Information and Software Technology (IST) - Year 9 (2005)
Information Processes & Technology (IPT) – 2005 Preliminary
The Year 11 IPT course at Pittwater House has been developed using a constructivist approach. Students engage with a variety of learning activities suited to the various learning styles, all of which provide ‘hands-on’ opportunities. The course has been designed to be both fun for students and to provide a sound theoretical grounding in preparation for the HSC IPT course,
Examples of some of the projects pupils may be offered are outlined below:
| |The next Matthew Reilly |[pic] |The Matrix |
| |Prepare a story/newsletter using MS Word. Then | |Use the Matrix and the Internet to collect |
| |prepare for publication using MS Publisher. | |information that will help you save your |
| | | |world. |
|Dream worker | |Party Time |[pic] |
|Use MS Paint and MS PowerPoint to create digital | |Plan and cost your end of year party or trip| |
|works of art that can be included in a digital | |using MS Excel. Develop a promotional web | |
|movie edited with MS MovieMaker 2 | |site using MS FrontPage. | |
| |Making money with computers |Fashion Central |[pic] |
| |Use MS Excel to develop a money making solution for |Use MS Access to develop an interactive database | |
| |your first business opportunity. |of cars or fashion of your choice. | |
|Hacker Control |[pic] |Oceans 14 |[pic] |
|Explore the depths of the Internet and learn | |Devise an ethical, socially acceptable and| |
|everything you need to know to become an IPT | |efficient method to store and retrieve | |
|“Hacker”. | |‘Gold’ on the school Intranet.. | |
|[pic] |Design, develop and deploy an interactive multimedia |[pic] | |
| |production using a multimedia authoring environment | |Devise a new media TV production based on |
| |and digital image, video and audio capture. | |transmitting and receiving data such as music|
| | | |or images. |
| |[pic] |The End Game |[pic] |
|The Big Screen | |Create an interactive CD-based computer| |
|Design and create a web page using MS Frontpage, HTML | |game using MS Paint, MS PowerPoint and | |
|and Java to promote a teen movie. | |VBA. | |
Scope and Sequence – Preliminary Course (YR 11) – 2005
|Week |Term 1 |Term 2 |Term 3 |
| |
|1 |Introduction to IPT | | |Part 3 Topic Review |
| | |Implement (I) |This is your life | |
|2/3 |WP/DTP |The next Matthew Reilly | | |Storing & Retrieving |Oceans 14 |
|3/4 |Graphics/ |Dream worker |Collecting |The Matrix |Transmittting & Receiving |Big Brother |
| |MM | | | | | |
|5/6 |Spreadsheet |Making money |EXAMINATIONS |Processing |The Game |
|6/7 |Internet |Hacker Control |Organising |Party Time |Displaying |The BIG Screen |
| |Part 1 Topic Review | | | | |
|8 |Plan (UM) | |Analysing |Fashion Central |Course Review |
| | |This is your life | | | |
|9 |Design (D) | |Part 2 Topic Review |EXAMINATIONS |
|10 | | | | |
| | |
|Your Name: | |
| | |
| | | |
| | | |
|Task Name: | |The next Matthew Reilly |
| |
|Task Description: Individual Task |Allotted time |
| | |
|1. Using MS Internet Explorer, find a long story on the Gutenberg web site (). Copy the | |
|story and save a draft of it using MS Word. (P5.1). | |
| | |
|2. Prepare your story for publication using MS Publisher by copying from the Word version (P2.2). Your | |
|‘publication-ready’ version should include:: | |
| | |
|a layout of three columns per page | |
|a page border |Wks |
|include a series of paragraph/chapter headings and |2 & 3 |
|at least one graphic per page relevant to the story for at least the first ten pages of your publication..| |
|(P6.2, P7.1). | |
| | |
|3. Prepare a MS PowerPoint presentation to describe what the Gutenberg web site is about. | |
| | |
|4. Submit printouts of your Word, Publisher and PowerPoint documents | |
| | |
|Note: The documents to be constructed in accordance with the marking guideline. | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Draft of story |
