Transportation Vanguard Award 2020 NominationJeremy PlanteenOklahoma Department of TransportationJeremy Planteen has led the development of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation’s data management practice and the Geographic Information System program from mediocrity to now one of the premier GIS organizations in the United States. When Planteen joined ODOT’s staff in 2013, he was one of three GIS professionals. Due to department data being held across multiple divisions with no overarching umbrella, the data often was incomplete and untrusted. One of his first efforts at ODOT was to work toward a unified GIS presence. As this development has matured, it has allowed the department to break down data silos among divisions, share data across the department, and provide a frame for all department data to be housed under. This effort has led to efficiencies in business practices for project delivery in all phases of transportation development and operations.Due to the excellence of his work, Planteen earned the trust of all levels of leadership across ODOT, which included his coworkers, Division Engineers and Senior Staff. Through this trust, and a greater desire for more data, Planteen now leads a staff of 14 GIS professionals who work daily to make department data accessible across ODOT and beyond.During the past three years, Planteen has led the effort to create an Asset Inventory for all department assets located within the right of way, including auxiliary lanes, signs, signals, guardrail and many other data elements. This inventory will allow ODOT field staff to quickly and efficiently respond to product recalls, in-field repairs and the identification of future maintenance activities. The GIS staff lead by Planteen has won the prestigious Special Achievement in GIS Award from Esri for two of the past three years, being recognized out of more than 100,000 GIS products for the ODOT Map & Data Portal found online at . The Portal is on open data platform that allows anyone with internet access to view all public ODOT transportation data. The portal has many uses, but one of the most frequently used features is the quick identification of traffic volumes. Before the Portal, requests from individuals and ODOT staff would be made to Traffic Management. Depending on their workload, a standard wait time could be as high as one week to locate and identify the data. Using the Portal, that data, and many other pieces of data now can be accessed in seconds. His purpose is to help build partnerships within and outside of ODOT, and regularly assists ODOT employees, other Oklahoma state agencies, educational entities and federal agencies in accessing ODOT data. Most recently, he was asked to lead the implementation of GIS function integration for ODOT and its sister agency, the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority.In 2018, Planteen was selected to serve on the AASHTO Technical & Application Architecture (T&AA) Task Force. The T&AA is comprised of only seven members from across the country, and is responsible for the development of standards and guidelines for AASHTOWare software development. AASHTOWare is used across most state DOTs to meet various transportation software needs. Through his service on the T&AA, Planteen is able to provide enhancements and benefits to employees of the member departments.In summary, Planteen is an asset to the department on many levels, and he is especially well-known for his customer service efforts on behalf of both internal and external customers. He is known across the department for his dedication and commitment to serving the department and the public. He has developed efficiencies in department business practices for project delivery that affect most ODOT employees. Planteen has built partnerships within the department, as well as within the state and the nation. He has provided enhancements and benefits to both employees of ODOT as well as other WASHTO member DOTs. We believe Jeremy Planteen exemplifies the values of the AASHTO Transportation Vanguard Award and we appreciate your consideration of this nomination. ................

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