Vanguard® Managed Account Program Service Agreement

Vanguard? Managed Account Program

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Service Agreement ............................................... 3 Privacy Policy ....................................................... 7



Vanguard? Managed Account Program Service Agreement

Service agreement

I. Overview

The Vanguard Managed Account Program (the Program) is an advisory service offered by Vanguard Advisers, Inc. (VAI), to participants in employer-sponsored retirement plans (referred to in this document as "Members") for which The Vanguard Group, Inc. (Vanguard) provides recordkeeping services. The Program is powered by software developed by Financial Engines Advisors L.L.C. (Edelman Financial Engines), an independent investment advisor unaffiliated with VAI or Vanguard.

Members who enroll in the Program authorize the Program to: (1) select investments for their employersponsored retirement plan account (Account) from the universe of investment alternatives authorized by their plan sponsor for inclusion in the company's retirement plan; and (2) manage the Account on an ongoing basis. References in this document to "we" and "us" mean the Program, and references to "you" and "your" mean Members enrolled in the Program. For additional information, please see VAI's Form ADV Part II for the Program.

II. Description of services

The Program uses Edelman Financial Engines' software to determine what percentage of your assets to invest in each of the investment alternatives that have been selected by your plan sponsor for inclusion in your employer's retirement plan. This is known as a "target allocation." The Program determines your target allocation based on your current age and an assumption about your age at retirement. Using the Edelman Financial Engines software, the Program chooses a default risk level for you based on the median risk level from your peer group -- i.e., a set of investors with the same investment horizon. As you near retirement, the Program will reduce your Account's risk level.

Through your participation in the Program, you are giving the Program discretionary authority over your Account. This means that you are granting the Program the ability to buy and sell investments on your behalf and for your Account, and to generally transact on your Account, without obtaining your approval for each individual transaction.

Note: If you enroll in the Program, you will be unable to control or manage the investments in your own Account or access Personal Online Advisor, powered by Edelman Financial Engines, unless you cancel your participation in the Program.

After you enroll in the Program, you will receive introductory materials that will include a preview of the changes the Program intends to make to your Account. You will then have a two-week opportunity to review this report and to provide the Program with any additional information that could help us more closely tailor your target allocation to your individual circumstances. You may wish to provide us with additional information relating to: (1) a desired maximum allocation to company stock investments (not to exceed 20% of your unrestricted Account balance) if your Account is invested in, or eligible for investment in, such assets; (2) savings and investments you hold outside your Account (although we will not be responsible for providing investment advice or management for your outside accounts, they can be considered when advice is provided); (3) the age at which you plan to retire, if different from the Program's assumption; and (4) your desire to take on more or less risk than the target allocation suggested by the Program.

After the two weeks following the mailing of the introductory materials, we will begin managing your Account according to the target allocation generated by Edelman Financial Engines' software, incorporating any additional information that you may have submitted to us during the two-week review period. Initially, we will sell securities in your Account and use those proceeds, as well as your future contributions, to purchase investments according to the target allocation determined by Edelman Financial Engines' software. The initial transition period can last anywhere from a few weeks up to a few months as the Program invests periodically to bring your Account in line with the advice and target allocation outlined in your introductory materials, as well as any personalization information you may have provided.

After the initial transition period, we will send you a progress report each quarter that details the investments you hold, your total Account balance, and other useful information. The Program typically reviews your Account at least quarterly, which may result in a change to your target allocation or to the actual allocation of investments in the Account.


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The Program fees are based on a percentage of assets under management (excluding loan balances) according to the following schedule:

? 40 basis points (0 .40%) per year for the first $100,000..

? 30 basis points (0 .30%) per year for the next $150,000..

? 20 basis points (0 .20%) per year for the next $250,000..

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? 2022 The Vanguard Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



You represent and acknowledge that at the time of enrollment or at the time you set or change your desired allocation for the company stock investment, you are not aware of any material nonpublic information regarding your employer or its securities. You acknowledge and agree that we may be precluded from making allocation changes with respect to company stock investments at any time that we may have material nonpublic information about such employer or its securities. The Program's analysis of equity securities generally assumes an efficient market in which stock prices are fairly valued (as opposed to undervalued or overvalued). Thus, we do not change allocations with respect to your company stock investment based on fundamental analysis of the security value compared to current prices. Instead we determine your allocation for your company stock investments after analyzing the risk/return impact of concentrated holdings of such assets. The Program will not take into consideration any favorable tax treatment on your company stock investment when providing advice and does not manage assets you may hold through a retirement plan brokerage account, if applicable, or other restricted investments.

You should be aware that, on any particular day, the actual allocation of your Account may differ from the target allocation and from any preferred maximum target allocation to company stock investments you may have indicated due to various factors including but not limited to: (1) market movements; (2) changes to the Account; (3) availability of investment alternatives; (4) results of transaction rounding in any company stock investments; (5) contributions; (6) the duration of the transition period; (7) the Program's capacity to execute directed allocations and contributions to your Account; and (8) any legal, regulatory, or other trading restrictions, including those imposed by securities exchanges or parties other than VAI, Vanguard, and Edelman Financial Engines .

V. Edelman Financial Engines

Edelman Financial Engines' advisory tools are powerful enough to analyze complex fund data, yet precise enough to make personalized recommendations and provide expert advice and portfolio management.

As an independent, third-party, federally registered investment advisor, Edelman Financial Engines is able to provide its services free from conflicts of interest. For more detailed information about Edelman Financial Engines or its investment methodology, please write to E d e l m a n Financial Engines, Attn: Customer Support, 3 3 1 5 S c o t t B l v d , 4 t h F l o o r , S a n t a C l a r a , C A 9 5 0 5 4 or go to for a copy of its brochure.

