Guidelines on Use of Rubrics


Mechanical Engineering Department

Course Evaluation Forms

Spring 2006 Semester

ME 101, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, Nhut Ho 3

ME 101, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, Tim Fox 8

ME 286B/L Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design II, Bob Ryan 11

ME 286B/L Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design II, Sue Beatty 15

ME 309 Numerical Analysis of Engineering Systems, Khachatourians 18

ME 309 Numerical Analysis of Engineering Systems, Thompson 21

ME 309 Numerical Analysis of Engineering Systems, Youssef 25

ME 335 Mechanical Measurements, Bob Ryan 28

ME 370, Thermodynamics, Alan vonArx 32

ME 370, Thermodynamics, Larry Caretto 35

ME 370, Thermodynamics, Shoeleh diJulio 38

ME 375, Heat Transfer, Shoeleh diJulio 44

ME 390, Fluid Mechanics, Susan Beatty 53

ME 435, Mechatronics, Stewart Prince 56

ME 435L, Mechatronics Laboratory, Stewart Prince 62

ME 484/L, Control of Mechanical Systems, C. T. Lin 67

ME 485, Principles of Pollution Control, Shoeleh diJulio 70

ME 486AB, Senior Design, Bob Ryan 78

AE 486AB, Senior Design, Tim Fox 82

ME 491, Thermal-Fluids Laboratory, Frazier Thompson 86

ME 493, Hydraulics, Susan Beatty 90

ME 493, Hydraulics, Bob Ryan 92

ME 496GDT, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerances, Kachatourians 95

ME 501B, Seminar in Engineering Analysis, Tom Mincer 97

ME 515, Dynamics of Machines, Zheng Liu 99

ME 562, Internal Combustion Engines, Stewart Prince 101

ME 575, Applied Heat and Mass Transfer, Sid Schwartz 105

ME 595AIV, Design of Autonomous Intellectual Vehicles, C.T. Lin 108

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: ME 101 | |Instructor: Nhut Tan Ho | |Semester/year: S 2006 | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

|x |First time course taught by this instructor | | |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Physic| | |

| | |s | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|Provided early exposure to systems building: A complete mechanical design |This change proved to be effective in introducing students to the CDIO framework for engineering practice in|

|process of conceiving, designing, implementing, and operating (CDIO) a |product and system building. It also helped increase students’ involvement with the class and laboratory, |

|system was introduced. The Sterling Engine was used as the basis for |as evidenced by the self-initiated projects that they started on their own and the extra time that they |

|this. |spent in the laboratory outside class time and during the Spring break. |

|An introduction to problem-solving and communication skills; and ME |In combination with the lecture, the CDIO-based project provided a powerful way to reinforce the ME topics |

|topics: mechanics, materials and stresses, energy-thermal-fluid systems, |taught in the lecture. Students were able to explain how an engine works, make “ball park” estimation of |

|motion and power transmission. |the energy/power generated, and understand the relationship between the different topics covered in the ME |

| |curriculum through the Sterling Engine that they worked on. |

|Taught machine shop skills: basic machining skills, measuring and reading |Students expressed a strong sense of “empowerment”, enjoying the hands-on aspect of the course and |

|dimensions, and safety rules. |creating/building mechanical parts. Some students used the shop skills learnt to work on other projects. |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Introduce or add more content and class time to topics on enhancing students success as engineering |Consistent with the research results on factors preventing freshmen from |

|students and as persons by bringing about positive behavioral and attitudinal changes in these areas: |succeeding, I found that our freshmen do not know about or practice |

| |positive attitudes and behaviors conducive for their academic success. |

|a. Community building: students in the class make up a supportive learning community. |These changes aim to help students develop academic success strategies |

| |(e.g., study and time management skills, effective use of resources from |

|b. Professional development: students are motivated by a clear understanding of mechanical |peers, professors, campus resources), and to introduce essential personal |

|engineering as a profession, and conduct themselves ethically and in a professional manner. |and interpersonal skills (e.g., teamwork). |

| | |

|c. Academic development and Personal/Interpersonal Growth: students know about and put into practice | |

|positive attitudes and productive behaviors in team-based environment that will result in academic | |

|success. | |

| | |

|d. Orientation: students understand how the ME department and the engineering college and the | |

|university work, and how to take best advantage of the resources available to them. | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|“I like to have the laboratory opened more outside class time.” |

|“The Solidworks and Esprit and CNN machining are very good for learning.” |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | |100% |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Course |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Objective Assessment |(yes/no/same) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? |4=Excellent to 0=Poor |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Introduce students to the ME profession |Exams,, opportunity sets (formally called|3.75 |n/a (this is the first time |

| |homeworks), Computer-Aided-Design lab | |this instructor taught this |

|Introduce students to a complete mechanical design process of conceiving,|assignments and mini-projects, In class | |class) |

|designing, implementing, and operating (CDIO) a machine/product. |pair-share discussions and debates, |3.5 | |

| |student evaluations of instructor and | | |

|Introduce students to problem solving and communication skills, and ME |class at the midpoint of the semester and| | |

|topics: mechanics, materials and stresses, energy-thermal-fluid systems, |at the end of the semester, student | | |

|motion and power transmission. |surveys at mid semester and at the end of|3.3 | |

| |the term on skills improvement, | | |

|Introduce students to mechanical engineering software: computer-aided |instructor reflective Memos | | |

|design, manufacturing software the internet, word processing, | | | |

|spreadsheets, and power point,. | | | |

| | | | |

|Teach students machine shop skills: basic machining skills, measuring and| |4 | |

|reading dimensions, and safety rules. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |3.75 | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Demonstration of Program Outcomes

|Demonstration of Program Outcome in the course |Course Objectives that contribute to this|Instructor’s Assessment |Improved |

| |program outcome |(0= poor, to 4= Excellent) |(yes/no/same) compared to last |

| | | |year |

|Outcome a: Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering |1-5 | 3 |n/a |

|Demonstrates Specific Engineering Knowledge of subject area 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Interest in Continuous Learning 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Initiative 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Analysis and Judgment 3 | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome c: An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet |8 | 3.5 |n/a |

|desired needs | | | |

|Identify Design Problem and Constrains 3.5 | | | |

|Explores Alternative Designs 3 | | | |

|Uses Analytic Tools with Moderate Effectiveness 4 | | | |

|Documented Final Design 3.5 | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome e: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering |1-5,8 |3.5 | n/a |

|problems | | | |

|Demonstrates Specific Knowledge of Subject Area 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Initiatives 2 | | | |

|Demonstrates Innovation N/A | | | |

|Demonstrates Analysis & Judgment 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Effective Communication in Identifying, Formulating and | | | |

|Solving Engineering Problems 3 | | | |

| | | | |

| |9-11 |3 |n/a |

|Outcome g: An ability to communicate effectively | | | |

|Shows Has Good Overall Communication Strategy and Structure 3 | | | |

|Effective Written Communication Tools 3 | | | |

|Effective Oral/Visual Communication Tools n/a | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome h: The broad education necessary to understand the impact of |6-7 |3 |n/a |

|engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal | | | |

|context | | | |

|Demonstrates Knowledge of Engineering and its Impact on Economic, Ethical| | | |

|and Environmental Issues 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Ability to evaluate existing and Emerging 3 Engineering or | | | |

|Technological Alternatives to Prevent or Minimize Adverse Impacts n/a | | | |

| |1-5 |3 |n/a |

|Outcome i: A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in | | | |

|life-long learning | | | |

|Demonstrates Knowledge of Comprehensive Reference Resources 3 | | | |

|Shows Familiarity with Modern Engineering Tools n/a | | | |

|Demonstrate Interest in Continuous Learning 3 | | | |

|Outcome j: A knowledge of contemporary issues |1-5 |3 |n/a |

|Demonstrates a Satisfactory Level of General Knowledge Outside of | | | |

|Engineering 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Cultural Adaptability n/a | | | |

|Demonstrates Analysis and Judgment 3 | | | |

|Outcome k: An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern |8 |3 |n/a |

|engineering tools necessary for engineering practice 3 | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course: ME 101 | |Instructor: |Fox |Semester/year: |Fall 2005 & Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Math | | |

| | |102 | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|NA | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Need better solid works software exposure |Students are excited, but need more qualified instructor for this element of the course. |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Great course |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | NA |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Outcome Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared|

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? |4=Excellent to 0=Poor |to last year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | | | |

|1. Introduce ME curriculum and profession – c, d, f, h, i |Faculty observation; lab tours guest |3.5 |no |

| |lecturers, group project | | |

|2. Foster team play – c, d, |Group project, final present-ation, in |3.5 |no |

| |class exercises | | |

|3. Promote effective communication - g |Written web research paper; oral group |4 |yes |

| |term presentation; required interaction | | |

| |with LRC | | |

|4. Introduce MS Office – a, d, g, k |Written web paper, Excel analysis; term |4 |yes |

| |project power point presentation | | |

|5. Introduce Solid Works – g, k |Faculty observation; group project |3 |no |

|6. Introduce engineering fundamentals – units, Newton’s 2nd law, |In-class exercises, group project, |2 |no |

|thermal-fluid concepts – a |lectures | | |

|Evaluation of program outcomes (unweighted arithmetic means of objective evaluations) |

|a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering |Course objectives 4 and 6 |3 | |

|c. an ability to design a mechanical/ thermal system, component, or |Course objectives 1 and 2 |3.5 | |

|process to meet desired needs | | | |

|d. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams |Course objectives 1, 2, and 4 |3.7 | |

|f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility |Course objective 1 |3.5 | |

|g. an ability to communicate effectively |Course objectives 3, 4, and 5 |3.7 | |

|h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering |Course objective 1 |3.5 | |

|solutions in a global and societal context | | | |

|i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long |Course objective 1 |3.5 | |

|learning | | | |

|k. an ability to use the technique, skills and modern engineering tools |Course objectives 4 and 5 |3.5 | |

|necessary for engineering practice | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: | |Instructor: |Robert Ryan |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

| |ME 286B/L | | | | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME | | |

| | |286A/L| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|Upgraded Lego software, used Lego robots as basis for design project |New software (RoboLab) significantly added to capabilities, and added a “LabView-like” interface, which may |

| |help in a later course where LabView is used. |

| | |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Continue to search for ways to improve students’ grasp of programming |Improve students’ programming skills |

|concepts | |

|Provide more instruction in use of RoboLab software |Shorten learning curve for students |

|Consider ways to increase continuity of design topics in the 286A/B |Improve overall design instruction in the ME program |

|sequence | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

| |

| |

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| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

| | |95 % |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

|1) Understand and implement basic steps in design process |See Attached Spreadsheet |2.7 |no |

| | | | |

|2) Work effectively on student project team | |3.1 |no |

| | | | |

|3) Develop communication skills via project and programming reports | |2.7 |no |

| | | | |

|4) Develop computational skills related to design | |2.3 |no |

|5) Learn basic programming structures and implement in VBA | | | |

| | |2.1 |no |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome c - ability to design system, component, or process | |2.8 |no |

| | | | |

|Outcome d - ability to function on teams | |2.9 |no |

| | | | |

|Outcome g - ability to communicate effectively | |3.1 |same |

| | | | |

|Outcome k - ability to use engineering tools | |2 |no |

General Comments

Although most of the scores for the objectives and outcomes showed a slight drop, the decreases were generally small and may not be statistically significant.

