New and Ongoing Initiatives for 2014 2015

Virginia Beach City Public Schools New and Ongoing Initiatives for 2014-2015

Level E M H


Title/Description (Indicate if VDOE/USDOE Mandate)

Implement new budget system.

Impact (On students/teachers/administrators/parents?


Conversion will be ongoing throughout this fiscal year and will eventually involve Budget and Finance all budget managers and departments.


Initiate procurement process for a new budget system, select the system, implement None anticipated. system conversation.


Communication (To & by whom/when/how)

Point Persons: Farrell Hanzaker, Cassandra Armstrong All budget managers throughout fiscal year.

Point Persons: Farrell Hanzaker, Cassandra Armstrong All budget managers.


New 2015 Schools On-line Enrollment Program for Benefits Open Enrollment.

This program will allow VBCPS employees to process their benefits selection and Consolidated Benefits Office enrollment on-line vs. completing paper sign-ups.

Field Testing of INTERVENTIONS Module for Response to Students Needs Model

Continued support and training for school site staff utilizing the tool.

(RSNM) process in schools. All schools will have access for 2014-2015 as an optional

tool to support RSNM.

Equity Affairs

Point Person: Linda Matkins All VBCPS employees.

Point Persons: Jobynia Caldwell, Kim Johnson - Project Manager Field Test schools, principals, and staff.


Training for new schools who choose to implement the RSNM process.

Initial training for identified staff on the RSNM Process.

Equity Affairs

Point Person: Jobynia Caldwell Administrators and staff.



Girls Empowerment Series for middle and high school female students on various topics sponsored by four high school mentoring groups: Princess Anne, First Colonial, Landstown, and Salem - open to all girls in middle and high schools to be held during October/November; January/February; March; and May/June. In other words, one program each quarter.

Impact on female students as they transition from middle school to high school. Equity Affairs Impact on mentors and advisors who are teachers at middle school and high school.

Offer professional learning program (PLP) course for Candid Conversation about Race Training for facilitators to provide site-based training for CCR and Collaborative Equity Affairs

(CCR)/Critical Friends Train the Trainer Course - four sessions.

Learning Sessions.

A differentiated implementation of Response to Student Needs Model.

Training for administrators (Handling Personnel Matters, Legal Obligations [FMLA, ADA, reporting, FLSA]) ? web-based interviewing, evaluation training for non- instructional directors/non-instructional administrators, etc.

Impact on all schools who are currently using a Student Support Team Model and School Leadership, Teaching and

need to transform to a Student Resource Team Model based upon RSNM

Learning, and Equity Affairs



Human Resources

Point Person: Jobynia Caldwell Guidance counselors and middle and high school administrators and staff will help communicate the seminar series to parents and students. Point Person: Jobynia Caldwell Selected staff K-12.

Point Person: George Parker

Point Person: Brenda Harris


Non-instructional training and career development (Establish Interdepartmental Training Alliance for the Non-Instructional Employees).

All non-instructional employees.

Human Resources

Point Persons: Brenda Harris, Dianne Kinnison


Non-instructional evaluations (Design appropriate instrument and rubrics and enter All non-instructional employees. processes into TalentEd).

Implementation of three new forms for consistency throughout the division

All employees.

(Academic Leave Request, Funeral Leave Request, Donation of Leave Request Form).

Human Resources Human Resources

Point Persons: Brenda Harris, Stephanie Enzmann

Point Person: Brenda Harris

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Virginia Beach City Public Schools New and Ongoing Initiatives for 2014-2015

Level E M H


Title/Description (Indicate if VDOE/USDOE Mandate)

Impact (On students/teachers/administrators/parents?

Employee professional development reimbursement (EPDR) (Deploy the online EPDR All employees. form and work with technology to complete the online submission of documentation for completed EPDR applications).

Department(s) Human Resources

Communication (To & by whom/when/how)

Point Persons: Brenda Harris, Dianne Kinnison Electronic forms are in the queue; the "go-live" date is August 14, 2014. An informational memo will be released in the August 14, 2014 principal's packet.


