1 - School Of Preach - Module 1


The Call To Preach

Scripture Reference : Mark 6:7

Write Mark 6:7 below: ______________________________________________________________________



Preaching begins with a _________________________ What does it mean to have a calling to preach?




When you are called to preach you are called to a life of ______________________________________________________________________



What happens once you say yes to the call of preaching on your life? ______________________________________________________________________



Everyone is called to preach on some level. Ask God to show you how He wants to use your voice: ______________________________________________________________________






How to Find Your Voice

Scripture Reference : Psalm 81:10

Write the scripture Psalm 81:10 below: ______________________________________________________________________



You not only need to open your mouth and speak, but you also need to: ______________________________________________________________________


Part of finding your voice in preaching is sharing the most powerful parts of your story. Take this time to write out some of the things God has done in your life:

Now take the next five minutes and PRACTICE sharing your story. You can record yourself on your phone, you can stand in front of the mirror or you can simply sit on your bed by yourself. The Key to finding your voice is PRACTICE, PRACTICE,PRACTICE!

Declaration: I'm going to find my voice. I'm going to recognize my call. I'm going to embrace the uniqueness of my voice. I'm going to open my mouth wide and trust the Lord to fill it. I'm going to tell my story. I will not be muzzled!



Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

Scripture Reference : Philippians 4:7 Write the scripture Philippians 4:7 below:

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ How did Sophia say she overcame her fear of public speaking?

What is the key to overcoming the fear of public speaking?

When you practice speaking you will develop your _______________________ How do you overcome the fear of being talked about or not being well received?

You have to own every part of who you are. What sets you apart and makes you unique?



Different Styles of Preaching

Scripture Reference : Matthew 11:1 Write the scripture Matthew 11:1 below

What were some of the examples of different styles of preaching Sophia mentioned?

Part of finding your style of preaching is being comfortable with yourself, and being who you naturally are. If you could define your style of preaching what would it be?

Sophia mentioned a lot of people are called to preach, but need to be delivered from the opinion of man. Take this time to write and pray.What is holding you back from preaching the way God has called you to preach?




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