My two main issues are:

■ how to improve students’ ability to use Excel/VBA effectively as an analysis/design tool? Some students really struggle with basic programming concepts.

■ how best to use the Lego robots in this course and/or our curriculum? The new RoboLab software is an effective tool for introducing graphical programming skills and creating simple but smart mechanisms. However, design projects based on Legos do not generally make effective use of SolidWorks or CosmosWorks, which tends to minimize the linkage between 286A and 286B.

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: | |Instructor: |Susan Beatty |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

| |ME 286B/L | | | | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

|X |First time course taught by this instructor | | |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME | | |

| | |286A/L| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes | | No |x |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Enjoyed working in groups. Design competition between class groups aided in higher level of effort in designs. |

| |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? | |year |

| | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

| |Work on design projects. | | |

|Outcome c - ability to design system, component, or process | |3 | |

| |Observations of student teams. | | |

|Outcome d - ability to function on teams | |3.5 | |

| |Writing assignments and oral | | |

|Outcome g - ability to communicate effectively |presentations |3 | |

| |Performance on programming assignments. | | |

|Outcome k - ability to use engineering tools | |3 | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 309 |Instructor: |Khachatourians |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Math | | |

| | |150B | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Students were most interested in learning Excel, VBA and Matlab. However, a good number of them didn’t have the |

|Necessary programming skills required for this class and had to come up to speed during the semester. |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Use assessment rubrics for determining program outcome assessment | | |

|Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? | |year |

| | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

|(a) apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering |Not assessed in this course |3 | yes |

|(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems |Not assessed in this course |3 |yes |

|(g) an ability to communicate effectively |Student reports |3 |no |

|(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering |Student programming assignments |2 |no |

|tools | | | |

|(n) familiarity with statistics and linear algebra |Student performance on programming |4 |yes |

| |assignments dealing with linear algebra | | |

| |and regression | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 309 |Instructor: |Thompson |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Math | | |

| | |150B | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|More time spent on elementary and introductory programming basics than |As referenced above, the Math 150B prerequisite did adequately prepare the students for the theoretical |

|previously. |fundamentals of problem solving and modeling procedures aligned with course objectives however, it seems |

| |that there are always students that react as if they have never seen EXCEL or MATLAB before in their college|

| |careers. (Most have been exposed to EXCEL but there is no encouragement to program using VBA.) Many of my |

| |students are being introduced to VBA and MATLAB for the first time and I have learned that more time up |

| |front on the basics makes for better understanding later on. However, this has meant that I did not cover as|

| |much material this semester. |

| | |

| |I refer specifically to the mechanical engineering students here also. I do have a number of electrical |

| |engineering students that seem to be much better versed in the basics of both EXCEL and MATLAB. |

|More time spent on MATLAB |The past semester I solved the same problems using different applications: VBA and MATLAB after initially |

| |doing it by hand to refresh everyone’s Math memories. I found this actually lead to more hands on MATLAB |

| |time. Again, the electrical engineering students were much better versed in the basics of MATLAB. (In |

| |conversation, it was shared with me that exposure to MATLAB comes in EE 350 while doing methods of |

| |differentiation.) I also saw as a result of this, more application of MATLAB by students when given a choice|

| |of methods than application of VBA to solve problems. |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Fewer assignments required for handing in but higher quality of assignment |This past semester, I required five homework’s (1 week), three assignments (2 weeks) and a final project |

|expected. |(3 weeks) along with a written and practical midterm and final. Regardless of the volume of grading this |

| |created, it was two homework’s less than the previous semester and what I saw was an increase in the care |

| |the students were taking when turning in the work however, it seems that this volume of work may still be |

| |high for those who struggle continually with writing code. |

| | |

| |It is difficult to balance between those students to whom programming comes easily and those who will |

| |never get it. I continually see that from a class of twenty-five; five will have little problem, about the|

| |same amount will never get it and the reminder will set the pace of the course. Although the lecture is |

| |three hours twice a week, this is a class that for the majority of students never ever runs short. We are |

| |usually still occupying the lab when the next class is ready. |

| | |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|“Spend More time on the basics” I think I have discussed that at length above. It concerns me that I may not be able to reach the level of material that I want to lecture on if I |

|spend any more time than I currently am on programming basics. When really pushed hard, a lot of my students will rise to the challenge, as if they don’t know they have it in them. |

|Sometimes, this can be like pulling teeth for the instructor though. |

|“Thank-you for lecturing from a practical standpoint applying practical engineering problems.” One thing I have found extremely valuable is to lecture and apply assignments based on |

|my practical experience in industry. Problems related to fluids (dynamics and mechanics) and structures (concrete cylinder test breaks) are those that I use often when lecturing about|

|extrapolation of specifics from data sets. |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Use assessment rubrics for determining program outcome assessment | | |

|Program Outcome |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? | |year |

| | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

|(a) apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering |Not assessed in this course | | |

|(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems |Not assessed in this course | | |

|(g) an ability to communicate effectively |Student reports |4 |Yes |

|(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering |Student programming assignments |3 |Yes |

|tools | | | |

|(n) familiarity with statistics and linear algebra |Student performance on programming |4 |Same (adequately prepared by |

| |assignments dealing with linear algebra | |pre-req’s.) |

| |and regression | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 309 |Instructor: |Youssef |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

|√ |First time course taught by this instructor | | |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Math | | |

| | |150B | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |√ |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|None | |

| | |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |√ | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Change the text book |for easy text with more comprehensive examples |

| | |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|1- Not enough preparation of VBA programming from Electrical and Civil engineering students. |

| |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Use assessment rubrics for determining program outcome assessment | | |

|Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? | |year |

| | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

|(a) apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering |Not assessed in this course | | |

|(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems |Not assessed in this course | | |

|(g) an ability to communicate effectively |Student reports |3 |NA |

|(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering |Student programming assignments |3.5 |NA |

|tools | | | |

|(n) familiarity with statistics and linear algebra |Student performance on programming |3 |NA |

| |assignments dealing with linear algebra | | |

| |and regression | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: | |Instructor: |Robert Ryan |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

| |ME 335 | | | | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ECE | | |

| | |240/L | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Return to Figliola & Beasley text – experiment with Dunn text was not |Dunn text had some strengths, but level of statistical rigor seemed counter-productive to student learning|

|successful | |

|Computers and related hardware are being refreshed |Old computers were breaking down, limiting the number of useful student work stations |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

| |

| |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

| | |92 % |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|1) Identify instruments with appropriate specifications |See Attached Spreadsheet |2.5 |yes |

|2) Use statistical techniques to estimate random uncertainty and | | | |

|calculate propagation of error. | |2.5 |same |

|3) Use computational tools (e.g. Excel, Matlab) to perform data analysis | | | |

|calculations and present results in a graphical form | |3 |no |

|4) Interface sensors with a PC-based data acquisition system, and | | | |

|effectively use the related software (e.g. LabVIEW) | |2.5 |same |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome b – design, conduct expts., analyze data | |2.6 |no |

| | | | |

|Outcome n - statistics, linear algebra | |2.5 |same |

| | | | |

|Outcome k - ability to use engineering tools | |3 |yes |

| | | | |

|Outcome g - ability to communicate | |2.8 |no |

| | | | |

General Comments

Generally, scores for Course Objectives and Program Outcomes were very similar to the previous semester.

The statistics issue has been a persistent one, and is partially linked to a general mathematics weakness in our students. However, efforts must be made to improve this problem. It appears that the use of a different text was not helpful, and so we are returning to the original text for the Fall 06 semester.

Computers and related hardware are being refreshed this summer. Maintaining 10 workable stations and holding enrollment to 20 max should help to improve students’ proficiency with LabView.

The department should consider investing in some student assistant hours to maintain this lab.

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 370 |Instructor: |Alan vonArx |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Physic| | |

| | |s 220A| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|I’m thinking of “wheeling” in a small AC window unit, operating it, and |In spite of the text reading and my lectures, many students still seem to have a hard time with how things work and just |

|opening it up for inspection. |how a typical thermodynamic cycle becomes practical. |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Students requested a review of past test problems for exam preparation. I’m doing this now, and it seems to be appreciated. |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Demonstration of Program Outcomes in course |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Assessment (0 = |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Poor to 4=Excellent) |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? | |year |

|a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering |Examination s and quizzes |3 |no |

|d an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams |Not formally assessed in this course | |

|e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems |Examinations and quizzes |3 |no |

|f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility |Not formally assessed in this course |

|g. an ability to communicate effectively |Not formally assessed in this course |

|j. a knowledge of contemporary issues |Some discussions of contemporary energy issues, but no formal assessment |

|k. an ability to use the technique, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering |This is an introductory level course which introduces a lot of theory and some application using |

|practice |numerous problems; but there is no formal assessment of system-level type engineering problems. |

|o. ability to work professionally in both thermal and mechanical areas including the design and |Contributes to students’ ability to function in thermal area, but no formal assessment during this |

|realization of such system |course |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 370 |Instructor: |Larry Caretto |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Physic| | |

| | |s 220A| | |

I continue to find that students do not understand basic ideas of work and energy in a conservative system, so they are not aware of how this should be extended from mechanics to thermodynamics. Students are generally able to do simple differentiation and integration, but do not understand when they have to use integration to solve a problem.

