH COINS. William IV (1830-1837), Proof Sixpence, 1831, bare head right, rev value within wreath, crown above, edge plain (ESC 1672; S 3836). Dark mottled tone, a few very minor blemishes, uncirculated, in NGC holder graded PF65. ex Cheshire Collection £250-300

103 BRITISH COINS. William IV, Sixpence, 1831, bare head right, rev value within wreath, crown above, edge milled (ESC 1670; S 3836). Lustrous uncirculated, in PCGS holder graded MS66. £250-300

104 BRITISH COINS. William IV, Sixpence, 1834, bare head right, rev value within wreath, crown above, edge milled (ESC 1674; S 3836). Toned, good extremely fine, in NGC holder graded MS65. ex Cheshire Collection £250-300

105 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Crown, 1889, Jubilee bust left, rev St George and the dragon, date in exergue (ESC 299; S 3921). Obverse marks by portrait and lightly cleaned, edge bruises in places, good very fine . £40-60

106 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Shilling, 1839, second young head left, no initials on truncation, rev value within wreath, crown above, date below (ESC 1283; S 3904). Lustrous uncirculated with mint brilliance in legends, in CGS UK holder graded UNC82. £300-350

107 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Shilling, 1842, second young head left, no initials on truncation, rev value within wreath, crown above, date below (ESC 1288; S 3904). Minor scuffs to cheek, otherwise uncirculated, in CGS UK holder graded UNC85. £250-300

108 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Shilling, 1864, die number 54, second young head left, no initials on truncation, rev value within wreath, crown above, date below with die number above (ESC 1312; S 3905). Lightly toned uncirculated, in CGS UK holder graded UNC82. £200-250

109 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Shilling, 1866, die number 60, second young head left, no initials on truncation, rev value within wreath, crown above, date below with die number above (ESC 1314; S 3905). One or two very light obverse marks, otherwise a lightly toned uncirculated, in CGS UK holder graded UNC85 . £200-250

110 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Shilling, 1872, die number 80, third young head left, no initials on truncation, rev value within wreath, crown above, date below with die number above (ESC 1324; S 3906A). Attractively toned, small mark to cheek, otherwise a pleasing uncirculated, in CGS UK holder graded UNC85. £200-250

111 BRITISH COINS. Victoria Shilling, 1877, die number 37, third young head left, no initials on truncation, rev value within wreath, crown above, date below with die number above (ESC 1329; S 3906A). One or two minor obverse scuffs, a pleasing good extremely fine, in CGS UK holder graded UNC82. £180-220

112 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Shilling, 1883, fourth young head left, no initials on truncation, rev value within wreath, crown above, date below (ESC 1342; S 3907). Light mark and blemish to neck, good extremely fine, in CGS UK holder graded UNC82. £150-200

113 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Sixpence, 1884, fourth young head left, no initials on truncation, rev value within wreath, crown above, date below (ESC 1745; S 3912). One or two tiny spots, toned uncirculated, in CGS UK holder graded UNC85. £80-100

114 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Maundy Set, 1885 (ESC 2499; S3916). Toned, extremely fine or better. mintage only 4488 sets £100-150

115 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Penny, 1841, no colon after REG, young head left, date below, rev Britannia seated right (S 3948). Good extremely fine. £120-160

116 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Penny, 1863, 6+G, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 42; S 3954). Extremely fine. £100-150

117 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Penny, 1868, laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 3954). Good extremely fine with much lustre. £550-650

118 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Penny, 1874 H, 7+G, laureate bust left, 17 leaves in wreath, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (Fr 71, R9; S 3955). Extremely fine and lustrous, rare. £180-220

119 BRITISH COINS. Victoria, Bronze Halfpenny, 1891, young laureate bust left, rev Britannia seated right (Peck 1848; Fr 364, dies 17+S; S 3956). Full lustre, uncirculated with a light tone. £60-80

120 BRITISH COINS. Edward VII (1901-1910), Florin, 1905, bare head right, rev Britannia standing on ship’s bow (ESC 923; S 3981). Good fine and scarce. £60-80

121 BRITISH COINS. George V (1910-1936), Proof Wreath Crown, 1927, modified bare head left, rev crown and date within wreath (ESC 367; S 4036). One or two very light marks, once polished, good extremely fine. £180-200

122 BRITISH COINS. George V, Halfcrown, 1936 (S 4037), Pennies (5), 1913 dies 1+A, 1916 (2), 1917, 1936 (S 4051, 4055). First extremely fine, the others generally good extremely fine to uncirculated. (6) £40-60

123 BRITISH COINS. George V, Penny, 1912H, bare head left, rev Britannia seated right, date in exergue (S 4052). Good extremely fine. £150-200

124 BRITISH COINS. Elizabeth II (1952- ), Proof 1oz Fine Gold Britannia £100, 2007 (S 4454; F 476). Brilliant mint state. £650-750

125 BRITISH COINS. Elizabeth II, ‘VIP’ Proof Shilling, 1954, young laureate head right, rev crowned ‘Scottish’ shield, bearing lion rampant, date beside (cf ESC 1475P; S 4148). Practically as struck, one tiny dot beside ‘S’ in Shilling. £300-400

126 BRITISH COINS. Ireland. Penny, 1602, mm martlet (S 6510A), Farthing, 1806 (S 6622). First toned, pleasing very fine, the second with some lustre, toned, extremely fine. (2) £80-100

127 BRITISH COINS. Ireland. James II, Gunmoney Shilling, 1689, Jan (S 4581). Fine and scarce. £60-80

128 BRITISH COINS. Ireland. Irish Free State, Shilling, 1933 (S 6627). About uncirculated, in CGS holder graded UNC82. £80-100

129 BRITISH COINS. Isle of Man. James Stanley, Penny, 1733, struck in copper (S 7403). A bold fine. £80-100

130 BRITISH COINS. Isle of Man. George III (1760-1820), Proof Halfpenny, 1786 (S 7414). FDC, in PCGS holder graded PR65BN. £250-300

131 BRITISH COINS. Miscellaneous. Guernsey, 4-Doubles (2), 1885H (S 7207), both uncirculated; Jersey, 1/24-Shilling, 1894, (S 7007), uncirculated; St Helena, Halfpenny, 1821, toned, good very fine. (4) £60-80

132 BRITISH COINS. Miscellaneous. Copper Pennies (4), 1854, 1858, obv stamped GW, others (2), fair to fine, Halfpennies (3), 1837, 1853 (2), fine to very fine. (7) £30-40

133 BRITISH COINS. Miscellaneous. An assortment of British Coins and Tokens (approx 100), mostly modern issues but including William III Crown 1696, Charles I shilling, Anne Halfcrown 1706, Anne Sixpence 1711 and Victoria Crown 1894. Mixed grades, should be viewed. (lot) £100-150

134 BRITISH COINS. Miscellaneous. Elongated Coins, Halfpennies (2), George II and George III, 1754, 1773; Shilling with engraved memorial legend, 1813; another, crown counterstamp, fair to fine; British Copper Medalets (3), of Frederick the Great and Prince Ferdinand, very fine; and RHS Banksian Medal, Silver, awarded 1899, 38mm, extremely fine. (8) £40-60

135 BRITISH COINS. Miscellaneous. British Tokens, Warwickshire, Coventry, City Halfpence (10), 1669 (W 54). Fair to fine, two pierced. (10) £40-60

136 BRITISH COINS. Miscellaneous. British Tokens, Warwickshire, Coventry, City Halfpence (8), 1669 (W 54). Fair to fine. (8) £30-50

137 BRITISH COINS. Miscellaneous. Brass Gaming Counters (47), in the style of George III Guineas, by A Fattorini and Sons, Harrogate, established 1831. Good very fine to extremely fine. (47) £150-180

138 BRITISH COINS. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous British Tokens and Passes (approx 170). Varied condition, viewing recommended. (lot) £40-50

139 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Argentina. Republic, Peso, 1882; together with smaller denominations (approx 49), in assorted metals. First very fine, the others extremely fine and better, many uncirculated. (lot) £150-200

140 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Bolivia Republic, President Belzu, Silver Proclamation ½-Peso, 1850, 8-Soles, 1840, Boliviano (3), 1871, 1872, 1873, the 8-Soles very fine, the others extremely fine and better; smaller denominations (30), various metals, earliest issues mostly very fine, the others generally extremely fine. (35) £200-250

141 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Brazil. João, Prince Regent (1799-1816), 960-Reis (3), 1810R, 1813R, 1816R, Rio. Very fine and better, the second rare. (3) £200-250

142 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Brazil. Portuguese, 640-Reis, 1808/7B, 960-Reis (5), 1815B (2), 1816B (2), 1820R; Portugal, 400-Reis, 1815. Generally very fine. (7) £200-250

143 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Brazil. Empire and Republic, 2000-Reis (4), 1863, 1889, 1907, 1913; together with lower denominations (approx 85), in assorted metals but mainly silver, several duplicates. First four all uncirculated, the others mostly extremely fine to uncirculated, a very interesting group for a collector. (lot) £500-700

144 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Chile. Republic, Peso (5), 1881, 1890, 1895, 1896, 1903; with miscellaneous lesser issues (approx 65), in assorted metals, some duplication. Generally extremely fine or better. (lot) £150-200

145 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Colombia. Republic, 50-Centavos, 1892, Columbus; with other issues (12). Mosty extremely fine to uncirculated. (13) £50-80

146 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Costa Rica. Republic, ¼-Peso, 1855JB; with miscellaneous issues (11). First extremely fine, the others mostly extremely fine and better. (12) £100-150

147 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Cuba. Republic, Peso (2), 1933, 1934; with other issues (8). Generally extremely fine or better. (10) £150-200

148 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Cuba. 2oz and 1oz Silver Proof Coins (8), Ernesto Che Guevara, 20-Pesos (2), 1987, 1989, mintage 500; 10-Pesos (3), 1987, 1988, 1989, mintage 2000, 4000 and 2000 (KM 170, 163); Tania la Guerrillera, 20-Pesos (2) and 10-Pesos, 1988, mintage 1000 and 5000 (KM 235, 228). Brilliant proofs. (8) £120-150

149 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Cuba. 2oz and 1oz Silver Proof Coins (8), de la Vanguardia, 20-Pesos (2) and 10-Pesos (2), 1988, mintage 1000 and 5000 (KM 236, 229); Moncada Garison anniversary, 20-Pesos (2) and 10-Pesos (2), 1988, mintage 1000 and 5000 (KM 237, 230). Last uncirculated, the others brilliant proofs. (8) £120-150

150 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Cuba. 2oz and 1oz Silver Proof Coins (16), Triumph of Revolution, 20-Pesos (2), 1987, 1889, 10-Pesos (3), 1987, 1988, 1989, mintage 500, 2000, 4000 and 2000 (KM 169, 162); March to Victory, 20-Pesos (2), 1987, 1989; 10-Pesos (3), 1987, 1988, 1989, mintage 333, 500, 2000, 4000, 2000 (KM 171, 164); Railway Anniversaries, Havana – Bejucal, 20- and 10-Pesos, 1988 (KM 232, 205); Barcelona – Mataro, 20-Pesos, 1988 and 10-Pesos (2), 1988, mintage 1000 and 5000 (KM 233, 205); Liverpool – Manchester, 20-Pesos, 1988, mintage 1000 (KM 234). Brilliant proofs. (16) £200-250

151 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Cuba. Commemorative Silver Coinage (21), 20-Pesos (4), Agramonte, Gomez and Maceo, 1977; Nonaligned Nations, Matt Proof (KM 38-40, 44); 10-Pesos (6), 1989-1991 (KM 249.1, 252.1, 256.1, 262.1 [1-Ounce], 280, 329), 5-Pesos (11), 1988-1990 (KM 219, 221, 222, 223, 224.1, 225.1, 227.1 (2), 231, 251.1). Mostly brilliant proofs. (21) £120-150

152 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Cuba. Commemorative Silver 5-Pesos (52), c.1980s, Brilliant Proof issues (12), Matt Proof issues (40). All mint state or virtually so. (52) £150-200

153 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Cuba. Commemorative Cupro-nickel Pesos (119), large size (18), smaller (101). Uncirculated. (119) £40-60

154 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Cuba. Republic, Souvernir Pesos (2); with Latin American minors (4). Some extremely fine. (6) £120-150

155 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Dominican Republic. Essai 2-Centavos, 1878E; with other miscellaneous denominations (10). First a somewhat impaired proof, extremely fine, the others mostly about uncirculated. (11) £150-200

156 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Ecuador. Republic, 2-Reales, 1849GJ, Quito; with later issues (28), including Crown-sized (4). First very fine, many of the others extremely fine or about uncirculated. (29) £150-200

157 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Guatemala. Republic, Gold 4-Reales, 1861, head of Carrera (Fr 37; KM 135), set in loose claw mount on tie-pin, total weight 1.2g, scuffed very fine; USA, Dollar, 1850, pierced and plugged, fine. (2) £60-80

158 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Guatemala. Republic, ½-Quetzal, 1925; with earlier and later minor issues (27). Mostly extremely fine to uncirculated. (28) £100-150

159 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Mexico. Republic, 8-Reales (18), 1874-1897, including mints of Chihuahua, Culiacan, Guanajuato (5), Mexico City (8) and Zacatecas. Most at least extremely fine, many uncirculated, a very appealing lot. (18) £500-700

160 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Mexico. Republic, Peso (8), 1870, Durango P, 1899GoRS, 1903ZsFZ, 1902AM, 1908AM, 1908GV (3), all Mexico mint; with “Caballito” Peso, 1912, “Independent Cent” 2-Pesos, 1921, 100-Peso (2), 1978, 1979. First very fine, the others extremely fine to about uncirculated, the 1912 Peso rare. (12) £400-500

161 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Mexico. Republic, Early Silver and Copper issues, plus some later issues in base metals (40). Generally about extremely fine to uncirculated. (40) £80-100

162 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Panama. Republic, 2½-Centimes, 1904, the so-called “Panama Pill”, with other issues, mostly later, including 1-Balboa, 1947; Paraguay, Coppers (3), all 1870. Mostly extremely fine to about uncirculated, the latter three very fine. (23) £50-80

163 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Peru. Republic, 8-Reales, 1831G, Cuzco, together with lower denominations (6), in silver, 1827-1855, and Silver Proclamation coins (3), 1834, 1840, 1863. First choice extremely fine, the others mostly extremely fine, certainly worth viewing. (10) £200-250

164 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Peru. Republic, a large assortment of 19th and 20th Century issues (approx 380), in Silver (over 200) and base metals, includes Crown-sized Sol pieces (21), much duplication. Generally about extremely fine to uncirculated, a very useful group. (lot) £500-700

165 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Uruguay. Republic, an assortment of 19th and 20th Century issues (approx 200), in Silver (over 65) and base metals. Mostly extremely fine to uncirculated, one or two scarce. (lot) £200-300

166 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Venezuela. Republic, 2-Bolivares (3), 1924, 1930, 1936; with other issues (26), in Silver and base metals. A nice lot, generally extremely fine to uncirculated, one or two scarce or rare. (29) £250-350

167 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Miscellaneous. Latin American Coinage (24), El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, mostly modern, including El Salvador, Peso 1911 and Honduras, Cupro-nickel Pattern Real, 1870 (KM Pn10). Generally extremely fine to uncirculated. (24) £200-300

168 LATIN AMERICAN COINS. Miscellaneous. Central American Countries, mainly Mexico, 18th and 19th Century 8-Reales and smaller (23). Fine to good very fine. (23) £400-500

