Love as a Way of Life

Study Series: When the Enemy StrikesBy: Dr. Charles StanleyLesson Title: “The Enemy’s Snares” (pp. 133-142)May 12, 2019Session 11The main point of this lesson is: The devil attempts to entrap us with debate, division, doubt, and deception.Focus on this goal: To help adults guard themselves against the devil’s snares.Key Bible Passages: Genesis 3:4; Ephesians 6:11; Revelation 12:9-10Before the Session1.On notecards, one letter per card (for a word scramble) write: debate, division, doubt, and deception. Keep letters grouped by word. (Step 2)2. Bring notecards and pens/pencils for learners to use. (Step 7)During the SessionStep 1. Lead-in / Illustration Distribute the list of God’s promises compiled from the past week’s session. Begin this week’s study by asking learners if they have ever been tricked or conned into buying or doing something. Tell a personal experience of when you have been conned. Or, do an Internet search and tell the story of someone who was conned in some way. State that the devil is the ultimate con artist. He uses many schemes or strategies against us. Step 2. Day 1 – The Devil’s SchemesCall on a volunteer to read Ephesians 6:11. Invite learners to share the various words used for “snares” in that verse (Day One, activity 1, p. 133). Words such as tactics, schemes, and wiles may be mentioned. Briefly discuss the meaning of the word. Using the notecards prepared prior to the lesson, scramble the letters for each word and call on volunteers to unscramble each word. Affix the words to the wall. State these are four snares of the devil. Invite two volunteers to ad lib a two-minute debate between a Christian and a non-believer. Discuss how the author says Christians should respond to such debate (Day One, p. 134). Ask: Is there any occasion in which you should engage in a debate with someone? Why or why not? State that the author writes: “You can’t win a debate with the devil” (p. 134).Step 3. Day 2 – The Snare of DivisionCall on a volunteer to read Revelation 12:9-10. State that division is a powerful snare of the devil, and he divides people by using accusations. Guide learners to answer the questions related to Revelation 12:10 (Day Two, activity 1, p. 135). State that accusations divide us, but the love of God unites us. Call on a volunteer to read Romans 8:35-39. Some learners may have memorized verses 38-39 in session one of this study. Organize the class into small groups. Instruct each group to summarize the five verses of Day Two, activity 2 (p. 136) in one sentence. After a few minutes, call on each group to share its sentence.Step 4. Day 3 – The Snare of Doubt, Part 1Call on a volunteer to read Genesis 3:1-5. Challenge learners to identify the two ways the devil created doubt about God’s words (Day Three, p. 137). Discuss how the devil uses those same tactics today. Invite a volunteer to read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Ask learners how these verses speak to doubts the devil may try to create about God’s Word (Day Three, activity 2, p. 137). Explain that daily Bible study, corporate Bible studies, and worship attendance help the believer to cling to God’s Word, even when the devil tries to create doubt.Step 5. Day 4 – The Snare of Doubt, Part 2State that the devil also tries to create doubt about a person’s relationship with God and about living the Christian life. Ask: What tactics does the devil use to cause people to doubt their salvation? State that a person’s tendency to sin may cause doubt about salvation. Call on a volunteer to read Romans 7:14-25. Ask learners how they can identify with Paul in his struggle with sin (Day Four, activity 2, p. 139). Brainstorm ways Christians can overcome doubts about their salvation. Lead in a brief discussion about how a Christian can be sure about his or her salvation. Ask this question, requesting learners to consider their answers silently: Are you sure about your salvation? Ask learners to bow their heads in prayer. If they are sure about their salvation, ask them to silently thank God for their salvation. If they are not sure about their salvation, invite learners to speak with you personally after class and/or read the inside front cover of their books for the plan of salvation.Step 6. Day 5 – The Snare of DeceptionAsk: How does the devil use deception to try to trip up believers? Guide learners to share how they would respond to people who believe the lies addressed in Day Five, activity 2 (p. 142). Call on a volunteer to read John 8:32. Ask: How does God’s truth set us free? As time permits, invite a few volunteers to share how God’s truth has set them free.Step 7. Reflection and Personal ApplicationReview the four ways the devil attempts to entrap Christians (debate, division, doubt, deception, p. 134). Ask learners to silently identify the one way they are most struggling with at this point. Urge them to write on the notecards three practical steps they can take in the coming week to address that entrapment. Close in prayer.After the SessionPray for the individuals in your class. Make personal contact with a few learners during the week, encouraging them to be alert for the devil’s snares. ................

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