August 2010 ASMC Washington Chapter Newsletter

ASMC Washington Chapter, P.O. BOX 16237, Arlington, VA 22215-1237

ASMC - Washington Chapter


A Five Star Chapter

August 2010

Date: 18 August 2010 MEETING Time: 11:30Am Place: HOLIDAY INN EISENHOWER

Sponsored by: DOD ASMC Members

President’s Message

ASMC Washington Chapter

Greetings all.

Outward appearances indicate summer is almost over... Labor Day will be here before you know it. Kids are heading back to school or college and most of us are legitimately tired of the heat and humidity. Nice to know there is indeed a cycle to life and to work. Our end of that cycle is we have only a few short weeks until the end of the fiscal year and the beginning of the next fiscal year. Out year budgets are also in the mix this time of year. What a great time to be in the resource management and comptrollership business. It seems also that this year we might have the added bonus of a Continuing Resolution. Hard to believe they pay us for this, isn't it?

Our Chapter has just sent out our scholarship money to the very deserving young women and men who we selected for scholarships. We are looking forward to our holiday social (it is never too late to hear that holiday music or to start shopping!) Plans are being laid even now for our own mini-PDI. The cycle continues there too.

One of the things I hope to address during my term is the dynamics of our membership. I understand that those of you who are members "get it." Although individual motivations for belonging and participating may vary, you are all here because you get something out of it. Whether it is camaraderie, networking, professional development, or simply time away from the office to rub elbows... while we may not necessarily think of it that way, we each have a personal value proposition for belonging and participating.

I encourage you to take just a moment to think about why you belong and what you get back from what you put in. After that, please consider sharing that with someone who might appreciate why you are a member...someone who might also benefit from their own involvement in ASMC. Please consider bringing a friend to lunch with us. Please also consider one day taking a more active role in our Chapter if you are not already doing so.

We are the largest Chapter in ASMC. That is no surprise given our location. What I have learned in the short time since becoming your President is that (not unlike many volunteer based organizations) there are a few key folks who, among others, are making our Chapter work like a well-oiled machine. You all have seen the dynamic in other places. I hope to draw your attention to the people who make our Chapter so successful. During the course of my time with you, I hope to see some of those folks gain more comfort that there are motivated people who will fill their roles whenever they may decide to step back from their current level of contribution. Mutual success doesn't just happen.

Volunteerism has rewards that you can only know once you have enjoyed it. Know that I appreciate your keen sense of duty and all of the many contributions you make to ASMC. Time is our most important resource. Thank you for the time you share with us.

The school busses will be back on the road before you know it. Repeat after me...commuting is fun, commuting is fun...



J.R. Yacobi


Planning and Performance

202 372 3487



Teresa (Terri) McKay is Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). In this capacity, she oversees the day-to-day accounting and finance activities of the Department of Defense (DoD). DFAS employs about 12,000 DoD civilian and military personnel at 11 locations throughout the United States, Europe and the Pacific. Each year, the agency disburses over $553 billion by processing 181 million pay transactions to 6 million military personnel, federal civilian employees, military retirees and annuitants; 12.8 million commercial invoices and 7.8 million travel vouchers and settlements. Responsible for 956 active DoD appropriations, DFAS is the trust fund manager for $37.7 billion in foreign military sales and $426.7 billion in military retirement and health benefit funds. Each year, it maintains more than 178.8 million general ledger accounts containing billions of transactions and handles accounts for worldwide operations and multi-disciplined appropriations of DoD.

Ms. McKay had served as the DFAS Principal Deputy Director from August 2006 until she assumed her new position on September 15, 2008. Prior to August 2006 she served as the Defense Department's Deputy Chief Financial Officer, the principal advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer for accounting and finance matters. She was responsible for developing and implementing DoD-wide accounting, finance and general financial management policies. Ms. McKay oversaw the compliance with financial management policies and promoted strong internal controls and facilitated improvements in financial management throughout the Department. One of her primary duties in this regard was the oversight of the planning and implementation of the department's Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness plan. She directed the preparation and submission of audited financial statements, the publication of the department's Performance and Accountability Report, and numerous other accounting and finance documents. Ms. McKay served as a member of the United States Chief Financial Officers' Council and represented the Department on various other inter-agency groups and councils.

