Parish Council News

Stone Cottage, Hinton Martell, Wimborne, Dorset. BH21 7HE

Clerk - Mrs Lisa Goodwin. Telephone 01258 840935

Holt Parish Council Knowlton Parish Council (Horton & Chalbury)

E Mail: holtparishcouncil@ .uk

VE Day 75 in May 2020 is a three day national and international event that is set to be one of the biggest commemorations of the end of World War 2 in Europe. Tens of thousands of people will be taking part from 8th to 10th May. The weekend offers the chance to organise something really special to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day and we would like to know if anyone or any groups would like to get the ball rolling to organise an event for Holt? The Parish Council would be pleased to support an event and welcome ideas and volunteers! More information on how to organise an event can be viewed at

Holt Good Citizen Award 2020

In recognition and appreciation of outstanding service to the community of Holt.

Holt Parish Council invites nominations by 6th March 2020 please at holtparishcouncil@ or 01258 840935

To be presented at the

Holt Annual Meeting

to which all residents are invited on

Friday 20th March 2020, Holt Village Hall 7:30pm

With Refreshments and a Presentation by

The Dorset Waste Partnership on their work

and tackling Fly Tipping

Holt Parish Council next meets 12th February 2020, Holt Parish Hall 7:15pm.

Knowlton Parish Council next meets 5th February 2020, Horton & Chalbury Village Hall 7:30pm


Knowlton Parish Council

Group Council for the Parishes of

Chalbury, Horton, Wimborne St Giles & Woodlands

Clerk to the Council: Mrs Lisa Goodwin 01258 840935

Stone Cottage, Hinton Martell, Wimborne, Dorset. BH21 7HE






Applications are invited from any person who wishes to be considered for co-option to the Parish Council.

Any person living within 3 miles of the Parish Boundary is eligible to apply.

Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Section 87 (2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that a vacancy exists in the Office of Parish Councillor for Knowlton.

A bye-election to fill the vacancy will be held if any ten local government electors for the said electoral area submit a written request to that effect in the manner prescribed below and if no such request is made the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Any request for an election to be held to fill the vacancy must be in writing and reach the Returning Officer at Dorset Council, South Walks House, South Walks Road, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1UZ not later than 21st February 2020

Forms available from the Clerk to the Parish Council

Mrs Lisa Goodwin 01258 840935 or email



Signed: Dated:   14th January 2020

Clerk to the Council


My name is Alan Fraser and I live along Lodge Road at Horse Copse next to the Cemetery.

For the last 3 years I have been fighting a battle to get a decent Internet connection via Openreach and their green cabinets.

Despite many hours of discussions, emails and engineer visits there has been little improvement to the quality of service and speeds, something I know many in this area have also suffered with.

However, as you may be aware there is a scheme available to us ‘remote people’ here in Holt via the Government’s ‘Rural Gigabit Connectivity’ programme which offers funding to pay for fibre to be installed in areas such as ours.

The scheme requires a reasonable percentage of users and or business along a road to apply before there is any commitment to install the Fibre Broadband infrastructure. I am starting first with Lodge road and expanding from there.

My goal is to make sure everyone in Holt benefits from a fibre connection and not the poor ‘best efforts’ we are currently lumbered with.

In order for this to happen I need your support, we need to be able to demonstrate to a broadband provider we have a good potential amount of customers interested.

Unless you have any objection I have selected Wessex Internet and Openreach as our initial gotos, hopefully a two pronged approach will help here!

What you need to do next.

Please send an email to me at the following email holtdorsetfibre@

Please include the following details:

Your name, postcode/house number landline number (Openreach need this for registration treated in strictest confidence) and email so I can add you to my mailing list to give you progress updates.

I will in turn register this with Openreach as interested customers (please note this is no contractual commitment here just an initial indication of potential customers).

Please if you haven’t already also go here and register your interest:

I will be in touch with updates and hopefully some progress with a potential rollout plan! If you’re not happy about responding back by email feel free to post the details through my letterbox.

Best Regards,

Alan Fraser

Horse Copse

Lodge Road, Holt


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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