| |Published version |
| |PowerPoint presentation (printed 6 slides per page) |
| | |
|Due: |Draft in Word – middle of week 2 |
| |Publisher Version – middle of week 3 |
| |PowerPoint presentation – end of week 3 |
| |
|Marking Guideline |
| |
|The next Matthew Reilly |
|Component |Maximum |Marks |
| |Marks |Awarded |
| | | |
|Produces a Word Document with: | | |
|Header containing name & class details & task name |5 | |
|Footer containing page numbers |5 | |
|Story content draft |5 | |
| |10 | |
|Produces a Desktop Published Document with: | | |
|Page Border | | |
|Distinctive styles and headings |5 | |
|Included graphic(s) |5 | |
|Overall quality |10 | |
| |30 | |
|PowerPoint presentation on Gutenberg web site | | |
| |25 | |
|Total: |100 | |
| |Name: |
| | |
|Task Name: |Dream worker |
| |
|Task Description: Individual |Allotted time |
| | |
|Use MS Paint, PowerPoint and Sound Recorder to create digital works of art that can be included in a | |
|digital movie edited with MS MovieMaker 2 | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Drawings |
| |Photographs |
| |Animated images |
| |Video clips |
| |MovieMaker2 movie |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
| | | |
|Drawings |20 | |
|Photographs |20 | |
|Animated images |20 | |
|Video clips |20 | |
|MovieMaker2 movie |20 | |
| | | |
|Total: |100 | |
| |Name: |
| | |
|Task Name: |Making money with computers |
| |
|Task Description: Individual, pair or group |Allotted time |
| | |
|Devise an information-based money making venture. Plan your venture using as many non-computer-based | |
|information technologies as you can think of. | |
| | |
|Use MS Excel to develop a money making solution for your information-based business opportunity. | |
| | |
|Consider the social and ethical issues involved in your venture. | |
| | |
|Examples of information-based ventures are dating services, assignment services, news services, stock | |
|market indices, library searches, | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Planning document identifying non-computer based information sources. |
| | |
| |MS Excel solution |
| | |
| |Report on social and ethical issues involved. |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
| | | |
|Plan |60 | |
|Excel solution |20 | |
|Report on issues |20 | |
|Total: |100 | |
|[pic] |Name: |
| | |
|Task Name: |Hacker Control |
| |
|Task Description: Individual or pair |Allotted time |
| | |
|Explore the depths of the Internet and learn everything you need to know to become an IPT “Hacker”. | |
| | |
|Using the Internet write at least 1,000 essay on one of the following topics: | |
| | |
|“The best example of a (numeric, textual, visual, kinaesthetic, musical, lone, group, naturalist) hacker | |
|I found on the Internet was _______ (name(s)) who ____________ (300 words). In comparison | |
|_____________(name(s) was a cracker who _________________ (300 words). | |
| | |
|The social and ethical issues involved in each of the above scenarios were ________________ (400 words). | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Minimum 1,000 word essay |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
| | | |
|Hacker description |30 | |
|Cracker description |30 | |
|Social & ethical issues |40 | |
| | | |
|Total: |100 | |
|[pic] |Name: |
| | |
|Task Name: |The story of your life |
| |
|Task Description: Group |Allotted time |
| | |
|Design, develop and deploy an interactive multimedia production using a multimedia authoring environment | |
|and digital image, video and audio capture. | |
| | |
|This major assignment needs to cover in detail each of the five stages of the system development cycle. | |
|(UMDI-TEM). | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Multimedia production |
| | |
| |Accompanying report |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
| | | |
|Multimedia production |50 | |
