Vanguard Health Care Fund

Annual Report | January 31, 2020

Vanguard Health Care Fund

See the inside front cover for important information about access to your fund's annual and semiannual shareholder reports.

Important information about access to shareholder reports

Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of your fund's annual and semiannual shareholder reports will no longer be sent to you by mail, unless you specifically request them. Instead, you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted on the website and will be provided with a link to access the report. If you have already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and do not need to take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the fund electronically by contacting your financial intermediary (such as a broker-dealer or bank) or, if you invest directly with the fund, by calling Vanguard at one of the phone numbers on the back cover of this report or by logging on to . You may elect to receive paper copies of all future shareholder reports free of charge. If you invest through a financial intermediary, you can contact the intermediary to request that you continue to receive paper copies. If you invest directly with the fund, you can call Vanguard at one of the phone numbers on the back cover of this report or log on to . Your election to receive paper copies will apply to all the funds you hold through an intermediary or directly with Vanguard.


A Note From Our Chairman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Your Fund's Performance at a Glance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Advisor's Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 About Your Fund's Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Performance Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Financial Statements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Please note: The opinions expressed in this report are just that--informed opinions. They should not be considered promises or advice. Also, please keep in mind that the information and opinions cover the period through the date on the front of this report. Of course, the risks of investing in your fund are spelled out in the prospectus.

A Note From Our Chairman

Tim Buckley Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Dear Shareholder,

These are challenging times. The markets plummet one day and bounce back the next as investors process the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus outbreak.

At Vanguard, we tell investors to "stay the course" in good times and bad. This means focusing on your investment goals, keeping a long-term perspective, being balanced across and diversified within asset classes, and limiting cost.

Vanguard investors have proven time and again that they know how to stay calm in a market downturn--an attribute that has served them well. But for those who are weathering their first bout of market volatility or could just use a friendly reminder, let me offer three points.

Don't be tempted to time the markets. It's a losing strategy. An investment plan established during calmer times should not be abandoned in the midst of a market downturn. Although having exposure to different asset classes does not eliminate the risk of loss, we believe investors should let the potential benefits of diversification play out.

Second, whether you're new to investing or a seasoned financial advisor, don't feel that you need to go it alone. Our mission is to help you succeed, so reach out if we can be of help.

Our websites are constantly refreshed with our latest thinking on the markets and economy. And our experts offer practical advice on how to put this perspective to work in your portfolios.

And, finally, thank you.

Thank you for entrusting us with your financial success. It's a tremendous responsibility that we take very seriously. No matter the market conditions, we look forward to partnering with you and helping you reach your investment goals.


First, we stand by our counsel--"stay the course."

Mortimer J. Buckley Chairman and Chief Executive Officer March 3, 2020


Your Fund's Performance at a Glance

? For the 12 months ended January 31, 2020, Vanguard Health Care Fund returned 13.16% for Investor Shares and 13.22% for Admiral Shares. The results trailed the 15.01% return of the fund's benchmark, the MSCI All Country World Health Care Index.

? The broad stock market returned more than 20% and benefited from accommodative monetary policies implemented by the Federal Reserve and other major central banks.

? Wellington Management Company LLP, the fund's advisor, aims to invest in companies it views as temporarily out of favor or whose long-term earnings potential is undervalued.

? The advisor's pharmaceutical and health care equipment holdings, two of the fund's largest allocations, lagged their counterparts in the benchmark and detracted most from relative performance.

? For the ten years ended January 31, 2020, the fund posted an average annual return of 14.16% for Investor Shares and 14.22% for Admiral Shares, about 2 percentage points ahead of its spliced benchmark index.

Market Barometer

Stocks Russell 1000 Index (Large-caps) Russell 2000 Index (Small-caps) Russell 3000 Index (Broad U.S. market) FTSE All-World ex US Index (International)

Bonds Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (Broad taxable market) Bloomberg Barclays Municipal Bond Index (Broad tax-exempt market) FTSE Three-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index

CPI Consumer Price Index

Average Annual Total Returns Periods Ended January 31, 2020

One Year Three Years

Five Years

21.39% 9.21

20.53 10.28

14.33% 7.28

13.82 7.74

12.13% 8.23 11.85 5.24

9.64% 8.65 2.18


4.62% 5.12 1.68


3.01% 3.53 1.07



Advisor's Report

For the fiscal year ended January 31, 2020, Vanguard Health Care Fund returned 13.16% for Investor Shares and 13.22% for Admiral Shares. The fund underperformed the 15.01% return of its benchmark, the MSCI All Country World Health Care Index.

The investment environment We view the health care sector through a custom lens of subsectors. We combine biotechnology and pharmaceuticals and think of them in terms of capitalization: biopharma small-cap, biopharma mid-cap, and biopharma large-cap. The other subsectors are health care services and medical technology.

Medical technology was the top-performing subsector in the benchmark for the period, followed by the biopharma large-cap subsector. Health care services and biopharma mid-cap both lagged the broader health care sector. Small-cap biopharmaceuticals are not meaningfully represented in the benchmark.

Our successes Stock selection contributed positively to the fund's performance for the period. Stock selection was strongest in the biopharma mid-cap subsector.

expectations. We continue to believe the company has a strong pipeline of innovation to fuel future growth.

Another top contributor to the fund's relative performance was The Medicines Company, a biopharma mid-cap company. The stock's performance was driven by positive phase 3 trial results for inclisiran, a cholesterol drug. The stock rose 60% in November on the announcement that Novartis would acquire the company for $9.7 billion, or $85 per share.

AstraZeneca was also among the top relative contributors to the fund's performance. Shares of the biopharma large-cap traded higher on strong fundamentals as demonstrated by better-than-expected earnings reports throughout the period. The company also announced a number of positive clinical trial readouts on assets used to treat non-small-cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and heart failure.

Overall, AstraZeneca's ramp-up of new oncology products is progressing well with clear distinction on novel medicines. This progress should continue to support sales growth acceleration as these new medicines win market share.

Chugai Pharmaceutical, a Japan-based biopharma large-cap company, was the top relative performer for the fund. Chugai, and its partner Roche, benefited from strong sales of Actemra, which is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, and Hemlibra. Hemlibra, a breakthrough in hemophilia treatment, has surpassed the market's

Our shortfalls Stock selection was weakest in the biopharma large-cap subsector. From an allocation perspective, our overweight to the underperforming biopharma midcap subsector detracted from relative performance, as did our underweight to medical technology.



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