The Virginia Beach READS collaborative partnership with city organizations in Virginia Teaching and Learning (T&L) staff will train literacy tutors prior to program

Media and Communications and Point Persons: Laura Smart, Sue

Beach will pilot a weekly tutoring program (30-60 minutes) for first-grade students in launch in October. Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA) scores will be used by Teaching and Learning

Crossland (Teaching and Learning)

three schools in the division: Bayside Elementary School, Point O'View Elementary staff to identify which students will participate in the program. Principals and

Principals at the three pilot schools are

School, and White Oaks Elementary School beginning this fall. The goal of this

reading resource teachers will be responsible for managing volunteer tutors

communicating with their first-grade staff.

yearlong program is to ensure that all students are reading on grade level by third assigned to each location. Teaching and Learning, in collaboration with city

Supporting message points and materials


partners, will provide quarterly training for volunteer tutors as well as providing

(possible AlertNow message) will be

parents with strategies to support their children at home. The Office of

provided as needed/requested.

Community Engagement will continue to recruit potential tutors (through

partnerships) annually if the program is sustained and expanded.


Introduction of text messaging component to AlertNow.

Schools will be required to enter all contact information gathered in back-to- Media and Communications school documents by close of business September 26. Parents will now be able to receive important school and division news via text message. This will increase communication in crisis situations, school closures, etc.

Point Person: Jennifer McCarrel Parents will be informed via Apple-A-Day, an AlertNow email/phone call, and will have the option to opt-out. An FAQ will be posted on the web. Principals will receive a memo regarding the deadline for information updates and guidelines on when to use the text messaging option.


School Webpage migration - introduction of new template for school webpages and migration from old sites to new ones to coincide with transfer to a new server.

All designated school webmasters are required to undergo a one-day mandatory Media and Communications training session. Currently, 43 school webmasters have undergone training. The remaining webmasters will be scheduled for training between September and November. This migration provides an easier system for updating and maintaining the websites as well as a more parent-friendly organization and consistency across all school webpages as requested in the recent Parent Survey.

Point Person: Jennifer McCarrel

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Virginia Beach City Public Schools New and Ongoing Initiatives for 2014-2015

Level E M H


Title/Description (Indicate if VDOE/USDOE Mandate)

Impact (On students/teachers/administrators/parents?


Volunteer database time tracker: A web-based application that enables volunteers to Reduced responsibility on the part of VIE coordinators, student activity

Media and Communications

log their time, school location and activity throughout the year, including a mobile coordinators and staff who currently track and tally volunteer hours. School

version to increase ease of use. This will provide more frequent and accurate

groups, clubs, classrooms, etc., can input their requests for volunteers. Laura

calculations of volunteer numbers and hours by school and division. It also provides Smart will approve all opportunities before they are posted on the website. The

an opportunity for new volunteers to search opportunities by school or level. This is long-range goal is to have a system in place which requires little oversight by site-

developed by the division's web team so it comes at no cost to VBCPS.

based staff. Information about the new system will be included in volunteer

coordinator training in mid-August.





Plan for extension of Schoolnet training as a Learning Strand option for all teachers. Blended lesson plans will be developed to begin in November with secondary teachers.

Planning, Innovation, and Accountability

Plan for the administration of ReadiStep at grade 8.

The ReadiStep assessment is replacing EXPLORE as EXPLORE is no longer

Planning, Innovation, and

available. Special Education teachers will have to modify IEPs and appropriate Accountability

staff will have to modify Section 504 Plans prior to testing. Fewer days will be

used to administer ReadiStep as there are fewer subtests than with EXPLORE.

MyRoad will be available for students. Guidance Services will work with students

once results are available by reviewing test results and using MyRoad.

Plan for inclusion of computer adaptive testing in SOL testing (grade 6 mathematics). Grade 6 math students will have to be prepared to take the SOL test in this different format. Students will not be able to mark questions for review or go back to questions. Each question will have to be answered before the next question is delivered. Teachers will have to be sure their students are prepared for a different type of assessment for grade 6 math.

Planning, Innovation, and Accountability

Potential field test for online ACCESS for ELLs testing (currently paper/pencil).

ACCESS for ELLs is going online in 2015-2016. Divisions may be asked to participate in field testing prior to this change by VDOE.

