ATV’s may not be driven on any Crown Colony West property, including driveways. A $25.00 fine will be assessed for the first violation and each additional violation will be double the previous fine.

Approved June 19, 2007


This policy was adopted on March 21, 1993 by means of a telephone poll.

RESOLVED, that no garage sale can be held at CROWN COLONY WEST. Violation of this policy will result in a $25.00 fine to the property on which it is being held. Each subsequent violation will escalate the fine by an additional $25.00.


Property Manager will inspect the property for Deed Restriction Violations every ten (10) days. A letter will be mailed to each homeowner and/or tenant stating the violation and requesting that it be corrected within ten days. If not corrected in the given time, a second certified letter will be mailed, stating that a $30.00 fine will be assessed to the property if the violation is not corrected within ten (10) days.

A fine may be assessed without a warning letter if the owner has been given such a notice and opportunity to cure a similar violation within the prior six months.

May 16, 2006

Amended and approved per New Texas Property Code.


In accordance with section 3, Article VIII of Crown Colony West H.O.A By-Laws, residents whose barking dogs create a nuisance by disturbing other residents will be sent a warning letter stating that each additional offense will incur a $30.00 fine.

Approved March 3, 2008


In accordance with Houston City Ordinance and Crown Colony West Declarations, the Board of Directors has adopted the following Animal Control Policy.

If an animal is running at large on Crown Colony West common area property, the animal’s owner and/or homeowner will be sent a warning letter stating that the next offense will incur a $30.00 fine. The fine will be increased by $5.00 for each additional offense.

Any person putting out dog or cat food for the purpose of feeding stray dogs or cats will be sent a warning letter stating that each additional offense will incur a $30.00 fine.

In the case of a tenant offender, the homeowner will be held responsible for payment of fines.

Approved March 20, 2007



Crown Colony West Homeowners Association, Inc.

As stated in Article VIII, Section 9, of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, household pets may not exceed a total of two (2). Residents with more than two pets will be sent a letter giving them ten (10) days to reduce the number of pets to two (2). A $5.00 a day fine will be assessed for each animal in excess of two (2) for each additional day that the animal (animals) remain on the property.

Amendment approved November 18, 2008


Homeowners who are three months past due in payment of maintenance fees are subject to having their water service discontinued. There will be a $175.00 water cut-off charge and a $150.00 reconnection charge to restore service.

Affirmed January 25, 2005


The dumpster on the north side of the property is for the use of Crown Colony West maintenance personnel only. Individuals who put trash in or around the outside of the enclosure will incur a $100.00 fine.

Adopted January 25, 2005


1) Vehicles may not park in driveways, on lawns, concrete garage aprons, dead end areas, curbs or sidewalks or any other fire zone areas marked in red. Residents may temporarily park in driveways to load or unload, providing emergency lights are flashing, for a period not to exceed ten minutes.

2) Residents are responsible for insuring that delivery and service vehicles do not block ingress or egress or driveways, carports and garages, and that their emergency lights are flashing.

3) Vehicles parked in any visible space, including carports, must be operable and street legal.

4) Residents are responsible for insuring that their guests do not park in towing zone areas.

5) Residents with RV’s, campers or other oversize vehicle, which cannot be parked in a garage, carport or a single parking space, may not store that vehicle on Association property. Visiting guests with oversize vehicles may obtain a temporary permit to park in a designated RV parking zone as designated by, and with approval of the Board of Directors. Permits should be obtained by the resident sponsor as far in advance of the arrival of the vehicle as is reasonably possible.

6) Residents with small campers, vans, trailers, boats or other small non-motorized vehicles may park these vehicles in the garage or carport provided they do not extend beyond the carport or garage slab, do not extend into the apron area, and do not impede the full normal operation of the garage door without modification of the garage door. These items may not be parked in the guest parking areas, nor may they present a fire hazard or any type of danger to persons or property.

7) Motorcycles and other small motorized vehicles must be parked in the garage, carport or guest parking areas only. These vehicles are specifically not allowed in front of homes or on lawns or sidewalks.

8) One personal vehicle of owners or residents may be parked in guest parking only if three vehicles are registered at the resident address and two vehicles are parked in the carport or garage. Proof or registration and license numbers of all vehicles must be furnished to the office prior to using guest parking for personal vehicle. No more than one vehicle may be parked in guest parking and it must be driven daily.

Approved November 19, 2002


The Following Areas Are Declared

“Tow-Away Zones”

1) Lawns

2) Concrete garage aprons

3) Dead end areas

4) Driveways

5) Curbs or sidewalks

6) Any other fire zone area marked in red

The following vehicles are subject to towing from guest parking without notification to the owner:

1) Double parked (taking more than one parking space)

2) Not parked front-in if area is posted front-in parking only

The following vehicles will be stickered and towed with management approval if not removed within forty-eight (48) hours.

1) Expired license and/or expired inspection sticker

2) Inoperable, i.e. flat tires, on blocks, wrecked vehicle, etc.

3) Not moved for three (3) days

4) Resident’s vehicles not approved to use guest parking. (Repeat offenders may be towed after twenty-four (24) hours)

Revised June 8, 2004


Planting of trees and flower beds on Crown Colony West Common Area property must be approved.

Lawn furniture, planters, flower pots, statuary, bird baths or bird feeders may not be placed on common area property. The Association will remove these items from the property if not removed by the owner/resident after ten (10) days written notice.