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|As proposed in Spring 2005, the last time this course was assessed, an |There was no apparent change in the student learning; quiz performance during the last 1/3 of the semester |

|alternative schedule, with quizzes directly following the group work was |was similar to that before the change and similar to the performance of the last class for quizzes during |

|used at the start of the semester. Following spring break the schedule |this part of the course. Student assessment of these different schedules was that the quiz on Monday was |

|used at the start of the Spring 2005 semester was used. |much better (7), better(3), no different (2), or that the Wednesday quiz was better(6), or much better (6). |

| |On a +2 (Monday better) to -2 (Wednesday better) scale, the average score is -0.04 or neutral. The p value |

| |for a null hypothesis that this average score is zero is 0.90. However, the distribution of opinions |

| |indicates that students have strong differences about scheduling. |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Pay more attention to group work. |During the semester the participation of individuals in group work varied. Although some groups worked very well, other |

| |students did not participate effectively. Some plan should be devised by consultation with faculty such as Bob Lingard |

| |who works with group dynamics to improve the group learning. |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Students continue to find the printed notes from the lectures more useful than the lectures themselves |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Course Objectives |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Assessment (0 = |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Poor to 4=Excellent) |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? | |year |

|A. understand the following thermodynamic properties and be able to formulate and solve problems using|Examinations, quizzes, writing assignment|3 |No |

|those properties: pressure, temperature, specific volume, internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, and | | | |

|quality | | | |

|B. determine thermodynamic properties of real substances using tables, equations, and computer |Examinations, quizzes, writing assignment|3 |No |

|programs, using any valid set of input property data, including trial-and-error solutions | | | |

|C. calculate thermodynamic properties of ideal gases using appropriate equations and tables |Examinations, quizzes, writing assignment|3 |No |

|D. understand the meaning of heat and work and the notion that these energy terms are not properties |Examinations and quizzes |3 |No |

|E. formulate and solve energy balance problems in a variety of engineering systems, including those |Examinations and quizzes |3 |No |

|with fixed mass and those with steady and unsteady flows, using the appropriate form of the first law | | | |

|of thermodynamics | | | |

|F. understand the engineering significance of the second law of thermodynamics as providing a value |Not assessed | | |

|for the maximum work that can be obtained in any process and the maximum efficiency for the conversion| | | |

|of heat to work | | | |

|G. understand and apply the concept of entropy to evaluate maximum work |Examinations and quizzes |3 |No |

|H. evaluate the performance of real systems using the concept of isentropic efficiency for both work |Examinations, quizzes and design project |2 |No |

|input and work output devices | | | |

|I. formulate and solve problems that require the use of the energy balance from the first law and the |Examinations and quizzes |2 |No |

|principle of maximum work from the second law | | | |

|J. apply the first and second law to the analysis of engine and refrigeration cycles, using common |Examinations, quizzes and design project |2 |No |

|idealizations for such cycles | | | |

|K. use computer applications to obtain a set of results that can be plotted to evaluate system |Design project |2 |No |

|performance over a range of conditions | | | |

Demonstration of Program Outcomes

|Demonstration of Program Outcomes in course |Course objectives that contribute to this|Instructor’s Assessment (0 = |Improved |

| |program outcome |Poor to 4=Excellent) |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| | | |year |

|a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering |A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J |2 |No |

|d an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams |Students participate in 75 minutes of |Outcome not formally assessed. Some students become more |

| |group problem solving activity each week.|comfortable with group interaction during the semester. |

|e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems |A, E, I |2 |No |

|f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility |Not really addressed during this offering of the course |

|g. an ability to communicate effectively |Writing assignment from course objectives|2 |No |

| |A, B, and C | | |

|j. a knowledge of contemporary issues |Course introduction discusses world and US energy use; no formal assessment of this outcome. |

|k. an ability to use the technique, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering |K |2 |No |

|practice | | | |

|o. ability to work professionally in both thermal and mechanical areas including the design and |Not formally assessed. As the first course in the thermal area, ME 370 prepares students to for |

|realization of such system |subsequent courses. Their overall success in this course is a measure of how well this outcome is |

| |achieved. |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: ME 370 | |Instructor: Shoeleh Di Julio | |Semester/year: Sp 2006 | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |x |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Physic| | |

| | |s | | |

| | |Physic| | |

| | |s 220A| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|Design Projects were assigned as team projects |Improved students performance on design projects |

| |Developed a sense of comradery and team work skills among students and a competition between teams |

| |Reduced my grading time of projects |

|I posted the homework solutions on a course website instead of handing |The homework solutions were more accessible, if a student missed a lecture he/she is still able to obtain |

|them out |the solutions. |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes | | No |x |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|The Design project helps them learn the concepts better |

|Homework problems assigned weekly and solutions handed out, examples problems worked out in class, and sample tests reviewed prior to exams are all helpful in learning the course |

|material |

|Good Real- life examples given, on use of alternative fuels, environmental engineering and combustion applications |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | |100% |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Course |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Objective Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Students’ performances on quizzes and |3 |Yes |

|Learn the principles of the conservation of mass and energy and second |tests. | | |

|law of thermodynamics through applications to simple closed and open |Students’ work on the design project |3 |Yes |

|systems and engineering devices such as pumps, turbines, nozzles, |Students’ involvement in class | | |

|diffusers, and heat exchangers. |discussions |2 |No |

| |Students’ performance in class during | | |

| |problem solving sessions held |3 |No |

| |Interim course assessment of student | | |

| |learning | | |

| | |3 |Did not conduct a |

| | | |written one in Sp05 |

|Learn the basics of cycle analysis for vapor and gas power and |Students’ performances on quizzes and | 3 | Yes |

|refrigeration cycles. |tests | | |

| |Students’ work on the design project |3 |Yes |

| |Students’ involvement in class | | |

| |discussions |2 |No |

| |Students’ performance in class during | | |

| |problem solving sessions held |3 |No |

|Learn the process of problem solving. |Students’ performances on quizzes and | 3 | Yes |

| |tests. | | |

| |Students’ work on the design project |3 |Yes |

| |Students’ performance in class during | | |

| |problem solving sessions held |3 |Yes |

| |Students’ work on the design project | | Yes |

|Learn to conduct the basic analysis for the design of a process or a | | | |

|simple system. | | | |

Demonstration of Program Outcomes

|Demonstration of Program Outcome in the course |Course Objectives that contribute to this|Instructor’s Assessment |Improved |

| |program outcome |(0= poor, to 4= Excellent) |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| | | |year |

|Outcome a: Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering |1,2,3,4 | 3.25 |Yes |

|Demonstrates Specific Engineering Knowledge of subject area 4 | | | |

|Demonstrates Interest in Continuous Learning 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Initiative 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Analysis and Judgment 3 | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome c: An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet |1,2,3,4 |3.5 |Yes |

|desired needs | | | |

|Identify Design Problem and Constrains 3.5 | | | |

|Explores Alternative Designs 3 | | | |

|Uses Analytic Tools with Moderate Effectiveness 4 | | | |

|Documented Final Design 3.5 | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome e: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering |1,2,3,4 |2.75 | No |

|problems | | | |

|Demonstrates Specific Knowledge of Subject Area 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Initiatives 2 | | | |

|Demonstrates Innovation NA | | | |

|Demonstrates Analysis & Judgment 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Effective Communication in Identifying, Formulating and | | | |

|Solving Engineering Problems 3 | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome g: An ability to communicate effectively |3,4 |3 |No |

|Shows Evidence of Teamwork 3 | | | |

|Effective Use of written Communication Tools 3 | | | |

|Effective Use of Oral/Visual Communication Tools NA | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Summary: Students demonstrated mastery in application of the 1st Law, and| | | |

|acceptable application of the 2nd law as well. Some are mainly confused | | | |

|about the isentropic efficiency applications. Solving more related | | | |

|example problems in class may help in future classes, however this | | | |

|accounts for a small percent of material covered in the course. | | | |

| | | | |

|Based on course grade 88% passed (21/24) and only 12% (3) failed; two | | | |

|students did not attend the class and failed to withdraw, a third student| | | |

|received a D. 14% received A, 14% received B and the remaining 72% | | | |

|received C in the course. | | | |

| | | | |

|Students in general do better in task oriented assignment such as design | | | |

|projects. Students’ performance is acceptable on design project, both in| | | |

|writing and analysis. | | | |

| | | | |

|In general the average on the quizzes increase as students progress | | | |

|through the semester even though the material gets more difficult. I | | | |

|give 4 quizzes and drop their lowest quiz to encourage students to work | | | |

|hard. The average on the 4 quizzes were: 26%, 97%, 86%, and 80%. | | | |

| | | | |

|My class was a lively class this semester and majority of students felt | | | |

|comfortable asking questions during the lectures. I spend about 70% of | | | |

|class time on solving problems while emphasize the systematic method of | | | |

|problem solving; problem definition, assumptions, simplifications and | | | |

|applications of principles to solve problems. | | | |

| | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: ME 375 | |Instructor: Shoeleh Di Julio | |Semester/year: Sp 2006 | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |x |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME 370| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|1. More emphasis on the solution of Differential Equations by solving |A 38% improvement over a one year period in recognizing the proper form of DEQ. |

|example problems in class and assigning homework. In general students | |

|with weaker math skills perform poorer on solving engineering problems, |An 18% improvement to 34% improvement in solution of DEQ as discussed in the summary section here |

|100% of those who performed poorly on solving the DEQ received a grade | |

|between 33-70 on their final exam and a grade of D-C as a course grade. |Helping students master their math skills will help them improve their performance in engineering courses. |

| | |

|2. Solutions of homework problems were posted on a course website for |Nearly 100% passing rate. All students in my class passed the course except for one student, who had |

|Sp06. This improvement in accessibility may have been helpful. |emotional problems and sought help from me. I advised the student to complete my course and do all the |

| |assignments when possible and retake my course in the following semester. This way he was assured to pass |

|3. Two assigned team design projects instead of individual design |the rest of his courses. |