169 OTHER WORLD COINS. Afghanistan. Durrani and Barakzai Rupees (11), Mahmud Shah (2), Muhammad Afzal, Dost Muhammad (2), Sher Ali (2), Abd ad-Rahman (4); ½-Rupee, Sher Ali; Krans (2), Sher Ali and Abd al-Rahman (Herat). Mostly very fine. (14) £80-100

170 OTHER WORLD COINS. Afghanistan. 5-Rupees (4), AH1314, 1316, 1322, 1326 (KM 820, 826, 843); 2½-Rupees (5), SH1299, 1300 (2), 1306 (2) (KM 878, 913); Rupees (8), AH1308, 1309, 1310, 1315, 1316 (KM 806, 819), 1330, 1347 (2) (KM 853, 897); ½-Rupees (2), AH1308, 1316 (KM 804, 825); Abbasi, AH1314 (KM 816); other silver (6) and bronze (4) coins. Fine to extremely fine. (30) £200-300

171 OTHER WORLD COINS. Africa. Nigeria, 1/8-Penny Token, 1858/AH1274, obv three-masted schooner and AH date, rev LAIRD above SPERO MELIORA on ribbon, 1/8 Penny, 1/400 Dollar and AD date (Vice 9). Extremely fine and very scarce. struck for MacGregor Laird for use in Nigeria £150-200

172 OTHER WORLD COINS. Algeria. Zudj Budju (3), AH1238, 1239, 1241 (KM 75). Fine to very fine. (3) £120-150

173 OTHER WORLD COINS. Algeria. Budju (4), AH 1237, 1239, 1240 (2) (KM 68); ¼-Budju (4) 1237, 1240, 1244, 1245 (KM 67); 1/8-Budju, AH1237 (KM 74); Kharub, AH1238 (KM 73). Fine to good very fine. (10) £150-200

174 OTHER WORLD COINS. Angola. Miscellaneous Coinage (22), countermarked and plain copper issues. Various grades, some scarce. (22) £150-200

175 OTHER WORLD COINS. Austria. ¼-Kronenthaler, 1788H (KM 38); 5-Kreuzer 1867A (KM 2198). Very fine and very rare. (2) £120-150

176 OTHER WORLD COINS. Azores. Maria II (1834-1853), 80-Reis (Maluco), 1829 (Gom 05.02), 5-Reis, 1830, 10-Reis (2), 1830, 1843, 20-Reis, 1843. Generally very fine, the first and fourth scarce. (5) £100-150

177 OTHER WORLD COINS. Azores. Luis I (1861-1889), Crowned “GP” Countermark on Brazil 960-Reis, 1819R. Both coin and countermark very fine and scarce. £100-150

178 OTHER WORLD COINS. Belgium. Miscellaneous Minor Silver Coins (13). Fine to very fine. (13) £250-300

179 OTHER WORLD COINS. British North Borneo. Cent, 1938H (KM 3). Toned and virtually uncirculated, in ANACS holder graded MS65. £80-100

180 OTHER WORLD COINS. British West Africa. George V (1910-1936), Specimen Shilling, 1936KN (KM 12a). Uncirculated, in PCGS holder graded SP64 £120-150

181 OTHER WORLD COINS. British West Africa. George VI (1936-1952), Specimen Shilling, 1949KN (KM 28). In PCGS holder graded SP66. £80-100

182 OTHER WORLD COINS. British West Africa. George VI, Specimen Shilling, 1951KN (KM 28). In PCGS holder graded SP65. £60-80

183 OTHER WORLD COINS. British West Africa. George VI, Specimen Threepence, 1946KN (KM 21). Prooflike reverse, in PCGS holder graded SP65. £60-80

184 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ceylon. Proof 1/96 Rixdollar, 1802 (KM 74; Pr 86A). Choice bronzed proof, about FDC. £80-100

185 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ceylon. 48-Stuivers, 1808 or 9, 24-Stuivers, 1804 over 3 (KM 77, 76), 1/12-Rixdollar, 1803, 1/48-Rixdollar, 1813 (KM 65, 63); Dutch Occupation, Stuiver (3), Colombo 1793, 179x (2) (KM 26). Good fine to very fine, the 24-Stuivers with a rather pockmarked reverse. (7) £80-120

186 OTHER WORLD COINS. China. Proof Gold 1oz Panda 500-Yuan, 2006 (F B14). Brilliant mint state. £650-750

187 OTHER WORLD COINS. China. Proof Gold 1oz Panda 500-Yuan, 2006 (F B14). Brilliant mint state. £650-750

188 OTHER WORLD COINS. Comoro Islands. 5- and 10-Centimes, 1308A, torch privy mark (KM 1.2, 2.2). Lovely extremely fine with some lustre, the 10-Centimes with one small area of discolouration. (2) £80-100

189 OTHER WORLD COINS. Egypt. Mahmud II, Quirsh (3), AH1223/22, 1223/29, 1223/29 (KM 181, 182, 183), 20-Para (2), 1223/30, 1223/31 (KM 178). Very fine, some tarnishing on two of the coins, scarce. (5) £100-120

190 OTHER WORLD COINS. Egypt. Abdul Mejid, Quirsh, AH1255/18 (KM 228), 20-Para, 1255/19 (KM 227), 10-Para (2), 1255/3, 1255/12 (KM 225). Very fine to extremely fine, scarce. (4) £70-90

191 OTHER WORLD COINS. Egypt. Abdul Aziz, 5-Quirsh (2), AH1277/4 (KM 253.1), 2½-Quirsh, 1277/4 (KM 251), Quirsh (4), 1277/6, 1277/7, 1277/8, 1277/12 (KM 250, 250a), 20-Para (4), 1277/6, 1277/9, 1277/10, 1277/12 (KM 247, 247a). Very fine. (11) £150-200

192 OTHER WORLD COINS. Egypt. Abdul Hamid II, 20-Quirsh, AH1293/20, 10-Quirsh (4), 1293/17, 1293/30, 1293/33 (2), 5-Quirsh (4), 1293/10, 1293/11, 1293/17, 1293/29 (KM 296, 295, 294), 2-Quirsh (2), 1293/29, 1293/33 (KM 293), Quirsh (4), 1293/2, 1293/4, 1293/5, 1293/17 (KM 277, 292). Good fine to extremely fine. (15) £80-100

193 OTHER WORLD COINS. Egypt. Muhammad V, 20-Quirsh, AH 1327/6, 10-Quirsh (3), 1327/2, 1327/6 (2), 5-Quirsh, 1327/2 (KM 310, 309, 308), Quirsh, 1327/2. About very fine to good very fine. (6) £50-80

194 OTHER WORLD COINS. Egypt. British Occupation, 20-Piastres (4), 1916/1335 (2), 1917/1335 (2), 10-Piastres (2), 1917/1335, 5-Piastres (2), 1916/1335, 1917/1335 (KM 321, 320, 319, 318.1); Fuad I, Occupation Coinage, 10-, 5- and 2-Piastres, 1920/1338 (KM 325-327); Fuad I, Kingdom, 20-, 10- and 5-Piastres, 1923/1341, 2-Piastres (2), 1923/1342 (KM 335-338), 10-Piastres, 1933/1352 (KM 350); Farouk, 20-Piastres (2), 1937/1356, 1939/1358 (KM 368); 10-Piastres, 1937/1356, 5-Piastres, 1939/1358 (KM 366-367); 25-Piastres, 1956/1375, Suez nationalisation, 25-Piastres, 1960/1380, third year of national assembly (KM 385, 400). Good fine to extremely fine. (23) £200-250

195 OTHER WORLD COINS. Egypt. Small Denomination Coinage (37), Abdul Hamid, cupro-nickel (4), bronze 1/40-Qirsh (5), all Heaton; Muhammad V, cupro-nickel (4), bronze (1); Fuad and Farouk, portrait coinage, in cupro-nickel (16), and bronze (7), various types. Mostly extremely fine to uncirculated. (37) £70-90

196 OTHER WORLD COINS. Egypt. Copper Coins (27), Mahmud II (2), Abdul Mejid (10), Abdul Aziz (12), Abdul Hamid II (3). Fine to extremely fine, some with lustre. (27) £80-100

197 OTHER WORLD COINS. Egypt. Suez Token, Borel Lavalley et Cie for 1 Franc, 1865 (KM Tn7). Very fine and very scarce. £100-120

198 OTHER WORLD COINS. France. Louis XIV, Ecu aux Palmes, 1698; Louis XV, Ecus (6). Fine. (7) £250-300

199 OTHER WORLD COINS. France. Louis XVI, Ecus (9) and Ecus Constitutionel (3). Fine to very fine. (12) £400-500

200 OTHER WORLD COINS. Georgia. Mediæval Baghratid Coinage. Demetre I (1125-1156), son of Davit the Builder, AE Fraction, Tiflis, irregular flan, 1.3g (BGC 63), very fine, scarce; Giorgi III (1178-1184) and T’amar, AE Fraction, Tiflis, Georgian inscriptions both sides, 2.0g (BGC 69; Kapanadze 63-65), AE Fals, Tiflis, Georgian inscriptions both sides, 2.2g (BGC 65-66). Good fine and fine, rare; Giorgi IV, son of T’amar, small fractional AE Fals, Rusudan countermark (his sister), 2.8g (Kapanadze 71; Pahomov 147), very fine, clear countermark. (4) £60-80

201 OTHER WORLD COINS. Georgia. Mediæval Baghratid Coinage. Queen Rusudan (1222-1245), daughter of Queen T’amar, AE Fals (2), Koronikon 447 (1227 AD), Tiflis, RSN in centre surrounded by ornamental border, date in angles, first with countermark ‘circle on S’, the second ‘circle on retrogade S’, rev four line inscription naming Rusudan, 5.9g (Kapanadze 159), both fine for issue, rare the second countermark apparently unpublished; AE Double Fals, Koronikon 447, Tiflis, RSN in centre surrounded by ornamental border, date in angles, rev four line inscription naming Rusudan, 13.6g (Kapanadze 159 for type, weight unlisted), very fine for issue, apparently an unpublished denomination. (3) £100-150

202 OTHER WORLD COINS. Georgia. Safavid Occupation of Georgia. Shah Husain I (1694-1722) Silver Abbasi (2), Tiflis, Type 1, AH1131, date below mint name, and Type 2, AH 1133, date above mint name, 5.3g, 5.4g (BGC 203, 202); Later Bagratids, Giorgi XII (1798-1800), Son of Erekle II, AE ½-Bisti, AH1213, Tiflis, fish between florettes, rev Arabic legend 9.7g (BGC 265; Pahomov 224). First two very fine, the last fine and rare. (3) £70-90

203 OTHER WORLD COINS. Germany. Aachen, 1/16-Mark, 1752 (KM 43). Very fine and scarce. £40-60

204 OTHER WORLD COINS. Germany. Bavaria, Karl Theodor (1777-1799), Taler, 1778 (Dav 1959; KM 258.3). Toned, good fine. £100-120

205 OTHER WORLD COINS. Germany. Bavaria, Gold 5-Marks, 1877 (J 195). Very fine. £120-150

206 OTHER WORLD COINS. Germany. Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Karl I (1735-1780), Gold 5-Thaler, 1764 (F 714). Some adjustment marks on the obverse, fine. £200-250

207 OTHER WORLD COINS. Germany. ½-Marks (24), with various other modern German coins (14), very good to extremely fine; Schaumburg-Lippe, Copper Pfennigs (5), 19th century, these fair to fine. (43) £50-80

208 OTHER WORLD COINS. Germany. Jewellery Copies. Bavaria, Gold 5-Marks, 1877D, jeweller’s copy. Extremely fine. £40-60

209 OTHER WORLD COINS. Germany. Jewellery Copies. Bavaria, Gold 10-Mark, jeweller’s copy with fantasy date 1888. Good extremely fine. £50-70

210 OTHER WORLD COINS. Germany. Jewellery Copies. Prussia, Wilhelm, Gold 10-Mark, 1888A, jeweller’s copy. Uncirculated. £50-70

211 OTHER WORLD COINS. Germany. Jewellery Copies. Prussia, Wilhelm, Gold 5-Mark, 1877A, jeweller’s copy. Good very fine/extremely fine. £40-60

212 OTHER WORLD COINS. Greece. Kapodistrias (1828-1831), 20-Lepta, 1831 (KM 11). Fine. £40-50

213 OTHER WORLD COINS. Haiti. Republic, 50-Cents, 1895 (KM 47), extremely fine; with silver minors of the Western Republic (6), fine to very fine. (7) £80-100

214 OTHER WORLD COINS. Hungary. Scyphate Copper Coins (11). Fine, some pierced, viewing recommended. (11) £50-70

215 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Sultanates. Sultans of Dehli, Nasir al-Din Mahmud, Silver Tankas (3), ‘Ala al-Din Muhammad, Silver Tankas (7); Sultans of Bengal, Silver Tankas (2); Mughal, Rupees (6), Akbar, Aurangzeb (2), Shah ‘Alam I, Muhammad Shah (2); Gadhiya coins (3). Fine to very fine. (21) £60-80

216 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Akbar, Square Rupee, Ujjain, AH995 (KM 82.7). One test mark, very fine, scarce. £120-150

217 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Akbar, Square Rupee, Tatta, Ilahi 42. One test mark, good very fine. £40-50

218 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Akbar, Square Rupee, Bangala, no date visible (KM 86.1). Minor staining on reverse, extremely fine and scarce. £70-90

219 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Akbar, Square ½-Rupees (10), mintless type, Ilahi 42 and 43 (KM 64). Generally very fine. (10) £100-120

220 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Jahangir (AH 1014-1037; 1605-1628 AD), Rupee in his pre-accession name Selim Shah, Ahmadabad, year 2 (KM 140.1). Very fine, scarce. £60-80

221 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Jahangir, Square Rupee, Agra AH1028 (KM 147.1). Test marks, good very fine. £120-150

222 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Jahangir, Rupee, Kashmir mint, AH1024, year 10 (KM 145.10). Very fine and scarce. £50-70

223 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Jahangir, Rupee, Qandahar AH1029 (KM 142.2). One test mark, extremely fine with subtle toning. £30-50

224 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Jahangir, ½-Rupee, Qandahar, date off flan (KM 135.2). One test mark, very fine and scarce. £70-90

225 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Jahangir, ½-Rupees (2), Qandahar, one dated AH1030. Very fine and very scarce. (2) £100-120

226 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Shah Jahan (AH 1037-1068; 1628-1658 AD), Rupee, Surat 1038h (KM 222.13). Test mark on obverse, toned, extremely fine. £30-40

227 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Aurangzeb (AH 1068-1118; 1658-1707 AD), ½-Rupees (4), Surat, 1076h, 1092h, 1094h, 1111h. Very fine. (4) £120-150

228 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Shah ‘Alam I (AH 1119-1124; 1707-1712 AD), Rupee, ‘Azimabad, 1119h, year 1. Good very fine. £60-80

229 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Farrukhsiyar (AH 1124-1131; 1713-1719 AD), 1/8-Rupee, mint and date off flan. Good very fine, scarce. £70-90

230 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Farrukhsiyar, Rupees (7), Azimabad, year 1, Dar Al-Khilafat Shajahanabad, year 2, Surat (2), years 3 and 4, Dar Al-Khilafat Shajahanabad, year 5, Mustaqir Al-Khilafat Akbarabad, year 6, Gwalior, year 7. Good very fine to extremely fine. (7) £120-150