Planning, Innovation, and Accountability

Change to the approved substitute test list (ACT will discontinue the use of WorkKeys Writing in the future). Students will be able to participate in WorkKeys Business Writing starting with fall 2014 which is administered online. WorkKeys Writing will still be available as a substitute test for the end-of-course (EOC) writing test based on the 2002 Standards of Learning (SOL) only as a substitute test.

The content of what will be tested is different with WorkKeys Business Writing. Teachers will be provided with new prep material to prepare students for this new assessment. Students who have already taken WorkKeys will have to prep for a different test if provided another opportunity. Fast Track tutoring for summer 2015 will have a new curriculum as it is designed for students to take WorkKeys at the end of the course.

Planning, Innovation, and Accountability

Participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) (grades 4 and 8) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) (grade 12) assessments at selected schools.

Participation is required. The National Center for Education Statistics will be Planning, Innovation, and conducting the testing with students. Schools will notify parents, schedule tests, Accountability assign rooms, and designate proctors as needed.

Communication (To & by whom/when/how) Point Persons: Laura Smart, Eileen Cox Cards and desktop signs will be created and made available to each school to hand out to volunteers/display; a memo to principals will accompany volunteer cards requesting that each school enter at least one volunteer opportunity by fall 2014; other forms of "advertising" the new tracking method will be targeted to volunteers. Point Person: Don Robertson Point Person: Tracy LaGatta

Point Person: Tracy LaGatta

Point Person: Tracy LaGatta Point Person: Tracy LaGatta

Point Person: Tracy LaGatta

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Virginia Beach City Public Schools New and Ongoing Initiatives for 2014-2015

Level E M H E M H

E M H Central Office H





Title/Description (Indicate if VDOE/USDOE Mandate)

Impact (On students/teachers/administrators/parents?

Note: Program evaluations for the 2014-2015 school year will be recommended by the Program To be determined. Evaluation Committee in July, reviewed and approved by Senior Staff in August, presented to the School Board in August, and approved by the School Board in September. Following School Board approval, a Principals' Packet memo including the 2014-2015 Program Evaluation Schedule is distributed in September.


Planning, Innovation, and Accountability

Biennial School Climate Survey for students, parents, and staff. (Administered every Students in grades 5, 8, and 12; all school-based staff; and all parents of students Planning, Innovation, and

two years)

in grades 1 through 12 complete an online survey.


Office for Civil Rights data collection and submission.

Facilitate and support SACS review of four high schools: Landstown, Ocean Lakes, Princess Anne, and Tallwood high schools.

No impact on schools. Central office departments provide data as needed and verify data prior to submission.

Building administrators oversee review and staff, students, and parents may participate in the process through classroom observations, data collection, or student, staff, and parent surveys.

Planning, Innovation, and Accountability

Planning, Innovation, and Accountability

Finalize framework for October (School Board Information item).

Plan the November "event" to present new strategic plan and gather public comment. Potential PLP planning to address needs associated with new strategic plan.

Selected teachers, building administrators, and students from schools at various Planning, Innovation, and levels are participating on design teams to further refine the strategic framework. Accountability The work of the design teams will be completed by September and will be used to finalize the framework for presentation to the School Board in October.

The impact on schools will vary depending on whether the school submitted a Planning, Innovation, and proposal for participation in the event. All schools will be expected to encourage Accountability attendance at the event.

To be developed in consultation with Teaching and Learning in the spring for professional development in the summer of 2015.

Planning, Innovation, and Accountability

Virginia School Climate Survey (VDOE Mandate)

Survey administered to students and teachers in grades 7 and 8 in spring 2015. Planning, Innovation, and Accountability

Schoolnet Training for Administrators

All administrators will be expected to move along the continuum to learn how to Planning, Innovation, and

effectively use Schoolnet.


Data Analysis Videos

Schools will receive periodic data analysis videos via The Stream, with a link on Planning, Innovation, and

the CLC framework on the Intranet, to use as they deem appropriate.


Early Warning System - VEWS - This tool will be available for schools to use as an Schools will have a tool to assist in identifying students in need of interventions. Planning, Innovation, and option to identify students who may be at risk of dropping out of high school and to Contact Tracy LaGatta to schedule training if your school wants to use VEWS. Accountability monitor these students' interventions.