Ms. McKay is a Certified Public Accountant, a Certified Government Financial Manager and earned her bachelor's degree from Ferris State University in 1982. She earned her master's degree in business administration from Auburn University at Montgomery in 1992.

Your 2010-11

ASMC Washington Chapter Officer’s

|President |J.R. “Coby” Yacobi |

|Secretary |LT Richard Armstrong |

|Treasurer |CAPT. Rob Thompson |

|DOD Vice President |Vacant |

|DOD Ass't Secretary |Demaryl D. Singleton |

|Army Vice President |Lillian D. Jones |

|Army Ass't Secretary |Nicol Martin |

|Navy Vice President |Denise Sampson |

|Navy Ass't Secretary |Veronica Trent |

|USMC Vice President |Raquel Escribano |

|USMC Ass't Secretary |Vacant |

|Air Force Vice President |Capt Rene Rodriguez |

|Air Force Ass't Secretary |Tina Miller |

|USCG Vice President |LCDR Bobby Hart |

|USCG Ass't Secretary |Vacant |

|Corporate/Retiree VP |Debra Delmar |

|Corp/Ret. Ass’t Secretary |Kristin Hilbert |


By Tom Casasanta

DFAS Corporate Communications

“An Opportunity That Has Truly Been Worthwhile”


KABUL, AFGHANISTAN – Since his tour of duty began in January 2010, Brandon Heitsch, an accountant in Accounts Payable Acquisitions at DFAS Columbus, has seen his time in the Expeditionary Support Organization (ESO) as an opportunity that has truly been worthwhile.

“Our customers, the officers and enlisted on the battlefield, are very appreciative of our contributions in theater. We are here to help bring them one step closer to completing their objectives and their mission overseas,” said Heitsch, who is also a part of the Leaders-in-Motion program at DFAS Columbus.

The ESO is a program sponsored by DFAS, and gives employees the opportunity to support the warfighter in theater with a tour of duty overseas.

Currently, Heitsch is stationed at the New Kabul Compound (NKC) in Afghanistan. He is serving as the internal control administrator of the Manager’s Internal Control Program for U.S. Forces-Afghanistan. His duties as an internal control administrator include establishing a training program for the assessable units, reviewing any organizational deficiencies, consolidating the data collected, and writing the organization's Statement of Assurance (SOA) for his commander, Maj. Gen. Timothy McHale. Heitsch then forwards the SOA to the Office of the Secretary of Defense and fields any questions that may arise.

When time permits, he also serves as a managerial accountant by re-visiting requirements to return FY 09 dollars and fixing problems that create negative unliquidated obligations (NULOs). His duties as a managerial accountant include reviewing NULOs to ensure that disbursements and obligations are made correct, reviewing unliquidated obligations to determine whether requirements are still valid, and returning funds when they are not used.

According to Heitsch, there are many differences in supporting the warfighter from his desk compared to being in theater.

“The most notable difference is working on the soldier’s work schedule, which is significantly more intense than working CONUS,” said Heitsch. “They are on duty seven days a week, 10-11 hours a day. To complete our mission with the resources in theater, these hours are necessary.”

Being able to support the warfighter in theater is one of the many positive experiences of being in the ESO. Answering questions in-person and taking the time to spend long periods with the warfighter shows them that DFAS supports them and is proud of everything they do.

“Having a physical presence in theater shows the warfighter that we are willing to support them 100 percent. We can answer questions and, in the instances where we do not have the answers, we can reach back to our wealth of DFAS assets at home to provide assistance,” said Heitsch.

While in Kabul, Heitsch and others have had a change in focus in some areas, and one of those changes has been in counter insurgency (COIN). Heitsch attended counter insurgency training at Camp Julien, a former Canadian base that has been transitioned into a training center. According to Heitsch, even though the training lasted only three days, the information that was presented was extensive.

“We were given a history of the country, language training, cultural training, and stories and scenarios to help us understand the complicated and dramatically different sects and tribes.”

