Secondary: Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 - Oak National Academy

 ComputingSecondary: Key Stage 3, Key Stage 468531255023350Curriculum plan 2020-2190000081324001. Curriculum PrinciplesCoherence and flexibilityThe computing curriculum is structured in units. For the units to be coherent, the lessons within them must be taught in order. However, the curriculum is flexible in terms of the order in which you teach units within a year group, except for programming, where concepts and skills rely on prior knowledge and experiences.Knowledge organisationThe curriculum applies to the National Centre for Computing Education’s computing taxonomy. This has been developed through a review of the KS1-4 computing programme of study, and the GCSE and A Level computer science specifications, across all awarding bodies. All learning outcomes can be described through a top-level taxonomy of ten topics, ordered alphabetically as follows:AlgorithmsComputer NetworksComputer SystemsCreating MediaData & InformationDesign & DevelopmentEffective use of toolsImpact of technologyProgrammingSafety & SecurityThe taxonomy categorises and organises content into strands which encapsulate the discipline. Whilst all strands are present at all phases, they are not always taught explicitly. Inclusive and ambitiousWe want Oak to be able to support all children. Our units will be pitched so that pupils with different starting points can access them. Our lessons will be sequenced so that each builds on prior learning. Our activities will be scaffolded so all children can succeed. We use unplugged or real world activities to unpack difficult concepts in computing as part of a semantic wave of learning. We also use a range of scaffolding approaches when teaching programming, ranging from copying code, exploring some commands or functions, fixing code with bugs to solving specific problems with code. Application through softwareWe need pupils to be thinking during their lessons - both to engage with the subject and to strengthen memory of what is being learnt. Some of our lessons require practical application of concepts and skills on a computer using appropriate software. We supplement our lessons with guidance on how to use such software to reinforce the learning from the lesson. Motivation through learningWe believe that computing is inherently interesting, and seek to motivate pupils through the subject matter. Where possible, we draw on real world experiences to provide an engaging viewpoint on computing concepts. Every pupil should have the opportunity to implement their skills and knowledge and ultimately feel a sense of achievement. We provide opportunities for pupils to be creative and solve problems by building their own programmes and applications for example. 2. Subject structure overviewKey stageUnit titleLength of unitKS3Collaborating Online Respectfully6 lessonsKS3Gain support for a cause6 lessonsKS3Networks: from semaphores to the Internet6 lessonsKS3Spreadsheets6 lessonsKS3Programming essentials in Scratch: part I6 lessonsKS3Programming essentials in Scratch: part II6 lessonsKS3Media: Design Vector Graphics6 lessonsKS3Computing systems6 lessonsKS3Networks 26 lessonsKS3Representations: from clay to silicon6 lessonsKS3Mobile app development6 lessonsKS3Intro to Python programming6 lessonsKS33D graphics, animation, video editing6 lessonsKS3Data Science6 lessonsKS3Cybersecurity6 lessonsKS3Representations: going audiovisual6 lessonsKS3Python programming with sequences of data6 lessonsKS3Physical Computing Programming6 lessonsKS4Data Representation12 lessonsKS4Computer Systems13 lessonsKS4Networks8 lessonsKS4Security7 lessonsKS4Impacts on society8 lessonsKS4Algorithms12-14 lessonsKS4Programming50 lessonsKS4Object-oriented programming5 lessonsKS4HTML6 lessonsKS4Databases and SQL5 lessonsKS4Online Safety10 lessonsKS4Project management10 lessonsKS4Spreadsheets6 lessonsKS4IT and the world of work6 lessonsKS4Media6 lessonsKey stage 3Unit NameYearAlgorith-msProgra-mmingData and Informa-tionComput-ing SystemsNetworkCreating MediaDesign and Develop-mentEffective use of toolsImpact of Technol-ogySafety and SecurityNetworks: from semaphores to the Internet7????Spreadsheets7???Programming essentials in Scratch: part I7???Programming essentials