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State of Washington

Department of General Administration

Office of State Procurement (OSP)


Office of State Procurement

contract 00109, variable message signs

|State of Washington: Current Contract Information (CCI) |

|Revision Date: |N/A |

|Effective Date: |September 11, 2009 |

|Award Date: |September 11, 2009 |

|CCI Number: |01 |

|Contract # |00109 |

|Pricing: |[pic] |

|Scope: |For the as needed purchase of Variable Message Signs and related products and services. |

|GA Procurement |Melanie Williams (360) 407-9399 Melanie.williams@des. |

|Coordinator: |ALTERNATE: Christine Schoepfer, (360) 407-9404 christine.schoepfer@des. |

|CCI Purpose: |Contract Award: The State of Washington has negotiated a contract with ADDCO LLC dba IMAGO North America.|

|Original Term: |September 11, 2009 through September 10, 2011, extension by mutual agreement. |

|Extension Term and Number: |N/A |

|Authorized Users: |All Washington State Agencies, Washington State Institutions of Higher Education, Political Subdivisions |

| |and Qualified Non-profit Corporations that are current members of the Washington State Purchasing |

| |Cooperative (WSPC). Also, Oregon’s Department of Administrative Services Cooperative Purchasing Program |

| |(ORCPP). |

|Current State |All Washington State agencies must purchase on-contract at this time. Reference the Washington State |

|Agency Delegation: |Purchasing Manual for greater detail. |

|Contractor: |ADDCO LLC dba IMAGO North America, |

|Contractor Website: |See Above |

|TIN Supplier #: |26-0774967 |

|Term Worth: |$1,600,000/2-year term. |

|Current Participation: |MBE, $0 |WBE, $0 |Other, $1,600,000/ 2-year (estimate) |Exempt, $0 |

| |MBE, 0% |WBE, 0% |Other, 100% |Exempt, 0% |

|Contractor’s Information |

|Primary Contact: |Name: Brian Nicholson |

| |Phone: (800) 616-4408 or (651) 558-3588 |

| |Fax: (651) 558-3600 |

| |Email: bjnicholson@ |

|Purchase Cards: |NO |

|Minimum Orders: |None- This contract is not subject to a minimum purchase rule. |

|Delivery Time: |120 Days After Receipt of Order (ARO) |

|Payment Terms: |No Prompt Payment Discount |

|Shipping Terms: |Freight Prepaid, FOB Purchaser’s Destination, Contractor shall notify the Purchaser of the delivery with |

| |adequate time for the purchaser to prepare for delivery. A 24-hour notification of the schedule delivery |

| |shall be required. Delivery notification shall be made during Purchaser’s normal business hours. The |

| |Contractor shall notify WSDOT of sign delivery a minimum of 5 working days prior to delivery. Material |

| |will not be accepted without the required advance notice. Delivery shall occur during the hours of 8:00 |

| |a.m. to 2:30p.m Monday through Friday. |

|Warranty and Repair Service: |Company Name: Totem Electric of Tacoma Inc |

| |Name: Bryan Bailey |

| |Phone: (253) 383-5022 |

| |Fax: (253) 272-5214 |

| |Email: brianb@ |

|Contract Pricing: |See Pricing. |

|Technical Specifications: |[pic] |

|Important Contract Terms: | |

| |[pic] |


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