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A. Standard Competence

1.Applying the concept of physics quantities and measurement

B. Basic Competence

1.2 Doing vector addition.

C. Indikator

1.2.1 Differenting base quantities and derived quantities

1.2.2 Mention examples base quantities and derived quantities

1.2.3 Write vector notasi

1.2.4 Does vector operation with rectangle method, parallelogram method,

and polygon method

1.2.5 Analyze vector components

1.2.6 Solve the vector problem with analytic method

B. Objectives of Activity

After doing this class discussion the student are able to:

1. Distinguish between vector quantity and scalar quantity

2. Describe the examples of vector and scalar in daily life

C. Required Time

Time that allocated for this activity is 1x45 minutes

D. Short Information

According to its quantity and direction, physical quantity generally can be divided into two categories namely, vector quantity and scalar quantity. A quantity whose both magnitude and direction is called vector quantity. For example: displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, momentum, etc. On the other hand, a quantity which only has magnitude is called as scalar quantity. For example, time, energy, mass, and temperature. To understand about vector and scalar quantities, read these following references physics textbook.

1. Budi Purwanto, (2009). Theory and Application of Physics: for Grade X of Senior High School and Islamic Senior High School. PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri, Page (1-14)

2. Purwoko,Fendi, (2009). Physics: For Senior High School Year X. Yudhistira. Page (22-24)

3. Sunardi, (2006). Fisika Bilingual: Untuk SMA/MA Kelas X Semester 1 dan 2. YRama Widya. Page (9-12)

E. Work Procedures

1. Understand the standard competence and objectives of class discussion activity.

2. Read the quantity and unit material about vector and scalar quantities.

3. Make the summary based on your reading and collect your summary before learning process.

4. Based on your reading, summary task, and short information from your teacher, do the task in this student work sheet.

5. Understand every problem of this task and review your answer.

6. Participate actively in class discussion activity.

F. Task

1. Complete these sentences

a. Scalar quantities have only ………………………………………………………...

b. Vector quantities have both ………………………………………………………...

c. Give minimal three examples of scalar quantities ………………………………….



d. Give minimal three examples of vector quantities …………………………………



e. Explain the differences between vector quantities and scalar quantities!




2. Answer These Question

a. How do you describe a vector in Physics ?



b. How many ways to express vector in Physics ?



c. A vector picture has two meaning. What are the meaning of a vector picture ?



d. Vector quantity can be described in two methods. What is different between graphical method and analytical method ?.





3. Match the every statement on the left with answer on the right

|a |An example scalar in Physics is …………………………... |impulse |

|b |An example vector in Physics is ………………………….. |resultant |

|c |Unit of momentum is similar with unit of ………………… |momentum |

|d |Vector has both magnitude and …………………………… |speed |

|e |Result the addition of two vector is ……………………….. |direction |

4. The vector is given in the figure below. Draw the vector from the result of vector summation or substraction wih easiest metode as follows:



a. A+B





f. A+C-B

5.A vector 12 N is analize to be two vectors which are perpendicular to each other. If the

vectors from an angle 300 with axis X, the analize result toward axis X and F are………





6. Three vectors A, B, and C are in the same capture point look like in the figure bellow.

a. Complete the table bellow

|Force(Value) |Angle |Fx |Fy |

|A=5 N | | | |

|B=6 N | | | |

|C=8 N | | | |

|Jumlah | | |

b. Find the resultant vector analytically!




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