Of all the learning Heitsch has absorbed, he found language training to be most helpful and interesting. With more than 20 languages spoken in Afghanistan, Heitsch and others focused on the main two spoken in Kabul, which are Pashto and Dari. With only three days of the extensive training, Heitsch experienced an encounter that was truly worthwhile.

“Several months after our COIN training, we were outside of Camp Eggers waiting for our up-armored transport back to NKC. We made the effort to speak Dari with one of the Afghan guards, which eventually evolved into a conversation. After a few minutes of talking, he pointed at us calling us friends and brought his colleague over to serve us chai, a favorite tea in the country that is often shared with guests. It was a small gesture of friendship, but one that I will not forget.”

The need for qualified DFAS professionals to serve in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kuwait continues to increase. Details on how to volunteer can be found on the ESO Web page, or by contacting Dave Craddock at, (317) 510-1967, DSN 699-1967.

Did You Know?

DFAS now on Facebook [pic]

The Defense Finance and Accounting Service has expanded its online presence with the launch of the agency's first foray into social networking.

Now available via Facebook, the agency is reaching out to its six million payroll customers, DoD vendors and other interested groups to improve public understanding of DFAS operations, create a better relationship with its customers and enhance its customer service.

According to DFAS officials involved in the creation of the agency's Facebook presence, not only will the site allow for greater exposure to many of the questions and concerns customers have, but will provide another communication tool for the agency to listen to the issues facing its clients and provide answers in a timely and relevant fashion.

Plans call for multiple postings each week addressing such topics as military pay for active duty, reserve and National Guard members; military retired and annuitant pay; federal civilian employee pay; vendor and contractor pay; travel pay; as well as current pay-related issues.

Facebook's capabilities to post information quickly, ease of use and its ability to reach wide audiences are well suited to DFAS' efforts to improve its customer service and educate customers on how the agency operates.

DFAS customers, associated family members, and other interested individuals are invited and encouraged to join the agency on Facebook at .

Member Accomplishments

New CDFMs and CDFM News

| | |

| Paul Benton, CDFM-A |Melissa Macias, CDFM-A |

|Irma Brussow |Heidi Mahoney |

|Michael Burrell |Connie McAuliffe |

|Carydaniel Cegledi, CDFM-A |Reid Mueller, CDFM-A |

|Robert Colston, CDFM-A |Michael Niles, CDFM-A |

|Lindsey Dube, CDFM-A |Howard Osborne, CDFM-A |

|Patty Ebert, CDFM-A |Frank Rendon, CDFM-A |

|Bonita Edwards, CDFM-A |Duk Ro, CDFM-A |

|Keith Flowers, CDFM-A |James Simmons, CDFM-A |

|Katherine Ford-Isensee, CDFM-A |Julie Turner |

|Ronald Gaines |Brian Van Winkle |

|Edward Herty |Larry Wiprud |

|Jenny Ketchel, CDFM-A | |

New CDFMs - are you aware that you are entitled to a free lunch during our ASMC Washington Chapter meeting the month you earn your CDFM certification?

ASMC Washington Chapter members that pass the Acquisition Specialty module may receive reimbursement from the chapter for the cost of their new CDFM certificate. Save your receipt and contact your service representative for reimbursement procedures for the $40 expense.

Members interested in earning the CDFM with Acquisition Specialty and preparing before taking the Module 4 - Acquisition course offered by ASMC, may purchase the addendum to the CDFM textbook. To purchase a copy of the addendum, which sales for $15, send a letter with your personal check to ASMC, ATTN: EDFMTC Textbook Sales, 415 North Alfred St. Suite 3, Alexandria, VA 22314. Include your full mailing address for shipment. If using a credit card you may fax your request to ASMC at (703)549-3181. Be sure to include your credit card number, expiration date, the billing address Postal Zip Code, and your full mailing address for shipment. For more information on the Acquisition Specialty to the CDFM visit the CDFM Web Page at .

FREE CDFM Testing for Active Duty Personnel

From the ASMC Executive Director:

Dear Colby (President, ASMC Washington Chapter)

I hope you saw the notice that active duty military now have access to free CDFM testing through DANTES, go to for more info.