231 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Mughal. Muhammad Shah (AH 1131-1161; 1719-1748 AD), Rupees (3), Murshidabad, years 28 to 30. Extremely fine. (3) £80-100

232 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Independent Kingdoms. Mysore, Tipu Sultan, Paisas (4), Kalikat AM1215, Nagar, Patan 1224 and undated (KM 73, 103.10, 123.6, 123.9); Dewan Purnaiya, 25-Cash (C 187); Krishna Raja Wodeyarm, 20-Cash, 10-Cash (4). Very fine to good very fine. (10) £50-80

233 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Independent Kingdoms. Sikhs, Rupee, Peshawar, VS1892 (KM 98.2). Very fine and scarce. £80-100

234 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Bahawalpur, Light-weight Rupees (5), Bahawalpur, AH1254, 1255, 1271, 1273, 1275 (KM Y4.1, 4.2, 4.3). Very fine and scarce. (5) £120-150

235 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Bahawalpur, Light-weight Rupees (5), Bahawalpur, AH1255, 1254, 1272, 1273, 1275 (KM Y4.1, 4.2, 4.3). Very fine and scarce. (5) £120-150

236 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Bharatpur, Victoria, Portrait Rupee, Braj Indrapur, VS1917/AD1851 (KM 166.2); Indore, Jaswant Rao, Nazarana Rupee, Nagari legends, SE1728 (1806) (KM 6); Jaipur, Madho Singh, Nazarana-style Rupee, year 3, 1949 George VI, presumably a jeweller’s imitation; Mysore, Tipu Sultan, Rupee, Patan, AM1216, year 6 (KM 126); Arakan, Bodawpaya, Rupee, BE1146 (KM 29). Very fine to good very fine. (5) £150-180

237 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Bikanir, Rupees (4), Surat Singh (2), Ratan Singh and Sardar Singh (KM 17, 32, 37); Amirs of Khairpur, Rupees (4), one with lion struck after the British occupation of Sind. Generally very fine. (8) £70-90

238 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Ghaznavid, Bilingual Dirham, Mahmud, struck at Mahmudpur (Lahore), AH419 (G&G G23). Very fine and scarce. £60-80

239 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Indore, Shivaji Rao, Portrait Rupee, VS1956/AD1899 (KM47.1). Very fine, usual weakness of strike in places, scarce . £100-150

240 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Jaipur, Muhammad Akbar II, Nazarana Paisas (3), 1908/29, 1912/33, 1914/35; Copper Coins (approx 40), various states; Sikh, Copper Token; Maldives, Copper Coins (6). Fine to good extremely fine. (lot) £120-150

241 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Kutch, 5-Koris (9), 1881, 1883, 1897, 1930, 1933, 1936 (Edward VIII), 1937, 1938, 1942, 2½-Koris (6) 1882, 1928, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1937, Koris (7), ½-Kori, 3-Dokda (6), 1½-Dokda (3), Dokda (3), Trambiyo (3). Very fine to extremely fine or better. (lot) £100-150

242 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Kutch, Madanasinghji, 5-Kori and Kori, VS2004/AD1947, Indian independence issue (KM Y85, 84). First good extremely fine and very scarce, the second extremely fine. (2) £100-120

243 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Sind, Amirs of Khairpur, Rupees (16), struck at Bhakkar in the name of Mahmud Shah Durrani, various types, including lion (KM 10, and varieties). Very fine with the usual weak striking for these issues. (16) £120-150

244 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Princely States. Rupees and Fractions, Assam (4), Baroda (5), Bhopal (2), Bikanir (2), Bundi, Cooch Bihar (2), Hyderabad (14), Indore Jaipur (15) Kashmir (3), Mewar (10), Travancore (10) and others. Mostly very fine to extremely fine, viewing strongly recommended. (lot) £200-300

245 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Madras Presidency, ¼-Pagoda, first issue, 1807, nine stars (Pr 155; KM 343). Very fine but weakly struck in one area, scarce. £150-200

246 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Madras Presidency, ¼-Pagoda, second issue, 1808 (Pr 177; KM 352). About extremely fine, some toning. £150-200

247 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Madras Presidency, ¼-Pagodas (2), second issue, 1808 (Pr 177; KM 352). Very fine. (2) £100-150

248 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Madras Presidency, 5-Fanams, first issue, 1807 (Pr 157; KM 342); Double Fanams (2), second issue, 1808 (Pr 184, 185; KM 350). First, very fine and scarce, the others good fine to very fine. (3) £150-200

249 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Madras Presidency, 5-Fanams (5), second issue, 1808, all different varieties, some not in Pridmore (KM 351). Very fine to good very fine. (5) £150-180

250 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Madras Presidency, Coins struck at Madras and Calcutta mints: Rupees (6), ½-Rupees (2), ¼-Rupees (2), ⅛-Rupees (4), Double Fanams (2), Fanams (2), Copper Dudu, 1761, ½-Dudu, Benkulen issue, 20-Cash, 1807 issue, ½-Dub, 1808. Mostly very fine. (22) £100-120

251 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Madras Presidency, ½- and ¼-Arkot Rupee, in the name of Alamgir II (Pr 142, 143; KM 383, 382); ½-Rupee, year 2, possibly Machhlipatan mint (KM 388). Good very fine and all very scarce. (3) £150-200

252 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Madras Presidency, ½-Dub, 1807 (Pr 329; KM 327). Very fine and scarce. £50-80

253 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Bengal Presidency, Calcutta Rupee, first milled issue, 1790, mintname “Murshidabad” (Pr 153; KM 106). Good very fine and scarce. £200-250

254 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Bengal Presidency, Milled Rupee, Benares, 1815 issue, dated 1229/17/49 (Pr 289; KM 42). Very fine. £60-80

255 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Bengal Presidency, Silver Coins, Murshidabad Rupees (10), Calcutta mint, ½-Rupees (4), ¼-Rupees (3); Farrukhabad Rupees (5), ½-Rupee, ¼-Rupee; Benares Rupee 1228/49; ½-Rupee, Murshidabad, year 19; ½-Rupee, year 5, Ahmad Shah Bahadur or Muhammad Shah, ¼-Rupee, year 3; Contemporary Forgeries of Farrukhabad ½-Rupee, Benares ½-Rupee, 17/1229/49. Very fine to extremely fine. (30) £120-150

256 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Bombay Presidency, ‘Surat’ Series, Rupees (3), ½- and ¼-Rupee; 1825 Series, Rupees (2), ½- and ¼-Rupee; Mumbai Rupee for the Malabar coast (Pr 294); Telicherry Fanams (2). Generally about very fine to good very fine. (12) £100-120

257 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Bombay Presidency, Double Pice, 1730 (Pr 100; KM 166), 4-Pice, (18)04 (Pr 143; KM 201); Bengal Presidency, Trisuli Pice, Sagar, 1834-1835 issue (Pr 339; KM A65?). First two fine, the last extremely fine with some residual lustre, all scarce or very scarce. (3) £100-120

258 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. East India Company. Copper coins of the Presidencies (26), including some uniform coinage, and a copper coin of Burma. Mostly very fine to extremely fine. (26) £60-80

259 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. British India. Victoria (1837-1901), Rupee, 1900C, Calcutta (KM 492; Pr 138). Virtually uncirculated, in CGS UK holder graded UNC82. £30-40

260 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. British India. Edward VII (1901-1910), Rupee, 1904C, Calcutta (KM 508). Frosty, virtually uncirculated and lightly toned, in CGS holder graded UNC82. £30-40

261 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. British India. Edward VII, Rupee, 1906C, Calcutta (KM 508). Frosty, lightly toned and virtually uncirculated, in CGS holder graded UNC82. £30-40

262 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Portuguese India. João, Rupee, 1816, Maria II, Rupees (2), 1839, 1846 (KM 219, 269, 273). Fine to about very fine for issue. (3) £150-200

263 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Portuguese India. Pedro V, Rupees (3), 1856, 1857, 1863? (KM 279). Generally very fine, the last seems to have been in a fire. (3) £150-200

264 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Portuguese India. Maria II, Pardão, 1851, ½ Pardao, 1846 (KM 276, 271); Pedro V, ½-Pardão, 185x (KM 280) Very fine and scarce. (3) £120-140

265 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Portuguese India. Copper Coins, Tanga and ½-Tanga (KM 251, 249), 60-Reis, 1840 (KM 24), 30-Reis, 1840 (KM 23); 15-Reis (3), 1854, ND (2) (KM 26, 232, 263), 10-Reis, 1845 (KM 261), 7½-Reis, 1845 (KM 260), 6-Reis (3), 1845, ND (2) (KM 259), 4½-Reis, 1845 (KM 258), 3-Reis (2), 1845, ND (KM 224). Good fine to good very fine, many scarce especially in this high grade. (15) £200-250

266 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Durrani. Rupees (15), various rulers, mints of Attock, Ahmadshahi, Derajat (3), Herat, Kashmir (2), Kabul, Lahore, Multan (2), Muradabad and Peshawar (2). Mostly very fine. (15) £150-200

267 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Durrani. Durrani and Barakzai, Rupees (16), various rulers, mints of Ahmadshahi, Bhakkar (2), Dera, Derajat (3), Heart (2), Kabul (3), Kashmir, Lahore, Peshawar (2). Mostly very fine. (16) £150-200

268 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Miscellaneous. Netherlands Indies, Willem I, ½-Gulden, 1827 (KM 302). Very fine a scarce date. £100-120

269 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Miscellaneous. Netherlands Indies, Willem I, ¼-Gulden (11), 1826, 1834 (KM 301.1), 1854, 1898, 1901, 1906, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1921, 1930 (KM 305, 310, 312), 1/10-Gulden (2), 1855, 1857 (KM 304), 1/20-Gulden, 1855 (KM 303); Holland, Silver Duit, 1756 (KM 70a); Various Copper Coins (37), 18th - 20th Centuries. Mostly very fine to extremely fine, some of the copper coins with lustre. (52) £150-200

270 OTHER WORLD COINS. India. Miscellaneous. Hindu and Muslim Religious Tokens (15), silver and base metal. Mostly very fine. (15) £30-50

271 OTHER WORLD COINS. Indonesia. Sumatra, East India Company, Pattern 3-Keping, 1787, plain edge (KM Pn10). Extremely fine with some lustre. £100-120

272 OTHER WORLD COINS. Indonesia. Sumatra, East India Company, 3-Keping, 1786/1200, 2-Keping (3) 1786/1200, 1787/1202 (2), Keping (3), 1783/1197, 1786/1200 (2) (KM 257, 256, 258, 259); Island of Sumatra, Keping, 1804/1219; 1-, 2- (2) and 4-Keping, 1804/1219 (KM 263-265, 267); Island of Sultana, Keping Tokens (3), 1804/1219, 180(4)/1250, 1835/1411; Pulu Percha Token, 1251 (KM Tn5); Java, Duit, 1814, ½-Duit, 1811z (KM 244, 241); other Token Kepings (4); Brunei, Cent, AH1304 (KM 3); Sarawak, Cent (3), 1882, 1884, 1893 (KM 6, 7). Mostly very fine or better. (26) £100-150

273 OTHER WORLD COINS. Iran. Nadir Shah Rupi, Isfahan, AH1153; Sultan Husain, Abbasi Isfahan, AH1130; Muhammad Shah Lion Kran (2) (KM 799), Nasir al-Din, Krans (5), ½-Krans (6), ¼-Kran, various mints; 2000-Dinars (2), 1297, 1298, 1000-Dinars (3), 1296, 1298 (2), 500-Dinars, ND; Muzaffar Shah 5000-Dinars, 1320, 1000-Dinars, 1323, 500-Dinars (2), 1322, and a small silver coin (similar to KM 991); Ahmad Shah, 2000-Dinars (6), 1000-Dinars (4), Reza Shah, 5000-Dinars, 1306H, 2000-Dinars (3); other silver coins (14). Fine to about extremely fine, viewing recommended. (55) £200-300

274 OTHER WORLD COINS. Iran. Muhammad Ali, 1000-Dinars, probably AH1326 (not clearly struck up), 500-Dinars, AH1326 (KM 1015, 1013). First good very fine, the second very fine, scarce. (2) £80-100

275 OTHER WORLD COINS. Iran. Falus, AH1131, peacock, possibly Tiflis; Tabriz, 1240, sunface (KM 115); 50-Dinars, 1293 (KM A49); 200-Dinars, 1301 (KM 887), 100-Dinars, 1304 (KM 885), 50-Dinars (2), 1294, 1295 (KM 883); 12-Dinars, ND (KM 881.1), 10-Shahi, SH1314. Mostly very fine, the 200-Dinars very scarce. (9) £150-200

276 OTHER WORLD COINS. Iraq. Riyal, 1932, 100-Fils, 1953, 50-Fils (4), 1931, 1938 (2), 1955, 20-Fils (3), 1931, 1938 (2), 10-Fils (2) 1931, 1953, 4-Fils (2), 1939, 1953, 100-Fils, 1959, 50-Fils, 1955, 25-Fils, 1955, Dinar (3), 1971, 1972 (2) (KM 132, 137, 140), 500-Fils, 1971 (KM 132), 250-Fils, 1971 (KM 131), bronze coins (10). Very fine to uncirculated, the bronze coins with some lustre. (31) £100-150

277 OTHER WORLD COINS. Italy. Lombardia, 5-Lire 1848; Napoleon, 5-Lire, 1809B; Sardinia, 5-Lire, 1847; Tuscany, Fiorino, 1859; Duchy of Savoy, 3-Caliarese, 1732; Papal States, Quattrino, 1746. Fine to good very fine. (6) £100-150

278 OTHER WORLD COINS. Italy. Lucca, 5-Franchi, 1807 (KM 24.3). Fine or a little better. £30-40

279 OTHER WORLD COINS. Italy. Kingdom (1900-1943), 20-Lire, 1927, year VI, Rome; with other European crown-sized coins (10) and medals (3) . First good very fine, the others mostly very fine or better. (14) £100-150

280 OTHER WORLD COINS. Japan. A Small Collection of Electrotype Copies (21), all early, mostly silver coinage, including Akztakoban and Nan-Ryo-i-Ryo Koban, others smaller, many paired obverse / reverses, mounted on cards, with descriptions. Very fine. (21) £80-120

281 OTHER WORLD COINS. Malaysia. Kelantan, Tin Pitis (2), AH1300, 1314 (KM 5, 10); another, uncertain issue, Chinese and Malay characters, rev floral border around the central hole. Very fine to about extremely fine. (3) £50-80

282 OTHER WORLD COINS. Malaysia. Penang, British Administration, Uniface Cent (2), 1786 issue (KM 3), ½-Cent (2) and Cent, 1787 (KM 2.1, 2.2, 4); 2-Cents (3), 1828, 1810, 1828 (KM 14, 16), ½-Cent (2), 1810, 1825 (KM 12, 13). Fine to very fine, some scarce. (10) £100-120

283 OTHER WORLD COINS. Mauritius. 25-Sous, issued in 1822 (KM 1); with an Iranian (?) Token, dated 1335, obv mirror and two candle-sticks, MUBARAK BAD, rev two singing birds. First fine, the second very fine. (2) £20-30

284 OTHER WORLD COINS. Mauritius. George VI, Proof Rupee in copper-nickel, 1950 (KM 29.1). Nicely toned, although not homogenously, about FDC and rare. £250-300

