Python for loop increment variable name


Python for loop increment variable name

In Python, if I were to have a user input the number X, and then the program enters a for loop in which the user inputs X values, is there a way/is it a bad idea to have variable names automatically increment? ie: user inputs '6' value_1 = ... value_2 = ... value_3 = ... value_4 = ... value_5 = ... value_6 = ... Can I make variable names increment like that so that I can have the number of variables that the user inputs? Or should I be using a completely different method such as appending all the new values onto a list? Browse Python Answers by Framework Browse Popular Code Answers by Language how to split string in elixir elixir random number elixir length of list pascal cheat sheett pascal data type declaration get date now groovy spring gradle plugin publishing how to write double quotation marks in string powershell smooth scrolling to div java script Browse Other Code Languages python dynamic variable name also known as a Variable variable, Using globals() method, Using locals() method, Using exec() method and Using vars() method. python dynamic variable name Python program to create dynamically named variables from user input. The creation of a dynamic variable name in Python can be achieved with the help of iteration. This approach will also use the globals() function in addition to the for loop. Method 1: Using globals() method. Set_DDVar_Define = "pakainfo" globals()[Set_DDVar_Define] = 2022 print(pakainfo) Method 2: Using locals() method. Set_DDVar_Define = "pakainfo" locals()[Set_DDVar_Define] = 2022 print(pakainfo) Method 3: Using exec() method. Set_DDVar_Define = "pakainfo" exec("%s = %d" % (Set_DDVar_Define, 2022)) print(pakainfo) Method 4: Using vars() method Set_DDVar_Define = "pakainfo" vars()[Set_DDVar_Define] = 2022 print(pakainfo) how to create dynamic variable names in python? for i in range(0, 9): globals()[f"my_variable{i}"] = f"Welcome from variable number {i}!" print(my_variable3) # Welcome from variable number 3! how to create dynamic variable names in python? for x in range(0, 9): globals()['string%s' % x] = 'Welcome' # string0 = 'Welcome', string1 = 'Welcome' ... string8 = 'Welcome' USE A DICTIONARY TO CREATE A DYNAMIC VARIABLE NAME name = "a" value = True player_message = {name: value} print(player_message["a"]) Don't Miss : How To Read And Write Files In Python 3? I hope you get an idea about python dynamic variable name. I would like to have feedback on my blog. Your valuable feedback, question, or comments about this article are always welcome. If you enjoyed and liked this post, don't forget to share. Control flow statement For loop flow diagram Loop constructs Do while loop While loop For loop Foreach loop Infinite loop Control flow vte In computer science, a for-loop (or simply for loop) is a control flow statement for specifying iteration, which allows code to be executed repeatedly. Various keywords are used to specify this statement: descendants of ALGOL use "for", while descendants of Fortran use "do". There are other possibilities, for example COBOL which uses "PERFORM VARYING". A for-loop has two parts: a header specifying the iteration, and a body which is executed once per iteration. The header often declares an explicit loop counter or loop variable, which allows the body to know which iteration is being executed. For-loops are typically used when the number of iterations is known before entering the loop. Forloops can be thought of as shorthands for while-loops which increment and test a loop variable. The name for-loop comes from the word for, which is used as the keyword in many programming languages to introduce a for-loop. The term in English dates to ALGOL 58 and was popularized in the influential later ALGOL 60; it is the direct translation of the earlier German f?r, used in Superplan (1949?1951) by Heinz Rutishauser, who also was involved in defining ALGOL 58 and ALGOL 60.[citation needed] The loop body is executed "for" the given values of the loop variable, though this is more explicit in the ALGOL version of the statement, in which a list of possible values and/or increments can be specified. In FORTRAN and PL/I, the keyword DO is used for the same thing and it is called a do-loop; this is different from a do-while loop. FOR For loop illustration, from i=0 to i=2, resulting in data1=200 A for-loop statement is available in most imperative programming languages. Even ignoring minor differences in syntax there are many differences in how these statements work and the level of expressiveness they support. Generally, for-loops fall into one of the following categories: Traditional for-loops The for-loop of languages like ALGOL, Simula, BASIC, Pascal, Modula, Oberon, Ada, Matlab, Ocaml, F#, and so on, requires a control variable with start- and end-values and looks something like this: for i = first to last do statement (* or just *) for i = first..last do statement Depending on the language, an explicit assignment sign may be used in place of the equal sign (and some languages require the word int even in the numerical case). An optional step-value (an increment or decrement 1) may also be included, although the exact syntaxes used for this differs a bit more between the languages. Some languages require a separate declaration of the control variable, some do not. Another form was popularized by the C programming language. It requires 3 parts: the initialization (loop variant), the condition, and the advancement to the next iteration. All these three parts are optional.[1] This type of "semicolon loops" came from B programming language and it was originally invented by Stephen Johnson.