VI. Other important disclosures

Standard of care. With respect to plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"), VAI acknowledges and agrees that it is a fiduciary under Section3(21) of ERISA and an investment manager under Section 3(38) of ERISA with respect to the investment of your plan account, other than restricted investments. In addition, the Program and its representatives will perform the services described in this Service Agreement in good faith and in accordance with applicable federal and state securities laws. However, neither the Program, VAI, nor any affiliate will be held liable for any losses arising out of any action performed or omitted, or for errors of judgment made, within the scope of the performance of such services except for losses arising from its negligence, willful malfeasance, bad faith, or breach of its fiduciary duty. Federal and state securities laws impose liabilities under certain circumstances on persons even when they act in good faith, and nothing contained herein shall constitute a waiver or limitation of rights that you may have under federal or state securities laws. In addition, participation in the Program does not waive your rights under federal and state securities laws or ERISA which may impose liability in some circumstances on persons acting in good faith. The Program and its representatives are not liable for any losses caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control. The Program is not responsible for voting proxies for any securities that may be held in your Account.

Transaction and redemption fees. Some funds charge fees on the purchase of shares. These fees, designed to offset the cost of buying and selling securities, are paid directly to the fund and are not sales charges. Additionally, some funds charge redemption fees in order to discourage short-term trading. The Program may invest your assets in investments with either or both of these types of fees. Should you incur such fees as a result of the services provided under this Service Agreement, you acknowledge that these fees will be assessed on your purchase, or deducted from your redemption proceeds, in accordance with the conditions set forth in the prospectus of the particular fund bought or sold for your Account.

Investment results. There is no assurance that you will achieve positive investment results by participating in the Program. The Program does not and cannot guarantee the future performance of your Account, nor can the Program ensure that the securities purchased on your behalf will be profitable. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate with market conditions and you may lose money. Although the Program will implement investment strategies designed to be prudent and diversified, all investments are subject to risks, including the risks described in the prospectuses of the investments in which your Account is invested.


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Communications. You agree to verify the accuracy and completeness of your information on anycommunications to or from the Program (including but not limited to your plan preview and Progress Reports) and to inform the Program immediately of any inaccuracies so that we may make any appropriate adjustments to your Account, if needed. You agree to provide the Program with updated information if any information provided by you changes at any time. You should be aware that failure to update us could negatively impact our ability to select a portfolio appropriate for your risk level and financial holdings. In the event that the Program becomes aware that a security held in a non-Program Account has been converted to cash or can no longer be modeled, the Program will assume that the balance related to such security has become zero. You consent to the physical and electronic transmission and storage of your personal and financial information by and among the Program and you, VAI, the plan sponsor, their respective assignees and successors, and other parties as necessary and permissible to continue management of your Account underthis Service Agreement. Enforceability. If any part of this Service Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, it will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this Service Agreement, which will continue in full force and effect. Arbitration. All controversies arising out of or relating to any services provided by the Program, VAI, Vanguard and their respective affiliates, directors, or employees with respect to transactions of any kind executed pursuant to this Service Agreement, with respect to any Accounts serviced according to this Service Agreement, or which relate in any way to this Service Agreement, will be resolved by arbitration and, to the extent not governed by federal law, such as ERISA, governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without reference to its conflicts of law rules . Note that this arbitration clause does not constitute a waiver of any right under federal or state securities laws, or under ERISA, including the right to choose the forum in which to seek resolution of disputes. Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with and subject to the then-applicable Commercial Dispute Resolution Procedures of the American Arbitration Association (the AAA Rules). Unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties, the arbitration hearings will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A panel of three arbitrators will be selected in accordance with the AAA Rules. The arbitrators will allow such discovery as is appropriate and consistent with the purposes of arbitration in accomplishing a fair, speedy, and cost- effective resolution of disputes. The arbitrators will reference the Federal Rules of Evidence and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure then in effect in setting the scope of discovery. Judgment upon the award rendered in any such arbitration may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof, or application may be made to such court for a judicial acceptance of the award and enforcement, as the law of such jurisdiction may require or allow. You consent to service of process by first-class mail to your addresses maintained on record at Vanguard. You should know that: (1) arbitration awards will be final and binding on all parties; (2) by electronicallyconsenting to the Vanguard Managed Account Program online enrollment agreement or by signing theVanguard Managed Account Program enrollment form, all parties are waiving their right to seek remedies in court, including the right to a jury trial; (3) pre-arbitration discovery is generally more limited than and different from court proceedings; (4) the arbitrators' decision is not required to include factual findings or legal reasoning; and (5) any party's right to appeal or to seek modification of ruling by arbitrators is strictly limited. The arbitration clause may not apply to residents of all states. VII. Assignment and termination of services You may terminate your participation in the Program at any time by calling a Managed Account specialist at 800-310-9228. You may terminate your membership in the Program within the first partial month of enrollment at no cost. If you terminate your participation, the Program will no longer manage your Account. Your assets will remain invested in, and your contributions will continue to be allocated to, the investments selected at the time you terminate your participation in the Program until you take further action. The Program can terminate this Service Agreement at any time by notifying you in writing. The Program reserves the right, at our discretion and without prior notice, to change our investment planning methodology and/or other Program components and/or to discontinue the Program, in whole or in part, at any time. Changes may affect all Program participants, individual Program participants, or only those in certain classes or groups.




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