IPT Scoring for Fall - Schools will be provided with the option of going through the Gifted resource teachers who are trained in the DDIPP process will be called on to Planning, Innovation, and

DDIPP process with the fall IPT student responses or scoring all fall responses as they facilitate.


have in the past. There will be an additional process for schools to report to School

Leadership results, implications for instruction, communication plan for teachers,

and a plan for student reflection.

Communication (To & by whom/when/how) Point Person: Heidi Janicki

Point Person: Heidi Janicki Point Person: Heidi Janicki Point Person: Heidi Janicki

Point Person: Lisa Banicky

Point Person: Lisa Banicky Point Person: Lisa Banicky Point Person: Don Robertson Point Person: Don Robertson Point Person: Don Robertson Point Person: Tracy LaGatta

Point Person: Tracy LaGatta

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Virginia Beach City Public Schools New and Ongoing Initiatives for 2014-2015

Level E M H


Title/Description (Indicate if VDOE/USDOE Mandate)

Impact (On students/teachers/administrators/parents?


Schoolnet - Technology Enhanced Items (TEIs) - Schoolnet is making available the ability to create TEIs one item type at a time. It is anticipated that the first type will be available in August.

Items will be available in the item bank using the new technologies. Videos

Planning, Innovation, and

and/or guides will be provided to schools so teachers have the option of creating Accountability

their own test items using these new technologies as they become available.

This function allows teachers more choice in the types of questions they choose

and create when using Schoolnet for assessments.


Installation of energy dashboards.

Remote access to live data showing how energy is generated and used in the School Division Services building. Systems to include solar, geothermal, windmill, water, gas, and electric.

Select E M H Phase HVAC setbacks in select schools - School Plant in cooperation with Custodial Services is changing the HVAC temperatures as each cleaning team vacates certain areas.

Reduced energy costs for the division.

School Division Services

Select E M Energy Curtailment - Demand Response Program to scale back energy use during


high energy demand times at select schools.

Reduced energy costs for the division and potential revenue generation. Revenue School Division Services may eventually be used for additional energy management software or energy dashboard programs.


Student development/School Plant partnerships.

Select E M HVAC retro commissioning - This will ensure original mechanical systems performance standards are being met.


Safety Programs - Arc Flash, fall protection, PPE, confined space.


Expansion of Performance Contracting.


Establish a Custodial Services Advisory Board comprised of custodians and administrators to review new products and chemicals.

Special education students from Ocean Lakes High work several hours per day, every other day in our storeroom. Students from the Technical and Career Education Center will gain valuable experience working this summer as paid student workers.

Improved energy performance, thermal comfort, and reduced maintenance/improved classroom environment.

School Division Services School Division Services

Improved employee safety and reduced risk to the school division.

School Division Services

One charging station is being added at Ocean Lakes High School with a wind turbine and an energy dashboard for divisionwide use. Additionally two sundoliers have been added to the gym at Ocean Lakes High School.

Allow for input on products being used by the division.

School Division Services School Division Services

Communication (To & by whom/when/how) Point Person: Tracy LaGatta

Point Person: Brian Baxter College Park Elementary School and Pupil Transportation Maintenance Facility Point Person: Brian Baxter The following schools are participating: Tallwood High and Kempsville High.

Point Person: Brian Baxter The following schools are participating: Green Run High, Landstown High, Ocean Lakes High, Renaissance, Tallwood High, Corporate Landing Middle, Landstown Middle, Larkspur Middle, and Landstown Elementary. Notification will occur through memo form followed up by telephone call by School Plant personnel.

Point Person: Brian Baxter Ocean Lakes High School & Technical and Career Education Center

Point Person: Brian Baxter Select principals by School Plant to include: Corporate Landing and Larkspur middle schools. Point Person: Brian Baxter All principals, building administrators, and School Plant personnel.

Point Person: Brian Baxter Select principals and Department of School Division Services directors.

Point Person: Larry Ames

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Level E M H


Title/Description (Indicate if VDOE/USDOE Mandate)

Waste dumpsters cleaning.

Virginia Beach City Public Schools New and Ongoing Initiatives for 2014-2015

Impact (On students/teachers/administrators/parents? Healthier work environment.