|projects changed over a year ago has improved the overall student | |

|performance |Building a good rapport with students helps them improve their performance. Discussing the applications of |

| |the material discussed also helps students better understand the course material |

|4. The result of the interim course evaluation showed that students want | |

|credit for doing homework. Their reasoning is that if they are not graded|Interim assessment helps students become more engaged in the class and also helps me identify their needs |

|most likely they will not do the homework. I went ahead and assigned few |and problems early in the course so I can remedy this early in order to improve their overall performance |

|problems during the lecture and asked them to turn them in next meeting | |

|for extra credit. Only about 10-30% turned these home works in. | |

| | |

|5. 30% of the students either have poor attendance or tardiness have | |

|performed, 70% of which have final exam grade of average to below average.|Students do not take the initiatives to do the homework even when an extra credit is assigned. Another |

|There seem to be a tight correlation with performance and attendance |problem is their poor attendance which leads to poor performance. In my ME 370 course I give pop quizzes, |

| |which remedies this problem. |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes | | No |x |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Do more example problems |

|Homework problems assigned weekly and solutions are posted on the course website, examples problems worked out in class, and sample tests reviewed prior to exams are all helpful in |

|learning the course material |

|The Design projects help them learn the concepts better. |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | |100% |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Course |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Objective Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Students’ performance on tests |3 |Yes |

|Develop an understanding of underlying physical mechanism of heat |Students’ work on design projects | | |

|transfer via conduction, convection and radiation mechanisms. |Students’ involvement in class | | |

| |discussions | | |

| |Student performance in class during | | |

| |problem solving sessions held | | |

| |Interim course assessment of student | | |

| |learning | | |

|Develop mastery of solving practical problems by reviewing the concepts |Students’ performance on tests | 3 |Yes |

|of thermodynamics and the expanded applications through lectures and |Students’ work on design projects | | |

|extensive problem solving. |Students’ involvement in class |3 |Yes |

| |discussions | | |

| |Student performance in class during |2 |No |

| |problem solving sessions held | | |

| |Interim course assessment of student |3 |No |

| |learning | | |

| | |3 |No |

|Assign two team design projects to help student further develop their |Students’ work on the design project | | |

|skills to gather information, analyze processes/systems, and creatively | |3 |Yes |

|design a given process/system based on design specifications |Student performance in class during | | |

| |problem solving sessions held | | |

| | |2 |No |

| |Students’ performance on tests | | |

| | | | |

| | |3 |Yes |

| | | | |

|Help students further improve their problem solving skills |Students’ work on the design project | 3.5 |Yes |

|Help students further develop their technical report writing skills |Students’ work on the design project | 3 |No |

|Develop skills to work as team members |Students’ work on the design project | 3 |Yes |

| | | | |

Demonstration of Program Outcomes

|Demonstration of Program Outcome in the course |Course Objectives that contribute to this|Instructor’s Assessment |Improved |

| |program outcome |(0= poor, to 4= Excellent) |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| | | |year |

|Outcome a: Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering |1,2,3,4 | 3. 5 |Yes |

|Demonstrates Specific Engineering Knowledge of subject area 4 | | | |

|Demonstrates Interest in Continuous Learning 3.5 | | | |

|Demonstrates Initiative 3.5 | | | |

|Demonstrates Analysis and Judgment 3 | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome c: An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet |3,4,5,6 | 3.5 |Yes |

|desired needs | | | |

|Identify Design Problem and Constrains 3.5 | | | |

|Explores Alternative Designs 3 | | | |

|Uses Analytic Tools with Moderate Effectiveness 4 | | | |

|Documented Final Design 3.5 | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome d: An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams |1,2,3,4,5,6 |2.5 |Yes |

|Quality of Overall Team Function 2 | | | |

|Communication among Team Members 2.5 | | | |

|Team Organization and Leadership 3 | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome e: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering |1,2,4,5 |2. 5 |Yes |

|problems | | | |

|Demonstrates Specific Knowledge of Subject Area 2.5 | | | |

|Demonstrates Initiatives 2 | | | |

|Demonstrates Innovation 2 | | | |

|Demonstrates Analysis & Judgment 3 | | | |

|Demonstrates Effective Communication in Identifying, Formulating and | | | |

|Solving Engineering Problems 3 | | | |

|Outcome g: An ability to communicate effectively |3,5,6 |3 |No |

|Shows Evidence of Teamwork 3 | | | |

|Effective Use of written Communication Tools 3 | | | |

|Effective Use of Oral/Visual Communication Tools NA | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome i: A recognition of the need for, and an ability |1,2,3 |3 |No |

|to engage in life-long learning | | | |

|Demonstrates Knowledge of Comprehensive Reference Resources 3 | | | |

|Shows Familiarity with Modern Engineering Tools 3 | | | |

|Demonstrate Interest in Continuous Learning 3 | | | |

|Outcome m: Applied advanced mathematics through multivariate calculus |1,2,3,4 |2 |Yes |

|and differential equations | | | |

|Demonstrates Ability to Apply Advanced Mathematics through Multivariate | | | |

|Calculus and Differential Equations 2 | | | |

|Demonstrates Knowledge of the Use of Calculus in the Development and | | | |

|Analysis of Theoretical Problems 2 | | | |

|Demonstrates Ability to Apply Differential Equations in Engineering | | | |

|Problems 2 | | | |

|Summary | | | |

|In general course objectives are met quite successfully. However I need | | | |

|to continue to emphasize the process of solving differential equations | | | |

|through homework, exam and design problems as I have done in the past. | | | |

| | | | |

|As of Sp 05 46% of students can not recognize the proper form of | | | |

|Differential EQ to define the heat conduction problems or can not write | | | |

|the proper Boundary Conditions. Assessment in Sp 06 shows all students | | | |

|were able to recognize the proper differential equation for conduction. | | | |

|And 38% (13 out of 34 students) were able to recognize the proper form of| | | |

|DEQ and set up one BC. While 62% (21out of 34) were able to set up both | | | |

|boundary conditions and obtain the general solution and the unique | | | |

|solution for the conduction problem. Hence there is a 38% improvement | | | |

|over a one year period in recognizing the proper form of DEQ. | | | |

| | | | |

|As of Sp 05 20% write the proper form of DE, and at least one B.C. or | | | |

|both but can not proceed from the general solution to the unique | | | |

|solution. As of Sp 06 this has increased to 38%, or an 18% improvement. | | | |

| | | | |

|As of Sp 05 28% can write the proper form of the DE and B.C.’s and obtain| | | |

|both the general and the unique solutions. As of Sp 06 this has | | | |

|increased to 62%, 34% improvement. | | | |

| | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: ME 390 | |Instructor: Susan Beatty | |Semester/year: Sp 2006 | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |x |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Math | | |

| | |250 | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |x |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Department should consider adding ME 370 as a prerequisite |Improve background of students taking the course. Although some students have this background, many do |

| |not. |

|Most useful comments from students: |

| |

| |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Course |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Objective Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? |4=Excellent to 0=Poor |year |

|Outcome a: Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering |Homework and examinations |3 |same |

|Outcome e: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering |Homework and examinations |3 |same |

|problems | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 435 |Instructor: |S. Prince |Semester/year: |S06 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |x |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |EE240/| | |

| | |l | | |

Students not getting proper background material in EE240/lab

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|2 mid term exams, one final |Exams covered less material |

|Web ct used for first time |Hws, useful docs now on line |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

• Still need another exam.

• Home work must be graded.

• Solutions need to be posted before exam.

• Need to reduce course content to cover material more in-depth.

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Change to 3 mid term and 1 final |3 total exams not enough to demonstrate students’ knowledge of subject |

|Random quizzes, ensure class participation |Poor attendance |

|Get rid of design problems |How to grade? |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Homework solutions!! |

|Grade homework |

|Too much time spend deriving equations during lectures. Get to the point. |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | |50% see incl. |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |5=Excellent to 1=Poor | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Review electrical passive components; perform both AC and DC circuit |Exam, hw |2 |No-lack of preparation in |

|analysis using Kirchoff’s laws. | | |EE 240 |

|Outcomes: A,E, | | | |

|Calculate steady state voltage and current through diodes, field effect |Exam, hw |3 |No-need to see it in the |

|transistors, bipolar transistors, and other non linear semiconductor | | |Lab at same time as |

|devices. | | |Lecture |

|Outcomes: A,E,I, | | | |

|Formulate and solve constant coefficient linear differential equation |Exam, hw, design problem |1 |No-students have poor |

|problems involving the transient response of electrical systems. | | |Understanding of |

|Outcomes: A,E,K,M | | |DEQ |

| Perform steady state frequency response analysis of electrical systems. |Exam, hw |1 |No |

|Outcomes: A,E,K,M | | | |

|Analyze signal conditioning circuits that involve operational amplifiers.|Exam, hw |2 |No-again, EE 240 problem |

|Outcomes: A,E, | | | |

|Formulate and solve problems involving both binary and sequential logic. |Hw |3 |No-spend less time on |

|Outcomes: A,E,I | | |This section this semester |

|Characterize feedback sensors and solve problems involving various sensor|Exam, hw |3 |Yes |

|technologies. | | | |

|Outcomes: A,E,I | | | |

|Use the theory of magnetism to both analyze and design electrical |Exam, hw |3 |Yes |

|actuators. | | | |

|Outcomes: A,E,I,M | | | |

|I. Based on objectives A through I, be able to design a mechatronic |No design problem this semester |2 |Yes |

|system. | | | |

|Outcomes: A,E,I,K | | | |

|Evaluation of Course Contribution to Program Outcomes based on Assessments Above |

|Program Outcome |Course objectives contribution to outcome|Score for Outcome |Comment |

|Outcome a: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and |All objectives (A – I) |2 |Getting worse at math |

|engineering | | | |

|Outcome e: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering |All objectives (A – I) |3 |Need to spend more time solving|

|problems. | | |problems |

|Outcome i: a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in |Objectives B, F, G, H, I |2 |Most MEs hate this subject!! |

|life-long learning. | | | |

|Outcome k: an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern |Objectives C, D, I |3 |Getting better at computer |

|engineering tools necessary for engineering practice | | |skills-the one plus here |

|Outcome m: an ability to apply advanced mathematics through multivariate |Objectives C, D, H |2 |DEQ skills decreasing |

|calculus and differential equations | | | |

ME 435


Class Outline

Instructor: Dr. Stewart P. Prince

Office: Eng 1329

Phone: 818 677-3514

Office Hours: MW 1-2 PM

Text: Histand, Michael. Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, McGraw Hill

Grading: Exams (3) 75%

Design Problem 10%

Homework 15%

Mechatronics is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field of engineering that deals with the design of products whose function relies on the synergistic integration of mechanical, electrical, and electronic components connected by a control architecture. Today, there are few mechanical devices that do not include electrical components and some type of computer monitoring and/or control. Examples of mechatronic systems include: aircraft flight control system, automobile electronic fuel injection, antilock brakes, automated manufacturing equipment, and much more.