Alvin Tucker

Executive Director

American Society of Military Comptrollers

email: tucker@

Next Luncheon 15 Sept. 2010

Speaker: Honorable Mike McCord, Deputy OSD Comptroller

Place: Holiday Inn, 2460 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria, VA 22314

Social Time: 1130 hrs. Lunch: 1200 hrs.

Sponsor: OSD

Future Luncheons

For the most updated information on future events, please visit our website at:

ASMC & AGA Golf Tournament 21 July 2010

The ASMC & AGA Golf Tournament, held on 21 July, was an amazing. We had 128 golfers and 12 generous sponsors, earning just under $5000 for our scholarship fund - a 38% increase from last year! It was a fun day by all accounts, providing the opportunity for networking and reconnecting with old friends and colleagues. Look for photos on the chapter website, coming soon!



|___________________________ |

|Annual Air & Space Conference and Technology Exposition |

|Monday, September 13 – Wednesday, September 15, 2010 |

|Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center | 201 Waterfront Street, |

|National Harbor, MD 20745 |

|301-965-2000 | |

|[pic] |

| | |



ASMC Washington Chapter will now permit up to four corporate advertisements to be included in our monthly newsletter, which is distributed at our monthly meetings as well as posted on our chapter website. It is a terrific opportunity for corporations to "extend their reach" and gain visibility within the Defense Financial/Resource Management community at large - and do so very economically.

A full-page color ad is only $100 a month!!! If you commit to advertise for the entire year upfront, the cost is only $1000!!!

There is only room for up to four corporate advertisements per newsletter - so act now to be included in this timely and effective communications channel to your targeted audience!

Please contact Deb Del Mar, ASMC Corporate VP for further information: debra.delmar@vanguard- or 703-593-6667 cell.

Did You Know?

Individuals attending the ASMC Washington Chapter Luncheon receive .5 CPEs.

All luncheon attendees are entered in a raffle to win 2 certificates good for a future free luncheon admission.  One certificate is for the winner's own use, and the other is for the winner to give to a potential new member. Good Luck!


We wish to update our records pertaining to our corporate members for our ASMC Washington Chapter website and we need your help!

If you are a corporate member – please provide your current logo, corporate POC (name, title, email address and phone number) as well as a corporate link and a 2 sentence overview of your company. Please send this information to Deb DelMar at debra.delmar@vanguard-

Please submit ASMC Washington Chapter news items or articles of interest for the monthly newsletter to Nick Abate, Publicity Chairman at


Nick may also be reached at (703)448-6081 extension 274.

ASMC National News

Education and Training

Registration will open in early September for the intensive CDFM Audio Training:

Oct 26 - 27 (Module 1)

Nov 8 - 9 (Module 2)

Dec 14 - 15 (Module 3)

Look for details and registration forms on the website in early September.

FY 2011 EDFMTC Course and Module 4 training schedules have been published on the ASMC website.


ASMC is implementing a new membership retention program that will help to retain existing members. Beginning this month, members will be notified by email approximately 90 days before their membership expires that they may renew online. Sixty (60) days before their expiration date, members will receive a paper invoice with an explanation of member benefits by first class mail. Thirty (30) days before their expiration, members will receive a final email reminder. Upon expiration members will receive a post card in the mail. Thirty (30) days after a member expires they will receive one last email asking them to renew and if they don't plan to renew, we ask them to complete a 3 question exit survey.

This new process allows for an earlier start in the renewal process and sends 5 communications (3 emails and 2 postal service) reminding the member to renew and providing an explanation of benefits. Once a member renews they will not receive subsequent messages or mailings.

What can your chapter do to add to this new process?

* We suggest that you download your chapter's membership roster at the beginning of each month for your chapter membership committee. This ensures that you have up to date information and are aware of where each member is in the invoice process.

* After the first or second renewal reminder, follow up with an email reminding members of the benefits provided by your chapter.

* Help us keep the database current. Keep us informed of any changes to email and mailing addresses for your members and encourage members to log in to their online accounts for updates.