Department(s) School Division Services


Old Donation Center (ODC)/Kemps Landing Magnet School (KLMS) replacement.

ODC/KLMS replacement currently under construction.

School Division Services


Hampton Roads Sustainable Living Expo



National Green Schools Conference

Implementation of new federal a la carte guidelines effective July 1. Implementation of final phase of the Cybersoft Food Planning/Inventory and Production module. Move to two-week Cycle Menu.

The Expo is a regional event designed to engage the greater Hampton Roads community in exploring the balance between social, economic and environmental responsibility. This year's event will be hosted at Kellam High School on September 13, 2014.

The only national conference addressing sustainability in K-12 education. Virginia Beach Convention Center March 4-7, 2015.

School Division Services School Division Services

Healthier food options for students. No impact on staff. Potential loss of revenue School Division Services for high school coffee shops as well as Food Services.

Reduced food cost through tighter and more efficient inventory and production School Division Services system. Implementation phased in over the first semester. No impact on students

Students will experience most popular items, higher sales volume, better inventory control, and food cost savings.

School Division Services


Safety Manual

This manual has been developed to provide VBCPS employees with a safe working environment. Adherence to the guidelines set forth in this manual is critical to maintaining a safe workplace.

Select E M H Submit Virginia School Equipment Grant, complete RFP process for project work to Enhance building security. provide access control at prioritized middle and elementary schools, and coordinate work with schools.

School Division Services School Division Services

Implementation of Inventory Management Software for Distribution Center - Inventory Direct.

Change the office name from the Office of Supply Services to the Office of Distribution Services and designate the Supply Warehouse as VBCPS Distribution Center.

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School Division Services School Division Services

Communication (To & by whom/when/how) Point Person: Larry Ames Building administrators by director at League meetings. Offices, libraries and guidance areas. Point Person: Tony Arnold ODC/KLMS staffs/communities Point Person: Tony Arnold

Point Person: Tony Arnold

Point Person: John Smith

Point Person: John Smith

Point Person: John Smith Managers/students/parents via printed menu and posted to . Point Person: Richard Ponti DASS/LePock/Fall 2014 Meeting

Point Person: Richard Ponti Submitted August 1 - award winners will be announced September 1 - the schools included in the grant proposal are Landstown High; Lynnhaven Middle; Independence Middle; North Landing Elementary, Holland Elementary, White Oaks Elementary, Providence Elementary, Centerville Elementary, Thoroughgood Elementary, and Red Mill Elementary. Point Person: Eric Woodhouse

Point Person: Eric Woodhouse Completed.

Virginia Beach City Public Schools New and Ongoing Initiatives for 2014-2015

Level E M H E M H


Title/Description (Indicate if VDOE/USDOE Mandate)

Impact (On students/teachers/administrators/parents?

Routing software analysis to evaluate different transportation schemes to increase The time on the bus for students is directly effected by the efficiency of the


transportation system used to transport the children to and from school.

Revisions and recommendations to Secondary Guidelines for Grading and Reporting Student Progress.

Add the K-12 Site Based Literacy Plan to PCI.

Impact teachers and administrators.

Department(s) School Division Services School Leadership School Leadership


Ensure the implementation of the K-12 Site-Based Literacy Plan through professional Administrators

development activities (for principals).

School Leadership


Continue to provide ongoing professional learning to principals and assistant


principals through the LEAD program.

School Leadership


Continue the professional development for the Aspiring Administrators Program. Teachers and administrators .

School Leadership


LEAD Aspiring Administrator Program


LEAD Virginia Beach PLP for Administrators

Aspiring Administrators (teachers) courses are scheduled after school.

School Leadership

Administrators PLP is scheduled during school hours for two hours per session. School Leadership

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Communication (To & by whom/when/how)

Point Person: David Pace

Point Person: Shirann Lewis All principals will receive Part 2 of a three- part training on August 21, with regards to the Site-Base Literacy Plan - the process of developing and including it as an attachment to the PCI. Part 3 of the training will be held in October.

Point Person: Shirann Lewis Three-part professional development being provided to principals on the Site- Base Literacy Plan, May 2014, August, 2014 and October 2014. Ongoing literacy training will occur for principals through League and Cohort meetings and for assistant principals through AP training.

