Land use data use cases - Oregon

TerminologyLand Use is the current use of a site or property (typically at parcel or sub-parcel level). The data are usually vector format; includes information that can’t be reliably determined from imagery; requires supplemental information about human activities; and generally offers less detail in rural areas and more detail within urban areas.Zoning means allowed use which is not always the same as the current use and may reflect historical or near-term future use. Land is not always being used the way it has been zoned.Plan Designation is the long-term ideal or desired future land use expressed in a comprehensive plan and intended to guide development according to adopted policy.Land Cover is typically a raster representation derived from remotely sensed data and offers very little detail inside urbanized areas. Generally more useful for landscape-scale analysis.Land Use Data Requirements and Use ExamplesPOTENTIAL USE CASESPOTENTIAL USERSDESCRIPTION OF USE, APPLICATION OF LAND USE DATAATTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTSSPATIAL RESOLUTIONPOTENTIAL DRIVERS OF REFRESH CYCLENatural Hazard Mitigation PlansDLCDCitiesCountiesNeed to define change in development (i.e., change and trends over time). Land use baseline to identify where structures are being developed relative to hazard areas. Longitudinal data and baseline are needed for the next State Plan in 2020.5-year NHMP update cycleRisk AssessmentsDOGAMIDLCDSometimes funded by FEMA. Damage and Loss estimations at the individual building level,. Used with FEMA’s Hazus risk assessment software. Integration of building footprints, address points, and Assessor data (among other sources).Hierarchical coding schemes for scaling land use data across varying levels of specificity. For example, the distinction between two forms of residential uses—mobile homes versus stick-built homes—used in Hazus to clarify loss impacts.Requires detailed information about each building in addition to Assessor and other.Building class (military, public owned, religious, etc.), occupancy type/land use, specific occupancy (multi-family, mobile home, etc.), year built, building material, foundation type, square footage, value, replacement costIndividual BuildingsBuildable Land Inventories(aka Buildable Land Studies)DLCDMetroCOGsCitiesCountiesProvides basis for determining available development capacity, need for UGB expansion. Used in conjunction with constraints data, zoning/plan designation.Periodic ReviewTransportation ModelingODOTMPOsCities?Used to model trip generation and attraction, housing types and employment, generally aggregated to TAZ. Used to constrain land use allocation forecasts. Zoning is sometimes used now as proxy for existing land use.Parcel or sub-parcel PolygonsPoints (e.g., attribute of site addresses)TSPs - Transportation System PlansRTPs - Regional Transportation PlansStormwater ModelingCitiesDEQOften associated with Stormwater permit renewals. Provides basis for applying impervious surface factors, and for modeling runoff generation and characteristics arising from interaction with land use.Relatively general categories used in models. Zoning commonly used now.Parcel or sub-parcel Polygons5-year permit renewal cyclePOTENTIAL USE CASESPOTENTIAL USERSDESCRIPTION OF USE, APPLICATION OF LAND USE DATAATTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTSSPATIAL RESOLUTIONPOTENTIAL DRIVERS OF REFRESH CYCLEInfrastructure Capacity AssessmentsCitiesUtilitiesMetroCOGsProvides basis for quantifying existing housing units and estimating potential future housing units (and other types of users?). Used in conjunction with constraints data, zoning/plan designation.Utility Master PlansPublic Facilities PlansLand Consumption MonitoringSub-building level change trackingConversion of industrial to commercial usesMetroAnnual vacant land inventories dating back to the 1990’s. Very good single family data, industrial lands, and multi-family data at the sub-taxlot level (drawn from Assessor’s data, imagery interpretation and field work). Maintaining reliable data on commercial uses is more problematic.Have used Assessor Property Class to derive land use.Crop Type StudiesODADigitization of fields and attributing crop types from statewide imagery. Buildings/structures are not being mapped.Crop typesNatural Resources ProtectionDLCDDSLCitiesCountiesMetroCOGsProvides basis for evaluating potential threats to natural areas and habitats of concern, such as wetlands, fish-bearing streams, etc. Used in conjunction with wetland inventories, other data pertaining to habitats and natural resources.Additional CommentsDLCDHave used farm/forest land cover data for rural areas.Interest in land use changes in urban areas that go beyond Assessor classifications.Need for land use data collection standards.Land Use at the parcel level is good enough for many applications.Additional CommentsLCOGHistorically, LCOG was able to maintain sub-parcel land use polygons as offshoot of maintaining parcel layer longer. Change in workflow. No longer able to routinely update LU polygons, need more sustainable solution.LCOG Hierarchical coding scheme based on HUD/BPR manual, outdated, overly specific, not sustainable.Additional CommentsLand use needs to provide transition from land cover in rural areas to land use in urban and urbanizing areas. The two should mesh in some complementary way to maximize utility and ease maintenance.Need representation of “mixed use”.Scale and resolution are factors in the land-use-to-land-cover continuum.Additional CommentsStatewide address point dataset--Oregon Multidisciplinary Address Repository (OMAR)— could have future potential to include land use information and/or be related to structures data or land use data.POTENTIAL USE CASESPOTENTIAL USERSDESCRIPTION OF USE, APPLICATION OF LAND USE DATAATTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTSSPATIAL RESOLUTIONPOTENTIAL DRIVERS OF REFRESH CYCLE ................

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