[2] In the initialization part, any variables needed are declared (and usually assigned values). If multiple variables are declared, they should all be of the same type. The condition part checks a certain condition and exits the loop if false, even if the loop is never executed. If the condition is true, then the lines of code inside the loop are executed. The advancement to the next iteration part is performed exactly once every time the loop ends. The loop is then repeated if the condition evaluates to true. Here is an example of the C-style traditional for-loop in Java. // Prints the numbers from 0 to 99 (and not 100), each followed by a space. for (int i=0; i 1000.0) exit sumsq = sumsq + i**2 end do print *, sumsq end program 1958: ALGOL ALGOL 58 introduced the for statement, using the form as Superplan: FOR Identifier = Base (Difference) Limit For example to print 0 to 10 incremented by 1: FOR x = 0 (1) 10 BEGIN PRINT (FL) = x END 1960: COBOL COBOL was formalized in late 1959 and has had many elaborations. It uses the PERFORM verb which has many options. Originally all loops had to be out-of-line with the iterated code occupying a separate paragraph. Ignoring the need for declaring and initialising variables, the COBOL equivalent of a forloop would be. PERFORM SQ-ROUTINE VARYING I FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL I > 1000 SQ-ROUTINE ADD I**2 TO SUM-SQ. In the 1980s the addition of in-line loops and "structured" statements such as END-PERFORM resulted in a for-loop with a more familiar structure. PERFORM VARYING I FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL I > 1000 ADD I**2 TO SUM-SQ. ENDPERFORM If the PERFORM verb has the optional clause TEST AFTER, the resulting loop is slightly different: the loop body is executed at least once, before any test. 1964: BASIC Loops in BASIC are sometimes called for-next loops. 10 REM THIS FOR LOOP PRINTS ODD NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 15 20 FOR I = 1 TO 15 STEP 2 30 PRINT I 40 NEXT I Notice that the end-loop marker specifies the name of the index variable, which must correspond to the name of the index variable in the start of the for-loop. Some languages (PL/I, FORTRAN 95 and later) allow a statement label on the start of a for-loop that can be matched by the compiler against the same text on the corresponding end-loop statement. Fortran also allows the EXIT and CYCLE statements to name this text; in a nest of loops this makes clear which loop is intended. However, in these languages the labels must be unique, so successive loops involving the same index variable cannot use the same text nor can a label be the same as the name of a variable, such as the index variable for the loop. 1964: PL/I do counter = 1 to 5 by 1; /* "by 1" is the default if not specified */ /*statements*/; end; The LEAVE statement may be used to exit the loop. Loops can be labeled, and leave may leave a specific labeled loop in a group of nested loops. Some PL/I dialects include the ITERATE statement to terminate the current loop iteration and begin the next. 1968: Algol 68 ALGOL 68 has what was considered the universal loop, the full syntax is: FOR i FROM 1 BY 2 TO 3 WHILE i4 DO ~ OD Further, the single iteration range could be replaced by a list of such ranges. There are several unusual aspects of the construct only the do ~ od portion was compulsory, in which case the loop will iterate indefinitely. thus the clause to 100 do ~ od, will iterate exactly 100 times. the while syntactic element allowed a programmer to break from a for loop early, as in: INT sum sq := 0; FOR i WHILE print(("So far:", i, new line)); # Interposed for tracing purposes. # sum sq 702 # This is the test for the WHILE # DO sum sq +:= i2 OD Subsequent extensions to the standard Algol68 allowed the to syntactic element to be replaced with upto and downto to achieve a small optimization. The same compilers also incorporated: until for late loop termination. foreach for working on arrays in parallel. 1970: Pascal for Counter := 1 to 5 do (*statement*); Decrementing (counting backwards) is using downto keyword instead of to, as in: for Counter := 5 downto 1 do (*statement*); The numeric-range for-loop varies somewhat more. 1972: C/C++ Further information: C syntax ? Iteration statements for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement) statement The statement is often a block statement; an example of this would be: //Using for-loops to add numbers 1 - 5 int sum = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 6; ++i) { sum += i; } The ISO/IEC 9899:1999 publication (commonly known as C99) also allows initial declarations in for loops. All the three sections in the for loop are optional. 1972: Smalltalk 1 to: 5 do: [ :counter | "statements" ] Contrary to other languages, in Smalltalk a forloop is not a language construct but defined in the class Number as a method with two parameters, the end value and a closure, using self as start value. 1980: Ada for Counter in 1 .. 5 loop -- statements end loop; The exit statement may be used to exit the loop. Loops can be labeled, and exit may leave a specifically labeled loop in a group of nested loops: Counting: for Counter in 1 .. 5 loop Triangle: for Secondary_Index in 2 .. Counter loop -- statements exit Counting; -- statements end loop Triangle; end loop Counting; 1980: Maple Maple has two forms of for-loop, one for iterating of a range of values, and the other for iterating over the contents of a container. The value range form is as follows: for i from f by b to t while w do # loop body od; All parts except do and od are optional. The for i part, if present, must come first. The remaining parts (from f, by b, to t, while w) can appear in any order. Iterating over a container is done using this form of loop: for e in c while w do # loop body od; The in c clause specifies the container, which may be a list, set, sum, product, unevaluated function, array, or an object implementing an iterator. A for-loop may be terminated by od, end, or end do. 1982: Maxima CAS In Maxima CAS one can use also non integer values : for x:0.5 step 0.1 thru 0.9 do /* "Do something with x" */ 1982: PostScript The for-loop, written as [initial] [increment] [limit] { ... } for initialises an internal variable, executes the body as long as the internal variable is not more than limit (or not less, if increment is negative) and, at the end of each iteration, increments the internal variable. Before each iteration, the value of the internal variable is pushed onto the stack.[5] 1 1 6 {STATEMENTS} for There is also a simple repeat-loop. The repeat-loop, written as X { ... } repeat, repeats the body exactly X times.[6] 5 { STATEMENTS } repeat 1983: Ada 83 and above procedure Main is Sum_Sq : Integer := 0; begin for I in 1 .. 9999999 loop if Sum_Sq

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