Chapter 10: Hormonal Control Systems

Chapter 11: Hormonal Control Systems

Revised 14 September 2011 for 12th Edition

Section 11B

Describe the anatomical relationship of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

What are the two names for each of the two regions of the pituitary gland?

Which portion of the pituitary gland is actually an extension of the hypothalamus? Which nuclei of the hypothalamus are associated with this portion of the pituitary gland?

Describe the special vascular system that connects the hypothalamus to the adenohypophysis. What is the purpose of this portal system?

What hormones are secreted from the neurohypophysis? Where are these hormones synthesized? Are they amine, peptide, or steroid hormones?

What stimulates the secretion of oxytocin and what cells are the targets of this hormone?

What’s the alternative name for vasopressin? How does vasopressin affect smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels?

What do hypophysiotropic hormones do?

Where are hypophysiotropic hormones synthesized? Into what capillary are these hormones secreted? Where is the next capillary they encounter?

How is it possible that such a tiny amount of a hypophysiotropic hormone can have such a large effect on the amount of another hormone in the plasma?

The hormones secreted from the anterior pituitary all belong to which chemical class?

(Eventually, you’ll need to know the names and synonyms and actions for all the hypothalamic and anterior pituitary hormones (Figure 11-17) but we’ll try to learn these as we go along.)

Suppose a person has a tumor in their adrenal cortex which causes the unregulated cells of that gland to secrete huge amounts of cortisol into the plasma. (See figure 11-19.) If you took a blood sample, would you expect the plasma levels of CRH to be normal, high, or low? Explain your answer.

Suppose that person had both adrenal glands surgically removed. Several days later you obtain a blood sample from the patient. Would you expect the plasma levels of ACTH to be normal, high, or low? Explain your answer.


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