Adopted by Board of Directors

February 17, 2004


Residents may not hold any social events on common area grounds without prior board approval. No moonwalks are allowed on common grounds. There will be a $50.00 fine for violation.

Amended by the Board of Directors

On September 23, 2008


Collection schedule for Crown Colony West:

Monday – 7:00 A.M. until all garbage has been picked up

Thursday – 7:00 A.M. until all garbage and heavy trash has been picked up

All garbage must be placed in closed containers or garbage bags of sufficient strength to retain their contents. All bags must weigh less than 50 pounds.

Garbage containers should be placed outside the garage no earlier than 7:00 P.M. on the evening before the day of pickup. Residents who place garbage out before 7:00 P.M. are subject to a Deed Restriction Fine.

All empty garbage containers are to be taken inside the garage or yard on the day that the trash is picked up. Any containers that remain on community property the day after collection are subject to removal and disposal.

Should your trash not be completely removed, due to a burst bag, you are required to pick up the residue.

Heavy Trash is picked up only on Thursdays. Such items as tree limbs, furniture, etc. Are classified as heavy trash and should be placed in a location that is easily accessible by the collection vehicle. Note: Refrigerators will not be picked up unless you have had a licensed Air Conditioning Company drain the Freon and place a certification to that effect on the appliance. The doors on refrigerators should either be removed or secured in such a manner so as to prevent small children from getting inside the unit.

Certain items and materials are considered unsafe for the environment and will not be picked up by the Trash Company. Some of these items are bricks, plaster, concrete, car batteries, automobile tires, garage doors, paint cans, paint thinners, gasoline containers, used motor oil, oil filters, pesticides, herbicides, ammonia, antifreeze, etc. Do not put any of these items out for trash pickup. You are responsible for their disposal.

Amended October 15, 2003


A minimum charge of $25.00 will be assessed to any resident driving on common area lawns. If repairs exceed $25.00 there will be additional charges. License plate number, make and color of car must be included with the report of violation.

Approved April 29, 2004


Any resident seen pouring oil into a storm drain will incur a $100.00 fine and will be reported to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Approved April 29, 2004


No building or other structure may be added to any home without prior written approval of the Crown Colony West Board of Directors. Homeowner will be fined $100.00 in the event a structure in commenced without prior approval. Homeowners will be notified to discontinue construction until proper approval is obtained, and there will be a $10.00 fine per day for each day construction continues after this notification. If approval is denied, the structure must be removed with ten (10) days or a $10.00 per day fine will be assessed for each additional day until structure is removed.

Approved October 21, 2003


On the 11th of each month, account balances of $50.00 or more will automatically computer generate a $20.00 late fee. A $20.00 to $50.00 account balance that is outstanding for three consecutive months will be charged a $20.00 late fee each following month until the account is brought current.

Adopted March 8, 2003


If a homeowner has a question concerning a Balance Sheet account, a written request detailing the purpose and referring to a specific issue must be submitted to the office.

If the purpose is deemed proper, the accountant will prepare for the homeowner a copy of the records relevant to that issue. The cost of the preparation of the document will be charged to the homeowner’s account.

Approved March 20, 2005


1) To maintain order homeowners are to refrain from speaking until each report has been concluded. After the report, the chair will ask if there are questions. Homeowners must raise their hands and be recognized by the chair before speaking.

2) Homeowners must not interrupt anyone who has the floor.

3) Only homeowners who have placed their name on the agenda by 5 PM the day before the meeting may address the board. There is a 2-minute time limit and comments must be addressed to the chair. Homeowners may not address one another.

4) Board meetings are business meetings and personal attacks against other homeowners, board members, or Crown Colony West personnel are unacceptable.

5) All board meetings may be tape recorded.

Adopted June 15, 2004


Playing ball, i.e. basketball, baseball, football, soccer, etc., is allowed only in designated playground areas. It is prohibited in the Courtyards, Service Roads, Parking Areas, and Driveways. First occurrence, resident will be sent one warning letter. Subsequent occurrences will incur a fine of $30.00. The fine will be assessed against the parents of children involved. In the case of Tenant Parent offenders, the Homeowner will be notified and held responsible for the payment of fines.

Service roads are for ingress and egress only. Parents are responsible for the supervision of small children. Parents are to prevent the children from playing in the Service roads. This is very dangerous for the children, as well as the motorist operating a vehicle.

Amended on March 16, 2006


Crown Colony West employees and outside contractors perform under the supervision of the Property Manager, as directed by the Association Board of Directors. Complaints concerning these services must be directed to the office.

Any resident who interferes, disrupts, and/or impedes the employees or contractors in the process of performing their work may incur a $30.00 minimum fine.

Amended on March 16, 2006


In accordance with the By-Laws of Crown Colony West Homeowners Association, Inc. Article VII Section (a) and (b) and the Declaration of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions:

Specifically, the Homeowner/Tenant is responsible for any damage to the Association or private property (due to the willful or negligent act of the Homeowner/Tenant). If observed vandalism or destruction of property is reported, the Homeowner/Tenant will be considered personally liable and will be assessed a $100.00 fine, as well as any cost incurred in repairing or replacing Crown Colony West property. The intent of this Revision and Amendment is to ensure the safety and enjoyment of our community for all residents and to prevent costly and unnecessary expenses.

Amended by the Board of Directors

October 15, 2013


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