Excel vba manual calculation cell

[Pages:5]Excel vba manual calculation cell

Today I have a tip for you if you work with very large Excel models. Those, which take minutes or up to hours to calculate. You can calculate selected cells only. A bit of theory of Excel calculations Plainly speaking, Excel calculates permanently (with some exceptions) all changed cells and all dependent cells. You can switch the calculation mode to stop calculating in general in-between. This is called "Manual calculation". Once you have done this, you can Recalculate all changed cells by pressing F9 on the keyboard,force a full recalculation of all formulas and functions by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F9 on the keyboard oronly calculate the current worksheet by pressing Shift + F9. Interest in more theory? In this article you can read more about the calculation modes. So, what if you only want to recalculate a small amount of cells? Switch to manual calculation mode first Before you can use the technique to only calculate smaller parts of your Excel model, you have to switch Excel to manual calculation mode. Switch to manual calculation first in order to calculate selected cells only. On the Formulas ribbon, go to Calculation Options and make sure that "Manual" is checked. Please keep in mind: Excel now does not permanently re-calculate. That means, result might not be updated. Calculate one cell only Once you are in manual calculation mode it's quite simple to only calculate one cell: Calculate one cell at a time only by pressing F2 and then Enter on the keyboard. Enter the cell you want to recalculation: Select the cell only and press F2 on the keyboard.Confirm by pressing Enter on the keyboard. Calculate selected cells only But what if you don't want to recalculate one cell only, but rather calculate cells you have currently selected? You basically have two options: Use VBA (it's simple, no need to insert a module) or use an Excel add-in. Calculate selected cells by using VBA The VBA editor has a feature called "Immediate". It by default below your code and we can use it here. Select the cells you want to calculate.Open the VBA editor window by pressing Alt + F11 on the keyboard.Type into the Immediate field "Selection.Calculate" and press Enter on the keyboard. If you want to repeat this, just place the mouse curser at the end of the "Selection.Calculate" and press Enter again. Calculate selected cells by using an Excel add-in Our Excel add-in "Professor Excel Tools" comes with more than 120 features. One of them is "Calculate Selection" and can be a real time-saver for you. Use Professor Excel Tools to calculate selected cells only. Just select the cells you want to calculate and click on "Calculate Selection" on the Professor Excel ribbon. Other advice for such large Excel models Well, the fact that your Excel model calculates so long might lead to the conclusion that Excel is not the right software for you in this case. So, please consider the following advice: Can you use another software (for example PowerBI or any tool / language more suitable, such as Python, R, etc.)?Probably, at this point, you have to stay with Excel, right? Then have you considered to use PowerQuery? Could it take over some of the heavier calculation tasks?If not, why don't you take a look at this article of how to speed up Excel or my book "Speeding Up Microsoft Excel"? Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay Hey, I am trying to include a cell on the dashboard of a model I'm making that displays the calculation mode of the workbook (if it's in Manual mode and the user doesn't notice, it can potentially create problems). I've found the snipped of code below and have implemented it, the only issue is that when you change the calculation mode from 'automatic' to 'manual' it doesn't update the contents of the cell (i.e. it doesn't recalculate and say 'manual' which sounds obvious but it didn't occur to me intially that this would be the case ) Is there a workaround (or a better approach?) that I could implement so that the cell reliably states the current mode? Any help on this would be appreciated! Function CalculationMode() As String Dim cMode As XlCalculation Application.Volatile cMode = Application.Calculation Select Case cMode Case xlCalculationAutomatic: CalculationMode = "Automatic" Case xlCalculationManual: CalculationMode = "Manual" Case xlCalculationSemiautomatic: CalculationMode = "Semi-Auto" End Select End Function Thanks, Adam its a function of course it won't work it calc mode set to manual. you need something like this Sub Calc_Status() If Application.StatusBar = True Then MsgBox "You need to calculate" End If If Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Then MsgBox "calculation is set to automatic" End If End Sub Hi Adam, I would offer the following: Public CalcMethod As Integer Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) With Application If .Calculation CalcMethod Then Select Case .Calculation Case xlCalculationAutomatic Range("A1") = "Automatic" Case xlCalculationManual Range("A1") = "Manual" Case