Course Content:

1. Introduction to Mechatronic systems

2. Electric circuits and components

Resistors, capacitors, inductors, power supplies

3. Semiconductor electronics

Semiconductor theory, pn junctions, diodes, zener diodes, LEDs, bipolar transistors, field effect transistors, phototransistors

4. System response

First order systems, second order systems, step inputs, initial conditions, frequency response

5. Operational amplifiers

Inverting and non inverting op amps, adders, subtractors, filters, zero and span circuits, instrumentation op amps

6. Digital circuits and systems

Number systems, binary logic, karnaugh maps, sequential logic, system specific integrated circuits

7. Data acquisition

Analog to digital conversion, digital to analog conversion, computer interfacing

8. Sensors

Sensor characterization, force, torque and tactile sensors, flow sensors, temperature sensors, position, velocity, and acceleration sensors

9. Actuators

Solenoids, DC brushed motors, DC brushless motors, AC motors, stepper motors fluid

10. Case studies

Automotive: electronic ignition, electronic fuel injection, fuel pump controller, windshield control, antilock brakes

Course Objectives

A. Review electrical passive components; perform both AC and DC circuit analysis using Kirchoff’s laws.

B. Calculate steady state voltage and current through diodes, field effect transistors, bipolar transistors, and other non linear semiconductor devices.

C. Formulate and solve constant coefficient linear differential equation problems involving the transient response of electrical systems.

D. Perform steady state frequency response analysis of electrical systems.

E. Analyze signal conditioning circuits that involve operational amplifiers.

F. Formulate and solve problems involving both binary and sequential logic.

G. Characterize feedback sensors and solve problems involving various sensor technologies.

H. Use the theory of magnetism to both analyze and design electrical actuators.

I. Based on objectives A through I, be able to design a mechatronic system.

My own comments:

The whole point of this class is to introduce mechanical engineering students to the quickly growing field of mechatronics, a subject that lies in the grey area between mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. My approach to this class is to introduce the students to each of the 9 most important areas (see course content) however you could spend an entire lifetime studying any one of them.

Looking at our student body in ME, the fields of controls and robotics is growing rapidly, thus students will need mechatronics in order to design and analyze these types of systems. However, without a proper background in mathamatics, and especially DEQ, students will never fully appreciate this subject.

• We must somehow do a better job of preparation in the area of advanced math.

• EE 240…is this class even helping at all?

• I think I’m trying to cover too much material.

• How do you motivate students to do the homework….and how do you grade it when they work together?

• I like the design problem idea. I will incorporate it into the lab.

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 435L |Instructor: |S. Prince |Semester/year: |Spring06 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |x |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |EE240/| | |

| | |l | | |

EE 240/l just not teaching students what they need to know for ME 435, or they are forgetting material.

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|Experiments 11,12,13 removed |Too complicated |

|Design project added |Students work in groups to create mechatronic design |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Upgrade equipment |Equipment is getting old and needs to be replaced |

|New software (labview) to be introduced |Prepare students for me 484 |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Labs not well defined (manual needs updating) |

|Too complicated from equipment standpoint |

|PMAC controller documentation difficult (these labs removed) |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |5=Excellent to 1=Poor | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |experiment |1 |No |

|Objective A | | | |

|Experiment #1: Multimeter, Analog/Digital Trainer, and Oscilloscope: | | | |

|Students learn basic electrical measurement tools | | | |

|Outcomes: A,B,E | | | |

|Objective B |experiment |2 |No |

|Experiment #2: Basic Electronics: Students review passive electronics | | | |

|circuits and perform experiments | | | |

|A,B,E | | | |

|Objective C |experiment |1 |No |

|Experiment #3: Bipolar Junction Transistor Operation: Students map the | | | |

|operating characteristics of a bipolar transistor | | | |

|Outcomes: A,B,E,I,K | | | |

|Objective D |experiment |2 |No |

|Experiment #4: OP AMP CIRCUITS: Students analyze then test operational | | | |

|amplifiers | | | |

|Outcomes: A,B,E,I,K | | | |

|Objective E |experiment |2 |No |

|Experiment #5: OP AMP FILTER CIRCUITS: Students verify low pass filter | | | |

|theory using operational amplifiers | | | |

|Outcomes: A,B,E,I,K,M | | | |

|Objective F |experiment |1 |No |

|Experiment #6: Field Effect Transistor: Students map the operating | | | |

|characteristics of a field effect transistor | | | |

|Outcomes: A,B,E,I,K | | | |

|Objective G |experiment |2 |No |

|Experiment#7: Open-Loop Speed Control of Servomotor: Students design, | | | |

|build, then test a pulse width modulated speed controller | | | |

|Outcomes: A,B,E,I | | | |

|Objective H |experiment |3 |Yes |

|Experiment #8: High Level Data Acquisition/Control: Students learn modern| | | |

|computational tool hardware | | | |

|Outcomes: A,B,E,I,K,M | | | |

|Objective I |experiment |4 |Yes |

|Experiment #9: Logic Gate Using Lab VIEW: Students learn modern | | | |

|computational tool software | | | |

|Outcomes: A,B,E,I,K,M | | | |

|Objective J |experiment |4 |Yes |

|Experiment #10: Analog Input, Analog Output, Digital Input, Digital | | | |

|Output: Students perform experiment both analog and digital input/output | | | |

|Outcomes: A,B,E,I,K,M | | | |

|Objective K |Experiment and presentation |1 |No data, first year |

|Design project: Mechatronic design | | | |

| |

|Program Outcome |Course objectives contribution to outcome|Score for Outcome |Comment |

|Outcome a: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and |A-K |3 | |

|engineering | | | |

|Outcome b: an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to |A-K |1 |First year to design a real |

|analyze and interpret data | | |mechatronic system |

|Outcome e: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering |B-J |2 | |

|problems. | | | |

|Outcome i: a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in |H-K |2.5 |Labview needed for other |

|life-long learning. | | |graduate classes |

|Outcome k: an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern |C, E, F, and H – K |2.5 |Many new computational tools |

|engineering tools necessary for engineering practice | | |emerging for mechatronics |

|Outcome m: an ability to apply advanced mathematics through multivariate |Objectives E, and H – K |3 |Students req’d to solve |

|calculus and differential equations | | |transient DEQs |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME484/L |Instructor: |C. T. Lin |Semester/year: |Sp 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME384 | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|Accomplished smoother speed control with the hands-on design project |Students learned how to use signal filtering and averaging to create smoother speed control for a motion |

| |control project |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|A specific survey form will be developed and used for course assessment. |The survey form provides a direct feedback from students in class about the course, which can be an |

| |effective course assessment tool. |

|Most useful comments from students: |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |4=Excellent to 0=Unscorable | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Understand the classical topics of control theory developed for linear, |Examinations, and computer projects |3.3 | Yes |

|time-invariant control systems. | | | |

|2. Use commercially available software to develop computer models of |Computer-assisted design projects, and |3.0 |No |

|control systems, and run computer simulation and analysis to design for |report writing | | |

|control systems | | | |

|3. Learn to use laboratory bench-top instruments, and data acquisition |Computer project assignments, quizzes, |3.3 |Yes |

|systems to complete lab sessions. Apply feedback control theory and |lab sessions, and hands-on design | | |

|mechatronics design methodology to completing a control system design |project. | | |

|project. | | | |

| | | | |

| a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and |Examinations |3.0 |No |

|engineering | | | |

| b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze |Lab sessions |3.3 |Yes |

|and interpret data | | | |

| c. an ability to design a mechanical/thermal system, component, or |Hands-on design project, and |3.3 |Yes |

|process to meet desired needs |computer-assisted design projects | | |

| k. an ability to use the technique, skills and modern engineering tools|Computer project assignments, and report |3.5 |No |

|necessary for engineering practice |writing | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: ME 485 | |Instructor: Shoeleh Di Julio | |Semester/year: Sp 2006 | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |x |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME 370| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

|1. I improved my lecture presentation through the use of power point, and |1. Students learn the important concepts in environmental engineering and are able to solve mass balance |

|emphasizing problem solving skills |problems |

| | |

|2. I did reduce the amount of material covered by eliminating some of the | |

|strenuous subject matter and emphasizing on social, economical and ethical |2. Students problem-solving skills improved and their interest in environmental issues increased. |

|global environmental problems. I also showed 3 videos on subjects such as water| |

|supply in California, air pollution control, and global climate change and the |3. Students also understand the social, economical and ethical issues of environmental problem as well as|

|3-D modeling studies being carried out by German scientists to better define |the engineering solutions to these problems. |

|the problem and solve the problem. | |

| | |

|3. I spend a class section on the overview of the book entitled “Collapse” by |4. This lecture gives students a historical insight on environmental problems of the past societies and |

|Jared Diamond—Environmental impact of Past and Current Societies, Lessons |what we can learn form past failures. Students also gain an appreciation on the complexity of the |

|Learned , the Past and Present. Focusing on why do societies end up destroying|problems which often can not be solved by mere application of science |

|themselves. A road map of Factors contributing to failure of | |

|Group-Decision-Making as it relates to environmental problem. This could be | |

|summarized as 4 types | |

|a. Failure to Anticipate | |

|b. Failure to Perceive | |

|c. Failure to Attempt to Solve once the Problem is Perceived | |

|d. Unsuccessful Solutions | |

| | |

|4. The above lecture was then followed by presentation of the 12 most |5. Students learn about major environmental problems and some proposed solutions early within the |

|important environmental problems, and students were asked to select one of the |semester; within the 2nd week of class. They then can select the subject of their design team project and|