Point Persons: Shirann Lewis, Krista Barton-Arnold, Cheryl Woodhouse Ongoing professional development for all administrators; feedback and PCI training provided at the Administrators' Conference; schedule of professional development will be provided to principals on August 21. Point Persons: Shirann Lewis, Krista Barton-Arnold, Cheryl Woodhouse Ongoing professional development for two cohorts of Aspiring Administrators, years 1 and 2. Professional development will be differentiated based on cohort.

Point Persons: Shirann Lewis, Krista Barton-Arnold, Cheryl Woodhouse Brochure/DOSL Website, Intranet

Point Persons: Shirann Lewis, Krista Barton-Arnold, Cheryl Woodhouse Brochure, DOSL Website, Intranet

Level E M H


Title/Description (Indicate if VDOE/USDOE Mandate)

High School Hybrid Schedule


Standards-Based Grading and Reporting in Elementary Schools

Virginia Beach City Public Schools New and Ongoing Initiatives for 2014-2015

Impact (On students/teachers/administrators/parents?

High school students will begin their day 5 minutes earlier and end their day 10 minutes later which impacts elementary and middle schools. Report card and progress report will be different. 140 clock hours for credit must be adjusted.

Department(s) School Leadership

All groups will be impacted: students must become familiar with new grading scale; teachers must assign grades based on rubrics applied to each standard; parents must become familiar with new grading scale; and administrators must be able to explain standards-based grading and reporting to parents, teachers, and students.

School Leadership



Secondary Grading Committee - The Secondary Grading Committee will meet and discuss proposed changes to school division policies, regulations or guidelines regarding secondary grading and reporting.

Impacts all middle and high school principals, teachers, students, and parents.

School Leadership

School Vertical Articulation Plan - The need for vertical articulation between

Impacts selected administrators and teachers.

elementary and middle schools will be identified; build strong collaboration between

middle and high school principals and teachers to improve student achievement.

An Achievable Dream Academy - An Achievable Dream is a public/private partnership Impacts students, teachers, administrators, and parents. dedicated to the belief that all children can learn and succeed and that education can break the cycle of poverty.

Military Family Life Counselor's (MFLC's) funded through the Department of Defense. MFLC's will support teachers, administrators, parents, and students to reduce

Twenty-two (22) full time Military Family Life Counselors will provide socio-

the stressors of military service on students and families. Administrators and

emotional support for 20 schools in the division with a high military presence who teachers will become familiar with the roles of the MFLC's and how they can

choose to implement the program.

provide support to improve school climate.

School Leadership School Leadership Grants Development

Military Connected and Academic Support Program Grant funded through the DoDEA K-12 Partnership. This three year grant that started in the 2012-2013 school year is designed to increase socio-emotional support for military-connected students, increase access to STEM programming, and increase mathematics achievement.

Graduate level STEM coursework for selected staff; Graduate level TEAM's

Grants Development

coursework for selected staff; STEM professional development; Military-

Connected Culture professional development; technology resources for students,

staff, teachers, and parents; afterschool support for Robotics, Student to

Student, Jr. Student to Student, and the Brats without Borders Program. Outside

evaluation that consists of surveys, focus groups, site observations, and the

collection of approved data. Two-week middle school STEM summer camp for

students and teachers.

Communication (To & by whom/when/how) Point Person: George Parker Brochure, Website, Internet

Point Person: Krista Barton-Arnold Communication to Board (Workshop and Information) - teacher survey completed June 2014, administrators trained summer of 2014 by webinar on SBG/ Guskey. Principals trained in guidelines, report card changes at League meeting 8/2014; notification of changes in Honor Roll/Principal's List and FAQ updated 8/2014, School Board presentation scheduled 10/2014. Point Person: George Parker Grading Guidelines for Secondary Schools, Principals' Packet Memorandum, Kaleidoscope, Apple-a-Day. Point Person: Shirann Lewis

Point Person: Shirann Lewis

Point Person: Maynard Massey The Office of Grants Development will identify eligible students and communicate with school administrators, counselors, and parents.

Point Person: Maynard Massey, Christy McAnally Project team will work with site based leadership to implement grant activities and services.

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