in Scratch: part II7???Impact of Technology - Collaborating Online Respectfully7?????Gaining support for a cause7????Design Vector Graphics8????Computing systems8????Networks 28??Intro to Python programming8???Mobile app development8?????Representations: from clay to silicon8??Cybersecurity9????????Python programming with sequences of data9???Representations: going audiovisual9??????Data Science9????Physical Computing Programming9???3D graphics, animation, video editing9????Key Stage 4Unit NameCourseAlgorith-msProgra-mmingData and Informa-tionComput-ing SystemsNetworkCreating MediaDesign and Develop-mentEffective use of toolsImpact of Technol-ogySafety and SecurityData RepresentationCS?Computer SystemsCS????NetworksCS??SecurityCS?Impacts on societyCS?Algorithms*CS??Programming*CS???Object-oriented programming*CS??HTML*CS??Databases and SQL*CS??Online Safety**Non-CS??Project management**Non-CS???Spreadsheets**Non-CS??IT and the world of work**Non-CS???Media**Non-CS???*Under development and will be available from January 2021** All non-CS units are under development and will be available from November 20203. Suggested sequenceKey Stage 3Y7Impact of Technology - Collaborating Online RespectfullyGaining support for a causeNetworks: from semaphores to the InternetSpreadsheetsProgramming essentials in Scratch: part IProgramming essentials in Scratch: part IIY8Design Vector GraphicsComputing systemsNetworks 2Representations: from clay to siliconMobile app developmentIntro to Python programmingY93D graphics, animation, video editingData ScienceCybersecurityRepresentations: going audiovisualPython programming with sequences of dataPhysical Computing ProgrammingGCSEGCSE TheoryData Representation Computer SystemsNetworksSecurityImpactsGCSE programmingAlgorithmsProgrammingDatabases & SQLHTML (Optional unit)Object Oriented Programming (Optional unit)GCSE programming units are under development and will be available from January 2021.Non GCSE KS4No suggested order for non GCSE KS4 units, they can be taught independently of each other. Non GCSE units are under development and will be available from November 2020.4. Unit specificsKey Stage 3Year 7Collaborating Online RespectfullyMedia Unit: Gain support for a causeNetworks 1SpreadsheetsProgramming 1Programming 2Lab introductionResponsible UseCyberbullyingSecurityPresentationsWord ProcessingLicensingPlagiarismSource CredibilityBlog CreationNetworksInternetWebCybersecuritySafetyBasic FormulasBasic FunctionsFormtating (incl. conditional)ScratchPRIMMFormAssessmentMisconceptionsReinforce ConceptsScratchListsSubroutinesDeeper diveYear 8Media UnitComputing SystemsNetworks 2Representations 1Programming 3Programming 4E.g. vector graphics (inkscape)ProgramsHardware componentsLogicGentrle overview of AI and MLWebHTML, CSSSearchRepresentationsBinaryNumbersTextUnitsAppLabPairProgrammingProduct DesignGUI DesignIntro to PythonYear 9Media UnitData ScienceCyber SecurityRepresentations 2Programming 5Programming 6E.g. animations (blender)E.g. video editingGlobal and local data setsInterrogating, interpreting and visualising data following the investigative cycleGDPRSocial EngineeringNetwork securityMalware and hackingBrute Force, DDOSImagesSoundsManipulationLists and strings in PythonPhysical computing Python on the micro:bitProject designKey Stage 4Theory orientedData RepresentationComputer SystemsNetworksSecurityImpactsBinary, HexConversions & OpsTextImages & SoundData CapacityCompressionComponentsArchitectureStorageSoftwareBoolean logicComponentsClassificationsProtocolsLayersVulnerabilitiesForms of AttackTechniques for: IdentificationProtectionEthicalLegalEnvironmental(inc. privacy and cyber security)AlgorithmsProgrammingAlgorithmsProgrammingDatabases & SQLHTMLObject Oriented ProgrammingTracing & Exec.RepresentationSearchingSortingEfficiencyComp. ThinkingTracing & Exec.Prog. constructsData types, structsModularityQualityTranslatorsRelational databasesSQL (Select, Insert, Update, Delete)Images, links, CSS(DIVS, classes and box model)Classes, Objects, Attributes, Methods, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Structured programming, Software designOnline SafetyProject ManagementSpreadsheetsIT and the world of workMedia ................

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