|problems as their team design projects. These are divided into 3 groups; |based on the common interests automatically the groups are formed. Requiring the 20 summary articles |

| |further helps students to become more knowledgeable about the subject of their project. I initiate this |

|A. Loss of Natural Resources (1-7) |right away on the first week of class by requiring every one to read an article on an environmental |

|1. Forests, Wetlands, Coral Reefs, and the Ocean Bottoms |disaster and the second week on an alternative source of energy beside fossil fuels and submit their |

|2. Wild Fisheries & Aquaculture |summaries. I grade these right away and return it so that they learn the proper method of reviewing |

|3. Loss of Biodiversity |articles. The remaining summaries are related to their design projects. I help students focus one or two|

|4. Soil Erosion, Salinization, Loss of nutrients due to farming, Acidification|important issues. |

|and Alkalinization | |

|5. Energy Resources |6. Outlines have helped students better focus on important issue of their interest on the subject |

|6. Freshwater and Aquifer Depletion |selected. My feedback helps expedite their understanding of the social, economical and ethical aspect of |

|7. Sunlight and earth’s capacity to grow wild plants |the problem. I also make sure that they focus mainly on the engineering solution to the problem both on |

| |lab scale and field scale. |

|B Toxic Chemical, Alien Species, and Atmospheric Gases (8-10). | |

|8. Toxic Chemicals |7. Preparation of the posters was a good learning element. I will require this of my students if the |

|9. Alien Species |Department plan to hold the Expo annually |

|10 Atmospheric Gases—Ozone layer depletion and Global Warming | |

| | |

|C. Increase in Human Population (11-12) | |

|11. The World’s Human Population Growth | |

|12. Impact of Population Growth on Environment | |

| | |

|5. I request that team turn in their project outlines for my review before | |

|they set out to delve into their projects | |

| | |

|6. I asked the student teams to participate in the ME Expo, on May 10/05 on a | |

|volunteer basis. I suggested that they can earn about 5% extra credit. 6 out | |

|of the 7 groups responded and made professional posters which were presented to| |

|industry representatives, some high school students and their parents, high | |

|school counselors and their fellow students. | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes | | No |x |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Require students to turn in all their article summaries by the 7th week of |This way they will be better prepared for their team projects and their performance should improve |

|class | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|This class fills the blank left behind by other classes, i.e., what happens to and what do you do with the by product of your processes or system. This class helps you understand |

|this. |

|A very interesting class, unlike all other engineering courses. I will recommend it to my friends. Thank you for inspiring us. |

|Truly enjoyed the course. This was a very fun class and also very interesting. This course showed us that there is a lot of work available for engineers that want to work for the |

|environment. (These are comments from a year ago. At the time of this write up the course assessments was not available.) However a number of students in my class expressed their |

|interest in choosing environmental engineering or a related area as their career. |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | |100% |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by Instructor—what evidence was used for your assessment? |Instructor’s Direct |Improved |

| | |Course Objective |(yes/no/??) compared |

|List Course Objectives first, | |Assessment |to last year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

|1. Learn to apply the fundamental science and engineering|1. A midterm and a final exam are given to assess students understanding of the fundamentals and |3 |Yes |

|principles to solution of environmental problems relating |their problem solving skills. | | |

|to traditional air and water pollution and newer | | | |

|environmental issues such as hazardous waste, risk | | | |

|assessment, groundwater contamination, indoor air quality,| | | |

|acid deposition, global climate change, and stratospheric | | | |

|ozone depletion through lectures and problem solving | | | |

|2. Instill in students the need for professional |2. A sample of oral presentation expected content and the weight assigned for the design projects is | | |

|development through life long learning by conducting |given to students so that they have a clear understanding of how their presentations will be graded. |3.5 |Yes |

|literature surveys on latest environmental issues and |This will then be used for both presentations. Written report content and organization is also | | |

|practices and study emerging technologies for remediation,|discussed. | | |

|resource recovery and sustainability. | | | |

| |20 article summaries are collected twice during the semester and graded and returned to students. | | |

| | | | |

| |4. 2 oral presentations and two group reports, one interim and one final are graded. The interim | | |

| |report is graded and returned to student groups to be completed for the final report. Students become| | |

| |more familiar with the instructors expectation and correct any early problems on content or format. |3.5 |Yes |

| |This provides an early feedback on their project reports. The team assessment including the | | |

| |performance of the team as a whole, and member cooperation and integration of their efforts is also | | |

| |considered. | | |

| | |3.5 |Yes |

|3. Learn about the impact of various engineering |3. 20article summaries are collected twice during | | |

|solutions on environment and its local and global effects.|the semester and graded and returned to students. |3.5 |Yes |

| | | | |

| |4. 2 oral presentations and two group reports, one interim and one final are graded. The interim | | |

| |report is graded and returned to student groups to be completed for the final report. Students become|3.5 |Yes |

| |more familiar with the instructors expectation and correct any early problems on content or format. | | |

| |This provides an early feedback on their project reports. The team assessment including the | | |

| |performance of the team as a whole, and member cooperation and integration of their efforts is also | | |

| |considered. | | |

|4. Learn to seek alternative solutions for an |Students’ work on the design project, assessment tools 3 and 4 as above | 3.5 | Yes |

|environmental problem through a small-team proposed design| |3.5 |Yes |

|project | | | |

|5. Learn to write a preliminary proposal in support of |Assessments tools 3 and 4 as above | | |

|the proposed design project | |3 |No |

Demonstration of Program Outcomes

|Demonstration of Program Outcome in the course |Course Objectives that contribute|Instructor’s Assessment |Improved |

| |to this program outcome |(0= poor, to 4= Excellent) |compared to last|

| | | |year |

|Outcome a: Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering (3.5) |1,2,3,4 | 3. 5 |Yes |

|Demonstrates Specific Engineering Knowledge of subject area 4 | | | |

|Demonstrates Interest in Continuous Learning 3.5 | | | |

|Demonstrates Initiative 3.5 | | | |

|Demonstrates Analysis and Judgment 3 | | | |

|Outcome c: An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (3) |1,2,3,4,5 | 3 |Yes |

|Identify Design Problem and Constrains 3 | | | |

|Explores Alternative Designs 3 | | | |

|Uses Analytic Tools with Moderate Effectiveness 3 | | | |

|Documented Final Design 3 | | | |

|Outcome d: An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (3) |4,5 |3 | |

|Quality of Overall Team Function 3 | | |Yes |

|Communication among Team Members 3 | | | |

|Team Organization and Leadership 3 | | | |

|Outcome e: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (2.5) |1,2,3,4 |2.5 | |

|Demonstrates Specific Knowledge of Subject Area 3 | | |Yes |

|Demonstrates Initiatives 2 | | | |

|Demonstrates Innovation 2 | | | |

|Demonstrates Analysis & Judgment 2.5 | | | |

|Demonstrates Effective Communication in Identifying, Formulating and Solving Engineering Problems 3 | | | |

|Outcome f: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (3.7) |1,2,3,4,5 |3.7 | |

|Recognize and Make Appropriate Decisions in Situations in which Personal or Professional Ethics are Required 3 | | |Yes |

|Design Processes and Systems to Minimize Use of Resources and Impact on the Environment 4 | | | |

|Knows regulations and Standards used in Practice 4 | | | |

|Outcome g: An ability to communicate effectively |4,5 |3 |Yes |

|Shows Evidence of Teamwork 3 | | | |

|Effective Use of written Communication Tools 3 | | | |

|Effective Use of Oral/Visual Communication Tools NA | | | |

|Outcome h: The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, |1,2,3,4,5 |3.3 |Yes |

|environmental and social context (3.3) | | | |

|Demonstrates Knowledge of Engineering and its Impact on Economic, Ethical and Environmental Issues 3.5 | | | |

|Demonstrates Ability to evaluate existing and Emerging Engineering or Technological Alternatives to Prevent or Minimize | | | |

|Adverse Impacts 3 | | | |

|Outcome i: A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (3.3) |1,2,3,4,5 |3.3 |Yes |

|Demonstrates Knowledge of Comprehensive Reference Resources 3 | | | |

|Shows Familiarity with Modern Engineering Tools 4 | | | |

|Demonstrate Interest in Continuous Learning 3 | | | |

|Outcome j: A knowledge of contemporary issues (3) |1,2,3,4 |3 |Yes |

|Demonstrates a Satisfactory Level of General Knowledge of Contemporary Issues Outside of Engineering 3 | | | |

|Outcome l: Demonstrates a knowledge of chemistry and calculus-based physics with depth in at least one (2.75) |1,2,3,4,5 |2.75 |Yes |

|Demonstrates Knowledge of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Principles and Laws 2.5 | | | |

|Is Able to Apply Physical and Chemical Laws and Principles to Solving Engineering Problems 3 | | | |

|Summary: This course is very useful in generating interest in the field of Env Eng. I assign a design project early on in the semester. Students form groups of consisting two or three and work on their |

|projects throughout the semester. They do an extensive literature survey and submit summaries of 20 articles they have read. They learn the technique of reviewing technical articles and extracting useful |

|information relating to their projects. In general they seem to take this pretty seriously, and they do well. |

| |

|Students make two oral presentations, and write one draft report and then complete it as a final report. They get to see my comment on the first draft which they try to address in the second report. |

|Students try to avoid analysis which they do not see in class. I do encourage them to review literature and learn. They are however more comfortable reading and learning about case studies. The two oral |

|presentations help students improve their oral communication skills. They do well using power point software. Samples of their presentations are attached as hard copies and as diskettes/CDs. |

| |

|There were 14 students who completed the course, the grade distributions were 22% A, 50% B, 23% C. Average on the midterms was 66.3% while on the final it was 76.4%. The average on the reports was 79.9% and|

|80.5% while for the oral presentations the averages were 66.3% and 81.9%. Students’ performance improved from the first to the second report and presentation. The students write a preliminary report, I |

|grade them and with comments to improve return them back to them. Students complete the work during the semester and rewrite and complete the final report. This rewriting helps students improve their |

|writing skills. |

| |

|This course definitely helps students develop an interest in life long learning and in Environmental and Social issues relevant to Engineering practices, processes and design. |

