01 - MJHS 6th and 7th Grade Science

Skills Worksheet

Seedless Plants, Ch. 4, Sec. 2

Section: Seedless Plants

1. List the two groups of seedless plants.

nonvascular plants


a. from rhizomes.

b. from the environment or nearby cells.

c. from the ground through their roots.

d. from vascular tissues.

3. Rhizoids are like roots because

a. they contain vascular tissue.

b. they do not contain vascular tissue.

c. they help hold the plant in place.

d. they live in large groups.

4. Rhizoids help nonvascular plants

a. become tall and leafy.

b. develop vascular parts.

c. obtain water and nutrients.

d. produce spores.

5. Which of the following is true of liverworts?

a. They usually live in dry places.

b. They are very large.

c. They are vascular plants.

d. Their gametophytes can be mosslike and leafy.

6. List three reasons why nonvascular plants are important.

Seedless vascular plants

7. ANCIENT ______________________ GREW TO 40 M BUT ARE SMALLER TODAY.

Directed Reading A continued

8. An underground stem from which new leaves and roots grow is called a(n) ______________________.

9. Describe the fern gametophyte.

10. Young fronds are called ______________________ because of how they are coiled.

Match the correct definition with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided.

11. structure where silica is found in horsetails

12. substance that has a gritty texture

13. plants that have life cycles similar to horsetails

14. used by pioneers to scrub pans

15. height of some modern horsetails

16. height of some modern club mosses

17. plants that grow in woodlands

18. tissue found in club mosses but not in mosses

19. What are four roles seedless vascular plants play in the environment?

Directed Reading A continued

20. Name two kinds of seedless vascular plants that are popular houseplants.

21. Name two kinds of seedless vascular plants that can be eaten by humans.

22. In what way are fossilized seedless vascular plants that died 3 million years ago important to humans?

Match the correct description with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided.

23. Like roots, they hold a plant in place.

24. After 300 million years, the remains of these formed coal.

25. Some of these can be dried and burnedas fuel.

Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

26. What is found in club mosses, but not in mosses?

a. vascular tissue

b. gametophytes

c. fronds

d. spores

27. What is an underground stem from which new leaves and roots grow?

a. rhizoid

b. fiddlehead

c. rhizome

d. frond

28. What is another name for a fern leaf?

a. club moss

b. frond

c. rhizome

d. gametophyte

29. What is the tiny, heart-shaped part of a fern that produces both sperm and eggs?

a. rhizome

b. sporophyte

c. silica

d. gametophyte

30.Use each of the following terms in a separate sentence: rhizoid and rhizome.

Understanding Key Ideas


a. help form communities.

b. reduce soil erosion.

c. add to soil depth.

d. All of the above

32. Describe six kinds of seedless plants.

33. What is the relationship between coal and seedless vascular plants?

34. Making Inferences Imagine a very damp area. Mosses cover the rocks and trees in this area. Liverworts and hornworts are also very abundant. What might happen if the area dries out? Explain your answer.


a. 20 cm

b. club mosses

c. stem

d. horsetails

e. vascular tissue

f. silica

g. 8 m

h. ferns

a. seedless vascular plants

b. nonvascular plants

c. rhizoids


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