xlCalculationSemiautomatic Range("A1") = "Semi-Auto" Case Else Range("A1") = "Un-defined" End Select CalcMethod = .Calculation End If End With End Sub It has the advantage of being able to populate the cell you require (you need to change the Range("A1") statements as necessary. The disadvantages is that it requires you to change the selected cell before it updates the status. Hope this helps. Hi Adam, Any chance you could give Hippiecracker and I some feedback on your query. We have both spent time identifying a solution and its nice to know that we were on the right track (or not if thats the case!). Regards hey guys, I'm not Adam... but I have the same query and came across your solutions while googling about the issue. I tried Hippiehacker's solution, it worked for the case when calculations are automatic but couldn't get it to show me the MsgBox when calculations were set to manual. In any case, what I'm after is to have a cell that will indicate "On" or "Off" depending on the calculation setting. The solution suggested by Pjmorris seems to be aiming to do that. I understand cell A1 would display "Automatic", "Manual", etc. I'm quite new to the VBA world, copied Pjmorris' code into a new VBA module but don't really know what I need to do in order to make it work. Thanks both for providing those suggestions! Cheers, Damian Hi Adam, I would offer the following: Public CalcMethod As Integer Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) With Application If .Calculation CalcMethod Then Select Case .Calculation Case xlCalculationAutomatic Range("A1") = "Automatic" Case xlCalculationManual Range("A1") = "Manual" Case xlCalculationSemiautomatic Range("A1") = "Semi-Auto" Case Else Range("A1") = "Un-defined" End Select CalcMethod = .Calculation End If End With End Sub It has the advantage of being able to populate the cell you require (you need to change the Range("A1") statements as necessary. The disadvantages is that it requires you to change the selected cell before it updates the status. Hope this helps. Thank You, it works Great Return to VBA Code Examples Whenever you update a cell value, Excel goes through a process to recalculate the workbook. When working directly within Excel you want this to happen 99.9% of the time (the exception being if you are working with an extremely large workbook). However, this can really slow down your VBA code. It's a good practice to set your calculations to manual at the beginning of macros and restore calculations at the end of macros. If you need to recalculate the workbook you can manually tell Excel to calculate. Turn Off Automatic Calculations You can turn off automatic calculation with a macro by setting it to xlmanual. Use the following piece of VBA code: Application.Calculation = xlManual Turn Automatic Calculations Back On To turn back on automatic calculation with the setting xlAutomatic: Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic I recommend disabling Automatic calculations at the very beginning of your procedure and re-enabling Automatic Calculations at the end. It will look like this: Disable Automatic Calculations Macro Example Sub Auto_Calcs_Example() Application.Calculation = xlManual 'Do something Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic End Sub Manual Calculation When Automatic calculations are disabled, you can use the Calculate command to force Excel to recalculate: Calculate You can also tell Excel to recalculate only an individual worksheet: Worksheets("sheet1").Calculate You can also tell VBA to recalculate just a range (click to read our article about VBA calculation methods) Here is how this might look inside a macro: Sub Auto_Calcs_Example_Manual_Calc() Application.Calculation = xlManual 'Do Something 'Recalc Calculate 'Do More Things Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic End Sub VBA Settings ? Speed Up Code If your goal is to speed up your code, you should also consider adjusting these other settings: Disabling Screenupdating can make a huge difference in speed: Application.ScreenUpdating = False Turning off the Status Bar will also make a small difference: Application.DisplayStatusBar = False If your workbook contains events you should also disable events at the start of your procedures (to speed up code and to prevent endless loops!): Application.EnableEvents = False Last, your VBA code can be slowed down when Excel tries to re-calculate page breaks (Note: not all procedures will be impacted). To turn off DisplayPageBreaks use this line of code: ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False Stop searching for VBA code online. Learn more about AutoMacro ? A VBA Code Builder that allows beginners to code procedures from scratch with minimal coding knowledge and with many time-saving features for all users! Learn More! Easily access all of the code examples found on our site. Simply navigate to the menu, click, and the code will be inserted directly into your module. .xlam add-in. (No installation required!) Free Download Return to VBA Code Examples

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