| |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: | |Instructor: |R. Ryan |Semester/year: |Fall 05/ Spring 06 |

| |ME 486A/B | | | | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Senior| | |

| | |Standi| | |

| | |ng | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Require formal PDR and CDR presentations, rather than just “end of |Enforce a more organized design process, increase communication skills practice |

|semester” presentation | |

|Increase emphasis on requiring quantitative analyses for justifying design |Prevent students from avoiding analysis and relying too much on intuition for design choices |

|decisions at CDR | |

|Emphasize project documentation on an ongoing basis |Eliminate end of semester crunch for final written reports, and thus improve report quality |

|Most useful comments from students: |

| |

| |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Observations during class, review of | | |

|Outcome a: an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and |written reports and oral presentations |2.8 |NA |

|engineering | | | |

|Outcome c: an ability to design a system, component, or process to | | | |

|meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, | | | |

|environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, |Observations during class, review of | | |

|manufacturability, and sustainability. |written reports and oral presentations |2.8 |NA |

|Outcome d: an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. | | | |

| | | | |

| |Observations during class |3 |NA |

|Outcome e: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering | | | |

|problems. |Observations during class, review of | | |

| |written reports and oral presentations |2.7 |NA |

|Outcome f: an understanding of professional and ethical | | | |

|responsibility. | | | |

| |Observations during class |3 |NA |

|Outcome g: an ability to communicate effectively. | | | |

| |Review of written reports and oral |3 |NA |

| |presentations | | |

|Outcome i: a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in | | | |

|life-long learning. | | | |

| |Observations during class |3.5 |NA |

| | | | |

|Outcome k: an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern |Observations during class, review of | | |

|engineering tools necessary for engineering practice |written reports and oral presentations |3 |NA |

|Outcome o: an ability to work professionally in both thermal and | | | |

|mechanical systems areas, including the design and realization of such| | | |

|systems |Observations during class, review of | | |

| |written reports and oral presentations |2.7 |NA |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course: AE 486A & B | |Instructor: |Fox |Semester/year: |Fall 2005 – Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Senior| | |

| | |Standi| | |

| | |ng | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|NA | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Implement tighter Schedule control |Elluminate too much last minute effort |

|Push harder on Literature Search |Minimize “seat of the pants” design decisons |

|Stronger emphasis on scheduled design reviews |Increase oral/written communication content by individuals and increase schedule balance. |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Push students to dig more deeply by themselves; less faculty input. |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | NA |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by Instructor—what |Instructor’s Direct Outcome|Improved |

| |evidence was used for your assessment? |Assessment |(yes/no/??) |

|List Course Objectives first, | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor |compared to last|

|followed by Program Outcomes | | |year |

|1. Teach design by hands-on effort - d,f |Faculty observation; progress reports | 4 |no |

|2. Foster team play – d, f |Faculty observation & final result | 3 |no |

|3. Promote effective communication - g |Competition oral & written elements | 3.5 |yes |

|4. Demonstrate Analysis ability – a, e, k, l, m, o |Progress reports; final report | 1 |no |

|5. Demonstrate Empirical ability – b, n, o |Progress reports; final report | 1 |no |

|6. Optimize design solution – a, b, c, h, i, j, o |Competition demonstration | 1 |no |

|Program outcomes average of course objective scores related to each program outcome |

|a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering |Course objectives 4 and 6 |1 | |

|b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data|Course objectives 5 and 6 |1 | |

|c. an ability to design a mechanical/thermal system, component, or process to meet |Course objective 6 |1 | |

|desired needs | | | |

|d. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams |Course objectives 1 and 2 |3.5 | |

|e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems |Course objective 4 |1 | |

|f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility |Course objective 1 and 2 |3.5 | |

|g. an ability to communicate effectively |Course objective 3 |3.5 | |

|h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a |Course objective 6 |1 | |

|global and societal context | | | |

|i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning |Course objective 6 |1 | |

|j. a knowledge of contemporary issues |Course objective 6 |1 | |

|k. an ability to use the technique, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for |Course objective 5 |1 | |

|engineering practice | | | |

|.l a knowledge of chemistry and calculus-based physics with depth in at least one |Course objective 5 |1 | |

|m. applied advanced mathematics through multivariate calculus and differential equations |Course objective 5 |1 | |

|n. familiarity in statistics and linear algebra |Course objective 5 |1 | |

|o. ability to work professionally in both thermal and mechanical areas including the |Course objectives 5 and 6 |1 | |

|design and realization of such systems | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 491 |Instructor: |THOMPSON |Semester/year: |SPRING 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

|X |First time course taught by this instructor | | |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME335 | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Personal time taken with instructor to explain experimental procedures in addition to the information provided in the laboratory manual assisted in better understanding the experiment|

|purpose. |

|Discussions of application outside of the immediate laboratory procedures and applications of principals such as BERNOULLI’S in addition to discussion with respect to existing |

|physical systems an engineer may encounter were both interesting and valuable for the student teams, especially when it came to writing up the actual reports and doing presentations. |

|Laboratory should be introduced during the semester in which ME 390 is being taught by either taking a ‘field trip’ to the lab or spending one lecture session in the lab going over |

|the equipment and experiments. |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by Instructor—what evidence was used for your |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |assessment? |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | | | |

|Properly record data from a variety of |Visual observation during the experiment and the inclusion of the tabulated raw|3 |0 |

|instruments commonly used by mechanical |data sheets in an appendix in the written laboratory report. | | |

|engineers, especially those used to measure | | | |

|pressure, flow rate, and temperature | | | |

|Understand the importance of instrument |Comparison of written reports against known values and observation of data |4 |0 |

|calibration for minimizing systematic errors |being taken in real time as compared to approximate values of predicted | | |

| |outcomes based on known physical conditions. Laboratory procedures explain | | |

| |calibration clearly. | | |

|Compare experimental results with theoretical |Specific questions and group discussions geared toward helping the students |3 |0 |

|predictions, and explain differences based on |recognize the variations in results between ideal and real systems. The Hampden| | |

|physical principles |refrigeration board is particularly suited for this discussion and exercise. | | |

|Apply statistical techniques for estimating |All experiments allowed for (and hence requires) the plot comparison of data. |4 |0 |

|experimental uncertainties, and use these |Statistical error calculations and then the application of error intervals on | | |

|uncertainties appropriately when interpreting |the data plots show the students ability to accurately predict the | | |

|data |uncertainties. When error intervals were too large or too small, the analysis | | |

| |technique could be questioned then corrected if necessary. | | |

|Clearly document the results of an experimental |This semester was geared around the transmission and discussion of technical |3 |0 |

|project in written and oral form, using modern |data to a specific technical audience. In this case, the student peers. Eight | | |

|software tools (e.g. Microsoft Word, Excel, |written assignments and two power point presentations with questions and | | |

|PowerPoint) |assessment by fellow students quickly raised the bar from average to high over | | |

| |the course of the semester. Students worry more about what their peers think | | |

| |than their instructor. | | |

|Work effectively in a team of student-engineers |All assignments, including presentations, were done in student teams. No one |3 |0 |

| |team member was allowed to have any more or less responsibility than the | | |

| |others. Questions and comments were directed to individuals in both the written| | |

| |and public speaking arenas. | | |

| | | | |

|Outcome b – design, conduct expts., analyze data|Difficulty in setting up equipment for an experiment was assessed based on the |3 |0 |

| |instructions provided in the lab procedures. Many questions were asked for | | |

| |clarification during the setups. The key understanding in this role was the | | |

| |assessment of the experiment explanations during oral presentations. Some were | | |

| |stronger than others however it is evident in this arena that not too many | | |

| |students have much hands-on experience with laboratory (or other) test-type | | |

| |equipment. | | |

|Outcome g - ability to communicate |This was a large focus of the course this semester. Young engineers need to |3 |0 |

| |have this ability and often don’t. Both written and oral presentations aided in| | |

| |this assessment. Direct questions, especially during the oral presentations, to| | |

| |test the students in-depth knowledge of the subject and how well they can think| | |

| |on their feet was geared toward strengthening each individual’s ability to | | |

| |communicate effectively. Questions were asked both hypothetically and | | |

| |realistically in and out of the mechanical engineering discipline (ie, | | |

| |structural and electrical references were often made). | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: ME 493 | |Instructor: Susan Beatty | |Semester/year: Sp 2006 | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

|x |First time course taught by this instructor | | |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME 390| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Subject matter will be reordered |Provide better course flow |

|Most useful comments from students: |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Course |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Objective Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? |4=Excellent to 0=Poor |year |

|Outcome a: Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering |Homework and examinations |4 | |

|Outcome e: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering |Homework and examinations |4 | |

|problems | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: | |Instructor: |Robert Ryan |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

| |ME 493 | | | | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME 390| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|A new text covering the open channel flow material is going to be used. |Current text is good in terms of coverage and as a reference but new book appears to be more |

| |“user-friendly” for student learning. |

| | |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

| |

| |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | |72.5% |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Analyze/design piping systems for transporting liquids |See attached spreadsheet |3 |No data |

|Understand turbomachinery concepts, and use characteristic curves in | |2.7 |No data |

|design applications | | | |

|Analyze/design open channel flow systems for transporting water | |3 |No data |

| | | | |

|Outcome a - an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and | | | |

|engineering | |3 |No data |

|Outcome e - an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering | | | |

|problems | |2.8 |No data |

|Outcome k - an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern | |2.9 |No data |

|engineering tools necessary for engineering practice | | | |

|Outcome o - an ability to work professionally in both thermal and | | | |

|mechanical systems areas, including the design and realization of such | |2.8 |No data |

|systems | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: ME 496GDT | |Instructor: Khachatourians | |Semester/year: Sp 2006 | |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

|X |First time course taught by this instructor | | |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME 330| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Students who are participating in Honors Co-Op or other internships saw the value added in the material being covered in this class and were able to immediately apply it in their |

|senior design projects and daily work. |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Course |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Objective Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? |4=Excellent to 0=Poor |year |

|Outcome a: Apply knowledge of math, science and engineering |Projects and examinations |3 |N/A |

|Outcome c: an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet |Projects and examinations |2 |N/A |

|desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, | | | |

|environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, | | | |

|manufacturability, and sustainability. | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course: |ME 501B |Instructor: |Tom Mincer |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Math | | |

| | |280 | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |X |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes | | No |X |

|Most useful comments from students: |

| |

| |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|A. Develop understanding of mathematical applications of partial |Homework, examinations, final project, |2 |No |

|differential equations from mathematical analysis | | | |

|B. Develop understanding of mathematical applications of partial |Homework, in-class hands-on computer | 2 | No |

|differential equations from numerical analysis |work, examinations and final project | | |

| | | | |

|a. an ability to apply fundamentals of mathematics, science and |A and B |2 |No |

|engineering | | | |

| | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 515 |Instructor: |Zheng Liu |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

|X |First time course taught by this instructor | | |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME 415| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|Vibration and Lagrange Dynamics |Very Good |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

| | |

|Most useful comments from students: |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | |100% |

|Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct Outcome |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? | |year |

| | |4=Excellent to 0=Unscorable | |

| a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and |Examinations |3 |?? |

|engineering | | | |

| e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems |Examinations, computer-assisted design |3 |?? |

| |projects | | |

| k. an ability to use the technique, skills and modern engineering |Computer-assisted design projects, and |3 |?? |

|tools necessary for engineering practice |report writing | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 562 |Instructor: |S. Prince |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |X |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME 370| | |

ME 562 is a course in internal combustion engine theory, from a thermal/fluids standpoint. ME 370 is not the desired prerequisite for this class. It should be ME 470. I am spending too much time reviewing material and not enough on problem solving. Also, ME 415, kinematics and dynamics of machines should be a recommended co-requisite.