285 OTHER WORLD COINS. Mombasa. Specimen Rupee, 1888H (KM 5). In NGC holder graded SP63. ex Ira & Larry Goldberg Auction 37, lot 4509 £100-150

286 OTHER WORLD COINS. Morocco. 10-Dirhams, AH1299, Paris mint (KM Y8). Extremely fine . £60-80

287 OTHER WORLD COINS. Morocco. 10-Dirhams (6), AH1321, AH1329 (2), AH1331, AH1336 (2), all Paris mint (KM Y22.2, 25, 33). Fine to extremely fine. (6) £100-150

288 OTHER WORLD COINS. Morocco. 5-Dirhams (9), AH1299 (2), 1310, 1314, 1318, 1321, 1329, 1331, all Paris mint, AH1320, Berlin mint (KM Y7, 12.2, 21.1, 21.3, 24, 32). Very fine to extremely fine, one AH1299 with trace of mount. (9) £200-300

289 OTHER WORLD COINS. Morocco. 5-Dirhams (3), AH1309, 1311, 1313, Paris mint (KM Y7). Very fine. (3) £50-70

290 OTHER WORLD COINS. Morocco. 5-Dirhams (4), AH1315, 1318, Paris (KM Y12.2), AH1320, London, AH1336, Paris (KM Y21, 32); 2½-Dirhams (6), AH1309, 1310, 1312, Paris (KM Y6), AH1313, Berlin, AH1315 Paris, AJ1321 Berlin (KM Y11, 20); Dirham (4), 1310, 1312, 1314, 1316, Paris (KM Y5, 10.2); ½-Dirham (6), 1310, 1314, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, Paris (KM Y4, 9.2, 18). Very fine to extremely fine. (20) £120-150

291 OTHER WORLD COINS. Morocco. 2½-Dirhams (6), AH1299, 1313, 1316, 1318, 1329, all Paris mint, AH1321, Berlin mint (KM Y6, 11.2, 20.1, 23); Dirhams (7), AH1299 (2), Paris, AH1313, Berlin, AH1315, 1317, Paris, AH1320, 1321, London (KM Y5, 10.1, 10.2, 18.1); ½-Dirhams (9), AH1299 (3), 1311, 1313, 1315, 1316, Paris, AH1313, Berlin, AH1321, London (KM Y4, 9.1, 9.2, 18.1); and an earlier Dirham of Tetuan. Very fine to extremely fine. (23) £150-200

292 OTHER WORLD COINS. Morocco. Dirhams (12), AH1188, no mint, AH1190(?), Meknes, AH1200 (or 1209?), Rabat al-Fath, AH1264, AH1265, Fes, AH1267, mint uncertain, AH1284 (2), Fez, AH1286, Fez, AH1284, AH1285 (2), Marrakesh; ½-Dirham (3), AH1283 (2), AH1284, Fes. Mostly very fine for type. (15) £120-150

293 OTHER WORLD COINS. Morocco. 4-Falus, Fes, AH1310 (KM Y3). About extremely fine, some surface marking, very scarce. £100-150

294 OTHER WORLD COINS. Morocco. Various issues (approx 140), includes Muwahhids, (Almohades), Abu Mohammad ‘Abd al-Mu’min (AH 524-558; AD 1130-1163), anonymous issues of square ½-Dirhams (8) (cf A 496 etc); Alawi Sharifs, Silver Mazuna (A 584); Silver Dirham, Muhammad III (AH 1191); Muhammad IV, Silver Dirhams (2), 1283, 1285; Copper Fals and fractions (32); modern issues (7), Silver Ryals, AH years 1299, 1321, 1329, 1331, 20-Francs 1347, 500-Francs (KM Y8, 22.2, 25, 33, 39, 54 [2]); Tunisia (42), including silver Piastre (date removed) (KM 72.2), another AH1255 (KM.90), 20-Francs, AH 1353 (1934) (KM.263). Varied condition, fine to uncirculated, viewing recommended. (lot)£250-300

295 OTHER WORLD COINS. Morocco. An Assortment of 20th Century Coins (approx 30), silver and base metals, including 10-Mazuna, AH1321, of Fes mint, and a contemporary forgery in copper of a AH1191 Mitqal. Very fine to good extremely fine. (lot) £80-100

296 OTHER WORLD COINS. Nepal. Nepal and Tibet, Miscellaneous Silver Coins (30) and Copper Coins (5); Bukhara, Silver Tanga, AH1230, Copper 2-Tenga, AH133x (KM 28, 47). Mostly very fine. (37) £50-80

297 OTHER WORLD COINS. Norway. Silver Independence Commemorative 2-Kroner, 1905, 50-Øre (2), 1949, 1953, 25-Øre (3), 1874, 1949, 1978, 5-Øre, 1943. First good very fine, others extremely fine. (7) £150-200

298 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Tarabalus Gharb (Tripoli in Libya), Selim III, 10-Para, AH1210 (KM 61). Very fine and rare. £100-120

299 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Tarabalus Gharb (Tripoli in Libya), Mahmud II, Billon 40-Para, AH1223, year 20 (type not illustrated in KM). Good very fine for issue, rare. £200-300

300 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Tarabalus Gharb (Tripoli in Libya), Mahmud II, Billon 30-Para, AH1223, year 23 (type as for KM 207). Good very fine, flat area by edge, very rare. £250-300

301 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Tarabalus Gharb (Tripoli in Libya), Mahmud II, 20-Para, AH1223, year 13 (KM 149). Good very fine and rare. £100-120

302 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Tarabalus Gharb (Tripoli in Libya), Mahmud II, 10-Para, AH1223, without regnal year (KM 128); Copper Paras (2), AH1223, no regnal year (KM 81.1, 75). Very fine to good very fine, all scarce to very scarce. (3) £100-120

303 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Mustafa II, Piastre, AH1106 (KM 120); Ahmed III, Para, AH1106 (KM 139); Mahmud I, Yirmilik, AH1143, Para, AH1143 XIV (KM 206, 193); Osman III, 10-Para, III (KM 258), Ahmed III, Zolota, contemporary forgery; Abdul Hamid I, 2-Zolota, AH1187, year 9 (KM 402), Piastre, AH1187, year 5 (KM 396), Zolota, AH1187, year 2 (KM 391), 5-Para, AH1187, year 6 (KM 379); Para, AH1187 Misr (MK 121); Bayazid bin Murad, Akce, AH792. Fine to extremely fine. (12) £80-100

304 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Mustafa III, 2-Zolota (3), AH1171, years 1, 8, 9 (KM 324), Piastre (2) 1171/82, 1171/87 (KM 321), Zolota, 1171/85 (KM 316), 10-Para (3), 1171, year 8, 1171/81, 1171/83 (KM 306) and a contemporary forgery of a Piastre, AH1171, year 4. Mostly very fine to good very fine. (10) £120-150

305 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Selim III, Yuzluk (6), AH1203, years 2 (2), 3 (2, one a contemporary forgery), 5, 11 (KM 507), 2-Piastres (5), AH1203, year 2, 5, 6, 8, 10 (KM 504), Piastre, AH1203, year 9 (KM 498), 10-Para, AH1203, year 3 (KM 492), 5-Para, AH1203, year 6, all Islambul. Fine to good very fine. (14) £150-200

306 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Mahmud II, 5-Kurush (2), AH1223, years 5, 8 (KM 564), Kurush (2), AH1223, year 12, 16 (KM 560, 575), 30-Para, AH1223, year 17 (KM 579). About very fine to about extremely fine. (5) £150-200

307 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Mahmud II, all dated AH1223, 60-Para, year 19 (KM 580), 6-Kurush (6), years 27, 28, 29, 30 (KM 603), 3-Kurush, year 30 (KM 602), 5-Kurush (2), years 25, 26 (KM 599), 2½-Kurush (2), year 24, 26 (KM 590, 598), Kurush (3), year 23, 24 (2) (KM 589), 20-Para (5), year 25, 29, 30, 31, 32 (KM 596), 10-Para (2), years 22, 25 (KM 587), 10-Para (2), years 12, 15 (KM 559, 575), 5-Para, year 5 (KM 558), Para (2), years 2, 5 (KM 551, 557), Kurush (2), year 21, 20-Para (2), year 21 (KM 548, 583), and other small coins (3). Fine to extremely fine. (31) £150-200

308 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Abdul Mejid, all dated AH1255, 3-Kurush, year 1, 1½-Kurush, year 1 (KM 655, 654), 20-Kurush, year 6, 10-Kurush, year 6 (KM 675, 674). Very fine to extremely fine, scarce. (4) £150-200

309 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Abdul Mejid, all dated AH1255, 20-Kurush (4), years 6, 7, 14, 15 (KM 675, 676), 5-Kurush (6), years 6, 7, 11, 15, 16, 20 (KM 673), 2-Kurush (3), years 7, 9, 13 (KM 672), Kurush (9), various dates (KM 671), 20-Para (4), years 10, 11 (2), 18 (KM 669), other coins from the pre-reform period (13). Fine to extremely fine. (39) £150-200

310 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Abdul Aziz, all dated AH1277, 20-Kurush (4), years 7 (2), 11, 15 (KM 693), 5-Kurush (2), years 1, 6 (KM 691), 40-Para, year 1 (KM 689), 20-Para (2), years 5, 6 (KM 688). Very fine to good very fine. (9) £60-80

311 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Murad V, Kurush, AH1293, year 1 (KM 713). Toned, good very fine and very scarce. £120-150

312 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Abdul Hamid II, 10-Kurush, AH1293, year 3, flower by toughra (KM 721). Fine/good fine and very scarce. £120-150

313 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Abdul Hamid II, 5-Kurush, AH1293, year 1 and year 4, flower by toughra (KM 720). Good very fine and scarce. (2) £150-200

314 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Abdul Hamid II, all dated AH1293, 20-Kurush (5), years 1 (2), 2 (2), 3 (KM 722), 10-Kurush (2), years 13, 33 (KM 738), 5-Kurush (7), years 11, 12, 13, 16, 24, 32, 33 (KM 737), 2-Kurush (7), Kurush (9) (KM 736, 735), 5-Para and 10-Para coins. Good fine to extremely fine. (lot) £150-200

315 OTHER WORLD COINS. Ottoman Empire. Muhammad V, all dated AH1327, 20-Kurush (3), years 9 (2), 10 (KM 780), 10-Kurush (4), years 2, 5, 6, 7 (KM 771, 772), 5-Kurush (3), years 1, 3, 6 (KM 750), 2-Kurush (5), Kurush (3). Very fine to about extremely fine. (18) £100-120

316 Muhammad V, 2-Kurush, Bursa, AH1327, year 1 (KM 785). Extremely fine and scarce. £50-70

317 An assortment of Copper and Base Metal Coins (approx 60), various reigns and denominations, including Republic of Turkey (18), 100-Kurus, 1934 and Lira, 1937. Copper coins mostly very fine, the others very fine to uncirculated. (lot) £150-200

318 OTHER WORLD COINS. Palestine. 100-Mils (7), 1927, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1939, 1940, 1942 (KM 7). Good fine to extremely fine. (7) £70-90

319 OTHER WORLD COINS. Palestine. 50-Mils (7), 1927, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1939, 1940, 1942 (KM 6). Fine to about extremely fine. (7) £60-80

320 OTHER WORLD COINS. Palestine. 50-Mils, 1931 (KM 6). Good very fine, a scarce date. £50-60

321 OTHER WORLD COINS. Palestine. 20-Mils (6), 1927, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1942, 1944 (KM 5, 5a). Good fine to good very fine, some scarce. (6) £80-100

322 OTHER WORLD COINS. Palestine. 10-Mils (12), 1927, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1946, 1942, 1943 (KM 4, 4a). Very fine to extremely fine. (12) £80-100

323 OTHER WORLD COINS. Palestine. 5-Mils (6), 1927, 1935, 1939, 1946, 1942, 1944 (KM 3, 3a), 2-Mils (4), 1927, 1941, 1942, 1946 (KM 2), 1-Mil (10), 1927, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1946 (KM 1). Very fine to extremely fine, some with lustre. (20) £50-80

324 OTHER WORLD COINS. Portugal. Alfonso VI to João III, Early Silver Tostãos (2), Countermarked Silver ½-Cruzados (2) and Tostão. An interesting lot, mostly fine to good very fine. (5) £300-400

325 OTHER WORLD COINS. Portugal. Maria II (1834-1853), 870-Reis countermarked on a Spanish-American 8-Reales of Potosi, 1806 (c/mrk not listed in Gomes); Pedro V, 500-Reis (2), 1849, 1854. First and second host coins fine, the countermarks very fine, the last better. (3) £200-250

326 OTHER WORLD COINS. Portugal. An assortment of Copper and Bronze Coinage (approx 50), various issues. Mixed grades, viewing recommended. (lot) £150-200

327 OTHER WORLD COINS. Russia. Catherine II, Copper 5-Kopecks (7), 1764EM, 1765EM, 1768EM, 1772EM, 1775EM, 1780EM, 1782EM. Fine. (7) £100-120

328 OTHER WORLD COINS. Russia. Catherine II, 5-Kopeks, 1790 EM, the reverse deeply counterstamped IT and below, in circle around * WARRANTED (KM 59.3). Fine. £30-50

329 OTHER WORLD COINS. Russia. Roubles (2), 1772 CΠG, 1799; together with other minor silver coins (6), and better early copper pieces (6), including a Siberian 5-Kopeks, 1774. First very fine but scratched, the others in varied states, some scarce, certainly worth careful viewing. (14) £250-300

330 OTHER WORLD COINS. Russia. Roubles (7), 1819, 1834, 1843, 1849, 1877, 1878, 1887, ½-Rouble, 1877, Polish ¾-Roubles (5-Złoty) (2), 1840, 1841. Generally very fine or nearly so. (10) £250-300

331 OTHER WORLD COINS. Russia. Nicholas II (1894-1917), Gold 10-Roubles, 1902 (F 179). Some light scratches, otherwise very fine. £150-200

332 OTHER WORLD COINS. Russia. Nicholas II, Gold 5-Roubles, 1903, contained in sealed plastic holder from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation bearing serial number НБ 01587 and dated August 1992. Uncirculated. £200-250

333 OTHER WORLD COINS. Russia. Nicholas II, Gold 5-Roubles, 1904, contained in sealed plastic holder from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation bearing serial number НБ 00898 and dated August 1992. Uncirculated. £200-250

334 OTHER WORLD COINS. Russia. Nicholas II, Roubles (20), Romanov Dynasty commemoratives (2), and 1895, 1896, 1897 (4), 1898 (6), 1899 (4), 1901, 1902, 50-Kopeks (11), 1896, 1910 (9), 1913. Generally fine to good very fine, the first two better. (31) £250-300

335 OTHER WORLD COINS. Russia. Post Tsarist, Rouble, 1921, 10-Kopeks (2), 1921; together with Roubles (3), 1924, ½-Roubles (8), 1924 (2), 1925 (4), 1927 (2). Mostly very fine to extremely fine. (14) £150-200

336 OTHER WORLD COINS. Russia. Assortment of Copper Coins (approx 115), mostly 18th and 19th Century, various denominations. A mixture of grades, viewing highly recommended. (lot) £200-300

337 OTHER WORLD COINS. Saudi Arabia. Hejaz, Al-Husain bin ‘Ali, Silver Riyal, AH1334, year 8 (KM 30). Good very fine. £80-100