| | | |
|Report |50 | |
|Total: |100 | |
|[pic] |Name: |
| | |
|Task Name: |The Matrix (Collecting) |
| |
|Task Description: Individual |Allotted time |
| | |
|Use the Internet and a variety of hardware devices to collect information that will help you save your | |
|world (or another theme agreed with your teacher). | |
| | |
|In undertaking this task pupils should first develop a storyboard sketching a creative theme for their | |
|planned presentation. | |
| | |
|Upon conclusion of the task, pupils should write up a reflective review report addressing the following | |
|questions: | |
| | |
|How does this task link to the theory contained in the course text? | |
|What problems were encountered? How were they overcome? | |
|What did I learn by doing this task | |
| | |
|This task can be undertaken either as an individual, pair of group of four, six or eight students. In | |
|pair of group presentations pupils must agree and clearly indicate the individual contribution of group | |
|members to each task deliverable. | |
| | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Planning storyboard |
| | |
| |Internet Explorer-based presentation containing: |
| |Internet sourced elements |
| |Scanned images |
| |Scanned text (OCR) |
| |Digital still picture |
| |Analogue video footage |
| |Digital video footage |
| | |
| |Reflective, individual Review Report |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
| | | |
|Produces a Word Document with: | | |
|Header containing name & class details |5 | |
|Footer containing task details |5 | |
|Page numbers |5 | |
|Spelling and grammar checked |15 | |
| | | |
|Produces a Desktop Published Document with: | | |
|Page Border |5 | |
|Distinctive styles |5 | |
|Included graphic(s) |10 | |
|Complex Table |20 | |
| | | |
|Quality of ideas and alternatives developed |30 | |
|Total: |100 | |
|[pic] |Name: |
| | |
| | |
|Task Name: |Party Time (Organising/Analysing) |
| |
|Task Description: Pair or Groups |Allotted time |
| | |
|Plan and cost your end of year party or ‘schoolies’ trip using MS Excel. Develop a promotional web site | |
|using MS FrontPage. | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Outline of event & feasibility study |
| |Database of options considered (in Excel) |
| |Promotional web site |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
|Event outline (Requirements report) | | |
|Preliminary investigation |5 | |
|Interviews |5 | |
|Questionnaires/Surveys |5 | |
|Project Plan |5 | |
|Gantt chart |5 | |
| | | |
|Feasibility study |5 | |
|Economic feasibility |5 | |
|Technical feasibility |5 | |
|Schedule feasibility |5 | |
|Organisational feasibility |5 | |
|Excel database | | |
|Data dictionary | | |
|Number of attributes |5 | |
|Number of records |5 | |
|Analyses |5 | |
| |10 | |
|Promotional web site | | |
| |25 | |
|Total: |100 | |
| |Name: |
| | |
| | |
|Task Name: |Fashion Central (Analysing) |
| |
|Task Description: Individual or pairs |Allotted time |
| | |
|Plan a MS Access database of cars or fashion of your choice. | |
|Document your planned database with an ERD and DD | |
|The database should contain many different data types. | |
|Create and populate the database | |
|Undertake searches and produce a variety of charts using the database | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) |
| |Data Dictionary (DD) |
| |Access database |
| |Search results |
| |Charts |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
| | | |
|Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) |10 | |
|Data Dictionary (DD) |10 | |
|Access database |40 | |
|Search results |20 | |
|Charts |20 | |
|Total: |100 | |
|[pic] |Name: |
| | |
| | |
|Task Name: |Oceans 14 (Storing & Retrieving) |
| |
|Task Description: Individual work |Allotted time |
| | |
|Devise an ethical, socially acceptable and efficient method to store and retrieve ‘Gold’ on the school | |
|Intranet. | |