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|Added sections 8,9,10. More design and attention paid to engine |Change is quite positive. Students now desire a second course in IC engine theory only dealing with engine |

|mechanical, not covered before |mechanical. |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Remove engine mechanical sections and create new separate course for this |The students expect an IC engines course to deal with the engine, including both thermal and mechanical aspects. However,|

|material |the course was originally created as a thermal/fluids treatment of the engine. This course is extremely popular and a |

| |second course should exist to address the engine mechanical aspects. |

|Most useful comments from students: |

|Web CT was very useful for this class |

|Not enough feedback from homework assignments |

Achievement of Course Objectives

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Course Objectives |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Assessment (0 = |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Poor to 4=Excellent) |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| |your assessment? | |year |

|A. understand the basic engine types and their operation-understand the differenced between 2 and 4 |Homework |3 |No |

|stroke engines, between compression and spark ignition. | | | |

|B. Solve problems and understand important characteristics, torque, power, work, specific fuel |Homework, examination |3 |Yes |

|consumption, air fuel ratio, volumetric efficiency, torque and power equation. | | | |

| | | | |

|C. Review the first/second laws of thermodynamics; and combustion, solve problems involving air fuel |Not assessed | | |

|ratios, heating values, adiabatic flame temperature | | | |

|D. Understand basic thermodynamic relations, ideal gas models, constant Cp and Cv, constant volume |Homework, examination |1 |No |

|cycle, constant pressure cycle dual cycle, other cycles (miller, overexpanded). | | | |

|E. Understand overall volumetric efficiency effects, flow through valves, discharge coefficients, |Examinations |2 |No |

|supercharging, turbocharging | | | |

|F. SI fuel requirements, carburetion, fuel injection-design fuel metering systems. |Homework, examination | | |

|G. Squish, swirl, pressure data, burning speeds, ignition fundamental, abnormal combustion |Not assessed | | |

|(qualitative analysis) | | | |

|H. 4 bar slider crank, camshafts, balance, vibration-preliminary study of the engine mechanical. |Examinations |1 |No |

|I. Preliminary analysis, cylinder analysis, valves, gears systems and auxiliary systems |Homework, examination |1 |No |

|J. Detail design procedure, power section design-students should be able to design an engine to |Not assessed | | |

|maximize power, both from a thermodynamic and mechanical viewpoint. | | | |

| | | | |

Demonstration of Program Outcomes

|Demonstration of Program Outcomes in course |Course objectives that contribute to this|Instructor’s Assessment (0 = |Improved |

| |program outcome |Poor to 4=Excellent) |(yes/no/??) compared to last |

| | | |year |

|a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering |A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J |2 |No |

|c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic |I,J |3 |Yes |

|constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, | | | |

|manufacturability, and sustainability. | | | |

|e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems |E,F,G,H,I,J |3 YES |

|f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility |A, I,J |2 |No |

|i. lifelong learning |A,I,j |3 |Yes |

|k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering |E,F,H,I,J. |3 |No |

|practice | | | |

|l. demonstrates a knowledge of chemistry and calculus-based physics with depth in at least one |C,D |2 |NO |

|o. an ability to work professionally in both thermal and mechanical systems areas, including the design|I,J |3 |YES |

|and realization of such systems | | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME 575 |Instructor: |S. Schwartz |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

| |First time course taught by this instructor | |x |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |ME 375| | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |x |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|Included a heat exchanger design problem |Students were able to effectively complete a heat exchanger design |

|Discussed importance of good communication periodically |Homework presentations were somewhat better. |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |x | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Try to use some break-out –into-small-groups approach |This approach should help to get students thinking about some of the physical aspects of H.T. |

|Spend time discussing the importance of written communication |Expect to see improvement in homework clarity |

|Most useful comments from students: |

| |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | |100% |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by Instructor—what evidence was used |Instructor’s Direct Outcome|Improved |

| |for your assessment? |Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared|

|List Course Objectives first, | |4=Excellent to 0=Poor |to last year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | | | |

|Students understand the physical basis of convection heat transfer |Test scores from closed book questions on concepts in convection |2.24 |yes |

|Students understand correlations and how to use |HW,exams,class ?discussion (average of HW #1to10) |3.4 |yes |

|Recognize different types of convection and can solve problems |HW,exams,class ?discussion-average of all. |3.3 |yes |

|Students can analyze heat exchanger |HW,exams,class discussion (average of HEX HW+final) |3.2 |no |

|Students can design a heat exchanger |Insufficient data | | |

|Outcomes |

|a. .Apply knowledge of science and engineering |Average of all graded HW and exams |3.3 |yes |

|c. The ability to design a system, component, or process |Not measured |3.29 |yes |

|e. An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems |1. specific engineering knowledge |3..25 |no |

| |2.analysis+judgement | | |

| |3. effective communication in identifying, formulating and | | |

| |solving problems | | |

| |HW #’s 6,7,8,12,13,14,I1,I2,Hex | | |

|g. Communicate effectively |1. Write clearly to explain technical position on exam questions |2.4 |yes |

| |2. Provide articulate questions or answers in class. | | |

| |3. HW well documented and neat. | | |

| |4. Quality of graphs and spread sheets associated with HW | | |

|k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools|HW problems requiring use of spread sheets for parametric |3.35 |no |

|necessary for engineering practice |analyses HW#1, Internal flow ,#8, #9, #14 | | |

Mechanical Engineering - Course Evaluation Form

|Course Number: |ME595AIV |Instructor: |C. T. Lin |Semester/year: |Spring 2006 |

The purpose of this is form is to document the achievement of course objectives and program outcomes in the courses that you instruct. Answers to the questions below should cite supporting evidence from your own observations, student performance on assignments and examinations, and other feedback.

|X |First time course taught by this instructor | | |Course taught previously |

|Course prerequisite(s) | |Senior| | |

| | |Standi| | |

| | |ng | | |

|Were changes implemented since the last time this course was taught? |Yes | | No |X |

If Yes, what changes were made since the last time this course was taught? Did these changes improve the course?

|Changes made since last time |Effects of change |

|Not applicable. | |

| | |

| | |

|Are changes called for the next time this course is taught? | Yes |X | No | |

If Yes, what changes should be made the next time this course is taught?

|Changes recommended for next time |Purpose of changes |

|Introduce each project assignment as early in the semester as possible. |Due the good number of project assignments, it is essential for students in class to start working on |

| |projects early in the semester, so that the projects may be completed with adequate amount of time. Some |

| |of the equipment needed for the project were not available till the later part of the semester. |

|With future potential equipment fund becoming available, would like to |There is only one unit of each type of equipment for the entire class. Not only students need to take |

|increase the number of lab equipment to be available for the course. |turns to complete their project assignments, but also the assignments cannot be completed if any one of |

| |the equipment becomes malfunctioned. |

Achievement of Course Objectives/Demonstration of Program Outcomes

Did the students demonstrate achievement of the course objectives and program outcomes specific to this course? In the table below, rate achievement of objectives/outcomes using evidence from direct assessment of student work, student surveys, etc.

|If sampling, please indicate the approximate percent of the class sampled: | | |

|Course Objectives/Program Outcomes |Means of Direct Assessment by |Instructor’s Direct |Improved |

| |Instructor—what evidence was used for |Outcome Assessment |(yes/no/??) compared to |

|List Course Objectives first, |your assessment? | |last year |

|followed by Program Outcomes | |5=Excellent to | |

| | |1=Poor | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|1. Introduce the state of the art on autonomous ground vehicle. Understand mobility, |Examinations, computer project |3.0 | Not applicable. |

|steerability, and mobile kinematics and motion control. Learn about various sensor |assignments. | | |

|performance characteristics, vision perception, and feature extraction. Understand | | | |

|probabilistic behavior-based and map-based localization. Develop algorithms of | | | |

|obstacle avoidance and navigation. | | | |

|2. Understand and learn to use laser rangefinder, digital compass, GPS system, and |Computer assignments, demonstrations, and|2.7 | Not applicable. |

|computer vision system. Design, build and control a differential-drive mobile |design project. | | |

|platform. | | | |

|3. Learn to use LabVIEW program and develop computer algorithms. |LabVIEW-based computer assignments. |3.3 | Not applicable. |

| | | | |

| a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering |Examinations, computer projects |3.3 | Not applicable. |

| c. an ability to design a mechanical/thermal system, component, or process to meet |Mobile platform design project |2.7 | Not applicable. |

|desired needs | | | |

| e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems |Examinations, computer assignments, |3.3 | Not applicable. |

| |computer-assisted design projects | | |

| k. an ability to use the technique, skills and modern engineering tools necessary |Computer instrumentation, computer |3.0 | Not applicable. |

|for engineering practice |programming, and report writing | | |


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