338 OTHER WORLD COINS. Saudi Arabia. Hejaz, Al-Husain bin ‘Ali, Silver Riyal, AH1334, year 9 (KM 30). Extremely fine, small rim defect, very scarce. £300-350

339 OTHER WORLD COINS. Saudi Arabia. Hejaz, Al-Husain bin ‘Ali, Silver 10-Piastres, AH1334, year 8 (KM 29). Very fine and very scarce. £300-400

340 OTHER WORLD COINS. Saudi Arabia. Hejaz, Al-Husain bin ‘Ali, Silver 5-Piastres, AH 1334, year 8 (KM 28). Good very fine and very scarce. £100-150

341 OTHER WORLD COINS. Saudi Arabia. Hejaz, Piastre (3), AH1334, year 5, ½-Piastre, AH1334, year 5, ¼-Piastre (3), AH1334, year 5 (2), AH1334, year 8, 1/8-Piastre, AH1334, year 5 (KM 24, 23, 25, 22, 21). Very fine to about extremely fine, scarce to very scarce. (8) £200-300

342 OTHER WORLD COINS. Saudi Arabia. Hejaz and Nejd, ‘Abd al-‘Aziz bin Sa’ud, ½-Ghirsh, AH1343. Extremely fine with much original silver wash, very scarce. £150-200

343 OTHER WORLD COINS. Saudi Arabia. Hejaz and Nejd, ‘Abd al-‘Aziz bin Sa’ud, ½-Ghirsh, AH1344, year 2, ¼-Ghirsh, AH1343 (KM A3, 1). First extremely fine with some lustre, the second very fine, both very scarce. (2) £100-150

344 OTHER WORLD COINS. Saudi Arabia. Riyal and ½-Riyal, AH1346 (KM 12, 11); Riyal (4), AH1354, 1367, 1370, 1374 (KM 18, 39), ½-Riyal (2), AH1354, 1374 (KM 17, 38), ¼-Riyal (3), AH1354 (2), 1374 (KM 16, 37). Fine to extremely fine, a little tarnishing on some coins, the issues of year 1346 scarce to very scarce. (11) £150-200

345 OTHER WORLD COINS. Saudi Arabia. Nejd, Maria Theresa Thaler, s.f. mintmark, “Nejd” countermark (KM 14). Very fine countermark on fine host coin. £100-150

346 OTHER WORLD COINS. Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone Company, Proof Penny Token, 1791 (KM 2.1 - 32mm); India, Bombay Presidency, Proof ½-Pice, 1791 (KM 192); Sumatra, 2-Kepings, AH 1251 (KM Tn4). First two impaired as proof, all very fine. (3) £60-80

347 OTHER WORLD COINS. Spain. Barcelona, 5-Pesetas, 1809 (CAY 13857; KM 69), very fine, rare; together with other 17th to 19th Century Spanish silver (12) and Ae (2), generally very fine. (15) £500-600

348 OTHER WORLD COINS. Straits Settlements. George V (1910-1936), Restrike Proof Dollar, 1919 (KM 33). Uncirculated with a pleasant tone, in CGS holder graded UNC90. £50-80

349 OTHER WORLD COINS. Sudan. Abdullah bin Muhammad, 20-Piastres, AH1304, year 5, with “1” in be of zarb (KM 7.1). About very fine and scarce. £80-100

350 OTHER WORLD COINS. Sudan. 20-Piastres (3), 1309/1, 1310/8, 1312 (KM 7.1, 14, 15); 5-Piastres, 1304/4 (KM 5.1), 2½-Piastres 1312 (KM 23.1). Fine to very fine, the smaller denominations very scarce. (5) £150-200

351 OTHER WORLD COINS. Sudan. 20-Piastres (7), AH 1310, year 8 (2) (KM 16), AH1312, year 12 (KM 14), AH1312, year 12, AH1315, year 8 (2) (KM 15), AH1315, year 12 (KM 26). Fine to good very fine. (7) £150-200

352 OTHER WORLD COINS. Sudan. 5-Piastres, AH1311 (KM 19). About very fine and rare. £100-150

353 OTHER WORLD COINS. Sweden. Gustaf V, Silver 2-Kroner, 1910. In PCGS holder graded MS64. £40-60

354 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Selim III, Piastre, AH1222, 8-Kharub, AH1219 (KM 72.2, 73); Mahmud I, 2-Kharub, AH1154, Kharub (2), AH1153 (KM 44.2, 46); and an earlier square silver coin. Very fine and scarce. (6) £150-200

355 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Mahmud II, Piastres (6), AH1241, 1242, 1246, 1247, 1249, 1253 (KM 90), 8-Kharub, AH1241 (KM 89), Kharub, AH1250 (KM 91). First about extremely fine and very scarce in this condition, the 8-Kharub fine, the others very fine. (8) £200-300

356 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Mahmud II, Piastre, AH1250 (KM 90); Abdul Mejid, 5-Piastres, AH1267 (KM 108). First good very fine with almost full silvering, the second good very fine but rather weakly struck on the obverse. (2) £100-120

357 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Mahmud II, Billon Piastres (22), AH1240 (4), 1241 (6), 1242 (8), 1244, 1246 (2), 1248 (KM 90). Fine to about very fine. (22) £150-200

358 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Mahmud II, Billon Piastres (22), AH1240 (3), 1241 (9), 1242 (6), 1245, 1246, 1248, 1250 (KM 90). Fine to about very fine. (22) £150-200

359 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Mahmud II, Billon Piastres (23), AH1240 (4), 1241 (8), 1242 (6), 1246 (2), 1247, 1248 (2). Fine to about very fine. (23) £150-200

360 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Abdul Mejid with Muhammad Bey, 4-Kharub, AH1275 (KM 135). Lovely tone, extremely fine and rare. £100-120

361 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Abdul Aziz with Muhammad al-Sadiq Bey, 4-Piastres (2), AH1290 (KM 167), and one with star countermark (KM 168), 2-Piastres (2), AH1289 (KM 147a), and one with star countermark (KM 165), 8-Kharubs, AH1289 (KM 160a). Good fine to good very fine. (5) £120-150

362 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. 4-Piastres, AH1290, indistinct countermark and trace of mount; Franc (3), 1904/1322, 1911/1329, 1916/1334, 50-Centimes, 1915/1334 (KM 231, 238, 237); 2-Centimes, 1891/1308, 5- and 10-Centimes, 1904 (KM 220, 228, 229). Very fine to uncirculated, the copper coins with lustre, the 1904 Franc scarce. (8) £80-100

363 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Abdul Hamid II with Muhammad al-Sadiq Bay, 4-Piastres (2), AH1293 and AH1294, with star countermark (KM 187, 194). Very fine. (2) £80-100

364 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Ali Bey, Piastre, AH1305 (KM 206), 2-Francs (3), 1891/1308, 1892/1309 (2) (KM 225), Franc (2), 1891/1308, 1892/1309 (KM 224), 50-Centimes, 1891/1308 (KM 223). Very fine to extremely fine. (7) £150-200

365 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Ali Bey, 50-Centimes, 1901/1319 (KM 223). Very fine and a very scarce date. £60-80

366 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. 2-Francs (2), 1911/1329, 1915/1334, Franc (2), 1907/1325, 1915/1334, 50-Centimes, 1916/1335 (KM 237-239), 20-Francs (2), 1353, 1939/1358 (KM 263, 266), 10-Francs (3), 1932/1351, 1353, 1939/1358 (KM 255, 262, 265), 5-Francs (3), 1353, 1355, 1939/1358 (KM 261, 264); and Cupro-nickel Coins (2). Very fine to extremely fine. (15) £120-150

367 OTHER WORLD COINS. Tunisia. Assorted copper and other base metal coins (22), 19th - 20th Centuries. Mostly very fine to extremely fine, some with lustre. (22) £80-100

368 OTHER WORLD COINS. United States Of America. Trade Dollar, 1875 CC; Mexico, 8-Reales (3). First good very fine, the others fine to very fine. (4) £40-50

369 OTHER WORLD COINS. United States Of America. An assortment of Coins (16), including silver (8), copper (4) and Hawaii in silver (2). Fine to very fine. (16) £250-300

370 OTHER WORLD COINS. Vietnam. Tonkin, Zinc 1/600-Piastre (KM 1); Vietnam, 5-Hao (2), 1946 (KM 2.1, 2.2); 1-, 2- and 5-Xu, 1958 (KM 5, 6, 7). First extremely fine, the second very fine, all others uncirculated, KM 2.2 rare. (6) £150-200

371 OTHER WORLD COINS. Yemen. ¼-Riyal, AH1341, 1/12-Riyal, AH1343 (KM Y6.1, 4.1), ½-Riyal, AH1369 (KM 16.1), ¼-Riyal (20, AH (13)68, AH(13)74 (KM Y15), ⅛-Riyal (2), AH1372, AH1373 (KM Y14), 1/16-Riyal (2), AH1368, AH1371 (KM Y13), 2/10-Riyal, AH1382 (KM Y25.1), 1/10-Riyal (2), AH1382 (KM 24.1, 24.2), 1/20-Riyal, AH1382 (KM Y23.1); other base-metal coins (7). Very fine to about extremely fine, some scarce. (20) £100-150

372 OTHER WORLD COINS. Yemen. ¼-Riyal, AH1382, thick variety (KM YA25.1). Very fine and rare. £250-300

373 OTHER WORLD COINS. Yemen. Tarim, 6-, 12- and 24-Khumsi, AH1315 (KM 215, 216, 217); Ghurfah 15- and 30-Khumsi, AH1344 (KM 103, 104); Mukalla, Khumsi, AH1318; Lahej, ½-Baizas (2), Ali bin Muhassin and Fadl ibn Ali (KM 1, 2). Mostly very fine for issue, some scarce. (8) £80-100

374 OTHER WORLD COINS. Miscellaneous. World Gold Coins (8), mostly Ducat-sized pieces, all impaired in some fashion, holed or cut, including a jewellery Indian Mohur, total weight 28.78g. Mostly very fine though impaired. (8) £500-600

375 OTHER WORLD COINS. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous Islamic Silver Dirhems (approx 40); Malikshah, Base Gold Dinar; Copper coins (2), and a few other pieces. Mixed condition, should be viewed. (lot) £100-150

376 OTHER WORLD COINS. Miscellaneous. Mombasa, Rupee, 1888H; Muscat & Oman, ¼-Annas (4), AH1311, 1312, 1314, 1315 (KM 2, 6, 10.2, 12.4), 1/12-Anna, AH1311 (KM 1); Mauritania, 10- and 20-Ougiya, 1974, Ougiya, 1973 (KM 2, 4, 5), Charles IV of Spain, 2-Reales, 1807ai, Madrid with Chinese chopmark. Mostly very fine, the last with very fine chopmark on fine host coin. (10) £80-100

377 OTHER WORLD COINS. Miscellaneous. Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, assorted silver and base metal coins (approx 55), various modern issues. Fine to extremely fine, should be viewed. (lot) £80-100

378 OTHER WORLD COINS. Miscellaneous. Mediæval brass Reckoning Counters (34), many foreign. Some pierced, fair to fine. (34) £50-80

379 OTHER WORLD COINS. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous World Coins (approx 150), many early and ancient coins from the Middle and Far East, including a framed French 5-Livres assignat note, framed silver Crusader coins (6) and framed Chinese Cash coins (6). Varied grades, many identified. (lot) £50-80

380 OTHER WORLD COINS. Miscellaneous. A large assortment of World Coins (approx 250), including silver crown-sized issues and minors, mostly 18th and 19th Century. Mixed grades, several scarce and rare issues, viewing highly recommended. (lot) £400-600

381 OTHER WORLD COINS. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous World Coins (approx 400), mostly modern issues. Varied condition, many uncirculated, should be viewed. (lot) £50-60

382 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Charles I (1625-1649), Coronation, Silver Medal, by Thomas Simon, rev Peace crowning the King, 29mm (MI i 472/76); Memorial for Charles I, Copper Medal, by N Roettier, rev REX PACIFICVS VICTVS VINCEBAT HOSTES VICTOR TRIVMPHAT IN COELIS, 59mm (MI 346/199). First fine, the second very fine and somewhat scarce. (2) The inscription reads The Pacific King, though vanquished, vanquishes his enemies and triumphs a victor in heaven £250-350

383 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Charles I, The Scottish Coronation, Silver Medal, 1633, by Nicholas Briot, crowned bust left, rev thistle, 29mm (MI 266/2). Fine. £80-120

384 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Charles II (1660-1685), Mistresses of Charles II, Frances Theresa Stuart, Duchess of Richmond, by J Roettier, uniface Portrait Medals (2), in pewter and bronzed electrotype, bust left with loose fitting tunic (MI 542/195). The pewter very fine with some age, the electrotype good very fine and presumed to be Victorian. (2) £100-150

385 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury, Released from the tower, cast Bronze Medal, 1681, by G Bower, rev view of London, 40mm (MI 583/259). A contemporary cast, fine. £25-35

386 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. William and Mary (1688-1694), Battle of La Hogue, white metal, 1692 by James Roettier, rev Navel action, 49mm (MI 64/266); Mary Death, lead [white metal], by Jan Luder, bust right, rev Britannia mourning, 58mm (MI 114/348); Anne, Attempted Invasion of Scotland, lead, 1708 by M Smeltzing, 47mm (MI 318/143). First poor but excessively rare, others fine. (3) £40-60

387 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Anne, The Cities Captured by Marlborough, Silver Medal, 1703, by J Croker, bust of Anne left, rev Marlborough on horseback receives the keys to the cities, 43mm (MI 246/35; vL IV, 399). Extremely fine, but pierced to take suspension loop. The condition of the medal and the neatness of the piercing suggests that this piece may have been intended as an award £70-90

388 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Anne (1702-1714), Counters (3), Expedition to Vigo Bay, Copper-gilt counter (MI 239/23); Union of England and Scotland (2), Copper, thick flan, and Silver, thin flan (MI 295/108), Very fine to good very fine. (3) £120-150

389 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Death, Copper Medal, 1727, by J Croker, 51mm (MI 469/83), fine; Luke Howard, FRS (1772-1864), Jubilee of the Royal Meteorological Society, Copper Medal, 1900, by J Pinches, 57mm (BHM 3686); Shakespeare (2), ‘Series Numismatica’, Copper, 1818, by Barre, 41mm, and Bronze, 1964, by M Knobloch (Czechoslovakia), 75mm; sundry pieces (10), one silver, mostly very fine or better. (14) £70-90

390 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, Copper Medal, 1745, a contemporary cast copy of the medal by Roettier, 40mm (cf Woolf 59:2). Good fine. £20-30

391 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Birth of Prince William of Orange, Tin / Lead Medal, 1748, by N van Swinderen, 39mm (MI 642/338; vL XXVII, 287; Brockmann 957), poor though scarce; Battle of Waterloo, 50th Anniversary, Dutch Medalet, Tin, 1865, 26mm (Dirks 44), fine. (2) £50-80

392 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Frederick, Prince of Wales (1706-1751), Death, Silver Medal, 1751, by John Kirk, bust left, rev Britannia mourns at sarcophagus, 35.5mm (MI 661/367). Fine and deeply toned, very rare in silver. ex James O’Byrne Collection, Christie’s, 10 July 1962 (lot 113, part) £50-80

393 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Wales, Agriculture, The Glamorgan Society for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Instuted 1772, Copper Medal, by J Kirk, Flora stands in rural landscape with cornucopiae and holding medal, rev wreath and space for naming, 52mm. Extremely fine and some original colour. £60-80