| | |
|Pieces of ‘Gold” are pieces of multimedia content such as sounds, texts, videos, drawings, animations | |
|etc. | |
| | |
|Your task is to retrieve as many pieces of “Gold” as you can, ‘melt the gold’ i.e convert it into | |
|another form using Codecs, converters or compression and store the resultant ‘nuggets’ in your folder. | |
|You must also appropriately acknowledge your sources for all pieces of “Gold” and the methods used to | |
|create your ‘nuggets” | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Pieces of “Gold” in original format |
| |Gold nuggets |
| |Review Report |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
| | | |
|Pieces of “Gold” |30 | |
|Gold nuggets |30 | |
|Review Report |40 | |
|Total: |100 | |
|[pic] |Name: |
| | |
| | |
|Task Name: | Big Brother (Transmitting & Receiving) |
| |
|Task Description: Individual work |Allotted time |
| | |
|Devise a new media TV production based on transmitting and receiving data such as voice, text, music or | |
|images. | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Planning Storyboard (P7) |
| |Project Plan (P7) |
| |Media Production (P4 |
| |Review Report (P5) |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
| | | |
|Planning Storyboard |10 | |
|Project Plan |10 | |
|Media Production |60 | |
|Review Report |20 | |
|Total: |100 | |
|[pic] |Name: |
| | |
| | |
|Task Name: | The Big Screen (Displaying) |
| |
|Task Description: Individual work |Allotted time |
| | |
|Design and create a web page using MS Frontpage, HTML and Java to promote a teen movie. Promote the movie| |
|with as many other methods of displaying data that you can devise. | |
| | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Planning Storyboard for web page |
| |Project Plan |
| |Web site |
| |Other display elements |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
| | | |
|Planning Storyboard for web page |10 (P7) | |
|Project Plan |10 (P7) | |
|Web site |40 (P1) | |
|Other display elements |40 (P2) | |
|Total: |100 | |
|[pic] |Name: |
| | |
| | |
|Task Name: | The Eng Game (Processing) |
| |
|Task Description: Individual, pair of group |Allotted time |
| | |
|Create an interactive CD-based computer game using MS Paint, MS PowerPoint and VBA. | |
| | |
|Deliverables: |Planning Storyboard for game |
| |Game |
|Marking Guideline |
|Component |Max. Marks |Marks |
| | | |
|Planning Storyboard for game |20 | |
|Game |80 | |
|Total: |100 | |
Assessment Matrix:
Objective |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |Total | |Outcomes |P1.1, P1.2 |P2.1, P2.2 |P3.1 |P4.1 |P5.1 |P6.1, P6.2 |P7.1, P7.2 | | | | | | | | | | | | |The next Matthew Reilly (Individual) | |20% | | |20% |40% |20% |100% | |Dream worker (Small Group) | |20% | |20% | |40% |20% |100% | |Making money with computers (Group) | | |40% | |40% | |20% |100% | |Hacker Central (Individual) | | |40% | |40% | |20% |100% | |Term 1 Homework |20% |20% |20% | | |20% |20% |100% | |Part 1 Topic Test |20% |20% |20% | | |20% |20% |100% | |Mid-Year Examination |20% |20% |20% | | |20% |20% |100% | |The story of your life (Individual) |20% |40% | | | |20% |20% |100% | |Term 2 Homework |20% |20% |20% | | |20% |20% |100% | |The Matrix (Small group) | | |20% |20% |40% | |20% |100% | |Part 2 Topic Test |20% |20% |20% | | |20% |20% |100% | |Party Time (Small group) |40% |40% | | | | |20% |100% | |Fashion Central (Small Group) | |40% |40% | | | |20% |100% | |Oceans 14 (Individual) | | |20% |40% |20% | |20% |100% | |Big Brother (Group) | | |20% |20% |40% | |20% |100% | |The Big Screen (Small group) |40% |40% | | | | |20% |100% | |Part 3 Topic Test |20% |20% |20% | | |20% |20% |100% | |The End Game (Group) | | | |20% | | |20% |100% | |Final Examination |20% |20% |20% | | |20% |20% |100% | |Term 3 Homework |20% |20% |20% | | |20% |20% |100% | | |260% |360% |340% |140% |180% |260% | | | |
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