PDI 2011

Minneapolis will play host city to the national PDI on 30 May to June 3. The host chapter and committee are already busy planning for a dynamic event, setting a program to the theme of Navigating Financial Excellence. While attendees are not in an educational session, the city has much to offer. With an alive, vibrant downtown located on the Mississippi River, attendees will discover energy, excitement and entertainment.

The Mall of America offers shopping, dining and entertainment options for any time of the year and every member of the family. Art lovers have plenty to see at the Minneapolis Art Institute, Walker Art Center and the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, which all house world-renowned collections. The theater scene is thriving. With more than thirty theaters, Minneapolis has more seats per capita than any U.S. city except New York. See a Broadway show and enjoy dinner and live jazz at a fabulous restaurant. Check out the Science Museum of Minnesota, where visitors can produce their own video, or come face to face with a shark at the Under Water Adventures Aquarium. In summer, the action moves outside. Known as "The City of Lakes," Minneapolis has 22 lakes located within city limits and many more in the surrounding area. In town, locals and tourists in-line skate or stroll around Lake Calhoun, stopping for ice cream along the way. Just outside of town, Fort Snelling State Park offers outdoor recreational activities from hiking to biking and golf to boating.

Skyway-connected and located in the heart of the city, the Minneapolis Convention Center will be the conference site. Many hotels will be used to accommodate PDI attendees, with reservations opening in February 2011.

Keep your eyes on for updates to information regarding PDI 2011.

PDI Online

Starting in September PDI Online will become a member only benefit and access will require members to use their ASMC provided login name and password.

For PDI 2010 we recorded more than 30 workshops in addition to Service Day activities. Members can earn over 80 CPE's using PDI Online.

Check it out!

Future PDIs

2011 - Minneapolis, Minnesota

2012 - Anaheim, California

2013 - Denver, Colorado

2014 - Seattle, Washington

2015 - New Orleans, Louisiana

2016 - Orlando, Florida

2017 - San Diego, California

Careers in Financial Management?

At ASMC’s National website, you will find Career Central. Career Central specializes in providing services, resources, and a networking community for DoD FMers. In the online job board, you’ll find a large bank of job postings and resumes, career resources, career coaching and advice services, and so much more! Plus, Career Central offers anonymous resume posting for job seekers and a pay-per resume program for employers! Check us out at under the Career Central tab, and please pass along the site to other chapter members.

ASMC Membership - Apply Online

Prospective members of ASMC may apply for membership online at the ASMC website. This method decreases the processing time by up to a week, so please encourage anyone you may be recruiting to apply online. In addition, current members may renew online and update member information (new e-mail, address, job title, etc). Please read the instructions at ASMC Online Renewal on how to determine your default username and password.

|Washington Chapter Officers for 2010 - 2011 |

| |Title |E-Mail |Phone |

|J.R. “Cobi” Yacobi |President | |(202) 372-3487 |

|LT Richard Armstrong |Secretary | |202.372.3569 |

|CAPT. Rob Thompson |Treasurer | |(202) 372-3481 |

|Roxie Anthony |DOD Vice President | |(703) 882-0825 |

|Demaryl D. Singleton |DOD Ass't Secretary | |(703) 882-2251 |

|Lillian D. Jones |Army Vice President | |(703) 692-9257 |

|Nicol Martin |Army Ass't Secretary | |(703) 693-2586 |

|Denise Sampson |Navy Vice President | |(703) 602-3156 |

|Veronica Trent |Navy Ass't Secretary | |(703) 693-0833 |

|Raquel Escribano |USMC Vice President | | |

|Vacant |USMC Ass't Secretary | | |

|Capt Rene Rodriguez |Air Force Vice President | |(202) 767-1946 |

|Tina Miller |Air Force Ass't Secretary | |(571) 256-0190 |

|LCDR Bobby Hart |USCG Vice President | | |

|Vacant |USCG Ass't Secretary | | |

|Debra Delmar |Corporate/Retiree VP |Debra.Delmar@vanguard- |(703) 593-6667 |

|Kristin Hilbert |Corp/Ret. Ass’t Secretary |Kristin.Hilbert@ |(703) 473-8848 |

| | | | |



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