394 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Wiener, from his series of Catherdrals, Copper Medals (9), 58mm, Aachen, Munsterkirche; Winchester Cathedral; St Apollinariskirche bei Remagen am Rhein; Lincoln Cathedral; St Stephanskirche in Wien; Cathedral de Strasbourg; Cathedral de Chartres. Extremely fine, very light wear to highest points on some. (9) £250-300

395 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Thomason’s Metallic Bronze Vase, Medals (4), 1821, Copper, views of both sides of the vase, variety without linear legend below the vase; 1829, Copper (2) and White Metal, similar, but with linear legend, all 54mm (BHM 1176, 1359). Copper extremely fine, the WM nearly so. (4)Thomason’s copy of the Warwick Vase now stands in the garden of the Senate House, Cambridge. £60-80

396 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Thomason’s Vase (2), 1829, White Metal and Copper Medals, images of the vase both sides, the first with additional legend (BHM 1359). Both good very fine. (2) £30-50

397 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Sir John Vanburgh (1664-1726), Copper Medal of the Art Union of London, 1855, by B Wyon, bust almost full-face, rev facade of Blenheim Palace, 55mm, thick flan (BHM 2572). Good very fine. £80-120

398 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. George III (1760-1820), The Arts Protected by George III, Copper Medal, by T Pingo, 39mm (BHM 6); The English Re-enter Hannover, Copper Medal, by Mudie, 41mm (BHM 777); Waterloo Bridge, Silver Medals (2) (BHM 961). All very fine, the first scarce. (4) £100-150

399 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. George III, Grand National Jubilee, White Metal Medal, 1809, by Kempson(?), within gilt metal mount, 40mm (BHM 643); another, by P Wyon, White Metal, 52mm, in part case (BHM 652); Portrait cliché, copper, by T Wyon Jr, 31mm. First and last fine, second very fine. (3) £40-60

400 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Birmingham, Charles Jones’s “Pantechnatheca”, Gilt-metal Cliché Medal, undated (1823), by Faulkner, facade of the building, REPOSITORY OF ALL THE ARTS, 64mm (JT 76a), matt surface, spotted, otherwise extremely fine; other Birmingham pieces (5), Completion of Birmingham Town Hall, White Metal, 1843, by Thomason, 73mm (BHM 1678), good fine; Bisset’s “Elegant” Museum, White Metal, 38mm, very fine; Birmingham Mint, Visit of the Shah of Persia, 1889, Gilt-bronze, 31mm, stained and spotted; Joseph Chamberlain, 70th Birthday and 30 Years MP, 1908, Gilt-bronze, by H Y Jenkins, 38mm, in case of issue, matt surface, mint state; Birmingham University Opened, Bronze Medal, 1909, 35mm, extremely fine. (6) £150-200

401 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. William IV (1830-1837). Death of the Duke of Sutherland, 1833, Copper Medal, by W Bain, head of the Duke right, rev inscription (BHM 1651); Death of the Earl of Plymouth, 1833, Copper Medal, by E Avern, head left, rev obelisk (BHM 1652). First extremely fine, the second very fine. (2) £80-100

402 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Visit of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert to France (the Chateau d’Eu), White Metal Medal, 1843, by Thomas Ottley, the couple welcomed by Louis Philippe, rev legend within ribband, 51mm (BHM 2089). Nearly extremely fine. £60-80

403 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. 300th Anniversary of the birth of Rembrandt, Cast Bronze Art Medal, ¾-facing bust, rev youthful figure standing on personification of darkness, LVX VINCIT (Heidemann 411). Good very fine. £120-150

404 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Scotland, Education, Silver Award Medal, 1865, engraved inscription to both sides, St Matthew’s Parish School, April 1865, rev To Hugh McColl for Diligence and General Eminence during the Session, within ornamental border and with scrolled suspension loop, 52mm. Very fine. £120-150

405 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Art Union of London, William Etty, Copper Medal, 1872, by G G Adams, head left, rev Venus and Cupid, 57mm (BHM 2938). Slight wear to high points on the reverse, nearly extremely fine . £50-70

406 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. International Exhibition of Fine Arts, Industries and Inventions, London 1874, Gilt-lead Medal, by G Morgan, after J E Boehm, bust of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales to left, rev exterior of the Albert Hall, edge inscribed SPECIMEN ONLY, 70mm (BHM 2992; Eimer 1633). Small scuffs to hair and bow, otherwise extremely fine. £120-150

407 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Ireland, Religion, The Right Reverend D Milner, VA [Vicar Apostolic] FSA, Copper Medal, undated, by Clarke & Barber, bust left, rev church built on rock, in stormy seas, 51mm (BHM -). Good very fine. £40-60

408 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Tennyson, Copper Medal, by J Rochelle Thomas, draped, capped bust of Alfred Tennyson, rev TENNYSON (BHM 3072). Light surface marks, good very fine. £40-60

409 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Lady Ethel Alice Chivers Harris, née Bower (1867-1933), Portrait Medallions in plaster (8), comprising George Edwin Lascelles, aged 79, 1906, 104mm; Louisa Nina Lascelles, 1907, 115mm; Hugh Frederick Francis Farrer, aged 6, 1907, 92mm; Michael James Farrer, aged 4, 1907, 92mm; Arthur Bainbridge, 1908, 77mm; Richard M Stuart Wortley, undated, bust right, 102mm; R G M Stuart Wortley, 1907, 110mm; Mary Elizabeth Willcox, 1907, 84mm. Each ‘medal’ has been varnished, varied state with several chips, but generally in good order and a fascinating record. (8) It is not known whether any of these medals were ever completed into a metal form. Biographical details of the subjects, where known are included in the lot. £80-120

410 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. The 14th King’s Hussars, Royal Military Tournament Medals (7), Copper, to Regimental Sergeant Major A Smith, 1887-1894, Royal Arms, rev engraved legend, named on edge:- 1887, NCO & Men, 1st Prize, Sabre v Bayonet, Dismounted, 1889, Sabre v Bayonet, Dismounted, 1891, 1st Prize, Fencing, 1891, Bayonet v Bayonet, 1892, 1st Prize, Sabre v Sabre, 1894, 1st Prize, Fencing (Foils), 1894 Sword v Sword, Mounted, each 38mm; Shooting, “Country Life” O.T.C. Competition, Bronze Medal, 1920 (Cadet Y. H. Yorath, West Buckland School), 39mm, in case. Extremely fine or nearly so. (8) £100-150

411 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. The Cripplegate Institute, Copper Medal, awarded 1904-1905, (dress cutting class work), 50mm; Sporting Medals (4), Northampton Institute (51mm), Imperial College, 45mm, Parliament Hill Lido, 38mm; London Banks Amateur Swimming, 30mm. Very fine or better. (5) £50-70

412 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Scotland, Education, Madderty School, engraved Silver Dux’s Medal, 1905, named A G Maxtone Graham of Cultoquhey, Edinburgh Hallmark, maker H&D, 57mm, shaped suspension loop and ring, in case of issue. A handsome medal in the Scottish tradition, extremely fine. A G Maxtone Graham can be found as the Chieftan of the Crieff Highland Games in 1890. £50-70

413 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Scotland, Agriculture, Tarland [Aberdeenshire] Show, engraved Silver Medal, awarded 1917, “Best Butchers Animal ... won by John Ramsay ...”, Birmingham Hallmark, 1914, maker JAR, 52mm. Extremely fine. £40-60

414 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS. BRITISH HISTORICAL MEDALS. Royal Navy, shield-shaped medallic Gold Fob presented to Bandmaster George Bowman of HMS Curlew, 1919, a curlew, rev engraved, … IN RECOGNITION OF HIS GREAT SERVICE TO THE SHIP’S COMPANY …, 34mm x 22mm, 9ct, total weight 4.9g, Birmingham Hallmark, Maker, F H Adams Ltd. Very fine. HMS Curlew was in the Baltic in 1919 £80-120

415 WORLD MEDALS. Africa. Nigeria, Northern Region, Self Government, Richly-gilt Medal, 1959, Government building, rev legend in tablet, 39mm, case, extremely fine; Desk Seal of the Ministry of Finance, c.1959-1967, brass with wooden handle, much as made. (2) £60-80

416 WORLD MEDALS. Argentina. Curuzú Cuatiá, Premio Sociedad Rural Correntina, Exhibition and Fair, 1907, Gold Medal, rural landscape with horse, cow and sheep, rev tablet to take recipient’s name, 38mm, 18ct, 28.3g. Lightly rubbed, good very fine. Curuzú Cuatiá is a city in the south of the province of Corrientes in the Argentine Mesopotamia £600-800

417 WORLD MEDALS. Austria. Francis I (1769-1835; 1792-1806; 1804-1835), Visit to the Monnaie, Paris, Copper Medal, 1814, by Gayrard and Denon, head left, rev legend in five lines (Br 1465; Julius 1316); Ferdinand I, Coronation in Venice, Bronze Medal, by Manfredini, laureate head right, rev the Emperor crowned by the Archbishop of Mailand, 52mm (Montenuovo 2578; Witt 2030; Cam 448). Extremely fine. (2) £80-120

418 WORLD MEDALS. Austria. Opening of the Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna, by the Emperor Franz Joseph, Copper Medal, 1871, by C Radnitzki, façade of the building, rev crowned shield within wreath, 57mm; Inauguration of the Vienna Institution by the Emperor, Copper Medal, 1885, by A Neuddeck, façade of the new Suhnhof Building in the gothic revival style, rev legend in eight lines, 60mm (Hauser 2395; Wurzb 9377; BDM IV, 426). Extremely fine. (2) The Kunsthistoriches Museum, designed by Gottfried Semper and Carl von Hasenauer, was not completed until 1891. The Suhnhof Building was built on the site of the Ring Theatre, which had been destroyed during a tragic fire in December 1881, during Offenbach’s opera The Tales of Hoffman, with the loss of between 620 and 850 lives. This building, in turn, was destroyed when Vienna was bombed during World War II and now the site is a Police Station. £80-120

419 WORLD MEDALS. Belgium. Geographical Congress, Antwerp, Copper Medal, 1871, by H Meyer and F Baetes, global map after Mercator and Ortelius, rev legend on sail, emblems of exploration all around, 61mm. A handsome medal, extremely fine. £80-120

420 WORLD MEDALS. Belgium. Leon Vanderkindere (1841-1906), historian, Bronze Medal, 1902, by I Dillens, bust left, rev crouching diaphonous figure of history, 59mm; other Bronze Medals (3), Belgian Hommage to Great Britain, c.1918, by J Dupon, St George and dragon, 60mm; Hercules and Bull, by Alphonse Darville, 70mm; St Gudula [7th century, Brabant], by J Jourdain, 70mm. First very fine, the others extremely fine. (4) £80-100

421 WORLD MEDALS. Belgium. Adolphe Max, World War I Burgomaster of Brussels, Bronze Portrait Plaque, c.1914, unsigned, half-length figure three-quarters right, wearing uniform with Orders and Decorations, 143mm x 95mm, very fine; together with tribute medal, bronze, 1914, by G Durvreese, bust three-quarters left, 65mm, extremely fine. (2) £40-60

422 WORLD MEDALS. Denmark. Christian VII (1786-1839-1848), and Queen Caroline Amalia of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderborg-Augustenborg (1796-1881), small Silver Coronation Medal, 1840, by C Christensen, 27mm; Frederick VII (1808-1848-1863), War of 1848-1850, Bronze Krigsmindemedaille, by A Dubois, head right, rev dates within legend, FOR DEELTAGELSE I KRIGEN, fixed suspender, 30mm; National Theatre, Christiania [Oslo], Silver Medal, 1899, heads of Ibsen, Bjørnson and Holberg, rev facade of theatre, 31mm. Last extremely fine, the others nearly so. (3) £50-80

423 WORLD MEDALS. Denmark. Arent Nicolai Dragsted (1821-1898), coin engraver and collector, 40th Anniversary as Mint Engraver, Memorial Medal, Copper, 1989, by A Bang and J Dahl, bust right, rev complimentary tribute by Vilhelm Bergsoe, in nine lines, 45mm; Thomas Riise Segelcke (1831-1902), agronomist, 70th Birthday, complimentary Bronze Medal, 1901, by V Bissen and S Lindahl, bust right, rev floral spray, 51mm. Both extremely fine. (2) Dragsted purchased most of the coins in his collection from Bergsøe, and all were stamped with a small AD monogram. £60-80

424 WORLD MEDALS. France. Louis XIV, The Capitulation of Mons, Bronze Medal, 1691, by Jérome Roussel, laureate bust right, hair long, mantle over armour, rev chronogrammatic legend in ten lines, 64mm (Trésor III, pl. XXIX, 5; BDM V, 256). Struck from slightly rust-marked and flawed obverse die, extremely fine. £300-500

425 WORLD MEDALS. France. Maximilian Titon (died 1711), Seigneur d’Ognon, de Bêtra, Istres and Lançon, Copper Portrait Medal, 1705, by H Roussel, bust right with long hair, rev Mars and Victory aside military trophies, 57mm (BDM V, 255-6). Reverse not fully struck-up, otherwise good very fine and rare. Titon, of Scottish descent, was Secretary to the King, House and Crown of France and Director of the Royal Arsenals £100-150

426 WORLD MEDALS. France. The Siege of the Bastille, Soft Metal (Lead) impression, 1789, by B Andrieu, the revolutionaries fire cannon and muskets at the Bastille, 84mm (Hennin 22 var; Julius 22 var). Very fine. £40-60

427 WORLD MEDALS. France. General Lafayette (1757-1834), Copper Medal, 1791, by Dumarest for Monneron, 35mm; Death 1834, unsigned Copper Medalet, head left, rev legend, 21mm; Charles X, Copper Medal, 1827, by Gayrard, 35mm; with Jetons (2), Silver, year 7, Théatre de la République, 31mm; Copper, uniface octagonal, cherub on lion, 41mm. Silver very fine, the others better. (5) £50-80

428 WORLD MEDALS. France. Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sévigné (1626-1696), aristocrat and letter-writer, Copper Medal, 1816, by Gayrard; Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de Mirabeau (1749-1791), writer and statesman, Copper Medal, 1822, by E Gatteaux, both Galerie Metallique, 41mm. Very fine and better. (2) £30-50

429 WORLD MEDALS. France. Louis XVIII (1815-1824), Silver Prize Medal, for arts and manufacture, by Raymond Gayrard, head of Louis right, rev AUX ARTS – UTILES, female with rudder, plough and tools standing facing, head left, 56mm. Small edge knock, lightly brushed, toned, nearly extremely fine and rare. £120-150

430 WORLD MEDALS. France. Pierre Deluns-Montaud (1845-1907), Minister of Public Works, large Silvered Medallion, by Louis P Maubert, bust right in high relief, with rough-shaped truncation, 104mm, contained velvet and silk-lined green leather fitted case, and probably issued in the 1930s. Extremely fine and rare. £100-120

431 WORLD MEDALS. France. Napoleon and the Empress Marie-Louise, a pair of Uniface Portrait Medals, bronzed lead squeezes, by B Andrieu, he laureate to left, she diademed to right, 68mm. Very fine. (2) £30-50

432 WORLD MEDALS. France. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bronze Medal, undated, by Daniel Dupuis, bust of Gallia right, her hair entwined with wreath, rev legend around blank centre, 75mm. An attractive medal, extremely fine. £40-60

