MAT 343 .edu

MAT 343. Applied Linear Algebra

Summer 2008 second 5-week session. Line number 44805

Class’ home-page:

|Time and places |daily 1:10 - 2:50 in PSA 111 (and possibly some days in mediated rooms) |

|Text: |Introduction to Linear Algebra  (Prentice Hall) by Gilbert Strang , third edition |

|Instructor: |Matthias Kawski | |

|Contact info: |e-mail: | (preferred) |

| |office location: |Goldwater Center room 354 |

| |office hours: |MWF 12:20 - 1:00 and TTh 3:00-3:40 in GWC 354 |

| |office phone: |(480) 965 3376 (very unreliable) |

| |home phone: |(480) 893 0107 (for emergencies) |

MAT 343   Applied Linear Algebra.  (3)   fall and spring. Solving linear systems, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, bases, linear transformations, eigenvectors, norms, inner products, decompositions, appli-

cations. Problem solving using MATLAB. Fee. Pre- or corequisite: MAT 271 (or its equivalent).

|Grading policies |

|The semester grade will be composed of (default policy, unless otherwise agreed upon) |

| |25% |final examination (two hours, in-class) |

| |45% |three one-hour in-class tests |

| |15% |basic skills mastery quizzes (graded pass/fail, multiple attempts allowed, s.b.) |

| |15% |homework and mini-quizzes |

|The weighted average of 90% and above earns an A, 80% and above earns an B, 65% and above earns an C, 55% and above earns an D. Two paper-and-pencil-only |

|basic-skills mastery quiz will be given in the first week (Gauss-Jordan elimination) and last week (diagonalization). These quizzes will be graded pass/fail (no |

|partial credit), policies on retakes will be announced in class. |

|Technology – I am still trying to get a mediated room for our class. If successful, the following will apply: |

|The class will mostly use MATLAB for experimentation, numerical calculations and also for some graphical visualization. No prior MATLAB experience is expected. |

|The students are not expected to buy their own copies of MATLAB or to have their own computers. All computer work is designed to be completed either in class or |

|after class in the undergraduate mathematics lab ECA 221. |

|During class-time the computers are only to be used for authorized class-related work. If not actively used, the power to the screens is to be shut off. |

|Inappropriate use such as e-mails, WWW-surfing (unless needed for the class), homework for other classes etc. shall result in immediate loss of all computing |

|privileges. |

|Daily routine |

|Students are expected to prepare for each class by reading the upcoming section in the textbook, starting to work exercises, and prepare in writing a list of |

|questions regarding the new material. Typically, each day will start with a very short quiz: The first part will address a question related to homework on |

|previous topics, the second part will be a check of the preparation of the new material (e.g. a simple vocabulary check or very basic calculation). |

|Homework exercise from the textbook will be collected usually twice a week. Collaboration for home- work and class preparation is highly encouraged, and |

|assignments may be handed in by teams of size at most four. Each homework set has to bear the signatures of all team members -- these are understood as |

|certifications that each team member has contributed her/his fair share and mastered ("under-stood") all solutions presented. Expect spot-checks in class |

|(students asked to present solutions in class). |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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