433 WORLD MEDALS. France. Fables, uniface Bronze Medals (2), by Jean Vernon, “Les grenouilles qui demandant un roi”, heron with frogs; “Vous chantiez j’en suis fortaise eh bien dansez maintenant”, both 59mm. Very fine or better. (2) £60-80

434 WORLD MEDALS. France. Algeria / France, The Conquest of Algeria, Silver Medal, 1830, by Caqué, Bellona and Victory fly over wounded sea-horse, rev legend within wreath, LE COMPTE DE BOURMONT, GÉNÉRAL EN CHEF DE L’ARMÉE FRANÇAISE, 41mm (Escande 5). Cleaned, good very fine. £120-150

435 WORLD MEDALS. Germany. Brunswick-Lüneburg, Sophia von der Pfalz (1630-1714), Countess Palatine of Simmern, Electress of Brunswick-Lüneburg, cast Copper Medal, 1684, by Arvid Karlsteen, bust right, rev sun rising on pastoral landscape, legend on riband, SENZA TVRBARMI AL FIN M’ACOSTO, 47mm (Brockman 746; F 2849; Kni 2823; Knyph. -). Very fine. Princess Sophia was the twelfth child of Frederick V, Elector Palatine and Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of James I. The eldest child of her marriage to Duke Georg Wilhelm of Brunswick-Lüneburg was to become King George I of England. £70-90

436 WORLD MEDALS. Germany. Years of Famine and Plenty, White Metal Medal, 1846-1847, by Lorenz, family at table with empty plates, rev harvesting, with laden cart, 42mm (Brettauer 2050). Very fine. £80-120

437 WORLD MEDALS. Germany. The Battles of 1688, Copper-gilt Medal, by George Hautsch, three allegorical figures clasp hands, rev landscape with the towns of Philipsburg, Pfaltz, Koblenz and Heidelberg besieged with, to fore, prisoner at stake, women and children violently taken and man, left, running off with money-bag, 45mm. Very fine. £60-80

438 WORLD MEDALS. Germany. Prussia, Frederick the Great, uniface clichés of both sides of a medal, by I M Morikofer, probably intended for a box medal, bust left in ermine trimmed cloak over armour, rev Victory and Time, VERITAS PARADOXA, 48mm. Very fine, crease marked and deep uneven tone. (2) £20-30

439 WORLD MEDALS. Germany. Friendship, Silver Medal, c.1790’s, by Abraham Abramson, three cocks, rev three playing cards within circle, floral wreath around, VEREINT DURCH FREUNDLICHKEIT, 39mm. Fine and toned. £30-50

440 WORLD MEDALS. Germany. Hannover, Ernst August (1887-1953), Marriage to Princess Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia, Duchess of Brunswick, Silver Medal, 1913, by R Placht, conjoined busts right, rev two armorial shields, crowned, 56mm (Brockmann 576; Fiala 5947). Good extremely fine. £120-150

441 WORLD MEDALS. Germany. The Circumnavigation Flight of the Graf Zeppelin, LZ 127, conjoined busts of Eckner and others left, rev globe with names of cities visited, 36mm, Preus Staatsmünze, 900 Fein. Extremely fine. £50-80

442 WORLD MEDALS. Germany. Gabriele Krause, uniface Bronze Plaquette, 1906, by Joseph Limburg, bust left, name below, 124mm x 86mm. Good very fine, some staining. Gabriele Krause was the wife of the director of the Borsig Industrial Works, Tegel, near Berlin, locomotive manufacturers £40-60

443 WORLD MEDALS. Hungary. Leopold I (1640-1705, Holy Roman Emperor 1655), Coronation as King of Hungary, Silver Medal, 1658, Imperial eagle, rev arms from clouds hold swords to either side of a crowned globe, CONSILIO ET INDUSTRIA, 36mm. Very fine. £60-80

444 WORLD MEDALS. Hungary. National Enterprise, 1842-1892, large Copper Medal, unsigned, female figure seated by cog and anvil, holds olive branch, rev emblems of wood and metal-working against oak and olive branches, 85mm. Extremely fine. £100-150

445 WORLD MEDALS. Iceland. Flying Boat Service, 30th Anniversary, Bronze Medal, 1975, plane low over water, rev Icelander on pony, 70mm, no.2698 (of 5000); other modern and ‘art’ bronze medals (7), Poland (2), 1966, 1891, this Polish Ocean Lines, and earlier, 1930, medal of Pius XI; Russia, 1983; Spain (2), 1973, 1982; USA, Bicentennial, 1976, 76mm; and copy ‘Lusitania’ medal. Except last, as issued or nearly so. (9) £50-80

446 WORLD MEDALS. Italy. Alberto Pio of Savoy (1475-1531), Count of Carpi, cast Bronze Medal, bust right, in flat cap and wearing Collar and Badge of the French Order of St Michael, rev lamb in flames on altar, 67mm (Barg I, 298). Rough, old cast, nearly very fine. £100-150

447 WORLD MEDALS. Italy. The Annunciation, cast Bronze Medal, the Angel Gabriel stands before the Virgin, who kneels at a prie-dieu, rev lis above legend, MINAL / SAL, 42mm; Classical Female Figure, uniface Bronze Roundel, 16th century, after the Antique, half-length figure, dagger in her right hand, 36mm. First fine, part verdigris patination, the second broken and segment missing at bottom, (5-8 o’clock), otherwise about very fine. (2) £100-150

448 WORLD MEDALS. Italy. Margaret of Austria, 18th Century large Copper Florentine Medal, after Selvi, bust left, rev AMPLISS. DONIS. ET. EQUESTRI. ORDINE. MAX. CONSENSVS. CIVIT. DECORATVS. MCCCLV, 84mm (V&T 273, obverse). Deeply patinated, very fine. V&T show the same Selvi bust to be Margaret of Austria, wife of Alessandro de’ Medici (1522-1586) £50-80

449 WORLD MEDALS. Italy. Nicolò Consolo, uniface cast Bronze Portrait Medal, after the Antique, 19th century, laureate and bearded bust left, NICOLO MAR FELLI CONSOLO DE LA ACADEMIA FIORE ..., 98mm, two small suspension loops to top edge with chain attached. Very fine. £40-60

450 WORLD MEDALS. Italy. Vatican, Pius XI, Ratti (1922-1937), Silver Annual Medal, year 16 [1938], for the Academy of Science, by Mistruzzi, bust left, rev medallic portrait roundels of Michelangelo, Leonardo and Alexander Volta, 45mm. Fine. £25-35

451 WORLD MEDALS. Malaysia. Malacca, Football Prize, 1913, openwork Silver Shield, MALACCA FOOT / BALL, with engraved gilt centre, “Presented by Mr Y K Swee”, Birmingham Hallmark 1912, maker RP [Robert Pringle & Sons], 40mm x 31mm; Federated Malay States Volunteer Force, Bronze Prize Medal, tiger / wreath, 45mm; Singapore, AAA, Bronze Prize Medal, armorial lion and palm / runners, 45mm; British North Borneo, restrike Bronze Campaign Medal. All extremely fine. (4) The Federated Malay States consisted of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang. Volunteers from these States were also organised into four Battalions with Signals, Light Artillery Battery, Motor Transport and Field Ambulance, in all some 5200 men £70-90

452 WORLD MEDALS. Malta. Religion, Eucharistic Congress, Silver Medal, 1913, Christ breaks bread, rev statue at harbour entrance, MELITA INSVLA VOCABATVR, 45mm. Very fine. Acts, Chapter 28, 1, “And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita” £80-100

453 WORLD MEDALS. Malta. St Edward’s College, Bronze Prize Medal for Athletics, c.1930’s, arms, rev wreath, 38mm, un-named, in case of issue. Extremely fine . The College opened in October 1929 as St Edward’s Catholic School for Boys, with 29 foundation pupils. £50-80

454 WORLD MEDALS. Netherlands. The 300th Anniversary of the Capture of Brielle [Den Briel], 1572-1872, Silver Medal, by M C de Vries Jr, soldier drives out the figure of Tyrany, rev arms and single supporter, 31mm. Bright extremely fine. The ‘Sea Beggars’ a group of Calvinist rebels captured the port of Brielle, leading to a series of uprisings in Holland and Zeeland £150-200

455 WORLD MEDALS. Norway. Johan Herman Wessel (1742-1785), poet, 50th Anniversary of his Death, Copper Medal, 1835, by Fritz Krohn, bare head right, rev seated figure of Thalia holding lyre, 43mm (BDM III, 225). Extremely fine and scarce. Wessel lived most of his life in Copenhagen where he was a member of the Norske Selskab [Norwegian Society] £40-60

456 WORLD MEDALS. Norway. Secession from Sweden, 7 June 1905, Silver Medal, by Thowald Olsen, naked figures of child and man offering flag to seated figure of Norway, rev Fame flies over emblems of history and progress, 48mm. Good very fine, toned. £60-80

457 WORLD MEDALS. Russia. Catherine II, Birth of Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich, 12 December 1777, White Metal Medal, by J B Gass, bust of Catherine right, rev crowned female figure in classical style holding child, a lit altar in front, 65mm (Diakov II, 176.1). Good very fine. £100-150

458 WORLD MEDALS. Russia. Russia/France, visit of the Russin Fleet to Toulon, Silvered-bronze Medal, 1893, by L Bottée, 38mm, very fine, stained; with a silvered badge for the 300th Anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty, 1913, 35mm x 22mm, extremely fine. (2) £20-30

459 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. ZAR, Paul Kruger, Silver Portrait Medal, 1890, by Schaff, ¾-facing bust, rev oak tree, ANN DE DRAPPERE STRIJDERS VOOR RECHT EN VRIJHEID 1899-1900, 39mm. Extremely fine. £100-120

460 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. ZAR, Opening of the Delagoabaai Bay Railway, 1895, Silver-plated Copper Medal, by J P M Menger, bust of Kruger, rev winged wheel on rail, 44mm (CMZAR 5). Tested at edge, otherwise extremely fine. £50-70

461 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. South African War, Siege of Mafeking, Silver Medal, by F Bowcher, uniformed bust of Baden Powell, rev troops following a cannon, 45mm (BHM 3677). Small edge bruise and minor marks, toned, good very fine. £80-100

462 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. South African War, Siege of Mafeking, White Metal Medals (2), similar to previous lot (BHM 3677). Extremely fine/good very fine. (2) £50-70

463 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. End of the first South African War, the National Medal, White Medal Medals (2), rev wounded soldier with rifle (BHM 3680). Occasional mark, nearly extremely fine. (2) £50-70

464 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. South African War, Bronze Peace Medal, 1900, by Fuchs, 44mm (Hern 100). Extremely fine. £120-150

465 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. Copper Peace Medal, for The Rt Hon J Chamberlain’s visit to South Africa, facing bust, rev SOUTH AFRICA 1903, Peace, battleship and sunrise, 51mm (Hern 572). Minor wear at highest point, extremely fine. £50-70

466 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. S S Maine 1899, Silver Medal, view of the S S Maine, rev lifebuoy and flags, 44mm (CMZAR 23). Minor edge bruises and marks, toned, good very fine. The S. S. Maine was lent to the British Government for use in the Transvaal war by the president of the Atlantic Transport Company. It was refitted, for use as a hospital ship, by Fletcher Son & Fearnall Ltd, London. £150-200

467 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. South African War, Silver Medalet, soldier advancing, WIPING SOMETHING OFF A SLATE, rev DUNDEE, ELANDSLAAGTE, KINMBERLEY, PAARDEBERG, LADYSMITH (Hern 566). Toned, extremely fine. £40-60

468 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. South African War, Ladysmith Siege Sustained 120 Days, Silver Medalet, Generals Buller and White, 29mm (Hern 556). Toned, extremely fine. £40-60

469 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. South African War, Relief of Mafeking, engraved Florin, rev MAFEKING RELIEF MEDAL, CWELO SPORTS 7’5’1900. Loop mounted, host coin very fine, rare and unusual. £200-250

470 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. South Africa, Proclamation of Johannesburg as a City, Silver Medalet in the form of a shield. Extremely fine, rare. £50-70

471 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. South Africa, Pretoria Citizens’ Service Medal, Great War 1914-1919, with ribbon. Extremely fine. £40-50

472 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. South African War, Copper Medal, by A B, Queen Victoria enthroned attended by soldiers, NO POWER ON EARTH CAN SHAKE OUR UNDIVIDED EMPIRE, rev British troops behind entrenchments, SOUTH AFRICA 1899-1900. Toned, good extremely fine and very rare. £80-100

473 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. South African War, Opening of Victoria Station, Nottingham 1900, White Metal Medal, by Jessop & Sons, VICTORIA IN HER EIGHTY FIRST YEAR, SPARED HERSELF NO EXERTION OR FATIGUE IN SPEEDING HER SOLDIERS TO SOUTH AFRICA…, 45mm (BHM 3688). Extremely fine. £100-120


475 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. Lord Kitchener, uniface Silver-plated Copper Medalet, bust left, FIELD-MARSHALL LORD KITCHENER 1850-1916. Extremely fine. £50-70

476 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. Boer War, Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts, Bt, VC, KG, KP, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCIE, PC (1832-1914), Portrait Medals (5), Copper Prizes (3), Air Rifle Association, UK vs South Africa, 1912 (C H Smith), others (2, one J W Chadwick); White Metal (2), revs 1) Govt Buildings and actions in petals, 2) “Pretoria 1900”; Silver triple bust Medalet. Extremely fine or nearly so, one copper and one white metal pierced. (6) £80-120

477 WORLD MEDALS. South Africa. Boer War, Kruger Halfcrown, reverse engraved with hand holding envelope “From Fred To Nellie”, floral background; Halfcrown Coin Brooches (2), one obverse, one reverse, very fine. (3) £70-90

478 WORLD MEDALS. Sweden. Rutger Maclean (1742-1816), Agricultural Reformer [of Scottish descent], Gilt-bronze Medal, 1800, by Carl Enhörning, bust right, his name in field, rev legend within wreath and exergue, 49mm (Hild III, 281-82). Extremely fine. £40-60

479 WORLD MEDALS. Sweden. Oscar II (1829-1872-1905), Dedication of the Freemasons’ Temple, Silver Medal, 1876, by Adolf Lindberg, bare head left, rev façade of the new building, 56mm. Extremely fine and lightly toned. Sweden’s Masonic Temple is housed in the Bååt’s Palace in Stockholm. Built in 1666 it was acquired in 1874 by the Swedish Order of Freemasons reconstructed to Masonic specifications. Freemasonry originally came to Sweden in the 18th century from Christian lodges in France. £80-100

480 WORLD MEDALS. Sweden. Oscar II, Equestrian Medal, Silver, undated, by Lea Ahlborn, bearded head of King left, rev horse standing to left, 43mm. Nearly extremely fine. £30-50

481 WORLD MEDALS. Sweden. Carl Gustaf de Laval (1845-1913), and John Bernstrom, Separator of Stockholm, 25th anniversary, Silver Medal, 1908, by Erik Lindberg, issued for the Shareholders’ meeting, conjoined busts right, rev Mercury and Science, the Continents named around them, 50mm (Ehrensvärd 68). Matt surface, extremely fine. £40-60

482 WORLD MEDALS. Switzerland. Silver Medals of Zwingli (5), 1719 and 1819 (4), commemorating religious reform anniversary. Very fine and better. (5) £100-120

483 WORLD MEDALS. Switzerland. Daniel-François, Compte de Lautrec, Copper Medal, 1738, by Jean Antoine Dassier, armoured bust three-quarters left, rev Prudence flanked by Mars and Justice, 54mm (Eisler II, 93, 9c-f; Mol 329, 330; W 3175, 3172). Nearly extremely fine. Louis Le Fort was Chief Burgomaster of Geneva. Daniel-François, Comte de Gélas de Voisins d’Ambres, called the Comte de Lautrec, lieutenant général des armées du Roi, inspecteur général de l’infanterie, maréchal de France and the French envoy at the discussion for the Peace of Geneva. The medals allude to the efforts France made to provide peace in Geneva. £70-90

484 WORLD MEDALS. Switzerland. Geneva, the 24 Commissioners of the Republic, Copper Medal, 1767, by Daniel Cochin, figures gathering wood, rev names and date, legend around, DECERNEE PAR LES CITOYENS ..., 46mm (BDM I, 446). Nearly extremely fine. £70-90

485 WORLD MEDALS. Switzerland. Neuchatel, Foundation of the Municipal College, Copper Medal, 1868, by F Landry, building facade, rev legend, 42mm. Extremely fine. £120-150

486 WORLD MEDALS. Thailand. Rama VI, Brass Medal, in the style of the Baht coinage, bust right, rev triple elephant symbol, 47mm, extremely fine; and a smaller silver coin-like medal, 34mm, very fine, both seemingly modern productions; Japan, visit of Hirohito and Empress Nagako to Europe, Silver Medal, 1971, 40mm, scuffed, extremely fine. (3) £30-50

487 WORLD MEDALS. Turkey. Abdul Hamid (1842-1918, Sultan 1876-1909), Silver Sanayi (Industry) Medal, toughra over shield and military trophies, rev wreath, unnamed and undated, 33mm, suspension loop and ring (Pere 1119). Extremely fine. £60-80

488 WORLD MEDALS. Turkey. Sporting Congress, Turkey, Aga Halil Kilicoglu, Gilt-metal Medal, 1987, Islamic design incorporating Olympic rings, 66mm, in velvet case of issue. As struck. £40-60

489 WORLD MEDALS. United States Of America. George Washington (1732-1799, President 1789-1797), the “Voltaire Medal”, Copper, c.1798 (unsigned and undated), bare head right, rev stack of military trophies with a cannon and drums to the front, legend in small letters, WASHIN REUNIT. PAR UN PARRE …, 40mm (Baker 78; Ford II, 109-111). Edge knocks (about 2, 10 and 11 o’clock), otherwise very fine or nearly so. £80-100

490 WORLD MEDALS. United States Of America. Independence Hall, White Metal Centenary Medal, 1876. With ring loop attached, light corrosion otherwise extremely fine. £25-35

491 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Architecture, Richard Phene Spiers (1838-1916), a testimonial Bronze Plaquette, 1905, by Édouard Lantéri, bust left, rev the capital of a column seen before the distant Acropolis, THE GREATEST TRVST BETWEEN MAN AND MAN IS THE TRVST OF GIVING -COVNSEL, 79mm x 59mm (BHM 3921; BDM III, 302). Nearly extremely fine. £40-60

492 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Military Architecture, France, Vauban [Sébastien Le Prestre, Seigneur, later Marquis de Vauban] (1633-1707), Tribute Medal, Bronze (?1933), by Maurice Delannoy, bust almost full-face over map of France, rev three shields, REMPART DE FRANCE, 57mm. Extremely fine. £70-90

493 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Art, Sir Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), artist, uniface cast Bronze Portrait Plaque, late 18th Century, clearly modelled after a Wedgwood plaquette, draped bust right, his left hand placed on his chest, 140mm x 120mm (cf Reilly & Savage 294). An unusual piece, almost certainly of English manufacture, very fine with traces of gilding. £80-100

494 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Cinematography, 5th International Industrial Film Festival, London, uniface Bronze Medal, 1964, 64mm. Speckled surface, extremely fine. £20-30

495 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Exploitation, Africa, Belgium Congo, Leopold II, “Fondateur et President de l’ɶuvre de l’Afrique Centrale”, Copper Medal, 1876, by J Danse, bearded head left, rev Civilization stands before recling African woman, paddle steam-ship beyond, OUVRIR L’AFRIQUE À LA CIVILISATION, 65mm. Extremely fine and rare. £200-250

496 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Exploitation, Africa, Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904), The Royal Geographical Society and Chamber of Commerce, Antwerp, Copper Award Medal, 1890, by F Baetes, arms of Antwerp, rev presentation legend, 66mm. Nearly extremely fine. Stanley received the medal in gold. It is assumed that copper specimens were struck to commemorate the event £200-250

497 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Exploitation, Africa, 50th Anniversary of the Union Minière du Haut-Katanga, Bronze Medal, 1956, by G-A Brunet, teaching scene, rev mining scoop over map, 85mm, in box of issue (BM Acq 1983-1987, pl.19, 1). Extremely fine. illustrated on the back cover £30-50

498 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Exploration, Africa [Belgium] Alexandre Delcommune (1855-1922), Explorer of the Belgian Congo, Bronze Medal, 1921, by G Devreese, bust left in loose jacket and large floppy hat, rev legend in nine lines, 75mm (Vancraenbroeck 23; Willenz 237). Good very fine, rare. Delcommune, who is depicted on the medal looking every inch as an explorer should, was an officer in the Congo’s «Force Publique». He met H M Stanley at Boma, on his East-West crossing of Africa. He explored the Upper Congo, the Kasai and Katanga. £150-200

499 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Finance, France, Louis XVIII / Charles X, Opening of the Paris Stock Exchange [Palais de la Bourse], Bronze Medal, 1825, by L M Petit, conjoind heads of the two monarchs left, rev Paris, seated, receives the key from Mercury, Commerce stands behind, 68mm. Extremely fine. £80-100

500 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Horticulture [Belgium], Horticultural Exposition, Brussels, celebrating 50 years of National Independence, Bronze Medal, 1880, by Veyrat, Athena head left, rev central legend within wreath, names of famous botanists around, headed by Linnaeus, 51mm (Medicina 136). Stained on top obverse edge (12 - 2 o’clock), extremely fine. ex G G Brunk (USA) Collection £100-150

501 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Marriage, Henry William and Susanna Atkinson, he Provost of the Company of Moneyers, Golden Wedding 1830, Silver-gilt Medals (2), struck at Royal Mint, legend both sides, 32mm (BHM 1438); Rev John and Susannah Harward, Golden Wedding, Copper Medal, 1846, 42mm. Extremely fine or nearly so. (3) £70-90

502 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Medicine, Baron Joseph Andreas Stifft (1760-1836), on the recovery of the Emperor from illness, Silver Medal, 1826, by Joseph N Lang and [reverse] Plenker, bust left, bemedalled and in uniform, rev The Emperor prevented from crossing the River Styx by the Genius of Medicine, 48mm (Storer 3433; Freeman 498; Brett 1174; BDM III, 296, IV, 626). Extremely fine, uneven tone. £60-80

503 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Medicine / Science, University of Leeds, John Hunter Medal, Copper, established 1831, by B Wyon, head left, rev wreath, 51mm; C G B Daubeny, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Cheltenham 1856, Copper Medal, by J Moore, head left, rev lamp over legend, 54mm (BHM 2586). This very fine, first nearly so. (2) The first awarded in gold and silver. £60-80

504 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Napoleonic Wars, Admiral Lord Exmouth, Mudie’s Medal, Copper, 1816, by Brenet and Gerard, bust right, rev Neptune, 41mm (BHM 921); Rowland, Lord Hill, the Column at Shrewsbury, Copper Medal, by T Halliday, head right, rev column, 54mm (BHM 912); Frederick, Duke of York, Death, Copper Medal, 1827, by Faulkner, head left, rev flags at tomb, 41mm (BHM 1275). Extremely fine, though second ‘dusty’. (3) First commemorates the bombardment of Algiers, and the abolishing of Christian slavery; Hill fought throughout the Napoleonic Wars and the column commemorates 16 Victories. £80-120

505 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Politics, Gwyllim Lloyd Wardle, MP for Oakhampton, White Metal Medal, 1809, 53mm (BHM 667); Preston Election, Henry “Orator” Hunt, small Silver Medals (2), 1830, 29mm, pierced; Marquis of Bute, Majority, Copper Medal, 1868, 31mm; John Platt, MP for Oldham, Statue Unveiled, White Metal Medal, 1872, 44mm, pierced; R T Hermon-Hodge, MP for Accrington, White Metal Medal, 1890, 44mm; and a brass medalet of John Wilkes, 21mm. Varied state. (7) £80-120

506 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Railways, Belgian Colonies,the 50th Anniversary of the Compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Bas Congo au Katanga, Bronze Medal, 1956, by G A Brunet, old and new locomotives; other Bronze Medals (2), 1956, by G A Brunet, Mining Union at Katanga, giant bucket scoop, rev teaching engineering mechanics; International Society of the Congo for Forestry and Mining, vignettes, rev maternity hospice, Kasai, all 86mm. Extremely fine. (3) £80-100

507 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Religion, a Copper Gothic Roundel, with the letters IHC, of uncertain age, 35mm. Poor, stained and somewhat corroded. IHC (and HIS) are Romanised abbreviations from the Greek, of the first three letters of the name “Jesus” £20-30

508 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Science, James Watt, First Class Copper Prize Medal of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, awarded 1881 (Albert D Lucas – Decorated Ivory Fan), 45mm; Electricity / Galvanism, large White Metal Medal, from Thomason’s Scientific Medals, 1828, 73mm (BHM 1336, 3); with Ottley’s ‘target’ Medals (2), “Population of the British Empire” / “India and other Foreign Possessions”, Copper; “Miles Distant from London”, White Metal, c.1840, 51mm. Extremely fine, though second white metal spotted. (4) £80-100

509 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Slavery, William Wilberforce, Abolition of the Slave Trade, Copper Medal, 1807, by T Webb, bare head right, rev Britannia seated, attended by allegorical figures, 53mm (BHM 627). Nearly very fine, edge bruises. £60-80

510 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Sport, Golden Parsonage, Silver Medals (5), awarded 1931-33 to P W G Phillips, open lily, rev engraved details, 33mm. Extremely fine. (5) Awarded for :- Sports Callenge Cup (Junior), Best All-Round Footballer, Shooting Cup, and Boxing Cup (2). £40-60

511 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Sport, Athletics, London Athletic Club, Silver Medal, 1877 (220 Yds, C L Lockton), 51mm; Aldershot Command, Silver Medal, 1915 (5 Mile Road race), 37mm; others, Silver (2), and Royal Humane Society, Bronze Medal, 51mm; other Silver (3), Margate, Football ? (MCFL), 26mm; Sea Angling, (RRGC), 30mm; London – Land’s End, Car Rally, 1922, 29mm; Copper (4), including “Throwing the Cricket Ball”. Very fine and better. (12) £60-80

512 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Sport, Boxing, Royal Victoria Athletic Club, two colour Gold and Enamel Cross, awarded 1893, to H Chambers, “8st 4lb Open Boxing Competition, 13th March, 1893”, RVBC monogram within enameled border, cross arms engraved, 41mm x 37mm, 15ct, total weight 13.91g, London Hallmark 1892, maker TJC, in fitted case of issue (W Holmes Medallist 97 Cloudsley Rd Islington). An attractive award, extremely fine. £200-250

513 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Sport, Golf, WGC, small Silver Coss, central player, balls in angles, initials around, 21mm, suspension ring, good very fine; National Olympian Association [for promoting physical education], Copper Medal, undated, signed M&K, Britannia crowns kneeling sportsman, 42mm, this much as struck. (2) The first perhaps the [Royal] Wimbledon Golf Club, founded 1881. The second an attractive Victorian medal, c.1860s, though with no connection to the modern Olympic movement £40-60

514 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Sport, Antwerp Yacht Club, International Regatta, 1895, Copper Medal, on the centenary of the Liberation, River God of the Schelde, rev legend, 56mm; Athletics, Hurdling, Silvered-bronze Plaquette, by André Merv, 48mm x 56mm. Extremely fine. (2) £40-60

515 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Sport, Shooting, NRA, Revolver Competition, 1925, shaped oval Gold Medal, details over a revolver, 36mm x 28mm, 18ct, total weight 22.4g, suspension loop and ring. Extremely fine. £350-450

516 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Sport, Skating, Scotland, uniface White Metal Medal, undated (c.1840’s), believed Scottish, signed H.F., and T.A.F. DIREX, Mercury kneels attaching wings to an ankle, behind him a figure skates on lake, ALAS PEDIBUS SUMAT, 41mm. Very fine and rare. £30-50

517 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Theatre, John Philip Kemble (1757-1823), actor and manager, Death, Silver Medal, 1823, by J Warwick, bare head right, rev THOU LAST OF ALL THE ROMANS FARE THEE WELL, 41mm (BHM 1210). Nearly extremely fine and scarce in silver. The reverse legend taken from Julius Caesar, Act V, Scene III, when Brutus says “Are yet two Romans living such as these? Thou last of all the Romans, fare thee well! It is impossible that ever Rome should breed thy fellow”. £120-150

518 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Theatre, Sir Henry Irving (John Henry Brodribb, 1838-1905), actor, large Copper Portrait Medal, by Lauer for J Rochelle Thomas, 1891, head left, 60mm (BHM 3416); others (2), by Restell, c.1880’s, 45mm (BHM 3385); and Death, 1905, by F Bowcher, bust right as Shylock, rev legend, 39mm (BHM 3917). Extremely fine. (3) £80-120

519 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. World War I, Poland, Polish Armed Forces, Zinc Medal, 1914 [made 1916], by Stanislaw Poplawski, winged figure brandishing flaming torch, rev eagle with spread wings, ODRODZENIE POLSKIEGO OREZA ROK 1914, 61mm (Strzalkowski 272). Extremely fine. £80-100

520 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. World War I, Poland, Generals Z Dunin-Wasowicz, J Kisielnicki and R W Lodek, The Cavalry Charge at the Battle of Rokitna, Zinc Medal, 1915, by Raszka, facing busts of the three Generals, rev spirited depiction of the charge, 60mm (Strzalkowski 310). Extremely fine. The Battle of Rokitna, 12th June 1915. To prevent further attacks by the Russians, two squadrons of Ulans, under the command of Dunin-Wąsowicz were ordered to break through three lines of Russian trenches. Dunin-Wąsowicz personally led the charge which achieved its objective, however at great loss. The gains were subsequently lost through lack of infantry support. £100-150

521 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Miscellaneous. Austria etc, Silver Medalets, mostly 19th Century. Very fine to extremely fine. (lot) £60-80

522 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Miscellaneous. Silver-gilt Stamp Replicas (4), showing locamotives; together with a miscellaneous group of medals and medalets (approx 51), many transport related. Varied state though many extremely fine. (lot) £50-70

523 COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BY SUBJECT. Miscellaneous. Tickets, Passes and Medallions, Unidentified Silver Ticket, Crown-like St George / crown in wreath, 37mm; J B Soper, Mayor of Basingstoke, 1888-1889, 30mm; others in Copper (4, one electrotype ‘Directors Ticket’); White Metal (4), Ironmongery Ship Token, Carisbrooke Castle, Burrator Reservoir 1898, Trafalgar Centenary 1905; Silver jewellery items (3, two with enamelled cherub faces). Fine and very fine. (13) £100-150


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